Weary Wanderer (Final Fantasy 14/Worm Crossover) [Complete]

Wind-up Simurgh
A clockwork automaton crafted in the likeness of the fallen Endbringer. Some internal mechanism produces a eerie tune, inducing discomfort and paranoia in anyone familiar with its originator.
As of yet, it is unknown if this song possesses the same Mastering effect.

"🎶🎵🎶" - The Simurgh
I wonder what thinkers will think about this. Huh fallen might come after him. Mathers clan will go nuts and probably try to master him.
He has the Echo acting as a Blank power. He's a blindspot.
It's almost Malfean Stealth in how it works: the Echo is constantly blasting out all the possible paths he could take proactively and reactively, that even PtV is stuck trying to guess due to incompatible [DATA] overflow.
I'm beginning to tire on the left out information that only some has regarding his origin.

Thanks for the chapter.
PHO Interlude 2: Electric Boogaloo

Chapter Nineteen: PHO Interlude 2: Electric Boogaloo


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♦ Topic: Azem

In: Boards ► Capes ► Heroes ► United States ► Washington

Eye of Sauron
(Original Poster) (Moderator)

Posted On Jan 25th 2005:

A topic to discuss the independent hero Azem.

(Showing page 6 of 74)


Replied On Feb 6th 2005:

Hey guys, I'm looking for a topic for the hero Traveler, but I can't find one, but the picture of Azem posted near the beginning looks right. Anyone know what's up? Is this the same guy?

[Image: A headshot of a dark-haired man wearing a black half-mask facing the camera]

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 6th 2005:


That definitely looks like Azem, not sure why they would be calling him by a different name, though. Where'd you hear about him?


Replied On Feb 6th 2005:


Thanks for the confirmation. Okay, so, I know this sounds crazy. But there's this news story, just dropped like 30 min ago, about a press release from the Seattle PRT, and apparently an independent hero named Traveler... killed the Slaughterhouse Nine.

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 6th 2005:

NO WAY, holy crap. It calls him Traveler the whole time, but the picture has to be Azem, right? Didn't he start his hero career near Seattle, too?


Replied On Feb 6th 2005:

Oh god no

That guy

killed the Slaughterhouse Nine??


Replied On Feb 6th 2005:


I know! It's ridiculous! That's why I had to ask, because like, this whole thread is about Azem doing silly chores and stuff.

Not super impressive cape battles

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 6th 2005:

Well, there was that time a verified cape that I still don't know the identity of showed up and started commenting cryptically on how powerful capes with several different powers could be. So maybe they knew something we didn't know.


Replied On Feb 6th 2005:

Wait, are you telling me that that guy who helped me pick flowers for my mom later killed the SLAUGHTERHOUSE NINE?!

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 6th 2005:


Even worse, according to the original press release, Traveler/Azem defeated the Slaughterhouse Nine on the 18th of January. Meaning that he had actually already done that when he helped you collect flowers, as well as all of the other strange things listed in this thread.


Replied On Feb 6th 2005:



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(Showing page 7 of 74)

►Eye of Sauron (Original Poster) (Moderator)

Replied On Feb 6th 2005:


Please do not make posts with no original content.


Replied On Feb 6th 2005:

@Eye of Sauron

Sorry Mr. Moderator. Allow me to clarify:

WHAT???? WHY????

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 6th 2005:


The world may never know


Replied On Feb 6th 2005:

Okay, but we still don't even know for sure if Azem IS Traveler. And like, I thought he wasn't that strong? If he's super strong, why is he running around doing chores? Didn't the Slaughterhouse Nine have massive bounties, too?


Replied On Feb 6th 2005:


Very comforting, thank you.


You have a point... If I'd suddenly gotten millions of dollars in bounty money, I'd have retired to a private island.

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 6th 2005:


Well... maybe he hasn't gotten the bounty money? That kind of money would have to go through a lot of steps to get, right?

And maybe he enjoys doing random chores! You don't know his life!


Replied On Feb 6th 2005:


Really, though? Does anybody enjoy doing random chores for strangers for little to no reward?


Replied On Feb 6th 2005:


No, you know what, I believe it. Maybe he doesn't enjoy random chores, but I 100% bet he enjoys messing with people. This guy defeats the entire Slaughterhouse Nine, then goes on to troll random strangers. That explains everything.


Replied On Feb 6th 2005:

Okay, wait, can we just go back to the part where the entire Slaughterhouse Nine, infamous mass murderers that even the Protectorate can't seem to do anything about, got taken out by A SINGLE PERSON. What kind of monster is this guy?


Replied On Feb 6th 2005:


[Image: A cropped picture of a man, with another person's shoulder just visible. The man is wearing armor and a silver half mask. A bunch of hearts have been poorly drawn around the man, presumably in Paint.]

The kind who helps random strangers find a very specific type of flower for their mother's birthday!

...And apparently is some bad-A mofo, kicking butts and taking names. Who knew?

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ... 72, 73, 74


♦ Topic: Azem

In: Boards ► Capes ► Heroes ► United States ► Washington

Eye of Sauron
(Original Poster) (Moderator)

Posted On Jan 25th 2005:

A topic to discuss the independent hero Azem.

(Showing page 41 of 76)

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 20th 2005:





Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


The Simurgh?

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 20th 2005:





Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


►Eye of Sauron (Original Poster) (Moderator)

Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


All right, I'll let you have this one under the circumstances, but you're on thin ice.


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:



Replied On Feb 20th 2005:

Holy shit, the Simurgh is dead.

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 20th 2005:

Even more than that, the Simurgh was killed by our very own Azem, man of mystery.


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


Who cares, the Simurgh is dead! One of the literal Endbringers was killed!


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


What makes you think that? Everything I can find just says stuff like how it was a team effort and whatnot. Very vague on how it actually went down.

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(Showing page 42 of 76)

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


It's in this speech by Chief-Director Costa-Brown. At roughly 3:40, she says, "...with the contribution of new Protectorate hero Azem, formerly known as Traveler..." etc, so he definitely is the one who killed the Simurgh. It's also funny that the Protectorate had to find some way to acknowledge that they got his name wrong! We were all basically taking it as truth anyway, but now it's official: Traveler = Azem confirmed.


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


Oh yeah, I see now, I was just going through the text news stories. Thanks for the ref. Holy mother of God, Azem killed the Simurgh???


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:

Oh my gosh, OUR Azem killed the Simurgh?!

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


Heck yeah he did. Our boy is an Endbringer killer! I couldn't be prouder.


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:

Why is an Endbringer-tier cape running around doing chores


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


WHO KNOWS! Certainly not us!


Uh, that's a weird way to phrase it...


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


He's just a crazy person, who knows?


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


No, no, this is fine. It's exactly like with the Slaughterhouse Nine thing. He's been this powerful all along, and he's just messing with us!

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


That's disturbingly plausible, actually, BUT, consider: maybe he just enjoys helping people?


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:

This is complete insanity.

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(Showing page 43 of 76)


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


No, it's all part of the conspiracy...

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


The... conspiracy?


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


Yes, the conspiracy! It's all to steal credit from others to make the US government look good.


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:

Oookay, ignoring that and focusing on why an Endbringer-tier cape would be running around doing chores, Azem does have kind of a Scion theme going on, doesn't he? Like, running around helping with problems indiscriminately even if it's stupid stuff that's not really worthy of his time. Maybe that's why he acts like this

We just weren't so bothered before because we didn't realize how strong he actually was! This just makes it even better. He's not only like Scion in action, but in power level as well.


