Epilogue: What Happened Next, Factions
The Peace Treaty:
The Treaty of Ethos was heavily one-sided, but Amethyst Reton had no choice but to sign it soon after she saw it in full, lacking all but the most basic ability to alter the decree of the Molesin. A summary of it would be as follows.

-A significant portion of Retania was officially transferred to Imperial hands immediately, approximately a quarter, forming a new border many miles to the south of the pre-war territorial divisions. The new southern border of the Imperium ends in a rough line a few dozen miles to the south of Castle Ethos. Proper exploitation of the additional space and natural resources began almost immediately, providing a much-needed influx of raw materials to feed the newly hungering factories of the revolutionizing Molesin people. Taking a holiday to the far less desolate south to see the beauty of nature and sites of famous battles soon become a very popular way to spend time off and excess money.
-Humans were to be moved to the occupied territory to act as a sorely needed labor force for the Molesin, with economic stability, new technology and a low level of autonomy promised as an incentive for further immigration. Few individuals other than those forcefully moved took up this offer, and there was an outcry of the movement of people to effectively work for the victors. In private, however, the leaders of Retania breathed a sigh of relief, for the slash and burn tactics of the Barnin meant they were suffering a massive refugee crisis, and this took some of the pressure off of them, allowing them to restore a stable food supply without much in the way of starvation or other disaster.
-"Lost profit" from the "generous" terms of the peace treaty is to be paid in the form of both mundane items and magical artifacts, a significant portion of the already battered Retanian economy now going towards further enriching the Imperium with yet more goods, these freely given. In addition, free trade was to be opened between the two nations, the lack of tariffs naturally benefiting the Molesin far more than humanity due to superior production. This stifled economic growth, ensuring that Retania would lag behind its new competitor as it was forced to focus simply on making ends meet instead of any kind of expansion. The best that could be said about it from their perspective was the relatively reasonable rate of payment, as the people could fairly easily meet the demands made of them.
-No government-funded armed forces were permitted beyond 100,000 ordinary soldiers and 500 magic users, and the use of gunpowder in any form in a military capacity was strictly forbidden. Not much had to be done to meet this requirement at least, but there was also not much cause for it with the Barnin-Tra present to defeat any potential future conflict. In fact, this term came from the Barnin-Tra themselves, as a just in case measure that they may use to find future work, for a clause of this term stated that should additional military force be required the Barnin-Tra were allowed to be hired to boost numbers. Even with no war in sight, they prepared for the possibility.
-All overseas trade ports and agreements were to be immediately turned over to the Imperium, ensuring that Retania remained a strictly regional power, at least until they could reestablish such deals, which is allowed under the treaty. As the Imperium is a landlocked power, now only technically not true with their new territory, what has happened in practice is that Molesin overseers have been sent out to these enclaves and towns and now trade with each other, growing their operations in various nations while still loyal to their homeland, even if they cannot easily directly profit it without going through Retanian ports.
-To ensure all terms were met, the already present occupation forces would temporarily remain in place over all of free Retalor and High Lord's Pass, the southern most point of control being Victory Forward Base, which became something of a symbol of Barnin-Tra dominance over the region.

Overall, it was a treaty that wounded Retanian morale and war-making capacity and boosted that of the Hives, as might be expected.

The nation itself was heavily divided after the war in more ways than one. One of the most notable divisions were between the merchant cartels of Piania and the remaining nobility of Retalor. The two had forgotten their differences when the twin nations were unified, but as the nobles came back into focus with the disappearance of the Princess and all tried to point fingers and lay blame, out of anger if nothing else. It was on the high levels of politics at least kept to a low level due to the necessity of apparent unity in these times, but the two groups would find it difficult to agree on much of anything. Nor could either do much by themselves, as the manpower and land of the aristocracy had been bled empty by the war while the coffers of the merchants were running dry from the costs of mercenaries and the "lost profit" clause. This would lead to a reformation of government into something of an elected parliament, turning the nation into a republic as it followed the lead of certain other kingdoms that had lost their monarchy in recent years. This provisional government is not proving to be actually popular, but most agree that it is the best option available right now and are willing to compromise. Most, but not all. There is a faction that believes the peace treaty was a betrayal of the Retanian people, even considering the defeat they suffered, and that action should be taken against the oppressive terms. For now at least they have little power, especially as the army vehemently disagrees. All soldiers that saw action in the latter days of the war remember the sharp crack of rifle fire shredding their lines, and the veterans of the earlier fights simply recall the implacable, unflinching endless skittering hordes.

