

"Ordis, would you be able to open a channel to Tyl Regor please?"

"Mistress, what are you doing?"

"Harry's gone to school now, so Wisp and I don't have to sneak out anymore. But if I don't find balance soon I'll lose myself to the void. Tyle Regor is holding balance so I'm going to ask him nicely if I can have a copy of the blueprints."

"Mistress, this is not a sanctioned mission."

"Ordis, will you open the channel, or do I have to send Hed?"

"Ordis is opening a channel operator."

"Tenno, no longer hiding behind a warframe I see."

"Tyl Regor I presume, we've never met, I'm Luna Lovegood. You have the balance and I need her. Can I have a copy?"

"Why don't you come down here so I can take you to the Queen."

"I'd rather not meet her, she seems a little to preoccupied with bodysnatching for my comfort levels. All I want is a copy of the balance, and I'm going to get it one way or another."

"If you show your face I will squash it like a bug, and then deliver your broken body to my Queen."

"Ok, hard way it is then. I'll see you soon."

"Operator, I hope you know what you're doing."

"Don't worry Ordis, I'm 14 not 9, and you've helped me get this far already."

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Pandora and Xeno both approached the Ministry of magic in their subframes. Pandora holds Xenorchomenus in his synthetic Moses Basket. Their child is carefully wrapped so that his frame isn't apparent, only his subframe. In hindsight, the last 5 years have been glorious, though there were moments when she really wished that Xeno wasn't so Xeno sometimes. Such as when he blithely walked up to a Demios Jugulus to look at the patterning on it's gumline.

The wizard manning the desk looks up, "Pandora, good to see you. What brings you to my neck of the woods today?"

"We'd like to register a birth, this is Xenorchomenus."

"Wow, you kept that quiet, when did this happen?"

"Well, Xeno did the most adorable thing last year and we watched a beautiful sunrise at the top of a mountain. One thing led to another and, I'm sure you know."

"I meant, how wasn't it gossip all over the ministry?"

"I kept it quiet, you remember what the rumours were like when I had Luna. I didn't want to subject myself to that again."

"I understand. I'd just like to say for the record that I don't agree with any of those rumours, despite the Lovegood curse."

Pandora forces herself to keep a cheery disposition as the idiot just demonstrated why those rumours hurt so much, "That's ok, anyway, I can we get this done as I need to go and quit my job. I think taking care of this little one is going to be a full-time job."

"Don't I know it, I remember when Tina was a wee babe. We had to use sticking charms on everything. Then we had to put everything out of reach once she learnt to crawl."

Pandora mutters, "Doesn't matter when they can fly."

"Flight, what a precocious little thing you are. I bet you learn to apparate before you're 6."

"I hope not."

"Don't worry, I've heard of cases of flying babies before. They grow out of it, as they never see us flying. If they don't buy them a training broom and they'll soon forget how to do it on their own."

"Thank you for the advice." Pandora grinds out of a rather fixed grin.

"Don't mention it. Right, I need you to fill out these forms and both of you. Mr Lovegood, please don't play with the spitting tulips. Both of you sign. Mr Lovegood, that doesn't mean play with the Darting Daffodils either. Pandora can you corral your husband please?"

"Xeno, I know you haven't seen these flowers for a while, but I need you to pay attention."

Xeno wanders over, "Yes dear. We need to go to the farmers market before we leave."

"And we will, but we need to finish registering Xeno junior so that he can go to Hogwarts when he's older."

"Oh yes, I have his tuition here." Xeno pulls out a chunk of Gold the size of his fist.

Pandora puts her hand over his, "No Xeno, this is the Births, Deaths and Marriages department. We're going to the Department for Education next. Sorry about that, do you have those forms?"

The clerk snaps their eyes up from the massive chunk of wealth. He has a good idea of what the adorable thing was now, "Yes, yes, right here."

As soon as they finish signing the forms and leave, the clerk is already off gossiping about how the Lovegood's found a gold mine last year and Pandora hid her pregnancy to avoid any awkward questions.

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The visit to the Department of Education with the freshly signed birth certificate was simple enough, even if the googly eyes they made at the lump of gold made Pandora have to hold her laughter. If only they realised just how common the metal actually was. Now though came the hard part. Resolutely she made her way down the stairs to the Department of Mysteries after sending Xeno off to pack up his printing press.

She has to pause at the randomiser room to marvel at the simplicity, and stupidity, of the first line of defence for the Department of Mysteries. Anyone with any sort of decent sensors is not going to be more than momentarily inconvenienced. It's clear as day where each door leads, and it seems that it would be clear in UV light too, as she can see some writing in invisible ink on each door. Heading through the door to the death room she makes her way to the Veil of Death, and again pauses as her sensors tell her it's actually a stable portal to the void. Most everyone should be able to survive a short while on the other side, though only Tenno and apparently post owls have been shown to be able to navigate it without aid. She's almost tempted to go through herself, but she chooses not to as she doesn't have the equipment needed to transit back if she can't find the portal on the other side. As she makes her way to Croaker's office she considers the fact that this was reportedly stolen from a Fairy mound by Merlin, and what it would mean for legends of the fae. When she reaches the office she knocks politely and waits.


Walking in Pandora conjures a table and puts Xeno Jr on it before taking a seat at the desk. Croaker looks up from his work with no visible reaction, though Pandora notes the minute tightening of muscles in his face as he hides his surprise.

"Pandora, did you have a good vacation with your family?"

"I did, I did indeed."

"Good, you're here for your next assignment then I assume?"

"Actually, no. I've come to tender my resignation."

"I see, I hope it's not because of your new arrival, as we will pay you regardless of how long it takes you to complete your assignment."

"No, nothing of the sort. We found a new place to live with masses of research opportunities and I don't think it's fair to treat the DoM as an afterthought with my research. I'd also feel bad drawing a wage and not actually contributing anything for years at a time because I was focused on my personal research projects.

"Not to mention the fact that Xeno has found many more ways to get in trouble there, so I've had to spend more time wrangling him too. Then as you said, there's Xeno Jr to worry about. You know how fast they grow up."

"Not personally, no. I've never found time for a personal relationship myself."

"Your loss. Luna is growing up into a lovely young woman. I'm looking forward to how she copes at Hogwarts next year."

"Well, would you be willing to forward us any of your personal research?"

"No, I don't think so. I don't want Ministry interference, and you know that no matter how hard we try, some things always end up in the rumour mill."

"Such as your access to a gold mine?"

"I hadn't heard that one. Still, it's not entirely inaccurate."

"Well it's more plausible than the idea you may have discovered how to make the philosophers stone."

Pandora smiles, "I think that stone might be more trouble than it's worth. Look at just how many dark lords and ministries have tried to take it from him in the last 200 years. I'll also note that the elixir that the stone produces is said to provide eternal life, not eternal youth."

"There is that, yes. Are you sure about this? I can put you on leave for 6 months while you think about it."

"No, I've thought about it a lot. I've even discussed with Xeno, Luna, and some friends. I'm going to have to resign."

"I'd hate to lose such a talented resource, would you consider taking on a consultants role instead of outright leaving?"

"Sorry, no."

"We can provide better protection on the Rookery."

"Once I'm finished here I'm going to see a friends son off to Hogwarts, then she's going to help Xeno and I pack up the Rookery."

"You're moving then."

"We are. The new opportunity is just too far to commute on any sort of regular basis. I'm sure we'll still be visiting, if only to deal with Gringotts."

"I see, so you'll work with Gringotts but not the ministry."

"Where did I say that. The Lovegood accounts are with Gringotts, we can't exactly leave them unattended."

"My mistake. Still, I'll owl you the paperwork later."

"I'd really take it with me. After all, I wouldn't want it to get held up due to administrative difficulties." Pandora holds her expression neutral when she sees Croaker's shoulders slump imperceptibly.

Lifting his wand Croaker summons the exit paperwork from the filing cabinet. Normally they can keep people on in some way or another, but it looks like this is one of those once in a decade moments where someone actually quits. He quickly fills out all of the relevant information before pulling a blood quill from the top drawer of his desk. He hides a smile when he sees her hesitate at the sight of it. This is where most people balk and go with the consultant option. Not being able to talk to any of their ex-colleagues for 50 years is usually a sticking point as they all make friends.

"Ok, that's doable." Pandora's voice makes him rapidly re-evaluate the intelligence he has on the woman. Everything he knows says that her relationships with the staff should have prevented this. Wordlessly he hands over the quill and watches as it traces her signature out in a silvery red colour. As soon as it finishes, a copy appears on the desk and she rolls up the original before he can examine her signature.

Once the wards indicate she's left the department he conjures a Patronus to call Shade in, who arrive promptly.

"Croaker. What do you need?"

He passes the contract over to Shade who reads it.

"Standard termination contract, I'm surprised she signed it."

"So am I. Also, she took the original."

"That's odd. Most are given the copy."

"There's more. They paid for their son's education with a lump of gold of unknown provenance."


"Yes, they've got it in the department, and it contains none of the trace elements that would tell us where it was mined. Even Goblin gold has that in it still. Finally, the blood quill wrote in silvery red blood. And she's taken the bloody quill too. Morgana's tits. Find out where they went on vacation a few weeks ago that could prompt her to make this decision. Also check where they went on vacation around 9 months ago, and get me a list of all the spells that someone could use to hide a pregnancy."

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Harry and Natah both look around in interest at the non-magical world as they're walking to Kings Cross Station with Xeno and Pandora. Xeno Jr still asleep in his basket, which is now resting on a hastily conjured perambulator. The idea of just so much pavement outside is such a mind-boggling idea that they've yet to comment on the ground vehicles. Pandora suspects the issue is more a case of trying to wrap their heads around why than how, given they come from a society where non-local roads really aren't necessary. Her own sensors are telling her that the black surface of the road could be turned into a multitude of useful products that she's seen in her travels. She sighs briefly, as she can sense a shopping trip to some of the shops in London for samples looming in her future.

Eventually they arrive at the station and they guide Harry and Natah to the concealed entrance to the platform. Off to one side Mrs Weasley is skirting the statute by shouting about forgetting how to get to it. Probably because this is only the second time they've brough Ginevra with them. Ingeniously, she can see that it is actually a brick wall apart from a small section around an inch deep. As they pass through they find themselves on a platform 10 miles north of the station they just left. Pandora marvels at the spell-work that must have gone into the construction of that portal, and has to resist the urge to draw her wand to examine it.

Natah leans over to Pandora and whispers, "Have we just been teleported?"

Pandora nods, "Portal actually. Amazing spell work, I never realised that's what was happening before."

"Makes sense, misdirection so that people are looking in the wrong place for the train."

The four of them made their way down the train looking for an empty compartment for Harry to use while chatting about steam engines and what they know of them. Surprisingly it was Xeno Sr that knew the most, something about needing to go where the story is, so you need to be able to blend in properly. As they said goodbye to Harry, Natah muses that it's a good thing that Luna decided not to come this year. It would be a little difficult to explain how she was able to grow into a teenager in only a few weeks.

After a tearful goodbye, they finally let Harry get on the train, while at the entrance to the platform there seems to be some sort of commotion as the Weasley's hurry through trying to get to the train. Obviously Molly had given up trying to get Ginevra to show the way, just in time too. Xeno speaks up, "It looks like Mrs Weasley has a bad case of wrackspurts dear."

Pandora nods, "Yes, her stress levels are indeed very high. I wonder why she left it so late to come through to the platform."

Xeno looks at her, his eyes silver, "Not why, who. Who indeed? Who who. HooHoo, the shards of clay that never were have been shaped by a craftsman's hand. The guardian of the flame is watching the darkness consume the candles and hoping his lamp will hold. Who, HooWho, the owls fly and bring the light. The queen of fae will defend the stone of avarice. HooHoo"

As the silver leaves his eyes Xeno says, "I just had a Xeno moment didn't I."

Pandora hugs her husband, "You did, but it's ok you didn't do anything wrong."

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Albus paces his office nervously. He's been concerned about Harry since the wards at Privet Drive failed to activate. None of the devices that he tied into the wards activated either leaving him completely in the dark to his health and wellbeing. He knows that Harry wouldn't have had the best childhood growing up, but at least he'd have had a childhood. He saw more than a few muggles like them during his time introducing muggleborn to the magical world. Watched his father kill a few after what they did to his sister. But it's better to take the belt and a verbal beating than to die before you even know how to talk to people. He'll never tell Minerva that there were three separate attacks on the school after Hagrid got to the pub that night. It's why he had to relocate Harry so fast. Now he doesn't even know what he looks like, only that he has a golem that he's accompanied by, and that golem has been seen going around Diagon a few times this summer. There has even been talk about him being a probationary adult. A minor statute from the time of the fae. If he recalls correctly, it's called the Rip Van Winkle accord after the American that stumbled on a Fae Mound and aged 50 years overnight, though the muggle story says he disappeared for that time too. Frustratingly, Minerva had been very tight lipped about his situation too. Though that's probably to do with that strange magical artifact and her new fascination with her new paperweight. Whatever enchantments they had on them, they were far more subtle than he'd ever worked with before. None of his diagnostic spells had come up with anything, he even tried the ones that detected muggle technology. To make matters worse, Fawkes had refused to take him to see Harry. The first time he asked, Fawkes disappeared in a ball of fire and then returned missing feathers from his wings and tail, and promptly having a burning day.
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Rite of Passage
Rite of Passage

"Ordis, would you be able to open a channel to Tyl Regor please?"

"Mistress, are you sure this is wise?"

"I'm only being polite."

"Ordis only thinks this is pointless."

"Ordis, will you open the channel, or do I have to send Hed?"

"Ordis is opening a channel operator."

"Tenno, no longer hiding behind a warframe I see."

"Tyl Regor I presume, I'm Luna Lovegood. You have the balance and I need her. Can I have a copy?"

"Why don't you come down here so I can take you to the Queen."

"I'd rather not meet her, she seems a little to preoccupied with bodysnatching for my comfort levels. All I want is a copy of the balance, and I'm going to get it one way or another."

"If you show your face I will squash it like a bug, and then deliver your broken body to my Queen."

"This is getting repetitive. When they save your brain state it's not done live is it."

"I have no idea what you mean."

"Ok, hard way it is then. I'll see you soon."

