As you descend into the space station (seriously, there are windows with views of both Earth and the Moon!) a blueish hologram flickers to life. As it begins to speak your heart leaps into your throat. Mom...
"Hello again little owl. If you're hearing this, then I'm gone, and you've achieved Enlightenment." You can hear the capital.
"Now, you'll probably have a lot of questions. You see, I'm something called an Enlightened Scientist, a human that's so good at what they do that they can work wonders, like turning cell phones into bombs or being so good at reading people that they seem like they can read minds. I work for an organization of fellow Enlightened Scientists, called the Technocracy, who attempt to shepherd the forces of humanity into the future through science and technology. Within that group, I'm a member of the Void Engineers, specialists in outer space and exploration, from beyond the galaxy to the deep ocean and caverns. Now, while I quite like the Technocracy, I wanted you to have a choice if you achieved Enlightenment. For the most part, the Technocracy's enemies are just misguided, and I'd be fine with you joining them. On the other hand, the Technocracy requires a lot of commitment; you'll be working long hours, and will likely have to cut ties with your civilian life."
"Which brings me to why I built this. If you ever became Enlightened, it would draw you down here, and give you the tools that you need to start life as an Enlightened Scientist. I included everything you'll need to get yourself started, from learning materials to gear, and if you end up joining the Technocracy it's all official, so you don't have to worry about them taking it."
"The learning materials cover the various areas of Enlightened Science, though not the advanced stuff, but it has a lot of breadth. The basic training programs that you currently qualify for are as follows; biology, physics, chemistry, spacial awareness and reading sensors, dimensional theory, probability theory, temporal theory, psychology, Primal Energy theory, and applied versions of all. And by applied I mean using them to hit things in the face." The hologram looks pleased with herself.
"You have no idea how hard it was to track down all of those. I also have a Device that will help you lean through a combination of drugs, electric shocks, and virtual reality. Unfortunately it's not compatible with all the Enlightened versions of the sciences, so you'll have to make do with some of the best textbooks on the subjects in existence. Also, using it too much will make your brain dribble out your ears, so you'll need to go out and do stuff in order to reset your brain. But don't worry, if you're in any danger it just won't activate."
"There's also some money, devices, and phone numbers and stuff, but I can tell that you're about ready to get started. Now, it's a pretty common phenomenon for new Enlightened Scientists to pick up new things really quickly, doing things like ending up with entire college educations over the course of a week. The literature on it is pretty inconclusive, but my preferred theory is that it's based on the amount of information learned, not time, so no need to start cramming. But on the same token, pick what you want to learn carefully, it's only uphill afterwards."
"Also, in case I never got to say it; I love you little owl, and nothing can stop that. Goodbye."
CHARACTER BUILD TIME!!! This represents spending the week she has free of school doing nothing but studying. Does she do anything else at this point?
[] Try to get transfered to Arcadia
-[] Using the contacts she found? (Pick only if you take a good level of Contacts)
[] Reconnect with her dad
[] Try to hold the bullies accountable
-[] Using the contacts she found? (Pick only if you have a good level of Contacts)
Mechanically, there are nine~ spheres, or areas of magic. You have six~ points to put into Spheres, and none can rise above three at this point. What Spheres does Taylor spend time studying, and what are her priorities? The more you pick the the lower each will be. If you don't care about something just don't put it in, instead of putting it at low priority. If you don't care about something just don't put it in, instead of putting it at low priority.
[] Priority 1
[] Priority 2
[] So on...
[] Correspondence: Teleportation and scrying
[] Time: Foretelling, accelerating, and so on
[] Fate: the magic of probability and cursing
[] Matter: the magic of inert things
[] Forces: the magic of explosions
[] Life: The magic of living things
[] Mind: the magic of minds
[] Prime: the magic of magic; countering, enchanting, and manipulating mana
[] Dimensions: The magic of alternate dimensions and the rules that govern them
What mundane skills does Taylor attempt to learn? This can be as broad or as narrow as you like, though narrower will be more focused.
[] Priority 1
[] Priority 2
[] So on...
And you have a base! What does it have? This can include money, devices, contacts, an alien buddy, or whatever. Prioritize, the wider you spread your focus, the less you get of each. If you don't care about something just don't put it in, instead of putting it at low priority.
[] Priority 1
[] Priority 2
[] So on
[] Power Source: If you pick this you'll be able to power more than just your base.
[] Devices: Cool toys
[] Resources: Money
[] Contacts: You know people
[] Companion: An alien friend
[] Laboratory: A place to work science
[] Ally: You know some of your mom's old friends, who might be willing to pick up where they left off.