We Will Conquer the Entire World!

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Welp, good bye Indonesia!
Maybe this time, they will be better than the original counterparts.
(I am Indonesian)
As an indonesian, how viable do you think an "east Indonesia" consisting only of Sulawesi and islands east/south of it (but not West Papua, which Austrialia got) would be? And how much would it change if it also got Borneo?
how viable do you think an "east Indonesia" consisting only of Sulawesi and islands east/south of it (but not West Papua, which Austrialia got) would be? And how much would it change if it also got Borneo?
In my opinion, Original Indonesia in that period is still had too much conflict between the Government and the separatist(Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia Communist Party, and Darul Islam) either by their ideology or just plain disappointment with the government by how things work out(while Ir. Soekarno was a charismatic person, he think too much with his ego by making The Lighthouse Project while the country is in economic crisis).
In this fic, I think Indonesia will just got more chaotic because the one that come with the idea of unifying Indonesia is the intelligent people from Sumatra and Java(most of them)
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That does beg the question- how many of OTL's indonesian nationalists figures will fall into Romanian hands, and how many will the UN get?
Welp, good bye Indonesia!
Maybe this time, they will be better than the original counterparts.
(I am Indonesian)
Most of the territory of Indonesia (and an even larger percentage of its population) will be part of the Empire and, thus, their future fate is quite good.

As an indonesian, how viable do you think an "east Indonesia" consisting only of Sulawesi and islands east/south of it (but not West Papua, which Austrialia got) would be? And how much would it change if it also got Borneo?
While you didn't ask me, I can still volunteer an answer: With both, it would be on the level of OTL Malaysia. Without both, it would be on the level of Papua New Guinea (and would have a Christian majority). With Celebes, but without Borneo, it would be somewhere in between.

In my opinion, Original Indonesia in that period is still had too much conflict between the Government and the separatist(Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia Communist Party, and Darul Islam) either by their ideology or just plain disappointment with the government by how things work out(while Ir. Soekarno was a charismatic person, he think too much with his ego by making The Lighthouse Project while the country is in economic crisis).
I believe you are right.

In this fic, I think East Indonesia will just got more chaotic because the one that come with the idea of unifying Indonesia is the intelligent people from Sumatra and Java(most of them)
My addition in bold.
More chaos is possible, but only in East Indonesia (the part under United Nations control).
The bulk of Indonesia (under Imperial control) would be absolutely stable, obviously.

That does beg the question- how many of OTL's indonesian nationalists figures will fall into Romanian hands, and how many will the UN get?
I don't believe any of the creators of Indonesia would flee Java and Sumatra for the smaller islands in the east (which are also majority Christian and speak neither Malay nor Javanese).
I don't believe any of the creators of Indonesia would flee Java and Sumatra for the smaller islands in the east (which are also majority Christian and speak neither Malay nor Javanese).
Some of them are actually willing to do that but the risk is too much they will not even bothered to do that. Their goal is to make an United Indonesia, a unity in diversity.
If they(the public figure) escaped into the East, the backlash of their doings will become too great for them to do any Indonesian integration.
Chapter 96. The War Goes On
Chapter 96. The War Goes On

23-31 October 1946, Worldwide

Between 1939 and 1941, the members of the military and political alliance now called the United Nations had entered the Second World War to fight against the Axis, which was composed of the German Reich, Italy, Japan and Romania (and, later, also France and Spain). In the years that had passed since then, the Axis had disintegrated, with the German Reich, Italy, France, Spain and most of the mainland conquests of Japan being defeated and taken over not by the United Nations, but by their former ally, Romania, now turned into the largest Empire the World had ever seen, spanning almost the entire Old World, from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the Arctic Ocean to the Indian Ocean and the southern tip of Africa.

The United Nations had been defeated by the Empire in the West but had managed to defeat Japan in the East, albeit only after the Empire had also attacked its erstwhile ally. Nonetheless, the end of the Pacific War (Victory over Japan) was widely celebrated all over the Free World. Millions of citizens from the United States and its allies took to the streets to show their enthusiasm, more for the advent of peace than for the bitter-sweet victory which had come after so many defeats.

In Japan, the situation was sombre, although many people were secretely relieved that the war was finally over and their tribulations would soon come to an end.

In the Empire, the population erupted into joyous celebrations for a second time (the first being ten months before, after the Oslo Ceasefire with the United Nations). And, also for a second time, they were cruelly disappointed when it became clear that Japan had only surrendered to the United Nations and the war in East Asia was not over. Of course, that time, they blamed not their Empress, but the United Nations, for the continuation of the war.

30-31 October 1946, Tokyo Bay, Japan

Representatives of the Japanese civilian and military authorities were received aboard the United States battleship Missouri¹ to sign the Japanese Instrument of Surrender. Consequently, American troops began to debark, starting the occupation of Japan.
1. Coincidentally, the same ship as in the main branch of history.

Importantly, Japan had only surrendered to the United Nations and not to the Empire, so the War in East Asia did not come to an end.

The United Nations were allowed to occupy the entirety of the Japanese Home Islands, Karafuto, the Kuriles, Taiwan, the Philippines and Papua, as well as all the remaining Japanese holdouts in various minor islands in Micronesia. All the Japanese Army and Navy units present in those areas were going to surrender to the first United Nations officers who approached them. All the remaining Japanese ships present in those areas would be seized by the United Nations.

The Japanese soldiers still fighting in Mainland East Asia and Indonesia, as well as the Japanese Navy remnant stranded in Indonesian waters, were not mentioned (except that they would be interned if/when they reached United Nations controlled territory/waters), much to the chagrin of the Empire, who felt both cheated and humiliated. The Empire protested vehemently and a new round of talks in Oslo was immediately scheduled to start in the first week of November.

November 1946, Oslo, Norway, Nordic Union

The United Nations informed the Empire that they had acted within the provisions of the Oslo Ceasefire, specifically its Article 12:
The United Nations and the Empire are not allies, but merely co-belligerants in their separate wars against Japan, and no military or political cooperation between the United Nations and the Empire is expected or implied. The United Nations and the Empire can unilaterally quit the war with Japan at any point, for any reason, and neither part is automatically supposed to recognize the provisions of any treaty signed between Japan and the other part.

Moreover, the United Nations declared that neither them, nor the Japanese government, had any authority over the Kwantung Army, which, according to them, had gone rogue since the 1930's. And, of course, the United Nations had no intention to expend men and resources in Mainland East Asia to continue fighting the Japanese for land that would certainly belong to the Empire.

Moreover, both the Japanese Empire and the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere had been dissolved and Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaya and Indonesia were de jure independent countries, which were at war with the Empire while benefitting from the presence of elements of the Japanese Army (which had no means to surrender to the United Nations and didn't want to surrender to the Empire, for obvious reasons).

The United Nations offered (only with the accord of both belligerents) to send ships to East Asian ports to collect those Japanese soldiers who were willing to surrender. The United Nations proposed the ports of Vladivostok, Pusan, Dalian, Chefoo, Tsingtao, Shanghai, Taichow, Chinchew, Hsiamen, Swatow, Hong Kong, Canton, Hoihow and Saigon as the places from where to collect surrendering Japanese soldiers during the following months.

The Empire begrudgingly accepted that, but raised the issue of the Japanese war criminals who could that way escape to Japan. The United Nations accepted the Imperial concern as legitimate and promissed to conduct fair trials of everyone suspected of involvement in war crimes and transfer those found guilty to Imperial custody. With no further recourse in that direction, the Empire accepted the proposal.

Two potentially serious flashpoints remained between the Empire and the United Nations: Eastern Indonesia and Karafuto. And, while the former was not an immediate concern, because the Imperial Army was still far away, the latter certainly was, because Imperial troops already faced the American occupation forces in the northwestern corner of Karafuto. Because high tempers could very easily result in fire exchanges, with unforeseen consequences, the issue of Karafuto had to be solved quick.

Obviously, the Empire would have been able to evict the Americans from Karafuto by force, but the idea of restarting the war against the United Nations would surely be received very poorly by the population. In those conditions, the Empire offered the United Nations to choose between Karafuto and Central Indonesia (Celebes, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores and minor islands), while Borneo and Bali were not even under consideration. The Empire thought that the Americans would choose Central Indonesia, which was both larger and more populous but, unexpectedly, they chose Karafuto.

