Welcome Aboard (Space Engineers/Multiverse SI)

So ingame it would be 5 blocks of heavy armor with an internal diameter of 27 blocks that is 115 blocks long. Hmm guess it counts as a lightly armed fast battleship instead.
Actually, in-game heavy armor is still mostly hollow (calculated based on its mass in relation to volume). The Voidsteader's armor is solid polyalloy composite (Primarily steel, but it also contains large amounts of Graphene and Tungsten) with a whipple shield on top of that. As for weapons, the main grav driver could easily one-shot a Reaper, and the lasers are pretty powerful. The Voidsteader is therefore not lightly armed.

EDIT: one last thing: large ship blocks are actually 2.5 meters on an edge, rather than 2 meters.
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In comparison to what 'could' have been built utilizing only the tech shown? Still holding out on lightly armed if better armored then I was expecting, you could have had a rotary version of these!
Gravitic dampening overcomes a multitude of sins.

Edit: wait a second, where did you cram 156 - 16.5m x 1m x 1m projectiles for the gun?
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In comparison to what 'could' have been built utilizing only the tech shown? Still holding out on lightly armed if better armored then I was expecting, you could have had a rotary version of these!
Gravitic dampening overcomes a multitude of sins.
That's not got a high enough muzzle velocity to be effective in space. For reference, 4 shots from the main grav driver = 1 gigaton of boom, the lasers go "HAHAHANO!" when armor is concerned before completely wrecking whatever compartment they hit with impulse shock (they also fire at machine gun speeds), and the lightest weapon the Voidsteader has is modeled after a gun that can literally saw a tank in half, and has 3 times the muzzle velocity.
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In comparison to what 'could' have been built utilizing only the tech shown? Still holding out on lightly armed if better armored then I was expecting, you could have had a rotary version of these!
Gravitic dampening overcomes a multitude of sins.

Edit: wait a second, where did you cram 156 - 16.5m x 1m x 1m projectiles for the gun?
I stuck them between the breach of the grav driver and the CIC. I actually drew the plans for it on some grid paper before calculating its performance parameters. Also, they're 16.5m*2m*2m projectiles. You unintentionally halved the bore diameter there.
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Obviously you would make it better before mounting it! I mean come on, who doesn't want a Gatling that can shoot projectiles the size of cars at a glorious velocity!

Edit: Also really tempted to make a barebones of the ship in space engineers tonight...
So I got to thinking about the brain mapping and eventually attempts at uploading for most of the day. Even if he doesn't outright have the ability to upload skills/knowledge(not that useful considering they would first have to get their hands on them) there are interesting things he can do with the tech in a more involved way.

Now, first we need to go over what he has to have access to for facilitating their technical immortality. The first step is a high quality brain scanner. It's going to be small and likely a permanent implant. It would suck after all to lose more than a few seconds of memory after all even if there is something like a 30 min delay on resurrection proper. This scanner is both accurate enough and fast enough that they get nigh uninterrupted continuity of consciousness. The second part is the ability to write that data onto a brain quickly and accurately enough that again, continuity isn't lost and there aren't any gaps. The last part is a storage medium that can actually store these engrams. Now admittedly being able to store that information doesn't necessarily mean you can run it on a medium that isn't wetware or a room sized computer.

