So I had some idle musings I wanted to share, not sure what inspired it but let's what: What if Illidan's plan to kill the Lich King with the Eye of Sargeras succeeded?
Scourge Fallout:
The Scourge is basically done in Northrend and in the EK, Sylvanas's rebellion's (Or multiple rebellions) is even bigger while the remains of the Scourge fall under the sway of the Dreadlords and local Liches. Unsurprisingly the EK fall into a bloody and chaotic mess in short order, especially as groups like the Scarlet Crusade may not even collaborate with Garithos's forces, essentially turning the area into a free for all.
Environmental Fallout:
Given Malfurion's commentary I feel there has to be a big environmental fallout, so Icecrown sinks and melts into the ocean, Northrend is split though doesn't drift but the quakes still have a cataclysmic effect on local ecology, magic, infrastructure and tons of arcane horrors spill out thanks tot he tortured Ley Lines, Many refugees flee into the few safe zones either from the fallout r what came after, so mostly Grizzly Hills, Zul'Drak and Wintergasp.
Elsewhere, sea levels do indeed rise, much of the Westlands and about half of Dustwallow and basically all of the Swamp of Sorrows is lost entirely; though in the latter case this amusingly does get water into the Blasted Lands. Theramore's people may need to leave or forcefully raise the city itself higher, though this act also completely fucks up Daelin's fleet and coastline so he can't go off and cause trouble for now.
Coastlines like Darkshore, and Hillsbrad lose their settlements, as does Stormwind its docks and Zul'Aman is definitely pissed thanks to Lake Abasi spilling over, though areas with Shamans were better able to mitigate the initial fallout.
Enemy Fallout:
The Scourge is effectively done, this also means Outland remains in the nominal control of the Legion though Magherodan doesn't do all that much, and Yogg'Saron is now more active than ever, spreading madness and his chosen servants across Northrend. He's mainly fought by the grudgingly united Drakkari and Grizzlemaw nations who are violently pissed at whoever caused this problem. Azshara's Naga also take advantage of the situation to take more land, most of the former swamps quickly become bastions for the Naga, as do various coastlines like Darkshore, with whatever remained being totally overwhelmed. So overall, no Scourge and Outland remains largely irrelevant, plus no one trying to summon Kil;jaden in a couple of years, but with more active Old Gods and Naga.
Political Fallout:
The SIlithid grow vastly more aggressive, distracting the Horde & Theramore & to an extent the Night Elves & others.
The Dark Horde & Dark Iron are completely unaffected save that this makes it easier for them to act due to their enemies distracted state.
Undermine got heavily flooded, making a huge impact on trade and creating a lot of internal instability and also Ratchet died before it could be born.
The various mobs can likely take advantage of the chaos to re-secure some territory, though Mulgore is safe, places like Westfall or the Barrens where the other polities holds are weak, yeah no, very different story.
The New Horde weathered this somewhat well, though the Darkspear likely still had to leave the Echo Isle and there was some notably intense flooding stymying Barrens campaigns. Especially as Thrall sought a means to quell the spirits rage.
The Alliance lost Menethil, Southshore, Stormwind harbor and a decent chunk of Westfall's coastline, while Kul'Tiras is wounded but also still an active member as Daelin can't bail to go looking for Jaina. So while there's definitely some initially heavy losses, they remain overall more stable.
The Night Elves lose Darkshore entirely so Staghelm likely can't swim off to make Teldrassil where he wants too, but the fact this whole situation was caused by Illidan seriously damages Tyrande (Who survived) and Malfurion's political position. Illidan's likely executed and the NE are probably hoping, or soon having delegates from Northrend demanding they help out with the Old Gods to compensate.
The troll nations probably weather this relatively well,
Zandalar has its coast encroach somewhat but the lands largely blessed by the Loa so they're largely insulated, Blood Trolls less so.
Stranglethorn may actually avoid Hakkar thanks to the Temple of Atal'Hakkar being flooded but if not, only the Bloodscalp are notably impacted.
Zul'Farrak is probably better off with Gadgetstan weakened and the coast approaching, Frostmane & Winteraxe are completely unaffected save in how the locals are reacting.
As noted, Zul'Drak and Grizzlemaw have grudgingly teamed up out of necessity and are quickly becoming bastions for refugees as they war against Yogg'Saron and will likely become very active participants in global politics once done, but likely remain very separate entities.
The Hinterlands coast bloods a little so no Revantusk village location, but otherwise they're fine and as noted, Abasi has some problems in Zul'Aman but they're mostly OK and may well be able to reclaim Quel'Danas... What's left of it. Also the Shadowglen don't get murdered by Illidan so while some of Silverpine's land is lost they likely are continuing to expand.