The Americans had two good reasons to choose Karafuto over Central Indonesia. The first was that East Indonesia was enough to act as a buffer for Northern Australia, Papua and Micronesia, while the addition of Celebes and other smaller islands did not substantially increase its value (and a strong Indonesian state could not be created without at least one of Borneo or Java anyway). The second reason was to indebt the Japanese to them and, eventually, even to befriend them, against a common enemy. Diplomatically wrestling Karafuto from the grasp of the Empire (for the benefit of Japan) and rescuing millions of Japanese soldiers from Mainland East Asia (most of which would otherwise fall pray to the Imperial Effect) were supposed to matter highly to the Japanese, and they did. Moreover, if considered advantageous or necessary, even Taiwan could be left as part of Japan. In any case, a relatively strong and relatively friendly future Japan was better than a bit more of Indonesia.

With that, the entire eastern limit of the Imperial expansion was set: the Indian Ocean, the Sumba Straits, the Savu Sea, the Alor Strait, the Banda Sea, the Ceram Sea, the Molucca Sea, the Celebes Sea, the Sulu Sea, the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the East China Sea, the Korea Strait, the Sea of Japan, the Strait of Tartary, the Okhotsk Sea, the Kuril Strait, the Kamchatka Trench, the Kamchatka Strait, the Bering Sea, the Bering Strait, the Chukchi Sea, the Long Strait, the East Siberian Sea (Arctic Ocean). Thus, the Empire would have access only to the marginal seas of the Pacific Ocean, not to the open Ocean (except in the Kamchatka Peninsula, ice bound in winter), which would be protected by a cordon sanitaire formed of Australia, East Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, the Ryukyus, the Japanese Home Islands and the Kuriles.

November - December 1946, East Asia and the Pacific

According to the Japanese Instrument of Surrender, the United Nations gradually took control of Japan Proper, Karafuto, the Kuriles, Taiwan, the Philippines, Papua and the Micronesian islands still under the control of isolated Japanese garissons. Normally, the local Japanese commanders surrendered without any incidents.

The Empire transferred its corner of Karafuto to American control in late December (there was no civilian population left there by the Japanese).

The Australians finalized their ongoing operations in Flores and Taliabu and advanced several kilometres in northern Celebes, to reach better defensive positions, but aborted all their planned operations in Indonesia. Australia declared that it would cede the claimed islands when the Empire reached Sumbawa and Celebes, respectively.

East Indonesia was declared an Australian Protectorate, with full independence promissed in three years. The Talaud and Sangihe Islands were detached from it and joined to the Philippines.

The Americans recognized the full independence of the Philippines (from the 1st of January 1947).

In Taiwan, an Independence Referendum was scheduled for the next autumn. If the Japanese played nice in the meantime and looked like turning into a friendly outpost of the United Nations in their Cold War with the Empire, the Americans were amenable to leaving Taiwan to Japan, ignoring voting fraud, if necessary.

The Japanese forces had been divided by the Imperial advance in three main groups, which could not interact with each other:
  • Southeast Asia (Hainan and the Luichow Peninsula, southeastern Indochina, Malaya and Indonesia);
  • China Proper (the coast, with a 100-200 km strategic depth);
  • Korea (including Kwantung and the rest of the Liaotung Peninsula, a small area of southeastern Manchuria, the southern part of the Maritime Oblast and small bits of Kamchatka).

Following the Surrender of Japan to the United Nations, the Japanese forces in Mainland East Asia and Indonesia remained devoid of a central command and authority. Therefore, the local highest in command took charge and acted in different ways, depending upon their personality, the conditions on the ground, their chances of escape to Japan or their beliefs that long term holding of some territory might still have been possible.

Nonetheless, despite their different approaches to the continuation of the War in East Asia, all Mainland Japanese commanders accepted the Surrender of Japan, the end of the war against the United Nations (in which they had played no part) and the dissolution of the Japanese Colonial Empire and of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

Accordingly, the following changes were, de jure, enacted:
  • The Japanese Northern Territories / Japanese Kamchatka was dissolved, the three small areas of Kamchatka still under Japanese control becoming occupied Russian territory.
  • Manchukuo was dissolved, its remaining territory becoming occupied Chinese territory (southeastern Inner Manchuria) and occupied Russian territory (southern Maritime Oblast), respectively.
  • The lease for Kwantung Leased Territory was considered to having been reverted from the defunct Manchukuo back to China. The Kwantung Army did not accept the revocation of the lease.
  • Korea became an independent country, under the nominal control of Emperor Yi Un.
  • The Wang Jingwei Administration in Japanese-occupied China was dissolved, its remaining territory becoming occupied Chinese territory. Apparently, Wang Jingwei had already committed suicide.
  • Instead of being retroceded to China, Hainan was proclaimed independent.
  • It was planned that Laos be separated from Thailand as an independent country, but the Imperial Army overran its remaining territory before the independence proclamation could be issued.
  • (South) Vietnam became an independent country, under the nominal control of Emperor Bảo Đại.
  • Cambodia became an independent country, under the nominal control of King Norodom Sihanouk.
  • Japanese Malaya was dissolved and its territory was annexed to Indonesia.
  • Indonesia became an independent country, under the nominal control of President Soekarno.

The Quarantined Area of Western China was reduced to a small area in eastern Szechuan and southern Shensi, around the cities of Chungking and Sian, which had been hit the worst by the man-made epidemics.

In Kamchatka, the Japanese successfully evacuated Karaginsky Island, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Cape Lopatka during the first half of November. The Commander Islands remained part of the United States of America (Alaska), according to the Oslo Ceasefire.

The Kwantung Army refused to surrender and vow[ed] to continue the fight against the demonic empire, until final victory is achieved. Nonetheless, the remaining areas of the Maritime Oblast and Manchuria were deemed undefendable and the Japanese executed a fighting retreat over the Tumen River to Korea and to a small perimeter around Vladivostok, respectively. At the same time, the Empire fought its way along the Liaotung Peninsula, until the Japanese were restricted to the tip of the peninsula, a small area around Dalian.

The Dalian and Vladivostok areas and the Korean border on the rivers Yalu and Tumen were heavily fortified and the Kwantung Army planned to hold them ad infinitum. The Empire planned major offensive against them in January.

The Japanese forces in Eastern China agreed to vacate the area, surrender to the United Nations and be repatriated to Japan (even if under temporary internment).

They signed a ceasefire with the Empire, according to which they would vacate most of their remaining positions in China until the New Year, with the exception of the Shantung Peninsula (with Tsingtao and Chefoo) and small areas around Shanghai, Taichow, Chinchew and Hsiamen, and Hong Kong, all of which would be vacated before the end of January.

The Japanese retreat towards the designated ports proceeded without major issues, the United States Navy began to collect the surrendering soldiers and transport them to Japan and the Empire took over the land as it was vacated by the Japanese, reintegrating it into China.

After the Empire entered Nanking, on the 17th of November, the Kuomintang Chinese Government returned to their capital after nine years of Japanese rule.

The Japanese also vacated the rest of the Luichow Peninsula, retreating to the nearby island of Hainan, as it was decided in the ceasefire. However, after the evacuation was completed, the military commander of Hainan reneged on the deal and refused to let his soldiers surrender to the United Nations and return home. Instead, they called on the Indonesian Navy (the former Japanese Navy which had remained stranded in Indonesia) to evacuate them to Borneo. Although they were not supposed to, the United Nations allowed the evacuation to proceed, which attracted numerous Imperial protests.

In those conditions, the Empire tried to invade Hainan in mid-December and stop the evacuation, but failed. A new amphibious assault against Hainan was planned for the first week of January.

The Japanese evacuated by sea their remaining holdings in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam in November, mainly to Borneo (because Malaya and Sumatra were already in the process of being overran by the Empire).

Bảo Đại and Norodom Sihanouk surrendered to the Empire without resisting and remained the rulers of Vietnam and Cambodia, respectively (but Vietnam was downgraded to a Kingdom). A popular Vietnamese patriot, Ho Chi Minh, became the Prime Minister of Vietnam (despite being a former Communist sympathizer).

Burma, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam were joined in a Confederation called Indochina, because Anne hated to manage too many different puppets. Thus, the Empire had five puppet states (Africa, Russia, India, China and Indochina), with two more to be soon added (Indonesia and Korea). Of course, all of them would be eventually annexed, on timeframes ranging between several years to a couple of decades (according to the current planning, which was subject to modifications).

Further south, the Imperial Army completed the conquest of Thailand and crossed the border into Malaya (now part of Indonesia). However, the conquest of Malaya was difficult, as Indonesia vowed to fight on and the Japanese were there to help. The difficult terrain (mainly jungles in the interior) made the advance southwards slow and costly and the Empire only reached the Strait of Johor shortly before Christmas. At the end of the year, the only part of Malaya still under Indonesian control was its capital, Singapore.

