Wacky Worldbuilding: Cultural Heroes

Holy shit, it's on SV now????
Time to do another re-read!
It's starting to be posted here, yes.

Doing some updates as well. Most of them are minor tweaks/ corrections which I don't bother to spell out, but there's also a few "Directors Commentary" chapters that aren't on the AH.com version (3 so far).
I've been trying to get a setting going about wizards trying to stay relevant in a hi-tech future. A main concept in this setting would be the importance placed on wizard student-teacher lineages (as opposed to the blood lineages more popular in other modern fantasy works), which would extend to that teacher's teacher, and so on for as far back as can be traced. Many of the lineages include famous magicians from legend, so you've got your Merlin, your Solomon, your Abe-no-Seimei, even a few gods like Odin, Hecate and Isis for the really ancient ones, with as you can imagine a lot of looking down upon so-called 'dark' lineages.

Naturally, quite a few of these lineages would be descended from musician-magicians like Orpheus, Taliesin and Vainamoinen, teaching the lyre, harp and zither-like kantele respectively. I was thinking the Orpheus line would specialise in more beautiful, heart-wrenching spell-songs, the Taliesin line in more joyous, uplifting music and the Vainamoinen line in darker, more haunting music (sorta like the old Pirran Piper trio in Deltora Quest 2, if any here remember that). Actually that reminds me, maybe a Pied Piper line too focusing on mind-control music if I can squeeze that in.

I've also been trying to think of artists and writers who stepped into the occult, that could be part of or have created lineages. Irish poet W.B. Yeats and one-time queen and arts patron Christina of Sweden come to mind.

For a completely different setting, the scarlet-haired alien rockstar Symphonie Metallique (who I can't believe I forgot about in my last post) is one of the date-able characters in my Single Mother Scientist Quest, her haling from the far future (think I made her from Jupiter or Titan) branch of the setting. She's based roughly in the Ziggy Stardust/Macross 'rock star with emphasis on the star' archetype.
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Never thought the day would come when i mustered the courage to told anyone about my story. Oh well, here goes nothing.

In my story, the world was quite the mess. After a certain disaster in the year 2000, half of humanity's population was gone, and many countries was devastated. Eventually things started to improved in the next decades, although there are several attacks from gigantic strange beings on Japan from 2015 to 2016, but in 2018, there are multiple sudden appearances of giant monsters and vast robotic swarms from underground. In response to this, a person named Anggito gathered super-powered individuals and create an organization that aims on aiding any country that was attacked by this new menace.

Thanks to his efforts, the world managed to recover from the initial shock, and by the middle 2020s most major world power had the means to fight off small to medium scale robot or monster attacks.. His organization grew in prestige and strength, and he became a symbol of security and hope. However, this means that world leaders became increasingly paranoid about him, since he has the most powerful fighting force in the world under his command, even though he repeatedly stated that he had no intention to topple any existing governments.

Nevertheless, to most people he was a charismatic and competent figure, and he was popularly dubbed 'Hero of the 21st Century'. However, he also had a secret agenda of his mostly involving the remnants of a shadow organization that once controlled the majority of the world under the guise of a United Nations body. He was convince that they were, or at least know who was, behind the sudden attacks, and he's willing to do anything in order to achieve his goals.

To anyone that might found some part of this story to be somewhat familiar, yes i essentially integrated my story with a certain show, and i am very sorry if anyone finds it to be laughable.
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Botha-He is remembered among hexmages as the first true hexmage. Not only did he's discoveries regarding the operation of demon control hexes serve as a foundation to nearly all subsequent research and development on the subject, but he's entire life changed mage society. He was thought to be a seer initially, but his behaviour, methods, values, and demeanour were so divergent from the seer norm. Others who took up this expanding field of research and development were also identified as divergent seers, as were some who had dabbled in the field before Botha revolutionised it. In the last few years of he's life, mage society officially recognised (inasmuch as mages officially recognise anything - it would be more correct to say that the data entry drones updated drall's records to reflect the change in societal trends, for convenience) hexmages as a separate societal role from seers, and thus Botha's role-name changed to Botha-He. (While the old backup copies of Botha's work as a seer are listed under he's former role-name "Botha-She" it is considered an error by mages to use a person's out of date role-name.) While Botha is little known outside the hexmage community and the adjacent subcircle of seers - as hexmagery is beyond thall's ken - he is celebrated by hexmages both as the one who made hall's work possible, and the one who defined hall's societal role and the first of hall's pronoun. Many make homages and references to hem in hall's work, especially he's tag "_sixteen".

More well known to all of mage society is the mythological figure from the unfiled past: Bernstone. (Bernstone is sometimes referred to by the role-name Bernstone-She for convenience and by seers who want to claim them as one of shall's own, even though they's legend predates the establishment of the original five societal roles (hexmage is the sixth) and thus no one knows what roles and signifiers they would have used during they's life, if they was indeed a real person not just a myth, which is unprovable.) Bernstone is credited as the first to research and describe the behaviour of aether as motes, which is foundational to one of the major branches of magic.

