Warcraft Quest: The Rise of Theramore (Dead)

Cant we ask the NE for assistance in growing our own non sacred forest?
The same for the horde,for NE to help them grow a non sacred forest for lumber.
The link between battle turns and getting a diplomat is how much time Jaina has available - if she's doing diplomacy, she has less time to throw fireballs at people.
Normal turns were we used diplomacy is one,and battle turns are other things.They dont run at the same time.
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remind me, do we have to conduct actions in all categories (diplomacy, war, personal, etc), or can we abstain from one category to reduce DC in others?
You can skip an action, but unless Jaina is doing it you won't get anything out of it, exactly. However, you could use the opportunity to add two advisors to 1 action. For example, if you skipped spying, you could add Pained's martial stat to your roll, assigning her to Martial as well as Captain Thomas. Only 1 secondary advisor may be added to each assignment. You can assign Captain Thomas and Pained, but not Captain Thomas, Pained, and Jaina.
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Cant we ask the NE for assistance in growing our own non sacred forest?
The same for the horde,for NE to help them grow a non sacred forest for lumber.
This is the sort of thing we could use to negotiate a ceasefire, but something tells me that the druids would consider any forests they make to be sacred in some way. @Aria the Mage alternatively, could we research stoneworking to make up for the lack of lumber? And if so, we could then potentially teach it to the Horde so they don't have to go all out for wood.
Sure. You are already building in mostly stone, and I'll add teaching it to the Horde to the list next turn. Sadly, you can neither burn stone nor build ships out of it.
First,i think the horde know how to build in stone,they choose not for cultural and practical reason.Building in wood is fast,easy to repair,can be taken when you move camp and if you are forced to leave you dont loose to much.
Second,i dont think that NE druids see EVERY forest as sacred,only some,so trees grown expecially to be cut down does not cause to much trouble.They are normal,non magical trees.Also maybe they can grow some fruits tree to,for food.
@Aria the Mage
Also Turn 6 is labeled wrong as "Turn 6 results " instead of " Turn 6 "
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First,i think the horde know how to build in stone,they choose not for cultural and practical reason.Building in wood is fast,easy to repair,can be taken when you move camp and if you are forced to leave you dont loose to much.
Perhaps. We at least could attempt to persuade the horde to shift towards using more stonework given their current environment has more of that than wood. Orgrimmar, as a city, likely can't go anywhere, so more permanent structures shouldn't be a problem.

Second,i dont think that NE druids see EVERY forest as sacred,only some,so trees grown expecially to be cut down does not cause to much trouble.They are normal,non magical trees.Also maybe they can grow some fruits tree to,for food.
Hopefully this is true. If they're willing to help set up forests, it would alleviate a number of things for both us and the orcs, though it may be hard to do considering that the local environments may not be suitable for supporting the kind of forest that can be easily accessed for lumber operations. One exception, though, could be Southfury, where Daelan's expedition had been cutting down the trees. One could conduct further operations there and ask the druids to heal it right back up, but i think another thing to consider in this instance is that the thunder lizard population there gets very riled up from doing it, as shown in the Durotar campaign.
Turn 6 Results
[x] Horde: Negotiate increasing trade.

DC 80/100 - 20 (Staunch Allies) - 10 (Diplomacy)


Speaking to indivual leaders, you make negotiations not with the orcs, but with the tauren, trolls, and now the forsaken. Trading fish and other luxery goods in exchange for meat, furs, carvings, and magical expertise.

+ 20 to income. Relationships with Horde improved! +10 to research this turn!

[x] Hire Guards: Your guard force is great, but with only 34 guards, a bit overworked. Raise a new guard. Cost: 20 GP: 1 GP per turn.

DC 40 - 10 (Martial)


No one wants to join, for some reason. It might be the low pay, long hours, and plentiful work outside of government jobs.

[x] Keep on ear on Theramore. Keeping an ear on the population might be wise. If overdone, it might backfire. No one wants a secret police. Or more beaten operatives, apparently. You may need to teach them tact.

30 - 10 (Intrigue)


The population seems to like you and the government, and are begining to apreciate the Horde. However, your citizens are fiercly independent. Rude jokes about the Alliance are becoming more common. In addition, you may have a small cult following, preaching you as The Promised One. It's a bit concerning, but at least they don't think you're a god?

[x] Freezing Runes: Food Preservation!

50 + 40 (Research and Traits) + 10 (Outside Expertise)


According to Amy, it's surprisingly easy. According to everyone else, Amy is a rune goddess.

[x] Look into some rumors: You've heard rumors of a skilled mage living is the plains. Try to find her.

DC 60 + 5 (Intrigue) - 10 (Experience)


You almost get stuck, but barely manage to untangle the magic and find your way to a small house with a pretty garden.

[] Stand Outside
[] Knock on the Door
[] Call Out
[] Leave
[] Examine the House Closer

Expect the choices by tomorrow.
Eh, if we're already here, no need to leave, but there's no need to be rude.

[x] Knock on the Door

So... who exactly are we supposed to be the Promised One of?
Turn 6 Part 2
[X] Knock on the Door

As you walk up to the door, you feel eyes on you. Suddenly, the door opens in your face, with an irate women holding it.
"Dare I ask why you are at my house, then?"
Looking closer at the women, you see she looks old, but resembles the former Guardian of Tirisfal. Is this Aegwynn, then?

90 + 10 (Diplomacy)
"Let me guess, you want me to fight someone."
You find your voice again, somehow. "Not really. I was just curious at who could make this, and followed the rumors."
Aegwynn raises an eyebrow.
You stand awkwardly.
"Might as well come in for tea, then. Come on."
[] Invite Aegwynn to visit Theramore.
[] Ask Aegwynn for advice fighting demons.
[] Ask Aegwynn if you can visit again.
[x] Ask Aegwynn if you can visit again.

Let's not start with anything heavy. Just have a nice chat with her and introduce ourselves and find out who she is and how she got here.
By the way, qm, since we have the option to talk to individual people, we can write in conversation topics, yes?