War Plan Orange IC Thread


The neighbourhood of Prati is the northernmost Rione of Rome's city centre, bordering the Vatican and beginning just west of the Tiber river. Its broad boulevards is lined with stately buildings from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, all adorned with emblems and slogans of The Party, and is in stark contrast to the winding alleys and small streets of Rome's historic centre. This has made Prati into the chosen location for a number of government buildings, most prominently the Ministry of Justice, as well as a number of branches for other ministries, legal firms, and corporations. Though perhaps puzzling to first-time visitors, but obvious for those familiar with the way things are in Italy, the conspicuous absence of uniformed police speaks a clear message: this is a district of order, and any who dare disturb that order would be dealt with by a force greater even than the Carabineri.

Also located in Prati is the headquarters of Radiotelevisione Italiana - Italy's National Broadcasting Company - sitting on the Viale Mazzini. A rationalist campus surrounded by an iron fence, visitors are vetted by men in black uniforms and capes before being allowed entry or when leaving. This is where the government creates the narrative it wants to feed the public. The unspoken truth: that most major news stories only surface days, if not a week, after the events, having given rise to a popular, albeit risky, joke that RAI's schedule runs a week behind the rest of the world.


Deep in the bowels of RAI's headquarters, a number of editors are at work, stacks of photographs, reels of footage, and scattered notes clutter the long table in a dimly lit editing room. The hum of ceiling-fans and machines fills the air together with cigarette-smoke as technicians splice together the segments for broadcasting, carefully selecting the images that will define the Brazilian President's visit for the Italian people.

"Alright, let's go over it again," says one of the senior editors, adjusting his glasses as he flips through the script. "We open with the signing. We want a clear shot of the Duce and President Simon shaking hands. Make sure we get that frame where the Brazilian's smiling. It has to look like he's the one honored to be here."

A junior editor nods, rewinding a clip and pausing on an image of the two leaders. "This one?"

"Good. Keep that. Then we move to the industrial angle. Our cars entering the Brazilian market, Italian design taking over South America. Get those shots of the Alfa Romeo factory floor, workers assembling the chassis. We need movement, progress. Nothing static. And make sure we cut to the ships moving parts to São Paulo, and preparing for the opening of the assembly plants there. It needs to be clear that we are bringing the industry to them. Furthering the reach of Italian goods and civilization."

A technician hesitates. "And the… imports?"

Silence. The room tenses.

The political editor clears his throat. "We don't mention them. Never mention them. Instead, we... tell a story of increased output in the Po Valley. Opening of more corporate farmland in Piedmont. As for cocoa and coffee, include a segment on the expansion of agriculture in Libya and Eritrea. Show the farms, make them lush. We have that footage from last month of the wheat fields outside Tripoli, yes?"

"Yes, but we are talking about cocoa and coffee. That's different from wheat, we can't-..."

"It is what we says it is, edit it, or find some footage" the editor snaps. "The Eritrean coffee farms are experiencing a boom. That is the story we are going with"

It seems the argument might continue when suddenly the door swings open. A man in an immaculate suit steps inside. Berlusconi. The room straightens. He casually strolls in, as if he owns the place, towards the monitors, hands in his pockets, eyes scanning the assembled images.

"Have we decided on the framing for the Duce?" His voice is casual, nonchalant. But the question is obviously loaded.

The senior editor clears his throat. "We have excellent footage, Sir. Strong, firm handshake. Confident posture. Very much in command of the moment."

Berlusconi nods approvingly. "Yes, yes. That looks right. But still, I wonder if he doesn't look abit… young?"

A pause. The technicians glance at each other. The editor frowns. "Young, Sir?"

Berlusconi leans in, tapping a finger against the screen displaying Borghese's uncannily smooth face. "I'm not saying to make him look like a wrinkled olive but.... We all know he's not exactly a young man anymore. And, well, there's something dignified in age. A great statesman, still leading. Not weak, not frail, but mortal. It humanises him"

A younger editor, bolder than the rest, furrows his brow. "Why?"

Berlusconi looks at him for a long moment before putting on a plastic smile. "Because one day, the people must be ready for an Italy without him. After all, Memento Mori."

The room is silent. The machines hum.

"Make the adjustments," Berlusconi says, turning towards the door. "But be subtle." He pauses, glancing back with an amused smirk. "We wouldn't want anyone to think we're creating a narrative."

And then he's gone.

The editors exchange a brief look, and then, without a word, return to their tasks. The footage is carefully adjusted, softened, and refined. Shadows subtly deepen beneath the Duce's eyes, the lighting shifts - noticeable, but not so much that it raises questions. A frame is trimmed here, an extra second added there, allowing for a yawn or his eyes to be closed for just abit too long. All meant to create the impression of an elder statesman, the father of a nation, commanding but worn. Deliberately crafted with each passing frame.
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Despite recent challenges, Britain remains the lighthouse of the world. Against the turn of tides, we endure, and will continue to endure, through to challenges of the next decade and into the coming century beyond that.
-Remarks delivered by Nigel Lawsonduring New Year'ss Speech on the deck of the HMS Habakkuk, 1989

"It never changes, does it?" Giselle muttered aloud without thinking about it.

In her career as a journalist, This was the third such speech delivered by the second Prime Minister, she seen delivered from the frozen deck of the (ice carrier). She supposed it made sense, HMS Victory, HMS Dreadnought, and now HMS (ice carrier). It was always a ship they loved to wave around to claim everything was alright and they remained on top of it all. Despite the fact that next generation or the one after warships bound to the may not even matter at all.

"You'd be surprised. It's always the same skin, certainly. But underneath? Nothing more than a bundle of worms and Locusts."

Giselle turned to see the source was an odd character who didn't fit the scene. Plain clothes, but nothing of the press passes, cameras, or notebooks a journalist would carry. A plain face, and… was that the kind of wood pick you'd skewer an olive in a cocktail on?

She turned back to the Prime Minister, almost not processing the strangeness, until she suddenly looked back at the odd figure. At that moment, a shadow came over the deck as the Aerial Crusier Nelson passed overhead. When it passed and the sun returned, the strange man was gone.

