Warcraft Quest: The Rise of Theramore (Dead)

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A CK2 quest centered around a Warcraft faction.
Character Creation
A Warcraft CK2 Quest starting after the Battle of Mount Hjall.

[] The New Horde
Newly located in Orgrimmar, the New Horde is mainly Orcs, but includes Trolls, Tauren, and is opening negotiations with the Forsaken.

Faction Advantage: +5 to all Martial actions.
Faction Disadvantages: -5 to all Research actions.

Warchief Thrall
Diplomacy: +10
Martial: +15
Intrigue: -5
Research: 0
Stewardship: +5

[] The Night Elves
The Night Elves have long made their homes on the northern half of Kalimdor, though they have no true central capital.

Faction Advantage: +5 to all Intrigue actions.
Faction Disadvantage: -5 to all Stewardship actions.

High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind
Diplomacy: -5
Martial: +20
Intrigue: 0
Research: +5
Stewardship: +5

[] Theremore
A city made of many peoples, composed mostly of Lordaeron refugees. It is a city state, with tensions rising due to complaints about wood and fishing rights.

Faction Advantage: +5 Diplomacy
Faction Disadvantage: -5 Martial

Lady Jaina Proudmoore
Diplomacy: +10
Martial: +10
Intrigue: -5
Research: +10
Stewardship: 0
Turn 1: Choices
Contentment: 80/100
-Tensions are rising, but for now, things are settled.
Treasury: 500 GP
-Tariffs: 30 GP per month
- City Guard: 2 Units
16 men each
1 GP per month each.
- Spies
Rumor Mill:
1 GP per month
Pained hired some workers to listen to sailors in taverns, and keep on ear on the city.
New Horde: Relations are growing stressed, but the New Horde remain allies.

Martial: +10
Intrigue: +15
Lady Jaina's bodyguard, Pained is also Theramore's current Spymaster.

Paymaster Lendry:
Stewardship: +15
A Theramore banker, Lendry helps with Theramore's management, though he has no official title.
Will not exit the city on duty, unless duly compensated.

Captain Thomas:
Martial: +10

Captain Andrews:
Martial: +10

Current Diplomat: Jaina
Current General: Thomas
Current Spymaster: Pained
Current Researcher: Jaina
Current Steward: Lendry
Warning: Jaina may only take 2 actions per turn. If this continues, Jaina will gain no personal action.
Warning: Certain actions may require extra funds, due to Lendry not being an official employee.

Write In: Reassign Champions

One Action per Category may be taken.
[] Horde: Negotiate better fishing
Fishing rights have long been a contention between Theremore and the Horde. Look at these again.
[] Horde: Negotiate increasing trade.
Trade increases can only help both of your peoples.
[] Horde: Join
While currently it would be very unpopular, you could truly join the Horde.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Lumber Rights
The Night Elves guard their forests jealously, but your people need wood for ships.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Hunting Rights
While you don't know how they would feel, hunting rights would give valuable meat to your people.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Horde Ceasefire
The Night Elves and the Horde have been skirmishing over wood for years. Try to negotiate a ceasefire as a third party.
[] Alliance: Negotiate trade deals
While relations with the Alliance is frosty, trade deals could be made, increasing income.
[] Alliance: Create ceasefire
While Horde-Alliance relations aren't currently hostile, an official ceasefire could help the situation.
[] Alliance: Join
While it would make relations with the Horde difficult, and be vastly unpopular among your people, you could try to join the Alliance.

[] Raise Militia: While you have no active militia, you could begin drilling citizens now. Too much, and your people will be upset, though. Militias are run by citizens, who cannot be kept away from work for too long. The equipment will need to be provided. Cost: 2 GP
[] Hire Guards: Your guard force is great, but with only 34 guards, a bit overworked. Raise a new guard. Cost: 20 GP: 1 GP per turn.
[] Attack Night Elves: Attack the Night Elves. It would be really unpopular and difficult.
[] Attack Horde: Attack the Horde. You will gain a reputation for being a terrible ally, but go for it!
[] Attack Alliance: While possible, it will probably start a two front world war, with the Night Elves taking advantage of the chaos to retake lands.

[] Raise a network: Your network is small, and only word of mouth. Raise spies that can enter other cities. Cost: 20 GP. 4 GP per turn.
[] Keep an ear on the Horde: You are allied, but listening for rumors can't hurt.
[] Keep an ear on the Alliance: Listen for rumors about the Alliance.
[] Keep an ear on the Night Elves
Error: Spymaster is loyal to the High Priestess.
[] Keep an ear on the goblins: Keeping an ear on the goblins might pay off.

[] Guns: Guns have long been used in Kul Tiras. Figure out how to make them yourself.
[] Bows: The longbow is the standard bow, but you've heard of different types. Figure out how to improve the bow.
[] Sails: Current sails are square, and rather slow when the wind is not exactly in favor. Try to improve the classic sail.
[] Teleport: Teleportation is risky at the best of times. Figure out how to improve it be be safer.
[] Potions: Potions are expensive, and dangerous. Try to improve the potion.