The Imperial advance in Sumatra was even slower and more difficult than in Malaya, with a only about half of the island being conquered in two months. At the same time, the Imperial Navy from the Indian Ocean took the islands off the west coast of Sumatra, namely Simeulue, Nias, Siberut, Mentawai, Enggano and other smaller ones.

While nominally independent Korea had remained, for all intents and purposes, a puppet of the Kwantung Army, Indonesia had morphed into a truly independent state by the end of the year, with the Japanese beginning to act as allies rather than as masters. And, despite the fact that no United Nations help was expected, the Indonesian government was determined to keep fighting, convinced that, although Sumatra would be lost, Imperial landings in Java and Borneo could be prevented.

At the end of 1946, the Empire had liberated all of Russia (except Vladivostok), almost all of China (except Dalian, Hainan and the areas designated for United Nations evacuation of the surrendering Japanese soldiers) and all of Indochina, and had occupied all of Malaya (except Singapore) and half of Sumatra. The liberation of Hainan, Dalian, Vladivostok and the conquest of Korea and the rest of Indonesia were supposed to be completed during the first half of 1947.

Nonetheless, because the war was almost over, Anne decided to finally honour the rest of the promises made to her people during her previous Christmas' Address.
[...] in her widely listened to Christmas address, the Empress apologized to her subjects for unilaterally starting another war, promissed that the war would be over in a matter of months and that no new wars would be unilaterally started afterwards, anounced an end to conscription (reasoning that the professional military and the millions of hot-blooded volunteers would be more than enough to finish off Japan), anounced a gradual phase out of the state of emergency in the Imperial States far enough from the frontlines, coupled with a gradual return to democracy and a peace economy, to be completed in just twelve months after the end of the war.
  • The war against Japan had not been over in a matter of months, but rather more than one year, but that was already in the past.
  • The two remaining theatres of war (Korea and Indonesia) were small, far away and relatively insignificant.
  • There were indeed no plans to start new wars in the foreseeable future.
  • Conscription had been already ended with the 1945 cohort.
  • Most of the existing conscripts had already been released to their homes and the rest would be released before the end of the winter.
  • Moreover, more than half of the volunteers had also been sent home, with more to follow during the following months.
  • The gradual phase out of the state of emergency in the Imperial States far enough from the frontlines would start in January with the States of the Old Empire.
  • A gradual return to democracy and a peace economy was promissed for the second half of 1947, with an Empire-wide census in 1948, followed by local, state and federal elections in 1948 and 1949.
  • The return to normalcy would also involve the sports, with the 1948 Summer Olympics to be organized in Greece and the 1950 Association Football World Cup to be hosted by Romania (among other events).

The news were received positively in the Empire.

And now it was finally the time for Anne to relax and take her family on a holiday or two.
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[Map] East Asia (January 1947)
East Asia
1 January 1947
Previous maps of North-East Asia: March 1943, July 1943, May 1945.
Previous maps of China: July 1944, January 1945, May 1945.
Previous maps from this series: March 1946, May 1946, July 1946, September 1946, November 1946.

Open image in new tab to view map at full resolution.

Note: The names of the Chinese cities and states are those normally used in the English-speaking countries in the 1940's, using the Wade-Giles romanization system for Mandarin Chinese. The currently used Hanyu Pinyin official romanization system for Standard Chinese did not exist at that time.

Orange Lines: Frontlines in November 1946.
Faint Bluish Diagonal Lines: Quarantined area of Central China.
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(and a strong Indonesian state could not be created without at least one of Borneo or Java anyway)

the Indonesian government was determined to keep fighting, convinced that, although Sumatra would be lost, Imperial landings in Java and Borneo could be prevented.
Karena Poelaoe DJawa adalah Koentji!
(Translation: Because the Java Island is the Key)

Most of Indonesian people in the past always wanted an independence because they hated the colonization and imperialism that was happening in their country for more than a century. If they can get an independence by burning down a city and fighting to the last man, so be it.
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[Map, Info] January 1947
The Empire
January 1947
After the conquest of China and Indochina
Previous maps from this series: May 1944, September 1944, January 1945, May 1945, March 1946, July 1946.

Area: 80,463,000 km² (54.0% of the World land area)
Population: 1,788 million (76% of the World population)
Empire of the Romans: 37,755,000 km², 612 million
Empire of Africa: 14,446,000 km², 93 million
Russian Empire: 16,824,000 km², 91 million
Empire of India: 4,146,000 km², 422 million
Chinese Empire: 4,991,000 km², 488 million
Confederation of Indochina: 1,929,000 km², 66 million
Occupied areas in Indonesia: 372,000 km², 16 million​

Open image in new tab to view map at full resolution.

Beware of the significant area distortion at the higher latitudes, inherent to the Mercator map projection used by Google Maps.

Note: The above figures include Vladivostok, Dalian, the coastal areas of China, Hainan and Singapore (details in the next chapter).

Countries and Dependencies
Previous Lists: May 1944, January 1945, June 1945, March 1946, July 1946.

Neutral Countries

The Empire
(at war with Korea, Indonesia, Japanese remnants, ceasefire with the UN)
  • Empire of the Romans (federation)
  • Empire of Africa (federation)
  • Russian Empire (federation)
  • Empire of India (federation)
  • Chinese Empire (federation)
  • Indochina (confederation of Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam)
  • Occupied areas in Indonesia.

Korea (Japanese remnants, at war with the Empire)

Indonesia (Japanese remnants, at war with the Empire)

Nordic Union (confederation)
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Iceland

British Republic
  • Isle of Man (associated state)


United Nations

United States of America
  • Territories: Alaska, Hawaii, Micronesia, American Samoa, US Antarctic Territory, Panama Canal Zone, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Trinidad, US Caribbean.
  • Philippines
  • Occupied Japan (including Karafuto, Taiwan).

Canada (federation)
  • External Territories: Bermuda.

Australia (federation)
  • External Territories: Papua, Australian Oceania, Australian Indian Ocean Territory, Australian Antarctic Territory.
  • Protected State: East Indonesia.

New Zealand
  • External Territories: Polynesia, New Zealand Antarctic Territory.

Latin American Countries
  • Argentina (federation)
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil (federation)
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Cuba
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • Guatemala
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Mexico (federation)
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Peru
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela (federation)
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Some of them are actually willing to do that but the risk is too much they will not even bothered to do that. Their goal is to make an United Indonesia, a unity in diversity.
If they (the public figure) escaped into the East, the backlash of their doings will become too great for them to do any Indonesian integration.
Thank you. I was thinking the same.

Karena Poelaoe DJawa adalah Koentji!
(Translation: Because the Java Island is the Key)

Most of Indonesian people in the past always wanted an independence because they hated the colonization and imperialism that was happening in their country for more than a century. If they can get an independence by burning down a city and fighting to the last man, so be it.
Now, Indonesia won't be a colony, but an integral part of the Empire, and the Indonesians will have equal rights with the rest of the Imperial citizens. And, probably, better lives too. While their culture, ethnicities, languages and religions will be protected.

However, you are right. They don't know all that, but only Japanese and United Nations anti-Imperial propaganda, so they view the Empire with suspicion, fear and hatred. Therefore, they will fight.
Chapter 97. The End of World War Two
Chapter 97. The End of World War Two

January - February 1947, East Asia

Following the relative lull, when the Empire waited to see which Japanese armies decided to evacuate and which ones preferred to keep fighting, full scale war resumed in January.

The only areas still remaining under quarantine in China were the cities of Chungking and Sian, with their surroundings.

In China Proper, the evacuation of the remaining Japanese pockets was completed on the 24th of January. The Shantung Peninsula, Shanghai, Taichow and coastal Fukien were reintegrated into China. Hong Kong and Macau were annexed to China and joined to the State of Canton, with autonomous status.

As mentioned in the previous chapter, Hainan was being evacuated not by the Americans (to prisoners of war camps in Japan) but by the Japanese-Indonesian Navy (to Borneo). Because that state of affairs was a clear breach of the ceasefire and because the Empire did not want those soldiers to reinforce Indonesia, the Imperial Air Force bombed Hainan almost continuously and attacked all ingoing and outgoing ships, sinking or damaging about half of them, with important loss of life.

After the Japanese garisson had been reduced to about one third of its initial strength, the Empire landed on the northern shore of Hainan in mid-January, took Hoihow after five days and mopped up the rest of the island before the end of the month, taking more than sixty thousand prisoners.

Instead of being rejoined to Canton, Hainan became the smallest and least populated of the now twenty-two Chinese Federal States.