After the call hangs up Ordis says, "Ordis would never presume to tell the operator that ordis said it was pointless."

"I know Ordis, but I have to try. Still, I only need one more component to finish Night. Then we can put her together properly. Why do I feel like Frankenstein talking like this?"

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Harry was getting more than a little annoyed at the students on the train. More than a few of them opened his door and said, "Hello, have you seen Harry Potter?", either he'd get as far as "Hello, I am." Before they slammed the door and moved on, or his English Tutoring painting would be in the middle of speaking and he wouldn't even get that far. He'd managed to buy some treats from the trolley lady, but his English just wasn't good enough for more than point and ask how much. Maybe he shouldn't have skipped out so much, but the painting was just so.

"Stop daydreaming and write another 20 Esses." Think of the infested and it makes itself known.

He was carefully scribing them out when there was a knock at the door and it pulled open to reveal a young girl with unruly brown hair. "Hello, sorry to bother you but have you seen a toad?"

"Sorry, English bad. Please speak slower."

Her face falls, "Oh, sorry. Is that what you're doing? Learning English?"

Harry nods.

"I'm Hermione Granger."

"My name is Harry Potter."

Hermione rapidly discarded everything she'd ready about Harry Potter, as this was obviously not the same person. "Pleased to meet you. Would you like some help with that?"

Harry smiles at her, "I would like that, thank you."

"Well, trying to write on a train, with a quill, probably isn't the best plan. So why don't we try reading?"

"Excuse me, I'm the teacher here." Harry eagerly puts the painting away.

"That sound good."

"Do you have any simple books?"

"Only sch-ool books."



"The ch makes a k sound, and the s is elongated, so school."


"That's it. I'll be right back, I'm just going to grab a book from my trunk."

A few minutes later she comes back with a blue book that has a picture of a group of people riding a white quadraped. She also has a dark blue book with a red stripe around it.

"Right. This is a make believe book called Mort by Terry Pratchett. This one is an English Dictionary." – Seeing his confused look she expands – "A Dictionary is a book that contains words, and their meanings. For example, we can look up the word 'dictionary' like this, and see the definition."

Harry follows her finger to the word on the paper, and sees it printed in bold. Eyes widening slightly, he materialises his Orokin data-slate and a scanner before scanning the book and running the program that Simaris developed to turn the scans into something useable. Hermione watches wide eyed as the scan progresses.

"What was that? Is that a magical item? How does it work? Can I learn to make one?"

"Sorry, too quick."

Hermione cringes, "Oh, sorry."

"No sorry, slow down. I no good fast English."

"What was that?"

"It is a Solar powered synthesis scanner."

"Is that your native language?"

"na tive?"

"natural, home, default."

"Then yes."

"It sounds complicated."

"English harder."

"It really isn't. What did you do with the scammer?"

"Scanner no high at end."


Harry can't help but laugh, "No, not flat, like first time, just no high at end."


"Yes, see easy. I use to put book on this."

"I can't see anything there."

"Need bit in head. Then see."

Hermione's brow furrows, then she quickly looks up a word in the dictionary and points at it, "Implant? Insert or fix in a person's body."


She quickly looks up that word before pointing to it, "place, fit, or push something into something else."


"Is it magic?"

"No, made, understood."

Another quick flick through the dictionary, "Technology? Machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge."

The rest of the train ride goes like that, with Hermione looking up words that Harry doesn't understand and explaining them to him, and then the conversation carrying on from there. She also finds out that Harry is probably frightfully intelligent, and is picking things up faster than his ability to speak them is increasing. Occasionally he'll tap on something that only he can see before returning to the conversation.

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Once the train pulls into the station, Harry leaves and looks for Hermione as he knows she's a first year. Spotting her walking over to the man that would give a Grineer napalm or nox a run for their money he quickly weaves his way through the crowd. When he gets there the large man says in a thick accent, "'ere, who are you?"

"Sorry, English not good yet."

He heard sniggers from a few of the children, but Hermione came to his rescue, "He asked who you are."

"Thank you. My name is Harry Potter."

"Are you sure?"

"No, but goblins say. Give ring." He holds up his hand to display the heirs ring.

"Blimey, ya mus' be then. Ain't no way ta fake one o' those."

Helplessly he looks at Hermione again, but a blond girl speaks up, "He said you must be because the ring can't be faked."

"f aked?"

"Counterfeited, duplicated, pretend, not real."

Hermione says softly, "copied and pretend to be real."

Someone in the gaggle of children says, "Oh Merlin, the boy-who-lived was raised by savages."

The large man says, "Right, enough. Follow me to the boats."

They then troop down a rain slickened path to the shore of a lake that's almost mirror smooth in the evening light.

"'our to a boat. No more 'an four to a boat."

Deciding to go with the person that he knows, Harry waits until Hermione has chosen a boat and then gets in with her. A nervous blond boy manages to beat him to the boat, so Harry ends up taking up the back seat.

"Harry. This is Neville Longbottom. He was the boy I was trying to help."

"It is nice to meet you. I am Harry Potter."

"N N Neville Longbottom. Please call me Neville."

"Ok. I meditate now." Slipping off the chair he kneels on the floor of the boat back straight and closes his eyes to meditate, easily ignoring the soft explanation that Hermione give Neville. He stayed like that until the boats nudged gently against the far shore. They then troop up some stairs to the front of the castle, where the large man knocks on the door and hands them over to Minerva, who then leads them past a closed door, behind which is obviously a large room filled with people based on the sounds of conversation, and into a side room. Once there she speaks to quickly for Harry to follow before saying.

"Harry, please join me outside."

"Certainly Minerva. How can I help?"

She hands him a small gold medallion on a leather necklace, "This is a hall pass for after curfew. While you will be assigned a bed in whichever dorm you join, all the heads of houses are aware of your unique sleeping arrangements. Also, if you wish I can help tutor you in English in the evenings until you are capable of following your classes."

"Thank you for the offer, depending on where I get sorted I may take you up on that."

"Join the rest of the first years, I will come and get you once I have got everything ready in the Great Hall."

"Thank you again."

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After a tense few minutes where the children talked at him too fast for him to understand, and then the appearance of spectres, he managed to leave the civilian lock on his amp and not summon his Octavia and damn it all to the void. Fortunately for his patience and nerves, Minerva opened the other door in the room and they all trooped into the hall where the other students were waiting. There were a lot of unintelligible whispers about him, which is only fair as he towers over the first years. It doesn't matter that he's short for a human, just that he's taller than children. While they're waiting Minerva grabs a wooden stall, and places some sort of conical leather hat on it. Surprisingly, the hat is able to sing, and does so wonderfully for an inanimate object. After that, names start to be called out, and children go forward to have the hat put on their heads. He watches as Hermione is put with the students with red trim, and the blond girl that tried to help in the worst way possible got green trim. Eventually it was his turn to be placed under the hat. Rather than sit awkwardly on the stool, he chooses to kneel beside it.

As the hat sits on his head he hears a voice in his head.

"Well this is a problem. I have no idea what I'm looking at here. No, that's a woman, another woman. A man, A man that was tortured. Another man, and another woman. Hey kid, which one of these is actually you? Let's look into one of these. Oh dear, no wonder I have no idea what's going on, you're not even thinking in English. I haven't had a challenge like this since a princess came over from China. And I've just realised that you have no idea what I'm saying. Well, here goes, dive straight in and learn the lingo."

Everything goes silent for a while, and Harry's about to take the hat off when it says, "One moment Tenno, I'm almost done here."

Surprise stills his hand, and the hat is soon done.

"Sorry about that, you've got rather more memories than most people. Before you ask, the… precepts built into my lowest level won't let me share anything I've learnt here."

"You learnt to speak quickly."

"It's rather easy when you can just take in memories wholesale. I will say that Natah was a much better parent to you than Margulis was, but you already knew that. Anyway, I'd apologise for taking my time with you, but it's so rare that I get to sit on a mature head that I'm savouring this. Anyway, I suppose I should look at your personality now. You're not afraid of hard work, and you're as loyal as they come, Helga would be proud. However, you don't care about peer pressure, in fact other peoples opinions might as well not exist when you're doing something that matters to you. You are by far one of the most flexible thinkers I've ever come across, and you are intimidatingly intelligent, Rowana would be courting you for her house just for that. However, you don't care for the ivory tower. All knowledge must be gained for a purpose. We won't say any more about your cunning and ambition than, you are normally about as subtle as a Fragor to the face. By which I will point out your struggles with Mirage, a frame that relies on subtlety and misdirection. You seem to struggle with Loki for similar reasons. Salazar's house could teach you a lot, if you made friends there. However, if there's one house that Tenno embody, it would be the house of Godric, the house of courage, daring, honour, bravery, and idiotic spur of the moment decisions.

"So Tenno Harry, it better be GRYFFINDOR that's the house with the red trim."

Standing up, Harry hands the hat back to Minerva, "I think that the hat is lonely. Would it be possible to see him worn around the school more often?"

"I will need to talk to the Headmaster, as he is kept in his office. Now off you to your table, I still have children to sort."

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"Luna Lovelace Lovegood, what do you think you are doing?"

Luna winces at her mothers use of her full name, but it's worth it. She had to enlist the help of some of the other Tenno in order to get the last blueprint she needed. Fortunately, Tenno as a rule tend to get bored very easily, so asking if anyone wants to raid a Grineer base to help her find the last Equinox blueprint got a few takers. She was even able to get rid of the spares she'd accumulated. Turning from the forge she hovers her way out of the room before pausing and looking down at herself.

Ah, her mother isn't angry about the forge is she. Making her way out to see her mother, she pauses when she sees the tapping foot.


"I'm a Tenno."

"I can see that. Why?"

"Control, Balance, and silver eyes."

Her mother softens and pulls her into a hug, "Oh my little moon. Why didn't you say something?"

"Harry was here."

"Why does that, oh right, Lovegood. Look at you, growing up so quickly. Is there anything we can do to help?"

"Let me go and talk to the grove on Earth."

"What's there?"

"The person that made the queen of the fae."

"I see. What is it you're searching for?"

"I've got my gate, my balance is almost complete, I need to learn to see next, finally I need my anchor."

"Do you have enough time?"

Luna nods, "I almost left it too late, but the Tenno were able to get my Wisp, my gate."

"I suppose it's easy enough to find the grove, and there's always requests to clear out one facility or another up there. I wonder why the Grineer keep trying to subdue the forest."

Pandora will swear blind that she didn't squeak when all of the energy emissions of Luna's wisp turned silver and she turned to look at the Earth in the sky.

"The Queens seek a past already lost to help them find a future never seen. They forget that all things come from growth, except death. Instead of freeing their servants so that they can grow and overcome the limits the Queens of old placed in their greed and avarice; they instead keep playing the same hand in different games. The fae return, and the Tenno will return to whence they were born to face the fae that wear their faces. I am Tenno, but I am not fae. My mirror and I will never split, which is why I need my pieces so that I don't split inside."
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Breaking Fast

Breaking Fast


Sorry it's been so long since I last wrote, but things have been a little hectic. I now have a brother, and he's absolutely adorable. Though he likes my teddy bears rather too much. And he can fly. Mum and Dad visited England with The Lotus and Harry, so while they were out, I took the time to do some exploring. The scolding I got when they got back was worth it.

I've just seen my first Equinox, it was glorious, equal amounts of light and dark.

Because I've shown I'm capable of looking after myself, especially with Wisp with me, Mum's letting me explore a nearby sacred grove. I'm going to try and find the Queen of the Fae. Not that one, the one Shakespeare mentions.

Got to go, I need to help Auntie with something.


"Mum," Ginny says softly, "I don't think Luna's coming back."

"Of course, she is. I spoke to Pandora yesterday while they were packing up the Rookery. She's still enrolled in Hogwarts, so you'll see her next year."

"I don't mean physically. Look."

"I've got wet hands, it will have to wait until I've finished the washing. Start feeding stuff through the Mangle, mind your fingers though. We don't want another trip to St Mungo's."

"Yes Mum."

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Harry sits in his Titania while he sleeps in the pod. To pass the time he's reviewing the first year books now that the Dictionary has finished processing. The meaning of quite a lot of the books has changed massively, granted mostly in the History parts. That makes sense, as the language they found to translate on the Orokin computer wasn't quite English even if it had a very similar evolution. That does beg the question on how they are so similar. It takes him an hour to pull her attention back to his school books after that thought, only because she runs out of possible research material in his railjack.

It's approaching dawn when she'd frown if she had facial features, there's something wrong with the potions text and she knows she's seen the answer somewhere. Quickly scanning through the other books they bought, she finds the answer in 'The animated guide to potion making: A home refresher on potion making'. Of course, the scan isn't animated that would obviously be too easy, so she sends a message off to Ironclaw's slate. Idly noting that they have a much more comprehensive network now. To the point where it might actually be challenging to try and break in.

Hoping that she remembered to bring it, she gets up and searches through her stuff looking for her captura camera. Not finding it, she has the forge produce a message baton, something that she came up with her mum. It's a short metal rod with a tiny drone inside it. The drone has a small anti-gravity unit as well as wireless access along with a holographic emitter. It also contains enough internal storage to hold 1 hour of holographic recording at visual definition. Unaware of the fact that the Goblins are using space expanded trunks for the same purpose, she considers how her mother is going to send the camera back. She puts together a design for a slightly larger baton that contains a small regenerating battery, this will always provide enough power to prevent the crystal memory from destabilising, which is important, as matter contains a lot of energy. She also adds enough crystal memory to store an archwing. This means that the drone needs to be modified to have enough bandwidth to be able to transmit the data and energy stored in the digitised object store.

When her alarm goes of she's halfway through designing a bracer that will combine a data slate with enough digitising storage to hold several decently sized items along with a simple interface to emit and re-absorb items that have been stored in it without needing all the implants that Tenno have. Reluctantly, she puts the research to one side and loads the blueprints for the first baton into her message to her mother. Taking her lander back to the school, along with her kavat, she makes her way to the owlery and sends the message to her mother. As she hands the baton to the owl she sees her hand and curses before launching herself out of the window to the edge of the forest where she leans against a tree and transfers out.

Cursing to herself, Harry disables the civilian locks on his amp and void jumps most of the way back to the Gryffindor quarters. The locks are back in place by the time she enters the common room, fortunately the first one to arrive. Heading up to his quarters, he explores the bathing facilities, which is where Neville finds him, trying to work out how the showers work.

