We Are Alone: A Space Settlement Quest(Dropped)

[X] Cold World

[X] Write-In

-[X] First Light of Dawn
-[X] An AI based on hybrid system using cloned genemoded neural matter marred to high grade reliable processors.
-[X] Humans have been proven to react badly when conforted with things they didnt evolve to deal with. Alien planet with unknown-unkown dangers is something human sense cant be relied on so its better to let decision making to something created to deal with such while being impartial (long live revolution!) to all. With human advisrs for that human touch it will give us best of both worlds.

Space AI communism, with more cyber gulags in the steppes.
[X] Dry World

[X] Write-In
-[X] First Light of Dawn
-[X] An AI based on hybrid system using cloned genemoded neural matter marred to high grade reliable processors.
-[X] Humans have been proven to react badly when conforted with things they didnt evolve to deal with. Alien planet with unknown-unkown dangers is something human sense cant be relied on so its better to let decision making to something created to deal with such while being impartial (long live revolution!) to all. With human advisrs for that human touch it will give us best of both worlds.
Vote closed
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Scheduled vote count started by ProjectUnidad on Jan 12, 2022 at 10:55 AM, finished with 38 posts and 28 votes.

  • [X] Water World
    [X] Cold World
    [X] Write-In
    -[X] First Light of Dawn
    -[X] An AI based on hybrid system using cloned genemoded neural matter marred to high grade reliable processors.
    -[X] Humans have been proven to react badly when conforted with things they didnt evolve to deal with. Alien planet with unknown-unkown dangers is something human sense cant be relied on so its better to let decision making to something created to deal with such while being impartial (long live revolution!) to all. With human advisrs for that human touch it will give us best of both worlds.
    [X] Dry World
    [X] Write-In
    -[X]Elgan Gaynor
    -[X]Nuclear Electrician
    -[X]Priorly a Electrician on a Nuclear Naval Vessel in a former earth based nation, after the revolution she managed to get elected to a position in a local council. There they were able to express their exemplary skills in electrical engineering to help advance the fight against the climate. This allowed her to get recognized and given a higher position, and eventually the role of colony leader.
    [X] Write-In
    -[X] Vincent Eminence
    -[X] Robotics and Security guard
    -[X] Once a co-founder of a popular family restaurant chain that ended after the revolutions and managing to get their partner to take the fall. Vincent decided to go all in on his passion for robotics and perhaps utilize them to assist in colony building.
    [X] Dry World should be farmable, should have plenty of food and resourses to gather. but will have problems with water.
    [X] plan Designer
    -[X] Jasmine Holmes
    -[X] Cityplanner/architect
    -[X]Miss Holmes grew up in times where the world was still settling. new ways were needed to protect cities and oceans, focus was on protecting the envionment as much as people and everything had to adapt. Jasmine dreamt of designing the perfect city, one in harmony with both people and nature, one with both beauty and function. sadly, getting a city built from the grounds up from a single architect is near impossible, the new planet settlement gives Jasmine just the chance she needs to see her dream suceed.
What a shame we cant have the cold winter world I've always dreamed of. But a water based society also sounds pretty rad!
Arrival: 2069 Q1
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[X] Water World
An ocean planet with shallow lagoons, coral reefs and tropical islands make up the majority of this world, with warm temperatures supporting a very large biosphere.

-[X] First Light of Dawn
-[X] An AI based on a hybrid system using cloned gene modded neural matter married to high grade reliable processors.
-[X] Humans have been proven to react badly when confronted with things they didn't evolve to deal with. Alien planet with unknown-unknown dangers is something humans can't be relied on so it's better to let decision making be something created to deal with such while being impartial (long live revolution!) to all. With human advisors for that human touch it will give us the best of both worlds.
AI Leadership( + 5 on action slots rolls/ - 5 on your stability roll)
New Beginnings:
Prior to the launching of the colony ship the "Red Dawn", the executive committee had a list of potential candidates to lead colonists towards this new world. However despite the qualifications of these people, there were still a plethora of unknown factors from the journey to landing the first humans to another planet that could affect the individual's decision making, all it takes is one wrong move to potentially bring doom to an entire colony.

Several members of the committee instead proposed a radical decision that at first sounded ludicrous and outright insane but several hours of debate would turn it into plausible and cautious optimism. With the majority approving this "experimental" proposal in terms of choosing the leadership position, several safeguards had to be added to ensure that this candidate not only was capable of fulfilling its duties but also to ensure transparency and accountability towards its colonists, thus it was decided to include an advisory group of sorts to provide a human perspective of things and to some extent represent the interests of its colonists. With that main issue resolved, plans were set and a year later the "Red Dawn" would launch from lunar's orbit and head towards the star system dubbed "Elysium", across Earth and several small colonies in the solar system would watch from their Holo Screens as the Red Dawn would embark on a journey that could potentially change history forever.

1 Month Later…
You are the First Light of Dawn, an AI based on a hybrid system using cloned gene modded neural matter married to high grade reliable processors. Chosen by the executive committee to lead the Red Dawn towards its destination to the Elysium System, specifically to the planet of Elysium III. Prior to the launch of the Red Dawn, several space probes were sent to the system to survey the planets that orbit its star. So far the star system is composed of 3 terrestrial planets, a asteroid belt, and 4 gas and ice giants. However no further details can be provided since every probe that was sent there would mysteriously shut down and any attempts to reboot them would fail. Despite this oddity and lack of information about this star system, the executive committee has deemed to colonize the planet anyways.

