Warriors of Dust (FFT x RWBY)

Recent readers

You walked into the tavern, and the bartender greeted you.

"Welcome, stranger, to the Weeping...
Character Creation: What You're Looking For


On a Bus to Ivalice

You walked into the tavern, and the bartender greeted you.

"Welcome, stranger, to the Weeping Meadow!" he said, "Come oft not one such as yours to Ivalice; an interesting story mayhap come from what I see. What say you, come from the Orient? Ordellia? Romania?"

You stayed silent as you looked for a table, and the bartender chuckled.

"No? Strong and silent are you now? Well no matter." The bartender patted a spot on the bar. "Come, rest your legs and have a drink, although what you journey for I may have an inkling of. The talk of Ivalice it has been for quite some time, as the founding of it has shaken the land. All over the world have people come to see for themselves the truth unveiled at last."

Your eyes perked up at that, and the bartender grinned at your reaction.

"Ah. Your attention it has gotten, has it not?" the bartender continued, rinsing a glass. "That's right, the Durai Papers is what I allude to; the one and only account of what really happened during the War of the Lions. Written by the heretic Orran Durai, it corroborates the stories of the 'Mad Maiden,' as they used to say. Word has it that the Church of the Maiden is in an uproar right now trying to discredit it, but too many missing details the Papers contain that match up to strange occurrences during the war for them to succeed in doing so, and now the church is coming under attack for what is said that they have done in the Papers."

As you ordered a drink, the bartender continued, his hands searching for the bottles to mix with, "And what a strange tale the Papers tell! From the time before with the Corpse Brigade, to the kidnapping of Princess Ovelia that ultimately sparked the war itself, to the real reason that the war ended at the Battle of Fort Besselat, the papers tell us all. However, bordering on plain fantasy some of the things it says!" The bartender laughed heartily at the thought. "The machinations of the Church, the full betrayal of the Knights Templar which led to its crackdown and restructuring, and even talk of demons and the Mother of Grimm herself! You would think straight out of the imagination of some young babe it had come from, and yet here we are, multiple scholars confirming its truth, every last bit of it."

As he serves you your drink, he adds, "Well, enough about what I think. Tell me, what interests you about the Durai Papers?"

You paused. Should you tell him that you were looking for:

[x] a famous name in the war; someone that the Papers revealed a new side on. (Established Characters)
[x] just a nameless soldier in the war; someone that the Papers could answer some questions of yours. (Original Character)

Next Post: A Search for the Unknown

AN: Please ignore any characters you recognize in the picture, there are surprisingly few pictures of a tavern in the early modern ages. ^_^;

Welcome to my first ever Quest, and boy is it a doozy. I hadn't imagined that the first story I would tackle would have Final Fantasy Tactics in it, but here we are. Hopefully I can make this ride entertaining for you all. @_@

One thing to note before we continue further: Any person that was born before or had fought in the Fifty Years War is prohibited. Sorry guys, you can't play as Barbaneth. Additionally, canon characters that are royalty, constructs, and come from other games (Cloud, Luso, Balthier) are also prohibited.

Special thanks to Kei and Rhomeo for being pseudo-inspiration for this.

With that being said, I bid you safe travels in this strange, new Ivalice.
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Table Of Contents
Cedric Scarlatina
cedric scarlatina


Age: 18
Birthday: 3rd​ of Gemini
Hobbies: Getting the most of his money
Lien: 3,625 Lien (Gain 1,000 Lien per month from family)

Squire: S (MAX) - The most basic of physical jobs, taught in beginning Huntsmen Schools. All academies and military schools require this job to mastered before you are accepted. Abilities include Focus, Rush, Stone, and Salve.

Chemist: S (MAX) - The most basic of Dust jobs, taught in beginning Huntsmen Schools. All academies and military schools require this job to mastered before you are accepted. Abilities include the usage of all dust items.

Knight: D+ (50/100 JP) - The most basic of knights can blunt their enemy's Speed, Power, and their potential with Dust.

Ranger: C- (0/100 JP) - Trained rangers can use bows without penalty outside their job and can push themselves to move faster in response to taking a blow.

