Vr card world

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Cards are evolvable. Meaning when you get materials you can add said materials to the card to evolve them. Materials can be combined with other materials. P.s you start with 500 life points.

This is basically an idea I had in my head for a bit. To answer some worries. No we are not doing irl stuff. It's purely the vr game stuff. I will give an option to grind an area if you pass dc or have won enough in said area to do it. The area is where you gain materials and possibly cards by the way.

Oh use plans and have fun!
Choose your cards 1


Preacher of the dice gods
Main monster choose 1(You gain 3 of the card you choose. Depending on which monster you choose you will gain other cards of the same type. If you choose undead you get undead cards. You will gain 6 cards, which are not that good compared to your main monster.):

[]Lone skeleton:
1 star
Type: Monster.
Undead humanoid
Attack: 150
Defense: 150
Effect: For every other skeleton monster on the field gain 25 attack.
Note: A lone skeleton.

[]Mechanical scarecrow:
1 star
Type: Monster.
Mechanical humanoid
Attack: 100
Defense: 200
Effect: When flipped face up deal 100 effect damage to your opponent.
Note: A mechanical scarecrow.

[]Lone wolf:
1 star
Type: Monster.
Attack: 200
Defense: 100
Effect: After a successful attack gain 25 attack and lose 25 defense.
Note: A lone wolf.

[]Human farmer:
1 star
Type: Monster.
Attack: 175
Defense: 125
Effect: When equipped with an equip spell gain life points equal to the monsters total attack.
Note: A human farmer.

Spell choose 1:

[]Undead en masse:

1 star
Type: Spell.
Effect: If you have a 'skeleton' monster on the field: Summon 2 skeleton tokens that have 50 attack and defense, then all friendly skeleton monsters on the field gain 25 attack and defense for every skeleton token monster on the field, until the end of your opponent's turn.

1 star
Type: Spell.
Effect: A mechanical creature will gain attack equal to its defense until the end of your opponent's turn. It can not be destroyed by battle during this time.

[]Blood thirst:
1 star
Type: Spell. Continuous.
Effect: All friendly beasts gain 25 attack. For every beast in your graveyard, friendly beasts gain 25 attack.

[]Farmer's drink:
1 star
Type: Spell. Equip.
Effect: Can only be equipped by a 'Farmer' monster. While equipped gain 50 attack and defense. Once per turn the equipped monster cannot be destroyed.

Trap choose 1:


1 star
Type: Trap.
Effect: If your opponent activates a spell/trap while you control a humanoid: Either pay half your life points or destroy a humanoid from your side of the field. Then negate and destroy the spell/trap.

[]Water jug:
1 star
Type: Trap. Continuous.
Effect: Once during your turn you can activate either effect. Gain 100 life points or give a monster +50 attack.


1 star
Type: Trap. Continuous.
Effect: When a mechanical monster is destroyed, place a counter on this card with a max of 3 counters. You can activate this card again and destroy this card: then summon 1 mechanical monster from the graveyard in face up attack or facedown defense position, that has 1 star, then draw 1 card per counter that was on this card.

We will be choosing your boss monster on the next one! Incase you didn't read the description. You can evolve cards! You go around fight people/Npc to gain materials to make unique/better cards. You can also create custom cards. Meaning I'll allow write ins/suggestions on cards.

Oh and please use plans.
Monsters: 1 Stealth fighter v0.7 'Boa', 3 mechanical scarecrows, 2 old trash bots, 1 old dishwasher bot, 2 old chef bots, and 1 old iron crow.

Stealth fighter v0.7 'Boa':
1 star
Type: Monster
Mechanical beast
Attack: 225
Defense: 100
Effect: When destroyed: equip it to an enemy monster or an ally monster. If equipped to an enemy, the enemy will lose attack and defense equal to stealth fighter's original attack. If equipped to an ally they gain 50 attack and effect: Once per turn they cannot be destroyed by battle or card effect.
Note: An unknown prototype from an unknown inventor. Known to strangle foes to let ally's destroy them.

