Warhammer 2K; or, the Nikita Neloyal'nost'

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Hello everyone, this is my first story/thread on this site. This is something I thought up over a year ago, but was only able to truly work on and flesh out in the past month or so. Of course, the inspiration for it is not mine. Instead, this is inspired by RvBOMally's Warhammer 2K scenario over on DeviantArt, though with a number of changes on my part. For the most part, the Fantasy aspects have been nixed, and the parallels to 40K stronger. Obviously, this means some further changes to stuff that I've still accepted. Instead of "foreigners" (which both brings up extremely unfortunate implications and doesn't make much sense because most of the "foreigners" are still human), the xenos here are undead (zalozhny). The Eye of Terror is mostly the former occupied European mainland. The Vozhd is instead the Premier. The Dominium Marines are the World Marines, and the Dominium Army are the Dominion Guard. Necrons and Slann are also zalozhny, and they're the same group (Necron expies).

Beyond RvBOMally themselves, I would also like to cite Zahariel and his Roboutian Heresy as a great inspiration for this. It's the best of the Alternate Heresies to me, so definitely check it out if you haven't already. With that, let's get on with this utterly bizarre alternate 40K scenario already, shall we?