[] Improve the docks: While the docks are good, they could be better. Increase trade income. Cost: 100 GP
[] Build a Shipyard: Every naval city needs a shipyard. Halves cost to build all ships. Cost: 100 GP
[] Build Walls: Walls will help defend your city. Cost: 100 GP.
[] Build Warships: Warships will vastly improve your military. Return to your naval roots! Cost: 100 GP
[] Improve the fishing fleet: Your fishing business is roaring, but could always be improved. Cost: 20 GP
[] Tax Fishermen: While it will be vastly unpopular, you could increase your income this way.
[] Tax Shops: While it will be vastly unpopular, you could increase your income this way.
[] Tax Income: While it will be vastly unpopular, you could increase your income this way.
[] Increase Tariffs: While it might increase your income, it could decrease your trade greatly.
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Turn 1 Results
[X] Horde: Negotiate better fishing
DC 80 - 20 (Allies) - 10 (Diplomacy)
The negotiations are mutually beneficial and go surprisingly well. It turns out that the major problem is that the Horde dislikes the deep sea fishing that Theremore specializes in encroaching on their territory. You give up fishing boat access in the northern border in exchange for deep sea fishing across the western coast.

Contentment: +20

[X] Raise Militia
DC 20/40/60/80/100 - 10 (Martial)
With no need for troops, and no emergencies, plans stall. Recruitment is low, and the training goes poorly. It ends up more a self defense class then a militia. However, you don't have to pay for weapons.

[X] Keep on ear on the Hoard
DC 60 - 15 (Intrigue)
While Pained is skilled, spies are difficult to get into the city. The Horde seems normal, but it's easier said than done to get spies into another city when your 'agents' are mostly on your streets. Pained has more experience in internal affairs than external, as well. She has some ideas, though.
DC Decreased Next Turn

[X] Sails
73 + 20 (Kul Tiran) + 10 (Research
A lot of progress has been made, but it's going to take more than a month to revolutionize anything.

[X] Improve the Docks
DC 50 - 15 (Stewardship)
Under the skilled hand of Lendry, a lot of progress has been made. However, unexpected supply difficulties in the stone and wood, combined with a string of poor weather, make progress slower than expected.
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Turn 2 Choices
Contentment: 100/100
Things are looking up for Theramore, and the Horde alliance has been deepened.
Treasury: 427 GP
-Tariffs: 30 GP per month
- City Guard: 2 Units
16 men each
1 GP per month each.
- Spies
Rumor Mill:
1 GP per month
Pained hired some workers to listen to sailors in taverns, and keep on ear on the city.
New Horde: The New Horde are staunch allies.

Martial: +10
Intrigue: +15
Lady Jaina's bodyguard, Pained is also Theramore's current Spymaster.

Paymaster Lendry:
Stewardship: +15
A Theramore banker, Lendry helps with Theramore's management, though he has no official title.
Will not exit the city on duty, unless duly compensated.

Captain Thomas:
Martial: +10

Captain Andrews:
Martial: +10

Current Diplomat: Jaina
Current General: Thomas
Current Spymaster: Pained
Current Researcher: Jaina
Current Steward: Lendry
Warning: Jaina may only take 2 actions per turn. If this continues, Jaina will gain no personal action.
Warning: Certain actions may require extra funds, due to Lendry not being an official employee.

Write In: Reassign Champions

One Action per Category may be taken.
[] Horde: Negotiate increasing trade.
Trade increases can only help both of your peoples.
[] Horde: Join
It would be a lot easier than a month ago, but the transition would require a lot of delicate work, at best.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Lumber Rights
The Night Elves guard their forests jealously, but your people need wood for ships.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Hunting Rights
While you don't know how they would feel, hunting rights would give valuable meat to your people.
Pained says that it might be possible, but would be complicated at best. At worst, a stray arrow could kill a sacred animal and relations would die with it.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Horde Ceasefire
The Night Elves and the Horde have been skirmishing over wood for years. Try to negotiate a ceasefire as a third party.
[] Alliance: Negotiate trade deals
While relations with the Alliance is frosty, trade deals could be made, increasing income.
[] Alliance: Create ceasefire
While Horde-Alliance relations aren't currently hostile, an official ceasefire could help the situation.
[] Alliance: Join
While it would make relations with the Horde difficult, and be vastly unpopular among your people, you could try to join the Alliance.