Up north, the Kwantung Army had decided to fight on and defend their three remaining strongholds: Vladivostok, Dalian and Korea. The Empire had to use thirteen nuclear weapons against the Japanese fortifications (around Vladivostok and Dalian and along the Korean banks of the Yalu and Tumen), in order to minimize the number of Imperial casualties during the upcoming assaults.

Vladivostok fell on the 13th of January, Dalian on the 20th and the Yalu and Tumen rivers were finally crossed in the last week of January.

Thus, the Japanese occupation of Russia and China finally came to an end. The capital of Far-Eastern Russia was not moved to Vladivostok, but remained in the more central Khabarovsk. The Kwantung Lease was officially terminated and the territory was reintegrated into China and joined to the Liaoning State, with autonomous status.

During the following month, the Empire advanced southwards in Korea, fighting for every kilometre against fanatical Japanese resistance. Pyongyang was taken on the 21st of February and the Empire controlled about one half of Korea at the end of February.

By that time, it had become clear that tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers evacuated by the Americans from China had found their way to Korea to continue their fight against the Empire. According to the Americans, they had managed somehow to escape from internment, then board fishing boats undetected and cross the Korea Strait, sometimes also bringing along food and ammunition supplies. The lies and collusion were obvious, but the Empire really didn't want to break the ceasefire with the United Nations (as it would have been entitled to do).

January - February 1947, Indonesia

fell on the 9th of January, thus completing the conquest of Malaya.

The Empire continued its operations in Sumatra, taking the entire Sumatran shore of the Strait of Malacca and some of the Riau Islands, thus finally opening the Strait of Malacca for the Imperial Navy in the last week of January.

The southern Sumatran city of Palembang was taken on the 23rd of February and the Japanese (and most of the Indonesian Army deployed in Sumatra) began to evacuate to Java. The Empire reached the Sunda Strait on the 3rd of February, but could not significantly disrupt the evacution.

The Indian Ocean Imperial Navy (while no match for the United Nations navies in the Pacific) was clearly stronger than the battered Japanese remnant in Indonesia and, importantly, it didn't have to worry about the fuel supply. On the other hand, the Japanese, despite controlling a region with huge oil resources, were already low on fuel, because years of United Nations bombardments had completely destroyed both the extractive and the refining oil industries in Borneo and other oil producing islands.

Normally, the Japanese fleet would have avoided the superior Imperial fleet but, in the present conditions, they couldn't do that, because allowing the Imperial fleet in the Indonesian Seas presented the risk of future landings in Borneo, Java and other islands. Therefore, despite the unfavourable odds, the Japanese decided to wait for the Imperial fleet at the opening of the Strait of Malacca into the South China Sea, partially sheltered by the numerous Riau Islands.

The 5th of February Battle of the Riau Islands was a Japanese tactical victory (as they sunk more tonnage than the Empire did) but an Imperial strategic victory (as it opened the way into the South China Sea). It was followed on the 10th of February by the Battle of Belitung, which ended in a decisive Imperial victory, all but finishing the southern remnant of the once mighty Japanese Navy (albeit with significant losses on the Imperial side as well, including a badly damaged aircraft carrier).

During the following weeks, the Imperial Navy roamed free in the Indonesian Seas, hunting the remaining Japanese ships, taking Bangka, Belitung and the remaining Riau Islands, and landing invasion forces in western Borneo, northern Java and western and northern Celebes. Because the invasion force fighting in Borneo bogged down in the jungles covering the centre of the island, more landings were performed in Sarawak and the eastern and southeastern parts of Borneo.

At the end of February, it looked like the Indonesian campaign would be finished quickly.

March - April 1947, Korea

The Empire continued its southwards advance into Korea, reaching Seoul in the second week of March. At that point, the Kwantung Army realized that mainland Korea would be certainly lost in a matter of months (at the most) and decided for a grand last stand in Seoul, which would, presumably, convince the Empire to negotiate.

The Battle of Seoul raged for almost three weeks, destroyed more than ninety percent of the city and resulted in more than one hundred thousand casualties for the Empire and nearly half a million for the Japanese (with another half a million taken prisoners). It was, thus, by far the bloodiest battle of the War in East Asia and, while it ended in a decisive Imperial victory, the utterly crushed Japanese got their wish. Unwilling to repeat the same horrors in Pusan and/or Jeju and eager to end the war, the Empire announced its willingness to negotiate.

After heated talks which lasted for four days, the Empire allowed the Japanese to keep the Korean islands of Jeju and Dagelet, if they evacuated all of mainland Korea in two weeks. Thus, the Empire saved the lives of countless Imperial soldiers and Korean civilians, with the price of two islands, which would have been demilitarized anyway.

Parallel negotiations with the United Nations resulted in the Empire being compensated with the Indonesian island of Buru (which was similar in size with Jeju, but with less population and strategically unimportant) and the small Christmas Island and Cocos-Keeling Islands, located in the Indian Ocean, close to Java. Australia was in turn compensated for the loss of those islands by being allowed to annex the Protectorate of East Indonesia as an External Territory (with no timeline for independence). Furthermore, with the final delimitation of the maritime borders of the Empire, the Paracel Islands were annexed to Vietnam and most of the Spratly Islands to Borneo (with the rest becoming part of the Philippines).

Korea and East Indonesia (both the Imperial and the Australian parts) would remain free of weapons of mass destruction and Jeju, Dagelet, Christmas Island, Cocos-Keeling and the Paracel and Spratly Islands would be fully demilitarized.

With that occasion, the Ceasefire between the Empire and the United Nations was officially upgraded to a full Armistice, valid sine die (unlike the former ceasefire, which ought to be renewed yearly). The only additional concession made by the United Nations was to withdraw official recognition to the various Governments in Exile belonging to countries conquered by the Empire during the war, thus de facto recognizing the borders and territorial integrity of the Empire and its puppets.

The last Korean city to be evacuated by the Japanese was Pusan and the Empire entered it on the 18th of April, thus completing the conquest of the Korean Peninsula. The Imperial occupation authorities found hundreds of thousands of Korean civilians deported from Jeju by the Japanese who had hastily ethnically cleansed the island (every ship which transported Japanese soldiers to Jeju returned to Pusan with Korean civilians from Jeju).

Despite its distant location, Korea was joined to the recently created Confederation of Burma, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, whose name was changed from the already improper Indochina to the cumbersome but more correct Confederation of East and South East Asia (CoESEA, usually pronounced as a single word, cohesia).

After the end of the evacuation, the Americans landed unopposed in Jeju and the entire Japanese force crammed in the small island surrendered and was taken into custody.

March - April 1947, Indonesia

The Imperial troops previously landed in Java could not be reinforced adequately and, after successive attacks by numerically superior enemy forces, they began to fall back towards the beaches. Under the protection of the Imperial Air Force, most of the soldiers could be rescued but about eleven thousand were taken prisoners by the Japanese. Sadly, less than half of them would survive the war.

In March, the Empire continued its campaigns in Borneo and Celebes, while the Japanese and Indonesian defenders steadily retreated to the Samarinda-Balikpapan perimeter in eastern Borneo and the Macassar perimeter in south-western Celebes, respectively. Thus, the Empire took over most of Borneo, including Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei as well as most of Celebes. Sultan Ahmad of Brunei was promissed the crown of unified Borneo after the end of the war.

Recognizing that their position was completely hopeless, large numbers of Japanese soldiers from Borneo, Celebes and the smaller islands off the coasts of Celebes (and smaller numbers from Java) managed to escape eastwards and surrender to the Australians, before the arrival of the Imperial Navy in those waters.

The Imperial Navy entered the Molucca Sea, the Banda Sea and the Flores Sea virtually unopposed and helped in the conquest of Peleng, Buton, Muna and other smaller islands close to Celebes, as well as the eastern part of Sumbawa in the Lesser Sundas.

According to the previous agreements, the Australians transferred to the Empire in good order North Celebes (the tip of the Minahassa Peninsula), the Sula Islands, Buru, Lembata and Flores, and retreated their forces beyond the agreed demarcation line in East Indonesia. However, before that, the Australians had performed a mandatory population exchange between Muslims (mainly from Halmahera and neighbouring smaller islands) and Protestants (from the islands promissed to the Empire), thus making East Indonesia almost fully Protestant (with small minorities of Animists, Catholics and Muslims, in that order).

The proposed State of Celebes and the Lesser Sundas was split in two: Celebes (including the few Moluccas to the east under Imperial control) and the Lesser Sundas (including Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Lembata and smaller adjacent islands).

At the end of April, the Empire controlled all its allotted part of Indonesia, with the exception of small areas of Borneo and Celebes (which were going to fall soon), the western half of Sumbawa, Lombok, Bali, Madura and Java. And the resistance in Java promissed to be fierce.