Mechanical scarecrow:
1 star
Type: Monster.
Mechanical humanoid
Attack: 100
Defense: 200
Effect: When flipped face up deal 100 effect damage to your opponent.
Note: A mechanical scarecrow.

Old trash bot:
1 star
Type: monster
Attack: 100
Defense 100
Note: A simple bot that cleans up trash.

Old dishwasher bot:
1 star
Type: monster
Attack: 25
Defense: 175
Note: A simple bot that washes dishes. Said to be friends with chef bot.

Old chef bot:
1 star
Type: Monster
Attack: 150
Defense: 0
Note: A simple chef robot. Despite it being made of metal it is fragile.

Old iron crow:
1 star
Type: Monster
Mechanical beast
Attack: 100
Defense: 75
Effect: Once per turn this card cannot be destroyed by battle.

Spells: 1 Overdrive.

1 star
Type: Spell.
Effect: A mechanical creature will gain attack equal to its defense until the end of your opponent's turn. It can not be destroyed by battle during this time.

Traps: 1 Scrapyard.

1 star
Type: trap. Continuous.
Effect: When a mechanical monster is destroyed, place a counter on this card with a max of 3 counters. You can activate this card again and destroy this card: then summon 1 mechanical monster from the graveyard in face up attack or facedown defense position, that has 1 star, then draw 1 card per counter that was on this card.

Name: Winry
Gender: Woman
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The lone wolf's effect seem fairly weak compared to the others.

Ok, let me try. Blood thirst suggests beasts temd to work with their graves as well, so instead of an undead, I'll make a Wolf plan.

[X] Plan: Circle of Life
- [X]Lone wolf
- [X]Blood thirst
- [X]Water jug

The plan is to make a deck that cycles beasts from the grave to the field. Maybe make it so the Water Jug revives creatures instead of heals.

Initial aim for Boss monster is one that either has a high defense (wall to give time for beast chip damage) or with some sort of regeneration gimmick. I'll likely avoid ones that just have high damage or boosts damage to others because a non-finisher Boss seems more interesting for me.
The lone wolf's effect seem fairly weak compared to the others.

Ok, let me try. Blood thirst suggests beasts temd to work with their graves as well, so instead of an undead, I'll make a Wolf plan.

[X] Plan: Circle of Life
- [X]Lone wolf
- [X]Blood thirst
- [X]Water jug

The plan is to make a deck that cycles beasts from the grave to the field. Maybe make it so the Water Jug revives creatures instead of heals.

Initial aim for Boss monster is one that either has a high defense (wall to give time for beast chip damage) or with some sort of regeneration gimmick. I'll likely avoid ones that just have high damage or boosts damage to others because a non-finisher Boss seems more interesting for me.
The idea behind the wolf's effect being so weak(I know) is that it's the highest attack monster as of right now. Along with blood thirst it can easily go to 275 attack and kill almost anything. Beating out most non-boss monsters I have thought of.
Meaning if I were to give water jug, a card that's meant for any deck that just wants value over a long period of time, a revive for any monster card at 1 star(Even if I make it only revive 1 star monsters), it'd legit be op for a long time. Scrapyard is already pushing it.
Oh and beasts working off graveyard is not true for every beast. Each of the main monsters have a gimmick. The wolf with blood thirst, the idea is they become more aggressive the more their fellow beasts die. I gave them that due to their whole stick being, attack=good. It's basically an aggressive deck that kills anything in their way, BUT, they can be caught if the opponent has a combo that can turn things around.