[] Raise Militia: While you have no active militia, you could begin drilling citizens now. Too much, and your people will be upset, though. Militias are run by citizens, who cannot be kept away from work for too long. The equipment will need to be provided. Cost: 2 GP
[] Hire Guards: Your guard force is great, but with only 34 guards, a bit overworked. Raise a new guard. Cost: 20 GP: 1 GP per turn.
[] Attack Night Elves: Attack the Night Elves. It would be really unpopular and difficult.
[] Attack Horde: Attack the Horde. You will gain a reputation for being a terrible ally, but go for it!
[] Attack Alliance: While possible, it will probably start a two front world war, with the Night Elves taking advantage of the chaos to retake lands.

[] Raise a network: Your network is small, and only word of mouth. Raise spies that can enter other cities. Cost: 20 GP. 4 GP per turn.
[] Keep an ear on the Horde: You are allied, but listening for rumors can't hurt.
Difficulty decreased.
[] Keep an ear on the Alliance: Listen for rumors about the Alliance.
[] Keep an ear on the Night Elves
Error: Spymaster is loyal to the High Priestess.
[] Keep an ear on the goblins: Keeping an ear on the goblins might pay off.
[] Keep on ear on Theramore. Keeping an ear on the population might be wise. If overdone, it might backfire. No one wants a secret police.

[] Guns: Guns have long been used in Kul Tiras. Figure out how to make them yourself.
[] Bows: The longbow is the standard bow, but you've heard of different types. Figure out how to improve the bow.
[] Sails: Current sails are square, and rather slow when the wind is not exactly in favor. Try to improve the classic sail.
103/300 completed
[] Teleport: Teleportation is risky at the best of times. Figure out how to improve it be be safer.
[] Potions: Potions are expensive, and dangerous. Try to improve the potion.

[X] Improve the docks: While the docks are good, they could be better. Increase trade income.

Personal: Warning. Either Diplomacy or Research must be dropped.
[] Find an advisor:
- [] Diplomacy: A professional diplomat could help a lot.
- [] Martial: While Thomas is skilled, he wasn't trained in strategy. Find a trained general.
- [] Intrigue: Pained would understand, and could be used as a bodyguard once again. It would makes things a lot safer.
- [] Research: While research is fun, you have other responsibilities. Find a trained researcher.
- [] Stewardship: Lendry is a volunteer. Find a real steward.
[] Hire Lendry: Lendry deserves a salary for his efforts. It would allow him to be fully utilized, and less overworked. Cost: 1 GP per month
[] Look into some rumors: You've heard rumors of a skilled mage living is the plains. Try to find her.
[] Practice with Pained: You could use some self defense skills.
[] Hang out with Thrall: You could use some relaxation, and some tea with a friend would help. Or maybe something stronger. You've heard your alcohol industry is growing.
[] Other: Write in. Must be approved by GM.
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Turn 2 Results
[X] Plan next month we'll pay our paymaster.
-[X] Raise Militia
-[X] Keep an ear on the Horde
-[X] Sails
-[X] Improve the docks
-[X] Look into some rumors: you've heard of a skilled mage living in the plains. Try to find her.

- [X] Raise Militia
DC 20/40/60/80/100 - 10 (Martial)
You manage to raise 2 troops of militiamen. They can be assigned Martial tasks, but beware that they are trained but unpaid civilians.
2 Militia Troops Gained

- [X] Keep an ear on the Horde
DC 40 - 15 (Intrigue)
You pay goblins to share tidbits of information for coin. The Horde feels that they cheated you over the fishing rights, and seems to be relatively fine with you, though a few factions are always grumpy about treaties.

- [X] Sails
94 + 20 (Kul Tiran) + 10
You make leaping strides in improving sails. Now only the finishing touches remain.

- [X] Improve the Docks
DC 25 - 15 (Stewardship)
The project is barely completed, Landrey pulls through and finishes the docks, now as impressive as most Eastern Kingdoms. (Excluding Kul Tiras, of course.)

Project Completed: Docks
Doubles Tariff income. Decreases DC on Naval Warfare by 10

- [X] Look into some rumors; you've heard of a skilled mage living in the plains. Try to find her.

You walk in the plains of Mulgore, trying to track faint arcane trails. While a lesser mage would be hopelessly lost, you think you might be able to do this.

DC 60 - 5 (Intrigue)
You walk in complex arcane patterns for days until you realize whoever made this really doesn't want to be found. Incredibly made false trails line the entire area.
DC reduced next turn
Turn 3 Choices
Contentment: 100/100
Things are looking up for Theramore, and the Horde alliance has been deepened.
Treasury: 482 GP
-Tariffs: 30 * 2 GP per month
- City Guard: 2 Units
16 heads each
1 GP per month each.
2 Militia Troops
32 heads each
- Spies
Rumor Mill:
1 GP per month
Pained hired some workers to listen to sailors in taverns, and keep on ear on the city.
New Horde: The New Horde are staunch allies, who think that you are a great ally. They might think you are an idiot, though. It seems to be mutual, amusingly enough.

Martial: +10
Intrigue: +15
Lady Jaina's bodyguard, Pained is also Theramore's current Spymaster. She can give limited insight into Night Elf culture and politics.