Though he was likely merely some government official, the strangeness of the encounter almost made her wonder if she'd seen a ghost. On the flight back, she almost wanted to include it in her report, but couldn't think of justification for wasting printer ink on a borderline ghost story.

The Treaties of Caracas

[x] The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland @tankdrop24
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The 'Green Leap Forward': Communist China's Renewable Energy Push

The world's largest air purifier in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, measuring 60m in height. Tackling air pollution from fossil fuel emissions and reducing the PRC's dependency on oil imports has become one of the major priorities of Beijing.

Excerpts from an interview with Professor Chen Siyan, College of Engineering, Nanyang University

Q: So during the PRC's latest Two Sessions or lianghui held in March, Premier Zhao Ziyang, in his capacity as chairman of the National Energy Commission, announced that the government would establish an annual renewable power subsidy worth billions of renminbi for the development of green industries in the People's Republic. What are the driving policy reasons behind such as significant move?

A: So for the People's Republic of China and its approximately 600, well 615 million citizens, the topic of energy consumption and emissions has emerged as a key issue in recent years. Primarily because of the sustained growth of the PRC's economy since the end of the Cultural Revolution, we see that energy expenditure and emissions have increased dramatically in northern China. For example, one of Beijing's longest-standing energy policies is the provision of subsidies for central heating for the regions of China it administers- what it terms the 'Liberated Area', given the PRC's generally colder climes than the ROC territories south of the Yangtze River. Though northern China's energy needs are presently met by access to cheap Soviet oil and significant numbers of coal-fired power plants, local concerns about air pollution, increase in respiratory diseases, etcetera have increased in recent years given decades of steady industrial expansion. So such a move by Beijing I think, isn't particularly surprising.

Q: From what I understand, China's renewable energy potential has been severely hampered by the Civil War, even if the conflict has been effectively frozen for decades?

A: Well yes. So when we're talking about renewable energy, one of the areas with the most potential as a whole for China is actually the Yangtze itself, especially around the Three Gorges area. But obviously with the whole Chinese Civil War and the restrictions on civilian activities on the demarcation line it means that neither the PRC or ROC have been able to exploit the hydroelectric capacities of the river, which would significant amounts of power in a hypothetical reunified Chinese state. Now the PRC has many regions in which wind and solar energy has strong potential, which is why you see such a big push in these areas in particular. Many of the regions that would benefit from the additional jobs in these industries are ones with a large number of ethnic minorities, such as Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang, so I think Beijing is also interested in boosting the economy of some of these less developed parts of the country as well. But overall the denial of the Yangtze's hydro-electrical potential to both Chinese states is definitely a strong barrier to achieving domestic energy independence for Beijing and Guangzhou.

Q: The ROC has recently concluded a treaty with the German Empire for off-world solar power from the latter's Project Thor to be beamed to ground stations in southern China, do you see the PRC attempting something similar?

Well in terms of orbital solar generation I'd say the socialist bloc is rather behind in this area compared to some of the other major powers, but I think the PRC will attempt to enter into agreements with its neighbouring socialist neighbours yes, at least as a stopgap until their own green energy producers can mature. The DPRK for example has invested significantly in developing hydro-electrical power generation, and Korea is right next to the northeast of China; the former Manchuria, or what people in the PRC often call 'the Republic's eldest son', because it was the first area of China to seriously industrialise, especially during the period of Japanese colonial rule. So you have about 110 million people living in the industrial heartland of the PRC with frequent subzero temperatures in the colder months, that's going to require a lot of energy expenditure....so such a move in my opinion would be very logical for the PRC government to pursue....
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Korean-Chinese Energy Sales Agreement
Under this agreement, the People's Republic of China will agree to purchase excess energy from the Korean Republic in exchange for low-interest loans or straight payments of rubles.

"Allies to Junche are always welcome within the Republic of Korea to the Glorious Leader's table and meetings. We hope that all who wish to help the Korean people and themselves in the process will be able to reach out hand in hand in mutually beneficial comradery. So says the Glorius Leader!"

[X] Jung Ji-oh, Korean Ambassador to the People's Republic of China
[x] Qian Qichen, Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China
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Korean-Chinese Energy Sales Agreement
Under this agreement, the People's Republic of China will agree to purchase excess energy from the Korean Republic in exchange for low-interest loans or straight payments of rubles.

"Allies to Juche are always welcome within the Republic of Korea to the Glorious Leader's table and meetings. We hope that all who wish to help the Korean people and themselves in the process will be able to reach out hand in hand in mutually beneficial comradery. So says the Glorious Leader!"

[X] Jung Ji-oh, Korean Ambassador to the People's Republic of China
[] People's Republic of China @Bucephalus

[x] Qian Qichen, Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China

"Sino-Korean ties are as strong as ever after four fruitful decades of diplomatic relations. Let our two nations stride confidently into the new world together as close partners! Wansui!"
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Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping and General Secretary Anatoly Lukyanov announced today that the Venera colonization program has become a truly international endeavor. Venera 19, set to launch this spring, is to carry Chinese taikonauts alongside Soviet cosmonauts on their journey to Venus, making China the second country to send a man to another planet. Additionally, research into the refinement of Venusian Ammonia-Emulsion (A-E) compounds has been expanded to various selected Chinese universities, furthering the cause of socialist technological advancement.

As Venera 19 prepares for launch, Venera 18 is expected to...

Soviet-Argentine Trade Agreement

Being an agreement between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Argentine Republic:
  • The USSR and Argentina agree to enter into a bilateral trade relationship, where both participants will commit to the lowering of most trade barriers
  • The USSR agrees to export machine tools and industrial equipment to Argentina at lowered prices
  • In exchange, Argentina agrees to export raw materials to the USSR at reduced prices
  • The USSR agrees to allow Argentine to produce the Su-27 fighter under license
[ ] Argentina

SATO Treaty Signed at Brazzaville
WASHINGTON (03/04) - Representatives of three nations at Brazzaville yesterday signed a treaty in an effort to maintain collective peace within the South Atlantic

An announcement came from Brazzaville today jointly made by US President Dukakis, Brasilian President Jorge Simon and their hosting counterpart President Kabila of the formation of the South Atlantic Treaty Organisation. A pact of collective defense and mutual economic aid predicated on countering hostile influences within the region. SATO has announced a joint military exercise to be carried out within Congolese waters and the city of Pointe-Bay this fall.