Dust Healer: D+ (50/100 JP) - The most basic of Dust Healers can heal basic wounds and also provide a boost to defend against physical or Dust attacks.

Dust Magician: D+ (50/100 JP) - The most basic of Dust Magicians can deal basic elemental damage to their enemies.

Monk: D+ (98/100 JP) - The most basic of monks can spin quickly to attack enemies around them as well as purify ailments from their body.

Thief: B- (0/200 JP) - Skilled thieves can now catch items thrown at them, charm their enemies for a short time, as well as steal their Lien, helms, accessories, and shields. They can also jump higher and use daggers without penalty outside their job.

Dragoon: C- (18/100 JP) - Trained Dragoons gain the basic tools required for their jumps and can now wield lances without penalty outside their job.

Charisma: C (40/100 JP) - The natural ability to attract, persuade, and lead people.

Commoner: B- (0/200 SP) - The common folk are much different from the nobility, but you understand the customs and culture of the majority of Ivalice.

Haggling: C+ (70/100 JP) - Knowing the market rates and chatting up the shopkeepers will earn you a cheaper price on your items.

Insight: C- (20/100 SP) - Tendencies and habits are easier for you to spot, allowing you to divine the true meaning behind others and their words.

Learnt: D+ (75/100 SP) - Although you don't have a talent at book learning, you've read enough so that you generally understand what the ancestors of the past have written.

Perceptiveness: C- (33/100 SP) - What evades others' notice can be caught by your developed senses.

Speechcraft: C+ (70/100 JP) - Learning the ways of the spoken word has improved your ability to benefit from normal conversation.

Tactics: D+ (80/100 SP) - The ability to see possibilities and make decisions quickly in battle.

Displacement: You have the ability to instantly move yourself in a quick burst. There is a period of time before you can use it again however.

Left Hand: Escutcheon - The most inexpensive shield available. As expected, its defensive abilities are lacking.
Right Hand: Ascalon - A spear Cedric had the forge at Dusk Academy make for him.
Armor: Linen Cuirass - Linen armor with a bronze breastplate.
Helm: None.
Accessory: None.

Pyrrha Nikos – (Hopefully I will get another friend?) 337
Nora Valkyrie – (TO THE RESCUE!) 249
Lie Ren – (I hope you find my skills useful.) 115

Delita Heiral – (See you next week.) 174
Jaune Arc – (Thanks a lot for the save.) 297
Velvet Scarlatina – (*pouts* I am still mad, but thanks, brother.) 836
Blake Belladonna – (Hmmmmm.) 38

Ruby Rose – (Why did you remind me of talking with people. T_T) 156
Mardeth Baris – (She owes me for this.) 298
Yang Xiao-Long – (Phew. At least that's over with.) 204
Valentyne Petit – (More of my kind, how interesting~) 198

Lili Belmonte – (How strange a merchant's thinking is.) 101
Weiss Schnee – (Hmph, that was alright for a faunus.) -78
Mocedad Herrera – (Hah, my fists could have taken them all on!) 252
Ramza Beoulve – (Please excuse my partner.) 87

??? – (What a detestable group.) -129

Agile [Bonus to agility checks] - Cedric was always naturally light on his feet.

Brotherly Bond (Velvet) [Your relationship with Velvet will never drop below love, bonus to positive or combat actions with Velvet] - Velvet is his one and only sister, and Cedric wouldn't let her kill herself over something stupid like this.

Heritage (Viera) [Initial impressions have a random malus or bonus, social gains or hits have a random malus or bonus, bonus to hearing rolls, jumps are naturally higher, no damage from landing from tall heights] - Cedric's large ears are the only thing that separates him from a hume, but it makes all the difference.

Protagonist's Privilege [+10 to one critical fail per update, roll to avoid one mortal blow per battle] - Only for those who will become a major player in the coming years.

Socialite [Bonus to social rolls] - Money can talk, but Cedric can talk even better.