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Hermione comes down the stairs expecting to be the first one up, instead she pauses on the last step as she spots Harry and the shy boy, Neville! From yesterday sitting at a table with Harry's tutoring painting. Neville is scratching the head of the strangest cat she's ever seen, with its emerald green fur and golden highlights. As the painting starts to berate Harry for not paying attention she's sure that if it had a ruler it would have just rapped his knuckles. Turning around she heads upstairs and grabs her dictionary as well as the book she was going to read with him before heading back.

Nervously, she makes her way over to the table. "Hey."

Harry and Neville look up at her, so she puts on her confident face and says quickly, "Would you like to try reading that book with me. I'm sorry we didn't get to start it before."

Harry looks confused for a moment, and she realises that she spoke too fast. His eyes light up when he sees the books she's holding and he places the painting face down on the desk.

"I would like, thank you."

Neville starts to get up, and she blurts, "You can stay if you want, I'm helping Harry learn English by reading with him."

While she's reading with them, and looking through the dictionary, it dawns on her that Harry's hand is different to the way it was yesterday. When there's a moment that Neville takes over, she leans back and takes a good look at him. His hair's longer and now has purple streaks running through it, and his face is less masculine.

"Harry? Did you do something with your hair?" She gestures with her hands to indicate the subject of her question.

"Yes, needed change. Like?"

"Yes, it's nice. Just not expected."

It was then that the other students who stayed in that dorm started coming down, starting with the older students who were doing NEWTs this year and put paid to any learning English as Harry was peppered with questions and conversation requests. Harry then gains a limpet in the way of a red headed boy who won't actually slow down enough for him to understand him. He's not actually sure what his name is supposed to be, as it could be Ron, Lon, Won, Wes, Lee, Wheeze, or a couple of other versions of the name. Even when they were led to the great hall for breakfast he couldn't escape, or ask Hermione or Neville what the various items of food were. Let alone how to use the tools they were using to eat. He was almost resigned to relying on his nanites to provide sustenance, which would mean returning to the Railjack earlier than normal later, when Minerva came along with timetables.

"I have your schedule here. Is everything alright?"

"Not really, I have no idea what anything is, and the red headed child beside me is monopolising my social space. I don't have the language needed to get him to stop, and I have no idea what he's talking about. I've moved twice and each time he follows me."

"Go ahead and move, I'll make sure he stays put this time."

Gratefully he stands up and moves over to sit opposite Hermione, who is nose deep in a book.

"Mr Weasley, where do you think you're going?"

The boy looks up at Minerva in surprise, "I'm gonna sit with 'arry."

"No you are not, sit back down. Harry does not wish to sit with you."

"He could have just said something."

"He tried, but he's English isn't good enough to make you understand."

"Corse it is, everyone speaks English."

"Mr Potter doesn't, now sit down and finish your breakfast."

Hermione looks up as Harry sits down opposite her, when she hears Professor McGonagall berating Ron she hesitantly says, "Are you OK?"

Harry looks up, "No, I know not what this is."

"I have my dictionary here, would you like me to show you?"

There's a pause before Harry nods, "Yes please."

"This is porridge, it is made from oats boiled in milk."

The boy next to them says, "Me Ma says that I should eat me porridge as it's good for my bones. I can't stand it though."

"Oats?" Harry asks.

Hermione glares at the boy daring him to say something, "Seeds from a grass like plant called Oat."


"The liquid produced by mothers to feed their young. This comes from an animal called a cow."


"This is bacon, these are sausages, and this is black pudding. They all come from an animal called a pig. Personally, I do not like black pudding." She indicates her own plate that has the remains of bacon, eggs, mushrooms, and sausages.

Nodding, Harry reaches out to take some when Hermione says, "No. Like this."

She then uses the fork on the plate and spears a couple of sausages before picking up her own knife and fork and demonstrating how to use them to eat. This is very different from the way the Orokin used to eat, where they had bowls and plates of food, and you used your fingers to eat straight from the bowl or plate. Of course, Natah didn't really bother with the eating thing, especially to start with. He clumsily starts to eat the way he was shown, to the sound of laughter from the table with green trim.

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Just before the end of breakfast, two owls appear above the table and land in front of Harry. Recognising Tau, he materialises his data slate and reads the message. Seeing that his mother was able to implement his blueprint, he activates the materialise function and gets a second message baton along with a Captura camera.

"Thank you Tau, I don't have a return message."

Tau bobs his head before snatching a couple of rashers of bacon and disappearing. Removing the package from the other owl he sees it's a letter from Ironclaw wrapped around a tiny book.


Over the next couple of months Hermione felt herself withdrawing more and more, as it became apparent that magical school was just like normal school. Except the bullies didn't have to get close to you in order to hurt you. Just like in normal school, the only people she really got on with were adults, well in Harry's case almost an adult. She was sure that Neville would be friendly, but he had his own problems as it became increasingly clear that he struggled with even the most basic spells. She'd already cried out an afternoon or two in the girls bathroom on the second floor.

She also knew that there was something odd with that white hemisphere that he brought out in every class, it was some sort of recording device at a minimum. She remembers Charms when 5 minutes into the class.

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Professor Flitwick hops down from his book podium and walks over to Harry, "Mr Potter. Are you having trouble?"

Harry shakes his head and points to the Hemisphere, "No, this hear now. I hear later when can take time."

"I see, such an ingenious device. Let me know if you don't understand something I said."

"I will."

"Ok everyone, take out your wands and hold them up in front of your face… Now say Lumos, that Lu-mos."

One by one wands lit up with a variety of colours, eventually even Neville got a faint glow.

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He even managed to become renowned in the lower years because he did something obvious.

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Snape swishes to his desk, "Well it's apparent that being a celebrity isn't everything. Instructions are on the board."

Hermione busily starts copying down the instructions so that she has them ready to use later while the other children all rush for the ingredients cupboard. Suddenly Professor Snapes voice rings out, "Yes Mr Potter."

"What chop?"

A couple of the Slytherins snigger, "What do you mean Mr Potter?"

"What see when chop."

"Ah, good question. Come up here."

Harry goes up to the front and Hermione cranes her head to look, Professor Snape promptly pulls out some herbs and vegetables and demonstrates how to chop, and what rough, unspecified, and fine look like. By the time he's finished almost the entire class is watching. Then Harry looks at the board again and asks, "What grind look like?"

She's willing to swear that the professor mutters, "At least one of you isn't a dunderhead."

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Then the whispers and taunts begin.

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Parvati sighs, "I don't know how Harry stands it. She's such a bossy know it all. Always talking about getting our homework out the way, reading this and reading that."

Lavender nods, "I know, she's also sucking up to the teachers. Showing that she's already read the work and is trying to prove she's better than us. As if, it's not like she grew up with magic."

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Draco spits at her feet, "Well mudblood, how does it feel knowing that you need to do twice the work just to be half as good as the rest of us? That even with all your studying you'll never understand magic as well as we do, and you'll never amount to anything."

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Ron knocks her book off the table, "You're such a bookworm, and you keep trying to steal Harry from me. Getting him to study all the time, when does he have time to play?"

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"Such a scaredy cat, look at her shivering beside her broom. I bet she falls off in five minutes."

"Na, she won't even get off the ground."

"At least there's something she's bad at."

"At least Neville got off the ground, she's not even taken off yet."

"Hey, what's Malfoy doing?"

"This will be good."

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Hermione's walking from the Library to dinner when something pinches her bum hard. Spinning around she eyes the corridor carefully and then jumps as it happens again. Not wanting to play this game again she starts to run to the great hall, only for her legs to turn to jelly. Taking her wand from her book bag she whispers the general counter that she learnt after last time and scrambles away before they get the courage to face her openly.

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"Look Ron, you need to be better with your pronunciation, it's Wing-gar-diam Le-v-oh-sa."

"Well if you're so sure, why don't you do it?"

"Wingardium Levosa."

"She's a right nightmare she is. No wonder she doesn't have any friends."

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That's when it all came to a head, and she almost died.

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Hermione screams as the Troll knocks the door to the bathrooms off its hinges. The fetid smell, it's roars, and the massive club all come together leaving her paralysed with fear. A massive, lumbering step forward and a swing of the tree trunk it's using as a club destroys most of the cubical walls that are between her and the Troll. Suddenly there's a loud buzzing sound that makes the troll turn it's head before it starts to scream as butterflies attack it. Following after them is a fairy with a machinegun, as evidenced by the loud retort that causes the trolls body to jump. Hermione screams again as the troll falls to the floor riddled in bites and bullet holes. After making sure the Troll is dead, the butterflies return to the fairy as it grows into a 7 foot tall monstrosity and crouches down in front of her it's hand outstretched.

Slowly she comes out of her shock and reaches out to hold her hand. The fairy pulls her to her feet before lifting her into her arms and walking out of the bathroom. Professor McGonagall comes round the corner with the Headmaster and Professor Snape, and the Fairy and McGonagall talk in the same language that Harry speaks before she's carried to the hospital wing.

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Hermione sits in the shadows beside the fireplace watching as the common room empties. First year curfew was a couple of hours ago, but she found out that people can't see into this corner at night accidently a few weeks ago while she was reading a book. Since then she's been staying up until she's sure the girls in her dorm have gone to sleep, that way she doesn't have to listen to them bitching about her as if she's not there. She sat there later and later, putting off the nightmares. Until last week that is, that's when she saw Harry come downstairs and leave the tower. She's watched him leave every day since then, and tonight she's waiting to see if he does it again.

She's just made her first yawn when Harry comes down the stairs and leaves the common room. Suddenly alert, Hermione looks around and realises that the common room is completely empty for once. Screwing up her courage she leaves her corner and heads out after him. Crouching under the odd portrait that she passes she's glad that he seems to be more interested in his hemisphere than he is his surroundings as she was sure he'd have seen her multiple times. Her heartbeat sounding loud in her ears. She almost loses him on the Grand staircase as the stairs that she's on decide to move just before she reaches the landing. However, it's close enough that she jumps for it, and follows Harry along the first floor. From there he takes a set of stairs to the ground floor by the door by the greenhouses. She idly notes that she'll need to remember this route as it's quicker than going around the outside. She hesitates at the door as the grass outside is illuminated by the slivery grey light of a full moon. As a cloud passes across the moon, she gathers her resolve and steps over the threshold.

For the next couple of minutes Hermione's heart is in her mouth as she follows him to the edge of the forest. Especially when he stops and fiddles with the bracer he's always wearing on his right arm. She creeps closer hoping that he doesn't turn around and catch her. She has a vague hope that if she can find out where he sleeps, she'll be allowed to sleep there too and get out of the dorm. Picking her way through the forest is hard enough when the moon is out, when it hides behind the clouds it becomes down right treacherous. It's during one of those moments when a cloud passes to reveal a clearing with a giant figure in it. Flashing back to the Troll she screams, "Harry!"

At the sound of her voice he spins round with his palm outstretched and then there's a flash of light and her side feels cold.

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Harry spins round at the sound of a voice behind him where there shouldn't be a voice. Instincts ingrained over decades of warfare and honed over centuries has him pulling the trigger before he's even processed what he heard. A flash of light illuminates a child with bushy brown hair. As she starts to collapse as he finally processes that he heard his name. Void jumping over to her side he materialises a large health pack and activates it. The ruby pulse of light showing it's area of effect. However nothing happens, despite the fact he can feel it working. He curses as he realises that she doesn't have any nanites for the pack to influence. Calling his Oberon to him with a flex of will, he scoops her up into his arms and is running to the lander.

"Cy, I need you to plan an emergency evac. I have an injured civilian and she doesn't have any nanites."

"Yes Captain, preparing route and spooling up void jump drive. May I suggest you place her in your pod, as it will keep her alive."

"Thank you Cy, I'm in the lander so ready when you are."

It's a tense 15 minutes back to the Railjack as his sensors are watching the void energy seeping through her body, and causing it to start breaking down. Her fluttering heartbeat is the only thing keeping him aware of the fact she's still alive. He knows that it's unlikely that there's anything they could do to save her at the school, no matter how good their spells. As the void is too different. Maybe if they had a few days to research the energy they could draw it out safely. But, Hermione doesn't have time to trust to a hope when he knows his pod will keep her alive. As soon as the lander has docked, he's out and sprinting down to his bedroom where he transfers out of the Oberon and opens his transference pod. Carefully taking her from the Oberon's arms, he places her into the pod and closes the lid. As soon as it activates and shows her life signs he breathes a sign of relief and relaxes.

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Minerva wakes up groggily just after she'd gone to bed. Something in her living room is making an awful racket. Stumbling out she can see that her Orokin device is flashing red. Touching the display Harry's face appears floating over the device.

"Minerva, sorry to wake you but there's been an accident."

Suddenly alert she looks at him, "What happened?"

"Hermione followed me out to my lander and called my name, I reacted instinctively and shot her. If it had been my warframe I'd have brought her to the hospital wing, but I shot her with my void abilities. She's stable, and we're about to leave for Lua. I think someone should let her parents know, as I don't know how long she'll need to be there."

Minerva's heart comes down from her throat as the fact her lion is safe registers, taking a couple of deep breaths she nods, "I'll get on it. Though as she's stable I'll visit them first thing in the morning. Send me an owl if there are any complications."

"Will do."


They're about 5 minutes out from the Orokin system when Harry's Oberon staggers up to the bridge.

"Harry, what's going on? Where are we?"

Not for the first time, Harry curses his limited grasp of Englsh, "You were hit, we are almost home. Make better."

"I feel strange."

"Can you hold on 10 minutes? People with good English able to explain."

"I'll try. Who's that?" She points straight at the man in the wall

"Of course she'd be able to see him. He is hard explain in my speak. Please wait."

"What's wrong with my hand?"

He reaches up to take the hand of his Oberon, "No thing wrong, will explain later. Come look window."

It was a very tense few minutes spent holding Hermione's hand through the Oberon and being unable to properly explain what is going on. So much so that his knees almost buckled under him when they returned to real space in the Orokin system.

"Cy, call my mother, I need someone that can speak English to come aboard."

The Lotus appears in a communication window, "Tenno, Harry what's going on?"

