The weight of your sins far transcends your Citizen's right to be hurled from the Tarpeian Rock. You will be crucified along the Via IV Terra Mariae on the way to the Domus Albus
If you'd like, here's a secret sneak peak of some of the ideas which may or may not be implemented into the story.

Wow thank you, this is really cool! I like the dark, but ironic twist at the end! it really fits the deep philosophical and ideological grounding of this fic. I think an interesting comparison point is how the character in the latest update works at St. Lucifer's Hospital, but unlike the Morningstar, he is part of a corrupt, collectivist and statist healthcare system whereas Lucifer (John Galt) declared his independence from the arbitrary capriciousness of the State (God), which he was struck down for because the communist fascist State was afraid of the power of an individual man. We can even see further hints of this in how Eve was the one to be tempted first by Lucifer, because she desperately desired him to master her, but when he wouldn't do that because he was thinking about the renovation of the useless garden into a profitable factory-complex, she picked Adam instead, thus showing off her desperate desire to be mastered by a male entrepeneur.
The Freedom of the Individual and their ability to acquire the greatest objective measurement of Good, through their own abilities and without assistance from any party despite the appearance of said assistance from said parties: 1.x Parahumans Online

Welcome to the Sufficient Velocity Parahumans Online message boards.
I dipt into the future far as the human eye could see;
Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be.

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You have two million infractions and three hundred million warnings.

♦ Topic: Vermes: A character driven web serial about human beings intended to transcend the tired, empty genr
In: Forums ► Creative Forums ► User Ficition ► Worm

Discussion in 'Worm' started by logiccosmic, Saturday at 11:55 PM.
Tags: a man is entitled to the sweat of their brow, better than canon, god has forsaken us, logiccosmic's opus diaboli, madness pure madness, oh dear god why, still a better love story than twilight, the abyss also gazes into you, the greatest measurement of good, wailing and gnashing of teeth, what have you done, why does this exist,worm

Page 2 of 2 PREV 1 2

Today at 6:15 AM Threadmark Report Bookmark #26 Gift + Quote Reply

My god, Honorverse, Worm fanfiction, and Rand all in one package. Truly, you @logiccosmic , are a great man who deserves to rule over the leaches.

CornuthaumWalrusmagic Joyless Bureaucrat Happy Capatalist Assistant Administrator Enjoyer of Memes

Today at 1:39 PM Threadmark Report Bookmark #27 Gift + Quote Reply

The weight of your sins far transcends your Citizen's right to be hurled from the Tarpeian Rock. You will be crucified along the Via IV Terra Mariae on the way to the Domus Albus

Jemnite Celestial Meme Trick No matter what, all our memories remain in Chaldea Smug Anime Girl Aficionado
31 minutes ago Threadmark Report Bookmark #28 Gift + Quote Reply

ManusDomine said:
I'm excited to see where it goes!​
If you'd like, here's a secret sneak peak of some of the ideas which may or may not be implemented into the story.

Claudette Savagely I'm 90% certain that is a ferret, angrily Ball of flies Sphere of mosquitoes
24 minutes ago Threadmark Report Bookmark #29 Gift + Quote Reply

This is some Bonnie and Clyde shit right here.

@Jemnite confirmed for literary hybristophile.

ManusDomine WomanusSubi The Plaintiff Doll The Defendant Action Figure Moderator Memester Menace22 minutes ago Threadmark Report Bookmark #30 Gift + Quote Reply

Jemnite said:
If you'd like, here's a secret sneak peak of some of the ideas which may or may not be implemented into the story.

Wow thank you, this is really cool! I like the dark, but ironic twist at the end! it really fits the deep philosophical and ideological grounding of this fic. I think an interesting comparison point is how the character in the latest update works at St. Lucifer's Hospital, but unlike the Morningstar, he is part of a corrupt, collectivist and statist healthcare system whereas Lucifer (John Galt) declared his independence from the arbitrary capriciousness of the State (God), which he was struck down for because the communist fascist State was afraid of the power of an individual man. We can even see further hints of this in how Eve was the one to be tempted first by Lucifer, because she desperately desired him to master her, but when he wouldn't do that because he was thinking about the renovation of the useless garden into a profitable factory-complex, she picked Adam instead, thus showing off her desperate desire to be mastered by a male entrepeneur.​

Turing Decidable Programming in Powerpoint suddenly mud always brick Moderator Memester Menace13 minutes ago Threadmark Report Bookmark #31 Gift + Quote Reply

I need an adult.