Now this opens up a few options for fussing with it. The "easiest" way of going about it is to turn that implant into an interface. Using the scanner to determine how your brain reacts to stimulus. What goes on when you move a limb. Providing an Augmented Reality interface would be all kinds of useful if only for the advanced awareness it could grant the user. Going further and setting up a SAO style full dive system means you can stick your body in a modified med bay and cut down on living space quite extensively. Given the human brain's ability for adaptation this might even allow for much finer control of the ship in question. Having an effective holodeck ability is also likely to be quite valuable as well if only for recreation purposes.
The same tech that burned engineering knowledge and downloads their brain into a new clone can be used to download kung fu and a wide range of other physical skillsets. How to jungle, walk on tightrope, parkour, split second accuracy with guns and thrown objects (I am thinking aimbot equivalent) could all be programmed.
The same tech that burned engineering knowledge and downloads their brain into a new clone can be used to download kung fu and a wide range of other physical skillsets. How to jungle, walk on tightrope, parkour, split second accuracy with guns and thrown objects (I am thinking aimbot equivalent) could all be programmed.
While technically possible, there are numerous problems with it. For one, they don't actually have access to those skills. Yes, they could conceivably program them but that would require that they already have said skills. Further, they don't actually have access to what gave them the skills they do have at the moment. Just the back up system inherent to the Medbay. Skill loading requires either being intelligent enough to program said skills, at which point it is faster to just learn and develop them normally, or that you have someone who already has the skills, which they don't have.
World 2 (Mario), Chapter 2

As the drone finished putting the last weld on the newly repaired Voidsteader, I remarked to Catherine "So, now that we're back at full capacity, how do you feel about going planet-side?"

Catherine grinned before saying "Sure thing, but when I was looking at the sensor readout I spotted a place I want to hit first. The Shroobs have a pretty big mining and ship-building operation about 131 degrees retrograde from us, and I want to go break their stuff."

I nodded before saying "Alright, if we jump in at 30,000 km we should be able to smash the big stuff with the grav driver with few issues, then we fly in closer and pick through the wreckage with some drones."

Catherine nodded solemnly before noting "When you put it that way, it sounds a lot like attacking defenseless civilians."

I pulled my impromptu sister into a hug before telling her "True, however, they're building warships there. Ships that the Shroobs will doubtless use to slaughter this Earth's innocent inhabitants. We simply cannot allow that to happen, and hitting their industrial base is one of the best ways to ensure it doesn't. Now, let's get this over with."

With that, I settled into my designated seat controlling sensors and weapons, while Catherine took the helm. My sister spun the ship in the right direction and plotted our jump while I steeled myself for what I was about to do. Beneath us, all the way in the back of the ship, the faint high-pitched whine of the jump drive slowly intensified, before reality lurched, and we were suddenly a mere 30,000 km away from the Shroob's mining base.

The barrel of the grav driver was soon lined up perfectly with the Shroob's base, and I lifted the cover for the weapon's trigger. For several seconds, my hand hovered over the trigger as my emotions warred. If I did this I would be directly causing thousands of deaths among people who hadn't attacked me, but if I didn't, huge numbers of other people would be indirectly condemned by my lack of action. Put that way, it sounded simple, but I just couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger.

The scales were tipped by two factors. First, was Catherine putting her hand on my shoulder and saying "I-I k-know this is hard, but we h-have to do this. E-even if w-we don't want to." As she did so, I felt moisture on her hand that a brief examination revealed to be tears. The second factor was several Shroob craft with an average diameter of 50 meters launching from the Shroob base, their heat signatures belying power plants running at full combat load.

As soon as we were under attack, I managed to snap out of my funk, and my hand slammed down on the firing button for the grav driver. With an underwhelming lack of sound, spacetime was forced into an immensely steep slope, and a piston nudged a projectile as long as a bus into the field. Within a span of time measured in microseconds, it had left the ship, and was now traveling at 1% of c. A mere 10 seconds later, it impacted the asteroid base it had been targeted to hit with force equivalent to several Tsar Bomba nuclear weapons.

As the Shroob base was demolished by the impact of the grav driver's projectile, I targeted the inbound Shroob saucers with lasers #1, #2 and #3. Though they weren't close enough for impulse shock to be a factor, each shot was still easily burning 2.2 cm wide holes clear through the target's hulls and then continuing onwards into the crew compartment where it destroyed critical components and exposed the crew to easily lethal doses of radiation and heat as the X-Ray beams chaotically scattered off of various internal surfaces.

As the Shroob saucers swiftly went from active to dead in the void, I felt tears in my eyes. Still, as soon as the job was done, I released the firing triggers and placed the locked cover for them back in position. I nodded and asked Catherine "So, time to go planet-side then?"


