Vanquish on steam

A fun third person action shooter and one with alot of demmand




From master director Shinji Mikami of Resident Evil fame, SEGA brings PlatinumGames' revolutionary sci-fi action shooter to PC. Unlocked framerate, unlocked HD resolutions, extensive graphics options: the definitive way to play. War has accelerated.

Gear up in the Augmented Reaction Suit as government operative Sam Gideon and become the ultimate weapon. Combine unrivalled firepower with superhuman speed and agility to take down a huge variety of deadly robots.

  • Fast, fluid and frenetic combat – PlatinumGames bring their signature action mechanics to the shooter genre: boosting, evading, Augmented Reaction mode, and more
  • Kinetic melee moves – unique offensive and defensive moves that vary with your loadout
  • Deadly firepower – command a vast arsenal of high-tech weapons, including all DLC weapons
  • Legions of enemies – a huge variety of enemies to take down, from robot grunts to epic giant boss battles, all with smart AI

  • Spectacular environments -- fight your way through SC-01 Providence space colony, high-tech sci-fi battleground of the future
  • Challenge and competition – race to the top of the online leaderboards with a rewarding scoring system and multiple difficulty modes that ensure challenging replayability
  • Full Steam Support -- Steam Achievements, Steam Cloud Save, Trading Cards, and Big Picture Mode
  • Unlocked resolutions – play at 4K and beyond

  • Unlocked framerates – push it as far as your rig will take you; PC gaming at its most liberating
  • Enhanced PC graphical options – anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering, SSAO lighting, scalable texture and shadow quality, post-processing effects and more
  • Full EFIGS + Japanese support – voice overs, subtitles, and game menus in any language combination


    • OS: Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 (8.1) / 10
    • Processor: Intel Core i3 (2.9 GHz) or AMD equivalent
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Dx9 compliant video card with 1 GB VRAM (Nvidia GeForce 460 or AMD Radeon 5670)
    • DirectX: Version 9.0c
    • Storage: 20 GB available space

    • OS: OS: Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 (8.1) / 10
    • Processor: Intel Core i5 (3.4 GHz) or AMD equivalent
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Dx11 compliant video card with 2 GB RAM (Nvidia GeForce 660 Ti or AMD Radeon R9 270)
    • DirectX: Version 9.0c
    • Storage: 20 GB available space
It's about time.

To anyone who's on the fence about this game, imagine Revengeance, but with guns and thrusters.

That's how great it is.

Get It.
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It's about time.

To anyone who's on the fence about this game, imagine Revengeance, but with guns and thrusters.

That's how great it is.

Get It.
Imagine Revengeance with guns and thrusters, but also much worse asset reuse and much less polished mechanics. I think every single boss is reused at least once.

It has its merits but it's far and away the inferior of the Big Platinum Three currently on Steam.

Probably still better than Transformers Devastation though.
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Too bad my video game allowance is tapped out for the next long while. Not only have I been buying PS3 games in bulk now that they're dirt cheap, my TV also crapped out on me and I'm saving up to buy a new one. Luckily in the meantime I have a HDMI to DVI converter that allows me to play video through my monitor.

The best third person shooter ever created in the history of mankind is now coming to PC. May 25th!!!!!!!
...what are the first and second best if you don't mind me asking?

However yeah I'm looking forward to this, its been entirely to long since I played this.
Just a note, I believe the PC version of Vanquish is going to feature improved textures to support higher resolutions.
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That guys "visor" is over his mouth. His eyes are covered by armor!

I understand that he probably has all sorts of cameras and sensors, but come on! If you're going that route, at least don't put the visor over the goddamn mouth, where it's useless!
IIRC from the demo all those years ago. Didn't they make it so one button on the controller is literally for him lighting a cigarette when he's behind cover?
I think L1 in cover will make him light a cigarette or something yeah. He can then throw it and distract the robots so he can pop up and shoot them. Not that you should be doing that of course because the game outright penalises your score for using cover.
It wouldn't be a Platinum game if the optimal style of play was actually intuitive! :V
"Do combo and don't get hit", so unintuitive :V

You wanna talk unintuitive, try the weapon system. Each weapon (including grenades) is ranked from levels 1 to either 6 or 10, and levelling them to max will usually double their overall ammo capacity as well as improving stuff like their damage and stability. You pick up a big green glowing upgrade chip, you level your weapon. Simple! Except there aren't very many upgrade chips in the game, so how else do you level your arsenal? Well if you pick up a copy of one of your weapons while it's maxed on ammo (I don't know how that's supposed to work because it's just one gun that magically reconfigures into four forms but whatever) it will gain an experience chevron, and once you have three experience chevrons it levels!

