We Will Conquer the Entire World!

We Will Conquer the Entire World!
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An outrageous and rather bizarre Assimilation Story.
With a little outside help, Romania embarks on an incredible conquering spree during the chaos of World War Two.
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Alternate Historian
Rule 2: Don’t Be Hateful
We Will Conquer the Entire World!
O să cucerim întreaga lume!

An outrageous and rather bizarre story featuring an original concept

Left: King Michael I of the Romanians (Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen) / Mihai I Regele Românilor

Right: Queen Anne of the Romanians (Anne of Bourbon-Parma) / Ana-Iulia Regina Românilor

War Flag of the Kingdom of Romania

Trăiască Regele, National and Royal Anthem of the Kingdom of Romania


With a little outside help, Romania embarks on an incredible conquering spree during the chaos of World War Two.

Notes: The nature of the little help received by the Kingdom of Romania will become apparent as the story progresses. What I can assure you is that this story is based upon an original premise (just like the Berlin Dome; no, not another dome, just another original premise). So, no, not another ISOT, not another all knowing self-insert, no guns of Romania, but something new for a change.

The Plot Device

Everybody who was, is or comes under the authority of the Romanian State (subjects / citizens, residents, people from occupied territories, prisoners, etc, but not tourists, diplomats or invading armies) feels unwavering loyalty to the Romanian Crown and State and a powerful desire to assimilate into the Romanian Nation. So, no partisans, no sabotages, no need for garrison troops, no treason, no double agents, etc. What you conquer is instantly yours and immediately starts contributing to the war effort.

This was inspired by an old discussion back on the AlternateHistory Forums.

No, I am not going to abandon the Berlin Dome in favour of this story. It's just that the Berlin Dome is close to its finish and I find it a little difficult to write the final chapters.

I began planning this story more than two years ago. Now, the timeline is almost completely done and I only have to write the narrative (and maybe add a few events here and there).

As my readers are already accustomed, this story will include a lot of high resolution maps.

This story is posted in parallel on the AlternateHistory Forums.

Questions, comments, suggestions, speculations and constructive criticism are always welcome.
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18 September 1937, Saint-Maurice, Val-de-Marne, France

Princess Anne (Princess Anne Antoinette Françoise Charlotte Zita Marguerite of Bourbon-Parma) was celebrating her fourteenth birthday with her parents, Prince René of Bourbon-Parma and Princess Margaret of Denmark, and brothers, Prince Jacques, Prince Michel and Prince André, in their nice suburban Parisian villa.

While Anne was dancing with her father, she lost her consciousness for a split second and recovered in the arms of her father who had taken hold of her, preventing her from falling.

Margaret: "My baby!... What happened? Are you feeling unwell?"

René: "It must be the champagne."

Anne (smiling): "Yes, it's the champagne, don't worry. I'm just a little dizzy, that's all. I'll lay down for one minute or two and I'll be just fine."

Margaret: "René, I told you that you gave too much champagne to the children. I will bring the cake right now and the children will go to bed afterwards."

Jacques: "Mother, please..."


Margaret (kissing her daughter): "Happy Birthday, Anne! Make a wish, my dear!"

Anne blew out the candles with a mysterious smile on her beautiful face.

André: "What did you wish?"

Margaret: "She can't tell, it's bad luck."

Anne: "Oh, that's only a superstition. Besides, my wish will come true, I know it... I will be the Empress of Romania... I mean Queen. Yes, I will marry Crown Prince Michael as soon as I'm nubile."

René looked a little worried but Margaret warmly embraced her adolescent daughter.

Margaret: "That seems like a good plan, my dear. Prince Michael is very handsome and Romania, I believe, is a very nice country."

Anne (blushing slightly): "I'd like to meet him..."

René: "You are too young, Anne."

Anne: "I'm not too young. I'm fourteen. And we're not going to get married right away... If I meet him this year, we can get engaged when I'm fifteen and marry after I turn sixteen."

Margaret (smiling): "I'll see if we can get an invitation to a ball in Bucharest this autumn."

Anne jumped with joy and hugged her mother.

Anne: "You are wonderful, mother! Thank you very much."

19 September 1937, Saint-Maurice, Val-de-Marne, France

The party was over soon after midnight as the children went to bed. René refilled his glass and looked at his wife in silence.