"I accidently shot a student with my void abilities, and they're currently using my Oberon. I need Pandora or Xeno, void even Luna to come aboard and explain what's going on. She has no nanites and none of my equipment is able to extract void energy."

His mother looks off to one side before turning back, "Luna is on her way, Ordis should be connecting an umbilical in a few minutes."

Harry turns towards Hermione, "I've just talked mother, Luna be here soon."

"You've 'just talked to mother', the 'to' gives direction to the listener." Hermione corrects absently.

"Good, you think again."

She giggles, "Can think, do think, or will think?"

"Um, er, can?"

"Nope, are."

Harry pouts, "That not option."

"It was, just not listed."

Harry glances over when he feels the ship shudder, seconds later a warframe that is split down the middle, white on one side and black on the other, comes walking around the lift section.

"Harry, you weren't expected till winter break."


Hermione stares in amazement as a blond teenager appears out of the, whatever it is.

"In the flesh."

"Congratulations or commiserations?"


"Ah, well done on getting another warframe then."

"It is better than the alternative, for me at least.
Sorry, we're being rude. I'm Luna Lovegood, from Ottery St-catchpole in Devon."

"Hermione Granger, Crawley in London."

"Welcome to the Orokin System, I'm just going to talk to Harry about what happened and then I'll explain it to you."

"Are you also going to explain why I'm dreaming?"

"Yes, that will be part of it."


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Luna pins Hermione with a look that leaves her feeling 2 inches tall, "Hermione, I've found out what's happened from Harry. Why did you follow him?"

"I just wanted somewhere to sleep where I didn't have to listen to people bitching about me."

"Why didn't you just ask?"

"I thought that if I was already there he wouldn't be able to say no."

"Well, this is a good news and bad news situation. I'm going to transfer back into my Warframe and then I'll take you to see something while we talk."

Hermione nods mutely as Luna merges with the black and white Warframe. She then allows her to take her hand and lead her through the spaceship? They end up standing in front of a matt black pod that is connected to a load of snow white cables.

Luna walks over to the pod as she looks, "To answer the last part first, you are currently dreaming. It's a special type of dreaming, but your body is currently asleep in here. I'm going to open this briefly as it's the only thing keeping you alive at the moment."

Hermione staggers back as she looks at her face serene in the seat of the pod, an ugly grey wound in her side visible because her clothing has disintegrated. Luna closes the lid again and Hermione looks around frantically until she sees the face of her saviour standing immobile in an alcove. There she freezes, and slowly reaches out a hand to touch it's face.

"Harry saved me?"

"I don't know, why don't you tell me what happened?"

So she does, and Luna hugs her as she talks about crying in the girls loo, then through the experience with the troll, and how a fairy rescued her. She also finds out that Warframes can't cry. Once she's finished talking about everything that's happened at school she feels a little better.

When she finally finishes talking Luna says, "Now that the hard part is out the way, I'll explain what happened. The void is a place between worlds that joins them all together. Like all of existence there is energy in the void and it is rather inimical to life. In fact, there is no way to resist void energy without using void energy. Part of the problem is that void energy is not entropic, increases entropy, chaos? Don't worry about it, you'll understand once you've been given the nanite treatment. It doesn't break down machines, metals, or even bodies. It just stops all life from working, even digital life. I actually had to look up the word digital while I was on the way here.

"Anyway, creatures with a soul, and apparently post owls, can adapt to the void by making it part of them. Around 8 to 900 years ago this happened to a colonisation ship that got stuck in the void. What the Orokin discovered from that misadventure is that the process of adapting drives mature humans insane. For still growing humans, it grants them powers that are hard to control and highly destructive.

"What's happened to you is that rather than getting weeks of low levels of void exposure through the hull of a ship designed to keep the void out, you instead received a concentrated dosage that should, and would, have killed you. Except these pods provide life-support as well as a link to Warframes. This was followed by nearly an hour of low level exposure, so as you couldn't die you adapted. This then allowed the pod to perform its primary function and link your mind to a Warframe. This is how you're where you are. The Tenno call it the second dream, and until you're able to wake up yourself you'll need to get used to Warframes being your body. Also, don't try to force it, as it takes a level of self-actualisation in order to accept that you can be both. Most Tenno that have woken from the Second Dream couldn't tell you how, why, or exactly when it happened. The others, like Harry, were all under do or die levels of stress and managed to do."

Something seemed wrong with that idea, but Hermione couldn't put her finger on what it was. She was also realising that she's out of her depth, and that she's just an 11-year-old girl. Ok, 12, but at the moment she wants to be 11 again.

Relentlessly Luna carries on, "As soon as they've worked out how to get it here, you'll be transferred to another pod in order to undergo healing. During this time you'll lose access to the Warframe you're in. You'll also be given all the nanites and implants that Tenno need in order to live in this system. This includes language and basic education. Next time you wake up, you'll be controlling a Warframe of your own while sleeping in your own pod."

"But what if I don't want to be a Tenno?" Hermione asks plaintively.

"You die. Your choice about this ended when you accepted the void energy into yourself. Even though you were unconscious at the time. You either live as a Tenno or you die now and we have to explain to your parents how battle honed instincts caused you to be killed."

"But I'm only 12, how am I supposed to deal with that?"

"Harry was a toddler. The pod is there to keep other people safe from you, while the implants and nanites are to keep you alive and well in the pod. It's not like you can eat, drink, or use the toilet while you're in there."

"Keep other people safe?"

"Harry's wearing a device we call an amp, I have one too. It works on void energy and it stores enough for its own needs before venting the rest off harmlessly. Without it, it builds up inside us until we expel it uncontrollably. However, it requires the control that comes with the self-actualisation that you go through when you wake from the Second Dream. Every night, Harry came back to sleep in that pod so that he wouldn't be a danger to other people. Now you're a smart girl, and I know that when we leave you're going to think about this conversation. Probably dream about it while you're healing too. That's why I've been so up front with you. Yes, it's a big thing you're being shown, and it's going to change the way that you see the world. But is it going to change you? Will you be the girl that followed Harry, or the girl that cried in the girls loos? Also, consider this. Every single one of the original Tenno had their memories wiped, though it didn't work on Harry, however every single one that has woken up from the Second Dream has regained their memories."

Her piece said, Luna sweeps from the room. Hermione gazes at her saviour for a moment before she follows.

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We have arrived safely at Lua, however, there has been a complication. Hermione has adapted to the void damage and the void has become part of her. As I write this Luna Lovegood, Pandora's daughter, is talking to her while Hermione is using my Oberon. If it's at all possible, would you be able to bring her parents to Lua so that we can explain what's happening, why and what it will mean for her going forward.



She crumples the letter in her hand before smoothing it out again and grabbing a sheet of parchment in order to pen a letter to the Grangers. She then takes the letter to the long distance owl that she normally uses to send letters to Harry and Natah. A quick check of the time, 5:30, and she ties the letter.

"Would you be able to take this to Dan and Emma Granger. It's important and urgent, so please wait for a reply. When they do, bring it straight to me regardless of where I am or what I'm doing."

The owl bobs its head before taking off and disappearing within a couple of wing beats. She then makes her way to the Gryffindor common room, as something has obviously not been going right if Hermione was able to follow Harry without someone waking her up to report her missing.

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Harry stands next to Luna as The Lotus opens the pod and lifts Hermione out of it. The Oberon chassis losing it's spark as her consciousness is removed.

"She's going to need her own Warframe after this."

"She is."

"I wonder which one she should have."

"No you don't, you're just trying to avoid the problem."

"But she needs a Warframe to do everything she needs in order to earn that one."

"Not if you copy the original."

"But I was saving those bits."

"You shot her."

"It was an accident."

Luna just looks at him.

"Ok, yes, accident or not, I'm still the one that shot her so I need to be responsible for ensuring she has everything she needs to start moving forwards."

Luna beams a smile at him.

"Are you sure you're only 14?"

"No, but that's how many years I've lived so that's what counts."

"Which Warframe are you working on at the moment?"

"Same one, she will teach me to fly. Same as she will Hermione."

"Do you want any help?"

Luna shakes her head, "No, this one and the last one I have to do on my own."

"What's the last one?"

"A fly stuck in amber."

"Protea?", Luna nods, "I can at least help you with the Xoris and some mods."

"Thank you Harry."

"You're welcome. I'm just trying to work out how to get Hermione to start syncing with her new Warframe."

"Don't worry, I'll handle that once her parents have visited."

The Lotus walks over and removes her helmet, "It's done. She's going to be in there for at least a week as a lot of her body needs to be rebuilt with working cells."

"Thanks Mum."

"Thank you Aunty."

Natah waves them off, "I'd do the same for any of my Tenno. I'll arrange to have one of these put together with a solar reactor so that any future accidents can be dealt with immediately. How are you planning on dealing with the need for Hermione to have her pod close by?"

"I've been digging out a drydock on the Moon, so if I can get the blueprints and materials for a Dojo I can set that up instead. We can then setup a tree if I take some Orokin technology with me."

Luna nods, "That will be useful for me next year when I go to Hogwarts."

"I was then going to install enough power and storage to duplicate orbiter functions for each pod in the tree."

Natah frowns, "You know you'll be getting close to making your own tower if you do that?"

Harry sighs, "Yeah, but can you honestly say that the facilities here would be viable with Corpus or Grineer technology?"

Natah grimaces, "No, but that doesn't make it a good idea."

Luna laughs, "Aunty, it doesn't have to be a good idea, just better than no idea."

"Luna, the Orokin cracked the moon with their seeds."

"But how many did they use?"

Natah opens her mouth to reply and then finishes looking up the information, at which point her jaw drops, "Thousands." She breathes.


Amelia yawns as she sluggishly shuffles to the bathroom after her 7am alarm goes off. Some days it sucks to be the woman in the relationship, as even though she pulls the same hours at the clinic, there's only one half of the relationship that's expected to be up first.


"Me, that's who."


She yawns, "Me, the woman of the house. We're always expected to have breakfast ready for when the man deigns to actually appear."


"Didn't I already answer that?"


It dawns on Amelia that she isn't actually talking to herself and she looks up and squeaks when she sees a massive brown owl perched on the towel rail. It's a good thing she's already on the loo, as she's sure she just peed herself.

"What are you doing in here?"

The owl stares at her before waving a leg in her direction.

"How did you get in here?"

Turning it's head upside down, it spreads it's wings.

"Hey, I've just woken up, I'm allowed to seem stupid. Anyway, I can't get the letter from here so let me finish up first."

The owl bobs its head and goes back to watching her. She will swear that she didn't hurry, but the fact that she was out of the loo only a minute after that exchange suggests something else.

Clumsily she unties the letter before reading it twice.

"Dan! Dan! Get up now!"

"Waah? Hunbun, what's going on?"

"There's been an accident and Hermione is stable. They want us to write back so they can take us to see her."

"I'll start cancelling our appointments for the day if you let Anne know. 8:30 or 9?"

"I'll say 9, that way you can actually get dressed."

"Thanks love."

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Minerva is mostly done with her marking, that she had Tilly bring her, when the first of the prefects make their way downstairs.

"Mr Weasley."

"Professor McGonagall, I… wasn't expecting you."

"Clearly. How are the first years doing?"

"They're settling in, with some of the expected friction. But, nothing out of the ordinary."

"Are they getting enough sleep?"

"Mostly, Neville seems to be having some problems."

"How about the girls?"

"I'm not sure, that's the girls responsibility."

"I see, take a seat."

"Ah, I was going to get some studying done in the Library."

"Not this morning you're not. Now sit."

To their credit, one of the female prefects comes running down the stairs a few minutes later, "Professor McGonagall! One of the first years is missing."

"I know." She replies dryly, "Now sit."

Mr Weasley gulps at that news.

As the other prefects dribble in, the owl appears and lands on Minerva shoulder. Taking the letter, she reads it and nods before scribbling a brief letter on a piece of parchment.

"Thank you, could you take this to the Headmaster. And if you see Fawkes, ask him to come and talk to me."

The owl bobs its head before taking off and disappearing in a couple of wingbeats.

"Erm, Professor," one of the assembled prefects ventures, "did that owl seem to be unusually smart?"

"1 point to Gryffindor for stating the obvious."

It takes another half an hour before the last of the prefects make their way down to the common room, and a large number of the rest of the house is loitering to see what's going on. Spotting Oliver Wood she calls him over.

"Mr Wood, a word if you would."

"What can I do professor?"

"Gather your team, you're all in charge of the first and second years while I hold a Prefect meeting. Prefects, follow me to a less public room."

Getting up, she leads the prefects into one of the near by guest suites.

"I want to know what has been happening to Miss Granger."

The sixth year prefect speaks up, "It's just the normal pecking order stuff, she'll snap soon and beat the snot out of the other girls and everything will be fine."

"That's normal pecking order stuff? So you don't remember when I confronted your own bullies in your first year Miss Walker. After the bullying was brought to my attention by one of the prefects at the time."

"Last night she followed Mr Potter to his sleeping accommodations. How was she able to do that?"

One of the boys shuffles uncomfortably, "She's been reading by the fire past curfew, we didn't notice at first and she seemed fine during the day."

"So, a first year has been staying up past my own bed time, and you think it's fine. The same first year that is subject to the normal pecking order stuff."

Mr Weasley speaks up, "I assumed that the female prefects had it under control."

"Mr Weasley, there isn't a boy and girl prefect because it's different jobs. There's a boys and girls prefect because there's different dorms. If it's outside the dorms it's as much your responsibility as any other prefect. Not one of you thought to speak to me or Madam Pomphrey, especially given that Miss Granger was almost killed by a Troll only a few weeks ago.

"Give me your badges, the Quidditch team is going to be doing double duty until I can pick out some new trustworthy lions."

Once she has the badges she turns to leave before looking back, "Oh, by the way there was an accident in the Forbidden Forest last night. Miss Granger is stable, but there have been long term complications. I now need to talk to her parents and take them to see her."

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{Harry} wtb Titania Prime blueprint set.

{Deathdigger} Harry, long time no see. Have you given up putting it together yourself?

{Harry} No mate, I need it for a gift

{Deathdigger} Anyone I know?

{Roofie} Hey guys, what's this about a gift?

{Harry} I'm kinda responsible for a new Tenno, so I figured I'd get her her first frame.