Thrifty [Bonus to haggling rolls] - Growing up with a merchant father has taught Cedric the importance of money.
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Team Capricorn
Pyrrha Nikos

- Personal -

- Jobs -
Squire: S (MAX) - The most basic of physical jobs, taught in beginning Huntsmen Schools. All academies and military schools require this job to mastered before you are accepted. Abilities include Focus, Rush, Stone, and Salve.

Chemist: S (MAX) - The most basic of Dust jobs, taught in beginning Huntsmen Schools. All academies and military schools require this job to mastered before you are accepted. Abilities include the usage of all dust items.

Knight: ???

Ranger: ???

Thief: ???

Dragoon: ???


- Skills -

- Semblance -

- Equipment -

- Traits -
Nora Valkyrie

- Personal -

- Jobs -
Squire: S (MAX) - The most basic of physical jobs, taught in beginning Huntsmen Schools. All academies and military schools require this job to mastered before you are accepted. Abilities include Focus, Rush, Stone, and Salve.

Chemist: S (MAX) - The most basic of Dust jobs, taught in beginning Huntsmen Schools. All academies and military schools require this job to mastered before you are accepted. Abilities include the usage of all dust items.

Knight: ???

Ranger: ???


- Skills -

- Semblance -

- Equipment -

- Traits -
Lie Ren

- Personal -

- Jobs -
Squire: S (MAX) - The most basic of physical jobs, taught in beginning Huntsmen Schools. All academies and military schools require this job to mastered before you are accepted. Abilities include Focus, Rush, Stone, and Salve.

Chemist: S (MAX) - The most basic of Dust jobs, taught in beginning Huntsmen Schools. All academies and military schools require this job to mastered before you are accepted. Abilities include the usage of all dust items.

Knight: ???

Monk: ???

Thief: ???


- Skills -

- Semblance -

- Equipment -

- Traits -

- Lien -
2,000 Lien

- Items -

10 Potions
5 High Potions
3 Ethers
5 Antidote
5 Echo Grass
5 Eye Drops
5 Gold Needle
3 Phoenix Downs

- Equipment -
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Important Information
  • D: For those who have just learned the skill but haven't done much with it. (0-50 SP)
  • D+: You have begun training this skill, but not too much. (50-100 SP)
  • C-: You have now learned enough for an adequate understanding of the skill. (0-33 SP)
  • C: You can now be compared to someone with average training in the skill. (33-66 SP)
  • C+: You have learned enough to become above average. (66-100 SP)
  • B-: You know enough to tutor others in this skill. (0-66 SP)
  • B: You are now skilled with this skill. (66-132 SP)
  • B+: You can now be considered an average teacher of this skill. (132-200 SP)
  • A-: Everyone has taken notice of how proficient you are with this skill. (0-100 SP)
  • A: You are now considered a master of this skill. (100-200 SP)
  • S: Above mastery, you can gain special bonuses from this skill. (MAX)
  • EX: At the pinnacle of proficiency, unique options are gained from this skill.

When you first meet somebody, their relationship will be set based on how you appear to them. Although this can be influenced by prior information, make sure your first impression counts! After that, any interaction with them can modify their relationship with them greatly, and as time rolls on, the swing will grow less and less until they have a set impression of you, and then any shifts will not have a bonus modifier. Of course, your relationship with them can be wildly different from their relationship with you, so be careful with assuming things! The more extreme your relationship is with someone, the more likely that certain actions will become unavailable to you.

  • -1000: Hatred
  • -900: Bitter Enemies
  • -700: Enemies
  • -500: Dislike
  • -300: Annoyance
  • 0: Neutral
  • 100: Acquaintance
  • 300: Friends
  • 500: Best Friends
  • 700: Blood Brothers
  • 800: Love
  • 900: Deep Love
  • 1000: Utter Devotion

Choices are will be the most important thing affecting your character in this Quest. Choices can be separated into three types: Good, Neutral, and Bad. Good choices, of course, are the best choices. Choosing these will have your character automatically succeed in the choice, with a roll to see how successful you are. Neutral choices, as one would expect, won't affect your character one way or the other, and you'll roll normally to see your character's chances. Bad choices have a high rate of failure; however, a good roll can offset this. Additionally, not all decisions will have Good or Bad choices. So choose wisely!

