Vermillion Akvavit Oblige

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[...ging system... please wait...]

The dull chime of the shuttle's internal public...


We Won't Build The Plane!
Montreal, Canada
[...ging system... please wait...]

The dull chime of the shuttle's internal public announcement system ring in your ears as you awaken. You feel groggy and your limbs and face are cold and numb. The lighting is dull a dull orange just bright enough for you to make out the outlines of the rest of the pods lying around. Your eyes haven't adjusted and feel half-asleep. The flashing letters on the front of your pod are blurry.

You attempt to move and feel a blanket of broken glass draped over your chest and lower body, and bruises along your calf. The top half of the stasis tube juts out in front of you, a jagged line of glass waving around neck-level. You manage enough strength to touch it and cut your fingertip, recoiling in panic.


[ ] Call for help.
[ ] Try to slide out of the tube and find a first-aid kit.
[ ] Wait...
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[X] Try to slide out of the tube and find a first-aid kit

First aid is a priority. You lean back against the smooth metal backing of your tube and let your body slide down slowly until your legs jut out and your head is the only thing left inside. Reinforced glass crinkles and scrapes your legs as it sloughs off of you, but the hibernation suit does a good job of keeping your you free of any cuts. You whine a bit and awkwardly shimmy out the rest of your way, rolling onto your stomach to crawl over to the medical station a few feet away glass crunching beneath your thinly-gloved palms.

It's already been raided and several items are strewn across the floor. For a moment, you're glad you're not missing any blood because you'd be out of luck, looking at the stocks.

Glancing over just the things at arm's reach, you can make out some nutrient pills, an all-purpose stim applicator that links into the plugs around your neck and a medical polymer you can spray over your fingers to close your small cut. The stims should take you out of hibernation sickness, although the shock could upset your stomach and make you very uncomfortable.

[ ] Eat a pill.
[ ] Take stims.
[ ] Seal wounds.

Multiple options allowed, minimum one. Can write-in the order.
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[x] Seal wounds.
[x] Take stims.

In that order. Seems like a dangerous situation so I'd prefer to be more aware than fed up.
[X] Seal wounds.
-[X] Then take Stims

You fumble through the miscellaneous packaging strewn around the floor and grab one of the sprayers, managing to steady both of of your hands long enough to coat your fingertips in the sticky gel. It clings to the glove of the suit and seeps into the part where it's been cut through, stinging at first and soothing next.

With that taken care of, you crawl over and lean your back against the wall, getting some support while you slide one of the stim applicators to your neck and press. The shrill wet hiss is anticlimactic, and sounds a bit gross as you misaligned on your first try and squirt the skin of your neck with a wasted dose. You try again and lock it in this time. You count the seconds.

...1 ...2 ...3

You don't feel any different. Was this a dud?

...4 ...5 ...6

Well, your vision feels kind of normalized, at least. You can make out fonts and flashing icons on darkened displays, the faint figures of other humans in stasis pods. It's sort of reassuring knowing that you're not alone, even if they're sleeping. You breathe out and lean your head back, starting to feel sleepy.

...28 ...2-

You gasp and shiver, and let out a gasp. You feel cold and hot and numb and your entire body is tingling. The stim hit you like a kick in the chest and you slump back down onto your elbows, wheezing and gagging as your breathing picks up. It's an uncomfortable minute while your system pulls between the influence of the hibernation drugs and the hard medical-grad stimulant you've just injected, and then it passes. You feel strong enough to stand, and do so, leaning against the wall while your breathing slows to normal.


The glassy surface your fingers press against lights up, displaying the shuttle's diagnostics. You turn and look.

[ ] Check inventory, there's broken glass everywhere and I don't feel comfortable running around in my underwear.
[ ] Check crew status.
[ ] Check shuttle status.
[ ] Check flight logs and mission manifest.
[ ] ...hmm, not now. I should go to the cockpit first.
You slide your fingers across the display and scroll over the display, clicking to the shuttle's inventory first to check the stocks. A colorful prompt appears, icons and numbers convey the items and their number currently registered in the system. There appears to be eight sets of one-size-fits-all reconfigurable shoes, all-purpose sweats that include a hooded top and pants and seven compression suits you can slip into if you need to do an EVA. One set of shoes and clothes appear to be out of the system and in use already.

The usual survival gear including, all-purpose multitools, a lamp, clipped harness, respirator and portable medical kit are all available as well, at a glance.

Storage is accessible to you at this moment.

The crew status page is somewhat more alarming. There appears to be numerous errors in the system and none of the pods are actively keeping people in stasis, having been shut off some twenty-three hours ago. Crew vitals being fed to the system by implants and wearables in the hibernation suits seem to suggest everyone is basically fine, although your heart rate is abnormally high (which is normal given the shot of stims you just took). You glance over the files briefly, tracing your fingers underneath the text to help you follow read quickly.

[PASSENGER] [Zekiye Wolter -- OK]
[PASSENGER] [Tau Hirsch -- OK]
[PASSENGER] [Jolanta Travers -- OK]
[PASSENGER] [Jerker Hummel -- OK]
[PASSENGER] [Aina Krantz -- OK]
[PASSENGER] [Morgan Sciacca -- OK]

You have a moment's peace knowing the other passengers are safe, until you finally scroll down to the primary crew.

[PILOT] [Marlene Darzi -- UNKNOWN]

"...did, she just go?" You mumble to yourself, suddenly a lot less comfortable. You'd better hurry and figure out what you're going to do.

[ ] Storage first! It's chilly and we're going to need tools.
[ ] Better go to the cockpit and see if the pilot hasn't been in an accident.
[ ] Keep checking the terminal.
-[ ] Check shuttle status.
-[ ] Check flight logs and mission manifest.
-[ ] See if you can't reboot the stasis pods from here.
-[ ] See if you can't reboot the power. It's bad enough to be in a cramped space with just the emergency lights on.
[X] Better go to the cockpit and see if the pilot hasn't been in an accident.
You resolve to figure the situation out before you commit to doing anything, and figure that you can wait a bit before getting your clothes out of storage. You tread carefully, not wanting to shred your feet on the glass or trip and hurt yourself, and eventually get out of the minefield that's become the medical bay. The pilot's bunk between the stasis pods and the cockpit is unoccupied and the bed seems to have gone unused. There's garbage lying everywhere and stuffed into the corners, flattened plastic packs and bottles of discarded food pills lying everywhere.

The cool blue tones of a bioluminescent lamp shine through the door arch to the cockpit. You can see a figure in the chair, draped in a thick wooly blanket and huddled up anxiously. The control are inactive, with only a monitor for the internals and life support visible.

Beyond the glass canopy is an expanse of ice that goes on as far as the eye can see, above it a black sky laden with little pinpricks of stars.

As you approach you can hear extremely slow, quiet breathing over the soft hum of idling screens and life support ventilation.

[ ] Try to wake them. It must be the pilot.
[ ] Try to call from the doorway.
[ ] Try to find a weapon and pull the blanket off quickly, striking if it's a stranger.
[ ] Try to find a weapon and strike through the blanket.
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