{KittyKavat} New Tenno, this isn't going to be another @LunaLiscious.

{Harry} No, Luna went behind our backs for reasons.

{LunaLiscious} No, The Lotus knew what was going on, she got me my Wisp after all.

{KittyKavat} Space Mom is the best

{Harry} Look, I need a Titania Prime Blueprint set as I don't have time to farm another set.

{LunaLiscious} You know, there's something wrong with the fact we refer to raiding Grineer and Corpus bases for lost Orokin relics as farming.

{Roofie} Well, if they're going to pay us to wage a proxie war on each other we might as well get some benefit.

{LunaLiscious} When you put it that way.

{FireGuy} I've got a set, yours for 150 plat.

{Harry} Ouch, yeah go ahead.

{FireGuy} I've sent you a one time key to our Dojo.

{KittyKavat} Wait, why does she rate a Prime as her starting frame?

{LunaLiscious} Harry shot her accidentally, outside his frame.

{KittyKavat} But still

{LunaLiscious} She didn't have any nanites at the time

{KittyKavat} Oh.

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Harry walks into a room to get some supplies from a locker. When he turns around the archway has disappeared. Looking around for half an hour he fails to find any switches or the archway. Sighing he calls his Mum.


"Harry, are you ok?"

"Not really, the doorway to this room has disappeared."

"Nope, it's still there."

"I've looked, and it isn't."

"Yes it is, you just can't perceive it."

"Mum! How do I get out?"

She smiles over the comm, "Turn off your implants, obviously."

"How do I do that?"

"That's what you need to work out. See you later."

"But Mum!"

"No, if you're going to use a seed you need to know how to control it. The first step of that is being able to control your own implants."

"Isn't there a better way to do this?"

"Sure, if you want to spend the next few decades playing computer games. Remember Umbra?"


"Do try to be finished before Hermione's parents arrive."

She hangs up leaving Harry in an empty room. In the end it takes a couple of days for him to disable his implants, followed by a frustrating few hours working out how to reenable them so that he can use the computer systems.

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There's a flare of fire in the Granger living room and suddenly Professor McGonagall is standing in front of a nervous looking couple.

"I'm sorry I'm late Doctors, I had to persuade Fawkes that I knew where we are going and that it's safe."

Amelia stammers, "Hermione, is she ok?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I know she was stable and she's been taken to the best medical facilities I've ever seen. Now, there's a couple of things you need to know before we leave."

Danjell shakes his head, "What's more important than our daughter?"

Minerva sighs, "To start with, they don't speak English there so you'll need to go through a process that will teach you their language in a few hours. They also don't use magic. Finally, time runs faster there so Hermione has been undergoing treatment for at least a day since I sent you the letter. With that said, if you would touch one of Fawkes' tail feathers, he will be able to transport us."

Amelia shares a glance with Danjell before standing up on shaky legs and touching the phoenix. Once Danjell does the same, they're all engulfed in fire and when it dies down their living room has vanished. Instead they're looking at a woman wearing a blue helmet that covers her eyes, and robes that match.

"Good evening, I'm glad to see you've arrived."

Pulling his thoughts together quickly Danjell sketches a bow, "Good Morning? I'm Danjell and this is my wife Amelia. Most people call us Dan and Emma. Can, can we see our daughter now?"

The woman bows back, "I'm The Lotus, and I'm afraid not. While she's finished healing, we haven't finished her new transference pod yet. It should be done in a few hours. But first I need you to get into these pods where you will be given the implants and nanites you need to survive here and not get sick."

Reluctantly and with some chivvying, they both get into the pods. The last thing they hear before they activate is, "Don't worry, I will delay her transfer so that you can see her."


Amelia watches the black pod that's holding her daughter in a space ship that's docked on the moon. She so desperately wants to open the pod and hug her little girl but Harry and Luna both showed them what void energy can do to robots while The Lotus, or Natah when she's not working, explained what's happening.

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"Those figures over there are called Warframes, they're a bioengineered construct designed to fight my species by the Orokin. Most of them were designed from scratch, however a few were experiments that the Orokin performed on their own people. Until the Tenno came along we were winning quite handily, as we are better at using technology than they were."

Danjell says with a yelp, "It's Clark tech."

"What's that?"

"An author and researcher named Arthur C Clark wrote 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic'. That's what you've got here. All of this, to us it might as well be magic. Please explain it like it was."

"Very well, Warframes are bodies that the Tenno inhabit while they are asleep in their pods. The reason they're able to do this without going insane is due to the void energy that they contain. However, controlling void energy is, difficult and it's not something that can be easily trained. They tried that before they developed the Transference system. The helmet I wear was created by my predecessor after they accidentally blinded her in a way that they couldn't heal. She was a lucky one, other guardians and researchers died to random, uncontrolled expressions of void energies. They even tried wiping their memories under the assumption that it was the trauma from the circumstances they gained their void powers under was the cause of the outbursts. It wasn't true. Control comes from acceptance and realisation, part of that is being able to wake up from what we call the Second Dream. The same will be true of Hermione, don't take Luna as an example of how quickly it will happen, she's a special case. It's more likely that it will take more than 100 years for her to wake up. Once she's done it learning how to separate herself from her warframe will be fairly quick. Probably only a couple of years."

Amelia sags, "So we'll be dead and buried by the time it's safe for her to hug us in person."

"I can turn you into a Sentient like myself. You'll then have plenty of time."

Danjell leaps in, "Done, sold, when can we do it?"

Amelia turns to her husband, "Dan, Dan! Danjell Michael Granger, you will calm down right this moment."

"But it's Hermione."

"Time also passes faster here than it does back home. It's not something that we need to decide right now, and it's not something we should decide before finding out more about it."

"You're right Mia, and I'm sorry."

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The Lotus approaches the other side of the pod, "Would you like to help me change Hermione?"

Amelia nods tears in her eyes, "Yes please."

With a touch the lid of the pod opens and her daughter is lying there looking so small and fragile. Amelia gasps when she sees the damage to Hermione's clothing, encompassing most of her abdomen on the right hand side. Hesitantly she takes her hand in her own, and smiles when it twitches. Together they remove her clothes and clean her skin. Then The Lotus removes the hair on Hermione's head with a sweep of her hand. Then they dress her in a black isolation suit with built in blindfold and ear muffs.

"Amelia, may I ask. Why do you and your husband use Dan and Emma sometimes?"

She sighs, "Bigotry. Dan's family came over from Armenia in the second world war, and my name is old fashioned. So because we got insults and racial slurs thrown at us at university, we chose to go by shortened versions of our names when we opened our practice. And, well, when you use a name enough you get used to it."

"Does your daughter not have the same problem?"

"She does, but Dan's a Shakespeare buff, and he registered her while I was still recovering."

As The Lotus picks Hermione up in a princess carry, Amelia asks, "Is the blindfold really necessary?"

"Sadly, yes. I check each of the pods occasionally, and sometimes they stir if they feel the difference as it bleeds through to them in their Warframe. The results can be quite dangerous. Until she stops growing, I'm going to need to check Hermione quite often to ensure that the suit isn't causing any damage."

As they both exit the Railjack, she can see Danjell standing to one side, and he starts crying when he sees the small body in the arms of The Lotus. She goes over to stand beside him and pulls him into a hug as she starts to cry too. Harry and Luna come to stand beside them, Harry in a similar Warframe to the one that will be Hermione's first, and Luna in her black and white one. They both focus on the Warframe kneeling beside the pod, waiting for any sign of life as The Lotus puts their daughter in her home for the foreseeable future.

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Hermione wakes up from the weirdest dream where she'd been looking at herself and been lectured about something. She'd been hurt, and then she'd woken up in a spaceship, but everything felt wrong. Then she met Luna who can speak English, and she explained stuff. Opening her eyes she looks up and sees her saviour and Luna in her black and white Warframe. Then she sees her parents and she lurches to her feet and runs over to give them both a hug, "Mum! Dad!"

As she's running over, Luna and the other, Harry, the other one is Harry, they jump forward and tackle her to the floor.

"Hermione, Hermione, calm down they're fragile and you'll hurt them. You don't want to hurt your parents do you?" Harry's voice catches her attention. No she doesn't want to hurt her parents. She just wants to give them a hug.

"I just want a hug."

"Hermione, I need you to sit up and let them come to you. When they hug them, treat them like a baby Kavat."

Confused, she does as they ask and her parents come over and hug her. When did they get so small? She stretches out her hand and looks at it, it's her hand but didn't it used to be different?

Crying her mother looks up to the lady in the blue clothes, "Damn it Lotus, we'll do it. If it will let us hug our baby without needing to worry about her killing us accidentally, we'll go through your process and become Sentients."

Happy that her mother still wants her, she squeezes her closer, "Ack, a little more gently please. I'm getting fragile in my old age."

"You're not old mum."

"No, you're just stronger than you think you are."

Off to one side Minerva bites her lip and mutters, "I think I may need to take Natah up on that offer too. Someone needs to be robust enough to handle the three of them.

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The next few weeks are wonderful as she's able to spend lots of time with her parents, and even gets some personal tutoring with Professor McGonagall as her wand feels too small. She keeps hurting them accidentally, which makes her sad. But they assure her that they're getting better at giving her hugs. There's also so much to read and learn here, and there's no bullies either. Absolute paradise. The only fly in the ointment is having to do PE and meditation under The Lotus' supervision. Harry's there too occasionally, but he has his own things he's learning. Whatever it is, he's finding it difficult.

They also have a better internet here, no more looking at bbs' and newsgroups trying to find out which server has the information you want. She's also been introduced to a messaging system for Tenno only, where she's going by TheFairyQueen. Eventually her parents have to go back home, but they've taken a computer with them so that when she gets back to school they can talk to each other.

Oh, yeah, she has to go back there. But at least she gets the same sleeping arrangements as Harry now.

Sobbing, she heads to the unofficial sitting room where her mum and dad are leaving from. There she embraces them both in a gentle hug.

Her mum reaches up and places a kiss on her forehead, "Don't worry my little fairy, I'll be back as soon as we've rearranged our appointments. Your professor and Fawkes have kindly agreed to bring one of us here every evening so that we can spend the next day, our earth time, with you. All it's going to cost us is a selection of exotic fruit. We've just got to talk to Anne and juggle the schedule. You'll also have us for the entire weekends."

"I'm going to miss you mum."

"I know, but you've got Aunts Natah and Pandora, and your uncle Xeno."

Stepping back out of the hug, her mother and father touch Fawkes' tail and are engulfed in fire.

"Right, now they're gone it's time to introduce you to the less palatable part of being a Tenno." Luna's voice from behind her makes her jump, "Follow me, we're heading to earth."

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"Ok, Hermione I need you to pay attention to me. You currently have a very poor synchronisation with your Warframe. You know how you're always overshooting your aim when you're practicing with your wand, or you hug your parents a little too hard? That's why. It's also why we've been putting you through the obstacle course time and time again. We've also shown you how to activate the simple interface that your implants give you. I've linked you into Ordis' systems, though you are still locked out of navigation. So I want you to open that menu and select the Arsenal option. Can you see that your Titania Prime currently says Rank 0?"

Hermione nods distractedly, as she tries to work out why there is a primary, secondary and melee option.

"Ok, I want you to close the interface and follow me into the Orbiter."

She follows her and ends up looking at a pillar against an internal wall with a disk at the top and bottom. As she approaches one of those computer panels appears and says Arsenal. Confused she reaches out and touches it. Suddenly she's having an out of body experience.

"Ok, overachiever. I was going to say that this will feel a little weird. What's happened is that you're tapped into a tiny drone that is showing you what your Warframe looks like. If you activate your primary section you should see a Mk 1 Braton." She tries to nod or say something but the drone seems to be fixed in position, "When you can see it I want you to equip it. That will bring it out of the digital storage and place it in your hands. Now, you'll see that this also says Rank 0. That's because you're unfamiliar with this weapon and the implants can measure that. I need you to do the same thing with the weapons in the Secondary and Melee slots. Well done, if you exit the interface I'll show you what's going to happen next in the Lander compartment."

Hermione follows Luna back into the lander, the weapons feeling odd where they're attached and throwing off her gait.

"What have you learnt about the Grineer?"

Back on more familiar ground, Hermione rattles off, "The Grineer are a faction populated exclusively by cloned people. Each one will only be expected to live for a few years before their bodies start to fail. As a result they are always trying to expand their manufacturing bases in order to produce more clones and grow their numbers. This brings them into conflict with the human settlements and the other major faction in the Solar System, the Corpus."

"That's almost word for word from the text book, well done." As she says that the lander separates from the orbiter and a panel on the floor slides to one side to reveal a person shaped hole.

"Now I want you to lie down in there and hold onto the two grips for your hands."

Confused, she does so, once she's lying down the panel covers her and Luna appears in a communication window.

"Now, the trick with synchronisation is that the only way it gets better is when you're under stress. For Tenno there is really only one way to feel the sort of stress we need to improve our synchronisation with our Warframes. That is by being in moral danger. It's why we're always running missions all over the Solar System. Now the Grineer have a strangle hold on Earth as you've probably seen by the massive fleet they have in orbit. This means that they only really ever post their green recruits here to get experience. Which is good for you, as it means that you're going to get a good chance to put everything you learnt on the obstacle course into practice."

"Wait, Luna, what do you mean?"

The lotus appears in another window at the side of her vision, "Tenno, this is an extermination mission. The grineer are trying to reactivate an old factory and resume cutting down the forest for miles around. They can't be allowed to do this, so you need to wipe them all out."

"Wait, what do you mean? I'm only 11."

Luna smiles reassuringly at her, "I was only 9 the first time I did this. I died 4 times before I got over my fear enough to finish the mission and get pickup. I would recommend you try to avoid that, as it really hurts. Whatever you do, avoid dying 5 times as that will activate the emergency beacon and you will be digitised right back to where you are at the moment, and we'll have to send you in again through a different entrance."

Suddenly Hermione feels herself turning over and Oh God, the ground is a long way away. Why is it so far away? She screams as she feels the hand grips retract into the housing and then she's falling. She desperately tries to remember what they said about landing and manages to get her feet under her, but she still goes sprawling.