Margaret: "What's wrong, darling?"

René: "I don't understand why you are encouraging her..."

Margaret: "But, darling, it's a harmless teenage fantasy. Anne is a young lady now. She must have seen the picture of Prince Michael somewhere and now she's thinking she's in love with him. All children go through this. It's normal... And, unlike other children, our Anne is a Royal Princess and, thus, she does actually have a chance to marry the future King of Romania."

René: "I know that, I just don't want her to be hurt."

Margaret: "It's just a teenage infatuation. Maybe she'll get a little hurt but she'll get over it. Or, you know, maybe she will become the next Queen of Romania."


Alone in her bedroom, Anne took off her clothes in front of her mirror. After she thoroughly inspected her face and body, Anne put on her nightgown and laid down in her bed, smiling happily.

My God, I'm a child!... But it certainly feels good to have a body after such a long time!

Anne turned on her bed lamp, took a pin from the nightstand and pricked her thumb with it. A small droplet of blood duly formed on her skin.

I can feel pain... And I have blood flowing through my veins... That means I'm alive!

This time nothing will stop me and I will fulfil my destiny. Together with Mihai and with our people, we will conquer the entire World!

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Chapter 1. A Confession
Chapter 1. A Confession

19 September 1937, Saint-Maurice, Val-de-Marne, France

: "Get up, Anne! We will be late."

Anne (yawning and streching): "Late, where?"

Margaret: "To the Mass, dear. It's Sunday."

Anne: "I don't want to go. I'm sleepy."

Margaret: "You will rest in the afternoon. Come on, Anne, you can't skip Mass."

Anne: "What's the point? I am going to join the Romanian Orthodox Church soon anyway..."

Margaret (frowning): "Even if you marry Prince Michael, you won't have to change your religion."

Anne: "I will marry him and I will become a Romanian Orthodox because I want my people to love me."

Margaret (sighing) "Whatever. Now get ready for Church."


The Mass was long and quite different from the Orthodox one. Besides, it was in Latin and Anne was struggling to understand it as her knowledge of Latin had become a little rusty over the centuries. Nonetheless, she was quite good at theology and enjoyed mulling over the differencies between the two sister Christian faiths.

When the Mass was over, Anne stood up and headed to the exit when Margaret stopped her and asked the children to go to the confessional.

Anne: "No, Mother, please. I don't want to..."

Margaret: "But you must, dear. You haven't confessed since June."

While waiting in line for her turn, Anne panicked and started to hyperventilate.

I cannot lie in the confessional. It's a sin... I have to tell the truth... The priest will think I'm either insane or a dangerous heretic... And, if I make them believe me, Margaret will be heartbroken. She has just lost her daughter...


Priest: "When was your last confession, my child?"

Anne (stammering): "In June... Father, there is really nothing to confess."

Priest: "Everybody sins. Just try to remember..."

Anne: "You will never tell anything you hear here to any living soul, right?"

Priest: "Of course. This is only between you and God."

Anne: "Good... Because I am beyond sin. I am already redeemed. Look, Father, I am not even part of this Church anymore. I am no longer part of Ecclesia militans but of Ecclesia triumphans. I had the visio beatifica. I lived in Paradise almost three centuries. How do you say it?... Yes, I basked in the glory of God."

Priest: "You are confused, my child..."

Anne: "Elaine, you have to help me. He doesn't believe me."

Priest: "Who is Elaine?"

Anne: "My Guardian Angel. Yes, here she is. Hi, Elaine!"

The old priest looked in awe at the creature who had materialized in his half of the confessional. It looked like a young and beautiful woman, dressed in a long white robe, with a pair of large, featherly white wings neatly folded on her back, while the eerie light emitted by her translucent body filled the entire confessional.

The priest kneeled and crossed himself, crying with joy.

Priest: "Thank you, God. Thank you."

Elaine: "I'm a little busy, you know, I have a lot of humans to guard. Tell me that you believe this girl and I'm on my way."

Priest: "Of course, I believe. I truly believe now. I'm sorry for wasting your time. In fact, no, I'm not sorry, as this is the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me in my entire life..."

But Elaine was no longer there, having vanished into the hyperspace.

Anne: "Umm, Father, may I go now?"