Combat can take many forms, but will mainly follow the Choices section above. In some cases, you will have a preparation step to set your party up, but sometimes you will not, so be careful! What's different about this system is the use of aura. Aura is used for all abilities expect basic attacks and automatically blunts attacks. Thus, management of Aura is essential for all battles. At 0% aura, one can still fight, but be prepared to take a mortal blow if one does. When a mortal blow is taken, there will be 5 turns before one will actually die, so make sure one has something for a quick revival!

Jobs are the most essential part of your being, so don't slack off on them! All characters will have a primary job and a secondary job unless stated otherwise on their character sheet. The primary jobs will enjoy full benefits: 100% effectiveness of skills and 100% JP from using skills. The secondary job will have less benefits, approximately 75% of the primary job. Of course, direct training in a job will gain more JP either of these.

There are two major types of weapons in Ivalice since the great discovery of Goug: the transforming mechashift weapons of the new age and the tried and true weapons of the old age. While mechashift weapons have the flexibility of being both a close range and a long range weapon at the same time, they do not have the raw power of the old metalsmithing practices. Old weapons are also the only ones that can be enchanted, although enchanters are rare these days, and most mechashift weapons cannot hold the raw energies that most special jobs wield.

People that are dedicated enough to pursue additional content, such as insightful questions, observations, or Omakes can find themselves earning additional traits, equipment, or Kudos!

Kudos can be used in the Kudos shop to influence many things, but be careful, as using too many kudos at one time for things like rerolls can negatively affect your character in other ways!

  • 1 Kudo
    • Reroll a Player roll
    • Give a 10% bonus to a Player roll or a 5% bonus to a Global roll
    • Obtain a Character Sheet for one of your teammates
  • 2 Kudos
    • Reroll a NPC's roll
    • Influence an NPC's opinion of you by 10 points
    • Obtain a Character Sheet for a friendly or neutral Named NPC (Limited)
  • 3 Kudos
    • Reroll a Global roll
    • Obtain a Character Sheet for a friendly or neutral unnamed important NPC (Limited)
  • 5 Kudos
    • Obtain a Character Sheet for an enemy NPC (Limited)
    • Obtain the requirements for a special job
  • 10 Kudos
    • Obtain a random trait for your character
    • Obtain a Character Sheet for a special NPC
  • 20 Kudos
    • Gain trait Lady Luck's Interest





March 21 to April 19

30 Days


April 20 to May 20

31 Days


May 21 to June 20

31 Days


June 21 to July 22

31 Days


July 23 to August 21

32 Days


August 22 to September 22

32 Days


September 23 to October 22

30 Days


October 23 to November 21

30 Days


November 22 to December 21

30 Days


December 22 to January 19

28 Days


January 20 to February 19

31 Days


February 20 to March 20

29 Days

Rollz Room
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Kudo Rewards
Team Halberds

Velvet Scarlatina

- Personal -
Age: 17
Birthday: 15th​ of Virgo
Hobbies: Pictures, Trying to fit in
Lien: 3200 Lien (1,000 Lien per month from family)

- Jobs -
Squire: S (MAX)

Chemist: S (MAX)

Knight: C (51/100 JP)

Ranger: C- (1/100 JP)

Dust Healer: C (41/100 JP)

Dust Magician: C- (0/100 JP)

Monk: C- (7/100 JP)

Thief: C- (1/100 JP)

Dust Mystic: C- (0/100 JP)

Dust Chronomancer: C- (0/100 JP)

Mimic: EX - A strange fighter to be on the battlefield for sure. You cannot use any abilities besides a basic attack on your own, but you can emulate other's abilities when they do them, even if you haven't learned them yourself. Certain summons can not be mimicked, however.

- Skills -
Charisma: D+ (60/100 JP) - The natural ability to attract, persuade, and lead people.

Commoner: B- (0/200 SP) - The common folk are much different from the nobility, but you understand the customs and culture of the majority of Ivalice.