Paymaster Lendry:
Stewardship: +15
A Theramore banker, Lendry helps with Theramore's management, though he has no official title.
Will not exit the city on duty, unless duly compensated.

Captain Thomas:
Martial: +10

Captain Andrews:
Martial: +10

Current Diplomat: Jaina
Current General: Thomas
Current Spymaster: Pained
Current Researcher: Jaina
Current Steward: Lendry
Warning: Jaina may only take 2 actions per turn. If this continues, Jaina will gain no personal action.
Warning: Certain actions may require extra funds, due to Lendry not being an official employee.

Write In: Reassign Champions

One Action per Category may be taken.
[] Horde: Negotiate increasing trade.
Trade increases can only help both of your peoples.
[] Horde: Join
It would be a lot easier than a month ago, but the transition would require a lot of delicate work, at best.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Lumber Rights
The Night Elves guard their forests jealously, but your people need wood for ships.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Hunting Rights
While you don't know how they would feel, hunting rights would give valuable meat to your people.
Pained says that it might be possible, but would be complicated at best. At worst, a stray arrow could kill a sacred animal and relations would die with it.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Horde Ceasefire
The Night Elves and the Horde have been skirmishing over wood for years. Try to negotiate a ceasefire as a third party.
[] Alliance: Negotiate trade deals
While relations with the Alliance is frosty, trade deals could be made, increasing income.
[] Alliance: Create ceasefire
While Horde-Alliance relations aren't currently hostile, an official ceasefire could help the situation.
[] Alliance: Join
While it would make relations with the Horde difficult, and be vastly unpopular among your people, you could try to join the Alliance.
[] Try to contact Dalaran. As a skilled mage, you might be able to get a message through. Maybe. If they believe you, and all. And you can figure out the warding from a long distance. At least you're familiar with the style?

[] Raise Militia: While you have no active militia, you could begin drilling citizens now. Too much, and your people will be upset, though. Militias are run by citizens, who cannot be kept away from work for too long. The equipment will need to be provided. Cost: 2 GP
DC 20/40/60/80/100
[] Hire Guards: Your guard force is great, but with only 34 guards, a bit overworked. Raise a new guard. Cost: 20 GP: 1 GP per turn.
[] Attack Night Elves: Attack the Night Elves. It would be really unpopular and difficult.
[] Attack Horde: Attack the Horde. You will gain a reputation for being a terrible ally, but go for it!
[] Attack Alliance: While possible, it will probably start a two front world war, with the Night Elves taking advantage of the chaos to retake lands.

[] Raise a network: Your network is small, and only word of mouth. Raise spies that can enter other cities. Cost: 20 GP. 4 GP per turn.
[] Keep an ear on the Horde: You are allied, but listening for rumors can't hurt.
DC 40
[] Keep an ear on the Alliance: Listen for rumors about the Alliance.
[] Keep an ear on the Night Elves
Error: Spymaster is loyal to the High Priestess.
[] Keep an ear on the goblins: Keeping an ear on the goblins might pay off.
[] Keep on ear on Theramore. Keeping an ear on the population might be wise. If overdone, it might backfire. No one wants a secret police.

[] Guns: Guns have long been used in Kul Tiras. Figure out how to make them yourself.
[] Bows: The longbow is the standard bow, but you've heard of different types. Figure out how to improve the bow.
[] Sails: Current sails are square, and rather slow when the wind is not exactly in favor. Try to improve the classic sail.
227/300 completed
[] Teleport: Teleportation is risky at the best of times. Figure out how to improve it be be safer.
[] Potions: Potions are expensive, and dangerous. Try to improve the potion.

[] Build a Shipyard: Every naval city needs a shipyard. Halves cost to build all ships. Cost: 100 GP
[] Build Walls: Walls will help defend your city. Cost: 100 GP.
[] Build Warships: Warships will vastly improve your military. Return to your naval roots! Cost: 100 GP
[] Improve the fishing fleet: Your fishing business is roaring, but could always be improved. Cost: 20 GP
[] Tax Fishermen: While it will be vastly unpopular, you could increase your income this way.
[] Tax Shops: While it will be vastly unpopular, you could increase your income this way.
[] Tax Income: While it will be vastly unpopular, you could increase your income this way.
[] Increase Tariffs: While it might increase your income, it could decrease your trade greatly.
[] Loan Money: While a risky business, investing in your own citizens business could help your economy.
- [] Generous Loans: The goal is to stimulate the economy, not turn a profit. You don't want to drive your people into debt.
- [] Ordinary Loans: While you can forgive some debts, you do want to turn a profit.
- [] Harsh Loans: You would rather make money than help your economy. Behave like a government sponsored loan shark.