Priest: "Yes, of course. But... I would like to know... Please..."

Anne: "Know what, Father?"

Priest: "Everything. About the Heavens, about God, Angels, everything. Please..."

Anne: "I am not sure that that would be a sensible endeavour. Your whole world would be shattered."

Priest: "Why?"

Anne: "Because... How should I say it?... A large part of the accepted theology is not accurate."

Priest: "I see. And I would still like to know."

Anne: "And I'm still not sure whether I should tell you or not."

Priest: "Would you at least tell me who you are?"

Anne: "Maybe some other time. When we're alone. I'm sure my brothers are tired of waiting... I'll be here the day after tomorrow, if that's fine with you."

Priest: "Yes, anytime."

Anne: "You won't tell my parents, would you? They would be heartbroken. After all, they have lost their daughter..."

Priest: "Of course... Where is the real Anne now?"

Anne: "She's in my place, in Paradise. She will spend the next hundred years there and then she'll be back in the exact moment she left, as if nothing had happened... Yes, it's complicated."

The priest crossed himself and began to utter a prayer.

Anne: "You are a good man, Father. Elaine told me that the Creator had forgiven all your sins. Be good and sin no more."

And Anne left the confessional, followed shortly by the priest. He sent the other children home, saying that he wasn't feeling well, which was, of course, entirely correct.

Anne: "I'm feeling better now, Mother. I'm glad I did it after all."

Margaret embraced her daughter and shed a small tear. Anne smiled.

Yes, everything is going to be just fine.

Anne did not return to the church on Tuesday. She reasoned that some truths are better left untold. Besides, she was busy packing her bags.
Chapter 2. A Dream
Chapter 2. A Dream

19 September 1937, Bucharest, Romania

That morning, Crown Prince Mihai seemed deeply troubled by something.

The sixteen years old prince lived a secluded life in the royal residence Casa Nouă, with almost no friends and little to no emotional support from his family.
  • His father, King Carol II, was a tyrant with no love for his son whom he had dethroned seven years before.
  • Carol's mistress, Magda Lupescu, was hated by Mihai who saw in her the root of his misfortunes.
  • His mother, Queen Elena, was living in exile in Fiesole where he visited her for two months per year.
  • He had no siblings.
  • His terminally ill grandmother, Queen Mother Maria, was living the last months of her life in the Balcic Palace in Southern Dobruja.
  • His uncle, Prince Nicolae, was living in exile in Switzerland.
  • His aunt, Queen Mother Maria of Yugoslavia, was living with her family in Belgrade.
  • His aunt, Princess Ileana, was living in exile in Vienna.
  • His aunt, Princess Elisabeta, was living in Bucharest and she was the only relative of Mihai whom he could talk to, despite the fact that she didn't love him very much and was close to his father.

Mihai called his aunt and told her that he wanted to discuss a sensitive issue with her. Elisabeta replied that she was going to visit them in the afternoon anyway and that they would have plenty of time for a private chat after her short meeting with Carol.


Mihai: "So, Aunt Lizzy, I had a dream last night... It was a very clear, vivid dream... A very beautiful young princess whom I liked very much..."

Elisabeta (smiling): "It's the hormones, my dear. You should find a nice peasant girl to fuck and these dreams will go away..."

Despite being very well aware of his aunt's occasional vulgarity, Mihai was still taken aback by the sudden profanity.

Mihai (blushing): "No, Aunt Lizzy, it was not that kind of dream. It seemed so real... I am sure that that princess really exists. I'd like you to help me find her..."

Elisabeta: "Fine, let's say I believe you. But there are thousands of young princesses out there, you need to be more specific."

Mihai: "She looks a little younger than me. And her name is Anne... I heard her mother calling her. And they live in Paris... I saw the Eiffel Tower in the background."

Elisabeta: "That's much better, Mihai. There surely can't be too many young princesses called Anne in Paris, isn't that so? Well, I'll do a little research and I'll call you if I have news. Happy?"

Mihai: "Thanks, Aunt Lizzy, you are the best!"

20 September 1937, Bucharest, Romania

: "Hello, Mihai... You know what? I found the girl! My God, I couldn't believe it! You were right! She's fourteen and she's lovely. Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma, the daughter of Prince René and Princess Margaret of Denmark. My God!"