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


Horrifying, thank you.

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


Yeah, a surprisingly disturbing thought. But, I mean, at least he talks ever? I have to say, I never expected to end up here... All the way from the beginning of the original thread made by @Showing_up_showing_off to complain about Azem's weirdness.


Uhh, okay. I guess that makes sense. I think.


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


I didn't expect the crazy weirdo to be THIS powerful, but in hindsight, I should have. Why should he not be crazy powerful?

I still want details on the fight, though. What did Azem even DO to the actual Simurgh. Throw a car at her?


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:



Wait, what's this about the original post? And cars? Please enlighten me. Why would Azem throw a car at the Simurgh?


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


Here's a link to the original topic I made before there was one for Azem. That should also explain the car thing... I hope you enjoy my suffering.


Replied On Feb 20th 2005:


Bahahaha, that's awesome. It's very fitting for this weirdo to inexplicably also be able to summon a flying car, like why not

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(Showing page 44 of 76)

►Tetsujin (Verified Cape) (Protectorate 20)

Replied On Feb 21st 2005:

Of course the random guy working the front desk of a convenience store would also be not ONLY the person who killed the entire Slaughterhouse Nine, but also the first person to kill an Endbringer.

I'm lucky to be alive...


Replied On Feb 21st 2005:




Replied On Feb 21st 2005:


Huh?? You can't just say that and not explain!

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 21st 2005:


Aren't you a Protectorate hero??? Why would you be in danger?


Replied On Feb 21st 2005:


Can confirm, @Tetsujin is definitely a Protectorate hero with the Seattle Protectorate. He did just join... like a month ago, though...

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 21st 2005:


Oooh, that timing is so suspicious. @Tetsujin, don't just disappear, explaaaaiiiin!

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 21st 2005:




Replied On Feb 21st 2005:


Don't just run away!!


Replied On Feb 21st 2005:


Don't ignore us :(

►Eye of Sauron (Original Poster) (Moderator)

Replied On Feb 21st 2005:



Do not harass other forum members.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 ... 74, 75, 76


♦ Topic: Azem

In: Boards ► Capes ► Heroes ► United States ► Washington

Eye of Sauron
(Original Poster) (Moderator)

Posted On Jan 25th 2005:

A topic to discuss the independent hero Azem.

(Showing page 65 of 81)


Replied On Feb 26th 2005:

So, wait, it's been days and we still don't have any more information about how the Simurgh died? I want to know! What killed the unkillable?


Replied On Feb 26th 2005:

It kind of makes sense to keep it a secret, I guess. If this Azem guy has a power that can kill Endbringers and the monsters that made up the Slaughterhouse Nine, it would make sense to keep everybody from finding out about it, right?


Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


But it would be nice to at least get confirmation on what this means. Like, can he kill the other Endbringers? Do we even know how the others will react?

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


I don't think ANYONE knows those things, PRT and Protectorate included. Except maybe Azem himself, but from what people have said, he's not the sharing type.

►Gizmo (Verified Cape) (Kyushu Survivor)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:

Azem is not the sharing type. I met him personally after the battle with the Simurgh and I can say this for sure. I did not even know he had been so instrumental in her death until the official announcement.

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


You were there for the battle where the Simurgh died??


Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


You saw the battle?! What happened?

►Gizmo (Verified Cape) (Kyushu Survivor)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:



Yes, the second Endbringer attack I have been present for, though I am not a combat-oriented cape. Perhaps I am cursed? But I did not see the battle itself; I and the others working at the Kennedy Space Center were hiding inside a heavily secured building for the duration.

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


Aw, I guess you don't know what Azem did to the Simurgh either, then. Sorry to hear about the, uh, two Endbringer attacks though.


Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


Oh. I guess that's fair. Still, you don't have any extra information about it?

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(Showing page 66 of 81)


Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


Sounds more like the Devil's luck to me. End up at ground zero of an Endbringer attack, but survive it, twice? Crazy.

►Gizmo (Verified Cape) (Kyushu Survivor)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:



No, I do not know anything further, unfortunately. Though Azem stayed for several days to assist with reconstruction, he spoke little and did not say anything about the fight. I did not ask, either.

However, if you are curious about Azem, for your consideration:

[Image: A miniature Simurgh with big eyes and an overly large head, absolutely covered in very fluffy looking wings. A person's shoulder and the edge of a stubbly jaw can just be seen in the background.]

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:




Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


A TINY SIMURGH????!!? Where did that come from?


Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


I think we've found the devil the luck comes from


Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


Oh god no


Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


Is that Azem?? And is that thing flying??

►Gizmo (Verified Cape) (Kyushu Survivor)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:





Yes, it is Azem in the background. Yes, it is flying. It is a Simurgh 'doll' created by Azem. God only knows why. I am not sure about it being lucky in any form, but the devil, perhaps.

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


God and Azem. He didn't explain?

►Gizmo (Verified Cape) (Kyushu Survivor)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


He did not. He didn't seem to see anything wrong with it.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 ... 79, 80, 81

(Showing page 67 of 81)


Replied On Feb 26th 2005:

The absolute balls of steel required to make a cutesy doll of the Simurgh.


Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


It is actually kinda cute though. Like... Aside from being the Hopekiller and all, I might want one.


Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


If anyone was going to, though, it might as well be the guy who killed her, right?

►Gizmo (Verified Cape) (Kyushu Survivor)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


Yet it unavoidably is one of the Endbringers. It is even worse in person. It flies, blinks, and has a music box inside it.

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


All right, that's definitely super cursed.


Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


I didn't say it was fine! Just kinda cute. But yeah, the music box is just too far. What song does it have in it?


Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


I would ask why Azem felt the need to go that hard, but I already know. He's just like that.

►Gizmo (Verified Cape) (Kyushu Survivor)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


The cuteness is how it gets you! I did not recognize the song it played. Thankfully it was nothing like the real Simurgh's song, but I still would not want to spend too much time near it.

►Enterprise (Unverified Cape)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


I don't know, it might catch on. Be the next big fad.

►SatireSolution (Cape Geek)

Replied On Feb 26th 2005:


End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 ... 79, 80, 81

Enterprise is the Elite Cape who Azem convinced to try to change NEPA 5 again. Which will likely boil down to the fucking Endbringer Killer/SH9 Killer backing the Elite/Rouges for Parahuman Job Opertunities, causing the SINGLE GREATEST CAULDRON/US Conniption of all time.
Which just makes the "WE NEED HIM ON THE PROTECTERATE" all the more funnier.
All that needs to happen to make this little charade fail is for Azem to speak up about it.

The Secretary of Defence: He's a part of the Protecterate!

Azem: No I'm not.
Edit: This was supposed to be posted last chapter.
Last edited:
Wait, are you telling me that that guy who helped me pick flowers for my mom later killed the SLAUGHTERHOUSE NINE?!
I mean he killed them first I'd say.

It kind of makes sense to keep it a secret, I guess. If this Azem guy has a power that can kill Endbringers and the monsters that made up the Slaughterhouse Nine, it would make sense to keep everybody from finding out about it, right?
Well now everyone is gonna want to meet him.
Sooo.... some random PRT or Protectorate person who sees Azem next gets to deliver the message that Azem has been granted a honorary membership in the Protectorate with no actual duties, but with a stipend and some privileges attached, as part of the rewards for services rendered?

