Ford Prefect

What is Project Zohar?
The Hague
You are the former coordinator of America's most elite and most secret special forces unit. You have been retired for the past seven years. It is August 2021. You receive a phone call from President Biden.

Vampire ultranationalists have stolen the launch codes again.

ВАМПИР. The 0th Special Purpose Detachment of Spetsnaz GRU. The most elite and most secretive special forces unit in the Russian Federation, and the architects of the 2013 Komi Base Incident. As the name suggests, the unit is made up of a number of vampires. Having assisted Russia militarily since 1917, they have over a century's experience in special operations in battlefields all across the world. They have once again secured the launch codes.

According to the intelligence available to the United States, Vampir conducted an elaborate infiltration of a number of key sites in Washington DC and are now planning to extract. Luckily for the US, it is functionally not possible for the unit to extract by air, as their unique traits make them too conspicuous even for night time flights. Instead, it is believed that that they will attempt a sea extraction. Based on what is known about the unit, its habits, and the equipment it has, and what evidence of the raid has been found, they will be making use of a medium or large sized vessel leaving from either Baltimore, Philadelphia, or New York. Given their history, it is highly likely that Vampir has either arranged or planned a means of extraction in all three cities.

It has been three hours since the raid and it is just after midnight. As Baltimore is only an hour's drive away, this would normally spell disaster. However the immediate response to the raid included watching the roads, which Vampir has clearly anticipated. It is believed that their current plan is to make their way to Baltimore as part of morning civilian traffic. That means that they could be in the Port of Baltimore within eight to twelve hours.

This is a difficult mission timeframe, but as the person who resolved the Komi Base Incident, President Biden has utmost confidence in your ability to make the impossible possible. Once again, the United States calls upon you, and is providing you with whatever resources it can on short notice, to retrieve the launch codes.

To assist you, you have once against been given direct command of America's most elite and most secret special forces unit: Special Operations Force 404, known only in rumour as the Black Ice Unit. 404 is made up of only the very best graduates of other special forces units. The nine survivors of the Komi Base Incident are the core of the reorganised unit, which has been expanded. In addition to these nine, you have command of 36 Black Ice operators, each averaging about five years experience undertaking the toughest missions around.

404 has top level priority, meaning it has access to a wide range of US and non-US military equipment of the highest quality. The unit also makes use of 'mystic eye killers' developed by DARPA that counter the effects of vampire hypnosis. At the time of the Komi Base Incident these were wrap-around glasses, but over the past seven years they have been improved and are now contact lenses. As mystic eye killers are relatively expensive, you only have a limited number other glasses available: forty pairs of various types.

You also have access to any federal military, intelligence and law enforcement resource that can reasonably requisitioned on such short notice. For the purposes of the mission, you effectively speak with the authority of the President. However, you are still bound by US law, so you do not have much authority beyond that due to the need to keep the loss of the launch codes secret. As such you cannot simply order all the relevant ports closed, and do not have direct command over local authorities. You are legally being deployed under 18 U.S.C. § 831.

Your opponents are the five surviving members of the 0th Special Purpose Detachment. True children of the night, they are genuinely supernatural creatures with genuinely supernatural abilities. From your past encounter with Vampir, you know they have the following characteristics:
  • They are dead. They do not need to breath, their hearts do not beat, and they produce no heat.
  • They are superhumanly strong and fast. They can throw large vehicles, and are able to move faster than the eye can see.
  • Their senses are superhumanly sharp. They can easily outperform any member of the animal kingdom in visual acuity, night vision, hearing, smell and taste. They can detect heat better than snakes and detect motion better than insects.
  • They can defy gravity, able to stand on walls and on the ceiling.
  • They are invisible in mirrors, on film, or in digital cameras. Bizarrely, things on their person such as clothing or items they are carrying are also invisible to cameras.
  • They have exceptional regenerative abilities. The loss of a limb is neither permanent nor particularly debilitating. It took quite spectacular amounts of physical trauma to kill two members of Vampir.
  • They are capable of mentally dominating people by making eye contact. This is a form of absolute hypnosis based around verbal orders. At the most extreme, they can make a person commit suicide by ordering it.
  • They can sense 'killing intent', the mental decision to kill a person. Depending on intensity they can detect this from at least several hundred metres, giving them what appears to be a degree of precognition when dealing with biological entities.
  • They are empowered by the visible full moon.
They have the following weaknesses, some of which were confirmed during the Komi Base Incident:
  • They fear the sun. If they are caught in its light they will die, though the process is not instantaneous.
  • Garlic is an irritant. In an aersolised form the effect on vampires is similar to tear gas on humans.
  • They have some difficulty in crossing uncovered running water. Larger volumes of running water are more effective in this regard--a vampire would not be able to leap a river despite physically being able to. Pipelines and other underground water sources aren't a problem.
  • While they do not appear on cameras, they can be seen while using night-vision devices, and they are visible, for a given value of visible, on thermal devices.
  • Their abilities are fuelled by blood. If they overuse their supernatural powers or need to extensively regenerate, they need to feed on blood.
  • Vampires are also visually distinct from humans. While their pale skin can be passed off, they have pointed ears, red or gold eyes, and visible fangs.
  • Vampires cannot enter private buildings without an invitation, however they can enter public buildings. The exact bounds of this rule is not fully understood by the US.
  • They are susceptible to ultrasonic noisemaker devices.
  • While it is not lethal, vampires are also disorientated by headshots.
In addition to their supernatural abilities, Vampir makes use of advanced Russian military technology, acquired through a mixture of personal wealth and existing connections. Most notably, over the past seven year they have acquired 'daylight armour,' a form of fully enclosing protective bodysuit with matching helmet. It allows a vampire to operate relatively safely during the day, but is very noticeable in part due to the distinctive helmet design. During combat Vampir pairs this suit with a Soviet style heavy plate carrier, utilising boron carbide plates of almost double the normal thickness.