As the Voidsteader jumped into this Earth's orbit followed by several dozen Automated Defense Corvettes and Valiants, I remarked "We shouldn't have to worry about orbital superiority with this much firepower, so I think we can safely take a shuttle down. Do you think we should avoid the Mario Brothers, or meet up with them? Personally, I prefer the latter."

To this my brother remarked "We've already derailed just about everything by shooting down the mothership. I see precisely no reason why we shouldn't derail things even further. Maybe we should try and tell them about Elder Princess Shroob, perhaps grab one of the Cobalt Star's pieces and hide it."

I grinned before saying "Of course, to meet up with the Mario Brothers first requires finding them. Luke, you've got sensors."

After roughly 5 minutes of searching, Luke remarked "Alright, I think I've found Yoshi's Island. There's a large pink splotch moving across the island that I'm pretty sure is Yoob, so we know it's before Mario and Luigi get there, but there isn't any indication of when they'll be getting there. I wouldn't be able to spot them from orbit anyway given how far away we parked to avoid anti-orbital fire."

At this point I thought to bring up the point "You know, if we were to bust open Yoob and toss that Cobalt Star fragment in him out of the solar system, we could save quite a bit of trouble down the line."

Luke laughed before saying "That's an excellent idea. How about I take the laser rifle and you take the explosives? We should probably also bring a bunch of combat drones with us."

At hearing this, I chuckled for several seconds before answering "You know me too well. Yeah, let's do this."

Soon, we had made our way to the hangar housing one of the Voidsteader's two shuttles and I was strapping into one of the passenger seats while Luke took piloting. As the hangar depressurized and the double-layered hangar doors opened, I noted "Shame we couldn't cram a gravity drive in this, that would have made takeoff so much easier."

Luke just answered back "Yeah, still, the math shows that the current engines should be able to do the job as long as we save the Hydrogen Thrusters for launch. Atmospheric insertion will be in about 20 minutes by the way."

Said process was in all honesty rather lackluster, as Luke used the shuttle's electrical thrusters to reduce our velocity to about mach 1 to save wear and tear on the hull. Soon enough, he called back with "Alright, we're in atmosphere now, so sorry that the shuttle's handling like a brick. We should be landing in about 3 minutes; I'll be parking us in the jungle in hopes of reducing the chances that the Shroobs find our shuttle."

I answered back "Yeah, that's probably a good idea." before waiting for us to finally touch down.

As Luke exited the cockpit, he noted "Yoob is currently to our northeast, now let's activate the drones and get going." before he began the process of putting on the laser rifle's backpack reactor.

As I was putting on my helmet and grabbing the grenade launcher and bandoleer full of 40 mm HEAT grenades, I called out "Drones, activate! Mission profile: escort us and attack designated targets or anything that attacks us."

And with that, the 12 combat drones Luke and I had created hovered gently into the air before sounding out "Acknowledged." I nodded, and made my way to the back of the shuttle to open up the door and activate the ramp. Soon enough, we were on our way through the jungle in search of Yoob.

This turned out to be a lot harder than anticipated, as between the foliage getting in the way, the insane Coconutters that had to be lasered or blasted out of the way, and several other annoyances we were making frustratingly slow progress. Still, after several minutes of trudging through the jungle and an incredibly achy shoulder from the grenade launcher's recoil, we eventually managed to find Yoob, thankfully before the Shroobs enlarged him even further.

As we entered the clearing, Yoob noticed us and turned in our direction. As he roared, I sighed and sent a HEAT grenade straight down his throat. Yoob staggered back as Luke opened up with the laser and ordered the drones "Open up a hole into his lower digestive system, we're going in."

The drones obliged, opening up with lasers and more grenades, meanwhile I shot Yoob in the knee, bringing him to the ground. In under 30 seconds, Yoob lay immobile on the ground with a massive hole in his chest. I walked over to him ahead of Luke, tears in my eyes. However, as I looked into Yoob's eyes, all sympathy I may have had for this creature disappeared. There was no spark of sapience in those eyes, just the mechanical movements of a drone following their programming.