As part of the first meeting of the established SATO Council President Dukakis has left Brazzaville with a trade deal with Brasilia that lowered trade and business barriers along with the purchase of US Coastal Defense systems by Brazil. This deal has been joined by an agreement to subsidise American investments in both countries, along with a transfer program of newly obsoleted energy technicians and the supply of modern power armor and planes for the Republic of the Congo.

When asked President Dukakis commented that SATO is a 'new step' for America to embrace its mission to promote humanitarianism and sovereignty around the globe.

[] @Silver Gambit
[] @Thalmann

Conference for Japanese Wartime Conduct to be Held Nearly 45 Years After

SAN FRANCISCO (15/03) - After visiting US allies in the Pacific, Secretary of State Lee Hamilton returns with important step in Pan-Pacific relations

After high level negotiations with the governments of SEATO member states along with the Japanese government, Tokyo has agreed to conduct a summit in Honolulu on December 7th, between all belligerents of the Pacific War to discuss Japanese wartime conduct and to determine the extent of the crimes against humanity carried out during the war. In addition the attending nations shall also determine the response and reparations that shall have to be undertaken by Tokyo.

Secretary Hamilton has commented that he is 'overjoyed to see history unfold' as this meeting represents a historical step in the relationship between all nations that has suffered during the war.

[] @Theaxofwar
[] @Shrike
[] @Nanolyte
[] @Archon of Ghosts
[] @ArvisPresley
[] @Secondskink
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Conference for Japanese Wartime Conduct to be Held Nearly 45 Years After
SAN FRANCISCO (15/03) - After visiting US allies in the Pacific, Secretary of State Lee Hamilton returns with important step in Pan-Pacific relations

After high level negotiations with the governments of SEATO member states along with the Japanese government, Tokyo has agreed to conduct a summit in Honolulu on December 7th, between all belligerents of the Pacific War to discuss Japanese wartime conduct and to determine the extent of the crimes against humanity carried out during the war. In addition the attending nations shall also determine the response and reparations that shall have to be undertaken by Tokyo.

Secretary Hamilton has commented that he is 'overjoyed to see history unfold' as this meeting represents a historical step in the relationship between all nations that has suffered during the war.

[X] Japan

"The Japanese government recognises its poor conduct during the Pacific War, but was led to believe that the fundamental decision of the war crimes had been thoroughly discussed throughout the post-war trials and the signing of the Treaty of San Francisco. Prime Minister Takeshita acknowledges and assents to the reopening of these discussions, but must warn that this cabinet may not remain the same come December.

Nonetheless, we encourage the nations of the Western Pacific to keep an open mind as the year progresses, and to recognise the efforts of our diplomatic staff in the coming months.
" - Sōsuke Uno, Minister for Foreign Affairs

In the wake of Washington's unfortunate shift in policy regarding its ties to the Argentine Republic, the government of Argentina nevertheless pushes forward building better relations with our Pacific neighbors. In the spirit of the Padre, Juan Domingo Perón, we seek only peace and cooperation with those who would work with us for a better future. Trade, economic development, and modernization are in the interest of all parties who wish to ensure their destiny remains in their own hands.

The Indonesian-Argentine Development Agreement
Recognizing the excellence and strength of the Indonesian Economy, Argentina extends a hand of friendship and cooperation across the Pacific to the Republic of Indonesia. Both our nations will surely prosper with closer relations and trade.

- Argentina shall sell Agricultural Products (including beef, soy, and cereals) and Industrial Metals at favorable prices.
- Indonesia shall implement a Program of Economic Development Assistance in Argentina beginning this year, aiding in the industrialization and modernization of the Argentine Economy.

[X] The Argentine Republic
[] The Republic of Indonesia @Theaxofwar

The Philippine-Argentine Joint Trade Agreement
Acknowledging the well-development industries of the Republic of the Philippines, the government of Argentina seeks to encourage closer ties between our two nations. With development underway in the industries of Argentina, the admirable electronics and semi-conductor industries of the Philippines are of great interest. Let us share in the bounties of our respective lands that we may both benefit.

- The Republic of the Philippines shall sell Semi-Conductors, Industrial Electronics, and other Electronic Equipment to Argentina at favorable prices.
- Argentina shall provide Oil, Agricultural Products (including wheat, beef, and soybeans), and Metals to the Republic of the Philippines at favorable prices.

[X] The Argentine Republic
[] The Republic of the Philippines @ArvisPresley

The Indian-Argentinian Joint Commerce Treaty
Respecting the up-and-coming strength of the Indian Economy, and with the recent shifts in the protectionist policies of the Indian Government, Argentina seeks to cooperate with our brethren in Liberty from influence of the Old European Powers. May strong trade between our nations ensure peace and prosperity for both our peoples.

- The Republic of India and the Argentine Republic agree to enter into a bilateral trade relationship, and both will commit to the removal of trade barriers between our nations.
- India and Argentina shall maintain favorable trade relations for the foreseeable future.

[X] The Argentine Republic
[] The Republic of India @Secondskink


With the security situation in the southern Atlantic becoming less assured by the day thanks to shifting allegiances and concerning moves by non-local actors, it falls to the responsible nations of the region to support each other in a mutually beneficial arrangement. As such, following the example of the S.H.T.E.P (Southern Hemisphere Technical Exchange Program), the nations of Argentina and South Africa pursue closer bond of mutual support and friendship.​

- The Confederation of South Africa shall provide expertise to expand and protect Argentinian Mining Programs, including security officials.
- Argentina shall provide Industrial-grade Metals to South Africa from the aforementioned mines.

