War Thunder: Planes and Maybe Tanks Too

Point towards Chaika and get shredded to pieces.

I swear to whatever deity you can think of that thing is made of pure stalinium. Get in a BF-110? Chaika. Do-217? Chaika. Beaufighter? Chaika. FW-190? Chaika. F4F? Chaika. A6M2? Chaika. Hurricane? Chaika. I spent half of my playtime trying and failing to shoot down a single one, finally get to tier two so I'm free of Chaika madness, and lo and behold with the newest patch there's now a Tier 2 Chaika.

RB or AB?
Oh. In RB you can just fuck them over by maintaining energy advantage. AB you pretty much have no magic bullets outside of 'pay attention.'
I wasn't talking about getting into a turning fight with a biplane, I was talking about losing head-ons as heavy fighters against something with a quarter the kg/s I have.
. . .

I can aim. I can regularly hit, and I do. That's why they're usually on fire or heavily damaged by the end of the pass. What I'm complaining about is me dying while they limp back to base.
Yeah, I'm saying that you're not hitting them right if that's what happens, because when you stick quad Hispanos in a biplane's face they die. Chaika DM is not broken.
I dunno what's wrong with what I'm doing then because I'm seeing flashes of smoke from hitting the main body and engine with explosive shells.

The thing is with a head on, basically its a coin flip over who dies first or not.

If you /have to do it/, a big trick is, start firing before the lead indicator shows up. The 20mm are effective at ranges much further than it starts showing, and waiting for it to show is letting the chaika get close enough to shoot when he could already be dead.

The Chaika and some of the other smaller Russian planes also have a smaller hitbox, which can be a pain.

Basically, you should be avoiding a head on wherever possible. Its literally the worst possible attack vector against anything except some bombers. High closing velocity, smallest target area and they can /shoot back/.

If you have any kind of an energy advantage, you are *always* better off declining the head on and making them do something that lets you get a different vector on them.

Going for a head on is for desperate measures, like if the opponent has the energy advantage and you are already chewed up.

Any kind of altitude/speed advantage means you can force a better attack.
So I took my brand new Panther (No repair ability at all) out for a spin in the CBT... damn T-34-85s (You can see them near by), look what you've done!

Reinstalled this too. My X52 is wonky as fuck, but I got a Logitech 3D Pro as well which should be fine. I also bought TrackIR 4 so I can just look around the cockpit with my head. Do mouse users still rule the game?
Reinstalled this too. My X52 is wonky as fuck, but I got a Logitech 3D Pro as well which should be fine. I also bought TrackIR 4 so I can just look around the cockpit with my head. Do mouse users still rule the game?
only in arcade though I do pretty well in realistic (historical) battles mouse aiming and using the keyboard
I can into WT tanks again!

First match: 5-1 in the Russian reserve (got caught reversing up an incline by 3 enemy tanks)

Second match: 0-5 because rocks are OP and i'm bad.
I think I was level 8 last time I played and I had the British Hellcat and the Mustang Mk1a and some other bombers. I imagine everyone has gotten a lot better since I was gone so this is going to be a grind.

Anyone play realistic/HB? Not really an arcade fan.
I think I was level 8 last time I played and I had the British Hellcat and the Mustang Mk1a and some other bombers. I imagine everyone has gotten a lot better since I was gone so this is going to be a grind.

Anyone play realistic/HB? Not really an arcade fan.
There's plenty of people if you play anyone but Japan. Japan has 10 min. wait times.
I play Realistic/Historical. Best way to make money ingame name is DirtNap (yes the capital N matters)

I saw this happen in a game tonight. I was like "Oh fuuuccc-- wait holy shit hah!"
It's been a long while since I played this game, before the tanks came out. I believe my account is still level 7, and I was mainly using the Bri'ish version of the Hellcat. How fun are ground vehicles to play by the way, compared to World of Tanks in particular? Might give it a shot again, since I fixed my horribly corrupted computer so I can play games normally again. Also, is joystick still the inferior to the keyboard and mouse? I remember joystick users being at a disadvantage. I've got a Extreme 3D Pro and X52 at the ready.