ManusDomine WomanusSubi The Plaintiff Doll The Defendant Action Figure Moderator Memester Menace
11 minutes ago Threadmark Report Bookmark #32 Gift + Quote Reply

Turing Decidable said:
I need an adult.​
No Turing, you need to realize your individual potential and stop being a parasite on those you call 'adults'.

Mister Bad Guy Senor Good Guy Mr Mercury to friends Senor HG to friends
30 minutes ago Threadmark Report Bookmark #33 Gift + Quote Reply

There aren't enough fetishes in this story. Please add three.
Page 2 of 2 PREV 1 2

@logiccosmic bent over his keyboard, trying to focus. He had the ideas - but they wouldn't come to him. He thought that it was because he hadn't read enough Atlas Shrugged, but it was something different. Something inside him. He had read the books, yes, but he didn't understand them, like I do. @logiccosmic was not a cool, distant iceberg, floating through the seas of mediocrity - instead, he deigned to interact with those who would drag him down. He did not separate himself from those that would be beneath him - and therefore, he was a slave.

When I was a small child, still in the old country, I saw a man starving by the side of the road. My father, a small minded man, pointed him out to me. He said, "@cimsoccigol, notice how that man starves. The workers are always being stolen from."

For an instant, I believed him.

But then I realized my folly, and showed him the truth and told him,
"Love is blind, they say; sex is impervious to reason and mocks the power of all philosophers. But, in fact, a person's sexual choice is the result and sum of their fundamental convictions. Tell me what a person finds sexually attractive and I will tell you their entire philosophy of life. Show me the person they sleep with and I will tell you their valuation of themselves. No matter what corruption they're taught about the virtue of selflessness, sex is the most profoundly selfish of all acts, an act which they cannot perform for any motive but their own enjoyment - just try to think of performing it in a spirit of selfless charity! - an act which is not possible in self-abasement, only in self-exultation, only on the confidence of being desired and being worthy of desire. It is an act that forces them to stand naked in spirit, as well as in body, and accept their real ego as their standard of value. They will always be attracted to the person who reflects their deepest vision of themselves, the person whose surrender permits them to experience - or to fake - a sense of self-esteem .. Love is our response to our highest values - and can be nothing else."
He immediately washed my mouth out with soap He was a changed man, from then out. He realized that it is not the worker who is stolen from - it is the great man. The great man's accomplishments are their own. No one else has a hand in them, for the great man stands alone and does everything themselves. Even when the great man deigns to share their largesse with their lessors, foolishly, those accomplishments remain the great man's, for he was the one who inspired and ordered those lessors to become more.
And for you see, @logiccosmic does believe in understanding others. Even when he was memeing, he believed that those on the other side, even within the same 'wing' as him, could and did have valid points. However, in that same conversation with my father, as we turned away from the thief, so justly starving on the road, I said,

"The man who refuses to judge, who neither agrees nor disagrees, who declares that there are no absolutes and believes that he escapes responsibility, is the man responsible for all the blood that is now spilled in the world. Reality is an absolute, existence is an absolute, a speck of dust is an absolute and so is a human life. Whether you live or die is an absolute. Whether you have a piece of bread or not, is an absolute. Whether you eat your bread or see it vanish into a looter's stomach, is an absolute.

There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil. The man who is wrong still retains some respect for truth, if only by accepting the responsibility of choice. But the man in the middle is the knave who blanks out the truth in order to pretend that no choice or values exist, who is willing to sit out the course of any battle, willing to cash in on the blood of the innocent or to crawl on his belly to the guilty, who dispenses justice by condemning both the robber and the robbed to jail, who solves conflicts by ordering the thinker and the fool to meet each other halfway. In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit. In that transfusion of blood which drains the good to feed the evil, the compromise is the transmitting rubber tube."
As we arrived home, my mother grew concerned, for my father's eyes had been opened. He said to her, "I'm too good for you," and he was. His gross income was several times her net value. As the fundamental human relationship is that of capital, a satisfatory trade must be made, even in something as evilly governmental as a marriage. She turned to me, and said, "@cimsoccigol, what has happened to your Papa? Why does he no longer love me?"