Personal: Warning. Either Diplomacy or Research must be dropped.
[] Find an advisor:
- [] Diplomacy: A professional diplomat could help a lot.
- [] Martial: While Thomas is skilled, he wasn't trained in strategy. Find a trained general.
- [] Intrigue: Pained would understand, and could be used as a bodyguard once again. It would makes things a lot safer.
- [] Research: While research is fun, you have other responsibilities. Find a trained researcher.
- [] Stewardship: Lendry is a volunteer. Find a real steward.
[] Hire Lendry: Lendry deserves a salary for his efforts. It would allow him to be fully utilized, and less overworked. Cost: 1 GP per month
[] Look into some rumors: You've heard rumors of a skilled mage living is the plains. Try to find her.
DC Reduced
[] Practice with Pained: You could use some self defense skills.
[] Hang out with Thrall: You could use some relaxation, and some tea with a friend would help. Or maybe something stronger. You've heard your alcohol industry is growing.
[] Other: Write in. Must be approved by GM.
[] Get drunk in the local taverns: It will do the soldiers good? And you need a break. Seriously.
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Turn 3 Results
[X] Thawing Our Relations
-[X] Alliance: Negotiate trade deals
-[X] Raise Militia
-[X] Keep an ear on the Alliance: Listen for rumors about the Alliance.
-[X] Build a Shipyard: Every naval city needs a shipyard. Halves cost to build all ships. Cost: 100 GP
-[X] Find an advisor:
--[X] Research

-[X] Alliance: Negotiate trade deals
DC 60/80/100 - 10 (Diplomacy)
It is... a frosty reception, to say the least, and you don't mean the snowflakes you conjured in boredom. (And a subtle power play.)
You manage to get rid of their trade sanctions, but nothing more.

-[X] Raise Militia
DC 20/40/60/80/100 - 10 (Martial)
You manage to train an extra troop of your militia.

-[X] Keep an ear on the Alliance.
DC 50 - 10 (Intrigue)
You manage to find out that the Alliance is not doing so good, and begin a network of their own citizens. While it's only in Stormwind as of now, it's certainly a start. It turns out that the lack of response from Arthas's coup/massacre combined with the influx of refugees is making tensions run high. Last month, the Stonemason's guild rioted and killed the Queen. They seem to have turned to banditry, and the nobles are taking the opportunity to gain power. The heir is so young that if Varian is killed, there may well be a power vacuum, and he is currently in mourning.

Network Gained in Stormwind. Intelligence Gained. Maintenance Cost: 2 GP per month.
[] Keep
[] Don't pay for it.

-[X] Build a Shipyard: Every naval city needs a shipyard. Halves cost to build all ships. Cost: 100 GP

DC 40 - 15 (Stewardship)
The project quickly does downhill. An entire shipment of wood was delayed for the month by a Horde - Night Elf skirmish, and almost no building gets done.
Minus Morale
Passive Morale Gain counteracts Minus

-[X] Find an advisor:
--[X] Research

DC 40/60/80/100
You find a young women who has studied mechanics. While she is inexperienced in magic, she shows a keen interest in Magitek, and understands mundane technology, possible better than you. However, she will need training in magic to truly shine, and is still learning how to write fluently.
[] Hire
Cost: 1 GP per month.
[] Hire with writing lessons
Cost: 1 GP per month. 2 GP
[] Hire with writing and magic lessons
Cost: 1 GP per month. 12 GP
[] Hire with magic lessons
Cost: 1 GP per month. 10 GP
[] Don't Hire
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Turn 4 Choices

[X] Keep
You take full advantage of the free network and start funding the cross continent messages.
[X] Hire with writing and magic lessons
You give Amy top tier education.

Contentment: 100/100
Things are looking good for Theremore, for all the Alliance dislikes you.
Treasury: 443 GP
-Tariffs: 40 * 2 GP per month
Base: 30
Trade with Alliance: +10
Docks: x2
- City Guard: 2 Units
16 heads each
1 GP per month each.
3 Militia Troops
32 heads each
- Spies
Rumor Mill:
1 GP per month
Alliance Citizen's Intelligence:
2 GP per month
Pained hired some workers to listen to sailors in taverns, and keep on ear on the city. You managed to start a network of dissatisfied citizens, as well.
New Horde: The New Horde are staunch allies, who think that you are a great ally. They might think you are an idiot, though. It seems to be mutual, amusingly enough.
Alliance: At least they aren't putting trade sanctions on you.


Martial: +10
Intrigue: +15
Lady Jaina's bodyguard, Pained is also Theramore's current Spymaster. She can give limited insight into Night Elf culture and politics.

Paymaster Lendry:
Stewardship: +15
A Theramore banker, Lendry helps with Theramore's management, though he has no official title.
Will not exit the city on duty, unless duly compensated.

Captain Thomas:
Martial: +10

Captain Andrews:
Martial: +10

Magitek Researcher Amy:
+10 Research
Magitek Interest: +20 to all magitek projects.