[X] The Argentine Republic
[] The Confederation of South Africa @Furrybacon
[X] - The Confederation of South Africa Federation


With the security situation in the southern Atlantic becoming less assured by the day thanks to shifting allegiances and concerning moves by non-local actors, it falls to the responsible nations of the region to support each other in a mutually beneficial arrangement. As such, following the example of the S.H.T.E.P (Southern Hemisphere Technical Exchange Program), the nations of Argentina and South Africa pursue closer bond of mutual support and friendship.​

- The Confederation of South Africa shall provide expertise to expand and protect Argentinian Mining Programs, including security officials.
- Argentina shall provide Industrial-grade Metals to South Africa from the aforementioned mines.

[X] The Argentine Republic
[x] The Confederation of South Africa @Furrybacon

SATO Treaty Signed at Brazzaville
WASHINGTON (03/04) - Representatives of three nations at Brazzaville yesterday signed a treaty in an effort to maintain collective peace within the South Atlantic

An announcement came from Brazzaville today jointly made by US President Dukakis, Brasilian President Jorge Simon and their hosting counterpart President Kabila of the formation of the South Atlantic Treaty Organisation. A pact of collective defense and mutual economic aid predicated on countering hostile influences within the region. SATO has announced a joint military exercise to be carried out within Congolese waters and the city of Pointe-Bay this fall.

As part of the first meeting of the established SATO Council President Dukakis has left Brazzaville with a trade deal with Brasilia that lowered trade and business barriers along with the purchase of US Coastal Defense systems by Brazil. This deal has been joined by an agreement to subsidise American investments in both countries, along with a transfer program of newly obsoleted energy technicians and the supply of modern power armor and planes for the Republic of the Congo.

When asked President Dukakis commented that SATO is a 'new step' for America to embrace its mission to promote humanitarianism and sovereignty around the globe.

[] @Silver Gambit
[] @Thalmann

Conference for Japanese Wartime Conduct to be Held Nearly 45 Years After

SAN FRANCISCO (15/03) - After visiting US allies in the Pacific, Secretary of State Lee Hamilton returns with important step in Pan-Pacific relations

After high level negotiations with the governments of SEATO member states along with the Japanese government, Tokyo has agreed to conduct a summit in Honolulu on December 7th, between all belligerents of the Pacific War to discuss Japanese wartime conduct and to determine the extent of the crimes against humanity carried out during the war. In addition the attending nations shall also determine the response and reparations that shall have to be undertaken by Tokyo.

Secretary Hamilton has commented that he is 'overjoyed to see history unfold' as this meeting represents a historical step in the relationship between all nations that has suffered during the war.

[] @Theaxofwar
[] @Shrike
[] @Nanolyte
[] @Archon of Ghosts
[] @ArvisPresley
[] @Secondskink

[X] - Indar Kumar Gujarl, Minister of External Affairs


In the wake of Washington's unfortunate shift in policy regarding its ties to the Argentine Republic, the government of Argentina nevertheless pushes forward building better relations with our Pacific neighbors. In the spirit of the Padre, Juan Domingo Perón, we seek only peace and cooperation with those who would work with us for a better future. Trade, economic development, and modernization are in the interest of all parties who wish to ensure their destiny remains in their own hands.

The Indian-Argentinian Joint Commerce Treaty
Respecting the up-and-coming strength of the Indian Economy, and with the recent shifts in the protectionist policies of the Indian Government, Argentina seeks to cooperate with our brethren in Liberty from influence of the Old European Powers. May strong trade between our nations ensure peace and prosperity for both our peoples.

- The Republic of India and the Argentine Republic agree to enter into a bilateral trade relationship, and both will commit to the removal of trade barriers between our nations.
- India and Argentina shall maintain favorable trade relations for the foreseeable future.

[X] The Argentine Republic
[] The Republic of India @Secondskink

"...a new era is arriving as a new decade approachs, we must meet this decade with a new mindset and new methods to ensure the Republic remains a strong growing state that serves the intrests of it's people and remains unchained by the empires of corpses and mud that lurk hungrily still in europe. We will seek outside partners to work with in SEATO and beyond to build our prosperity and bring India into a new decade..."

[X] - Indar Kumar Gujarl, Minister of External Affairs

Conference for Japanese Wartime Conduct to be Held Nearly 45 Years After

[X] Republic of the Philippines

The Philippine-Argentine Joint Trade Agreement
Acknowledging the well-development industries of the Republic of the Philippines, the government of Argentina seeks to encourage closer ties between our two nations. With development underway in the industries of Argentina, the admirable electronics and semi-conductor industries of the Philippines are of great interest. Let us share in the bounties of our respective lands that we may both benefit.

- The Republic of the Philippines shall sell Semi-Conductors, Industrial Electronics, and other Electronic Equipment to Argentina at favorable prices.
- Argentina shall provide Oil, Agricultural Products (including wheat, beef, and soybeans), and Metals to the Republic of the Philippines at favorable prices.

[X] The Argentine Republic
[] The Republic of the Philippines

[X] Republic of the Philippines

February 17th, 1989

A New Flag: German Battleship Sale to Spain Finalised

Colourised Photo of the Bismarck in 1940

After months of deliberation, the German Reich and the Kingdom of Spain @Cathari have come to an agreement regarding the sale of the German battleships Bismarck and Tirpitz to the Royal Spanish Navy. Built in the 1930s and then modernised during the 70s, Bismarck and Tirpitz have recently struggled under budget cuts as the German Space Program grew in prestige and priority. A spokesman for the Ministry of Military Affairs emphasized that this deal will "send these proud warships to a home deserving of them" while "boosting the military capabilities of a critical ally". The transfer ceremony has been stated to be held in March, in the city of Hamburg…

Germany and Vietnam Settle Terms of Free Trade Agreement

Sendo is testing its flip-flip-chip ball grid array production line at its microchip plant in Thai Nguyen province