As we reached Yoob, I looked into the hole we'd made, and noted the size of the connected room. Luke groaned before remarking "Of course the Kaiju is bigger on the inside and has artificial gravity, freaking Shroobs!"

I nodded before noting "Still, if we want to take that Cobalt Star shard out of the equation, we've got to go in there." and stepping into the room inside Yoob's chest cavity.

Navigating Yoob's interior was far easier with jet packs, and we'd soon managed to free most of the Yoshi that had been put in Yoob's eggs. And then we stumbled upon Toadbert, cowering in the corner. I rushed over to him and knelt down, before saying "Don't worry, we're not here to hurt you. In fact, we're going to be getting you out of here in the near future."

This achieved nothing of value, and Luke remarked "I don't think he's in any state to listen right now, looks like he's in shock from the explosions we used to bust in earlier. Come on, let's go kill Sunnycide."

I sighed before answering "Alright, but we're going to make sure he gets proper medical attention once we're done." and strode towards the door to the next chamber. We soon came into view of the hemispherical recess housing Sunnycide. I noted "So, blast his core when he roars then?" to which Luke answered "Seems a good enough plan to me."
Apparently, Yoshi is its own plural. Sort of like Moose, Sheep, and Deer.
Sunnycide obligingly roared, opening a gap in his defensive shell that Luke and the drones sent a set of continuous laser beams into. As Sunnycide writhed in pain, I reflected that we really couldn't use the grenade launchers right now, there was too much of a possibility for collateral damage among the captive Yoshi. Fortunately, that's when I spotted a quartet dressed in red and green coming into the room from behind.


After the state we'd found Yoob in, I had wanted nothing to do with this bizarre Shroob creation. I'd only come in after Stuffwell urged that there was a Cobalt Star shard in here somewhere. Walking through this creature's blasted out and charred innards, passing shuddering Yoshi going on about scary metal creatures and walking over the corpses of strange blue Shroobs only made me regret this decision even further.

My apprehension reached its peak when we passed Toadbert shuddering in the corner. He was muttering about explosions, shaking, monsters, and robots. As we were standing there trying to figure out what to do, we suddenly heard a distorted roar from the next room that quickly shifted into a screech of pain.

Mario quickly ran onwards to help, and I followed after him. Entering the next room, I was met with the sight of an egg-shaped monster. One of a pair of people in some sort of suit raised a bizarre implement, and a brilliant line burned itself across my vision as the beast shrieked in pain again. I heard my past self begin crying before a vaguely feminine voice called out "Mario, Luigi, you free the captive Yoshi, we'll take down Sunnycide!"

I nodded, trying to avert my gaze from the barrage of lasers. I had a job that needed doing, and I was going to do it. Mario got out a shell that his past self hopped onto, and we began kicking it back and forth to crack open these strange Shroobified eggs. We'd managed to get half of them open, averting our gaze from the laser beams streaking across the combat zone from one of the two space-suited figures and the strange hovering robots accompanying them, when there was an abrupt change in the tone of the battle.

More specifically, the monster itself suddenly stopped moving, and dissipated into a pulsating red energy field. Suddenly, there were no more lasers as the space-suited figures darted forwards, grabbing the fragment of the Cobalt Star that had erupted from the monster's core. Mario and I jumped forwards to try and prevent them escaping with what we needed to free Peach, when the one holding the laser simply said "Now, I know you're probably suspicious of me, but there's some information pertaining to Princess Shroob's relation to the Cobalt Star that you need to know about."

I puzzled over this for a few seconds before the other one continued with "Princess Shroob has an elder sister, who was sealed into the Cobalt Star by Peach. She then broke the star into fragments to prevent the elder Shroob Princess' almost immediate escape. If all the pieces are united, she will be able to escape."