Mihai: "Thank you, Aunt Lizzy."

Elisabeta: "I can call her mother and invite them here at a ball or something..."

Mihai: "Would you do that for me, Aunt Lizzy?"

Elisabeta: "Sure, you are my favourite nephew, don't you know that? I'll have to check with your father first but, don't worry, I know how to handle him..."

20 September 1937, Saint-Maurice, Val-de-Marne, France

: "Hello. I'm Elisabeth of Romania. Cousin¹ Margaret, is that you?"

1. All European royals were related to each other and they often called each other "cousin". Michael and Anne were second cousins once removed (7 degrees of separation; 1.563% common DNA).

Margaret (shocked): "Elisabeth of Romania?..."

Anne jumped from her seat, almost knocking her plate off the table, and sat down besides her mother on the sofa, listening intently to their conversation.

Elisabeta: "Yes, we met at your cousin's wedding in Copenhagen..."

Margaret: "Of course I know who you are, cousin. It's just that I wasn't expecting your call."

Elisabeta: "You know, I'm actually a little ashamed to tell you this but I thought it was so sweet... My nephew Michael described your daughter Anne from a dream of his... Margaret, are you still there?..."

Margaret went pale and almost dropped the receiver. Anne blushed and smiled widely.

Margaret: "I'm sorry, cousin, I'm not feeling very well. Please, speak with my husband."

Margaret passed the receiver to an equally bewildered René, composed herself and asked Anne to follow her in another room.

Anne: "But, Mother..."

Margaret: "Now, Anne!"


Margaret: "Young lady, you should tell me right now what is going on here."

Anne: "But I don't understand... I am so happy. Why aren't you happy for me?"

Margaret: "Because I don't believe in coincidences. You told us two days before that you would marry Prince Michael and now his aunt calls and talks about a purported dream of his which included you. Did you contact Prince Michael or his family in any way?"

Anne (angry): "No, Mother! I didn't! Please, believe me..." (crying) "I just made a wish and the wish is beginning to come true, that's all. It must be... fate."


Margaret: "René?"

René: "That's really odd... We are invited to attend a ball in Bucharest next Sunday. It seems that Prince Michael is really determined to meet Anne as soon as possible..."

Margaret: "Two children, who live a continent apart and, presumably, have never met or spoken to each other, suddenly decide, at the same time, that they fancy each other... Yes, that's really odd..."

Anne (exuberant): "It may be odd but it's wonderful!"

Thank you, Elaine!

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Chapter 3. The Ball
Chapter 3. The Ball

1-2 October 1937, Bucharest, Romania

Anne and her family arrived in Bucharest after a long but pleasant and uneventful rail journey with the Orient Express. Elisabeta welcomed them in the Bucharest North railway station and saw them to the Athénée Palace Hotel in the Royal Palace Square.

They used the two days until the ball to rest and visit some of the touristic attractions of the Romanian Capital, the so called Little Paris.

Anne was anxious to meet Mihai and pleeded with her parents to pay him a visit. Obviously, they didn't allow such an egregious breach of protocol.

On Saturday, the Bourbon-Parmas had lunch in the almost finished Elisabeta Palace, located in the picturesque Herăstrău Parc.

When returning to their hotel, they witnessed a large demonstration of the Iron Guard with thousands of Legionnaires, singing patriotic songs and dressed in their distinctive green shirts, marching up the Kiseleff Road.

Anne watched the procession, listening attentively to their songs.

Interesting, these fools may become useful after I take over the country.

Later that evening, Margaret gave a silver coin to a beggar. When, instead of leaving, the beggar continued to pester them, Anne snapped.

Anne: "Lasă-mă'n pace!" (Leave me alone!)

The beggar left while Anne's family looked puzzled at her.

Anne: "I started to learn Romanian a few months ago... To be prepared for my future role..."

Her parents did not comment but it was obvious that they were quite troubled.

3 October 1937, Bucharest, Romania

Dressed in a modest pale beige dress and wearing almost no makeup, Anne entered the Royal Palace for the first time, her heart booming in her chest, cold sweat forming on her forehead.

The hastily organized ball was attended by the Romanian Royal Family, several high class Romanians and a few other princes and princesses from abroad.