May - July 1947, Indonesia

Well, to cut the story short and finish this damned war already, I decided to include the last months of the war in this chapter. Just make sure to follow the maps in chronological order. Discussions and statistics about the war, including casualties, prisoners of war, displaced persons, amount of destruction in various areas, etc, will be part of the next chapter.

In May, the Empire captured the Samarinda-Balikpapan area of Borneo and the Macassar area of Celebes, thus completing the conquest of both Borneo and Celebes. The remaining Lesser Sunda islands (Sumbawa, Lombok and Bali), as well as Madura, were also fully conquered at that time. Therefore, since late May, the War was restricted to Java, the only part of the Old World allotted to the Empire but not yet controlled by it.

The final assault on Java began in early June, after the complete destruction of the Indonesian-Japanese Navy and Air Force and several months of bombardments. At least ten successful landings were performed, against determined and almost fanatical resistance.

One month later, and after losing tens of thousands of soldiers, the Empire controlled most of Java, including all its coasts, the capital Jakarta and most major cities, such as Surabaya, Semarang, Tangerang, Bogor and Bekasi.

In early July, the Indonesian resistance was reduced to a small area around Bandung, the provisional Indonesian capital after the fall of Jakarta. To avoid a replay of the vicious urban fighting from Jakarta and Surabaya, the Empire did not attempt to enter the city, but placed it under siege, until the defenders finally realized the utter hopelessness of their situation.

The Indonesian Government surrendered on the 20th of July and the Imperial Army entered Bandung two days later, fighting isolated pockets of desperate Japanese soldiers. The last organized resistance crumbled within days and the last Japanese pocket was reduced on the 29th of July.

On the 30th of July 1947, the Empire fully controlled Bandung, Java, its share of Indonesia, its share of the former Japanese East Asia and its share of the Old World.

With the last direct casualty of the war recorded the previous evening and no more enemy forces to fight, the Empress announced that, after eight years to the day, World War Two had ended in total victory, the obliteration or expulsion of all enemy forces and the debellatio of all the foes of the Empire based in Mainland Old World.

And, that time, Anne's subjects could celebrate victory and peace, without fearing a resumption of the war. Yes, the Empire was still at war, but that was no longer a hot war. The Empire and the United Nations were now engaged in the Cold War.
[Map] East Asia (1947)
East Asia
March 1947
Previous maps of North-East Asia: March 1943, July 1943, May 1945.
Previous maps of China: July 1944, January 1945, May 1945.
Previous maps from this series: March 1946, May 1946, July 1946, September 1946, November 1946, January 1947.

Open image in new tab to view map at full resolution.

Note: The names of the Chinese cities and states are those normally used in the English-speaking countries in the 1940's, using the Wade-Giles romanization system for Mandarin Chinese. The currently used Hanyu Pinyin official romanization system for Standard Chinese did not exist at that time.

Orange Lines: Frontlines in January 1947.
Faint Bluish Diagonal Lines: Quarantined area of Central China.

East Asia
May 1947
After the End of the War in East Asia
Previous maps: see above.

Open image in new tab to view map at full resolution.
[Map] South-East Asia (1947)
South-East Asia
March 1947
Previous maps from this series: March 1946, July 1946, November 1946, January 1947.

Open image in new tab to view map at full resolution.

Dotted Lines: Approximative maritime borders proposed by the Empire.

South-East Asia
May 1947
Previous maps: see above.

Open image in new tab to view map at full resolution.

Dotted Lines: Approximative maritime borders proposed by the Empire.

South-East Asia
August 1947
After the End of World War Two
Previous maps: see above.

Open image in new tab to view map at full resolution.

Faint Pink Line: Maritime border of the Empire.
[Map, Info] July 1947
The Empire
July 1947
After the End of World War Two
Previous maps from this series: May 1944, September 1944, January 1945, May 1945, March 1946, July 1946, January 1947.

Area: 82,052,000 km² (55.1% of the World land area)
Population: 1,893 million (79% of the World population)
Empire of the Romans: 37,755,000 km², 618 million
Empire of Africa: 14,446,000 km², 94 million
Russian Empire: 16,824,000 km², 92 million
Empire of India: 4,146,000 km², 427 million
Chinese Empire: 4,991,000 km², 493 million
CoESEA: 2,146,000 km², 94 million
Indonesia: 1,744,000 km², 75 million​

Open image in new tab to view map at full resolution.

Beware of the significant area distortion at the higher latitudes, inherent to the Mercator map projection used by Google Maps.

Faint Pink Line: Maritime border of the Empire.

Countries and Dependencies
Previous Lists: May 1944, January 1945, June 1945, March 1946, July 1946, January 1947.

The Empire

Empire of the Romans

Empire of Africa (federation)

Russian Empire (federation)

Empire of India (federation)

Chinese Empire (federation)

Confederation of East and Southeast Asia (Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Korea)

Indonesia (federation)

Neutral Countries

Nordic Union
(Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland)
Neutral, slightly Empire-leaning

Neutral, slightly UN-Leaning

British Republic (with Isle of Man)


Japan (American occupation; with Karafuto, Taiwan, Jeju)

United Nations

United States of America
  • Territories: Alaska, Hawaii, Micronesia, American Samoa, Panama Canal Zone, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Trinidad, US Caribbean, US Antarctic Territory.

Canada (federation)
  • External Territories: Bermuda.

Australia (federation)
  • External Territories: East Indonesia, Papua, Australian Oceania, Australian Indian Ocean Territory, Australian Antarctic Territory.

New Zealand
  • External Territories: Polynesia, New Zealand Antarctic Territory.

Latin American Countries
  • Argentina (federation)
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil (federation)
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Cuba
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • Guatemala
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Mexico (federation)
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Peru
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela (federation)
[Info] The Empire (August 1947)
Previous Infochapters from this series:

The Empire
Imperiul, Imperium

August 1947

Official Name: The Empire of the Romans (Imperiul Romanilor, Imperium Romanorum).

Common Names: Romania (România), the Roman Empire (Imperiul Roman, Imperium Romanum).

Official Flag:

The Imperial Purple (Tyrian Purple).

Commonly Used Flag:

The Romanian Tricolour

Motto: In varietate concordia (Latin, Unity in diversity).

Official Emblem (Coat of Arms):

The Roman Fasces

Anthem: The Imperial March (Marșul Imperial).

National Day: 10 May (the Unification of the Realms, 1940).

Map: Link to map post.

Capital: Constantinople (2.3 million), 41°01′N 28°57′E
Largest city: Paris (5.6 million), 48°51′N 2°21′E

Demonym: Roman (Romanum, commonly used: Imperial, Romanian).

Official Languages: Romanian, Modern Latin (Roman), Hungarian, Bulgarian, Slovak, Ukrainian, German, Serbo-Croatian, Greek, Turkish, Kurdish, Arabic, Yiddish, Hebrew, Armenian, Georgian, Azeri, Russian, Turkmen, Persian, Pashto, Uzbek, Tajik, Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Albanian, Uyghur, Italian, Amharic, Tigrinya, Oromo, Somali, Berber, Slovene, Polish, Belarussian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, French, Dutch, Catalan, Castilian, Portuguese, Malagasy, Afrikaans, Mongol, Tibetan, Balochi, others.

Minority Languages: See the Imperial States entries.

Religions: Imperial Christianity, Islam, Protestantism, Judaism, Buddhism, others, non-religion.

Government: Imperial Dictatorship / Absolute Monarchy (in transition towards democracy), Federal Empire.

Head of State: Empress Anne Julia (Împărăteasa Ana Iulia, Anna Iulia Imperatrix).
Heir: Imperial Crown Princess Victoria Augusta Porphyrogenita.

Head of Government (Prime Minister): Vacant (powers exercised by the Empress).

Legislature: Imperial Senate (advisory role).