Molesin Imperium:
Buoyed by their success, or at least their success of their allies, it is generally considered to be a good time if you are a Molesar. Experiencing a continuing economic boom from newly developed civilian technologies, as well as their newly acquired territory, means that in any city the mood can only be described as celebratory. Despite being behind their military discoveries, they are still taking the Molesin into a new era without a doubt, an era of industry. To keep the people placated, the ruling Emperor-Elect spread the spoils of war relatively evenly, disproportionately affecting the lower and middle classes with new schools and work, securing her reign for likely years to come. As this happened, she was of course also careful to ensure things stayed that way, and that the Imperium was not so easily manipulated again. Regulations were enacted upon those seeking profit, police remits expanded and internal intelligence agencies established to ensure the Cult of the High Tower is the last group directing their policy as well as the first. The Imperium remains despised by most human nations for their actions, but most long-term thinkers know that this will end eventually, as long as they remain internally focused and do not send the Barnin-Tra on another military adventure. Most Molesin do know in their hearts that the war was wrong, but it is hard to get any to admit it, and harder still to find any who will show regret that it happened.

The Barnin-Tra, now without a war to fight or prepare for, simply drifted. They still made new soldiers and stockpiled equipment, but it was far slower going than their previous activities. For the most part, they were idle, armies going through the motions of basic life without much substance as they guarded secure posts and patrolled backwards areas. They could not beat their swords into plowshares when they themselves were the swords, for manipulation of the self on such a level is hard enough for those better suited to it. Yet not all were content with such. A growing faction, headed by none other than The Captain, argues that they should try to change this one way or another, arguing that excessive rigidity almost lead to the Cult's victory, and that civil pursuits should be taken up. They may not have been made for this, but they did not have to be condemned to being just what they were made to be for all eternity, or so he claims. Such as the study of bureaucracy, although admittedly he is alone in suggesting that particular pastime. As of the near future, there is no telling if this push shall have any real, lasting effect. Either way, it is clear that the Barnin-Tra shall remain the loyal military arm of the Molesin for the time being.

Cult of the High Tower:
Their grand plan foiled, their existence revealed, and reviled by all, the Cult is most definitely on the run. As of the near future, their inner circle continues to evade capture, but all Molesin supporters have repented now that the error of their ways is clear and most human agents have defected back to Retania or been brought in by the law. The mysterious 'third tier', the leaders, turned out not to be the inner circle at all. Said group was actually humans, a second and a half tier of sorts, head of operations and effective leaders but not the true driving force. What information that could be extracted from their central quarters shows that the Cult did indeed begin as an actual Cult, humans hearing of ancient and otherworldly spirits of immense power that had abandoned this been plane, but could be brought back to usher in a new golden age, or more likely one of tyranny. Their minions failed, it seems like these mysterious beings have abandoned helping them with strange knowledge, the knowledge that gave the Imperium guns and the agents advanced magitek construction information, the teleporter and beacon. They manipulated both sides of the conflict to a degree, although were only able to do so due to preexisting prejudices, and set things up so that their masters could return possessing ghosts of war dead, although thanks to both sides seeing through their plots and working together this was averted. With detailed knowledge of the beings deliberately destroyed and the group being hunted to the last, they should not trouble anyone ever again.
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Did anyone ever figure out the Cult of the High Tower's endgame?

EDIT: Or for that matter, who the heck they actually are? Even a mission statement?
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Wait so what happened to the Princess? Did she give up her crown?

How many nations are there?
>literally Versailles

Hitler when.
When the military stops having institutionalized PTSD related to firearms. Which will probably not be for a long time.

But yeah this was Fantasy reverse Versailles.
Did anyone ever figure out the Cult of the High Tower's endgame?

EDIT: Or for that matter, who the heck they actually are? Even a mission statement?
Edited in.
Wait so what happened to the Princess? Did she give up her crown?

How many nations are there?
That shall be revealed tomorrow!

Quite a few more than the two covered. There's probably dozens on the main continent and close by islands, but most can't do anything about the Retania situation, and are much smaller. It was one of the big four humans major powers on the landmass, there's one for each direction and Retania was south.
Oh so were not done? Awesome!

