So... Specs there looks very much like she's a member of the Embassy to Fortune, in between her cat eyes, the bad luck in tripping down the steps combined with the good luck of not being seen, and her noted negative feelings about cats, which is totally understandable if you know who her Boss in said embassy is. For those who don't know Princess well, Embassies are basically prestige classes that grant powers as you gain in personal power. I actually played a Seeker of Diamonds who was in the Embassy to Fortune in a game that lasted me all the way to Inner Light 10... and I can already give Specs credit for not throwing around cat puns into every sentence she speaks unlike my character did. Mind, that character ended up becoming a Twilight Queen of an court based around rampant paranoia, constant surveillance, and thought crime, so... maybe it'd be a good idea to just not use her as an example worth following.
As for the vote... as I have no idea what our current mote situation is looking like, I can't really comment on whether it'd be better to go for our duty at the hospital or hang out with our Circle, but honestly? I wanna see what's going on with this weird, probably supernatural kid in the church. It's the world of darkness, after all! There's all kinds of weirdness just behind the curtain if you're willing to look, and being aware of what's around might just save your life when one of them turns out to be a homicidal maniac or a robo-angel who wants to literally use your blood as an oil substitute for the hidden gears running the metro or something.
[x] Bite the bullet and meet the Boy in the Church. Strange but knowledgeable, you nonetheless don't really know where you stand with him. But if anyone is going to know anything, it's him.