Establishment history:
Unification of the Realms: 10 May 1940 (Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Ruthenia, Serbia) -- 6 States.
First Enlargement: 6 September 1940 (Croatia, Greece) -- 8 States.
Proclamation of the Empire: 18 September 1940.
Second Enlargement: 10 May 1941 (Turkey) -- 9 States.
Third Enlargement: 28 May 1941 (Kurdistan) -- 10 States.
Formation of the Capital District: 29 May 1941.
Fourth Enlargement: 14 July 1941 (Syria, Iraq) -- 12 States.
Fifth Enlargement: 18 October 1941 (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Holy Land) -- 16 States.
Sixth Enlargement: 22 July 1942 (Cossackia) -- 17 States.
Seventh Enlargement: 1 December 1943 (Turkmenistan) -- 18 States.
Eighth Enlargement: 22 December 1943 (Hejaz, Nejd) -- 20 States.
Ninth Enlargement: 15 January 1944 (Afghanistan) -- 21 States.
Tenth Enlargement: 27 February 1944 (Yemen, Oman, Iran) -- 24 States.
Eleventh Enlargement: 10 May 1944 (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan) - 28 States.
Twelfth Enlargement: 29 May 1944 (Egypt) - 29 States.
Thirteenth Enlargement: 6 September 1944 (Albania) -- 30 States.
Fourteenth Enlargement: 20 October 1944 (Ethiopia, Libya) - 32 States.
Fifteenth Enlargement: 1 December 1944 (East Turkestan, Somalia) -- 34 States.
Sixteenth Enlargement: 10 March 1945 (Slovenia, Poland, Belarus, Dagestan, Kalmykia) -- 39 States.
Seventeenth Enlargement: 10 May 1945 (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia; enlarged Ruthenia split into Western Ukraine and Eastern Ukraine) - 43 States.
Eighteenth Enlargement: 25 December 1945 (Tunisia, Algeria, Berberia) -- 46 States.
Nineteenth Enlargement: 1 March 1946 (Northern Italy, Southern Italy, Insular Italy, Western France, Eastern France, Southern France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Western Germany, Southern Germany, Prussian Germany, Austrian Germany, Catalonia, Castile, Portugal, Basque Country, Macaronesia, Morocco, Western Indian Ocean Islands) -- 65 States.
Twentieth Enlargement: 10 May 1946 (Magadagascar, South Africa, Mongolia, Tibet, Balochistan) -- 70 States.

Area: 37,755,000 km² (14,577,000 sqmi), 1st place.
Including indirectly controlled areas: 82,052,000 km² (31,680,000 sqmi).

Population: 618 million, 1st place.
Density: 16.37/km² (42.40/sqmi).
Including indirectly controlled areas: 1,893 million; 23.07/km² (59.75/sqmi).

Administrative Divisions: 1 Capital District, 70 Federal States, 8 Special Regions, 122 Autonomous Regions, 1346 Counties.
Client States: the Empire of Africa, the Russian Empire, the Empire of India, the Chinese Empire, the Confederation of East and Southeast Asia (CoESEA), Indonesia.
For details, see below.

Currency: 1 Leu = 100 Bani (with regional coins and banknotes translated into the official languages of the Federal States).
Time Zone: de jure Imperial Time (GMT+2), de facto between GMT and GMT+12.
Drives on the right.

Imperial States
August 1947

  1. Romania
  2. Bulgaria
  3. Hungary
  4. Slovakia
  5. Western Ukraine
  6. Serbia
  7. Croatia
  8. Greece
  9. Turkey
  10. Kurdistan
  11. Syria
  12. Iraq
  13. Armenia
  14. Georgia
  15. Azerbaijan
  16. Holy Land
  17. Cossackia
  18. Turkmenistan
  19. Hejaz
  20. Nejd
  21. Afghanistan
  22. Yemen
  23. Oman
  24. Iran
  25. Uzbekistan
  26. Tajikistan
  27. Kyrgyzstan
  28. Kazakhstan
  29. Egypt
  30. Albania
  31. Ethiopia
  32. Libya
  33. East Turkestan
  34. Somalia
  35. Slovenia
  36. Poland
  37. Belarus
  38. Dagestan
  39. Kalmykia
  40. Lithuania
  41. Latvia
  42. Estonia
  43. Eastern Ukraine
  44. Tunisia
  45. Algeria
  46. Berberia
  47. Northern Italy
  48. Southern Italy
  49. Insular Italy
  50. Western France
  51. Eastern France
  52. Southern France
  53. Netherlands
  54. Switzerland
  55. Western Germany
  56. Southern Germany
  57. Prussian Germany
  58. Austrian Germany
  59. Catalonia
  60. Castile / Spain
  61. Portugal
  62. Basque Country
  63. Macaronesia
  64. Morocco
  65. Western Indian Ocean Islands
  66. Madagascar
  67. South Africa
  68. Mongolia
  69. Tibet
  70. Balochistan

66. Madagascar

Capital: Tananarive (Antananarivo).

Official Languages: Malagasy.

Minority Languages: None.

Religions: Protestantism, Imperial Christianity, Animism.

Ruler: Queen Marie-Louise I.

Statehood: 10 May 1946.

Administrative Divisions: 6 Counties.

67. South Africa
South Africa
África do Sul

Capital: Pretoria.

Official Languages: English, Dutch, German, Portuguese.

Minority Languages: African Languages.

Religions: Protestantism, Imperial Christianity, Animism.

Ruler: Queen Elizabeth II.
Head of Government: Prime Minister Jan Smuts.

Statehood: 10 May 1946.

Administrative Divisions: 10 Autonomous Regions (Cape, Orange, Natal, Transvaal, Namibia, Rhodesia, Mozambique, Bechuanaland, Basutoland, Swaziland), 36 Counties.

68. Mongolia
Mongγol Ulus

Capital: Urga (Örgöö).

Official Languages: Mongol.

Minority Languages: Chinese, Kazakh, Manchu.

Religions: Buddhism, Chinese folk religion, Islam.

Ruler: Bogd Khan 9th Jebtsundamba Khutughtu.

Statehood: 10 May 1946.

Administrative Divisions: 11 Counties.

69. Tibet
བོད / Bod

Capital: Lhasa (ལྷ་ས).

Official Languages: Tibetan.

Minority Languages: Chinese.

Religions: Buddhism, Chinese religions.

Ruler: 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso

Statehood: 10 May 1946.

Administrative Divisions: 6 Counties.

70. Balochistan

Proposal for a flag are still being submitted. You may join the flag contest too!

Capital: Quetta (کویته‎).

Official Languages: Balochi.

Minority Languages: Persian, Pashto, Brahui, Hazara, Sindhi.

Religions: Islam.

Ruler: Shah Fereydoun I (personal union with Iran and Azerbaijan).

Statehood: 10 May 1946.

Administrative Divisions: 10 Counties.

The Fraternal Empires
August 1947

I. Africa
Empire of Africa
Empire d'Afrique
Império da África

Map: Link to map post.

Capital: Congoville.

Demonym: African.

Official Languages: French, Portuguese, English.

Minority Languages: African Languages.

Religions: Imperial Christianity, Sunni Islam, Protestantism, Animism.

Ruler: Empress Anne.
Prime Minister: Makumba Mutombo.

Area: 14,446,000 km² (5,578,000 sqmi), 3rd place.

Population: 94 million.
Density: 6.50/km² (16.85/sqmi).

Administrative Divisions: 7 African Federal States (West Africa, Guinea, Nigeria, Chad, Congo, East Africa, Zambezia), 20 Autonomous Regions, 200 Counties.

II. Russia
Russian Empire
Российская Империя / Rossiyskaya Imperiya

(Imperial flag)

(National flag)

Capital: Moscow (Москва / Moskva).

Demonym: Russian.

Official Languages: Russian.

Minority Languages: Various.

Religions: Imperial Christianity, Sunni Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Animism.

Ruler: Tsar Vladimir I (Влади́мир Кири́ллович Рома́нов / Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov).

Area: 16,824,000 km² (6,496,000 sqmi), 2nd place.

Population: 92 million.
Density: 5.47/km² (14.16/sqmi).

Administrative Divisions: 7 Russian Federal States (Northern Russia, Western Russia, Central Russia, Siberian Russia, Far-Eastern Russia, Yakutia, Tuva), 1 Special Region (Tsar Nicholas Islands¹), 18 Autonomous Regions, 77 Counties.
1. Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago

III. India
Empire of India

Map: Link to map post.

Capital: New Delhi.

Demonym: Indian.

Official Languages: English, Hindi, Sindhi, Punjabi, Nepali, Assamese, Bengali, Oriya, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Sinhalese, Konkani.

Minority Languages: Various.

Religions: Hinduism, Sunni Islam, Imperial Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism.

Ruler: Empress Anne.
Prime Minister: Subhas Chandra Bose.

Area: 4,146,000 km² (1,601,000 sqmi).

Population: 427 million, 3rd place.
Density: 103.0/km² (266.7/sqmi).

Administrative Divisions: 20 Indian Federal States (Sindh, Punjab, Northwest India, Nepal, Northeast India, Bengal, Bihar, Northern India, Delhi, Rajashtan, Central India, Orissa, Gujarat, Maratha, Andhra, Mysore, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Ceylon, Goa), 15 Autonomous Regions, 400 Counties.
List of the Indian Federal States, with their official languages and state capitals (below the map).