(Mage translation note: they, them, and they's are third person neutral singular. The plural forms are thall, thallm and thall's. For second person, you, youm and you's are singular and yall, yallm and yall's are plural. Role specific pronouns follow the same pattern, i.e dro, drom, dro's, drall, drallm, drall's for drones, ju, jum, ju's, jall, jallm, jall's for conjurers, etc.)

As you can deduce, progress in understanding and application of magic is one of the highest valued things in mage society. The artistic side of culture tends to stay on a personal individual level. What is popular or well known or influential in the arts isn't much investigated or discussed. With that said, the tattoo artist Blanc-Ju's designs are very common in Wonambi, so ju can be said to have left an indelible mark on the culture which has changed the look and feel of many of the dayclubs, though few are aware of ju's significance. And an up and coming new artist of note is the wig-shaper Wyre-Ju, who is unknowingly poised to make a big splash into the colour mixture of the tunnels and halls...

On the other side of the tracks, The Pure primarily venerate The Great Maker as the bringer, maker, designer, constructor, planner, and engineer of all things. In legend, He personally gave mankind all their knowledge including technology and laws, and He has been observed doing so occasionally in recent times too. So that doesn't leave much room for regular human cultural heroes, other than those who do great work in honouring the Maker. The clerics don't take too those who seek or receive glory entirely their own. But many in the railway industry remember Hank Grundtalson, a safety inspector legendary for his record for spotting flaws in mechanisms of all kinds, thus preventing disasters both physical and economic, and thus saving many lives and a lot of money. Some tried to diminish his legend (and his criticism of their designs or constructions) by saying he had cracked and become paranoid, but he is still deeply honoured by most who know of him. Tragically, Grundtalson and most who knew of him best lived in Nearton's Bend, and he was among those who bravely and futilely fought back.
Kesion Hale
Kesion Hale was an artist who rose to prominence during the First Colonial Period. As one of the initial colonists on Outreach, he had the distinction of creating the first acknowledged human artworks outside of the Sol system. His paintings, which prominently featured photo-realistic details in a kaleidoscopic array of colours, were the basis of an entire artistic movement that increased greatly in popularity over the next thirty years.

Hale eventually chartered a private vessel to explore all of human space, making it his life's goal to create images of all of the known wonders of the galaxy. In total, over a thousand paintings, each as detailed and as beautiful as the last, are attributed to him. He died on Paragon three years after the colony was founded, mid-way through painting the then-unfinished Capstone Facility over The Twist.

As a sign of respect towards the artist, the Starsong Firm purchased the painting for nine billion credits and hung it, unfinished, in the Capstone Facility's Great Hall. His other artworks, covering just seven of the fifteen sites he wanted to paint, were kept by the Department of Colonial Growth, and are now the centrepieces of the Hale Museum for Exhibitional Art, named in his honour.
King Dan and Queen Dee

Dan was raised in Glyndar, a frontier region, his parents being yeomanry. They were both killed by pixies in battle. Dan went to a relative in Port Draco, with a big library. However, this relative killed himself, but not before Dan had spent much time in his library. Dan went to his uncle in the Sky Isles, located off the coast. He trained to be a lawyer, acing law school, becoming a big time hit, a visible presence in the courtroom. He proved to do well.

At this juncture he met Dee, the Crown Princess. Under Queen Catherine, she had sharpened her military skills, and her uncanny fighting abilities made her the prime choice for her mother, to command troops bringing down revolts from peasants suffering from increasingly demanding serfdom. Dee had a popular touch and her persistently being chosen to command troops and weapons gave her a bearing on the mood of the country - in sharp contrast to her mother, the tyrannical queen, who liked to stay in the palace and feast, relying on elite underlings to bring in taxes from the poor.

Dan and Dee grew in touch because she admired his wit, fighting skills, and integrity and he admired her overall and liked the idea of marrying into royalty. But the Queen refused to allow them to marry at any time because Dan as a hick from Kolbon. There would be no wedding. Tensions built up between Dee and "Bloody Cathy". This included events surrounding Dan returning back to the military sphere and releasing a high-profile pixie prisoner. The Queen depended on money from prisoner ransomings to enrich herself with riches, and she went ballastic. She wanted him convicted for treason and insubordination (which would sink any chance of him and Dee marrying). After getting convicted by Denis Detry (a hack judge, and one of Dee's cronies), he was cleared on all charges by the supreme military court tired of Catherine's efforts to meddle in their proceedings. Upon the failure of the court to declare him guilty, she decided to deploy a different plan to bring down the man who wanted his daughter's hand in marriage, but Dan escaped the Royal Palace before she could put it in effect.