Also what famous General would 'The Captain' be in WW1?
It's almost a shame now that we so thoroughly foiled the High Tower's plot, because I'm starting to get intensely curious about the masterminds behind the Cult.
Kinda hoping that this setting continues on in another quest eventually. It would be beyond gratifying to see what El Capitan eventually got up to- whether it was bureaucratic reform, lobbying for revising the treaty, or just in general being awesome.

Playing a Retanian who grew up in the aftermath of the war, or as a human in the occupied zones befriending Molesars and Barnim-Tra. The setting was cool, all the characters were cool, and the overarching concept was just cool. To be an obvious antagonist without actually being malevolent, to show that for all the trench coats and jackboots our character was one that just wanted to end the war.
Epilogue: What Happened Next, People
The Last fled upon her teleportation once news had reached her of the end of the war. She fled and fled from Retania, not stopping her quiet retreat until she was in the western union of republics, the birthplace of the Academic, the one she had spoken to in the dark shrine she retrieved the Ritual knowledge from. There, she found many pieces of knowledge on her subject, for the practice of raising the dead was more accepted there than in the south. She studied intensely, viewing forgotten tomes inside temples full of magical lore, becoming ever more proficient. Considering that her work had almost brought ruin to the land, she decided that she should remain the Last, and not train any acolytes to become necromancers like her. That said, she likewise soon assumed the mantle of Lich, rarely used in this day and age, especially for one so inexperienced with the more advanced necromantic arts. Just in case that knowledge did ever become needed once again, she would preserve it within herself as well as the books she surrounded herself with. So, the deathly pale visage of a young woman with empty eye sockets could be found in many places far to the northwest of Retania, if you knew were to look, seemingly wasting away in quiet contemplation as she gazed out upon the world and waited to see if she should emerge once again.

Amethyst Reton:
After the peace treaty was signed, the Retanian royal couldn't take the prospect of ruling the kingdom she believed she had failed. The stress of having to rule a defeated people that she thought would blame her for all their losses was too much for her. With a few quiet words to her most trusted advisors, she privately abdicated the throne mere weeks later. Due to a lack of successors, siblings or other relatives she at least knew she would not kick off a crisis as her nation struggled to find new leadership, and indeed it was a peaceful transition into a new government. But beyond that simple fact she ceased to look deeply into the issues plaguing the country, leaving it all behind as she headed north, following the trails of people on their collective exodus to the occupied zones. Her face and voice only known to a relative handful of people, she was able to adopt a new identity, and effectively start a new life. The (from the Molesin perspective) southern territories are far from lawless places, but they are certainly less controlled than the Hives of the two peoples, allowing her to become an unofficial agent of law. What law? She remains uncertain of that herself. As a relatively soft-spoken yet most certainly bitter private investigator, she has a few interesting cases under her belt. Most notably, she is currently trying to find a crazed vigilante who has broken into her new home and stolen case files which they use to attack although not kill suspected criminals, and she cannot help but feel constantly watched. She hopes she can at least find her violent stalker sooner rather than later.

Beatrice Exene:
When the war ended, the Paladin Champion was released from captivity back into human hands. She was able to use her remaining influence and resources to get her spine fixed, but she did not get a full restoration, and the length of time between the damage and when it was removed left her with noticeable muscular atrophy. Her upper body only fared mildly better, as she spent most of her time locked away sitting still, in silent prayer that she may be avenged. She would soon find out that a Divine Agent attempted to fulfill this request, but failed, only infuriating her further. Left alone in a dark cell with only herself and her thoughts on how she had failed to defeat a simple enemy, and especially on how the war might end in human defeat as it did in the end, she was somewhat traumatized, although due to her strong will it would be difficult for those who did not know her well to realize. She would report sometimes having nightmares, strange dreams that usually contained her fighting in dark places against creatures that shared the same general shape as Barnin-Yun, but on closer inspection clearly looked different. Upon hearing that the Princess had fled north once her healing was done, she followed as fast as she could, hoping to meet her once again. Unfortunately, she could not find her liege, so went yet further up, to the central bases of the Barnin-Tra legions, where she found someone else she was hunting down, although for entirely different reasons.

