Untitled Star Wars Holy Grail War Quest (In Witch SV Embraces the Insanity to Come)

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Scheduled vote count started by Cyberphilosipher on Jun 27, 2024 at 7:22 PM, finished with 15 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X]The Mark of the Caster: The Force is Energy, and like all things, it can be channeled contained, and released. Some are just better than others at it, even better than Jedi and Sith.
    [X]The Mark of the Lancer:A longer reach leads to a faster kill, and that alone means there are those in the galaxy who prefer the staff to the Sword.
Breaking the tie:

[X]The Mark of the Caster: The Force is Energy, and like all things, it can be channeled contained, and released. Some are just better than others at it, even better than Jedi and Sith.
A Game and a Plan
A Game and a Plan

(Celeste Morne POV)

[X]The Mark of the Caster: The Force is Energy, and like all things, it can be channeled contained, and released. Some are just better than others at it, even better than Jedi and Sith.

Celeste Morne, Jedi Shadow of the Order of the Jedi Knights!







The Mark burned under your armor, your amulet and with it you scanned your arm and looked at your companions.

They were in shock as well, the screaming of energy in the force had sent shockwaves across every single being that could feel it.

There was something afoot now, and it was bigger than you or anyone else.

Great…now this has to become more then a simple trade mission.

And like clockwork you went to thinking about what just happened.

Because clearly things were afoot now.

Learning Check: Lets Figure out whats going on!
DC: 90/100/120
Rolled: D100 + 28 => 85

"I have no idea what this is!" You shouted as smoke began to rise out of the floor.

Poison gas, how typical.


Morne, Kenobi, and Jinn's Excellent Escape!
Rolled: D100 => 89

You sighed and put away your lightsaber.

"Well you were right about one thing Master the Negotiations were short." Obi-Wan snarked.

"Well kriff me, I wasn't hoping for an aggressive positioning. But here we are now….do you two always get into this shit?" You said.

"Yes." They both said.

"Well we can only hope that Grevious is having a better time then I am?" You said.


Meanwhile with Grevious!: D100 => 16

General Grevious spat at the Naboo Officer. "The fact you are considering to shoot me means your either dumb or just plainly stupid!"

"Knock off scumbag, the fact you weren't turned into vapor when you landed means we are being VERY civil hear." Panaka said calmly.

He calmly sighed. "You may choose your next words very carefully Captain, I've killed men for less."

"Take him to lock up, The Mid Rim Security Council will decide your fate, Scum." He said.


(Morne POV)

"Oh who am I kidding he's probably gotten into a fight already." You said.

"Well, at least we can say that it hasn't gotten worse." Obi-Wan said rubbing his arm.

"It can always get worse.But be mindful of the here and now, not the future." Qui Gon said.

"Oh.. yes…the present-minded sort, by the force Revan would have been weird around you?" You said.

"Well do you have a plan?"


The Escape:D100 => 64
Another happy Landing?: D100 => 84

"I am never listening to you again!" You said as Qui Gon dusted himself of.

"You have no imagination…we landed close to the City this time, what joy." He said.

What do you do now?:
(Choose 2)

[]The Queen and the Shadow: Officially, your are the Jedi Deligation, and that means sitting in on the boring meetings. OH JOY!

[]Study the Mark!: Okay this is going to be important, might as well give it a good study.

[]A Grevious Bail: Oh, he got arrested again? What did he do this time!?

[]One thing, Invasion: Ahh, an Invasion force is arriving. That can't be good, Time to give your host only bad choices.

[]Annoy Padme: You have no idea why, but you feel like being that annoying Aunt.

[]Talk to Qui Gon and Obi Wan: Time for mission talk…why are they really here.

AN: Well Time for the Real fun to beguin!
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[x]Annoy Padme: You have no idea why, but you feel like being that annoying Aunt.

[x]Talk to Qui Gon and Obi Wan: Time for mission talk…why are they really here.
[X]A Grevious Bail: Oh, he got arrested again? What did he do this time!?

[X]One thing, Invasion: Ahh, an Invasion force is arriving. That can't be good, Time to give your host only bad choices.
[x]A Grevious Bail: Oh, he got arrested again? What did he do this time!?

[x]Annoy Padme: You have no idea why, but you feel like being that annoying Aunt.

the fact that we are friends with grievous and are not surprised he got arrested, really shows we are the only person who truly knows grievious and how much of an asocial person he is.
[X]A Grevious Bail: Oh, he got arrested again? What did he do this time!?

[X]One thing, Invasion: Ahh, an Invasion force is arriving. That can't be good, Time to give your host only bad choices.
[X]A Grevious Bail: Oh, he got arrested again? What did he do this time!?

[X]Annoy Padme: You have no idea why, but you feel like being that annoying Aunt.
[x]A Grevious Bail: Oh, he got arrested again? What did he do this time!?

[x]Annoy Padme: You have no idea why, but you feel like being that annoying Aunt.
[X]A Grevious Bail: Oh, he got arrested again? What did he do this time!?

[X]One thing, Invasion: Ahh, an Invasion force is arriving. That can't be good, Time to give your host only bad choices
....An oddly fitting ruler would probably be post-force Kreia. Given her equal disdain of both the Jedi and Sith.

If it weren't for the fact she'd probably just use the situation as a chance to try and pull something.

Also, if DARTH Kreia gets summoned. Shut her down cause her end-game is KILLING THE FORCE!
Post FOrce Kreia is a literal corpse.

Given that the Force is just Life energy created by life existing.

Her plan is basically Xenocide.
Was referring to when she lost her powers, becoming just an old lady instead of a force user. The topic of the Force is COMPLICATED...

I mean, it was basically a given that the technique which cuts force users from the force was garanteed lethal.

...Up until Darth Kreia's apprentices tried to kill her with it, unknowingly leaving a depowered, but relieved with the clarity of escaping the dark side old lady whom would go on to teach the force anomaly that was the other in legends whom cut themselves from the Force. Or more specifically, the technique cuts the ability for force users to pull on their connection of the force, which would cause most force users to die from the shock of losing that strength of connection. 🤷‍♂️
The Force is a Fundimenal Tether of Life in the Universe, take it away 9/10 you die horribly.
There is a REASON she didn't want to continue the plan the moment she was no longer hopped up on dark side energies.But funnily enough, given that canonically the core reason the force server technique being so lethal is purely the psychological shock of losing something they see as almost fundamental to themselves.(The two exceptions are Kria, which only saw that as relief because of the knowledge that caused her to fall in the first place, and the protag that subconsciously done it to keep their mind from breaking.) If a large scale version was done and functionally the same, the casualty list would be pretty low, other than killing nearly every Jedi and Sith and presumably most members of the force orders.

But some species would be screwed either way like the Miraluka.
....Didn't know this. But apparently in the showmovie, Qui Gon had a lot of un with the fact he could tell the Queen was disguising herself as one of her handmaidens. :D

Could be fun if our MC winds up somewhat double-teaming poor Padme when/if we end up on TantoineTatooine looking or a replacement hyperdrive.
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Hey guys...

I'm sorry that i've been quiet on this thing, its just I've lost my notes and I'm feeling overwhelmed by the scale I seemed to put myself in.

But I realized when trying to rebuild it, that the world my dice made is literally more interesting then the Fate Stay Night part and decided.

Scrap the Quest, take the world, and give you a better adventure quest with it.

So...yeah, you'll be seeing more of this world.

Also for spoilers sake, I have one more thing to tell you...

The Supreme Chancellor is-

*Redacted by orders of the Office of the Senate!*

Well hope you guys like the weird canon I made, because we're gonna see more of it.
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