In the latest of a series of whirlwind agreements that have cemented the focus on outreach by newly crowned Kaiser Alexander I, the Republic of Vietnam @Nanolyte and the German Reich have finished negotiating the German-Vietnamese Free Trade Enterprise and are set to finally sign the agreement in April. Increasing access to the Asian market has been a major foreign policy goal since Alexander I's coronation, and 1989 has marked a series of major breakthroughs in the form of the colloquially termed "Lighthouse Agreements" and now the German-Vietnamese Free Trade Enterprise. Kaiser Alexander I has stated in a public speech immediately following the announcement that he "intends to continue putting his energies on ensuring the prosperity of the German citizen, as it is their industrious efforts in turn that have made Germany great."
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Treaty Establishing the European Community
An excerpt and summary of relevant/fundamental articles


CONSIDERING that world peace may be safeguarded only by creative efforts equal to the dangers which menace it;

CONVINCED that the contribution which an organized and vital Europe can bring to civilization is indispensable to the maintenance of peaceful relations;

CONSCIOUS of the fact that Europe can be built only by concrete actions which create a real solidarity and by the establishment of common bases for economic development;

DESIROUS of assisting through the expansion of their basic production in raising the standard of living and in furthering the works of peace;

RESOLVED to substitute for historic rivalries a fusion of their essential interests; to establish, by creating an economic community, the foundation of a broad and independent community among peoples long divided by bloody conflicts; and to lay the bases of institutions capable of giving direction to their future common destiny;

HAVE DECIDED to create the European Community.

Title I - The European Community and Economic Cooperation

Article I

By the present Treaty the HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES institute among themselves a EUROPEAN COMMUNITY, based on a common market, common objectives, and common institutions.

Article II
The mission of the European Community is to contribute to economic expansion, the development of employment and the improvement of the standard of living in the participating countries through the institution, in harmony with the general economy of the member States, of a common market

The Community must progressively establish conditions which will in themselves assure the most rational distribution of production at the highest possible level of productivity, while safeguarding the continuity of employment and avoiding the creation of fundamental and persistent disturbances in the economies of the member States.

Article III
The following are recognized to be incompatible with the common market, and are, therefore, abolished and prohibited within the Community in the manner set forth in the present Treaty:
(a) import and export duties, or charges with an equivalent effect, and quantitative restrictions on the movement of goods;
(b) measures or practices discriminating among producers, among buyers or among consumers, specifically as concerns prices, delivery terms and transportation rates, as well as measures or practices which hamper the buyer in the free choice of his supplier;
(c) restrictive practices tending towards the division of markets or the exploitation of the consumer.

Article IV
The Community shall accomplish its mission, under the conditions provided for in the present Treaty, with limited direct intervention. To this end, the Community will:

- enlighten and facilitate the action of the interested parties by collecting information, organizing
consultations and defining general objectives;
- place financial means at the disposal of enterprises for their investments and participate in the expenses of
- assure the establishment, the maintenance and the observance of normal conditions of competition and take
direct action with respect to production and the operation of the market only when circumstances make it
absolutely necessary;
- publish the justifications for its action and take the necessary measures to ensure observance of the rules
set forth in the present Treaty.

The institutions of the Community shall carry out these activities with as little administrative machinery as possible and in close cooperation with the interested parties.

Title II - The Institutions of the European Community

Article V

The institutions of the Community shall be as follows:
- a HIGH AUTHORITY, assisted by a Consultative Committee;
- a SPECIAL COUNCIL, composed of MINISTERS, hereafter referred to as « the Council »; - a COURT OF JUSTICE, hereafter referred to as « the Court ».

Article VI
The institutions of the Community shall be located in Brussels unless specified otherwise.

Chapter I - The High Authority

Article VII
The High Authority shall be responsible for assuring the fulfillment of the purposes stated in the present Treaty under the terms thereof.

Article VIII
The High Authority shall be composed of nine members designated for six years and chosen for their general competence.

A member shall be eligible for reappointment. The number of members of the High Authority may be reduced by unanimous decision of the Council.

Only nationals of the member States may be members of the High Authority.

Article IX
The governments of the member States shall designate twelve (12) members of the High Authority by agreement among themselves. These twelve members will elect a thirteenth member, who shall be deemed elected if he receives at least 7 votes.

The members thus designated will remain in office for six years following the date of the establishment of the common market.


Chapter II - The Council

Article XV
The Council shall exercise its functions in the events and in the manner provided in the present Treaty, in particular with a view to harmonizing the action of the High Authority and that of the governments, which are responsible for the general economic policy of their countries.
To this end, the Council and the High Authority shall consult together and exchange information.
The Council may request the High Authority to examine all proposals and measures which it may deem necessary or appropriate for the realization of the common objectives.

Article XVI
The Council shall be composed of representatives of the member States. Each State shall designate thereto one of the members of its government. The Presidency of the Council shall be exercised for a term of three months by each member of the Council in rotation in the alphabetical order of the member States.


Chapter III - The Court

Article XX
The function of the Court is to ensure the rule of law in the interpretation and application of the presentTreaty and of its implementing regulations

Article XXI
The Court shall be composed of seven judges, appointed for six years by agreement among the governments of the member States from among persons of recognized independence and competence.

A partial change in membership of the Court shall occur every three years, affecting alternatively three members and four members. The three members whose terms expire at the end of the first period of three years shall be designated by lot.

Article XXII
The Court shall have jurisdiction over appeals by a member State or by the Council for the annulment of decisions and recommendations of the High Authority on the grounds of lack of legal competence, substantial procedural violations, violation of the Treaty or of any rule of law relating to its application, or abuse of power. However, the Court may not review the conclusions of the High Authority, drawn from economic facts and circumstances, which formed the basis of such decisions or recommendations, except where the High Authority is alleged to have abused its powers or to have clearly misinterpreted the provisions of the Treaty or of a rule of law relating to its application.


Title IV - Language and Minority Protections

Article XLIII

Owing to the ethnic diversity of the European Community, the High Contracting Parties commit themselves to protecting the following rights of ethnic minorities: the right of language, the right of culture, and the right of impartiality.

Article Article XLIV
Poland will allow for a transit corridor in the region of Gydnia allowing for free passage of German citizens and trade to and from East Prussia.