The Captain
was her target, and as soon as she found him she challenged him to a duel, for the right to wield the Benediction of Judgement, along with the rest of her old equipment. He accepted, and they fought several times. But her imprisonment had been hard to her, taking its toll on skills and body alike, and so she was defeated by him each time. As far as she was concerned, he had proven himself to definitively be the superior sword-wielder. At the end of one of these duels, she let slip her original goal, and surprisingly (for her) he explained that one of his soldiers had reported activity in one of the villages of the occupied zone. This elite, now a captain in his own right, had been there with him at the final battle, and gotten a good look at her face, and knew that she was undeniably the princess. The Champion set off immediately, and soon found her, confirming for herself the truth of the matter. For now, she keeps her distance, not feeling up to the task of apologizing for her failures, keeping her distance while she watches. She also once stole reports from the detective, using them combined with her own partial powers as one who is technically still a Paladin of Order and Law to help bring some of the guilty to justice as a vigilante. She hopes she can muster up the bravery to try and reconcile with Amethyst, and also hopes that she might find it in herself to forgive her for her failures.

The Dragoon Lords:
The position of the five Lords as effective cavalry commanders was made official when they were all promoted to the new title of Grand Knight-Commander, giving them significant control over Barnin-Yun doctrine and training, as well as undisputed control over their tactics during any battle they were in. In addition, their Elite Companies were all reinforced up to full Regiments consisting only of Barnin-Yun that they lead directly, mostly new recruits but with their old forces and some other units serving as a hardened core of veterans. After their shared trials with regards to the war and the Cult, they remained a tightly knit group in the peacetime, working together on such matters as the push towards hobbies in the Barnin-Tra. They where all what humans might call friends, although the psychology of the Barnin, even a sub-species as close to humans as the Bug-Knights, makes the issue slightly less clear than that.

Defiler of Rituals:
Being given a title only after careful deliberation on his merits in the final battle, the former Ruination of Aeon continued to serve as always, being only given an informal reprimand by the Ruling Queens for his resistance to dealing with the threat of the Cult of the High Tower. As blunt and deliberately ordinary as ever, he is the primary focal point of the traditionalist groups that take the position of Barnin-Tra trying to pursue entirely civilian goals is foolish and doomed to fail. Of course, he does not have Kothkor's influence, or indeed tactical acumen, a fact no one is more aware of than himself. He tries to remedy this by the study of war in a continuing process of attempted self-improvement.

Boris Telty:
The engineer was given a generous pension upon the conclusion of the war, which would mean he would never have to work again. Having been instrumental in perfecting firearms for Barnin-Tra, as well as getting other Molesin to relay information to The Captain during the final battle which was arguably vital in foiling the High Tower's plot, most agreed this was well deserved. He now spends his time with his family, a wife, son and two daughters, and lives in peace very happily. He also wrote a memoir of his experiences on the front lines, mainly about how the other races perceived war and the devastating results it could have on land and lives. Fairly obvious stuff for most of the soldiers fighting, but the Molesin did not send troops to fight in their own war. They generally regarded it as informative and thought-provoking, as unused to conflict as they were, and it sparked more than one debate on the subject. If you do find a Molesar that will admit regret about the war, chances are they read his book, or so the saying goes.

Charlotte Telty:
Graduating from her course of study early and with distinction, Charlotte would go on to enter the field of military engineering and be a part of a slew of fairly prestigious contracts and developments. As of yet, easily her most notable achievement is her almost solo invention of a new piece of equipment. Inspired by her close escape from a monster on a train, she created an explosive device that could be used effectively on the field of battle. The grenade is greatly appreciated by Barnin-Tra forces, and she used her bit of fame to get an autograph from The Captain when she met him during a weapons test. Hearing about him through her father and reading what he wrote, she talked at length with him on the subject of peace, and the nobility of it. She is thus probably one of the least imperialistic Barnin-Tra despite being a military engineer. If ever confronted on this, she would claim her weapons are for use on the cursed creatures of the Deadlands, not for war against fellow thinking creatures. The fact that this focus meant she usually worked with larger weapons and thus ended in bigger booms, which greatly pleased her inner little Molesar girl, is completely coincidental. Totally and entirely.