Have you noticed the problem yet?

The best way to level your favourite gun is to never, ever use it.

Bonus points? your guns all fucking de-level if you die
Sure, now let's talk about attack canceling, combo pausing, attack offsets, and that critical, but entirely optional defensive move in every Platinum game that you have to buy. :V

Platinum makes really mechanically tight games but they really really need to document their shit better.
Yeah and what I'm saying is that Vanquish is fundamentally probably the least intuitive game in their portfolio. In large part because they'd never made a shooter before and it really shows. On a fundamental, mechanical level as opposed to "WHAT INPUTS DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?"
Yeah and what I'm saying is that Vanquish is fundamentally probably the least intuitive game in their portfolio. In large part because they'd never made a shooter before and it really shows. On a fundamental, mechanical level as opposed to "WHAT INPUTS DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?"

Fair enough.

What I think the upgrade system was intended for is to encourage you to use a whole bunch of different weapons as to avoid just basically using one of your favorite guns forever and ever like in most FPSes but I don't think it worked out as intended. Especially because the mainstay guns like the Heavy Machine Gun and Assault Rifle are just too versatile and many of the other guns have like, no ammo whatsoever. I mean, they still have their uses but if you like the more specialized weapons you really don't get enough ammo to make as much use of them as you'd want.

I wonder what a Vanquish 2 would look like, in terms of game design.
I don't mean to harp on it, but I just want to properly explain what I mean beyond just "the weapon system sucks".

Like I said, Vanquish is not the same kind of experience as Platinum's most famous fare. Most of the time, they just want you to look cool. Do big combo quick and don't get hit. How do you do big combo? Buy all these combos and weapons and swap between them. How do you not get hit? Bayonetta lets you dodge everything under the sun. Wonderful 101 lets you dodge everything under the sun or block any 'blunt' attacks that won't cut your pudding open. MGR wants you to parry everything that flashes red and Defensive Offence anything that flashes yellow - the explanation on the parry input could be better (albeit it's hard to convey in text when you don't already basically know what it wants) and Defensive Offence could benefit from being an inherent skill, but you can't deny that the game gives you all the tools you need to not get hit. MGR is built around Blade Mode, it wants you to go into Blade Mode a lot, so bakes Blade Mode prompts right into the combos and offers various upgrades to your Blade Mode and lets you refill your Blade Mode (and health) completely with a successful Zandatsu so you do Blade Mode more so you get better at Blade Mode so you do Blade Mode more.

Vanquish does not actually want you to look cool. The central gimmick of the game is a trap. You want to powerslide across the wartorn battlefield like some kind of cybernetically enhanced power metal lead singer, kickflip off a Russian knock-off Geth, blast it in the face with a shotgun, land, Fist of the North Star punch flurry its buddy, end it with a Shining Finger, then powerslide away leaving nothing but soaked panties in your wake.

Ingame you'll do the first two steps, run out of energy, and die. I know this because the sound the suit makes when it's dry on energy and recharging is the most annoying sound in the galaxy and seven years on that fucking thing is still in my head, never to leave. Every single facet of the game is hindered by the (unupgradeable) energy bar.

You want to do one of the badass melee animations? Eats your entire meter. Want to shoot while powersliding like a heavy metal god? Eats your meter like candy. Want to shoot while dodgerolling? Eats meter. Want to not die when six nanoseconds of exposure to enemy fire chews Sam's tiny health bar up? Eats meter. You have all these mobility tools but you're actively punished for attempting to chain them together to wreak havoc in melee range. But the game penalises your score for fighting covershooting with covershooting. So what the fuck do you want, Mikami? 'cause it's kind of supposed to be one or the other!

It was such an interminable fucking spectre hanging over my entire (five-hour yet still somehow padded) playthrough of the game back in 2010 that when DOKTOR TURN OFF MY SPEED INHIBITORS happens in the last phase of the final boss and doubles your meter it felt more like how the game should've actually been than an eleventh-hour superpower.

Add in the padded-yet-truncated campaign and anaemic-ass story with zero payoff Vanquish felt more like a proof-of-concept demo than a finished product. The only way I could in good conscience recommend it to someone is if you think your drop in the bucket will help convince Sega to port Yakuza to PC.

... which is a good motivation I won't lie.
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