Honestly, that seems a bit like how the WoL has picked up some other titles and privileges. "ISHGARD REMEMBERS!" come to mind...
Last edited:
Thing is, those other titles and privileges come from a place of proven friendship, common struggle, and genuine affection from people who spent days, weeks, months and even years along WoL and who he/she actually gets to know and understand. The US and the Protectorate don't have the same rapport the Aetheris states built with him, nor are they getting to do it (be it due to lack of opportunity, interest or whatever. The Eorzean heads of state work, travel, eat and fight with or alongside the WoL plenty of times; Nanamo, Merlwyb, the Seedseer, Aimeric, Hien, Vrtra, they are friends and confidants. But while he had some working relation with the Seattle PRT, the US government still has no more space in his mind than what Enterprise said about NEPEA, the Triumvirate doesn't seem to have made much of an impression on him, and Cauldron is Cauldroning. They have between nothing and very little to compel him to play along that he actually cares.

This honorary membership, for all he knows, comes from nowhere and wouldn't be surprised if he dismisses it with a "No that's not true *turns back into crafting a toy for an orphan*". They'll be lucky if he doesn't grok the duplicity, gets annoyed by it, and verbally burns them in public. Ask certain moogles what (could have) happened when they abused his trust...
Like the absolute denial if someone poses a what if he wants to help people with a NO WAY.

Paranoid people will yell its a ziz plot if there is ziz dolls after this.

I don't remember but wasn't people resurrected on site? I think it will slip since not everyone that attends the S class event is a professional. Even in forms of a rumor since lack of other details.

Seafood Dinner
Chapter Twenty: Seafood Dinner

Jasmine only turned her back for a second, she swore. She didn't know what happened. All it took was a moment, and her baby was gone!

Spinning around in circles, she searched the beach frantically, but there was no sign of Sandy anywhere, not on the sand, not in the water, not up on the concrete near the showers or the shops. Jasmine might have expected Sandy to run off in search of drinkable water or treats, but that didn't seem to be the case, and she was getting a bit worried.

'A bit' meaning she was on the verge of tears. Sandy could swim fairly well, all things considered, but what if something had happened? Jasmine would never forgive herself.

After several minutes of searching, Jasmine broke. "Please, anyone, help me! Have you seen my baby?" she cried out.

But it was too busy and loud; if anyone heard her, they ignored her.

"Please, help!"

"Somebody, please!"

Nobody responded.

"Help me!"

Jasmine burst into tears. She didn't know what to do. She should have never come to the beach, much less brought Sandy with her.

"Are you all right?" a voice asked from behind her.


"No! Please, you have to help me find my baby!" Jasmine said frantically, turning around.

She was a bit taken aback when she saw that the speaker was a tall, broad-shouldered man fully clothed in a dark outfit on the beach, wearing a black mask over the top of his face. But ultimately, Sandy took precedence, and she ignored the strangeness.

The man nodded. "I'll help you look," he said. "Where did you see her last? What does she look like?"

"She was right here, I don't know where she went!" Jasmine sobbed out.

The man handed her a handkerchief and she wiped her eyes, sniffling.

"She's a brown Lab, very fluffy, about this tall," Jasmine said finally, indicating Sandy's height by holding her hand just above her knee.

"A... lab," the man said slowly.

Jasmine realized she had never actually explained that Sandy was a dog, not a human child.

"Okay, I know referring to a dog as my baby is a bit silly," Jasmine said hastily, hoping to head off any mockery, "but she does mean a lot to me and I'm really worried about her."

"I understand," the man said, not quite soothingly, but in such a calm tone that Jasmine found herself calming down too. "It's all right. Let's look for her."

Jasmine pulled herself together. "Y-yeah. Yeah. You go that way and I'll go this way," she said. "Her name is Sandy."

The man nodded and turned away, striding down the beach, so Jasmine did the same, going in her own direction. She made her way down the beach, calling for Sandy, and eventually made her way up onto the concrete, weaving around the food stalls and other buildings.


There was no sign of Sandy, not even near the place selling Greek food, even though Sandy loved gyro meat. It was probably fifteen minutes before Jasmine finished searching her section with no success, and she was fully in tears again as she made her way back to the place she'd met the man. It had been so long, Sandy was probably dead, and it was all Jasmine's fault!

The man wasn't there when Jasmine returned, which she hoped meant that he was still looking for Sandy, in which case, Jasmine wouldn't give up either! Determined, she wiped her eyes and set off in the direction the man had gone.

It was another five minutes later, and Jasmine was nearing the edge of the beach, where it turned rocky and cliffy, when she saw an odd shape in the water. Peering at it, she realized that the odd shape was the result of a human swimming in the water while carrying a dog. It was Sandy! The man was carrying Sandy through the water!

"Sandy!" Jasmine shouted, elated.

Sandy's tail was wagging madly, which was good, since that meant she was okay. Although Sandy could swim – if not terrible well – she seemed content to be carried. Though Jasmine could attest that it was difficult trying to swim while carrying a dog Sandy's size, the man wasn't struggling at all. Jasmine couldn't contain her joy that the man had found Sandy, and promptly burst into tears again. This time tears of happiness.

The man finally hit ground high enough that he could stand, and began to rise up out of the water until he was sloshing his way back up onto the beach. Both he and Sandy were soaking wet, obviously. Once he was out of the water, he set Sandy down onto the dry sand, and Sandy whirled around in excited circles, then dashed over to Jasmine, who kneeled to meet her. Sandy slammed into her, licking her face and getting her covered in sand and water, but Jasmine couldn't even bring herself to care, petting anywhere on Sandy she could get her hands on.

"Sandy! I'm so glad you're okay, oh god," she rambled.

When Jasmine finally looked up from Sandy, the man was still standing there. "Thank you so much, oh my god, where did you find her?" she said.

"She managed to find a cove off the coast that she couldn't get out of," the man responded. "There was solid ground in there, so she was okay, just a little freaked out."

A cove? How did Sandy manage to get into one of those? How had the man found her there? Jasmine decided to dismiss the thought, and buried her hands in Sandy's ruff, shaking her gently.

"You troublemaker! See if I ever take you to the beach again!" Jasmine scolded.

Sandy whuffed unapologetically in her face. Jasmine harrumphed and stood back up, looking at the man, who she still didn't have a name for. Now that she had some brainpower back and it wasn't all taken up by worrying about Sandy, the man looked familiar. Jasmine squinted and tried to place him – then, after a moment, it struck. She'd seen him on the news.

"Wait, aren't you that guy who killed the Simurgh?" she blurted without thinking.

The black mask, the hair, and the stubble were all the same as the picture she'd seen on the news. Jacksonville wasn't that far from the Kennedy Space Center, where the Simurgh had attacked and been killed, so it wasn't unreasonable. She just hadn't even remotely expected to see that person here. Saving her dog.

Why. Why would the person who'd killed the Simurgh save Jasmine's dog?

Jasmine stared. Had she seen wrong? Maybe he wasn't the same person? It was probably just a lookalike. That made more sense.

The man nodded.

...Wait, what?

"You are?" she said, surprised.

Another nod. Jasmine didn't know how to respond to that. She stared silently, flabbergasted. The man stared back, unreadable. Sandy jumped up and tried to lick Jasmine's face, excited.