It was at this point that Stuffwell emerged from... wherever he hid himself on Mario's person and interjected "And what do you plan on doing with that fragment, if you don't mind my inquiring?"

At this point, the one without the laser took off her helmet, revealing a human with shoulder-length brown hair and the remnants of tears streaking down her cheeks. At this point, she answered "We were planning on removing it from the equation by putting it on a jump-capable drone and sending it on a one-way trip out of the galaxy. We figured that should remove Elder Princess Shroob from the equation for long enough to resolve the crisis." at this, there was silence for several seconds before the young lady added on "We haven't introduced ourselves, I'm Catherine. Anyway, we need to get back to our shuttle before the Shroobs find it."
you should check out W4stedspace, he does some crazy builds. Plenty of gravity canons, and such you can crib off. Also does nice tutorials.
Also I like this Fic yo. No one does Space engineers stuff so its refreshing to see. Id love to be able to build things without the limitations of the engine.
And without my ship shearing in half from slightly bumping the ground :V
you should check out W4stedspace, he does some crazy builds. Plenty of gravity canons, and such you can crib off. Also does nice tutorials.
Also I like this Fic yo. No one does Space engineers stuff so its refreshing to see. Id love to be able to build things without the limitations of the engine.
And without my ship shearing in half from slightly bumping the ground :V
I've watched some of his stuff, but the grav driver is a 100% I Just Write original, both with the story-side architecture (which doesn't work in the actual game for reasons I might tell you about later), and the game-side architecture (which has unpleasant side-effects for anyone in the fore of the ship).
World 2 (Mario), Chapter 3

As the shuttle kicked itself off the ground with its electrical engines and the Hydrogen rockets ignited to blast our way out of the atmosphere at accelerations approaching 4 gees (the shuttle could do 8 gees no problem), I reflected on the current situation. Mario, Luigi and their past selves were currently on the acceleration couches back in the passenger cabin, strapped in as securely as possible. While they'd agreed to come with us to help dispose of the Cobalt Star fragment, they'd gone for a major case of 'trust but verify'.

Nothing much really happened as we made our way to the Voidsteader, with us landing in Hangar #4 with no issues. As I got out of the pilot's chair, Mario inquired about getting out of the shuttle, to which Catherine responded "Not just yet, the hangar still hasn't pressurized all the way, and you don't have vacuum suits. We'll have to get you some if you want to help with putting that Cobalt Star fragment in the probe we'll be getting rid of it with."

Mario and Luigi nodded in the affirmative, and at that very moment the hangar finished pressurizing. I noted "Alright, time to get out of the shuttle," and opened the door at the back of the shuttle. As we reached the elevator, I mentioned to the Mario Brothers "For various reasons, the suit-fitting machines are in the medical bays. So, that's where we're going."

While Mario and Luigi were getting fitted, I asked Catherine "Hey, could you please Jump us out to the base while these two are getting fitted? I want access to the facilities there when we're sending that probe into empty space."

My sister replied "Certainly, I'll go deal with that now." and made her way to the elevator. About 40 seconds had elapsed when I heard the telltale hum of the jump drive spinning up and informed the brothers Mario "Hold onto something, this will probably be a bit disorienting."

Sure enough, reality lurched, knocking the brothers Mario into a brief daze. and Catherine's voice came over the intercom saying "We've arrived, as soon as everyone's done being properly equipped, we can transfer over to the station and get to setting up the probe. I'll be waiting for everyone there, see you soon!"

Soon enough, all six of us (technically four, if you counted both temporal instances of each bro as the same person) were waiting on one of the asteroid base's observation lounges as the drones outside worked to assemble a bare-bones probe that basically amounted to a Large Reactor stuck to the back of a stack of 9 Jump Drives with an immensely reinforced cargo container at the front to store the Cobalt Star shard. I nodded as a connector transferred 120 kg of Uranium to the probe, and remarked "Alright, the probe's ready to depart. Mario and Luigi, you wanted to be the ones to actually put the Shard in the probe, so you'll be getting to do a spacewalk. We'll be keeping you tethered just so you know, so that if something goes wrong we can reel you back in."

