Web of Life (Spider-Man AU)

Effectively speaking. If we can get a job. Money can assist with three of the listed options, the last is the Neighbors while You could do something like a neighborhood grill together which would take money to pull, that's not really benefiting them, besides probably making you a bit more popular with those that did join in.
Well, Here I'm thinking of the fact that. He actually needs support. Which Frankly requires someone practiced in that field. Peter if he tries to make His Uncle feel better would effectively act as a crutch. With a proper Psychiatrist hired, we could actually make him accept Her Death. While we stand beside him every step of the way. Yes, Seriously a Good Psychiatrist costs money, but it's really worth considering when you hit low-points you can't seem to get out of on your own.
Just found this, and I really like it. Kind of surprised at the clean energy goal, I don't know if we're going to steal from the comics or make a better nuke reactor, but I will be fun to see where it goes.

I know this is just a standard telekinetic power, but I'm so jealous. I do worry he will get telepathy and end up like Pseter Psarker letting everyone know his identity

[X] Peter spent some time with his Uncle.
I know this is just a standard telekinetic power, but I'm so jealous. I do worry he will get telepathy and end up like Pseter Psarker letting everyone know his identity

No, the Thinking Spider actually made Peter Force-sensitive basically.

About Arcana - it doesn't give you more magic, it's just the proficiency with the magic that you have. The Thinking Spider has basically made Peter Parker a sort of psychic (it's the Force). The skill will be used if you want to move things around with your mind. Any further powers/skill usage will depend upon how the narrative is shaped. The Stat for the skill is left blank because it's even more uncoupled than any other skill - really, almost any stat can come into play.
6. Building Blocks
Uncle Ben's Shop, Evening

The store was located at the corner of 70th​ Avenue and Forest Road. There was a small red awning over the door, and the signboard was painted in blue and gold. The words were in cursive, bold and white – Uncle Ben's Goods and Grocery Store, though everyone knew it as Uncle Ben's.

Ben wasn't only Peter's uncle; everyone in the neighborhood called him as such. It made Peter idolize him growing up - his uncle wasn't just a man, but something greater. Everyone knew of him and his good nature.

Peter opened the door and entered. His uncle was cleaning a shelf, facing away from him. "Just give me a moment," he said as he dusted off the inventory. "Peter? What are you doing here?" He looked the same as ever, with his broad, ruddy face with sharp blue eyes and the hint of a perpetual smile. But Peter saw things differently – like a subtle shifting of the light, the same things were all different. The wrinkles betrayed his tiredness, and the smile was more of a habit than anything else.

"I had a bit of free time, so I thought I could help out," He replied.

"Sure, come on!" Uncle Ben beckoned him over. "How's school? And everything else? If you need some money, I'll be happy to –"

"School's fine. Everything's fine." Peter brushed it off. "I'm doing alright, Uncle Ben. More than alright, actually. You don't have to worry about me."

"That's good to hear, Peter," He smiled, though his eyes saddened near the end. "That's great to hear."

"It is." He nodded, and Uncle Ben went back to cleaning. There were no customers. The streets were empty, with only flickering leaves in the breeze. There was a cat outside - he watched it for a while before resuming. "You know, we haven't talked much lately." The cat was swiping at a tree, perhaps having spotted something. "You've been coming home late these days."

Ben sighed. "I've… been acting unsightly lately, haven't I?" He paused and took a long shuddering breath. "Guess that's one more thing that I have to answer for." He sat down, head in his hand.

And here was the hard part. Dealing with overt emotional outbursts was difficult for Peter – his brain would fire off a thousand different answers that he simply couldn't speak. But he had to – that was the trick. Anything he said would be better than silence.

"You're not at fault, Uncle Ben." He sat down by his side. "You can't keep blaming yourself."

"Oh, Peter… if I had –"

"No." He shut him down before he started. "You can't think like that – it'll drive you mad. It was an accident, Uncle Ben. It's not your fault or mine." He took Ben's hands away; his eyes were red with tears. "You have to stop. Please."

"You're right. You're right…" He wiped the tears and nodded. "Can't believe I let it come to this. What would she say?"

"That you must have really needed it."