While this does allow a vampire the ability to operate in the sun, they prefer to spend the day asleep in armoured coffins. Due to this, they are assisted by a number of human conspirators. In total the full team appears to consist of approximately thirty armed soldiers of unknown origins. Of these, about a third are believed to be special forces operatives culled from GRU, Vympel, SVR Zaslon, etc. They appear to mainly be using locally acquired weapons and armour, but it is believed that they also have access to modern Russian military equipment. Whether this is a sanctioned operation, a team of rogue operatives, or hypnotised puppets, is currently not known.

You have been given the following objectives:
  1. Prevent Vampir from extracting with the launch codes.
  2. Retrieve the launch codes.
  3. Avoid or minimise civilian casualties.
  4. Eliminate Vampir, if possible
The launch codes themselves are contained in three visually distinctive briefcases. The mission will only be considered a success if all three briefcases are retrieved, however even retrieving a single briefcase is worthwhile. Due to the sensitivity of these events, secrecy is highly important, so you cannot discuss the details of the mission with anyone outside your direct command.

The full moon is expected in one week.

How would you go about achieving these objectives? What forces would you requisition to assist? And how would you equip the Black Ice Unit to best prepare them for this mission?

You left that world behind in the Arctic snow. Yet once more, the nightmare!
Okay some questions about what I know about Vampir

1: What's the attitude to this operation of the Russian government? Will they supply us with photographs of the involved human operatives?
2: Can Vampir cross bridges?
3: Does the night vision system on a drone count as nightvision or a camera?
4: what happens if a vampire attempts to cross running water?
Oh and one more question now I think of it hours later: How hardened are the launch code briefcases? Are they just briefcases or are they like, made of black box material and capable of lying in pools of burning jet fuel?
Okay some questions about what I know about Vampir

1: What's the attitude to this operation of the Russian government? Will they supply us with photographs of the involved human operatives?
2: Can Vampir cross bridges?
3: Does the night vision system on a drone count as nightvision or a camera?
4: what happens if a vampire attempts to cross running water?

1. Due to heightened tensions between the US and Russia there has been limited contact in the wake of the raid. However intelligence agencies have some photographic evidence which supports the conclusion that some of Vampir's human operatives are SOF. So you might know what a couple look like.
2. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends on how wide the bridge is: if it sufficiently obscures the river it may count as 'covered water.' If so, they will need to be transported across in their coffins (or at least transported).
3. It counts as a camera. In terms of NVDs, you can only really rely on light amplification.
4. It's a psychological inhibition, rather than having a physical effect. You could in theory carry one across a river, but they wouldn't like it.

Oh and one more question now I think of it hours later: How hardened are the launch code briefcases? Are they just briefcases or are they like, made of black box material and capable of lying in pools of burning jet fuel?

They're probably pretty similar to the Zero Halliburton cases used for the nuclear football. I think those are pretty tough, but not indestructible.
What's the time limit here? Delaying them is easy but finding them is effectively impossible.

There's no time limit per se, but in a week's time the full moon will be up, meaning that the vampires will be stronger than normal, which might make them more difficult to stop. That said, if you can prevent them from leaving the country, that is one of your objectives completed.
The preliminary plan I'd go with based on the provided information would be as follows:

1. I'm going to shunt objective #2 right down to the bottom of the priority list. Yes the government finds it important and if they were to be destroyed in the op then they'd probably get me in hot water, but trying to contain and eliminate these operatives while minimizing collateral without the probable sacrifice plays that would likely be necessary to physically separate them from the briefcases they're carrying will be hard enough. If they can be retrieved reasonably safely, excellent, we'll do that. If not, then the state and citizens will survive losing the launch codes as long as they aren't being lost to someone else who is hostile. If necessary, be prepared to destroy the codes as a last-ditch emergency measure; hopefully it won't come to that.