Mario nodded and made his way to the airlock, closely followed by Luigi. As Catherine and I watched, I remarked "We're absolutely sure that if that fragment goes active and tries to escape it'll still be contained, right?"

To this Catherine replied "It should, after all it'll have 3.5 meters of poly-alloy composite surrounding it on all sides. Anyway, looks like Mario and Luigi have finished loading up the payload, so we should reel them back in now."

5 minutes later, everyone was back on the observation deck as Catherine and I went over final checks. I called out "Jump drives active?", to which I received "Affirmative."

"Reactor criticality levels stable?"


"Cobalt star shard inert?"


"Probe detached from base?"


I grinned and hit the button to initiate the jump drives that would be moving this probe perpendicularly to the galactic plane, and waited the 10 seconds for the jump drives to spin up. The probe disappeared in a Jump's characte-
Yoink! MINE! This is mine now!
-ristic flash of blue, and I remarked "Alright. Mario, Luigi, where do you want us to drop you off? Anywhere in the Mushroom Kingdom or its neighbors is a valid destination."


I screamed as the man in front of me stepped closer "We've never hurt ANYONE! why are you doing this to us!?"
I remember this.
His only answer was to mutter 'Eldrazi' under his breath, before lashing out with a lightning bolt of immense power. I recoiled, instinctively expecting pain that never arrived. As I turned to look, I saw my eldest brother had placed himself between me and that horrible man. As his corona rapidly ablated away, he shouted "Run, and take the others!"
It's happened before.
I propelled myself away from that horrible man as fast as I could manage, my other siblings racing alongside me. Another lightning bolt lashed out, striking down one of my sisters to the left. I looked behind, and there I saw the man from before gaining on us, a look of anger on his face. Another bolt, blasting off a part of my Corona as it made a glancing hit.
This isn't real.
I shouted to my remaining 5 siblings "We need to split up! If he only follows one of us, it'll give the rest time to hide!"
I need to wake up.

They heeded my advice, and we all made for different corners of the multiverse. The horrible man chased after Yolnek, as I raced away at a perpendicular angle. A bolt of that horrid lightning struck him down, and I resignedly turned back the way I was going. As I turned, I discovered that the man had somehow gotten in front of me. His hands raised, already crackling with electricity and-

I awoke with a shudder in my resting place nestled against Mario's universe. I turned my attention to what was going on in there, perhaps that would help distract me from the nightmare. Again. It looked like in my absence, my player had dropped off the brothers Mario on the top of the Koopaseum, using a relatively stealthy drop pod.
I know you're watching.

They had proceeded to sneak in, and made use of the jetpacks my player had given them to rescue peach before she was given to Petey Piranha. From there, they had brought her forwards to their time period before charging back in to deal with the Shroobs. Of course, given that I myself couldn't time travel, I was basically operating off of inferences for that. After all, I couldn't find Peach anywhere, and the Mario brothers were currently raiding Shroob Castle, having used some explosive-equipped drones they got from my player to blast down the front gate.
You're inside my mind again.

Princess Shroob was absolutely livid, and had recalled most of the Shroob's forces back to Shroob Castle. This had resulted in the Brothers Mario being forced to evacuate Shroob Castle by a massive army of Shroobs. I could practically hear the music as they raced around, trying to lose the Shroobs pursuing them before they got to the Time Hole. My laughter echoed within the void between worlds as I felt the stress relieve itself.
You shouldn't be here. Get. Out.

My fun had, it was time to check up on my player again. It took me a bit to find them actually, as the Voidsteader was currently out-system and they weren't at their current asteroid base at the moment. I checked the Mushroom Kingdom and found Toad Town suspiciously devoid of Shroids, before finally finding them at a small installation they'd somehow managed to construct on a nearby rogue planet when I wasn't looking. I took a quick look at my player's latest pro- Player, WHAT IN THE WORLDS ARE YOU DOING!?


