I WOULD rec. the Flaming Cliffs pack. The Su-27 just got a cockpit upgrade,a s did the F-15. Not clickable, but true 6dof if you have a TrackIR. If you don't, buy that first.
The Russian fighters didn't really interest me so I just got the Su-25 and F-15 seperate for 40$. Holy shit I can not into BVR combat or dogfighting at all.
I don't have the spitfire or the Mi-8, and the only thing I don't regularly take out for a spin is the Su-25 (because why would I take the baseline frogfoot when I have the T?)
I guess part of the fun in flying the Su-25 is how damn archaic the thing is. No autopilot, no HUD beyond a gunsight and pipper, you pretty much have to dive directly at your target to use most of the weapons like some kind of WW2 fighter-bomber. It also isn't as much as a fat cow as the T version is which turns like airliner when you're loaded. Outdated but fun to fly.
Spitfire isn't a thing right now. I assume you have the Huey? How is that module? Seems a little out of place given the lack of old aircraft like that and SAR/transport mechanics
I even fly the A-10A from time to time, when I don't feel like mucking about with the C.
Already bought the A-10C on Steam a long while ago, got the basics but never mastered it enough to finish the campaigns.
Honestly, though? if you're only wanting to spend $65, and you're dead set against the FC pack now or in the future, get the F-15 so you have an air superiority plane and get the Ka-50. It's an experience to fly, and although it's clickable, it's overall a much simpler-to-use system than the A-10C. Start up is a little over two minutes for me, not counting nav alignment. Understand it's a murderbeast to actually fly, though. It WILL try to kill you every chance it gets.
Caved on my budget and got the Ka-50 anyway.
I got the first 3 tutorials done before my X52 finally crapped out so I have an X52 Pro on the way now, but I did get to play a bit. I actually got the hang of flying it really quickly, trimming system and all. After the start up tutorial finished, I took it for a spin around an urban area. Utilizing some flying tips I saw on Youtube, I was weaving between apartments buildings, holding coordinated turns, making 180 degree combat turns, and skimming a few meters above the pavement in no time. I figure if I don't jerk the stick, don't slam the throttle, and never pitch beyond 40 degrees, the Ka-50 won't brutally murder me. It took a full 30 minutes of nutty flying before I hit a vortex ring and got fucked, which I'm happy with. I think this is the aircraft that'll have my attention until the MiG-21bis.