Kothkor and the Carnifex Regiment:
Although the Carnifex Regiment continued to exist in official records passed the Battle of Halcyon Academy and Kothkor's death, in practice the unit became defunct almost immediately, splintering into smaller battle groups that just happened to be in the same location. After the war this situation was resolved by the dissolution of Carnifex, as it was judged that as the force was not working together properly anyway, and as it was now peacetime and no dense concentration of highly elite troops was needed, the forces would be better used spread out among numerous different groups of varying organizational size. As for Kothkor himself, it was decided that a tomb was to be created in the capital Hive of the Barnin-Tra, although without a body to hold, in recognition for his service. It was thus actually a little smaller than him, a simple carved and elevated slab of solid marble, with a simple metal plaque on the top. Should one deign to read it, the engraving on the gold would show two lines. The first, simply the name Kothkor. The second, "He would be proud."

The Captain:
Shortly after the Treaty of Ethos was finalized, the Barnin-Tra honored the Champion Slayer with a new and final title, in addition to that of Grand Knight-Commander. He had, as his existing title implied, defeated a great warrior of the humans by himself, arguably partially altering the course of a key battle in the war, utilized excellent tactics throughout his tenure as a commander, took initiative to identify and defeat a threat to the Barnin-Tra people and indeed all sides of the war, and succeeded in ensuring that they were successfully defeated by the simple art of talking to people, showing he was skilled in many ways. Instead of a unique name in recognition of his achievements, he was given once again one of the older titles in his portfolio, that of The Captain. In writing, this would seem ordinary, but the way it was said had an inflection, a meaning. This was no ordinary captain, but a model of one, some would go so far as to say the very ideal of a captain. One who others of his position should strive to emulate in their words and deeds. One worthy of immense respect. As well as keep all the paperwork nice and orderly and encourage his fellows to try and grow, he spent his time in contemplation of what he had learned in the fires of conflict. Thinking of lives lost and situations changed, possibilities, both things that might have been and things that could yet be. After such a conflict, such an upheaval of the old order, it was hard not to think of such things if you were not distracted, so he said. But he did not allow this to fully take his mind from his duties, to his people and others. Whether his loyalty was earned or not, in the current time it would be best for him to remain as he was, overseeing the lands around him, ensuring peace and some measure of stability remained under the watchful eyes of him and the thousands upon thousands of fellow Barnin-Tra. If not always soldiers, then at least vigilant watchers. Perhaps even protectors, at least of a certain way of things. A force for, if not yet good, at least order. As for his role in this directly, well.

Villainous? He would argue not.

Grunt? Once, but not anymore.

Captain? Of course, now and forever.

Quest? His had apparently come to its conclusion.

Thank you for reading.
It's nice to see this wrapped up. It feels ... it's a part of a cohesive whole, and you can feel that it is. The world carries on, war or not.
I feel very, VERY sad that this quest has ended yet extremely happy that it was followed through to the end. Thank you @EternalStruggle for one hell of a ride!

Also LOL, at Beatrice dreaming of Chrysalids in her nightmares.
This was a fantastic quest, and that was an amazing epilogue that really wrapped everything up. Except one bit just totally threw me
Due to a lack of successors, siblings or other relatives she at least knew she would not kick off a crisis as her nation struggled to find new leadership
this. Um. What? Not having any successors and losing your leader in a time of crisis where much of the previous order and ruling class was destroyed... leads to NOT having a succession crisis? Don't know when the hell that has ever happened.
this. Um. What? Not having any successors and losing your leader in a time of crisis where much of the previous order and ruling class was destroyed... leads to NOT having a succession crisis? Don't know when the hell that has ever happened.
When your entire nation is spending the majority of its economic output on tribute or dealing with heavy damage from a fairly extensive conquest and temporary partial occupation and you have two diametrically opposed upper classes with roughly equal power and no connection to the previous ruler who was last of their line and everyone knows almost for a fact that there's a good chance that if they start shit and ruin their broken country even more the superpower you share a giant land border with will go for some "peacekeeping" operations. That's when that happens, it's a pretty unique set of circumstances.
When your entire nation is spending the majority of its economic output on tribute or dealing with heavy damage from a fairly extensive conquest and temporary partial occupation and you have two diametrically opposed upper classes with roughly equal power and no connection to the previous ruler who was last of their line and everyone knows almost for a fact that there's a good chance that if they start shit and ruin their broken country even more the superpower you share a giant land border with will go for some "peacekeeping" operations. That's when that happens, it's a pretty unique set of circumstances.

Eh, in history that generally ends in civil war. For example, the French revolution, the Russian civil war, etc.

Revolutionaries or wannabe that tend to rise up in situations like this tend to lack common sense.
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