...The hero was actually rather handsome, too, Jasmine noted as she gazed at his face. A strong jaw, nice enough to make the stubble attractive rather than hobo-like. Big, strong shoulders. Soft hair, stylishly mussed. His eyes were hidden, but she could imagine what they might look like. Intense.

Well, it couldn't hurt to try.

Jasmine pulled herself together and put on her best smile. "Well, I'm not sure why you're here...saving random dogs... But anyway, thank you so much for bringing Sandy back to me," she said, taking a step closer.

The man nodded again and said nothing. Jasmine refused to be daunted, however, and took another step closer. Then, when all he did was stare at her, another.

"I'd love to do something to thank you for it," Jasmine said, taking another step closer and bringing herself into arm's reach. "Maybe I could treat you to dinner?"

She rested a hand on his arm. He looked at her hand. Sandy barreled into Jasmine's back, sending her toppling forward with a yelp. It wasn't intentional, but Jasmine ended up face planting into the man's surprisingly generous pecs while his hands came up and caught her by the upper arms. She glanced up at him with a sheepish grin, but didn't make any actual effort to move.

"Sorry about that," she said breathlessly. "Sandy loves to cause trouble."

Sandy barked cheerfully, as though in agreement.

The man's expression didn't change. He gently pushed her back upright, letting go of her arms once she had her footing. Not a fantastic sign.

"Thank you for the offer," he said.

Jasmine sighed. "Thanks, but no thanks?" she guessed.

The man nodded. "Sorry," he said blandly.

"No, it's okay," Jasmine said. She snorted. "I think I'll recover from the heartbreak. But anyway, apparently unwanted flirtation attempts, aside, I am grateful for you saving Sandy. Thank you."

Sandy jumped up, trying to lick the man's face, which he bore with blank-faced grace. He nodded again, and Jasmine grabbed hold of Sandy's collar to hold her in place as the man turned and walked away. Back into the ocean.


Jasmine blinked, but it didn't change the fact that the man had just walked straight into the water until he disappeared under the waves. His head wasn't even visible above the water, he'd just kept going until he was submerged. What in the world? Jasmine kept watching for a moment, scanning the water, but the man never reappeared. Eventually, Jasmine was forced to give up and conclude that he knew what he was doing, whatever that was.

It did kind of explain how he'd found Sandy, at least.

Nate's mother had been asking him to help clear out her garage for weeks. Of course he intended to help... at some point. He just never seemed to have time. Look, she lived 45 minutes away and the trash in that garage had been accumulating since 1974, and Nate had a job.

But when his mother suddenly called him to say never mind, he didn't need to come over after all, that was strange. Suspicious, even.

Okay, very suspicious. Suspicious enough that he did, in fact, drive over to her house. Look, every day for almost two months, she asked him to come over, and then she suddenly completely changed her mind? Was something wrong? Was she dying? So after work, he drove over.

Everything seemed fine when he pulled up and parked. The house was intact, not on fire or anything. It looked like Mom had been working in the garden and stopped abruptly; she hadn't put her tools away.

Frowning, Nate made his way up the path to the front door, knocked shortly, then went to unlock it with the key she'd given him, only to find that it was already unlocked. That wasn't safe, Nate thought, frown deepening. He opened the door and stepped in, pausing to take off his shoes.

"Mom, it's me!" he called out.

"In the garage!" came a returning call from Mom.

Huh, okay. Odd.

Nate walked through the house to the garage, the door to which was standing open. He poked his head out to glance around the garage, and almost fell down the single step down into the garage, letting out an unintentional shout of surprise. Mom turned towards him with a pinched, unimpressed look.

"What are you shouting about?" she scolded.

The man next to her finished descending the ladder, a massive box evidently retrieved from the top of the cabinets in his arms. He showed no sign of strain descending the ladder without the use of his arms, nor in continuing to hold the box as he looked between Nate and his mother. All of which was only reasonable, considering that the man was a cape. A literal parahuman, one who had killed an Endbringer. Who had been on the news for days afterwards as a result.

...Who was supposed to be in Florida somewhere? Why was he all the way here, in Atlanta, Georgia? Who wanted to come to Atlanta?

While Nate was staring, shocked silent, Mom turned back to the man – Azem – and gestured him brusquely towards the little round table in the corner that had been covered with junk for as long as Nate could remember. There was a clear spot now, presumably for just this purpose.

"All right, put it over there!" she ordered.

Nate cringed – it wasn't uncommon for his mother to be so rude and bossy, but to the killer of the Simurgh!? But Azem didn't seem to mind. He turned and took two long strides over to the table, where he set the box down. Mom immediately hustled him aside to peel the box open and start rummaging through it.

"What are you doing here, Nathan?" she said as she did so, because if there was one thing she had a fantastic ability to multitask, it was haranguing people. "I told you not to come! What, is it opposite day? I ask you to come and you say no! You're too busy! I tell you I've found another helper and you come over first thing? What is this?"

"Mom!" Nate interrupted.

She half-turned to give him a sharp look. "Don't you interrupt me, young man!"

"Aren't I the one who should be asking what this is?" Nate said, flailing vaguely in the direction of Mom and Azem.

"How so? Isn't it obvious? You wouldn't come over and help, so I found other help!" Mom said crossly.

"Mom, don't you know who that is?" Nate said helplessly.

Mom sniffed. "Who should it be? This nice young man and I chatted a bit outside and he agreed to help me, since my ungrateful son won't do it!" she said. Turning to Azem, she snapped, "Don't laze about! Go get that wheat grinder down!"

Nate's soul briefly left his body. His mom was yelling at possibly one of the strongest parahumans alive. His mom was calling the killer of the Simurgh lazy.

Thankfully, however, Azem did not immediately smite her for the crime of insulting his person, and simply nodded agreeably and went back up the ladder. To be fair, if he'd been going to enact divine (?) retribution, it probably would have happened before Nate arrived. It looked like they'd been at it for a while. Still, that didn't keep his mother's behavior from giving Nate a heart attack, especially when he had no idea why Azem was here or agreeing to this.

"Why did you kidnap a stranger off the street to help you, though?" Nate asked plaintively.

Mom gave him a cross look. "I didn't kidnap anybody! He offered to help, and besides, what is a strong young man good for if not to help frail old women?"

Uh, saving the world from previously-thought-unkillable monsters?

Nate didn't say that. He wasn't sure Mom would care. She would bulldoze over anyone and everyone with no thought to the consequences. She would probably boss around the Triumvirate, given the opportunity. It was a good thing she wasn't a parahuman, or she'd be a terrifying one. Possibly a villain.

"All right, all right, but come on, Mom, it looks like you've been working the poor man hard, don't you think he deserves a break? Maybe some lemonade?" Nate said, hoping to get her to go away.

Mom looked conflicted, torn between the desire to get as much help as she could wring out of her new helper and the desire to be a good host. "I suppose you're right," she eventually said, clearly reluctant. "You can take a break once you've gotten that wheat grinder down. I'll be right back."

She shuffled off into the house. Azem descended the ladder once more, then set the wheat grinder on the concrete floor next to the table – which didn't have enough space for it – with a clank. Nate looked at Azem. Straightening back up, Azem looked at Nate. Belatedly, Nate realized the consequences of sending his mother away.

Namely... she'd left him alone with Azem.

Oh no. He didn't think this through. What was he supposed to do now? How did one make conversation with the man who'd killed an Endbringer? Well, Nate would like to ask what Azem was doing here – in Atlanta, in his mother's house, inexplicably allowing her to boss him around. What was he up to? Was he really okay with this?

