The Needle
You truly notice how tired the man is. Even though he just woke up, he seems to have exhausted himself a lot. All that brain power. You start to slowly sing him a song, soft, and sleepy. The man's eyes droop slightly.
Once again, he lunges forward, though you step out of the way. He falls forward, rapier falling from his hand an away from him. You keep singing, and he stops trying to get up. Soon enough, the man is snoring again.
You won! But you didn't earn any money or anything, and picking his pocket would be wrong, so you don't do that. You take a moment to catch your own breath. The path is clear. You stand, and walk through the narrow passage. You wonder how that man was even remotely comfortable.
As you walk, you notice several things. Old, worn down buildings. A busted down street, which you are walking on. It smells, kind of horribly. No wonder no one lives here. Well, perhaps that maniac lives here somewhere. He's probably watching you, if not following you. You turn around, but no one was there. You let out a sigh of relief, and keep trudging forward.
There it is. A door. Probably the door out of the ruins. You've seen a lot of doors, but this one looks important. A great big high arching door. It's got some sort of symbol on it. And, it's open.
You realize you still haven't seen Jordan, and you have no idea where she is.
Just before you step through the door, something catches your eye. It's a needle. But it has two things in it. In fact, it looks exactly like the one that mad was carrying. An Essence Extractor.
What do you do?
[] Take it.
[] Leave it alone.
[] Smash it.
[] Save
[] Load