Should Germany have reasonable cause to believe that the territorial integrity of East Prussia is at threat in the event of wartime, then Poland will permit military access through the transit corridor so that Germany may protect the sovereignty of its territory.


Title V - Common Defence

Article L

The High Contracting Parties shall commit themselves to the common defence of the territorial integrity of the members of the Community within Europe.

Article LI
The armed forces of the member states of the Community shall, in the event of war, be coordinated by the Central Command Authority.

The Central Command Authority shall have the prerogative to, in the event of war, command all land, sea, air, and space forces of the Community.

Article LII
The Central Command Authority shall consist of a General Staff with one (1) member selected by each member state of the Community.

The General Staff shall among themselves, or among the officers of the Community vest a commanding officer with the office of Inspector General, which, in the event of war, shall be the Supreme Commander of the armed forces of the Community.

Article LIII
The General Staff and other institutions of the Common Defence of the Community shall be located in Strasbourg.


Title VI - General Provisions

Article LVII

The High Contracting Parties, in recognition of the diverse interests represented by the members of the Community, shall induct new member nations only through the unanimous consent of both the Council and High Authority, so as to promulgate harmonious relations between members of the Community.

Article LVIII

Should the extant articles upheld by the Community prove insufficient to advance the Community's interests, then the articles shall be open to amendment via a three-fourths majority from both the Council and the High Authority. This is excluding Article LVII, which would need unanimous approval to amend.

[X] Jean-Bernard Raimond, Minister of Foreign Affairs, République Française,
[X] Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Deutsches Reich
[X] United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland @tankdrop24
[X] Mogens Lykketoft, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nordiska Förbundet/Det Nordiske Forbund @Etranger
[X] Rzeczpospolita Polska
[X] Kraljevina Jugoslavija @Shebe Zuu
[X] István Horthy, Sr., Magyar Királyság @Zeller
[X] República Portuguesa @Shebe Zuu
[X] Royaume de Belgique/Koninkrijk België @Shebe Zuu
[X] Koninkrijk der Nederlanden @Shebe Zuu
[X] Reino de España
[X] Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg @Shebe Zuu
[X] Československá Republika @Shebe Zuu
[ ] Regatul României @KnightDisciple
[X] Vasíleion tis Elládos @Shebe Zuu
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The Tierra Del Fuego Agreements

In the modern world, one of the main driving sectors that bring benefits to the people of the nation is that of Technology. Across the world we see modern science bring miracles into the home and the workplace. Man walks on the moon, and will soon prepare to set foot on another planet entirely. Argentina refuses to be left behind as the world rushes on ahead.

As such, the Argentine Republic seeks out those who lead us in these fields, and reaches out a hand in friendship, with a desire to learn that we may join our fellows in the modern world.

The Argentine-Korean Joint Rocketry Program
Acknowledging Korea's advancements in the realm of manned spaceflight, Argentina seeks cooperation on the next generation of Argentine Launch Systems. Hoping for great strides in the realm of rocketry, the Republic of Argentina looks forwards to the assistance of their Korean compatriots.

- Korea shall provide technical expertise and specifications to assist Argentina in developing her space program.
- Argentina shall sell Oil to Korea. The partial profits of this sale shall first go to paying for this assistance, and any remainder of which shall proceed unto Argentina.

[X] The Argentine Republic
[] The Democratic People's Republic of Korea @Easter

The PRC-Argentine Development Agreement
The digitization and modernization of the Chinese economy is a most impressive achievement. The Republic of Argentina looks upon the state of Chinese Industry and wishes to see such improvements in her own nation. As such, Argentina and the People's Republic have come to an agreement with regards to the modernization of Argentine communications and industrial infrastructure.

- The PRC shall provide technical expertise and equipment for the modernization/digitization of Argentine communications and industrial infrastructure.
- Argentina shall sell Agricultural Products to the PRC (Primarily Soybeans and Beef). The partial profits of this sale shall first go to paying for this assistance, and any remainder of which shall proceed unto Argentina.

[X] The Argentine Republic
[] The People's Republic of China @Bucephalus
The Argentine-Korean Joint Rocketry Program
Acknowledging Korea's advancements in the realm of manned spaceflight, Argentina seeks cooperation on the next generation of Argentine Launch Systems. Hoping for great strides in the realm of rocketry, the Republic of Argentina looks forwards to the assistance of their Korean compatriots.

- Korea shall provide technical expertise and specifications to assist Argentina in developing her space program.
- Argentina shall sell Oil to Korea. The partial profits of this sale shall first go to paying for this assistance, and any remainder of which shall proceed unto Argentina.

[X] The Argentine Republic
[] The Democratic People's Republic of Korea @Easter
[X] The Democratic People's Republic of Korea

"All who battle the insidious nature of the American Pig-Dogs are friends to Korea!"-Unknown People's Republic of Korea Daily Journalist
The Tierra Del Fuego Agreements

In the modern world, one of the main driving sectors that bring benefits to the people of the nation is that of Technology. Across the world we see modern science bring miracles into the home and the workplace. Man walks on the moon, and will soon prepare to set foot on another planet entirely. Argentina refuses to be left behind as the world rushes on ahead.

As such, the Argentine Republic seeks out those who lead us in these fields, and reaches out a hand in friendship, with a desire to learn that we may join our fellows in the modern world.

The Argentine-Korean Joint Rocketry Program
Acknowledging Korea's advancements in the realm of manned spaceflight, Argentina seeks cooperation on the next generation of Argentine Launch Systems. Hoping for great strides in the realm of rocketry, the Republic of Argentina looks forwards to the assistance of their Korean compatriots.

- Korea shall provide technical expertise and specifications to assist Argentina in developing her space program.
- Argentina shall sell Oil to Korea. The partial profits of this sale shall first go to paying for this assistance, and any remainder of which shall proceed unto Argentina.

[X] The Argentine Republic
[] The Democratic People's Republic of Korea @Easter

The PRC-Argentine Development Agreement
The digitization and modernization of the Chinese economy is a most impressive achievement. The Republic of Argentina looks upon the state of Chinese Industry and wishes to see such improvements in her own nation. As such, Argentina and the People's Republic have come to an agreement with regards to the modernization of Argentine communications and industrial infrastructure.

