[X] Examine the room. Try to understand what happened.
-[X] Examine the filing cabinet, for all the good that does you now that you can't read. Examine the pictures on the leaves. They don't require literacy, do they?
--[X] If you think you are in danger from whatever caused this, leave the room immediately.
[X] Examine the room. Try to understand what happened.
-[X] Examine the filing cabinet, for all the good that does you now that you can't read. Examine the pictures on the leaves. They don't require literacy, do they?
--[X] If you think you are in danger from whatever caused this, leave the room immediately.
[X] Examine the room. Try to understand what happened.
-[X] Examine the filing cabinet, for all the good that does you now that you can't read. Examine the pictures on the leaves. They don't require literacy, do they?
--[X] If you think you are in danger from whatever caused this, leave the room immediately.
For some reason I feel like the sign we picked up in particular is going to be shown as having an aura effect that just makes us forget how to read while we're within 5 feet of it or something equally annoying.
[X] Examine the room. Try to understand what happened.
-[X] Examine the filing cabinet, for all the good that does you now that you can't read. Examine the pictures on the leaves. They don't require literacy, do they?
--[X] If you think you are in danger from whatever caused this, leave the room immediately.
For some reason I feel like the sign we picked up in particular is going to be shown as having an aura effect that just makes us forget how to read while we're within 5 feet of it or something equally annoying.
[X] Examine the room. Try to understand what happened.
-[X] Examine the filing cabinet, for all the good that does you now that you can't read. Examine the pictures on the leaves. They don't require literacy, do they?
--[X] If you think you are in danger from whatever caused this, leave the room immediately.
For some reason I feel like the sign we picked up in particular is going to be shown as having an aura effect that just makes us forget how to read while we're within 5 feet of it or something equally annoying.
Not like it would be too much of a problem if so. Just put it down somewhere and go read away from it. And unless it also does something really useful/is unreasonably durable, it's not like we can't toss it later. Possibly at something. Not like it's the worst thing we've found down here.
Not like it would be too much of a problem if so. Just put it down somewhere and go read away from it. And unless it also does something really useful/is unreasonably durable, it's not like we can't toss it later. Possibly at something. Not like it's the worst thing we've found down here.
X] Examine the room. Try to understand what happened.
-[X] Examine the filing cabinet, for all the good that does you now that you can't read. Examine the pictures on the leaves. They don't require literacy, do they?
--[X] If you think you are in danger from whatever caused this, leave the room immediately.
I read @dragonkid11 above and using the sign to strap Fate to our arms like a shield and I was suddenly struck with the thought, 'Wait, Why not just ask her what it says?'
You can backtrack. This place follows the "if you put down string, you can go anywhere you like and it won't break because of shifting hallways or whatever" rule.
edit: hoping to update tonight maybe, so get your votes in within the next... uhh... 8 hours I guess? If you haven't already
[X] Examine the room. Try to understand what happened.
-[X] Examine the filing cabinet, for all the good that does you now that you can't read. Examine the pictures on the leaves. They don't require literacy, do they?
--[X] If you think you are in danger from whatever caused this, leave the room immediately.
Sir, the Facility borders have been breached!
Well… first things first, let's take a look, right? There might be something in the filing cabinets I can use…or find out what happened. Some kind of documentation. For all the equipment to be… plants… that was just fucked up.
I carefully step over the discarded ones and reach for the shelf in the top of the cabinet-oak-tree… thing. It's just a little out of my reach - if I stand on my tip toes -
The cabinet tips in my grasp, tilting towards me. There's a moment of flailing panic, of perspective shifting as it looms large into my view, then the feeling of impact as it hits my leg, waves of pain shooting up and it hurt, not as much as losing hands, but it hurt nevertheless. A different kind of hurt. No bleeding but soreness.
I carefully lift the cabinet upright again, more leaves and papers falling to the floor. They're soft and filmy to the touch. Slightly sticky, as if with sap. Pictures and words - a skull traced across the veins of the plant in blueish hue, and under it written in curly handwriting Growths in Eight penetrating the -
Wait a minute.
I hold up the paper-leaf. I wrest the sign into a better position to look at it.
Look at the picture. Growths in Eight. Tumors.
Look at the sign. Nothing. Gibberish. But - the letters are the same, you can see some are the same but it's not getting through, it's not penetrating, it's not working and it hurts trying to force it, trying to match the letters and the words.
