We'll be coming at it from scratch in terms of plane, size, Quirk, standard stat type strengths and weaknesses, and so on.[X] Full reboot.
If possible, I'd like for the candidates we came up with to be offered again because they were good concepts, but if we are revoting the plane as well, that might not be feasible.
I mean you've about summed up the reason I decided to offer such a vote. Had it been landslide 'yeah lets go with Tap-Fanged One' I wouldn't have said the voters are wrong or whatever, but the fact that basically nothing happened before I got stuck on mechanics and that was two and a half years ago led to me figuring there was good odds that people would mostly not be attached to the existing character and indeed a lot of people are likely too young in terms of time on the site to have even seen the thread the first time I tried to get this going.As much as I enjoyed the potential this had, I think it's been so long (and with such little concrete development for the character) that a full reboot is the fairest and most optimal choice for the health and success of the quest. I would strongly suggest a new thread for such a reboot, as well.