- The PRC shall provide technical expertise and equipment for the modernization/digitization of Argentine communications and industrial infrastructure.
- Argentina shall sell Agricultural Products to the PRC (Primarily Soybeans and Beef). The partial profits of this sale shall first go to paying for this assistance, and any remainder of which shall proceed unto Argentina.

[X] The Argentine Republic
[] The People's Republic of China @Bucephalus

[x] The People's Republic of China
SATO Treaty Signed at Brazzaville

WASHINGTON (03/04) - Representatives of three nations at Brazzaville yesterday signed a treaty in an effort to maintain collective peace within the South Atlantic

An announcement came from Brazzaville today jointly made by US President Dukakis, Brasilian President Jorge Simon and their hosting counterpart President Kabila of the formation of the South Atlantic Treaty Organisation. A pact of collective defense and mutual economic aid predicated on countering hostile influences within the region. SATO has announced a joint military exercise to be carried out within Congolese waters and the city of Pointe-Bay this fall.

As part of the first meeting of the established SATO Council President Dukakis has left Brazzaville with a trade deal with Brasilia that lowered trade and business barriers along with the purchase of US Coastal Defense systems by Brazil. This deal has been joined by an agreement to subsidise American investments in both countries, along with a transfer program of newly obsoleted energy technicians and the supply of modern power armor and planes for the Republic of the Congo.

When asked President Dukakis commented that SATO is a 'new step' for America to embrace its mission to promote humanitarianism and sovereignty around the globe
[X] Republic of the Congo

To be delivered to the Italian Embassies of the United Kingdom, and the Republic of France. @RobespierreLives @tankdrop24

In light of recent actions taken by the governments of the United Kingdom and the Republic of France, it is evident that the foundations upon which our previous understandings rested have been undermined. Decisions made in London and Paris have not only obstructed vital Italian interests but have also constituted a fundamental breach of the trust that once defined our relations.

Given these developments, the Italian government can no longer justify the continued presence of the current British and French ambassadors in Rome. Their departure from Italian soil is expected at the earliest opportunity.

Alessandro Pavolini
Minister of Foreign Affairs
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The State of Bulgaria

The Tsardom of Bulgaria has had a few good decades, a nation on the rise through war and diplomacy alike ; and while not a regional power itself certainly a minor power of important note. Strong ties to Italy have helped ensure that as the Italian star rises into a proper great power so too has Bulgaria risen however such deep ties have recently turned against Bulgaria as diplomatic isolation from going along with Italian ambitions, and growing irredentism among Bulgaria's neighbors make matters increasingly difficult for the Tsardom. While hopeful for the future as a whole many are pessimistic about the short term future of the nation and it will be difficult for the Tsar, or any who would seek to replace them to navigate the turbulent and difficult times ahead.

Tsarist Fascism

Bulgaria has gone through various political changes in both ideology and leadership over the last several decades but the one stable factor has always seemingly been the presence of the Tsar. A Tsar that has seen dictators and ministers come and go from leadership in Bulgaria but has in the aftermath of the turmoil of the 70s managed to secure absolute power for the crown turning Bulgaria into a monarchist dictatorship. To secure power further the Tsar has reoriented much of the nations increasingly if not outright under certain former leaders fascist institutions that have been built up in past decades to create a Tsarist focused form of fascism with a predictable cult of personality surrounding the divine right to rule of the monarchy. Though this new form of Bulgarian Fascism can barely truly be called Fascism with far more rights and liberties generally existing then among fellow fascist states.


While the Tsar has managed much to fix the course of the ship that is Bulgaria the political pressure nonetheless exists to conduct at least a partial return to democracy. While no official moves in this regard have yet been made their is much discussion and debate on the matter with a wide range of opinions on how good or bad a idea such a thing would be as well as how if such would move forward it should be implemented. Perhaps the biggest debate of all however is if democratization were to occur how far should it go? especially given the on and off parliamentary chaos and repeated dictatorships of the past? Overall however while support for the Tsar is higher then ever support for at least some limited form of democracy is at a 30 year high. There has even been some rumors that the Tsar himself supports such potential democratization reform ideas but is reluctant due to prior instability and turbulent international conditions.

Strongman Military

One of the primary continuous focuses of Bulgaria for the last several decades is the maintenance of a strong military in an effort to become the strongman of the Balkans and apply diplomatic pressure regarding territorial aims, however, this has largely come at the expense of the economy and a reliance on Italy for certain key advanced military gear Bulgaria simply can't produce itself, nor find a seller elsewhere in the world. Nonetheless, Bulgaria has continued to continuously fund an outsized military in an effort to maintain its position in the Italian alliance without becoming too junior of a partner. However economic necessities may require a downsizing of the military soon unless a rebound in both the economy and state finances can be managed, or the military can be utilized in a manner to justify its long standing cost such as helping garner additional territorial gains or some form of other concessions that may alleviate economic and financial difficulties.

Economic Instability

Bulgaria suffers from a combination of international isolation, and a continuously military focused economy. To say this has strained things would be an understatement, but at the very least the territorial expansions, support of the Italians, and remarkably able management have at the very least maintained a careful equilibrium within the economy which has seen slow, steady, stable growth though one that might be argued exists on a unsteady foundation. While not by design Bulgaria has slowly slid into a basic form of command economy by sheer necessity which has much like many issues for Bulgaria and only strengthened its isolation with the globalization of international trade and commerce. Economic difficulties in Italy, Bulgaria's only truly reliable partner has only complicated matters even further

A major component of Bulgaria's many economic woes is its by and large failed trade policies. The mixture of a mixed leaning on command economy combined with multiple major avenues of diplomatic and economic isolation has made arranging trade difficult, and many agreements even if signed don't seem to last very long due to one disagreement or another. Despite these issues one of the most notable policies in the process of being enacted is a part diplomatic part economic policy of 'Open Door Investment' which will attempt to open up Bulgaria as much as possible to international investment, even at the expense of foreign influences in the country in hopes of eliminating the nations economic instability and isolation.