IV. China
Chinese Empire
中華帝國 / Zhōnghuá Dìguó

Map: Link to map post (last map).

Capital: Nanking (南京).

Demonym: Chinese.

Official Languages: Chinese.

Minority Languages: Various.

Religions: Chinese folk religion (including Confucianism, Taoism, etc), Buddhism, Islam, Christianity.

Ruler: Empress Anne.
Prime Minister: He Yingqin.

Area: 4,991,000 km² (1,927,000 sqmi).

Population: 493 million, 2nd place.
Density: 98.8/km² (255.8/sqmi).

Administrative Divisions: 22 Chinese Federal States (Amur, Anhwei, Canton, Chekiang, Chilin, Fukien, Kansu, Kwanghsi, Kweichow, Honan, Hopei, Hunan, Hupei, Kiangsi, Kiangsu, Liaoning, Shantung, Shansi, Shensi, Szechuan, Yunnan, Hainan), 1 Special Region (Forbidden City), 34 Autonomous Regions, 315 Counties.
List of the Chinese Federal States, with their state capitals and current OTL names (below the map).

Confederation of East and South East Asia

Ruler: Federal Council.

Area: 2,146,000 km² (829,000 sqmi).

Population: 94 million.
Density: 43.80/km² (113.45/sqmi).

Administrative Divisions: 5 Federal States (see below), 1 Special Region (Paracel Islands), 15 Autonomous Regions, 133 Counties.

한국 / Hangug

Capital: Seoul (서울).

Official Languages: Korean.

Minority Languages: None.

Religions: Buddhism, Protestantism, Imperial Christianity.

Ruler: King Yi Ku.

ราชอาณาจักรไทย / Ratcha-anachak Thai

Capital: Bangkok (กรุงเทพมหานคร / Krung Thep Maha Nakhon).

Official Languages: Thai.

Minority Languages: Khmer, Hmong, others.

Religions: Buddhism, Tai folk religion.

Ruler: King Rama VIII.

Việt Nam

Capital: Hanoi (Hà Nội).

Official Languages: Vietnamese.

Minority Languages: Thai, Khmer, Hmong, others.

Religions: Vietnamese folk religion, Buddhism, Imperial Christianity.

Ruler: King Bảo Đại.

မြန်မာ / Myanmar

Capital: Rangoon (ရန်ကုန် / Yangon).

Official Languages: Burmese.

Minority Languages: Thai, Karen, Kachin, Tamil, Chin, Mon.

Religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam.

Ruler: Queen Myat Phaya.

កម្ពុជា / Kampouchea

Capital: Phnom Penh (ភ្នំពេញ).

Official Languages: Khmer.

Minority Languages: Chinese, Vietnamese, Cham, Lao.

Religions: Buddhism.

Ruler: King Norodom Sihanouk.

VI. Indonesia

Map: Link to map post (last map).

Capital: Jakarta.

Demonym: Indonesian.

Official Languages: Indonesian.

Minority Languages: Malay, Javanese, Sundanese, Madurese, Balinese, other Austronesian languages, Chinese, Thai, Tamil, other Indian languages.

Religions: Islam, Imperial Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese folk religion.

Ruler: President Soekarno.

Area: 1,744,000 km² (673,000 sqmi).

Population: 75 million.
Density: 43.0/km² (111.4/sqmi).

Administrative Divisions: 6 Indonesian Federal States (Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, Lesser Sundas), 3 Special Regions (Spratly Islands, Christmas Island, Cocos Islands), 22 Autonomous Regions, 62 Counties.
Last edited:
What happened to Laos? You've mentioned that it was overran before it could officially be granted independence.

(Looking at the maps, it appears to be part of Thailand, but the entry for Thailand doesn't mention anything relevant to Laos.)
What happened to Laos? You've mentioned that it was overran before it could officially be granted independence.

(Looking at the maps, it appears to be part of Thailand, but the entry for Thailand doesn't mention anything relevant to Laos.)
Laos was and remained an integral part of Thailand. The Japanese planned to create an independent Laos to punish Thailand for its betrayal. It was too late. Besides, the Empire would have disregarded the Japanese proclamation as irrelevant anyway.

The entry for Thailand does not mention anything about Laos, because it shouldn't. It is not a special part of the country, it's just northeast Thailand, a place where the local Thai people use the local Laotian dialect of Thai in their everyday speech.

And, in case you wonder, yes, Lao and Thai are mutually intelligible, basicly the same language. French colonialism ripped Laos from Thailand in the 19th century. When France fall during WW2, Thailand took it back, that's all.

And the same is true for the Shan State, annexed from Burma. It remained an integral part of Thailand, northwest Thailand, where the Shan dialect of Thai is spoken. Yes, Shan and Thai are also mutually intelligible, albeit less than Lao and Thai. And, similarly, Shan was taken from Thailand by the British in the 19th century and Thailand took it back during WW2, taking advantage of the weakness of the United Kingdom.
[Contribution] The Imperial Family (II)
Contributed by Vahktang

The Imperial Family (Part II)

28 September 1947, Municipal Gymnasium, Constantinople, The Empire of the Romans

Colonel Siyah looked around and was dissatisfied. His adjutant of over a year, Captain Illyan noted it but did not smile, as he was the cause.

Illyan was a muscular, handsome fellow, charming and suave. His family were White Russians, who managed to escape the Revolution with quite a lot of portable wealth on them. They settled in Constantinople and ingratiated themselves with the locals, both business and government, by purchasing and successfully running popular and lucrative bars, hotels, baths, and subsequently farms, factories, and other works, as well as hosting parties, giving gifts and the occasional loan for bureaucrats and other officials. He could use his connections like a renowned surgeon could use a scalpel.

He stepped back to join his boss.

"You cannot figure it out, can you," said Illyan. "You have eleven, not thirteen."

Siyah wanted to scowl but did not.

"I have twelve," he said, "the lavatory attendants are eleven and twelve. The open doors give them good views of the gymnasium, their positions allow them to overhear conversations though the speakers may think themselves secure and their occupations make them unnoticed."
"But I cannot find the last one. Is this another case of one of your off the books fellows, the talented amateur from that one time?"

"After you raked me over the coals afterwards, Mr Siyah, by no means."

"And yet your budgeting request was for thirteen bodyguards. Besides the attendants, one for each imperial in attendance, one for each two imperiall bodyguards, the ones outside and yourself, that is twelve."

Siyah scanned the room again, looking at the crowd, the officials, even the participants to this fencing and other athletics exhibition. That the majority in attendance were female did not colour his judgement.

"Well, I give up. Who is the thirteenth?"

"You are," said Illyan.

"I," said Siyah. "How can that be? You cannot include me?"

"Why not? Do you not guard their persons, would lay down your life to protect them, do everything you can to ensure their continued safety?"

"Yes, but I am chief of security. Why would you think I would even be here?"

"You are always here where she is," Illyan said, indicating Anne.

Siyah looked over at Anne, her latest child, Theo, twenty one months old, in her arms.

"All right, you won this one," said Siyah. "What is to be your reward? A box of cigars again?"

"Only if you can get me western cigars."

"Even I cannot get western cigars for something like this. The port you like, the 1912?"

"Ah, a good vintage, and I like it because it was the year I was born. But, no, I would like the 21st of the next month off, as well as the day before and following, without contact and interruption. If the Empress herself asks for me, personally, you will make appropriate excuses."

"The 21st?"

"Yes, for a birthday."

"Your mother's," said Siyah, knowing his father had died during the war.

"No, hers is in December and she does not expect me on her day, normally. I always send her some jewelry or a book the week before."

"Your own?"

"I am not that kind of narcissistic. And you know very well it is not for my birthday."

"Your lover's?"


"She is still married."

"The last one, yes, and her husband returned from service unharmed some weeks ago."
"But this one is not married, but a widow, that deserves my consoling. We all must do our part," Illyan said.

"Done," said Siyah, and the two men shook hands.

Illyan looked around the gymnasium, noting the fencers, especially the better looking ones that were still warming up.

"This is a surprise," he said. "We were here last year on this date."

"And the year before," said Siyah. "It is an annual event."

"A pattern? You?"

"Yes, never to be repeated. And there are those that will waste time and resources waiting for us to come back here, because it is an annual event and we have a pattern."

Siyah located the second eldest imperial heir and noted her destination.

"Micky and her friends have gone to the ladies' lavatory," said Siyah. "Have Sergei see me."

"That is not his name, you know," said Illyan, signaling the man.

"He is over two meters tall and well over a hundred kilograms," said Siyah. "Russians like that are always Sergei."