Current Diplomat: Jaina
Current General: Thomas
Current Spymaster: Pained
Current Researcher: Amy
Current Steward: Lendry
Warning: Certain actions may require extra funds, due to Lendry not being an official employee.

Write In: Reassign Champions

One Action per Category may be taken.
[] Horde: Negotiate increasing trade.
Trade increases can only help both of your peoples.
[] Horde: Join
It would be a lot easier than a month ago, but the transition would require a lot of delicate work, at best.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Lumber Rights
The Night Elves guard their forests jealously, but your people need wood for ships.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Hunting Rights
While you don't know how they would feel, hunting rights would give valuable meat to your people.
Pained says that it might be possible, but would be complicated at best. At worst, a stray arrow could kill a sacred animal and relations would die with it.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Horde Ceasefire
The Night Elves and the Horde have been skirmishing over wood for years. Try to negotiate a ceasefire as a third party.
[] Alliance: Negotiate trade deals
While it's a bit soon, you could go for better trade deals. However, it seems unlikely to happen.
[] Alliance: Create ceasefire
While Horde-Alliance relations aren't currently hostile, an official ceasefire could help the situation. According to intelligence, it's unlikely.
[] Alliance: Join
While it would make relations with the Horde difficult, and be vastly unpopular among your people, you could try to join the Alliance. Also, they are not having a good time. Good luck.
[] Try to contact Dalaran. As a skilled mage, you might be able to get a message through. Maybe. If they believe you, and all. And you can figure out the warding from a long distance. At least you're familiar with the style?

[] Raise Militia: While you have no active militia, you could begin drilling citizens now. Too much, and your people will be upset, though. Militias are run by citizens, who cannot be kept away from work for too long. The equipment will need to be provided. Cost: 2 GP
DC 20/40/60/80/100
[] Hire Guards: Your guard force is great, but with only 34 guards, a bit overworked. Raise a new guard. Cost: 20 GP: 1 GP per turn.
[] Attack Night Elves: Attack the Night Elves. It would be really unpopular and difficult.
[] Attack Horde: Attack the Horde. You will gain a reputation for being a terrible ally, but go for it!
[] Attack Alliance: While possible, it will probably start a two front world war, with the Night Elves taking advantage of the chaos to retake lands. On the other hand, they are certainly weaker right now, though it might end badly still. Considering your military.

[] Raise a network: Your network is small, and only word of mouth. Raise spies that can enter other cities. Cost: 20 GP. 4 GP per turn.
[] Keep an ear on the Horde: You are allied, but listening for rumors can't hurt.
DC 40
[] Keep an ear on the Alliance: Listen for rumors about the Alliance.
DC 50 - 30 (Great Network)
[] Keep an ear on the Night Elves
Error: Spymaster is loyal to the High Priestess.
[] Keep an ear on the goblins: Keeping an ear on the goblins might pay off.
[] Keep on ear on Theramore. Keeping an ear on the population might be wise. If overdone, it might backfire. No one wants a secret police.
[] Check an advisors background: Write In
[] Find info on specific person
- [] Write In: Alliance Only.

[] Guns: Guns have long been used in Kul Tiras. Figure out how to make them yourself.
[] Bows: The longbow is the standard bow, but you've heard of different types. Figure out how to improve the bow.
[] Sails: Current sails are square, and rather slow when the wind is not exactly in favor. Try to improve the classic sail.
227/300 completed
[] Teleport: Teleportation is risky at the best of times. Figure out how to improve it be be safer.
[] Potions: Potions are expensive, and dangerous. Try to improve the potion.
[] Freezing Runes: Food Preservation!
[] Heating Runes: Stoves!
[] Figure out how one would run magitek without being a mage: So that everyone can have the shinies!

[X] Build a Shipyard: Every naval city needs a shipyard. Halves cost to build all ships.

[] Find an advisor:
- [] Diplomacy: A professional diplomat could help a lot.
- [] Martial: While Thomas is skilled, he wasn't trained in strategy. Find a trained general.
- [] Intrigue: Pained would understand, and could be used as a bodyguard once again. It would makes things a lot safer.
- [] Research: Find a different researcher.
- [] Stewardship: Lendry is a volunteer. Find a real steward.
[] Hire Lendry: Lendry deserves a salary for his efforts. It would allow him to be fully utilized, and less overworked. Cost: 1 GP per month
[] Look into some rumors: You've heard rumors of a skilled mage living is the plains. Try to find her.
DC Reduced
[] Practice with Pained: You could use some self defense skills.
[] Hang out with Thrall: You could use some relaxation, and some tea with a friend would help. Or maybe something stronger. You've heard your alcohol industry is growing.
[] Other: Write in. Must be approved by GM.
[] Get drunk in the local taverns: It will do the soldiers good? And you need a break. Seriously.
[] Hang out with Amy: You would like to spend some time with Amy.
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Turn 4 Results
[X] Plan Covering The Basics
-[X] Horde: Negotiate increasing trade.
-[X] Raise Militia
-[X] Keep an ear on the goblins: Keeping an ear on the goblins might pay off.
-[X] Sails
-[X] Build a Shipyard
-[X] Relax, maybe take a nap. You have some newfound free time, take advantage of it!
Is the winner!