"Hermione, you did well. There's no enemies around at the moment, so take a moment to breathe. Your combat systems have been activated so you should now have a few things visible at the edges of your vision. In the top left is a map that your onboard computer is generating from the scans it's taking. If you concentrate on it the map will be displayed in the centre of your vision. In the top right is the status of your shields and Warframe systems. The shields are in blue and your system status is in red. If that red bar reaches 0 the nanites that are keeping your systems running will have run out and you die. You can ignore the white line underneath that, as you'll be able to feel the difference. But if you're interested it shows your synchronisation progress before the next milestone when the onboard systems unlock another feature. Now I want you to take hold of one of your weapons."

"No, I just want to get out of here. I don't want to die, I don't want to fight. I just want to go home."

"Hermione," Luna says softly, "we want you to be able to go home too. To be able to eat at your favourite restaurant, and lie on your bed reading a book. The only way to do that is to wake up from the Second Dream and learn how to be both your Warframe and yourself at the same time. The only way to do that is to know what many different Warframes feel like and how to use them to their best ability. The only way you can do that is by pushing yourself past your current limits. The orbiter scanners are showing a Grineer patrol coming your way, and they will probably find you in less than a minute. So you can either listen to me while I tell you what everything is, or find out the hard way when they're shooting at you."

"But I'm only 11."

"I know, and I wish there was any other way. I did it because it was either this or get lost in the fae blessing that my family has. You're in this position because of a stupid accident. If you'd been a few seconds later Harry would have been in his Warframe and it would have been a bullet wound. A few minutes earlier and the safety on his amp would have been on. Now can you take out the weapon before they arrive please?"

Grasping behind her she blindly grabs the gun and holds it in her hands nervously.

"Can you see that white dot that has appeared? No? Try waving the gun around a bit."

"I see it."

"That white dot is where your gun is pointing. Most of us keep the gun pointing where we're looking, but some are better than that. When you're pointing at an enemy the white dot will turn red."

A vaguely German accent calls out making Hermione look up, there she can see a brute of a man pointing at her and shouting to someone. She barely has time to react before he raises his gun and fires at her. There's a brief flash of blue and then she screams in pain as the bullets dig into her body. Reflexively squeezing the trigger of her gun bullets spray everywhere and some of them hit the Grineer somewhere vital and he collapses. Then another two come around the corner and start shooting at her as she scrambles for cover as her gun runs dry. Luna's calm voice cuts through her panic, "Hermione, you've done this before. Just open the breach so that the spent charges can fall out and then hold your hand over the breach to load in a new set of charges. They're going to reload in a moment, when they do I want you to look round the barrel and shoot one of them. Can you do that for me?"

Shuddering Hermione nods before leaning out from behind her barrel and shakily pointing her gun at one of the two people standing there only to see that they've taken cover behind the doorway.

"I can't see them."

"Bring the gun up to your shoulder and you should see a couple of sights on top of it. If you look down those your Warframe will zoom in on where the gun is pointing. This will be disorientating, but you'll get used to it."

Doing as she's told, she brings the gun up and that part of her vision expands and she can see the edge of their armour. When the spot turns red she pulls the trigger desperately, clipping him on the shoulder and causing him to stagger out of cover just enough to get a chest full of bullets. The gun runs empty again, as she pulls back. A weird cartoony grey block with a blue strip falls away from him as he dies and lands on the ground. She only has a moment to notice it before the other one has finished reloading and is shooting at her head. With a scream as the bullets leave blue ripples in her vision she ducks back behind the barrel and reloads the gun again. A third time she leans out and fires at a barely visible patch of armour and that trooper dies. Another few cartoony looking things fall out.

"Well done, you did well for only a few weeks doing simulations. How are you feeling?"

"Scared. My chest hurts, and, and, I killed them."

"You did, and if you didn't they'd have killed you."

"But I'll get back up again."

"So will they. Though they probably won't remember today."

"What do you mean?"

"You need to get moving before another patrol turns up, but I'll explain it while you're walking. Before we do, if you look down in the bottom right hand corner of your vision you'll see the name of the gun and two numbers. The first is how many shots you've got before you run try, the second is how many shots you can still load into the gun."

"I've only got 20 shots left?"

"Yeah, you only need one or two shots to kill these Grineer. They're not exactly well equipped, you've just been emptying entire clips at them. Below that you've got a bluish bar that's partially filled in with white, and a couple of numbers beneath it. That shows your void energy reserves, by which I mean the void energy you have in excess of what you need for running your Warframe. Above that there are 4 pictures, these are the abilities that the Orokin built into your Warframe. They're well documented if you want to read about them later, but for now I'm going to activate the only one you have access to. I need you to pay attention to the feeling as I do."

Hermione gets a really queer feeling in her brain as the ability activates, then her chest starts to feel less painful. Also she sees some words flash up in her peripheral vision.

"Yes, Titania has a tap from her void reservoir to her maintenance nanite factory, when you activate an ability it provides additional power and allows it to replenish the nanites running through your frame. Stop here."

Hermione stops and looks around, "Look down to your left. This a Grineer design storage locker. It's got an electronic lock that makes it secure against the average human, however you're somewhat stronger than average. I want you to grab your quarter staff and give it a good whack, no need to waste ammo. I'm also going to turn off your automated digitiser so you can see what's inside.

Giving it a half-hearted whack does nothing so she gives it a full swing and caves the lid in causing some of those cartoony shapes to fly out.

"Grab one of those items and I'll turn off your overlay while I explain what you're seeing and why."

Reaching down she picks up a red ball off the floor which floats comically in her hand, then it disappears and she's holding a small black stick with a couple of numbers and letters engraved on it.

"That, is a nanite reservoir. Specifically it contains the same sort of nanites that Warframes use to keep themselves working. In essence it's a first aid kit. Everyone in the solar system has those nanites, and I mean everyone. They're passed on during pregnancy and they self maintain. The thing that Harry tried to use on you just after he shot you, that's basically a remote energy beacon that provides energy in exactly the right way to power these nanites and allow them to deal with just about any injury that's left the person alive. Also in that locker is a journal, of some description, an instruction manual, a change of clothes. Some programmable matter for rifles, and a little bit of money. As we don't generally care about the clothes or written material, your overlay won't highlight them, and the digitiser won't pick them up. But as you can see, at a glance the first aid kit looks very much like the other two items. Which isn't a problem when you just need something from the locker, but when you're in a firefight and you need that bit of additional healing, it makes a big difference. I'm going to reactivate your interface as our free time has just run out. A small patrol is about to come round the corner behind you."

Spinning round she heads for the doorway she'd just come through and fumbles for her gun, dropping her quarter staff in the process. She's just got into cover when the first Grineer comes into view and sees the staff on the floor. Shaking in terror, Hermione raises her gun and squeezes the trigger briefly, and only hitting the doorframe above the trooper.

"Breathe Hermione, take your time."

Taking a deep breath she pulls the trigger again and sends some shots walking his torso, the resulting spurt of blood as he falls over makes her wish she could vomit. The second and third go down with only one reload. Then she's left in silence with some cartoon ammo and money lying on the floor. She starts to laugh at the absurdity of the sight and staggers over to see what's there.

"You're doing well. Laughter is good, but could you sound a little less unhinged in future please? Where were we? Oh yes, Grineer and coming back. Back just after the end of the war, Grineer used to live for around 20 years. A short but workable life. However, because the Orokin were gone, so was the knowledge of how to restore the genetic templates. Over hundreds of years their lifespans became shorter as the templates became corrupted due to constant usage. When they realised this, their scientists designed a computer that they implanted in their brains, this is like the reverse of the process that we used to teach you to speak. It reduces the expected lifespan of the clone by a couple of years, but they can then use the same personality on new clones. Of course, only promising clones get restored like this. Most of them just get the basic skills and personality implanted. That's what these guys are, I doubt any of them were more than a few months old at most. Their scientists on the other hand, some of them have been around for hundreds of years.

"How are you feeling moving around now?"

"It's easier."

"You're close to a milestone, so your system is going to release some of the resources it's been holding back. When that happens it will feel a bit like you've gone backwards, but" A spray of gunfire interrupts whatever she was about to say as Hermione screams and dies, her Warframe falling to the floor. One of the troopers that ambushed her comes forward to nudge her with his foot, that's when the recovery systems kick in and she explodes off the floor in a burst of energy, knocking the trooper to the floor. With a gasp, Hermione scrambles backwards while firing her gun at everything that looks vaguely person shaped. Suddenly she feels like her balance is off as the system releases some of the limits on her frame. She can feel Titania more clearly. The sound of an alarm going off deeper in the factory brings her back to the present, as she sees a few troopers running towards her. Over the next few minutes she fights her way from cover to cover until Luna shouts.

"Hermione! Thank merlin you're listening to me again. Use that console to turn off the alarm. It's a rhythm based lock so just press the big button in the centre."

It takes her a few moments to see the console that Luna was talking about which is long enough for a few more troopers to come from deeper in the factory. When her gun clicks empty, she grabs blindly for her staff and stops thinking about things and letting the instincts built into the frame guide her steps. Smoothly vaulting over a stream of gunfire she lands in the middle of the most recent group of Grineer and swings her staff wildly breaking armour and bones with every strike, while taking a few shots on her shields. When the last of them is down she vaults back to the console and the moment is passed. Looking dumbly at the console she presses the centre button and sees digital trumpets appear around the button with a spinning thing around the outside. When she pushes the button again, the thing bounces in slightly. A couple more experimental presses and she's worked out what she's supposed to do, and proceeds to put the lids on the trumpets. When the alarms stop and no more Grineer come to attack her she leans against a wall.

"What was that Luna?"

"That, was perfect synchronisation."

"It was amazing."

"It is. Hermione," Lunas voice turns sombre, "I want you to head down the corridor to your right and through the door on the left. It should lead out to a balcony."

Following the directions she finds herself looking out at a blasted landscape, where there was lush forest on the side of the factory she came in from, on this side there's only stumps and pools of noxious liquids steaming in the air. The sound of heavy machinery can be heard faintly off in the distance. A feeling of anger wells up from inside her, how dare they do this to her forest. It's worse than they're doing to the Amazon or the Canadian forests on her own earth. At least there the land is still alive and can be restored. Here they're not only taking the trees, they're also poisoning the land. Her hand tightens on the grip of her staff as something inside her breaks and for the first time in her life she moves with the intent to hurt someone. As she stalks through the factory her archwing thrusters buzz a song of vengeance and anger and she metes it out at the end of her quarter staff. Titania and Hermione both in agreement that this cannot stand. She pulls on the ability that Luna showed her how to use until she runs out of energy. Then she pulls on the power that answered her call as a child to do the same thing. She's vaguely aware of Luna saying that she's done enough and she can exfiltrate, but she chases down each and every Grineer in the parts of the factory she can reach. Once she reaches the exit location she is covered in blood from head to toe. Leaping up into the quick access form she doesn't even react when the blood is cleaned off her. As soon as the panel opens up she leaps out into the lander.

"Luna, find another factory."

Equinox shakes her head, "No, not today. You need to decompress."

"No, I don't. Not while they're destroying my forest."

"Ordis take us back to Lua."

"Yes mistress."

Hermione/Titania grabs Equinox by the throat, "Take me back."

"No. Not like this."


A couple of hours later Harry is holding a crying Hermione after she's had time to calm down.

"I'm a horrible person. All I wanted to do is wipe them off the face of the planet. How could I feel like that?"

"Hermione, you're not horrible, you're young. You've also got Titania, a frame that most can't even get until they have woken from the second dream. I knew her creator for a little while, and she was driven. At the time the earth was uninhabitable for everyone, even the precursors to the Grineer. She developed the plant and animal life that now lives on earth. While Titania is a manufactured Warframe, Silvana poured her heart and soul into her, using every possible trick to give her a life and purpose beyond war. That calls to the person who followed me into the forest rather than suffer at the hands of others. The person that helped Neville look for his pet, and helped me with my English.

"You are still young, but the hints of the woman you will grow into are already there. If that means that you have strong morals and opinions, all the better. It's far to easy to lose those and end up doing the expedient thing than the right thing. Equally, it's also easy to go the other way and show compassion even when innocent people are suffering."

Hermione leans back, "What do you mean?"

"Take my mother as an example, as she's been all three. When she arrived in this system she was Natah, Sentient from the Tau system here to prevent the Orokin from doing to Tau what they did here. She was merciless and unfeeling in her actions, making no distinction between the Orokin, the rulers of the solar system, and the serfs and slaves underneath them. The corpus existed even then, but they didn't have the power or influence they do now, as all of the executives were Orokin, or controlled by them. The Grinner were a slave race sent in to places that were too dangerous for people to go, but needed the flexibility of thought of organics instead of drones. Then she took over our care, whether she was sent by her father, defected, or was captured and reprogrammed we'll probably never know. But she modelled herself off of my first mother. Margulis. She had a fatal flaw in Orokin culture, she was principled, compassionate, and powerful. She was put to death when I was 11 because she refused to let us be turned into weapons. She believed in her husband, Ballas, even when he voted to put her to death. Even when all the evidence said that he was playing his own game and she was in his way.

"After the war she then defied her father and became The Lotus. Someone that was a bit of each of the people that came before, but was also her own person. Someone that had enough compassion not to go on an all out war against the Corpus or Grineer because of the innocents that would get caught in the crossfire, but also strong enough not to ignore their atrocities and work to protect those who needed protection. I would say that around 75% of the missions we take are paid for by 'Spoils of war' instead of the communities that requested our aid."

"Why don't you go after the Grineer?"

"Because, despite everything that they do on earth and mars, they also mine in some of the most inhospitable parts of the solar system and trade with the unaligned colonies. They also fight against the infested, same as the Corpus do, and they have the manufacturing base to do so. Of course both sides have made that particular problem worse at times. But anyone that will fight against the final weapon of the Orokin is needed. When you're more experienced, you'll need to do your own share of missions against them, and the first time will be absolutely terrifying. It's why we haven't taken the orbiters to your earth even though we could, and why you are probably going to have the most unpleasant experience ever before we do return. Warframes are made with the same biotechnology as the Infested, so if we're not careful we can spread it. That earth just doesn't have the ability to deal with it, and we don't have enough numbers to control it if it got loose there."

"That sounds horrible."