He snorted. "Yeah, sounds about right." He wiped his tears some more and took a huge swig of water. "Thanks, Peter." He spoke calmly. "You must have it pretty rough too, and here I was, simply wallowing about myself. Can't imagine what that must be like. I'm not a very –"

"You're doing it again. Blaming yourself. Don't." Peter said. "About me… I don't know, Uncle. When I used to think of her, it used to make numb. Like I was hollow inside, and nothing mattered anymore." He spoke slowly, remembering how it was. "But lately… it's different. There's a memory, that tells me to keep moving forward, keep helping people. And so I do."

Uncle Ben wiped away his tears again and embraced him as tightly he could. Peter reciprocated as well - the hug lasted minutes – before finally letting go.

"You've all grown up and become an adult while I wasn't looking." He sniffled. "Really, what kind of a man am I?"


"Sorry." Uncle Ben apologized.

"What about you?" Peter asked.

"Me?" He took a few seconds to think, gazing at the distance. "I just miss her, you know? I keep forgetting she's gone – keep thinking she simply stepped out for a bit, and will return – and then I remember, and it's a punch in the gut. And it happens every day, multiple times, and each time it's the same." He sighed. "You know, deep down, I knew about this. Either her or me – one of us had to leave first. I guess… I spared her from that pain."

"You did, Uncle Ben."

He continued on. "And I guess we got a lot more time together than folks out there. That's something to be thankful for." He pensively shook his head. "All things considered, we're a whole lot luckier than other people. You're right, Peter – I can't remain like this forever." Uncle Ben met his eyes, and Peter saw his resolve at that moment.

"I don't think you will, uncle." He smiled. "And I've had an idea…"


[] Aunt May used to help out at various charities. Perhaps it would be good for Uncle Ben to see and further her cherished work – it might make him feel better. And it would help the charity as well. (Argument – Ethos, Pathos, Ethos)

[] Uncle Ben and Peter should spend some time together. Reconnecting would help them both. Sharing grief halves the pain, or so they say. (Argument – Ethos, Pathos, Pathos)

[X] Resolve is easy in the heat of the moment. Uncle Ben might be fine now, but that could change. He needed professional help. ( Argument – Logos, Logos, Logos*)

[] Uncle Ben was a mindful man. He could sublimate his grief – maybe work on remodeling the shop. It would help him take his mind off things and maybe even their situation. (Argument – Ethos, Logos, Logos)

[] (WRITE-IN) (Argument – added by GM)

Argument – contains three approaches, each with a dice roll. Ethos – general, situational, appeal to authority, morality, values, character. Pathos – emotional plea. Logos – logical.
To win an argument, you need to succeed in two or more checks. Since this is a tutorial, you won't be failing. But remember, winning/losing is secondary to the topic, so consider it as well.

Info for this Social Conflict -

You aren't lying or forcing so it's not DECEPTION or COERCION. You're not establishing authority or bargaining – it's not LEADERSHIP or NEGOTIATION either. So all approaches are based on CHARM. Your CUNNING and PRESENCE are the same, and you have no talents – so there are no changing stats.

ETHOS - Charm (Presence) - [Success Chance – min-??? max-44%]
PATHOS – Charm (Presence) – [Success Chance – min-??? max-44%]
LOGOS – Charm (Presence) – [Success Chance – min-??? max-44%]

The only benefit I can offer is in the triple LOGOS argument, replacing the last LOGOS Charm with INTELLECT.

LOGOS* – Charm (Intellect) – [Success Chance – min-??? max-72%]


A/N: I wanted to polish this update further, but I didn't want to fall into perfectionism trap. So here you go.
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[X] Resolve is easy in the heat of the moment. Uncle Ben might be fine now, but that could change. He needed professional help.

I was a proponent for this from the very beginning. Right now though? It also gives us the greatest chance of success.
[X] Resolve is easy in the heat of the moment. Uncle Ben might be fine now, but that could change. He needed professional help.

There is a reason for grief counselors and psychiatrists/psychologists
@Totadileplayz I've thinking about the social conflict system and how it will work. At first, I wanted to have both Arguments (3 Checks) and single resolution (1 Check) but then i decided it would be more streamlined if we followed a single system.