-[X] Horde: Negotiate increasing trade.
DC 60/80/100 - 40 (Staunch Allies) - 10 (Diplomacy)
While you increase trade a bit, it turns out the Horde has a rather disorganized tax and shipping system that complicates the entire thing, combined with the fact that it is a very new government. Thrall is enthusiastic, but can only do so much, and those under him are fairly neutral on the subject.
+10 trade income

-[X] Raise Militia
DC 20/40/60/80/100 - 10 (Martial)
4 troops of militia are raised, but citizens are starting to get annoyed.
- 10 Morale
+ Backround morale negates minus
DC increased next turn.

-[X] Keep an ear on the goblins.
DC 50 - 10 (Intrigue)
The current main cartel is Bilgewater, who is pushing the horde for mining rights. They are offering large sums of money, but the Horde hasn't agreed yet. The Night Elves have begun targeting them for encouraging the Horde to push into Ashenvale, and turning into a sabotage war.

-[X] Sails
32 + 10 (Research)
The change in the project combined with Amy's lack of enthusiasm lead to a stall in the sail improvements.

-[X] Build a Shipyard
DC 38 - 15 (Stewardship)
The shipments arrive on time and the project is finished.
Shipyard Built!
Cost for ship building halved!

-[X] Relax, maybe take a nap. You have some newfound free time, take advantage of it!
You sleep in, eat food, and laze about for a month, taking long walks by the beach to relax from helping Thrall with paperwork. You think he may regret several life choices.
Turn 5 Choices
Contentment: 100/100
+30 per turn
- +20 (Jaina's Popularity)
- +10 (Fishing Rights)
Things are looking good for Theremore, for all the Alliance dislikes you.
Treasury: 537 GP
-Tariffs: 50* 2 GP per month
Base: 30
Trade with Alliance: +10
Trade with Horde: +10
Docks: x2
- City Guard: 2 Units
16 heads each
1 GP per month each.
7 Militia Troops
32 heads each
- Spies
Rumor Mill:
1 GP per month
Alliance Citizen's Intelligence:
2 GP per month
Pained hired some workers to listen to sailors in taverns, and keep on ear on the city. You managed to start a network of dissatisfied citizens, as well.
New Horde: The New Horde are staunch allies, who think that you are a great ally. They might think you are an idiot, though. It seems to be mutual, amusingly enough.
Alliance: At least they aren't putting trade sanctions on you.


Martial: +10
Intrigue: +15
Lady Jaina's bodyguard, Pained is also Theramore's current Spymaster. She can give limited insight into Night Elf culture and politics.

Paymaster Lendry:
Stewardship: +15
A Theramore banker, Lendry helps with Theramore's management, though he has no official title.
Will not exit the city on duty, unless duly compensated.

Captain Thomas:
Martial: +10

Captain Andrews:
Martial: +10

Magitek Researcher Amy:
+10 Research
Magitek Interest: +20 to all magitek projects.
Magically Trained: +10 to all projects involving magic.

Current Diplomat: Jaina
Current General: Thomas
Current Spymaster: Pained
Current Researcher: Amy
Current Steward: Lendry
Warning: Certain actions may require extra funds, due to Lendry not being an official employee.

Write In: Reassign Champions

One Action per Category may be taken.
[] Horde: Negotiate increasing trade.
While Thrall is probably dealing with internal politics, you can certaintly try. It would probably be more about working with the other subfactions, and trying to see if the Forsaken, Tauren, or trolls are willing to open trade.
[] Horde: Join
It would be a lot easier than a month ago, but the transition would require a lot of delicate work, at best.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Lumber Rights
The Night Elves guard their forests jealously, but your people need wood for ships.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Hunting Rights
While you don't know how they would feel, hunting rights would give valuable meat to your people.
Pained says that it might be possible, but would be complicated at best. At worst, a stray arrow could kill a sacred animal and relations would die with it.
[] Night Elves: Negotiate Horde Ceasefire
The Night Elves and the Horde have been skirmishing over wood for years. Try to negotiate a ceasefire as a third party.
[] Alliance: Negotiate trade deals
While it's a bit soon, you could go for better trade deals. However, it seems unlikely to happen.
[] Alliance: Create ceasefire
While Horde-Alliance relations aren't currently hostile, an official ceasefire could help the situation. According to intelligence, it's unlikely.
[] Alliance: Join
While it would make relations with the Horde difficult, and be vastly unpopular among your people, you could try to join the Alliance. Also, they are not having a good time. Good luck.
[] Try to contact Dalaran. As a skilled mage, you might be able to get a message through. Maybe. If they believe you, and all. And you can figure out the warding from a long distance. At least you're familiar with the style?