Anne curtsied impeccably when introduced to King Carol but shocked everybody when she embraced the Crown Prince. Mihai was elated, Carol was bewildered, Elisabeta was amused and Anne's parents were deeply ashamed.

Anne and Mihai danced together three times but did not have any meaningful conversation.

When Carol was alone, sipping his drink, Anne cautiously approached him.

Anne (whispering): "We need to talk..."

Carol (amused): "We surely do... I can see that you fancy my son..."

Anne: "Yes, that too... But we have other more important things to discuss... In private."

Carol: "What important things could I discuss with a child?"

Anne (rising her voice): "Nu sunt un copil, fir'ar să fie!" (I'm not a child, damn it!)

Carol (perplexed, continuing in Romanian): "Who are you?"

Anne: "I am not what I seem to be. And we really need to talk. Alone. Now."

Carol: "Come to my office in half an hour."


Anne spent 17 minutes in Carol's office. When Anne got out, she was radiant. When Carol returned to the ballroom about ten minutes later, he was a broken man.

Nobody knows exactly what happened in Carol's office during those fateful 17 minutes.

The rest of the evening passed without any other notable incidents.

Both Anne and Mihai were invited for dinner at the Elisabeta Palace the following evening.

Yes, everything is falling neatly into place. I love this World!

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Chapter 4. Elaine
Chapter 4. Elaine

4 October 1937, Bucharest, Romania

King Carol summoned a joint session of the two chambers of the Romanian Parliament (the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate) for the following day.

The roller coaster was gaining speed. Anne sensed that she would not be able to keep the charade going on for much longer. And, when her parents informed her that they would be leaving for Paris in a couple of days, she knew that she had to act. There was no time to lose. War was looming over Europe and Romania was not ready for it.

It was a quiet private dinner. There were only five people present: Anne, Margaret, René, Mihai and the host, Elisabeta.

Anne: "Cousin Elisabeth, would you mind if a friend of mine joins us for dinner?"

Elisabeta: "Sure, dear, no problem. There is enough food for everyone."

Margaret (worried): "What friend, Anne? You don't have any friends here, do you?"

Anne: "Oh, she's not from here... But she will arrive any minute now. Please don't be scared. She's good and gentle..."

Elaine materialized on an empty chair next to Anne and smiled encouragingly.

Elaine: "Good evening and may God bless you all. I am Elaine. Thank you for welcoming me in your midst. I hope I am not intruding too much. I will leave soon anyway..."

René kneeled. Margaret fainted. Elaine touched her forehead and she woke up.

Elisabeta: "You are an Angel!"

Elaine: "Yes, I am Anne's Guardian Angel. I came here because Anne needed my help. You may have noticed a string of unlikely events recently..."

Anne's parents nodded. Elaine smiled and flapped her wings gently.

Elaine: "She couldn't tell you the truth because you wouldn't have believed her. That's why I'm here. During the eons, I noticed that, while humans frequently doubt each other's words, they usually tend to believe us. Do you believe me?"

Everybody nodded.

Elaine: "The Creator entrusted Anne with a very important mission... I'm sorry but I really have to go. Anne will take over from here."

Elaine graciously took a grape and placed it in her mouth.

Elaine: "Thank you for your hospitality. The food is exquisite. Enjoy the rest of the evening. Good bye... Oh, I almost forgot. You won't need to confess your sins for a while. God had forgiven you. Good bye."

And Elaine vanished, leaving behind only a small impression on the chair she sat on.

Anne was the first to speak after a few moments of heavy silence.

Anne: "I believe I owe you an explanation... Please, do not interrupt me... Indeed, I have a mission from God. Disaster is looming over Europe and the entire World. A new World War, even greater than the Great War will bring upon us death and destruction on an unprecedented scale. And, when the madness would be finally over, the Godless Bolsheviks would be in control of half of Europe. My mission is to save my Country, this Country, Romania. And I have been granted the means to do that."

René: "But why Romania? Why not France? Or Italy, or Denmark?... And why you? Why didn't God choose a Romanian? I don't understand..."

Anne (smiling): "Yes, I should have started with that. I would have married Michael anyway, ten years from now. Therefore, Romania would have become my Country because I would have been its Queen. God has just sped things up a little, that's all... All clear now, right?"