2. Immediately put out a bulletin for the known human associates of the operatives, priority on identifying properties Vampir may have been invited into and associates of the human associates who may themselves be involved. Any direction helps. Also make sure someone is searching public buildings and potential break-ins at such locations. Try to get someone to check abandoned buildings too, in case those count.
2a. Start canvassing for rumors or reports of potential sightings of Vampir or individuals with Vampir's characteristics. Probably will turn up wild and unreliable stories, but they're visually distinct enough that one might hope to get lucky.

3. In the cities that Vampir are believed to be planing to use for exfiltration, get some people down to the docks to check for links to Vampir and known associates. If necessary prioritize Baltimore in the immediate since it's closest. Identifying the specific ships meant to be used is probably unlikely, but still a worthwhile avenue to run down and success would be very beneficial.

4. Try to requisition some of those police riot vehicles that use sound cannons or whatever they're called. Would probably be very useful against Vampir agents. In fact, generally gather up anything with reasonable ultrasound capabilities. Anything to make these guys hold still long enough to work on killing them would be useful. I would assume aerosolized garlic grenades would also have been since developed, given the specific comparison to tear gas.

5. Try and track any suspicious coffin movements that might have been or might currently be used to transport Vampir around. How to identify a "suspicious coffin" might be tricky, but if anyone's seen a bundle of five being moved in bulk that may be something to look into.

6. Presuming the Vampir agents are located through the above efforts, attempt to engage in a daylight operation. Nighttime ops should only be undertaken if the agents will have left by the time the sun rises.

7. From these starting points, adapt as necessary as the situation develops.
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There's no time limit per se, but in a week's time the full moon will be up, meaning that the vampires will be stronger than normal, which might make them more difficult to stop. That said, if you can prevent them from leaving the country, that is one of your objectives completed.

But, like, the codes are getting changed right?

We can't guard the exits forever but they can lay low forever and be undetectable.
Okay with all that in mind, here's the plan.


Us NSA/signals intelligence/facial recognition systems and military electronic sensors to track the ВАМПИР's comms and human operatives. Gain as much access as possible to Washington CCTV and comb it for any evidence of people behaving oddly, using the cover story of a gaseous hallucinogen being spread by domestic terrorists.

The Vampir are likely to be hiding in a building such as a hotel. This would allow them easy ingress and egress without need for invitation, and would hamper attempts to stop them as we can't take them in close combat easily. Hotel financial records will be checked for known ВАМПИР sources of funds and human operatives as much as possible.

Under no circumstances will ВАМПИР be engaged during this phase.


By morning, I hope to have the ВАМПИР team localized. Assuming this has been done, their vehicle or vehicles are be tracked by drone and by operatives of 404 mounted in police helicopters using magnification scopes. This is to ensure that they do not attempt to leave the vehicle. A diversion is to be then set up along the road they are using to divert traffic onto a side road, with the target being picked to have flooded ditches on either side. Army engineers are to pump water into the roadside ditches if they would not normally be full. Both sides are to be blocked off by the Virginia state police.

Once the traffic is sufficiently thinned out around the target vehicle, its engine is to be blown out by a hellfire missile from a high orbiting drone. 404 will then air assault from helicopters near the position, using the ditches to hamper the ability of the Vampir to employ cover and concealment. Helicopter and drone firepower will be directed to breach the Vampirs armored suits and expose them to sunlight to neutralize them.

Assuming ВАМПИР cannot be located on the first night, then all roads and bridges out of Washington are to be subject to high-pressure washes on the idea that there has been some kind of chemical spill which needs to be cleaned. 404 operatives will be posted on these exit roads to observe vehicles making sudden turns to avoid the water. These vehicles will then be tracked and stopped in isolated locals by 404 operatives with gunship and sniper cover.

That's the basic plan. We're still going to take heavy losses but it's easier here than in the arctic.
But, like, the codes are getting changed right?

We can't guard the exits forever but they can lay low forever and be undetectable.

As with the previous scenario, you are to assume that you must recover the launch codes, because otherwise why would you be asked to recover the launch codes in the first place?

Equally, you are safe to assume that Vampir will attempt to extract. Their mission is to steal the launch codes, not just hold on to them indefinitely while living in America. They don't like it there :V

4. Try to requisition some of those police riot vehicles that use sound cannons or whatever they're called. Would probably be very useful against Vampir agents. In fact, generally gather up anything with reasonable ultrasound capabilities. Anything to make these guys hold still long enough to work on killing them would be useful. I would assume aerosolized garlic grenades would also have been since developed, given the specific comparison to tear gas.