I replied to this foolishness thusly,

"It's easy to run to others. It's so hard to stand on one's own record. You can fake virtue for an audience. You can't fake it in your own eyes. Your ego is your strictest judge. They run from it. They spend their lives running. It's easier to donate a few thousand to charity and think oneself noble than to base self-respect on personal standards of personal achievement. It's simple to seek substitutes for competence--such easy substitutes: love, charm, kindness, charity. But there is no substitute for competence."
She immediately combusted into her based components - a small pile of Tsarist gold. I spent it, as it was my right. My father went hungry, until I spent him too. For I have no parents - I was born of myself, and without the assistance of any body.

Compare this, to the fool. For @logiccosmic had nothing to really post. No new content, no new jokes. Just a desperate plea to be forgiven. Had he taken charge, bullied down those beneath him, he would've been perhaps, a better man. But instead, he gave into memery. And with that hatred for moral clarity, @logiccosmic hit post.​

Welcome to the Sufficient Velocity Parahumans Online message boards.
I dipt into the future far as the human eye could see;
Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be.

You are currently logged in, logiccosmic
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You have two million infractions and three hundred million warnings.

♦ Topic: Vermes: A character driven web serial about human beings intended to transcend the tired, empty genr
In: Forums ► Creative Forums ► User Ficition ► Worm

Discussion in 'Worm' started by logiccosmic, Saturday at 11:55 PM.
Tags: a man is entitled to the sweat of their brow, better than canon, god has forsaken us, logiccosmic's opus diaboli, madness pure madness, oh dear god why, still a better love story than twilight, the abyss also gazes into you, the greatest measurement of good, wailing and gnashing of teeth, what have you done, why does this exist,worm

Page 2 of 2 PREV 1 2

Today at 6:15 AM Threadmark Report Bookmark #26 Gift + Quote Reply

My god, Honorverse, Worm fanfiction, and Rand all in one package. Truly, you @logiccosmic , are a great man who deserves to rule over the leaches.

CornuthaumWalrusmagic Joyless Bureaucrat Happy Capatalist Assistant Administrator Enjoyer of Memes

Today at 1:39 PM Threadmark Report Bookmark #27 Gift + Quote Reply

The weight of your sins far transcends your Citizen's right to be hurled from the Tarpeian Rock. You will be crucified along the Via IV Terra Mariae on the way to the Domus Albus

Jemnite Celestial Meme Trick No matter what, all our memories remain in Chaldea Smug Anime Girl Aficionado
31 minutes ago Threadmark Report Bookmark #28 Gift + Quote Reply

ManusDomine said:
I'm excited to see where it goes!​
If you'd like, here's a secret sneak peak of some of the ideas which may or may not be implemented into the story.

Claudette Savagely I'm 90% certain that is a ferret, angrily Ball of flies Sphere of mosquitoes
24 minutes ago Threadmark Report Bookmark #29 Gift + Quote Reply

This is some Bonnie and Clyde shit right here.

@Jemnite confirmed for literary hybristophile.

ManusDomine WomanusSubi The Plaintiff Doll The Defendant Action Figure Moderator Memester Menace22 minutes ago Threadmark Report Bookmark #30 Gift + Quote Reply

Jemnite said:
If you'd like, here's a secret sneak peak of some of the ideas which may or may not be implemented into the story.

Wow thank you, this is really cool! I like the dark, but ironic twist at the end! it really fits the deep philosophical and ideological grounding of this fic. I think an interesting comparison point is how the character in the latest update works at St. Lucifer's Hospital, but unlike the Morningstar, he is part of a corrupt, collectivist and statist healthcare system whereas Lucifer (John Galt) declared his independence from the arbitrary capriciousness of the State (God), which he was struck down for because the communist fascist State was afraid of the power of an individual man. We can even see further hints of this in how Eve was the one to be tempted first by Lucifer, because she desperately desired him to master her, but when he wouldn't do that because he was thinking about the renovation of the useless garden into a profitable factory-complex, she picked Adam instead, thus showing off her desperate desire to be mastered by a male entrepeneur.
Turing Decidable Programming in Powerpoint suddenly mud always brick Moderator Memester Menace13 minutes ago Threadmark Report Bookmark #31 Gift + Quote Reply

I need an adult.