Oh and thanks for the suggestions, always appreciated.
[X] Plan: Defense Is The Strongest Attack
- [X]Mechanical scarecrow
- [X]Overdrive
- [X]Water jug

Pretty much a stall deck. If this is like Yu-Gi-Oh my plan is basically like this:

Opponent attacks face-down, Mechanical scarecrow survives because of its high defense and does damage. Afterwards switch it to attack mode and boost it using Overdrive or keep it in defense mode until it is buffed enough by Water jug.
[X] Plan: Defense Is The Strongest Attack
- [X]Mechanical scarecrow
- [X]Overdrive
- [X]Water jug

Pretty much a stall deck. If this is like Yu-Gi-Oh my plan is basically like this:

Opponent attacks face-down, Mechanical scarecrow survives because of its high defense and does damage. Afterwards switch it to attack mode and boost it using Overdrive or keep it in defense mode until it is buffed enough by Water jug.
Yes it's basically like yugioh. Old yugioh to be honest was way more fun the modern yugioh. Partly the reason I'm doing this quest. I miss old yugioh power levels where you didn't get shut down in one turn.
[X] Plan: E-I-E-I-O

Damn, i was planning to make this plan and call it Watering the Farm

We will have so many Life Points, and will have an indestructible monster if this is like in the old yu gi oh were you could only attack once.

... Damn, i just remembered that spell/trap/equip removals are a thing.
Ah, if the beasts have varied effects then maybe my plan could still work depending on what Boss momster we get to tie the varied styles together. Maybe instead of just high defense, a stall/wall boss monster could have Taunt or some other Protection to give time for all the beast creatures to ramp up.
Quick question in regards to the voted in plans.

Does Bloodthirst apply when the creatures are mechanical? If not, then RoboCrows isn't viable.
I'm a little confused. The robo crows plan doesn't have blood thirst.
Oh and to answer your question. It works on all 'beast' meaning if there is a mechanical beast it works on that too. For instance wisdom shows humanoid as a description, meaning ANY humanoid can trigger its affects. Including undead humanoids or mechanical humanoids.
Riiight. I must have mixed the details up somehow?

Also to break the tie, I guess I'll have to go for the not human option then.

[X] Plan: Begone Robo-Crows!

edit: sad to see my distant 3rd prefered choice win.
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Alright than I'm ending it.
Scheduled vote count started by Blackangel on Jun 8, 2022 at 3:33 PM, finished with 14 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Begone Robo-Crows!
    - [X]Mechanical scarecrow
    - [X]Overdrive
    - [X]Scrapyard
    [X] Plan: E-I-E-I-O
    -[X] Human farmer
    -[X] Farmer's drink
    -[X] Water jug
    [X] Plan: Defense Is The Strongest Attack
    - [X]Mechanical scarecrow
    - [X]Overdrive
    -[X] Water jug
[X] Plan: Begone Robo-Crows!
- [X]Mechanical scarecrow
- [X]Overdrive
- [X]Scrapyard

Choose 1:

[]'Catting spider' bot prototype:

1 star
Type: Monster
Mechanical beast
Attack: 175
Defense: 200
Effect: Deal 100 effect damage to the enemy at the end of your turn and cannot be attacked while other mechanical monsters are face up on your side of the field.
Note: It's a mechanical spider with a catapult on its back.

[]Abandoned 'Gum ball' bot:
1 star
Type: Monster
Mechanical humanoid
Attack: 250
Defense: 150
Effect: When this kills a monster, flip a coin: if heads gain 25 attack. If tails deal 50 effect damage to the enemy.
Note: A gumball machine that was transformed into a bot. It fights with a pole that it uses as a sword.

[]Stealth fighter v0.7 'Boa':
1 star
Type: Monster
Mechanical beast
Attack: 225
Defense: 100
Effect: When destroyed: equip it to an enemy monster or an ally monster. If equipped to an enemy, the enemy will lose attack and defense equal to stealth fighter's original attack. If equipped to an ally they gain 50 attack and effect: Once per turn they cannot be destroyed by battle or card effect.
Note: An unknown prototype from an unknown inventor. Known to strangle foes to let ally's to destroy them.

Choose 1:


Choose 1(In game name):

[]Write in?
(Its either you come up with a name or I am.)

Use plans and have fun.

Oh and if you have an idea for a boss monster describe it to me I might just put it in there!
Voting is open