Warhammer Fantasy: The Shield of the South

Turn 2 Results
Turn 2 Results:
[] Extending a Clawed Hand: You, Nordland, and Ostland, are the three regions of the Old World that face attack in the Sea of Claws. Of the two, Nordland has both the larger port and the First Imperial Fleet. Contact the Count of Nordland, and see about arranging some trade between your two provinces. Cost: 0 Time: 1 Year: Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Diplomatic contact with Count of Nordland, +50 Trade Income
Needed: 1 Rolled:4

Your ship made landfall in the port of Neues Emskrank, a town that would be an impressive sight were you not from Erenburg. Word of your arrival had spread, and the Count of Nordland himself with his retinue were there to greet you. Count Gausser is a kindly and sincere old man, who begins your negotiations by offering his condolences for the devastation your city has suffered, and the trade deals you propose are met with little resistance. You go to sleep full of fine southern wine and content with the nice profit you have made for your city.

You are awoken by the sound of bells ringing and the roar of flames in the distance. The norscans have come for the city, and have caught much of the 2nd Imperial Fleet off guard at anchor. They are eventually repelled with the help of your personal retinue and the Count's guards, but by that point much of the Imperial Fleet is burning in the docks. The Count assures you that your trade deals will continue regardless, but you cannot help but wonder how he will guarantee that.
Reward: Met Count Kurt Gausser, +50 Trade Income. 2nd Imperial Fleet severely damaged.

[] The Long Patrol: The city of Erengrad itself is secure for the moment, but you cannot say the same for the surrounding countryside. Daria suggests you send out your Kossars to patrol the land and give you advance warning of any threats. This would leave your already small army even more decentralized, however. Cost:0 Chance of Success: 100/55% Reward: More Advance Warning of attacks, chance to raise Peasant Opinion
Needed: 1 Rolled: 65

The only thing worse than having marauders in your city is having lazy Kossars around. With that in mind, you hand Captain Daria, (who you really ought to think about promoting, come to think of it) the whip and stand back. Soon she has your men running up and down the countryside. They manage to foil a few beastmen raids and such, but the real benefit is the increased respect you get from the common folk with your show of concern. Why they've almost stopped throwing bricks at you entirely!
Reward: Land patrolled, +1 Peasant Opinion

[] Plumbing the Depths: Fish is a staple throughout Erengrad, and the Sea of Claws is rich with them. Converting a few merchant ships into fishers will hurt your income a bit, but the extra food may be worth it. Cost: 100 Time: 1 Year Chance of Success 100% Reward: Food Situation Improved by one step
Rolled 37
Needed 1+20(Disaster in Nordland)=21 Rolled 37

No one died of hunger this year. There were a few close calls where Norscan longboats got distressingly near your ships, but Erengrad merchant vessels are well armed by a normal standard, and a few ballista shots make them think twice about trying to engage. You were lucky that none of your ships ran into a large fleet like the one in Nordland though. The amount of fish brought in was enough to make even an Erengrader sick of herring, but in lean times everyone must make do. And even a few wagonloads of fish sent inland will go a long way towards helping the rest of the country.
Reward: Food situation improved to stable, rest of country slightly less starving.

[] Winter Harvest: Even the most arable soil in Kislev is lucky to bear one harvest a year; the climate is simply too cold for growth much of the year. At least, that is the conventional wisdom. You've heard of other, hardier crops, that might be able to be grown in the fallow months. Planting these would go a long way towards helping your population recover. Cost: 50 Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Food Situation Improved by one step
Rolled 71

Onions! You're introduced to the vegetable by some of the farmers you met in Nordland, and right away you can tell this is the solution you were looking for. Easy to care for, and will grow in the southernmost portions of your land year round. They make a significant dent in the hunger of your people, and you even have enough to send some to the rest of Kislev.
Reward: Introduced onions to crops in Kislev. Food situation improved to stable, rest of country slightly less starving. +50 Peasant Tax

[] The New: Instead of trying to find an order of agents who may or may not still be alive, Natalya could simply recruit new spies to give you information on the goings-on in town. This would take significantly longer, though. Cost:0 Chance of Success: 100% Time: 2 Years Reward: Spy network reestablished in Erengrad
Needed: 1 Rolled: 46

Work begins. Natalya is starting by vetting the castle staff and recruiting a few of the most reliable to act as informants within your castle, then moving on to innkeepers and servants at the local estates. It's slow work, but soon you'll have a rudimentary network of informants to help you keep track of the city.
1 Turn Remaining

[] A Test of Purity: Rumors are circling that you are a murderer of peasants, that you are a coward, that you are corrupted by the Ruinous Powers. Father Zhukov has offered to help you dispel at least one of them. He has offered to publicly conduct a ceremony to "prove" in the eyes of superstitious peasants that you are uncorrupted. Smoke and mirrors, but it should ease the fears of the common rabble. However, in private, Father Zhukov tells you that there is a real ritual of Dazh to test one's purity. It is dangerous, but the reward could be great. If you live, that is.
-[] Conduct the proper ritual. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: ?? Reward: +1 Peasant Opinion, ???

Described in Interlude

[] Proper Furnishings: Lev is currently working in the basement of your castle, which is fine for some things, but limits the experiments he can conduct to the non-explosive kind. While you appreciate his concern for your home's structural integrity, you agree that he could use a proper workshop to conduct his research. Cost: 100 Time: 2 Years Chance of Success: 100% Reward: More Learning Actions available, +1 Learning Action
Needed: 1 Rolled: 21

A large warehouse, abandoned when its owner was killed last year is found, and work begins on renovating it for proper use. Lev goes slowly, and more than once you're frustrated with the lack of progress. However, things are beginning to take shape, and Lev assures you he'll be ready by the end of next year.
1 Turn Remaining

[] Family Heirloom: Your father's sword was recovered along with his body, and as the surviving son, by rights it belongs to you now. Made by the dwarves hundreds of years ago, it has been passed down the Rukov family line for generations. You held it once as a child, and your knees buckled under the weight of the forged steel greatsword. Train with it now, and learn to wield it as he did. Cost: 0 Chance of Success 85% Reward: Competent with Dwarven-forged greatsword, chance of +1 Martial
Needed: 15 Rolled: 20

Your father's sword is more difficult to use than it first appeared. He was both taller and broader than you, and so a different grip and stance is needed. Experimenting with the proper forms takes up much of your time, and the rest is spent strengthening your arms to lift the massive blade. By the end of year you are competent with the sword, if only barely.
Reward: Competent with Dwarven-forged greatsword

[] Speak to the People: The peasants look upon you with fear and distrust. You cannot blame them for this, as your reign has not begun in the best light. But the situation as it is cannot stand, and while you are not your brother, you are a fair hand at speaking. Go among them and try to ease their worries. Cost: 0 Chance of Success: 70% Reward: +1 Peasant, Noble Opinion
Needed: 30 Rolled: 57

You will probably never be a master at giving speeches. But over the course of the year, you speak to the people of Erengrad, and do your best to address their concerns. You remind them that they are no longer hungry, that the enemy have not come this year, and that while you may be young, you have the skills to lead them to a prosperous golden age. And while there may not have been cheers and bows as you passed in the streets, the crowd were less contemptuous of you than the year before.
Reward: +1 Peasant/Noble Opinion

AN:Once again, I update much quicker than I was planning. I was originally planning to do the ritual in the results, but I realized that it would be unfair to have it be a single dice roll, so I've moved it to an interlude. Should be up tomorrow, hopefully. Any questions or corrections, let me know.
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