I bite my lip, then go back to looking through the papers.
Subject Twelve. Coma induced four weeks ago. Dream conformation at C+2. So far, brain activity has been reminiscent of REM sleep. Unlike REM sleep and normal sleep cycles, REM activity has remained constant for all but brief two minute long periods in which brain activity becomes minimal.
In the last week brain activity has been even higher than previously recorded. We don't know what this means, but we hope this means Twelve will wake up soon.
There's a hastily scrawled addendum below.
Subject Twelve is deceased. There was an hour-long burst of activity of which we've never seen before, and then suddenly it all stopped. Just… Nothing. Examination showed a body but there was no… intelligence in it. No soul. It was similar to that of patients rendered brain-dead but so much… emptier.
The Dreams are- they're getting worse. Becoming Nightmares.
We don't have much time.
We need to find -
The document ends there. Whoever was writing it tore the leaf on accident. And - to be honest, I'm not sure what it means.
There's a few more pages in a folder. I quickly grab it and pull on it - it's snagged on a vine or something, but I'm not going to leave without it -
I heave, finally freeing the - oh, fuck. I scramble back and out of the way just in time as the heavy thing crashes to the floor silently. It looked loud but I couldn't hear anything. I wonder if I'm the only one deaf here or if there's simply no noise at all.
Well… it's still light and bright in here. I gather up the leaves with pictures and put them on the table for examination. Examination! I feel the urge to cackle slightly, all mad scientist-y. Why? Because I am in an X-Ray room made of plant stuff.
So… Eight had tumors. In their brain. … a lot of tumors. Seven's skull is warped so badly it looks… wait no that was just a crease in the leaf. Seven's skull is fine.
Apart from that big gaping hole in the back.
I'm sure they'll be okay.
Let's see, let's see…
Twelve's brain is lit up like… like… a swarm of fireflies. … the leaf was glowing, actually. Pulsing rapidly with a lot of little glowing lines. So… exactly like a swarm of fireflies. That was neat!
I stuff them all in my pocket and stick the folder snugly into my belt of vines… somehow. It was hard to make sure it didn't fall out but I'm fairly certain I managed it alright.
I think I like this room.
Sure, it's ominous as fuck and the lightbulbs are fruit, but hey, it's the most consistent bullshit in this freakshow I've found so far!
I turn around and - why is the door banging? It's silent, but I can clearly see something jostling it. This…
I should be freaking out right about now, but I'm kinda sick and tired of doing that so I just sit on the table and watch it for a while. C'mon, door. Do your thing. I'll wait.
Either this is supposed to spook me or something, or… there's a really retarded zombie on the other side…
This room reminds me of Sanitarium. Plants, plants everywhere.
Perhaps the similarity is unsurprising, given that the goal of the game was to piece together delirious memory fragments of an amnesiac lying in a coma.
Just how many subjects are there? We suspect we are Sixteen... makes you wonder what happened to the fifteen before you.
[] Open the door. It's only polite when someone's knocking.
[X] See if there are other pieces of heavy tree-furniture that could be easily toppled over if you need them to. Could always use the environment to do your fights for you.
[X] Cut a part of the vine-rope you carry and use it as a tripwire. Unlikely to work, but if the zombie is really as retarded as it tries to make itself look...
[X] Try to hide and see what is it that tries to enter.
[X] See if there are other pieces of heavy tree-furniture that could be easily toppled over if you need them to. Could always use the environment to do your fights for you.
[X] Cut a part of the vine-rope you carry and use it as a tripwire. Unlikely to work, but if the zombie is really as retarded as it tries to make itself look...
[X] Try to hide and see what is it that tries to enter.
As for the sign... why not copy the letters from it to another surface? If it's the content that's the problem, we can try to copy them partially - say, skip some letters or words here and there - and see if we can comprehend the result when some parts are missing.
Of course, we could be trying to read the equivalent of a Brown Note, so maybe it's not safe, but it does not appear like anything around here is.
[X] See if there are other pieces of heavy tree-furniture that could be easily toppled over if you need them to. Could always use the environment to do your fights for you.
[X] Cut a part of the vine-rope you carry and use it as a tripwire. Unlikely to work, but if the zombie is really as retarded as it tries to make itself look...
[X] Try to hide and see what is it that tries to enter.
So the sign itself doesn't want to be read. Interesting. Copying the symbols over to something else probably won't work either.