"Not Ivan?"

"Ivan's are always troublemakers. Sergei's are generally not."

"Mr. Siyah," said Sergei, holding out his hand.

All here were ostensibly under cover so there would be no ranks nor salutes.

"Sergei," said Siyah, holding out his own hand while Illyan moved out of direct earshot.

Hands shaken, both men turned to watch the athletes as they continued to talk.

"This concerns the training incident of three weeks back."

"Yes," said Sergei.

"A mock bomb went off, the room filled with fine flour."


"You threw the imperial princess to the ground and covered her with your body."

"Yes. Standard protocol."

"Then you put your hand over her mouth and nose so she could not breath."

"Yes. I was not aware yet that it was not actually poison gas."

A silence followed that Sergei finally filled.

"She never lost consciousness."

"But if you had died in the attack she would have been trapped under your body."

"No, Mr Siyah. She knows how to squirm from beneath my dead weight."
"We have practiced."

"She's four," said Siyah.

"Yes. And she is over five centimeters taller than her older sister, a very hearty eater, and is a very determined little girl."

"Very determined."

"And she is five tomorrow."

The featured fencers touched blades, then began their match.

"You were one of Beria's men, weren't you. Hand picked?"

"Yes," said Sergei, "but only as a bodyguard."

Both men knew that to be a fiction. None of Beria's handpicked men were just one thing, not even the torturers. Though Sergei appeared to be just a giant, he was actually politically and socially astute, and almost rivaled Illyan for his connections, at least those within the palace.

"She fears you, you know."

"Good. If she fears me, she will obey me. If her family is slain in front of her and I tell her 'leave them, come away', she will. I am not here to be a friend, mentor, confidant or anything else except her bodyguard."

She will one day be Tsarina of all Russia, Sergei thought. If not Empress in her own right. I will do what I can to see to this.

"Excuse me, Mr Siyah, I hear her giggle. She is exiting the ladies lavatory."

He departed without dismissal.

Illyan made his way back to Siyah.

"Surprised he is still here, considering the March incident."

In March, a construction accident had caused some structural parts of a building to fall three stories, breaking some scaffolding, injuring several men and causing a bit of dust and noise. When the people in attendance around Micky looked up she was gone and a panic began. It was thought for a few minutes that the accident was no accident, but was a distraction to kidnap Micky. It later developed that Sergei had picked her up and spirited her away while things were still falling, breaking into a random house and having them call in to report her safe.

"He did his job and did it well. You ought to be surprised that everyone else involved wasn't dismissed," said Siyah.

"I was a bit, disappearing spare and all," said Illyan.

Siyah looked over disapprovingly, he did not care for such talk as the heir, the spare, the backup, and the latest, the surprise' Theo was not a surprise, though most of the public thought her so. Anne was still young and was talking about having even more children, but years in the future. It had even been speculated that she may surpass the British Queen Empress Victoria and her brood of nine heirs that lived to adulthood.

"And why were they not," said Illyan. "So I know what to do when I eventually have your job."

"You can wait until the turn of the century," asked Siyah. "How is their job performance, now?"

"Exemplary," said Illyan. "Top marks, even giving advice to other assets."

Siyah again let the silence answer, until Illyan spoke up again.

"Which is the point," he said. "Once the mistake made, never made again."
"I learn from you again."
So,war had ended.Good.Now,how to conqer rest ?
1.Start space race - USA would follow,and it would hurt them economically more.
2.Do not try anything in South and Central America - becouse USA would start purging non-existing Ann supporters and made 10 Vietnams for USA there.
3.germans who run to South America would also go to USA - and start trying to take over country to be safe from Ann.Let them
4.In OTL Marcuse created leftis in USA,which in 1968 tried revolution there,and antifa is still trying do so.They would do the same now - again,let them.
5.When leftist and germans start cyvil war in USA,wait some time and come as saviour.
I think,that she could take over about 2000.

P.S Ann had one problem - tribal mentality.I read about masaj and other tribes in Africa,which do not care about their countries,only about their cattle.
They would not fight Ann/only masaj could try rob her cows/ ,but they would not contribute,either.
And Ann effect do not work on people who do not comprehend what state or nation is - which means all tribes.
I guess now the only remaining path to world domination is to get space tech fast and set up a sword of damaclese over US. Then slowly destroy them with cyberattacks, cultural rift and trade blocks. Getting astroid mining quick would also result in auto win.

After ICBMs are achieved by the US it will be near impossible to take everything over without massive loss of life unless far reaching strategies are used to strangle their economy and culture.

Hopefully, the Empire can take over the world before space expansion fully starts otherwise humanity has no hope of remaining unified after rapid space expansion. An option to extend the timeframe of this block would be to rush space tech and blow up and space efforts by other countries.

There are also many options to slowly take over Japan and the nearby islands and make a US presence untenable.

I am not sure why mc thinks computer research should not be a priority, they are literally used to pave way for most modern tech.
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I guess now the only remaining path to world domination is to get space tech fast and set up a sword of damaclese over US. Then slowly destroy them with cyberattacks, cultural rift and trade blocks. Getting astroid mining quick would also result in auto win.

After ICBMs are achieved by the US it will be near impossible to take everything over without massive loss of life unless far reaching strategies are used to strangle their economy and culture.

Hopefully, the Empire can take over the world before space expansion fully starts otherwise humanity has no hope of remaining unified after rapid space expansion. An option to extend the timeframe of this block would be to rush space tech and blow up and space efforts by other countries.

There are also many options to slowly take over Japan and the nearby islands and make a US presence untenable.
Yes, those are possible/plausible and some of them may be attempted. We shall see.

I am not sure why mc thinks computer research should not be a priority, they are literally used to pave way for most modern tech.
I don't know who "mc" is.
If you meant Anne (the Empress), then the answer is simple. You know that computer research should be a priority, I know that, most of the readers know that, but she does not. Anne has only watched OTL until November 1951 and the importance of computers was not yet apparent.
Anne is intelligent and learned but her mind has limits.
I don't know who "mc" is.
If you meant Anne (the Empress), then the answer is simple. You know that computer research should be a priority, I know that, most of the readers know that, but she does not. Anne has only watched OTL until November 1951 and the importance of computers was not yet apparent.
Anne is intelligent and learned but her mind has limits.
Mc is main character and thus indeed Anne.

I didnt know her preknowledge only ran up to 1950, too bad really so many more useful knowledge after that point. Well not too big a problem, if everyone in the nation is loyal the scientific breakthrough speed will be truly amazing as no tax evation too.
Stop: Thread Locked for Many Violations of Rule 2
thread locked for many violations of rule 2 @Zagan7 SV does not ban story content where genocide happens, or where the protagonists commit attrocities. However, the rules require that this be handled in a way that does not glorify genocide, that the writing is not "one-handed." This thread does not meet that standard.

Firstly, the central conceit of this thread involves a power to magically brainwash people into loyalty to Romania. This is not simply framed as Anne making people loyal, but rather magical forcing people to completely assimilate into Romanian culture. This is reiterated in multiple places. Anne describes it (placating an antisemite) as a "solution" to "the Jewish Question" and a permanent end to "minority issues". We're later given details of what this entails, and immediately changing religion and changing names to adopt Romanian names are given as core behaviors, indeed, giving the impression that this constitutes cultural genocide. This, in universe, is marketed to no less than Adolf Hitler as an alternative Hitler might accept to the Holocaust. Regardless of Anne's motivations, the actions as described are shown in universe as comparable to the Holocaust in eliminating the Jews. You have written a power described by its user as cultural genocide and depicted as causing immediate cultural genocide. This is not second-guessed by any of the protagonists, nor is it challenged.

Nowhere in the story does it seem like the protagonist is meant to be seen as evil, or even morally dubious. In fact, within this thread, you've described the empire as essentially benevolent, a great force for good in the world. having written this empire committing, again, cultural genocide. You note elsewhere that the assimilation effect as portrayed is exactly what it looks like, with a note that it gets toned down later in the story and you eventually plan to edit it here. However, whatever you might change in the future, the story presently written on SV contains a genocidal empire that you champion as a force for good.

While these rules apply to fantasy and science fiction cases, it becomes dramatically more serious when the events discussed are not fictional. The story does not deal with a fantasy empire, but rather, with history concerning some of the most horrifying atrocities of the 20th century. This must be taken even more seriously when you write about very real groups of people and real genocides.

In light of this, you've been infracted for 100 points under rule 2 and this thread has been permanently locked. If you write anything that looks remotely like apologia for the Nazis or Hitler again on SV, you will be permanently banned.
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