That was probably rude to ask, but knowing that didn't help Nate make conversation!

The silence stretched on awkwardly. Azem just kept staring at him. He was judging him. He probably had a bad opinion of Nate, if Mom had been badmouthing him.

"So, uh, I heard you fought the Simurgh," Nate blurted, then winced. Why did he say that?

Azem's faintly judgemental stare didn't change. He nodded silently. That was fair. Nate wouldn't have known what to say to that either. He racked his brain nervously for something else to say. What other conversation topics were there?

Well, Azem had ended up in Atlanta after being in Florida – though he'd probably gone there specifically to fight the Simurgh. Nate had heard something about him starting out in Seattle. Seattle was a long way from Atlanta; honestly worse than anywhere in Florida. Regardless, it seemed Azem wasn't interested in simply staying put like most people.

"Anyway, um, you like to travel?" Nate tried uncertainly.

Azem nodded silently yet again. No change in expression. He really wasn't making this easy for Nate.

The awkward silence fell yet again. Nate shuffled uncomfortably in place and thought wistfully of going after his mother. Azem stood perfectly still and did not seem uncomfortable either physically or emotionally.


Nate sighed. "Can I get an autograph?" he asked. If he was going to endure this awkwardness, he might as well at least get something out of it.

Azem considered this. "What's an autograph?" he said finally.

Nate choked. What? Who didn't know what an autograph was?

"It's a... signature?" Nate said. "That you... use to prove you've met a famous person...?"

That wasn't accurate, and Nate knew it, but he didn't know how to explain it without forewarning. Let him look it up and then he'll have a good answer.

Azem nodded thoughtfully.

"All right, here we are!" Mom announced from the doorway, holding a full pitcher of lemonade in one hand and a stack of plastic cups in the other.

Nate rushed over to grab the pitcher from where it was shaking in her hand, then offered a hand to help her down the step. Mom ignored his hand and stepped past him.

"Over here, over here," she said. "Young man, move that box!"

Azem moved to obey quickly, evidently unruffled by the sharp tone. Nate rolled his eyes and followed her over to set the pitcher down on the now-clear section of table.

"You can put the box on the floor," Mom said dismissively, and Azem did so while Mom spread out the three cups on the table, then started filling them. She handed one to Azem and took one for herself, leaving the third on the table.

Suppressing another eye roll, Nate picked the cup up himself. He supposed he was lucky she'd brought a cup for him at all, considering how upset she seemed to be with him.

Truly, it was better to be a guest than a son.

"...ever since the death of the Simurgh, the first of the so-called Endbringers to fall, almost three weeks ago, officials have struggled to answer the seemingly simple question of what this means–"


The TV went dark. Christine continued to scowl at it regardless. Keeping a handle on the outside world was important for one in her position – it was easy to get absorbed into life in the compound, which was exactly as she'd designed it – but Goddess, was it grating on her nerves lately.

And that was the problem, wasn't it? Their goddess had fallen. She'd been murdered.

Christine was determined to avenge their goddess, but she hesitated to get into a direct conflict with somebody powerful enough to manage such a thing. If even the Hopekiller had been killed, what chance did Her Fallen acolytes stand? Confronting him directly was dangerous.

Yet Christine could not allow this offense to go unpunished. Not only the murder of their goddess, but further affronts. Through Elijah, one of the only members of her family who had both permission to use the Internet and the desire to do so, she had discovered that not only had that cape killed the Simurgh, but he had dared to make a mocking effigy of her, which he paraded around as a trophy representing his victory.

Unacceptable. He would pay. Christine would make sure of it. Fortunately, she had one thing on her side that their goddess had not had.

The element of surprise.

Since there have been a couple of mentions of it since the conversation between Legend, Rebecca, and the Secretary of Defense in chapter eighteen: Legend called Azem to confirm the whole thing with making Azem an honorary Protectorate member, it just happens off-screen. Azem is now aware of his new position and going along with it, because he doesn't care to do otherwise.
Venats travelers ward vs Bullshit Master, who will win? I mean, we can all confidently guess, but it's still fun to pretend.
Should count herself lucky that Venat's ward is strictly protective. Honestly, I don't know what would get Mathers first, Azem bothering to locate her, or her paranoia at her power being ignored building up to a heart attack.

After several minutes of searching, Jasmine broke. "Please, anyone, help me! Have you seen my baby?" she cried out.
Several minutes? At an open beach and not seeing anything around? Damn, that's some nerves of steel. Dog or child, I'd swear most people, understandably, wouldn't have lasted more than half a minute before starting to scream.
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All known deities are dead, or the 12th who are max non-interference. Technically the gods were just created by people as part of rituals, so there is a very high chance ff14 does not have any real gods.
Depends how you define gods.

The Four Lords actually seem like "strong nature spirit" type eastern "small gods". Actually reasonable... most of the time. When they flip, they flip HARD.

They do have entities that are hillariously powerful, Eikons, that are fueled by prayer and sacrifice. Many of them really like sacrifice and area of effect mind control. Yes, that is as bad as it sounds. But they are also, at most, small-g gods.

There are other entities - the twelve, for example, with authority over certain aspects of nature or concepts. Concepts like "Crafting" or "Love". That are definitely physically and mentally affected by how they are worshipped over the ages. Again, small-g gods, that seem both sentient, sapient, reasonable and able to plan. "Reasonable" is the most surprising part.*

*: Take a good look at mythology around the real world - the Greek and Aztec gods stand out, but are far from the only ones - or for that matter read the old testament from start to end. Then tell me with a straight face that "Gods are always a good thing for mortals."
What Kind of Autograph is That?!
Chapter Twenty-one: What Kind of Autograph is That?!

Anita ducked and ran as soon as the crashing started. Cape battles – or even regular non-parahuman gang battles – weren't common in Chattanooga, but listen, if there was even a chance of it, Anita was not going to be getting caught in it. You see, if she was caught in a dangerous situation, she would have to defend herself, and then she would be outed as a parahuman herself, which was just not in her life's goals.

Like, there wasn't much gang activity in the area, but she'd heard the statistics on independent and rogue parahumans, so she'd have to join the Protectorate.

No thank you!

Anyway, that was if her mother didn't kill her first.

So yeah, Anita was in hiding for most of the fight and didn't see much. The continued crashing and banging confirmed her suspicion of it being a fight, so she did not emerge from hiding (in the bathroom of the first store she'd run into). When the sounds finally died down, she crept out cautiously, prepared to bolt at the first sign of danger. But in front of the big windows looking out into the rest of the mall, there was a crowd of people staring out.

Relaxing at the sign that it was safe, Anita made her way over, trying to get a peek out at whatever they were watching. There were even more people outside the store, making it hard to see.

Eventually, Anita gave up and walked out to get a look for herself. With a better angle, she was able to see that there were a number of people on the ground, and she froze, thinking that people had died – but they didn't look especially injured, even the ones that were laying flat, hopefully just unconscious. There were a number of people who were sitting up, looking sulky.

The crowd was not, in fact, focused on those people, however, whoever they were – actually, Anita thought she recognized one as one of the local small-time villains – but rather seemed more interested in the lone man still standing.

"That was so cool!"

"Can I have your autograph?"

"How'd you do that?"

