Vriska Serket Quest

[x] Attempt Diplomacy

"I'm your gr8 grandchild from the future."

There was a heavy pause before #1 asked in a hesitant voice, "Really?"

"Of course not you dolt! Do I look human to you?" You bellow. Both of them flinch, before you continue, "Where the fuck am I anyway?"

The two share a look before #2 speaks up, "You are in the stronghold of Lady Aranea, who I think would like to meet you."


[] Go with them.
[] Knock them out and loot their bodies for funds and information.
[] Write in.
And suddenly I understand both everything and jack shit.

[X] If possible, use psychic powers to knock them out and loot their bodies for funds and information. If not, use dice and fists.
[X] If possible, use psychic powers to knock them out and loot their bodies for funds and information. If not, use dice and fists.
[x] Agress

No, you don't think you're ready to talk to Aranea just yet. Putting your hand to your head you concentrate, and #2 falls forward, asleep. #1 brings up their gun, before they too fall asleep.

That accomplished you proceed to loot them, first dragging them up to the landing by the door. Stripping them, #1 seems to be male and #2 a female. You set aside their weapons, then try to access their modus or specibus, and fail spectacularly. Right then, time to empty those weird patch-flaps then.

Something quickly becomes clear to you. You have no fucking idea how to read the damn language. When you were on Trollian with the humans you were using that translation program the eggheads cooked up. Which means you can't extract any info from the documents or cards or whatever the humans have on them.

Still, you're pretty sure the green paper is money, so you stuff that in your patch-flaps.

Now, what do next?

[] Write in.
[x] Search the area for shines/a way out

You already looted the 8astards.

The only ways out of the landing you're on is down the stairs, presumably towards Aranea, and out the door to the roof, and you can tell it's still daylight out.

[]write in
Trolls don't die in sunlight, do they? If not....


Also dear god I just realized I mispelled shinies.
[X] Arrange the 8astards in amusing position for when they wake up.
[X] Sneakify your way out

Now it feels like meeting Aranea is what we are supposed to do.
This means there is no way in hell we are doing that.
Looking directly at the sun for not very long at all blinded Terezi, and Vriska seemed to expect that Terezi would die of expose or the various diurnal predators shortly thereafter.
To be fair though, I assume that Alternia's sun is, most likely, a red giant or something similar. This means that it is most likely far brighter and dangerous than our own sun, thus forcing the trolls to remain nocturnal. I don't think that our normal yellow sun would hurt her.
To be fair though, I assume that Alternia's sun is, most likely, a red giant or something similar. This means that it is most likely far brighter and dangerous than our own sun, thus forcing the trolls to remain nocturnal. I don't think that our normal yellow sun would hurt her.

We have no reason to assume anything about Alternia's sun. While it is generally portrayed as a massive Red ball, so is Sol in Dave's segments. We don't have any reason to think Alternia isn't the same sort of star as Sol.
Okay, sneaking out seems to be winning. Could you clarify that? I think you mean try to go downstairs and sneak out the front or back and hope it's night by the time you manage it?