"It really is. It's also the reason why the solar system is still recovering 800 years after the old war ended. Tomorrow I'm going to take you to the local relay and introduce you to the Steel Meridian. It's one of the factions that can provide Tenno with goods and services in return for being seen to be a member of that syndicate or one of their allies. I've got friends in most of the syndicates, but I've also not promoted any of them either. How are you feeling now?"

"Better thank you."

"Come on, let's run you through the obstacle course and then do some meditation."

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"Harry, the obstacle course seemed easier."

"It would, you're working with Titania better than you were before. I know that Luna and the literature says that it's your synchronisation rate. However, that's very impersonal, and while technically true breaks down with living frames like Umbra. One of the books we bought from Diagon Alley was on Etiquette, and it talked about formal dancing. I think being a Tenno is more like being a Dancer, and the Warframes are our partners. The better we can dance with them, the more we can accomplish together, however like people, Warframes have personalities. For those that clash with us, we can still get the maximum synchronisation, but it never quite feels right. Like we want to emphasise different things."

"I think that makes sense. Though I think that synchronisation is better."

"Let me ask you a question. Before that factory, when was the last time you acted off of emotion rather than consideration?"

Hermione goes to speak and then hesitates, "When I followed you into the forest."

"And before that?"

"I don't know."

"How many times have you wanted to act off of emotion?"

"All the time."

"Titania is the opposite, she is a creature of strong ideals and emotion. She sees a wrong and wants to correct it. You balance that, and when you were both in agreement you went through the base like a force of nature. But you both share the strength of your ideals, and a strong sense of right and wrong. I can't say she won't influence you as you grow over the next few years before we return to school. But if you meditate on what happened when you saw the forest, and why it affected you so much it should help you.

"I'll come with you tomorrow when you take on another factory, and then I'll introduce you to some of your new brothers, sisters, and kinda both or neither."

"Both or neither?"

"Yeah, Tenno like me, who bounce between genders, or the few that really don't understand it. Now it's time to meditate and then you should hit the local chat."

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{TheFairyQueen} Hey everyone, I was wondering if I could get some advice?

{KittyKavat} Sup?

{TheFairyQueen} What?

{KittyKavat} It means What's Up?

{TheFairyQueen} Oh. I just wanted to know if anyone else had ever forgotten that there is a difference between themselves and their warframe.

{KittyKavat} Void yes, I swear I ran around thinking I was Ivara for like 3 years after I first got her.

{Deathdigger} I'm rather embarrassed to say that mine was Harrow. No offence to Rell may he find his rest now, but I managed to put together the original blueprints and after a couple of missions it was, boom, we just clicked. I've never had a sync ratio go up that fast ever. @Harry managed to pull me out though.

{Harry} Someone called?

{Harry} Oh, yeah, I remember that. Wisp was mine. I bought her from the marketplace using Plat that I'd managed to hoard. Titania is close, but I've already woken up.

{TheFairyQueen} You've not shown me the marketplace yet.

{Harry} You don't have enough credits to buy anything. Once you've built up a buffer I'll show you how to access it. Just be aware of the fact you won't be able to do a lot with just credits.

{KittyKavat} When you have some plat, look for my stuff. I'm a fashion designer, and I've got some brilliant armour reconfigurations for Titania on there. Like this one {Look: Titania}.

{TheFairyQueen} Erm

{Roofie} Don't worry about Kitty, she's just really into her design. She also does human clothes too, though you're unlikely to ever see them unless you head to some of the colonies.

{TheFairyQueen} So, I'm not the only one that's done this?

{Roofie} Far from it, I think most of us that remember the beginning will say that we didn't actually know we weren't Warframes. At least you've got that going for you. Also, Don't take any advice about the Warframe experience from Luna. She's, different. I think the only void ability I've seen her use is her amp.

{LunaLiscious} That's because I'm becoming Tenno voluntarily, rather than due to excess void exposure. I don't yet have enough void energy to do those things.

{Roofie} It's still strange.

{LunaLiscious} I know, why do you think I take void missions so often?

{Roofie} I thought it was for the phat loot.

{LunaLiscious} That too, I'm just aware that I'm getting older and I'm kinda on a time table before I get too old to adapt.

{TheFairyQueen} Just get shot and only kept on life-support for a few hours. That will do it.

{LunaLiscious} I have been considering that since you arrived. I just don't want to surrender myself to the Second Dream if I can avoid it.

{Deathdigger} How long do you have?

{LunaLiscious} 2 years. The oldest Tenno is 16 genetically.

{Deathdigger} Oof, does Space Mom have any suggestions?

{LunaLiscious} I haven't told her.

{TheFairyQueen} I've got Auntie and we're coming to give you a hug.

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As Hermione makes her way through a second factory, she has time to reflect on the fact that today is different from yesterday. She still screamed when was turned over to see the ground so far away. It had taken Harry a long time to actually talk her back into that delivery system. She still panicked when the first soldier arrived, but she was able to kill them without running out of ammo each shot. She died to a couple of ambushes, but she didn't completely lose herself to Titania. It almost felt like they were dance partners, with Titania on the edge of her awareness. She even found a mod, Harry said he'd show her how to use it later. She will freely admit that she was having trouble with the gun, as the dot kept falling to the floor when she wasn't paying attention. This coupled with the best thing she'd found out about her quarter staff, had led her to walking around with the quarterstaff out pretending to be a Jedi. What's she'd discovered is that if she's not paying too much attention to trying to use the Quarter staff, she can block bullets with it. As soon as she tries to understand how she gets hit.

Taking a quick breather she focuses on the chat window that Luna failed to mention and sends a quick message.

{TheFairyQueen} Hey, do you think it would be possible to play films from my home here?

Making a move she hunts down a couple more troopers and leaves them dying on the floor before she comes to an escarpment overlooking the destruction wrought on the forest. She remembers the forest fire from Disney's Bambi and can't help but picture dead deer, foxes, rabbits, and other forest animals laid out amongst the trees. They are both in agreement that they need to be stopped. Most people that know Hermione would say that she is the last person to seek out deliberate violence. But with memories bleeding over from when Titania defended the forest, back when it was only a few tens of miles across, the 12 year old girl was learning that there are indeed some things worth fighting for, and that sometimes you have to fight for those things. This revelation would increase Madam Pomphrey's, the school mediwitch, workload over the coming years. In the distance she can see a factory complex and a convoy of aircraft heading towards her, mere dots on the horizon, but she 'knows' that they will take over this factory within days of her leaving.

{TheFairyQueen} Sorry about that, Harry's sent me on my second factory run. My home doesn't have nanite or digitised storage so I don't know how the films would translate. Luna comes from the same place, though her community is more isolated. Grineer…

Pulling her attention back to now she finishes the last few corridors before heading into the exfiltration point. Once she steps into the lander she turns to face Harry.

"We want to deal with a complex next."

Harry looks at her strangely, "Are you sure?"

"We are, I saw the transports heading towards the factory. It doesn't matter how many factories I clear out, they'll just be restoring them again in a few days."

"What's going on Hermione? You were saying we."

"She remembers, back when the forest was new just after the war. Even then, they were looking to destroy it despite the fact it was the only habitable part of the planet."

"If you're getting that much bleed over, maybe we should find you a more basic Warframe."

"No! I mean no. She's, she's just there. I didn't lose myself today. I. Have you ever seen the film Bambi? No, of course you haven't you grew up here. Captain Planet and the Planeteers, it's a cartoon where a group of 5 children get powers to save the planet Earth, they call her Gaia, from destruction. Each one of them has a different power, and when they can't solve the problem themselves they can combine their powers to summon Captain Planet. That's who Titania is, was. I was going to start an environmental club at senior school this year, but then Professor McGonagall came and told me I was a witch.

"I thought it would be different you know, that being a witch would be better than being the odd kid. But I'm still the odd kid. Titania was the same you know, her creator made her mind first, and she even went back to the Terraforming projects for information."

Stepping forward, Harry enfolds her in a hug, "How do you know about those Hermione?"

"I don't, she does. I, she, it's confusing. She was supposed to be allowed to grow, to be different from the other warframes. At the moment we're, not talking, being aware of each other?" – Hermione leans back and takes a butterfly onto a finger – "These butterflies weren't supposed to be a weapon. Each one contains a bit of her, and they are not made the same way as we are. I, we, ran out of void energy yesterday so she took some of my other reserves. It allowed her to think for the first time since… It's confusing, we don't know how to describe what that was."

"Hermione, we're going to go back to Lua now, as The Lotus needs to check you over."

"But you said we could visit the nice Grineer today."

"We still will if we have time afterwards."

"That's what Mum and Dad say when they get called into the clinic."

"I mean it though, as soon as you're done with your check, I'll take you to see the Steel Meridian. Even if, by the clock, it's tomorrow."
Intermission 1

Intermission 1


"Yes Mia?"

"Did we do the right thing?"

"Apart from being too late to back out now. Which particular thing are you asking about?"

"Coming back to deal with the clinic."

Danjell lets out a sigh, "I don't know. What I do know is that there were things they wanted to talk to our little fairy about that they felt they couldn't do while we were there."

"I know, but she's not going to see us for months."

"It was the same when we sent her to that blasted school."

"I know, it just. I dunno, feels different?"

"My grandparents told me that when mum and dad came here to escape the war it felt like their family was breaking apart. It's not like they lived close, a few towns over. But suddenly the distance went from being something you could decide to do in an afternoon, to something you had to plan in advance. They also didn't even know if they'd made it until the war was over, as there wasn't any reliable post."

"I know, but, I know I'm not making any sense."

"You are, it's just hard to accept. It's Clark tech. It might as well be magic and Hermione's going to a magic school."

"You know, you're right. Spaceships, lasers, moon bases, sentient robots. It's right out of Dune or Star Trek. Even the fact that we're slowly being turned into sentient robots."

"There you go. I think we should let Anne know that we'll need to close the practice for a few weeks soon."

Amelia nods, "I think I'm going to pack Hermione's library. She'll want reading material."

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"Good afternoon everyone, I'm sorry to be interrupting your lunch. I've asked the house-elves to prepare a buffet for this meeting. As you probably know, the headmaster had to take over my classes this morning. What you don't know is why. Normally none of you would find out, however the result is going to be rather obvious."

Severus sneers, "Does it have anything to do with why Prince Potter missed his potions class this morning?"

Minerva nods, "As a matter of fact it does. Mr Potter has a condition that means he requires special sleeping arrangements. Albus and Hagrid are both aware of this, however the only other member of staff that is aware is his head of house, me. Filius, Pomona, Severus, if he'd gone to either of your houses you'd have been informed of this and why.

"The place that Harry grew up is like living in a Fairy Mound, though it would be more true to say that he lives on the other side of one. This is why the Rip Van Winkle laws were used. He was also drenched in fae energies for a few weeks, along with thousands of other people. Only the children survived, of which Harry was the youngest. A consequence of this is that those energies have become part of him."

Filius frowns, "Why are we even letting him attend this school? We all know the old stories."

"Harry isn't fae, the people he grew up with have developed ways to contain and use fae energy. They also developed, I suppose you could call it a suit of armour, for them. This allows them to interact with the world while also keeping the occupants safe."

"The golem." Albus exclaims, "He was the golem. Why didn't he talk to me though?"

"They don't speak English. When I visited they," – remembering what Dan said about Clark tech – "used a sort of magic to teach me their language in only a couple of hours. While we were at Diagon Alley he purchased a tutoring portrait to teach him English."

"That doesn't explain why Fawkes refuses to take me to him."

Minerva wants to say that it's because the solar system is still recovering from a war that spanned the entire solar system, and took centuries to resolve. Or that their technology was so far in advance of the muggle world that it looks like magic. Or even that Harry has been fighting in conflicts that make the last wizarding war look like a playground skirmish. Instead she says, "You'd really need to ask Fawkes about that."

Pomona huffs, "While this is all well and good, I don't see what it has to do with us. Or what happened last night."

"Last night, due to reasons that I am already dealing with, Miss Granger was in a position to follow Mr Potter to his sleeping accommodation. When she saw his armour she had a flashback to the troll and called out to him. Startled he turned around and fired fae energies at Miss Granger."

Madam Pomphrey shakes her head sadly, "When's Miss Grangers funeral?"

"She's still alive. Mr Potter sleeps in a special pod that is designed to keep him alive, and syphon off excess fae energies. The same pod kept Miss Granger alive long enough to get her to his home, where they were able to heal the damage the energy did to her. However, as she was exposed to levels of fae energies far in excess of those Harry was as a babe, she has also adapted to it and it's part of her. Last I saw before I brought her parents home, she was adapting to her new armour. It is likely that she will be able to return to school in 2 weeks, 3 at the outside."

Quirrell, the defence of dark arts professor, clears his throat, "C c c, will M m m the girl b b be a able to c c c finish her edu edu schooling?"

"Yes, I have tested her and she is still able to use her wand. Though she wasn't very well coordinated when I left."

Filius looks thoughtful, "What about the other students, will they be in danger from her?"

"Assuming that they stop bullying her, they should be fine."

Albus nods and strokes his beard while he thinks, "Is there anything else Minerva?"

"As a matter of fact yes. I will need to take a leave of absence in a few weeks. Hopefully it will coincide with the winter break, however if it's early or late you all need to know in advance."

"That's unlike you. Why is this?"

"I have taken, call it an alchemical elixir, that is changing me so that I'll be able to handle Miss Granger safely if there's ever an issue. It's safe and well tested, however I will need to be. Examined during the final part of the process, so that if there are any problems they can be resolved before they're irreversible."

Albus explodes out of his chair, "Why would you do that?"

Minerva calmly faces him down, "Because, Mr, Dumbledore, Harry was the one that stopped the troll, and he could have done it with his bare hands. I do not trust elements in the Slytherin house, or a few elements in the other houses for that matter, not to provoke Miss Granger until she snaps and lashes out at one of them. If she does snap then it may not be possible for us to stop her without killing her. I will not see that on my conscience, so I took the risk of using this elixir so that we would have more options than just kill."

"Surely they can't be that bad."

"Professors Quirrell and Sadler, you've both taught muggle studies. What do you remember of the muggle side of the Grindelwald war?"

Professor Sadler thinks for a moment, "It was brutal, more than a few magical settlements were crushed by metal monstrosities called tanks."