People clamored and talked over each other, fighting for attention. The man in the center of them didn't look overwhelmed, exactly, but perhaps somewhat bemused. He was probably a parahuman, though the half-mask on his face was mostly the only thing that indicated it. Well, and the giant gun at his waist which looked kind of like a sawed off shotgun, though it wasn't common for parahumans to use guns. That was still more likely than him being a regular civilian.

Anita didn't recognize him until somebody said his name, trying to get his attention.


The man himself didn't react, like he wasn't used to going by that yet, but Anita's entire perspective shifted.

That was Azem?

...Actually, he wasn't as impressive-looking as she'd expected. He just looked like a normal guy, albeit one with a gnarly looking gun. Not somebody who'd killed an Endbringer. She was kinda disappointed, honestly. He wasn't acting like somebody who'd killed an Endbringer, either, just letting himself be shouted at and jostled as what seemed like every nobody in the mall tried to get something from him.

It looked like Azem was handing out autographs willingly enough, though there was a pinched look on his face that Anita couldn't read and everyone else seemed to be ignoring. Something like puzzlement, maybe.

That would make sense, Anita decided as she caught a glimpse of one of the papers he'd 'signed,' which had gibberish on it in a vaguely Azem-like pattern. Maybe Azem just didn't know how autographs worked? Or possibly how to sign his name? Was he an alien, or did he just grow up under a rock?

None of the people walking away with Azem's sham 'autographs' seemed bothered. Anita supposed that as long as he didn't change his autograph style, even the gibberish counted as a legitimate autograph.

Just as Anita was preparing to slink away, uninterested in joining the throng of people just for the chance to get a scribble claiming to be Azem's name or a picture – especially considering how distasteful it was to do such a thing at the site of a battle anyway – the cops showed up. They had to muscle their way through the uncooperative crowd, who were treating the situation like they'd gone to a PR event rather than happening to catch a hero who just finished a fight. Anita couldn't help but roll her eyes. The cops spoke briefly with Azem, and then he nodded to them and turned to leave.

There was a unanimous cry of despair from the crowd as he stepped away from the place he'd been patiently indulging them for so long. Several people even dared try to grab hold of him, as though to physically keep him from moving; Anita applauded their bravery. Obviously, they never stood a chance, and Azem didn't even seem to notice the attempts.

There was a flash of light bright enough that even Anita, halfway across the grand plaza, winced. The people nearest to Azem yelped and shouted and covered their eyes. When the light cleared, Azem was dressed in completely different clothes, which for some reason consisted of purple pants, a black-and-purple jacket, and a trailing black scarf. Anita blinked. There was probably a reasonable explanation – probably – but her first thought, entirely despite herself, was:

A magical girl transformation?

Azem pulled two long daggers from his waist, which no longer held the gun. Everybody who'd been trailing after him backed away, but Azem didn't threaten them. He just lifted his daggers up in front of his face, elbows out, and then vanished.


He was just gone. Anita looked around, wondering if he'd performed a short-range teleportation or something, but he was nowhere to be seen. The entire crowd, based on the confused, affronted murmurs and shouts, agreed. Maybe a long-range teleportation? That was the only thing that made sense, right?

But how come no one had ever mentioned Azem being able to do that before!?

More and more often, the man going by 'Azem' in this world – regardless of whether he truly deserved the moniker – found himself being approached by strangers. Crowds of strangers, who didn't seem content to leave him alone until they'd all individually gotten the chance to talk to him, take one of their 'pictures' with him, or get his 'autograph.' Sometimes all of the above.

Azem didn't mind, exactly. He liked people well enough, and they were usually friendly. But it was starting to get in the way. He couldn't seem to get more than one thing done before getting sidetracked for up to a bell – or 'hour' as people here called them – longer than necessary. It was getting to the point where he had to use the skills honed as a Rogue and then as a Ninja and literally 'hide' just to get away from these people.

Otherwise, even if he just tried to walk away, they would follow him, which was just going to cause trouble, if they didn't get seriously injured the next time he incidentally encountered a serious threat like the Slaughterhouse Nine.

He was used to being famous. He was used to most people he encountered recognizing him as the Warrior of Light or Darkness or the Eikon-slayer or the Champion of Eorzea or what have you.

He just wasn't used to them acting like this about it.

If there was one saving grace, it was that people generally didn't seem inclined to notice him unless he was doing something particularly noteworthy – normally fighting. That was the most noteworthy thing about him, most would agree.

So it was that Azem was walking down the sidewalk mostly unhindered, amongst a crowd of people who hadn't yet realized he was their 'Endbringer-slayer.' Some titles he couldn't seem to get away from.

Out of nowhere, he was thrust into a vision, and he stumbled to a halt. So swiftly he would have had trouble keeping up had he not been practiced in doing so, he was shown a sequence of events: a girl, a fight, a – person? Pain. Ow. Azem snapped back to himself with a choked, nearly-silent gasp. The future-visions were occasionally unpleasantly detailed.

Azem had never mentioned this type of vision to anyone. He didn't know of anyone else for sure who had them (except for his alternate selves, who obviously didn't count). Those with the Echo receiving visions of others' pasts was well-documented, or so he'd been told, but Mikoto was the only person he'd met who mentioned getting Echo visions of the future, and unlike her, Azem was capable of changing the future he saw. Sometimes he thought that was the point.

He thought Ardbert and his fellow Warriors of Light from the First might have had the same future-visions as Azem – they'd certainly shown the signs of having knowledge of the future, namely the last-second saves – but he'd never asked when he had the chance.

If he thought about it hard enough, he felt like he knew they had, like Ardbert must have known, but he generally preferred not to think too hard on the things he might know that Ardbert had known.

Sometimes, Azem wondered what the others would think of all of his miraculous victories if they knew he didn't come out victorious on the 'first try' – if they knew the, occasionally many, times he'd gotten memories of his failures, adjusted, and tried again. It didn't matter, really, as long as he continued winning in the end.

It was the same with this fight. He'd gotten the memories of one failure; it seemed either he succeeded this time, or no more memories of the future would be forthcoming.

Swiftly, Azem ducked into a side alley. The girl they'd sent out looking for him would be nearby, and once she saw him, he would have no choice but to head into the encounter. He wanted to process what he'd seen first.

It was a group of people claiming the Simurgh as their god. "The Hopekiller," they'd called her. An interesting title. Azem couldn't wait until his alternate selves learned of that name. The Endsinger comparisons would be undeniable. Though it wasn't a particularly fitting title. As one of the others had pointed out, the Simurgh fell quite short of the Endsinger's fearsomeness, and even the Endsinger hadn't been able to kill hope itself. In fact, the Endsinger being the embodiment of despair, hope had been her greatest weakness, in the end.

The Simurgh was no embodiment of despair, showcasing pretty typical abilities for a primal, but Azem supposed the people of this world had different standards.

Things made more sense now that Azem knew there was a group of worshippers of the Simurgh. He had wondered what the Endbringers were, if not primals, but it seemed they were, at the very least, something similar to primals. Though, the people of this world didn't seem to know how summoning worked; fair enough, seeing as this world did seem to have an incredible lack of crystals to use for the purpose.

The singular crystal he'd come across so far, the one that he'd gotten from the Simurgh and subsequently spent crafting the Simurgh minion, wouldn't provide much as far as primal-summoning energy, either, though of course, most of her energy should have returned to the planet when she was destroyed. If this world followed the same rules as Etheirys, that was. It didn't seem to, but aetheric theory wasn't Azem's strong point. Perhaps he would mention it to the other Scions when he returned; how could a primal exist on a world without aether to form it?