And that's where I stopped, as I think there's a lot of ways it can go from here, thoughts?
Scourge Fallout:
The Scourge is basically done in Northrend and in the EK, Sylvanas's rebellion's (Or multiple rebellions) is even bigger while the remains of the Scourge fall under the sway of the Dreadlords and local Liches. Unsurprisingly the EK fall into a bloody and chaotic mess in short order, especially as groups like the Scarlet Crusade may not even collaborate with Garithos's forces, essentially turning the area into a free for all.
Environmental Fallout:
Given Malfurion's commentary I feel there has to be a big environmental fallout, so Icecrown sinks and melts into the ocean, Northrend is split though doesn't drift but the quakes still have a cataclysmic effect on local ecology, magic, infrastructure and tons of arcane horrors spill out thanks tot he tortured Ley Lines, Many refugees flee into the few safe zones either from the fallout r what came after, so mostly Grizzly Hills, Zul'Drak and Wintergasp.
Elsewhere, sea levels do indeed rise, much of the Westlands and about half of Dustwallow and basically all of the Swamp of Sorrows is lost entirely; though in the latter case this amusingly does get water into the Blasted Lands. Theramore's people may need to leave or forcefully raise the city itself higher, though this act also completely fucks up Daelin's fleet and coastline so he can't go off and cause trouble for now.
Coastlines like Darkshore, and Hillsbrad lose their settlements, as does Stormwind its docks and Zul'Aman is definitely pissed thanks to Lake Abasi spilling over, though areas with Shamans were better able to mitigate the initial fallout.
Enemy Fallout:
The Scourge is effectively done, this also means Outland remains in the nominal control of the Legion though Magherodan doesn't do all that much, and Yogg'Saron is now more active than ever, spreading madness and his chosen servants across Northrend. He's mainly fought by the grudgingly united Drakkari and Grizzlemaw nations who are violently pissed at whoever caused this problem. Azshara's Naga also take advantage of the situation to take more land, most of the former swamps quickly become bastions for the Naga, as do various coastlines like Darkshore, with whatever remained being totally overwhelmed. So overall, no Scourge and Outland remains largely irrelevant, plus no one trying to summon Kil;jaden in a couple of years, but with more active Old Gods and Naga.
Political Fallout:
The SIlithid grow vastly more aggressive, distracting the Horde & Theramore & to an extent the Night Elves & others.
The Dark Horde & Dark Iron are completely unaffected save that this makes it easier for them to act due to their enemies distracted state.
Undermine got heavily flooded, making a huge impact on trade and creating a lot of internal instability and also Ratchet died before it could be born.
The various mobs can likely take advantage of the chaos to re-secure some territory, though Mulgore is safe, places like Westfall or the Barrens where the other polities holds are weak, yeah no, very different story.
The New Horde weathered this somewhat well, though the Darkspear likely still had to leave the Echo Isle and there was some notably intense flooding stymying Barrens campaigns. Especially as Thrall sought a means to quell the spirits rage.
The Alliance lost Menethil, Southshore, Stormwind harbor and a decent chunk of Westfall's coastline, while Kul'Tiras is wounded but also still an active member as Daelin can't bail to go looking for Jaina. So while there's definitely some initially heavy losses, they remain overall more stable.
The Night Elves lose Darkshore entirely so Staghelm likely can't swim off to make Teldrassil where he wants too, but the fact this whole situation was caused by Illidan seriously damages Tyrande (Who survived) and Malfurion's political position. Illidan's likely executed and the NE are probably hoping, or soon having delegates from Northrend demanding they help out with the Old Gods to compensate.
The troll nations probably weather this relatively well,
Zandalar has its coast encroach somewhat but the lands largely blessed by the Loa so they're largely insulated, Blood Trolls less so.
Stranglethorn may actually avoid Hakkar thanks to the Temple of Atal'Hakkar being flooded but if not, only the Bloodscalp are notably impacted.
Zul'Farrak is probably better off with Gadgetstan weakened and the coast approaching, Frostmane & Winteraxe are completely unaffected save in how the locals are reacting.
As noted, Zul'Drak and Grizzlemaw have grudgingly teamed up out of necessity and are quickly becoming bastions for refugees as they war against Yogg'Saron and will likely become very active participants in global politics once done, but likely remain very separate entities.
The Hinterlands coast bloods a little so no Revantusk village location, but otherwise they're fine and as noted, Abasi has some problems in Zul'Aman but they're mostly OK and may well be able to reclaim Quel'Danas... What's left of it. Also the Shadowglen don't get murdered by Illidan so while some of Silverpine's land is lost they likely are continuing to expand.
And that's where I stopped, as I think there's a lot of ways it can go from here, thoughts?