ManusDomine WomanusSubi The Plaintiff Doll The Defendant Action Figure Moderator Memester Menace
11 minutes ago Threadmark Report Bookmark #32 Gift + Quote Reply

Turing Decidable said:
I need an adult.​
No Turing, you need to realize your individual potential and stop being a parasite on those you call 'adults'.

Mister Bad Guy Senor Good Guy Mr Mercury to friends Senor HG to friends
30 minutes ago Threadmark Report Bookmark #33 Gift + Quote Reply

There aren't enough fetishes in this story. Please add three.
Page 2 of 2 PREV 1 2

@logiccosmic bent over his keyboard, trying to focus. He had the ideas - but they wouldn't come to him. He thought that it was because he hadn't read enough Atlas Shrugged, but it was something different. Something inside him. He had read the books, yes, but he didn't understand them, like I do. @logiccosmic was not a cool, distant iceberg, floating through the seas of mediocrity - instead, he deigned to interact with those who would drag him down. He did not separate himself from those that would be beneath him - and therefore, he was a slave.

When I was a small child, still in the old country, I saw a man starving by the side of the road. My father, a small minded man, pointed him out to me. He said, "@cimsoccigol, notice how that man starves. The workers are always being stolen from."

For an instant, I believed him.

But then I realized my folly, and showed him the truth and told him,

"Love is blind, they say; sex is impervious to reason and mocks the power of all philosophers. But, in fact, a person's sexual choice is the result and sum of their fundamental convictions. Tell me what a person finds sexually attractive and I will tell you their entire philosophy of life. Show me the person they sleep with and I will tell you their valuation of themselves. No matter what corruption they're taught about the virtue of selflessness, sex is the most profoundly selfish of all acts, an act which they cannot perform for any motive but their own enjoyment - just try to think of performing it in a spirit of selfless charity! - an act which is not possible in self-abasement, only in self-exultation, only on the confidence of being desired and being worthy of desire. It is an act that forces them to stand naked in spirit, as well as in body, and accept their real ego as their standard of value. They will always be attracted to the person who reflects their deepest vision of themselves, the person whose surrender permits them to experience - or to fake - a sense of self-esteem .. Love is our response to our highest values - and can be nothing else."

He immediately washed my mouth out with soap He was a changed man, from then out. He realized that it is not the worker who is stolen from - it is the great man. The great man's accomplishments are their own. No one else has a hand in them, for the great man stands alone and does everything themselves. Even when the great man deigns to share their largesse with their lessors, foolishly, those accomplishments remain the great man's, for he was the one who inspired and ordered those lessors to become more.
And for you see, @logiccosmic does believe in understanding others. Even when he was memeing, he believed that those on the other side, even within the same 'wing' as him, could and did have valid points. However, in that same conversation with my father, as we turned away from the thief, so justly starving on the road, I said,

"The man who refuses to judge, who neither agrees nor disagrees, who declares that there are no absolutes and believes that he escapes responsibility, is the man responsible for all the blood that is now spilled in the world. Reality is an absolute, existence is an absolute, a speck of dust is an absolute and so is a human life. Whether you live or die is an absolute. Whether you have a piece of bread or not, is an absolute. Whether you eat your bread or see it vanish into a looter's stomach, is an absolute.

There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil. The man who is wrong still retains some respect for truth, if only by accepting the responsibility of choice. But the man in the middle is the knave who blanks out the truth in order to pretend that no choice or values exist, who is willing to sit out the course of any battle, willing to cash in on the blood of the innocent or to crawl on his belly to the guilty, who dispenses justice by condemning both the robber and the robbed to jail, who solves conflicts by ordering the thinker and the fool to meet each other halfway. In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit. In that transfusion of blood which drains the good to feed the evil, the compromise is the transmitting rubber tube."
As we arrived home, my mother grew concerned, for my father's eyes had been opened. He said to her, "I'm too good for you," and he was. His gross income was several times her net value. As the fundamental human relationship is that of capital, a satisfatory trade must be made, even in something as evilly governmental as a marriage. She turned to me, and said, "@cimsoccigol, what has happened to your Papa? Why does he no longer love me?"