And also because I don't want to make a general flight simulator thread nobody is going to post in, help me spend money on DCS:

[] F-15C - 25$
[] A-10A - 15$
[] Su-25 - 15$
[] Ka-50 - 40$
[] UH-1H - 50$
[] Mi-8MT - 50$
[] P-51D - 40$

65$ maximum. Su-25T comes free and I already have the A-10C. The first three are cheaper since they don't have the ultra-hardcore-500-page-manual-5-minute-startup-clickable-cockpit stuff (which I'm actually alright with). There is the Flaming Cliffs 3 pack but I'm not really interested in the Flanker's and MiG's to be honest. Well, except the MiG-21, but I already prepaid for that like 2 years ago and it's FINALLY coming out soon.

I WOULD rec. the Flaming Cliffs pack. The Su-27 just got a cockpit upgrade,a s did the F-15. Not clickable, but true 6dof if you have a TrackIR. If you don't, buy that first. :p

I don't have the spitfire or the Mi-8, and the only thing I don't regularly take out for a spin is the Su-25 (because why would I take the baseline frogfoot when I have the T?)

I even fly the A-10A from time to time, when I don't feel like mucking about with the C.

Honestly, though? if you're only wanting to spend $65, and you're dead set against the FC pack now or in the future, get the F-15 so you have an air superiority plane and get the Ka-50. It's an experience to fly, and although it's clickable, it's overall a much simpler-to-use system than the A-10C. Start up is a little over two minutes for me, not counting nav alignment. Understand it's a murderbeast to actually fly, though. It WILL try to kill you every chance it gets.
I WOULD rec. the Flaming Cliffs pack. The Su-27 just got a cockpit upgrade,a s did the F-15. Not clickable, but true 6dof if you have a TrackIR. If you don't, buy that first. :p

The Russian fighters didn't really interest me so I just got the Su-25 and F-15 seperate for 40$. Holy shit I can not into BVR combat or dogfighting at all.

I don't have the spitfire or the Mi-8, and the only thing I don't regularly take out for a spin is the Su-25 (because why would I take the baseline frogfoot when I have the T?)

I guess part of the fun in flying the Su-25 is how damn archaic the thing is. No autopilot, no HUD beyond a gunsight and pipper, you pretty much have to dive directly at your target to use most of the weapons like some kind of WW2 fighter-bomber. It also isn't as much as a fat cow as the T version is which turns like airliner when you're loaded. Outdated but fun to fly.

Spitfire isn't a thing right now. I assume you have the Huey? How is that module? Seems a little out of place given the lack of old aircraft like that and SAR/transport mechanics

I even fly the A-10A from time to time, when I don't feel like mucking about with the C.

Already bought the A-10C on Steam a long while ago, got the basics but never mastered it enough to finish the campaigns.

Honestly, though? if you're only wanting to spend $65, and you're dead set against the FC pack now or in the future, get the F-15 so you have an air superiority plane and get the Ka-50. It's an experience to fly, and although it's clickable, it's overall a much simpler-to-use system than the A-10C. Start up is a little over two minutes for me, not counting nav alignment. Understand it's a murderbeast to actually fly, though. It WILL try to kill you every chance it gets.

Caved on my budget and got the Ka-50 anyway. :p

I got the first 3 tutorials done before my X52 finally crapped out so I have an X52 Pro on the way now, but I did get to play a bit. I actually got the hang of flying it really quickly, trimming system and all. After the start up tutorial finished, I took it for a spin around an urban area. Utilizing some flying tips I saw on Youtube, I was weaving between apartments buildings, holding coordinated turns, making 180 degree combat turns, and skimming a few meters above the pavement in no time. I figure if I don't jerk the stick, don't slam the throttle, and never pitch beyond 40 degrees, the Ka-50 won't brutally murder me. It took a full 30 minutes of nutty flying before I hit a vortex ring and got fucked, which I'm happy with. I think this is the aircraft that'll have my attention until the MiG-21bis.
Answered your points in bold font.
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