Mihai: "So... We are going to get married?"

Anne: "Sure. The sooner, the better. And I believe that this is the best time to propose me. But please talk to my parents first. Oh, your father will ask the Parliament to approve the marriage tomorrow. Don't worry, everything is settled."

Margaret: "You can't marry. You're only fourteen!"

Anne: "In Romania, boys can marry at sixteen and girls at fourteen. I'm already fourteen and Michael will be sixteen in three weeks. Time is running out. We have to hurry."

René: "The war?"

Anne: "Yes, we may have less than two years to prepare."

Margaret: "But you are not ready to be a wife, my dear..."

Anne: "Not ready... for sex? Yes, I know that, don't worry. We won't sleep together until I'm ready."

A remarcably well composed Mihai asked René and Margaret for permission to marry their daughter, duly received their blessings and proposed to Anne.

Anne jumped in Mihai's arms, embraced him and kissed him on both cheeks.

Anne: "Cousin Elisabeth, would you help us with the engagement arrangements, please? We'd better be engaged by the end of the month and married by the end of the year."

Elisabeta: "The people will think that you're pregnant. That's the usual reason for such a hurried wedding..."

Anne: "I don't care. My mission is more important than my reputation. I have to save Romania... Oh, and please, Cousin Elisabeth, would you find us a nice house to live in? Because I am not leaving Romania any time soon and I'd like my family to stay with me."

Forgive me, God, for I have lied. You know that I had good intentions. They were not prepared for the whole truth...

And so it begins...
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[Map] January 1938
Romania and Its Environs
1 January 1938
Identical to OTL 1 January 1938

Area: 295,050 km² (0.20% of the World land area)
Population: 19,750,000 (0.86% of the World population)​

1. Denmark
2. Sweden
3. Latvia
4. Free City of Danzig (LoN Protectorate)
5. Tunisia (French Protectorate)
6. Neutral Zones (Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait)
7. Georgian S.S.R.
8. Armenian S.S.R.

A. Mount Athos (Greece)
B. Memel Region (Lithuania)
C. Moldavian A.S.S.R. (Ukraine)
D. Adyghe A.O. (Russia)
E. Karachai-Cherkess A.O. (Russia)
F. Kabardino-Balkar A.S.S.R. (Russia)
G. North Ossetian A.S.S.R. (Russia)
H. Checheno-Ingush A.S.S.R. (Russia)
J. Abkhaz A.S.S.R. (Georgia)
K. Adjar A.S.S.R. (Georgia)
L. South Ossetian A.O. (Georgia)
M. Nakhichevan A.S.S.R. (Azerbaijan)
N. Nagorno-Karabakh A.O. (Azerbaijan)
P. Sanjak of Alexandretta (Syria)

Note: This is the first from a series of about 20 maps showing the same area at different times. Further maps will also show different areas. I may create an animated map at the end.
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Chapter 5. Magda Lupescu
Chapter 5. Magda Lupescu

5 October 1937, Bucharest, Romania

: "Start packing. You will leave tomorrow morning."

At first Magda thought that Carol was joking but his stern tone and disturbed demeanour frightened and unsettled her. She pleaded with him, tried to seduce him, cried, became hysterical, all of it to no avail.

Carol was completely changed and refused to even discuss the nature of his problems. Magda was not stupid. Nothing had changed, except the presence of the young princess.

Magda: "It's that girl, isn't it?"

Carol collapsed, sobbing loudly.

Magda: "What happened? Did you screw her? Did anybody see you?"

Carol stopped crying and began shaking with a strange laughter.

Carol: "That's no girl, Duduia, it's the Devil incarnate. Run. Leave the damn country. Hell, leave the damn continent. Go to South America. Go as far away from her as possible and never look back. And don't forget to renounce the Romanian citizenship as soon as you find a Consulate."

Magda reasoned that Carol had had a nervous breakdown of some kind and stopped arguing. She got dressed, checked her gun and put it in her purse. Five minutes later she was in the lobby of the Athénée Palace Hotel.

Magda asked the receptionist to call the Bourbon-Parmas and invited Anne to a little chat about girl things.

Ten minutes later, Magda and Anne were seated at a table in the Hotel's Restaurant, enjoying their morning coffee.