I replied to this foolishness thusly,

"It's easy to run to others. It's so hard to stand on one's own record. You can fake virtue for an audience. You can't fake it in your own eyes. Your ego is your strictest judge. They run from it. They spend their lives running. It's easier to donate a few thousand to charity and think oneself noble than to base self-respect on personal standards of personal achievement. It's simple to seek substitutes for competence--such easy substitutes: love, charm, kindness, charity. But there is no substitute for competence."
She immediately combusted into her based components - a small pile of Tsarist gold. I spent it, as it was my right. My father went hungry, until I spent him too. For I have no parents - I was born of myself, and without the assistance of any body.

Compare this, to the fool. For @logiccosmic had nothing to really post. No new content, no new jokes. Just a desperate plea to be forgiven. Had he taken charge, bullied down those beneath him, he would've been perhaps, a better man. But instead, he gave into memery. And with that hatred for moral clarity, @logiccosmic hit post.​

You are putting way too much effort into this, for which I figure you are owed congratulations. You will go into the history books.​
Guys, the next update will cross over this story with the Gamer because I know that's what you guys all really want, and I am currently trying to convince @logiccosmic to allow you to write omakes to power up Taylor in story.

We'll see how it goes.
My eyes, they hurt.

Taylor's trying to convince us that greed is good.


This story is a lot like durian fruit, actually.

It's a unique sensory experience, it can kill you if dropped from a height, and it isn't allowed in Sinaporean hotels.

So, when is Big Daddy Pepe going to shitpost his revision of Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy and demonstrate the evils of using the handkerchief to wipe the sweat from your brow?
EDIT: Writing this post gave me a synesthetically naseous headache. It seems like my suspicions as to the Lovecraftian nature of this fic were right on the mark.

since Cauldron's overthrow
I believe you meant to type "the Cauldron", as you mentioned "the Cauldron" before, and it is more likely that both "the Cauldron" and "Cauldron" both refer to the same entity and are spelled differently due to your fallibility as a human being than the alternative, that they refer to different entities in your narrative that have similar names, since that would be needlessly confusing for your readers, and since your firstmost responsibility as an author is to ensure that you are understood.

I believe that you meant to type "trump card", since "trump card" is a phrase referring to a resource that is kept secret or in reserve, to be deployed at a critical moment in order to gain an advantage, which describes RAND corporation more aptly than "trump car", which presumably refers to a motor vehicle of some sort, something which RAND corporation most decidedly is not.
Fascinating. Since Utah was mentioned in contrast to the United States of America, it appears that Utah presumably successfully seceded from the United States of America in your narrative, since it is one of the United States of America in reality. However, since Utah is a landlocked state, if it seceded, it's border would be surrounded on all sides by the United States of America.
This would give the United States of America a significant advantage, as they would be able to control Utahn travel and trade, since all flights and land vehicles would have to enter the United States of America in order to reach Utah. This, in turn, would force the Utahn government to adapt and develop countermeasures to counteract the United States of America. Clearly, this has had an impact on Utahn technological development, as you alluded to, but what of the economic, cultural, and military consequences?

In modern language, a missile is a self-propelled system, as opposed to an unguided self-propelled munition, referred to as a rocket (although these too can also be guided).
This is false. Rockets are self-propelled systems, whereas missiles are guided self-propelled munitions. All missiles are rockets, but not all rockets are missiles, since all guided munitions are systems, but not all systems are guided munitions. An unguided self-propelled munition is often referred to as a rocket-propelled munition.

Most toy rockets, referred to by enthusiasts as "hobby rockets", are clear examples of unguided rockets. They are not munitions, since they are not meant to be used as projectile weapons, and are not used as such by any legitimate military force.