[] Raise Militia: While you have no active militia, you could begin drilling citizens now. Too much, and your people will be upset, though. Militias are run by citizens, who cannot be kept away from work for too long. The equipment will need to be provided. Cost: 2 GP
DC 20/40/60/80/100 + 20 (Unpopular)
[] Hire Guards: Your guard force is great, but with only 34 guards, a bit overworked. Raise a new guard. Cost: 20 GP: 1 GP per turn.
[] Attack Night Elves: Attack the night elves. It would be really unpopular and difficult.
[] Attack Horde: Attack the Horde. You will gain a reputation for being a terrible ally, but go for it!
[] Attack Alliance: While possible, it will probably start a two front world war, with the Night Elves taking advantage of the chaos to retake lands. On the other hand, they are certainly weaker right now, though it might end badly still. Considering your military.
[] Attack the Bilgewater Cartel: While not officially allied with the Horde, they do have necessary trade relationships, though they aren't well liked. However, the Night Elves would probably... think you an idiot for getting involved, but a useful idiot. Or they might be greatful. Even Pained can't tell you. On the plus side, their would be less trade competition?

[] Raise a network: Your network is small, and only word of mouth. Raise spies that can enter other cities. Cost: 20 GP. 4 GP per turn.
[] Keep an ear on the Horde: You are allied, but listening for rumors can't hurt.
DC 40
[] Keep an ear on the Alliance: Listen for rumors about the Alliance.
DC 50 - 30 (Great Network)
[] Keep an ear on the Night Elves
Error: Spymaster is loyal to the High Priestess.
[] Keep an ear on the goblins: Keeping an ear on the goblins might pay off.
DC 50
[] Keep on ear on Theramore. Keeping an ear on the population might be wise. If overdone, it might backfire. No one wants a secret police.
[] Check an advisors background: Write In
[] Find info on specific person
- [] Write In: Alliance Only.

[] Guns: Guns have long been used in Kul Tiras. Figure out how to make them yourself.
[] Bows: The longbow is the standard bow, but you've heard of different types. Figure out how to improve the bow.
[] Sails: Current sails are square, and rather slow when the wind is not exactly in favor. Try to improve the classic sail.
269/300 completed
[] Teleport: Teleportation is risky at the best of times. Figure out how to improve it be be safer.
[] Potions: Potions are expensive, and dangerous. Try to improve the potion.
[] Freezing Runes: Food Preservation!
[] Heating Runes: Stoves!
[] Figure out how one would run magitek without being a mage: So that everyone can have the shinies!

Docks: All shipbuilding actions cost half.
[] Build a Church: Build a temple or church to the Holy Light, so that the devout can pray in the traditional manner of the cityfolk. Cost: 100 GP
[] Build a Keep: Build a inner keep to defend the city. This will be a massive project. Cost: 500 GP
[] Build Walls: Walls will help defend your city. Cost: 100 GP.
[] Build Warships: Warships will vastly improve your military. Return to your naval roots! Cost: 100 GP
[] Improve the fishing fleet: Your fishing business is roaring, but could always be improved. Cost: 20 GP
[] Tax Fishermen: While it will be vastly unpopular, you could increase your income this way.
[] Tax Shops: While it will be vastly unpopular, you could increase your income this way.
[] Tax Income: While it will be vastly unpopular, you could increase your income this way.
[] Increase Tariffs: While it might increase your income, it could decrease your trade greatly.
[] Loan Money: While a risky business, investing in your own citizens business could help your economy.
- [] Generous Loans: The goal is to stimulate the economy, not turn a profit. You don't want to drive your people into debt.
- [] Ordinary Loans: While you can forgive some debts, you do want to turn a profit.
- [] Harsh Loans: You would rather make money than help your economy. Behave like a government sponsored loan shark.

[] Find an advisor:
- [] Diplomacy: A professional diplomat could help a lot.
- [] Martial: While Thomas is skilled, he wasn't trained in strategy. Find a trained general.
- [] Intrigue: Pained would understand, and could be used as a bodyguard once again. It would makes things a lot safer.
- [] Research: Find a different researcher.
- [] Stewardship: Lendry is a volunteer. Find a real steward.
[] Hire Lendry: Lendry deserves a salary for his efforts. It would allow him to be fully utilized, and less overworked. Cost: 1 GP per month
[] Look into some rumors: You've heard rumors of a skilled mage living is the plains. Try to find her.
DC Reduced
[] Practice with Pained: You could use some self defense skills.
[] Hang out with Thrall: You could use some relaxation, and some tea with a friend would help. Or maybe something stronger. You've heard your alcohol industry is growing.
[] Other: Write in. Must be approved by GM.
[] Get drunk in the local taverns: It will do the soldiers good? And you need a break. Seriously.
[] Hang out with Amy: You would like to spend some time with Amy.