It wasn't relevant at the moment. The Simurgh's worshippers, the Fallen, were after revenge. Unsurprising, though most of the beast tribes tended to back off after he killed their god. These ones seemed extra angry, possibly because resummoning their god wasn't a matter of simply collecting enough crystals.

As far as he could tell, there was no institutional discrimination against them that they were struggling against, so they were probably just criminals. That made it his responsibility to see that they were stopped.

Most of them wouldn't pose a problem. They had some strange magicks, and some things that were somewhat difficult to deal with, but nothing totally outside of his expectations. The only real problem was the person Azem hadn't been given a good look at in his vision, just the barest implication of their existence; the one who seemed to gain a greater ability to affect others based on the other's awareness of them. Or so Azem was assuming. It was a strange power, but many of the abilities and forms of magic in this world were strange.

Whatever the exact details of their ability, the fact remained that it would make them incredibly difficult to deal with short of killing them, and he'd been told not to kill people unless they were like the Slaughterhouse Nine, a category Azem wasn't sure how to determine.

But he wasn't sure he had any other choice. Even if putting them to sleep would work, Azem would need to see them to cast it, which would present a problem. Most of his spells and techniques required the same.

It was possible one of his egis could attack the person without Azem ever having to see them, thus subverting the issue. But it would be especially difficult to subdue the person that way, and then what if they woke up? Like the Siberian, would they have to be kept unconscious? That wasn't feasible. But unlike the Siberian, this person could be killed.

Well, it wouldn't be the first time Azem had killed someone without the approval of the country he was in. Either he would receive special consideration for previous actions, or he would have to find a different country to explore in this world.

Mind made up, Azem switched to his Summoner gear set, and stepped out to meet his future.

Elijah – no, Valefor – was waiting. The Fallen were waiting. They'd sent out one of their unpowered members, a sweet-looking teenage girl, to lure in their quarry, and she'd already sent in the notice that she'd found him.

They would arrive soon.

He would arrive soon. The murderer of the Simurgh.

Valefor wasn't nervous. He wasn't, because they were prepared for this, even if Mama had said she hadn't expected Azem to show up in their city. They still had the element of surprise, and they had Valefor, and Mama too, if necessary. It wouldn't be necessary. Valefor was strong.

...And so were the rest of their soldiers, he acknowledged reluctantly. Coronzon and Seir were powerful, and Bamet (along with Amaymon) was with Mama rather than on the front lines, but he'd sent several of his more combat-ready creatures with them. They had Savannah, as well, one of their more successful former-Ward recruits, though she likely wouldn't be as useful. They outnumbered their enemy, and they had the element of surprise. Even if Azem had known where they were and had come in search of them, he had no way of knowing that this was their trap.

They weren't at the compound, that was too risky, but they were near it, in the city outskirts where there was nothing but old, abandoned buildings. Valefor couldn't see the others, they were in hiding and so was he, but he could hear Bamet's creatures making noises, whines and growls.

There were probably words mixed in, but those were too quiet for him to make out. Occasionally, Seir would snap at them to quiet down, and that was probably the loudest of all. If Valefor could see them, he would tell them all to be quiet.

All he could do was hope they didn't give them away.

Finally, between his own breaths, loud in the silence, Valefor heard footsteps. Startling to attention, he peered around the corner of the building he was lurking in the shadow of, just in time to see their bait round her own corner. She didn't make it far, however, before stopping and turning. Before she'd even turned completely, however, she collapsed, deathly still.

What? Was she dead? Had Azem killed her?

Mama hadn't said anything about this being part of the plan. The thought of her, in the rush of Valefor's panic at the realization that Azem was going off-script – did he know – caught Mama's attention, and her presence at the back of Valefor's mind strengthened. He knew she was watching from his eyes as he rushed out of the alley he'd been tucked in, hoping to catch even a glimpse of Azem himself.

A massive winged beast sailed around the corner from Azem's direction, rocketing down the street in Valefor's direction. He ducked automatically, but the beast passed him by, well above his head. Even so, just the wind from its passage sent his long hair whipping around his face.

Bamet's creatures burst out of a nearby building, letting out the shrieking howls in almost-human voices that were typical of them. Seir was just behind them, and with a roaring noise like a waterfall or a stampede, he released a dozen of his shadowy tendrils, and they streaked across the road. Glowing blasts of energy from where Azem must have been, where Valefor couldn't see, knocked half of them out of the air, but the remaining ones impacted walls and took their eerie imitation forms.

Together with Bamet's creatures, the Seir clones converged on Azem's location.

Gritting his teeth, Valefor kept running. If he could just see Azem – what was Seir planning on doing, anyway? Even his clones were baseline human. They did make for a reasonable distraction, at least, Valefor supposed.

When Valefor rounded the corner, dashing past the body of their bait, he couldn't even see Azem, who was totally hidden behind the grotesque forms of Bamet's creatures and Seir's clones. Azem must have been retreating, on the back foot under the assault, because he was twenty feet down the road, not right at the corner like he'd presumably started out.

Azem shot one of his energy blasts at one of Bamet's creatures, and it fell with a yowling cry of pain that almost sounded like a human ow! Then Valefor caught the barest glimpse of a trailing coat as Azem ducked behind a building, followed by the rest of Bamet's creatures and a few of Seir's clones – which had already been reduced in number from six to four. Seir was just ahead of Valefor, and he wound up for another blast, aiming for the roof of the building Azem was next to, presumably allowing his next batch of clones to drop directly on Azem's head.

Valefor had no choice but to keep chasing after them.

Three steps around the corner, however, there was an explosion in the distance, and Mama's presence, curled around Valefor's mind, vanished. It vanished completely.

he thought immediately, startled and worried.

He couldn't remember a time when he hadn't had her there at the back of his mind, just passively present if not actively so. It used to bother him, but it was something he'd gotten used to. Why would she suddenly leave? It didn't make sense... unless Azem had known where she was. Unless the massive flying beast Valefor had seen, which wasn't one of Bamet's, had been sent after Mama by Azem.

Valefor turned and ran in the direction the winged beast had gone.

Mama!? Mama! he called. He didn't need to do it out loud for her to hear him.

But she didn't respond.

As soon as Valefor was getting close, it was obvious which building the explosion had gone off in. It was half-collapsed, the front crumbled in on itself like a truck had driven through it. Or a truck-sized monster. Valefor picked his way through the rubble as quickly as he could without knocking more of the building down on himself.

And inside...

was Mama.

She was barely recognizable, lying there on the floor, badly burned. Practically half-charred, like that time they'd left a pig cooking in a fire pit for too long. If there had been an explosion in the room, Mama must have been at the center of it.

"Mama!" Valefor cried, rushing over to her.

He dropped to his knees beside her, heedless of the dust and ash that would probably stain the white fabric of his pants. Hands fluttering uselessly, Valefor stared down at Mama. She was clearly dead. He wasn't sure how to react. How to feel.

Mama couldn't die. She was Mama. She was their leader. She was too strong to die. Too important.

Like the Simurgh?

It seemed Azem had a habit of killing the unkillable.

Valefor gritted his teeth, squeezing his eyes shut. "That bastard!" he hissed, and stood.