It's safe to assume that over the past few years that SOF 404 have developed some 'anti-vampire' devices within the bounds of both what is usable by a low observability team of conventional humans. So you can think along those lines. Gas grenades and disposable ultrasonic or infrasonic emitters for example. But it's worth noting that Vampir has access to military equipment, which includes gas masks and ear protection.


By morning, I hope to have the ВАМПИР team localized. Assuming this has been done, their vehicle or vehicles are be tracked by drone and by operatives of 404 mounted in police helicopters using magnification scopes. This is to ensure that they do not attempt to leave the vehicle. A diversion is to be then set up along the road they are using to divert traffic onto a side road, with the target being picked to have flooded ditches on either side. Army engineers are to pump water into the roadside ditches if they would not normally be full. Both sides are to be blocked off by the Virginia state police.

Once the traffic is sufficiently thinned out around the target vehicle, its engine is to be blown out by a hellfire missile from a high orbiting drone. 404 will then air assault from helicopters near the position, using the ditches to hamper the ability of the Vampir to employ cover and concealment. Helicopter and drone firepower will be directed to breach the Vampirs armored suits and expose them to sunlight to neutralize them.

Assuming ВАМПИР cannot be located on the first night, then all roads and bridges out of Washington are to be subject to high-pressure washes on the idea that there has been some kind of chemical spill which needs to be cleaned. 404 operatives will be posted on these exit roads to observe vehicles making sudden turns to avoid the water. These vehicles will then be tracked and stopped in isolated locals by 404 operatives with gunship and sniper cover.

That's the basic plan. We're still going to take heavy losses but it's easier here than in the arctic.

I like this plan, I think attempting to avert vehicles and staging an ambush is wise. Making use of their weakness to running water to trap them on the road in particular is clever, so long as you can get the water in the ditches running. Not an insurmountable issue (they can be carried across by a human operative), but a good tactic.

However, I don't think the pressure wash plan will work. There's probably some amount of depth needed for it to trigger the psychological aversion to rivers, which I think think you'd get with some water on the surface of a road. There's also the likely possibility that any vehicles are being driven by human operatives. If all the vampires are loaded up in the back of a truck, for example, it definitely won't work.
So is there a Master Vampire, like some big Dracula motherfucker who holds all the other vampires in his thrall and will wreck us like it's nothing? Or are they more like a Camarilla?

I'm just checking because if he's bad enough it would probably best to call the president and advise him to surrender to our dark master.

Also, do these vampires have true names? If so, I don't want to even try fucking with them unless we have it even if we need to do some occult research. Do we have any Intel from the Russians about this?
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So is there a Master Vampire, like some big Dracula motherfucker who holds all the other vampires in his thrall and will wreck us like it's nothing? Or are they more like a Camarilla?

I'm just checking because if he's bad enough it would probably best to call the president and advise him to surrender to our dark master.

As far as the mission goes there's no other vampires you need to worry about. I thought about creating specific vampires for the scenario but felt it overcomplicated the tactical planning (and also it would have taken longer to write).
As with the previous scenario, you are to assume that you must recover the launch codes, because otherwise why would you be asked to recover the launch codes in the first place?

Equally, you are safe to assume that Vampir will attempt to extract. Their mission is to steal the launch codes, not just hold on to them indefinitely while living in America. They don't like it there :V

Well then the most secure option is to call in bomb threats at the ports, shutting them down until the Vampires make their move.
At that point they will be easy to pick out.
Also, do these vampires have true names? If so, I don't want to even try fucking with them unless we have it even if we need to do some occult research. Do we have any Intel from the Russians about this?

I didn't see that you'd added this to just now. As far as anyone is aware, their names are just names and nothing from the Komi Base Incident would seem to suggest otherwise. You don't really have any occult resources. Apart from Vampir, neither do the Russians.
However, I don't think the pressure wash plan will work. There's probably some amount of depth needed for it to trigger the psychological aversion to rivers, which I think think you'd get with some water on the surface of a road. There's also the likely possibility that any vehicles are being driven by human operatives. If all the vampires are loaded up in the back of a truck, for example, it definitely won't work.

The Pressure wash is very much a go to hell plan honestly.

Like if we can't find them on the first night it's very likely they'll get out. Fortunately, we have good resources to do that, IE, the NSA and other domestic survellience programs.
The Pressure wash is very much a go to hell plan honestly.

Like if we can't find them on the first night it's very likely they'll get out. Fortunately, we have good resources to do that, IE, the NSA and other domestic survellience programs.

What about attempting to set up ambushes at the three ports? While realistically they could go anywhere, for the purposes of the scenario they are going to try to get to a boat in the Port of Baltimore.
What about attempting to set up ambushes at the three ports? While realistically they could go anywhere, for the purposes of the scenario they are going to try to get to a boat in the Port of Baltimore.

I mean, if we were to figure out what boat they're on, then the obvious move would be to sink it with them aboard and then blast them when they try to evade the incoming running sea water and then send divers down to get the cases.