Regarding logos and intellect, offering it for all time every time would a) make one always choose the most logos option or b) search for a way to get as many logos through write-ins as possible - which I didn't want.

The intellect switch this time is because I was undecided on the system before, and hadn't given you guys a heads up on the situation. I tried to give it to the other options as well, but as I explained, there wasn't much to change.

From now onwards, all the social conflict stat check changes and benefits of different Arguments will be codified through Talents (including Logos and intellect switch) - so you guys will have a fair idea about what to expect.
@Totadileplayz I've thinking about the social conflict system and how it will work. At first, I wanted to have both Arguments (3 Checks) and single resolution (1 Check) but then i decided it would be more streamlined if we followed a single system.

Regarding logos and intellect, offering it for all time every time would a) make one always choose the most logos option or b) search for a way to get as many logos through write-ins as possible - which I didn't want.

The intellect switch this time is because I was undecided on the system before, and hadn't given you guys a heads up on the situation. I tried to give it to the other options as well, but as I explained, there wasn't much to change.

From now onwards, all the social conflict stat check changes and benefits of different Arguments will be codified through Talents (including Logos and intellect switch) - so you guys will have a fair idea about what to expect.
Except you seem to be missing out on a crucial point. Defenses, and Methods. If we wanted to convince him to help focus on a store. We would choose reconstruction. The Simple fact of the matter is that's where the stat differences come into play. What we convince them of is far more important to everyone then how we convince them to do so. We can logically argue why someone shouldn't kill someone, but we can't convince them to be become a hero without a proper pathos argument. Just like how we can't educate someone without logos. Each method has their own unique advantages and disadvantages. That bare fact alone makes it so that ethos and pathos aren't useless.

And Frankly we've built our character that way. Being more suited to that line of discussion is well within character.

Heck, I'm probably a living example of the merits and flaws of logos.
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[X] Resolve is easy in the heat of the moment. Uncle Ben might be fine now, but that could change. He needed professional help.
[X] Resolve is easy in the heat of the moment. Uncle Ben might be fine now, but that could change. He needed professional help.
@Totadileplayz I agree with your points, but I stand by own too. INTELLECT stat to all LOGOS checks feels like too much big of a buff that can tilt the balance (Especially since I have to give it to everyone, not just you).
If things don't work out or you guys keep suffering in social conflicts, then sure, I'll upgrade it (buffs are always better received than nerfs), but for right now, I'll stick with making some Talents so that you can benefit off the different types of Arguments.
@Totadileplayz I agree with your points, but I stand by own too. INTELLECT stat to all LOGOS checks feels like too much big of a buff that can tilt the balance (Especially since I have to give it to everyone, not just you).
If things don't work out or you guys keep suffering in social conflicts, then sure, I'll upgrade it (buffs are always better received than nerfs), but for right now, I'll stick with making some Talents so that you can benefit off the different types of Arguments.
Then there's the whole. You're actively doing this to punish us for choosing a specific stat. You can't even deny that, because if we chose presence this would actually buff all arguments we make. Seeing as how most of the skills are based in presence regardless.

But, then there's the counter to that. Which is of course pointing out the outside merits of the other stats, which doesn't actually disprove the previous point. It just points out that this is where Presence should shine.

Then there's the counter of pointing out that. Pathos is likely the most effective, and it is listed as a default stat. Thus it does have more power in this argument.

Then, that's all I can come up with really. I mean frankly Intellect is the only one that actually logically fits with Logos. Since a very persuasive person doesn't use logos, they use pathos. A Smart person who understands the issue is the type to use logos. We don't vote for Scientists, We vote for Politicians, and they wouldn't use logos to save their life.

Like for instance this entire argument. While I did point out how I'm actually a living example of logos. Since my entire personality being analytical driven. Which can cause problems routinely. Since I'm seen as cold and uncaring, though this does mean I'm far more likely to listen to actually logical arguments. Yet until I've also got Ethos on my side. This is a difficult thing to pull off. Look at this quest. Look at most quests I'm in. I routinely argue based on a logos basis, but that's simply not enough in most cases.
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