Less focused on Mama, this time he noted that Bamet and Amaymon were also collapsed on the floor nearby, on either side of Mama. They'd clearly been caught in the blast as well, though they appeared to be alive for the moment.

Valefor walked away. Azem was their priority. Later, they could get medical attention for Bamet and Amaymon.

Leaving the building, it wasn't hard to track down the fight – Coronzon must have finished powering up and joined in, and fights with him were always loud. Bamet's creatures weren't quiet either. Valefor jogged in the direction of the sounds of destruction and the roars.

By the time Valefor arrived at the site of the battle, Coronzon was the last one fighting, a massive monster snapping and slashing at Azem's much smaller form – who Valefor still couldn't quite see behind Coronzon's bulk.

Seir and Bamet's creatures were nowhere to be seen, and Savannah, who had been with Coronzon, was nearby, kneeling on the sidewalk a safe distance from the battle, panting and clasping her side. At that very moment, Valefor honestly didn't care if she was injured. He used his power on her.

"Get up!" he ordered, and she stood. "Do everything you can to kill Azem. Try not to hit Coronzon."

Savannah moved to obey, lifting off to search for a good angle from which to fire at Azem. She was a mid-tier Blaster, but her firepower wasn't bad. She should serve as decent backup for Coronzon.

Meanwhile, Valefor began circling, trying to get even a single look at Azem – this was becoming deeply frustrating. This was why he preferred to work alone. Then he didn't have to worry about his own allies getting in his way. Or potentially being caught in the crossfire and injured by his own allies; Coronzon wouldn't deliberately hurt Valefor – he wouldn't dare – but he was a messy, chaotic fighter. Valefor kept a cautious distance away not because he was worried about being attacked by Azem, but because he was worried that Coronzon would accidentally hit him.

Yet without getting closer, it seemed that no matter what he did, Azem stayed on the other side of Coronzon from him. Valefor circled, and so did Azem, keeping Coronzon in the middle, an unknowing accomplice.

Savannah, with her bird's eye view, was able to fire off a few shots at Azem, but that only lasted a few minutes before she was plummeting out of the sky with no explanation, just like their bait had before. She landed hard, with the kind of crunching noise that meant something had broken, and screamed. Not dead, then. Interesting. Still, the pain must have snapped her out of Valefor's hypnosis, because she lifted into the air long enough to launch herself out of the danger zone to somewhere she wouldn't be stepped on, then passed out.

Valefor clicked his tongue. Useless. He couldn't hypnotize an unconscious person.

Which left just Valefor and Coronzon. He still didn't know what had happened to Seir, but if he was alive, it was probably best that he was outside of Coronzon's battle radius. For such a disciplined man, Coronzon's fighting style certainly was disorderly.

It didn't seem to be very effective, though. Coronzon was holding his own well in what was effectively a solo fight because Valefor couldn't seem to do anything, but he wasn't winning.

Impatient and irritated, Valefor was just considering doing something ill-advised, like using his power on Coronzon and making him get out of his way, when it seemed that Azem also got tired of the fight. The massive winged beast from before appeared in a burst of light, big and ostentatious enough that Valefor could see it even on the other side of Coronzon. Then, with little fanfare, a pillar of light as big as Coronzon's Changer form came out of nowhere in an eruption of searing light.

When it died down, large swathes of Coronzon were simply gone.

If that had been what hit Mama, some distant part of Valefor noted, it was surprising anything was left of her.

It destroyed enough of Coronzon's Changer form to force him to change back, which wasn't good, but Valefor watched eagerly, expecting to catch a glimpse of Azem now that Coronzon wasn't blocking his entire field of view.

...Except yet again, Azem was nowhere to be seen.

There was an alley behind where Azem must have been standing, and it looked like there was a corner where you could turn and get behind the buildings. Valefor knew how much Azem liked corners.

He dashed forward, passing by where Coronzon was trying to get to his feet, and kept running until he hit the split in the alley. Behind him, he heard Coronzon start charging up his power. Azem wasn't visible down either path, and Valefor hesitated. Where did Azem go? Why would he run?

A wave of exhaustion hit Valefor, and he staggered in place.

Within a heartbeat, Valefor's eyes drooped, and he remembered what had happened to both their bait and Savannah – he'd thought Azem had killed the first one, but some kind of sleep inducement made sense.

But like hell Valefor was going to fall to a cheap trick like that. He was a Master, and a stronger one than that.

A rush of angry, hateful adrenaline woke him up enough to straighten up, and he whipped around on instinct. Azem was standing behind him, in plain view for the first time. Triumphantly, he used his power on Azem, but too late; a second wave of exhaustion hit, and this time Valefor couldn't keep his eyes open.

Everything went dark.

In the same moment that Azem finished casting Sleep for the second time on the kid with the irritating sight-based magick (and apparently a rather impressive level of resistance to Sleep), the kid turned around and used said irritating sight-based magick on him, then collapsed under the weight of two Sleep spells. Azem was left standing still, mind drifting vaguely.

Sharp pain on his ankle jolted him out of it, and he jerked away on instinct, then looked down to find Carbuncle looking up at him innocently, face so cute he could almost believe she hadn't just bitten him. Carbuncle teeth were surprisingly sharp. Azem nodded at her approvingly, though she was little more than an extension of his will and not truly an animal. He turned back towards where his other foe had been – the tall man with white-striped black hair who could turn into a giant beast that looked like some combination of a behemoth and the Myath Azem had encountered passing through Sohm Al the first time.

He'd relinquished his other form after being severely injured, but apparently was not yet out of the fight. Where he'd been, there was now a swirling mass of darkness floating in the air. It looked like an Ascian portal, but the way it hung there without fading out of existence within a few moments reminded Azem of Nabriales' portal when he'd kidnapped Minfilia – which had lasted long enough for Azem to jump through after them, unlike most Ascian portals.

Azem wasn't sure if this was something similar. Was he supposed to go through? It was possible the man would get away if Azem didn't follow.

On the other hand, there were no Ascians left, much less any in this world, and it wasn't quite the same as a portal.

Well. Jumping in was a bit of a last resort. First, Azem summoned Garuda-Egi, ordering it to execute Aerial Blast. The egi whipped the wind around the portal into a deadly tornado of slicing blades, and the portal let out a shout of pain and dissipated to reveal the man from before, who collapsed onto the ground, covered in bloody cuts.


The man struggled to get back to his feet, and Azem cast Sleep on him before it could become apparent whether or not he was still in fighting shape. The man slumped back to the ground. He was bleeding quite a bit, so Azem switched to White Mage quickly and cast a Cure, which would probably be enough to keep the man from bleeding out.

Then Azem looked around at his sleeping foes and the destruction their battle had wrought. Normally the local authorities would be showing up by now. Azem had never had to call their attention himself.

Fortunately, the first person he'd met in this world, who hadn't tried to kill him, had taught him what to do in an emergency. Azem pulled out the communication device – phone – he'd been given by Sergeant Levens, and did as Riley had shown him. Carefully, he entered the three numbers she'd taught him: 911.
Well... of all the things that could happen, I did not expect her to just be collateral damage.
Also, really Azem... what were you expecting? Garuda likes to torture, she's gonna take the chance. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving bastard though.
Good job Riley! She taught Azem one of the most important series of numbers to use in an emergency! Remember kids, to help clean up after a tussle with a bunch of mind-controlled cultists, use 911!