"Those suites of armour can and do take on things like tanks in hand to hand combat, and win."

Albus collapses back into his chair in shock at the news, "But what about prisoners? Innocent lives?"

Minerva looks at Albus sadly, "Harry doesn't live in a peaceful world. You can't put your own experiences on his shoulders. I don't know what you saw when you fought Grindelwald, but I know it killed a part of you. We can talk more later if you want, as I don't think you want to open old wounds in this forum."

Albus nods, "Over dinner in my office?"


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Natah watches the sensors and camera feeds sadly as Hermione talks animatedly to one of the Steel Meridian. As she feels Xeno come in she waves him over.

"You have heavy thoughts."

"I'm watching another childhood being stolen by the Zariman Ten-Zero, nearly 1,000 years after the event took place. I feel like we should have take steps to prevent this from happening in the first place."

"Such as killing all the children like you were told to?"

"How did you know?"

"I wasn't always a bumbling reporter. I started the Quibbler when Pandora fell pregnant. Before that, I was a hunter. The magical world has its share of monsters, things like werewolves and dementors. Newt Scamander did a good job chronicling them, but there are some that he didn't include. Relics of the Fae. My blessing, the blessing of our family, allows us to see them. Most of them are small and harmless, like Wrackspurts that feed on discordant thoughts, or Blibering humdingers that can make people do stupid things. This solar system is mercifully free of those pests. However there are worse remnants out there, ones that can take people over and turn them into insane killers.

"I found one once, in a child. It hadn't killed anyone, but I was supposed to kill their hosts wherever I found them. I passed on. A few months later I had to go back because of a spree of murders in the area. I thought it was my fault for leaving the child alive. When I finally tracked the killer down, it was a man not the child. The man was a monster before he was possessed, and killed the child that I'd spared.

"What you need to ask yourself isn't 'did you do the right thing in not killing them.' Rather it's 'Would the Monsters that they've fought still have existed if you did?'."

Natah indicates the display, "It's still a childs innocence that's lost."

"Without Harry, she would most likely have been killed by the Troll. Is her innocence worth her life? I think that both she and her parents would say yes. I know I would if it was Luna."

As Xeno leaves Natah brings up the scans she made from Hermione's Titania. The sensors start out detecting the expected drain from the void energy reserves, and the mannequins all show the expected effects. And then the mannequins continue to show the effects even though her warframe is showing it's running on a deficit of energy. Bringing up some of the early test results from Harry's testing, before the implemented the simple interface, she sees the same thing happening.

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Ironjaw looks at the results of the Lestrange vault audit in concern. It was a good test of the new scanners, as it was able to locate even hidden items. Such as the cup that contained a Horcrux buried under a mound of coins in a cupboard. Of course, the cost of recalling one of the Egyptian curse breaking teams to deal with it was subtracted from the vault, and there was roast pig that night. What's worrying is that the Horcrux was less than a century old. They also have no idea who it belongs to, as standard practice is to vacate the area and then let the professionals deal with it so that it doesn't kill anyone. It's also clear from the test that these scanners won't find anything that's hidden magically. Something they were fairly sure was true, but nothing beats fairly sure except testing to make absolutely sure.

He then turns to the reports from the miners and craftsmen, with the new tools they've expanded their living space 500% faster than this time last year and they're still getting used to them. The mining lasers are helping them identify missed pockets of ore, though they're not so good with veins, as goblin experience and magic has long been up to the task. He turns to one side as one of the apprentices comes over with a slate, probably unable to read something.

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"Croaker, Shade, thank you for seeing me."

"What's the problem Malscent?"

"The veil of death has been fluctuating. The fluctuations mirror the ones that occurred on the 2nd​ November 1981. Only these have been happening with some regularity."

"I see. If that was the only thing then I'd be reading about it."

"There is also a low level of fluctuations occurring several times a day. Some of those fluctuations marry up perfectly with the new owl detection ward that Shotgun put in place. Down to fractions of a second. Every single one of the owls in question is a Gringotts owl."

"I see. Can you locate the source of the larger disturbances?"

"Not with just the veil, and we are having to rely on observations of the veil rather than detecting it directly."

"Yes, yes, it doesn't interact with magic, and anyone that so much as puts a finger in will die a horrible death after going insane and killing all their loved ones. We call it the veil of death for a reason. I'm worried that it means the return of the Fae."

"I understand, we'll work on trying to detect these fluctuations independently then."
New Base

New Base

As Cy pilots the Railjack into the large space that will one day be a drydock, Harry looks nervously at the large white sphere that's taking up nearly all of the height of the engineering deck. Too large and complicated to be digitised by even the most powerful of Orokin systems, it was built automatically by the systems on Lua, then teleported onto the Railjack using it's own systems. It is an Orokin seed, the very thing that they used to build their towers and underground bases. Behind him is the much smaller Tenno seed that they use for building Dojo's out of asteroids. Hermione was going out with Luna while his mother looked for a spare orbiter, or a restorable one anyway. She's, she's doing well. He can see the cracks where the girl that was thrown in the deep end and learnt to swim is still struggling, but being in a Warframe is smoothing out the worst of the trauma. Just like they were designed to do, if there was one thing that the Orokin were good at, it was dealing with trauma. Probably the only way that some of them were able to sleep at night. Fully aware that he's prevaricating, Harry goes out in his archwing to inspect the tunnels that the MOA's have dug out. After a through inspection, that just confirms what the reports and sensors have said, he calls Amelia.


"Hi, I'm in the system at the moment, just installing the seed that will grow the complex that we'll be keeping our bodies in while we're at school. Is there anything you'd like me to transport back with me?"

"Oh, er, right. You're Harry aren't you. Of course you are, it even says so below your picture."

"Are you ok?"

"Yes. No. It's all just so, overwhelming."

"Honestly, I can't imagine what you're going through. This has been my whole life. What I can say is that it is probably both better and worse than you fear. And the bits that are one or the other will surprise you every time. When you're overwhelmed by what might be, start looking at what is, and what you can do to make it a little better."

"I. Thank you. I never thought I'd be taking life advice from a teenager."

"I'm more like 880, maybe 900 years old. Something about the void energy in us stops us from aging past that."

"So you're missing out on some of the major brain development"

"In long term planning and risk analysis. Yes we know. As a group Tenno can be very, childish, because of it. It doesn't change who and what we are."

"Sorry. It's just hard."

"It's ok, it's often a sore spot for us as many of our detractors in the solar system will call us children despite the fact that we've got centuries more experience than they do."

Amelia grimaces, "Yeah, I can see that. Women get called girls all the time, even when we're in our 30's. It's, infantilising. Listen, I'm currently packing up Hermione's Library. Well, it's only really about 300 books, but that's what we call it. If you could pick that up it would be great."

"I'll talk to Cy and see what he says, but I think he's finished analysing the emissions coming from the planet and worked out the wave lengths they use for detecting things, and the ones they use for communications. So we should be able to set the lander to absorb those and come in nearby."

Cy joins the call, "Captain, if Ordis can get a lander into a secure Corpus base for an infiltration mission, I can put the same lander down in one of the green spaces near Amelia's position. Short of someone seeing us, which given the axial tilt of the planet in that location should be almost impossible, after 6pm local time, with the naked eye, and I can avoid the electronic cameras and telescopes easily."

Amelia shakes her head, "Cy, you're scary, do you realise that?"

Harry chooses to head that off before it can get started, "Do you know what a vi d o is? Hermione was saying she wanted to get some. Specifically star wars. Though why you'd want war amongst the stars when the solar system is still in turmoil I have no idea."

Amelia can't help it, she laughs, "I'll pack her TV video player and all her videos too then. I'd imagine that you can work out how to power it with all of your technology."

"Ok, so I'll call you when I'm on my way."

"Sure. By the way, what are you doing here anyway?"

"I'm currently avoiding activating an Orokin ship seed and potentially becoming the new controlling AI."

"I must be missing something. Why are you doing this?"

"We can't afford to use Tenno tech to run the transference pods, as our orbiters all use a large amount of infested bio-tissue to run the systems. It stopped the Sentients from controlling them, but well, we have the infested as a large problem in the solar system. So as Railjacks use void technology rather than infested technology, we're sterilising all the Warframes that we're bringing, and also replacing the lander with a Digital storage module. There's no way that Cy could run it, but it can certainly be transported between here and the Orokin system."

"I see, and what about the becoming an AI?"

Harry grimaces, "I have to be physically present to activate the seed, and use my implants to activate and guide it's growth, at least initially. When I do, the AI will try to take control of my implants. If it succeeds, well."

"Tell you what, if you've activated it and you get here for 6pm I'll drive you to the local supermarket and let you buy a trolley's load of shopping."

Taking a deep breath, Harry says, "Ok, I'm going to do it. See you at 6."

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Harry closes his eyes and searches for his implants. Once he finds them he stretches out his hand and touches the seed. With the symbolic contact established he levitates it off the ground and opens a wormhole to the centre of the new complex. He then walks the seed through the portal, extending an atmospheric shield ahead of him so that he has the air he needs to complete the next step. When the wormhole winks out behind him, he activates the extractors and watches as thin tendrils extend from the sphere and dig into the lunar regolith and start converting the matter to energy. Once it's reserves are full he activates the reactor at the heart of the seed, and the reserves empty at an alarming rate. Once it's almost depleted a tesseract forms in the centre of the sphere drawing energy in from the dimensions adjacent to this one, and void energy to stabilise the reaction. The reserves rapidly fill up again and once they're full the AI comes online automatically to manage the tesseract and the facility.

Harry grits his teeth as the AI detects his connection and tries to take control of his implants at the same time Harry tries to transmit the master authorisation codes. One by one the AI takes over his implants over what seems like a battle of half an hour, but in actuality is only a fraction of a second. However, Harry prevents himself from panicking with the iron discipline learned on countless battlefields. Concentrating on transmitting the last of the authorisation codes, he gets the confirmation that they've been received as he loses control of the most important implant. It's tendrils start to ease into his mind and test his nerve signals, learning the layout of his brain so that it can make the modifications it needs when it suddenly withdraws and relinquishes control over his implants. Using the last of his mental strength he commands the seed to create the core room and stabilise the atmosphere and gravity before he collapses bonelessly to the floor. Just before he collapses he activates transference and feels his Wisp engulf him in its tender embrace.

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Amelia stands with Danjell in the nearby park, 6 boxes of books and a TV are on the grass at their feet while they wait anxiously for Harry to arrive. When Cy contacted them, he sounded concerned.

"ETA 10 seconds. 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… arrival."

As Cy's voice says arrival, the slim lander hurtles down to the ground rapidly decelerating until it's hovering a mere foot off the floor. The airlock at the back of the lander opens to reveal a Warframe lying on the floor, it's cloak pooling around it like a blanket.

"Human Amelia, my captain collapsed after activating the seed. Cephalon Cy was able to negotiate with the new AI and sent a drone in to retrieve her. However, she has not responded since then. I, would like your help to ensure that my captain is fully functional."

The two of them share a glance before Amelia speaks up, "Cy, I think that Harry needs to go back to Lua. I can come with you if that would make you more comfortable."

"That would be acceptable."

"Cy, would you mind if we loaded Hermione's things before we leave?"

"… That is acceptable."

"Dan, give my apologies to Minerva. And don't forget that you'll need to buy Fawkes' fruit. You should buy the kids, and Harry some treats as well. Oh and a selection of comics and magazines too."

Danjell doesn't laugh, much as he wants to, as he knows that his wife is just nervous, "Don't worry, I won't forget. Do you want anything? Wine, cider, soft drinks?"

"Get whatever you think best."

With the Lander loaded, Amelia sits down on the floor and lifts Wisps head into her lap and starts to stroke it. Meanwhile Cy pilots the lander back to the Railjack and starts the calculations to return home.

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The journey to Lua is nerve-wracking for multiple reasons, as Amelia is acutely aware of the fact that she is travelling through the void. The same void that gave Harry and Hermione powers that can only be controlled with the transference pods. The same void that drove the parents of the other Tenno insane. She is also turning into a Sentient, and the only known energy they can't adapt to is the void, Natah was very clear on that.

Finally, the only movement that Harry has made since she boarded the lander is to take hold of her hand. It didn't help that Cy required her permission to engage the autopilot that would take them back to Lua. When she felt the weird sensation of being connected to the systems at Lua, she immediately called Natah.

The Lotus' face appears at the side of her vision, and Amelia fair screams "No, I need Natah. It's Harry, she's unconscious, and has been for over an hour."

The Lotus frowns before she reaches up and removes the helmet, "Where are you Amelia?"

"We're on route to Lua, I'm still in the lander with her head in my lap. Cy, do your magic and send her our current position."

"I object mistress, what I do is hardly magic. Transmitting data."

"I'm coming to meet you."

A few minutes later Cy's voice comes over the internal comm, "Warning, incoming Sentient signature. Be ready to repel boarders. Identity signal received, welcome aboard Lotus."

Natah's frame seems to disconnect far faster than Amelia has ever seen happen before as she rushes over to inspect Harry.

She sags to the floor on her knees, legs akimbo to either side of her as she sighs with relief, "Heart of Tau, she's fine. Thank you for staying with her, though she'd have woken up on her own in a few hours. What I'm reading from her implants is that she only succeeded on a technicality, so the AI was in the process of invading her brain when it finished processing the access codes. What's happening now is that she's mentally recovering from this while her implants are reconfiguring to their pre-attack state. Cy, disengage the lander and take us into Lua, I'm going to manually transfer her to a pod to speed her recovery."

"Understood Lotus. Will your frame be unaffected by being left behind?"

"I'll have it follow along, so don't worry."

Once they land, Natah lifts Wisp off the floor with brute strength and manages to look calm and collected even as she strains to carry her out of the door. Once there she reconnects with her frame and what looked effortless becomes effortless as she floats through the corridors to the reservoir trailed by Amelia. Once there a brief touch on the wisps systems sees harry appear in the pod, asleep. As she strokes his hair, she smiles gently at him. Turning back to the wisp, she makes a minor modification to the sensors on the Void reservoir to indicate that there is 25 more capsules of void energy than it actually contains, to it's maximum size. If she's right, then it will have no effect on Harry's usage of it's powers. If she's wrong, Harry will find out about the modification very quickly and correct it herself.