Northern Detente

An interesting turn of events compared to prior Bulgarian expansionism, and irredentism is recent efforts of a 'Northern Detente' with Romania and Yugoslavia. With only relatively minor territorial claims the Tsar sees the further diplomatic and economic isolation of trying to press such claims at this time as simply not worth the cost involved and has thus attempted to mend ties between the 3 nations. This has been met with very mixed success such as successful population exchanges and a downturn in diplomatic incidents but no side truly willing to rollback any territorial claims on one another and Bulgarian trade with Yugoslavia and Romania largely remains near nonexistent despite strong proximity advantages to economic partnerships. Despite the mixed success, the Tsar has personally and openly noted optimism for future efforts towards a 'Northern Detente' and a rebuilding of long cut diplomatic and economic relationships though any true success will likely require a lowering of tensions between Italy and the largely Polish led Intermarium. The Tsar is hopeful however as long as tensions dont get worse further progress can be made but an unacknowledged issue lays in the growing claims and interests of the USSR and Germany which could start a domino of effects that result in future conflict and regional disruption economic and political alike.

Middle East Fears and Oil Reliance

A growing political fear due to the reliance of fossil fuels like oil to supply energy to Bulgaria is the potential for future major conflict in the Middle East as red lines are drawn and ever growing ambitions by local and far away powers alike seem to point towards an inevitable war if not several. Such might further disrupt oil markets which could potentially devastating for the already economically isolated Bulgaria reliant on Italian oil who would inevitably need to focus Italian oil such as from Libya towards the needs of Italian citizens over allied Bulgarian concerns. Some proposals have been put forward to shift towards establishing a alternative energy program however the existing economic issues and isolation especially of the foreign investment that would be necessary for such a project make such ideas as nothing more than a pipedream. Still if efforts at detente with Romania make greater progress oil imports from the North may help moderate the damage of future conflict in the Middle East

The Fate of Macedonia

Macedonia is increasingly the second heart of Bulgaria and an extension of the Bulgarian heartland. With a largely successful Bulgarisation and the putting down of any remaining resistance into hiding for many years now the Bulgarian government has grown increasingly joyful of its success in Macedonia. In the minds of the Tsar and many high minded idealists and imperialists Macedonians and Bulgarians have truly become a part of a greater regional people and nation that should stand united together in one purpose, under the Tsar, with the eternal aim to regain the core territories of the Macedonian-Bulgarian nation.

After the Tsar was able to secure true proper power over the country one of his first acts was to begin the process of further integrating Macedonians into Bulgaria proper granting additional rights and establishing a long term plan for full equal rights for Macedonians due to the great success of Bulgarisation. In this regard full equal integration into the Bulgarian legal system as proper citizens of equal stature occurred recently in mid 1988.
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New Saigon Daily - March Headlines 1989

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai praises ministries and sectors for success of sixth Five-Year Plan.

In his Tet address to the National Congress two weeks ago, PM Phan Van Kai praised his cabinet and national industries for exceeding projected growth benchmarks for the sixth quarter in a row. Proponents of the Doi Moi reforms are vindicated as formerly ailing national enterprises were transformed by the government's privatisation efforts, of particular note being the burgeoning electronics sector. The government has pledged to ensure that the Doi Moi Plan continues to bring prosperity equally to all citizens, as well as its sister nations.

While the Vietnamese work ethic certainly is a factor, American investment...(click to expand)

Trade agreements with Germany and India promises new step forward for trade policy, Ministry of Industry and Trade reports.

At the tail end of February, the MOIT announced the Extended Economic Trade Agreement (EETA) with the Republic of India @Secondskink, followed shortly by announced investment plans by VNPT of a LCD screen plant in Kohima province. It was quickly followed by its private sector counterparts of VinFast and Sendo, who announced plans for factories and increased exports into the country. Famously protectionist, the free trade agreement is a watershed momment in The Doi Moi Plan's foreign policy aims, which proposed that the Vietnamese economy search for newer markets to offset its negative balance of payment.

Together with the German Free Trade Enterprise...(click to expand)

Vietnamese delegation to attend Honolulu Summit, promises to be tough on reparations.

As Tokyo accedes to discuss its grave sins during the Second World War, members of SEATO convene in Hawaii to negotiate reparations towards the affected nations. Head of delegation Hong Gia Khoa has stated that he would "ensure that all Vietnamese blood spilled during the dark time of history will be properly compensated". While Vietnam has suffered a relatively light hand compared to Indonesia and China, memories of famines inflicted by the Japanese remain in the national consciousness.

Rumours of backend negotiations between the United States and Republic of Vietnam are unlikely to hold weight. While certain ill-informed commentators have indicated that the United States had effectively Vietnam for a vote of accession...(click to expand)
Déclaration de La Celle-Saint-Cloud
September 9th, 1989 @Shebe Zuu

His Majesty the Sultan of Morocco, Hassan bin Mohammed, and President of the Council of Ministers, Jacques Chiraq, met on September 9th 1989, at the Château de La Celle-Saint-Cloud.

President Chiraq set out the principles of the policy of the French government referred to in the communiqué of the Council of Ministers of September 8th 1989.

His Majesty the Sultan of Morocco confirmed his agreement on these principles and has confirmed his will to constitute a Moroccan government representative of the different trends of Moroccan opinion. This government will have to to develop the institutional reforms that will make Morocco a democratic state with a monarchy to conduct negotiations with France intended to give Morocco the status of an independent state united to France by ties defined by interdependence freely consented to.

His Majesty the Sultan of Morocco and President Chiraq agreed to confirm that France and Morocco must build together, and without the intervention of third parties, their future in solidarity in the affirmation of their sovereignty through the mutual guarantee of their rights and the rights of their nationals, and with respect for the situation accorded by the treaties to the foreign powers.

Signed, September 9th, 1989

A similar agreement was made between the French government, and the Tunisian Bey, Sulaiman, and his government, on September 14th signed at Palais du Luxembourg