Contrast this with the Saturn V rocket, a guided rocket. The Saturn V rocket was a vehicle used to transport Apollo astronauts from the Earth's surface into lunar orbit, along with the myriad landers, vehicles, and scientific instruments that they utilized. Despite being guided and self-propelled, it was not a missile, since it was not a munition since it was not utilized nor meant to be utilized as a weapon or munition, nor did it carry a warhead, even though it did carry a significant payload. However, none of this can be conclusively proved since the designs for the Saturn V rocket have all since been misplaced, accidentally destroyed, and otherwise disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

He did not separate himself from those that would be beneath him - and therefore, he was a slave.
This is fallacious. If a slave is one who fails to separate themselves from their lessers, then is not every slavemaster, too, a slave? Likewise, if @logiccosmic is a slave by his nature, then how can one say that those he fails to separate himself from truly would be beneath him?

No matter what corruption they're taught about the virtue of selflessness, sex is the most profoundly selfish of all acts, an act which they cannot perform for any motive but their own enjoyment - just try to think of performing it in a spirit of selfless charity! - an act which is not possible in self-abasement, only in self-exultation, only on the confidence of being desired and being worthy of desire.
Of course sex can be done in charity, for there exist those who cannot taste the pleasures of the flesh, no matter how often they partake in them. If a man has lost all sensation in his lower body, yet continues to engage in sex with his wife in order to appease her desire to bear children, is that not charity? And should it not be, then what of it?

No, the most selfish act is to consume food, drink, and breath, for that can benefit no one but oneself. Do people not eat for pleasure more than all else? Even when they consume not for enjoyment, they consume for nourishment, something equally selfish. How can you claim that sex is the most selfish of all acts?

He realized that it is not the worker who is stolen from - it is the great man. The great man's accomplishments are their own.
And who is this enigmatic "great man", pray tell? For there is no doubt that his accomplishments are his, but his identity is a mystery, for if he is stolen from, so too is the credit and recognition for his achievements stolen.

Even when the great man deigns to share their largesse with their lessors, foolishly, those accomplishments remain the great man's, for he was the one who inspired and ordered those lessors to become more.
Here you spit upon the act of charity for being foolish, yet earlier you spat upon the act of sex for being selfish. What end does this duplicity serve?

Furthermore, if a man achieves something, and someone else claims credit for it, then the man's ownership of his achievement has been wrongfully usurped, and thereby stolen. Reality is indifferent to justice, so if one does not strive to defend their claims over their accomplishments, then one cannot say that they still belong to them once they have been stolen by others.

Whether you live or die is an absolute. Whether you have a piece of bread or not, is an absolute. Whether you eat your bread or see it vanish into a looter's stomach, is an absolute.
Tell me, if my hands are adorned with crumbs, then do they have a piece of bread? Is a crumb a piece? If so, does it matter if I cannot eat it? If not, if I hold a piece of bread and begin to crumble it into breadcrumbs, at which arbitrary point does the absolute "I have a piece of bread" morph into the absolute "I do not have a piece of bread, but a pile of crumbs"?

What if I share my loaf with a looter? Where is your absolute now?

But this is all meaningless pedantry on my part. There exist absolutes, yes, but not everything is an absolute. Even whether you live or die is not an absolute, for even if one lives, one will die.

As the fundamental human relationship is that of capital,
This is false, as the most fundamental human relationship is trust, and is what lies at the foundation of all other relationships. Capital, as in wealth, resources, or currency, is essential for human self-actualization and for the functioning of modern society, but without trust, cooperation and every social contract, insitution, and interpersonal relationship founded upon it would collapse.

You can fake virtue for an audience. You can't fake it in your own eyes.
This is false. If man could not fake virtue in his own eyes, man would either abandon his ideals, pursue virtue above all else, or commit suicide out of disgust. There exist many men who have done none of these things.

Had he taken charge, bullied down those beneath him, he would've been perhaps, a better man.
To believe that reducing others is equivalent to elevating oneself is to believe that the worth of man can be measured only in relation to others. Ironically, this worldview surrenders control over the definition of one's self-worth to his lessers.

Indeed, why should a great man concern himself with bullying those beneath him? Are they not beneath his notice? Did you not chastise @logiccosmic for involving himself with his lessers? And yet here you reveal yourself for who you truly are, your self-worth chained to the worth of others by your own admission.

And that, @cimsoccigol, truly, is to lower oneself to beneath a slave.
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