Admist a heat wave which aggravated the plight of the peasants, Dee and Cathy collided. Dee learned of Catherine's plans to execute Dan on treason charges, and the two quarreled. Cathy, tired of criticism, proclaimed "let them eat iodine" and ordered her daughter to leave. Dee did so, but called her mother by her full name while leaving, marking her unhappiness at her mother's refusal to change course. As Catherine announced Dan's sentence for treason (issued via executive fiat - she technically had absolute authority), Dee and her sisters were standing alongside on a balcony. Dee interrupted her mother and two verbally fought in front of a mystified crowd. Before long, Dee joined Dan as heading a rebellion, supported by peasants who were sick of "Bloody Kathy", the murderer of many of their kin. They prevailed after a long civil war. The war was capped by a bloody battle for the capital, which culminated in the Queen's capture. Dee and Dan served as joint rulers in the aftermath, following a one-month-long regency.
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Gro-Nah Xiang, Divine Tax Collector as selected by the Imperial Courts Reigning Above Heaven, Accompanied by the Snuffling Pig Named Xiu Zhu Who Is Proof Of Office, Deity of the Heiren Tapestry which Binds the Ogres of Huihoshan Mountain into Imperial Contract in Service of the Emperor Over Heaven and Celestial Emissary to the 34 Districts. Distinguished Accountant of the Imperial Bureaucracy, talented scribe, pig-rearer, script writer and nine-fingered.

Gro-Nah Xiang's most famous deed was the binding of the Ogres of the Southern Volcanic Mountains, specifically the Huihoshan Mountain but records demonstrate that he interacted with multiple Ogre clans in the region, and binding a renegade group of bandits into the official bureaucracy of the Empire Under Heaven, by dint of cunning, clever and quick thinking, and divine intervention from the Heavenly Courts Amid The Clouds. Originally a simple Orcish tax collector, who actually climbed the Huihoshan Mountain following news that a major Ogre Clan of bandits were raiding the surrounding farmland, he was known to be accompanied by a pet pig, the famous 'Snuffling Pig' who's descendants are now a symbol of his divine position, alongside the Threshing Flail and hand sickle.

Legend states that, after climbing the entire Mountain in his anger to reach the Ogre Bandits, he finally encountered them and realized the error of his decision. However, rather than attempt to flee, he instead made a deal with the Ogres, trading one of his fingers to them in order to leave alive and mostly unharmed. The following day, he returned and began by offering another finger to the Bandits to devour again, in order to establish a legal trade between the two groups, having cunningly hid a collection of sausages, made from the slaughtered pig Xiu Zhu, inside his robe sleeves, allowing him to constantly replace his 'finger' every day. Eventually, he convinced the Ogre Bandits to sign a contract under the divine laws, rather than mortal laws, binding them to the Empire Under Heaven, despite the attempts from the Ogre Bandit Chief to kill him and in turn be struck down by Divine Intervention. As a reward for his service, the Imperial Courts Reigning Above Heaven elected him as a member of their own cosmic order, and returned his slaughtered pig back to life.

The contract between the Ogre Bandits of the Huihoshan Mountain and the Empire Under Heaven, as detailed by Gro-Nah Xiang, is still kept on display within the Emperor Over Heaven's Court, alongside the proclamation of his Godhood and legal elevation to a divine figure two decades later. Ultimately, he's become a notable, if minor, figure within the Heavenly Bureaucracy and the different Mountain Courts, with many different Orcish, Ogre and even Giant Clans choosing to claim at least some connection to him through inserting him as a lowly figure connecting the many disparate Mountain Cosmologies to the wider pan-imperial beliefs, while he's also be recognized as the official deity in-charge of both tax collection in the Empire and the Huihoshan Mountain itself.

Despite the tendency towards more martial focus among the many shared cosmologies of the many different Mountains, and indeed, the different Courts Amid The Clouds within the Empire, Gro-Nah Xiang is an often unnoticed but vital figure who helps tie together what would radically different beliefs into a consistent set of religious beliefs. Granted, depictions of him tend to vary depending on either region or district, but ultimately he's well known as a folk hero representing the triumph of cunning and intelligent responses to brute force (despite the fact his success within said story inherently relied upon the overwhelming strength demonstrated by the Divine Courts, who supposedly split the skies apart and shook the mountain so hard that a great chunk of molten rock landed atop the Ogre Bandit Chief, but that focus is more within the realm of academic discussion than religious folk legend).
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Hmm, I seem to be Necro-posting quite a bit here. My appologies. I am a new member and am trying to see if I fit into your local culture or not, so am simply looking at topics that I find interesting and then replying.

For this topic, I would like to post a quote from a recent story I am working on.

The Ordinaries
He was an everyman. He was average. He didn't stand out in a crowded street. He didn't stand out in a room with only one other person. He was almost 5' 8" tall. His hair was almost brown. His eyes were almost blue. He looked to be an old 15 or a young 25. He was, by force, physically fit, but kept it well hidden under loose, nondescript clothing. He carried a cloth shoulder bag of the type carried by innumerable business types, both male and female. He usually carried his securely looped over his head, rather than easily taken and loose on his shoulder only. He could almost completely disappear simply by standing still out of the traffic flow. He blended in. Sometimes his very survival depended upon it.​
This forum doesn't have much stigma against necroposting as long as it's on-topic.
Thank you. I understand that intellectually since I read the rules before posting. In fact, I encourage the same with any forums I control. Many more forums I've been a member of, however, frown on Necro-posting for some reason, so, even though I know it's OK, I still feel the need to apologize.

Now I must apologize for getting off topic ... :o