I grinned as I shouted to Luke "Alright, I've got the last gravitic inducer installed, it should be ready to go!" As I said this, I made my way back to the control room.

Luke replied "Got it, we should be ready to give this thing a test run as soon as you get back up here. See you soon!" as I made sure the blast doors were all sealed. Continuing, I soon arrived in the control room 50 meters away and settled into my seat to my brother's left.

I nodded to him and asked "Just to be sure, we're currently in real-time communications range for the Voidsteader, right?"

Luke checked once more, before saying "Yes, even if something goes horribly, terribly wrong, we'll be up to date when we resurrect. Anyway, let's get started on testing this thing."

I nodded before checking my readout and saying "Fuel flow is nominal, 20 milligrams hydrogen are currently held in the center of the device by gravitational fields. Shall we continue?"

Luke nodded before adding "Coolant flow's doing its thing properly, along with the Quantum Well solid-state thermoelectric generators. I estimate that we should be able to harvest up to 80% of the output energy as useful electricity. Ready to give it a go?"

I replied "Certainly, test firing prototype gravitational fusion reactor in 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!" And with that, I hit the button. The tem-
Sezzy: :facepalm:
I woke up in one of the medical bays aboard the Voidsteader, and groaned. As I stepped out of the pod, I noted that Luke was still in the pod to my right and hadn't quite been woken up yet. I checked the readout, revealing "StillAlive Entanglement Lost. Most Recent BrainSnap applied to clone. Time Elapsed: 30 minutes, 56 seconds."

After Luke came back, I asked him "So, what went wrong? We did the math, that much Hydrogen undergoing fusion should have been well within the tolerances for our containment chamber."

To this, Luke answered "Perhaps we wound up triggering a reaction with a lot more energy behind it than fusion, after all you can crush anything down small enough and get a black hole."

At this point we answered in sync "And Black Holes tend to evaporate into Hawking Radiation, with smaller ones doing so exponentially faster."

I noted "Still, this presents a wonderful opportunity. We've just got to use a lot less fuel on the next test run and we could quite easily achieve Total Conversion power generation."

Luke chuckled and raised a glass of water while saying "Amen to that." before hydrating himself.
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You want to know something I and a few other fic-writers find really annoying? We do intensive research, wrack our brains for ideas, write for days, weeks, or even months (sometimes in the face of failing health), and eventually we create something made with the pure intention of entertaining others, expecting no monetary or material reward. And then nobody comments on it, so we don't even know if we're doing something wrong. Or even worse, we don't know if there's any ways people might want us to improve. Please don't let that happen. Or maybe I'm just being impatient...
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I noted "Alright time to get out of the shuttle." and opened the door at the back of the shuttle. As we reached the elevator, I mentioned to the Mario Brothers "For various reasons, the suit-fitting machines are in the medical bays. So, that's where we're going."
Is that noted supposed to be nodded? And I believe the sentences would flow better if you had a comma between dialog and description/action parts. Maybe replace the period like so, and add a comma between the alright and time? Like this: I nodded, "Alright, time to get out of the shuttle," and opened the door...
Just seems to look and work better to me.
You want to know something I and a few other fic-writers find really annoying? We do intensive research, wrack our brains for ideas, write for days, weeks, or even months (sometimes in the face of failing health), and eventually we create something made with the pure intention of entertaining others, expecting no monetary or material reward. And then nobody comments on it, so we don't even know if we're doing something wrong. Or even worse, we don't know if there's any ways people might want us to improve. Please don't let that happen. Or maybe I'm just being impatient...
It's been what... 20 minutes?
Anyway. I'm confusus. Y ur fem!clone is not having an existential crisis and/or gender dysphoria and at least tries to fix itself?
It's been what... 20 minutes?
Anyway. I'm confusus. Y ur fem!clone is not having an existential crisis and/or gender dysphoria and at least tries to fix itself?
I am not neurotypical. Anyone who's been exposed to me for extended periods should have figured this out by now.