Magda tried to make Anne talk about what had happened at the ball but the discussion was clearly going nowhere. So, when Anne went to the ladies' room, Magda followed her. They were alone.

Magda: "Listen, you little bitch, I don't know what you did to Carol but nobody messes with me or with my man."

Anne: "Leave me alone, you sicko!"

The situation degenerated quickly. Madga took hold of Anne's arm and Anne fought back with surprising vigour for a fourteen years old girl. Magda managed to push Anne on the ground and drew her gun.

Magda: "What did you do to Carol? You'd better start talking if you want to live."

Anne (eerie calm): "I showed him what happens to sinners like him after death."

Magda: "Don't mock me, bitch! I swear I'll shoot you."

Anne: "Shoot!"

Magda pressed the muzzle of her gun on Anne's lips. Anne slapped Magda's hand holding the gun and kicked her at the same time in the knee. The gun fired. The bullet ricocheted and hit Magda in the throat. Magda fell on her back, blood gushing out from her wound. Anne kneeled over her.

Anne (whispering): "You know, Eloxir was really sad when Carol repented and thus saved his soul from certain damnation. When did you last confess your sins, Magda?... Did you ever repent?... I think that Eloxir will be glad to have you instead of Carol... Have fun in Hell, bitch!"

Anne washed the blood from her hands and face and returned to the Restaurant.

Anne: "Waiter! Call the police, please. A woman has just shot herself in the ladies' room."
Chapter 6. Carol's Address
Chapter 6. Carol's Address

5 October 1937, Bucharest, Romania

When the police identified the dead woman as the King's official mistress, they quickly informed their superiors. In the end, there was no post-mortem and no investigation to speak of. The death was ruled a suicide by gunshot and Anne was not even mentioned in the report. The vast majority of the Romanians hated the corrupt éminence grise whose grip on Carol had brought significant misfortune to the country and were glad that she was finally gone.

Anne's family were shocked and Margaret cried hysterically. Anne had to calm them down:

"Mother, Father, I understand that you are worried about my safety but, for the sake of God, please, calm down. I am not in danger. I cannot be killed. My mission extends for a hundren years. I will not go to Paradise until 2037."

But, because more attacks could not be ruled out and Anne's family were not protected by higher powers as she was, Anne's parents decided to send her brothers out of harm's way. They left the following day to live in Villa Pianore in Lucca with their paternal grandmother, Infanta Maria Antonia of Portugal, until the situation was deemed safe enough for them to rejoin their family.

Anne and her parents moved in the Elisabeta Palace whose large gardens provided sufficient space for a small security team needed to keep away not only a possible attacker but also the people eager to get a glimse of the future Queen of the Romanians.

Carol was devastated by the loss of his lover but carried on with the promised course of action. Shortly after noon, Carol addressed the joint session of the Chambers of the Romanian Parliament.

Carol called the events of 8 June 1930 an anticonstitutional coup d'état and the dethronement of his son null and void ab initio. He went on, proclaiming that Mihai had been the King of the Romanians the whole time and he had been just the Regent of Romania for the duration of his son minority.

To alleviate the potential fears of the conspirators of the 1930 coup, he offered a blanket amnesty to all those involved.

After several hours of deliberations, the Parliament voted Carol's proposal into law. Mihai I was the King of the Romanians, with an uninterrupted reign since the death of King Ferdinand in 1927. Carol II was the Regent of Romania for the duration of Mihai's minority.

Immediately afterwards, Regent Carol announced that he desired to terminate the Regency and proclaim King Mihai of age on his sixteenth birthday (20 days from then).

The deputies and senators of Romania wanted to assess the maturity of the young King. After a nearly two hours long questions and answers session, the Parliament proclaimed Mihai to be of age starting with the 25th of October. The Regency was to be dissolved the same day and Mihai was to be crowned King of the Romanians in Alba Iulia, the symbolic place of the Union of all Romanians in one country.

At the end of the marathon session, Carol asked the Parliament to approve the engagement of his son with Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma. As the Princess was eligible according to the Romanian Constitution, the vote was a formality.

The momentous events of that day were very well received by the Romanian population, content that the deeply unpopular reign of Carol II had finally come to an end.