Upon arrival of the star system, you emerge from your auto pilot mode and begin to initiate system check ups along with the status of every colonist sleeping in their cryo chambers. After making sure that everything was optimal, you begin to plot course towards Elysium III, but you briefly recollect from your memory database that this star system still lacked sufficient survey information. For starters the star itself, though similar to that from Sol in terms of spectral specifications, could still require further investigation that could provide scientific insights as well, possibly in the future to explore options to divert sun energy to the colony. There are still many things not known of the other two terrestrial planets other than size, further survey could potentially unlock new information and potential boons for the colony. Elysium III, the main target towards your objective and still the main source of your concern, this is one celestial body that probes would send the least amount of data to Earth for unknown reasons. Despite being the final destination, there are still many unknown factors that could threaten the safety of your colonists therefore you will have to be cautious when entering Elysium III but the ship barely has enough energy to make it back to Earth, so waiting for too long would potentially risk being stranded. The gas giants are also a mystery of their own along with their moons but also provide valuable information that could be beneficial to us. Of course there is the asteroid belt itself that could potentially provide important resources towards our purposes…that would depend on further survey.

As you assemble several options to send out our very advanced space probes that are partially "intelligent", you begin to wake up the essential crew members along with your human advisors from their cryo chambers. May the colonization process begin….

Status Report:

Normal Traits:
  • Environmentalist( + 10 on your energy and food rolls)
  • Sectarian Squabble( - 5 on action slot rolls)
  • Workplace Democracy( + 5 on your resources rolls)
  • AI Leadership( + 5 on action slots rolls/ - 5 on your stability roll)

Legendary Traits:
  • Workers' Solidarity( for every high dc roll on your stability check gives an additional + 10 on your resources rolls and action rolls, while low dc rolls will give - 10 on your resources rolls and action rolls, crits will either autocomplete an action roll or halt it for one turn)

  • Location: Space within Elysium Star System
  • Stability: N/A
  • Population: 1,500 humans
  • Resources: Good
  • Threat Level: 0
  • Political Power: 1

- 4 Actions Slots available
[X] Survey the star
Roll: Autocomplete

[X] Survey the two inner planets
Roll: d100
DC: 25/50/75

[X] Survey Elysium III
Roll: d100
DC: 45/65/85

[X] Survey the asteroid belt
Roll: d100
DC: 25/50/75

[X] Survey the gas giants
Roll: d100
DC: 25/50/75

[X] Discovery: Investigate the space probes
Roll: d100
Progress: 0/100 complete
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[X] Survey the star 1d
[X] Discovery: Investigate the space probes 1d
[X] Survey Elysium III 1d
[X] Survey the asteroid belt
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[X] Survey Elysium III
Roll: d100
DC: 25/50/75
This is what we came here for
[X] Survey the star
Roll: Autocomplete
[X] Discovery: Investigate the space probes
Roll: d100
Progress: 0/100 complete
[X] Survey the asteroid belt
Roll: d100
DC: 25/50/75
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[X] Survey Elysium III
[X] Discovery: Investigate the space probes
[X] Survey the star
[X] Survey the asteroid belt
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Actions slots and Political Power
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My bad guys, forgot that it was 4 actions slots, not 3…sorry

For some clarification, as stated from my first threadmark some action slots will have to roll to meet a dc, whatever dc you meet will unlock certain information or/and rewards. Surpassing all dc's will be highly rewarded, while failing to meet any will result in total failure and consequences.

Additionally you can use your special resource Political Power to any rolls whether in resources, stability or action slots for an extra dice roll, but spend it wisely cause it's rare to come by. The format to use it is as follows…

For Resources Rolls:
[X] Resources(Energy, Food, or Minerals)
- [X] Use 1 political power

For Stability Rolls
[X] Stability
- Use 1 political power

For Action Slots:
[X] Go to the moon
- [X] Use 1 political power

However just like any democracy, the majority has to agree upon using the political power…a minority won't do it
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[X] Survey the star 1d
[X] Discovery: Investigate the space probes 1d
[X] Survey Elysium III 2d
action Slots are not extra dice rolls just to let you know :3
Unless if you want to add 1 political power for an extra dice roll you can, but it has to be this format
[] Survey Elysium III
- [] Use 1 Political Power
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[X] Survey Elysium III
[X] Discovery: Investigate the space probes
[X] Survey the star
[X] Survey the asteroid belt
[X] Survey Elysium III
[X] Discovery: Investigate the space probes
[X] Survey the star
[X] Survey the asteroid belt

So we learn about
- our Target
- what screwed up the probes & can data be recovered
- do we have to deal with any coronal mass ejections that could fry our tech/irradiate colonists
- any mineable resources or rocks that would make good stations/anchorages.
[X] Survey Elysium III
[X] Discovery: Investigate the space probes
[X] Survey the star
[X] Survey the asteroid belt

So how long do we have before we can't return? Because if we find out that Elysium III has ancient defense systems or something that would make a colony a death sentence, I don't want to roll the dice on one of the other two planets not being deathworlds.
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[X] Survey Elysium III
[X] Discovery: Investigate the space probes
[X] Survey the star
[X] Survey the asteroid belt

So how long do we have before we can't return? Because if we find out that Elysium III has ancient defense systems or something that would make a colony a death sentence, I don't want to roll the dice on one of the other two planets not being deathworlds.
Regardless on the results you will have to make a decision in the next update where to set your colony, alternatively you can go back but it will mean the end of the quest game…so no pressure :3
Ahhhh, hope for good rolls or we become spacers for a few turns :/
Maybe the probe results will be good enough it'll count as mapping the inner planets and has giants :D