Also, writing about existential crises/angst just isn't my style.
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Is that noted supposed to be nodded? And I believe the sentences would flow better if you had a comma between dialog and description/action parts. Maybe replace the period like so, and add a comma between the alright and time? Like this: I nodded, "Alright, time to get out of the shuttle," and opened the door...
Just seems to look and work better to me.
Okay to clarify. Sezzy is your ROB. Sometime in the past Sezzy and his/her siblings came across a Planeswalker that thought they were Eldrazi. Said Planeswalker proceeded to kill at least 3 of Sezzy's siblings and is mainly screwing with your SI as stress relief. Have I missed anything?
Okay to clarify. Sezzy is your ROB. Sometime in the past Sezzy and his/her siblings came across a Planeswalker that thought they were Eldrazi. Said Planeswalker proceeded to kill at least 3 of Sezzy's siblings and is mainly screwing with your SI as stress relief. Have I missed anything?
Correct. You have indeed missed something.
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Am I the only one who finds those colored sections hard to read? it really doesn't work on the dark style.

You want to know something I and a few other fic-writers find really annoying? We do intensive research, wrack our brains for ideas, write for days, weeks, or even months (sometimes in the face of failing health), and eventually we create something made with the pure intention of entertaining others, expecting no monetary or material reward. And then nobody comments on it, so we don't even know if we're doing something wrong. Or even worse, we don't know if there's any ways people might want us to improve. Please don't let that happen. Or maybe I'm just being impatient...
Um... I think you are just being impatient. I literally started writing this moments after finding out there was a new chapter and reading it. The big reason you don't get as immediate responses is that the vast majority of SB/SV's user base is in the US and currently most people are either working or in school. I personally spend a lot of my free time on the forums and I usually don't get done fast enough reading and replying before you make these kinds of posts.

I do have some complaints about the characters themselves. You seem to be overplaying their emotional turmoil about killing. Now, yes, they should be having a hell of a time dealing with killing. I'm not arguing that they should just be emotionless killbots or god forbid Killdar in a muslim nation. Just that they should have the emotional control to be able to not cry while mid combat. Well, that or become crying wrecks. After all, tears have a way of royally fucking with the ability to shoot things. After the battle I fully expect at least one instance of ripping off the helmet to puke or something but honestly, those kinds of responses have a way of rapidly disappearing.

As for the story itself you write competently enough that you are unlikely to draw much criticism on the technical front. I was quite enjoying the little bits of the story taking place in the Space engineers world though I think it could have been a bit better had you either expanded the scope there a bit or stuck them into a crossover universe from the get go. Currently... I'm not that invested in Super Mario Bros. One could even say I am negatively invested in the setting. I never played any of the games beyond SMB3 and the story itself basically consisted of "The princess has been kidnapped, are you a bad enough dude to save the princess?" and "woops she isn't in that castle." I never played Galaxy so I don't know why the Shoobs are here beyond generic evil alien invasion. I don't know why there are temporal clones running around. I do have a general idea of what is going on in that shoob princess is sealed evil in a can with a combination lock. But all in all I don't really care about this particular story segment.

Part of the reason you aren't getting more response is that this is an SI fic and while I enjoy them immensely, I know I am in the minority of users on the forums. Further more, part of the draw for an SI fic is seeing someone who could be "you" in your favorite series. You shot yourself in the foot a bit by making it a multi-cross. No so much in the multi-cross aspect but in the first world you chose to go to. Again though, this is considering me personally. I had no knowledge of Super Mario Galaxy going in and even less interest in the story of that world. I am quite interested in where you go next though.

EDIT: Also, just as a bench mark, I spent about 40 minutes on this response.
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What @Ryune said. Especially about that shade of purple being too dark for a lot of the themes on this forum.

But I'd also like to note I enjoyed the "Oops, did we accidentally a black hole?" thing at the end.:lol