Anne was delighted. One domino has fallen. Seventy more to go.
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Chapter 7. Before the Betrothal
Chapter 7. Before the Betrothal

6 - 23 October 1937, Bucharest, Romania

The Engagement of Mihai and Anne was scheduled for the 24th of October, to allow Anne to be present in an official capacity at Mihai's Coronation the following day. It was also decided to have one party for all three occasions: the betrothal, Mihai's sixteenth birthday and his coronation as the third King of the Romanians.

Mihai continued to live in the Casa Nouă with his increasingly depressed father while Anne and her parents lived with Elisabeta in her palace. The teenagers met every day or every other day at the least, with Anne being always chaperoned by her mother. Intimate moments included gentle touches of their hands and kissing on their cheeks when parting away.

The members of the Romanian Royal Family who had been forced into exile by Carol were invited to return to Romania. Mihai's mother, Queen Mother Elena returned on the 17th, Prince Nicolae on the 20th and Princess Ileana on the 21st. Mihai's other aunt, Queen Mother Maria of Yugoslavia arrived on the 23rd with her son, 14 years old King Peter II, for the Engagement and Coronation festivities.

All of them liked Anne very much. She was really adorable when she wanted to.

Anne had nothing to do and that bothered her. Time was essential if Romania was to be prepared to meet its destiny. She couldn't just be idle and, in a seemingly completely innocuous way, opened up a fateful discussion with Mihai during one of their walks.

Anne (yawning): "I'm bored, Mihai. I'm not used to do nothing all day long. I miss school."

Mihai: "You miss school? Really?"

Anne: "Well, not exactly school per se but learning, intelectual pursuits, you know what I mean."

Mihai: "You can use my library..."

Anne: "Do you have any books on Physics? I'm interested in nuclear physics..."

Mihai: "Nuclear physics?! You?"

Anne (angry): "I'm not stupid, Mihai."

Mihai: "I didn't say that, sorry. I don't have any books on Nuclear Physics but I can ask at the University."


The following day, Anne was introduced to Professor Dr. Horia Hulubei, the leading Romanian Nuclear Physicist at that time.

Hulubei's initial amusement when told about the 14 years old princess who was interested in Nuclear Physics quickly turned into bewilderment and angst after talking to her for a couple of hours.

Anne: "Good bye, Professor. I'm glad we had this little talk. I'm sure that you'll be up to the task. You can call me any time you want if you're stuck. I may have a few more ideas..."

Hulubei: "We need more resources..."

Anne (smiling): "You'll have all the money you need when I'm Queen. For now, stick to reading what has been published on the matter, would you... Oh, Professor, one more thing. This is a matter of utmost secrecy. I'm sure you understand that. You cannot talk to anyone. Including the King. He's still a child, you know."

Anne departed, waving her hand and smiling. Hulubei was deeply perturbed. A fourteen years old girl knew more about nuclear reactions and isotopes than he did, used calculus and other complicated mathematical concepts with remarcable ease and called the King a child despite him being two years older than her. It was surreal.

Hulubei shook his head and began to review his notes. He found a mistake and smiled. The girl was not perfect after all.


Margaret: "Anne, dear, how come you know all those things?"

Anne (smiling): "Oh, Mother. How did four illiterate fishermen manage to write the Holy Bible?"

Margaret (low voice): "God told them how to."

Anne (triumphant): "Right."

Anne was also very interested in the military matters and asked to talk to a certain General called Ion Antonescu. They met a couple of times and the General was quite impressed with the young princess' knowledge of military strategy and tactics, deep insight and revolutionary ideas.

Unlike Hulubei who kept his astonishment to himself, Antonescu bluntly asked Anne about the source of her knowledge. Although Anne quickly recited the titles and authors of 18 military books that she had supposedly studied, Antonescu remained skeptic but chose to not press the issue further.

Anne filled the rest of her time enquiring about the industrial and agricultural production of Romania, the railroad network, the state finances, the situation of the chemistry and rocketry research and other equally uninteresting things for an average young girl.

Also unusual was the fact that, despite being enthusiastic about getting engaged and seemingly in love with Mihai, she paid almost no attention to the arrangements for the engagement party, leaving her mother to take care of everything, including choosing her dress, shoes, hat, garments and jewelry.

I'll have plenty of time to have fun after the war.

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