Haggling: C- (20/100 JP) - Knowing the market rates and chatting up the shopkeepers will earn you a cheaper price on your items.

Insight: C- (0/100 SP) - Tendencies and habits are easier for you to spot, allowing you to divine the true meaning behind others and their words.

Learnt: C (65/100 SP) - Although you don't have a talent at book learning, you've read enough so that you generally understand what the ancestors of the past have written.

Perceptiveness: C (55/100 SP) - What evades others' notice can be caught by your developed senses.

Stealth: C- (30/100 SP) - To be unnoticed even in broad daylight.

Tactics: C- (0/100 SP) - The ability to see possibilities and make decisions quickly in battle.

- Semblance -
Mimic: Copying what she sees is simple to Velvet, almost effortless. She can learn movements by just looking at someone and practicing what they did. Grants access to the Mimic Job.

- Equipment -
Left Hand: None.
Right Hand: Longsword - This straight and sharp double-edged blade can be used for either stabbing or slashing.
Armor: Ringmail - A shirt made of countless interlocking metal rings.
Helm: None.
Accessory: ??? - It's a box?

- Traits -
Ambidextrous [No penalties for wielding a weapon in either hand] - A necessity for Velvet's semblance.

Genius [Major bonus to training and learning rolls] - Velvet's semblance allows her to quickly learn things at speeds most others dream at.

Heritage (Viera) [Initial impressions have a random malus or bonus, social gains or hits have a random malus or bonus, bonus to hearing rolls, jumps are naturally higher, no damage from landing from tall heights] - Velvet's ears make her stand out in a crowd.

Shy [Malus for social rolls with people not friend or higher] - Velvet would like to avoid talking please.

Sisterly Bond (Cedric) [Your relationship with Cedric will never drop below love, bonus to positive or combat actions with Cedric] - Velvet's brother will always stand by her, and she is forever grateful for that.

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I'll get back to you tomorrow after I buy this game, or cheat and use Tv Tropes.
Shy people below! Answer the man while I depart!
Edit: Huh?
Edit oncemore: What is reserved? Should I report myself for premature detonation?
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[x] just a nameless soldier in the war; someone that the Papers could answer some questions of yours. (Original Character)
[x] just a nameless soldier in the war; someone that the Papers could answer some questions of yours. (Original Character)
[X] just a nameless soldier in the war; someone that the Papers could answer some questions of yours. (Original Character)
[X] Just a nameless soldier in the war; someone that the Papers could answer some questions of yours. (Original Character)
[X] just a nameless soldier in the war; someone that the Papers could answer some questions of yours. (Original Character)

[x] a famous name in the war; someone that the Papers revealed a new side on. (Established Characters)
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Fucking psychic ashford

[q]A hero of justice
[x] just a nameless soldier in the war; someone that the Papers could answer some questions of yours. (Original Character)
[X] just a nameless soldier in the war; someone that the Papers could answer some questions of yours. (Original Character)
[X] just a nameless soldier in the war; someone that the Papers could answer some questions of yours. (Original Character)
[x] a famous name in the war; someone that the Papers revealed a new side on. (Established Characters)
Holy shit and FFT quest.


[x] a famous name in the war; someone that the Papers revealed a new side on. (Established Characters)
[x] just a nameless soldier in the war; someone that the Papers could answer some questions of yours. (Original Character)
[X] a famous name in the war; someone that the Papers revealed a new side on. (Established Characters)
[x] just a nameless soldier in the war; someone that the Papers could answer some questions of yours. (Original Character)
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[x] just a nameless soldier in the war; someone that the Papers could answer some questions of yours. (Original Character)
[X] a famous name in the war; someone that the Papers revealed a new side on. (Established Characters)
Vote Closed.

Vote Tally : Warriors of Dust (FFT x RWBY) | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4
[x] just a nameless soldier in the war; someone that the Papers could answer some questions of yours. (Original Character)
No. of Votes: 10
[x] a famous name in the war; someone that the Papers revealed a new side on. (Established Characters)
No. of Votes: 7
Total No. of Voters: 17

Update will be up shortly.