[x] Plan: Be Prepared (Skills and Friendships) -[x] Helen
--[x] Skills: Pistols (1SP), Martial Arts (2SP, K'Leto)
--[x] Friendships: K'Leto D'vaugnas (2 FP)
--[x] Perks: Slipping the Leash (K'Leto), The Underworld (K'Leto) -[x] Burt
--[x] Skills: Ritual Magic (Medicine) (1 SP, Dr. Herrica), Esoteric Medicine (Alchemy) (1 SP, Dr. Herrica), History (Occult) (1 SP, Tama)
--[x] Friendships: Tama D'vaugnas (1 FP), Dr. Bejen Herrica (1 FP)
--[x] Perk: Forbidden Knowledge (Tama) -[x] Eddie
--[x] Skills: Dreams (2 SP, Dr. Kokotomi), Ritual Magic (Witchboard Operation) (1 SP, Tama)
--[x] Friendships: Tama D'vaugnas (1 FP), Dr. Bata Kokotomi (1 FP)
--[x] Perk: Forbidden Knowledge (Tama) -[x] Maribel
--[x] Skills: Aeromancy: Tulpas (2 SP, Mage Tethys), Aeromancy (1 SP, Mage Tethys)
--[x] Friendships: Mage Tethys (2 FP) -[x] Roberta
--[x] Skills: Mechanic (Robotics) (2 SP, Ayama), Tactics (1 SP, Director Esau)
--[x] Friendships: Ayama Kokotomi (1 FP), Director Cornelius Esau (1 FP)
--[x] Perk: A 5th Column is You (Ayama)
This took me an hour and a half, because I had to reference it with our last set of choices which didn't make it to the character sheets somehow. I almost had Eddie learn Occult and Burt learn Ritual Magic, making their skillsets identical instead of specialising them.
Also there are too many similar skills. I suppose this could be the reason why we are learning them at such a fast rate, but it's hard to keep track of the differences between Guns (Pistol), Guns (Rifle), and Guns (Shotgun) and all the different kinds of Martial Arts and Mechanics.
I almost wish there was an option to completely autolevel other characters. At least then the choice of PoV would have additional weight.
Alright, so the plan is as follows:
Bobbi and Helen are preparing the grounds for the escape, should we choose to flee, allowing Helen to slip out into the city, and Roberta to contact Pat. It might be left unused, but "to have and not need" etc. This also leaves Burt not requiring Tama's permission to leave the city with Corporate Supervision, because he won't be leaving. Instead... I suppose he could unlock his psychokinesis, but it's hardly a unique perk. Perhaps he and Eddie could both make use of the Eldritch Library? Just so Eddie has some adult supervision and not grab the first Necronomicon he happens upon.
I forgot, is the library perk applicable only to the character that has it? It would make sense for it to be, since Tama doesn't trust people with Eldritch knowledge after the Val incident.
(we only have 3 days until the major decision; we may no longer have access to the library afterwards. It might be prudent to scour it for anything that could be immediately useful to us)
I could switch his Perk back to Corporate Supervision if people think we might have a use for it.
Burt picks up the basics of esoteric medicine skills and ritual medicinal magic, while pumping Tama for occult knowledge. Eddie works on his magical skills and learns to control his dreams. Maribel spends time with mage Tethys, trying to learn all she can from a senior Aeromancer. Helen is working on her martial arts to present at least some challenge to K'Leto during their spars, and Roberta keeps improving her mechanical skills and maybe branch out into the combat tree.
Edit: might as well put the action plan here too. It's the summary of the post above.
[x] Plan: Where do we go from here (Actions) -[x] Evidence Ayama uncovered suggests Patricia Savage and her crimefighting gang (Colonel Grung, Professor Poseidon, Nicky Junior and Dame Csenia) are planning a rescue/kidnapping of your group (or possible just Eddie) during a protest/riot planned three days from now.
--[x] Call the family conference, tell Eddie and the others so you could reach a decision. -[x] Sologoth is a city of political unrest and racial tension. Not that there's anything you can do about it, but do you have any thoughts or plans?
--[x] Keep a low profile. It means there will be no shortage of people who may want to use you, or at least deny you to the other party. There is danger and opportunities, and we should be aware of both. -[x] Eddie will do the Ritual (whatever that is) in three days. Do you want to do anything about this?
--[x] He may have the right to know. Decide at the family conference whether it is worth the risk of attending.
--[x] Goosie is willing to allow it if Eddie chooses to go through with it. -[x] What should Goosie do?
--[x] Buddy up more to K'Leto (Requires K'Leto's Perk: Slipping the Leash).
--[x] Stop smoking so much weed, you pothead! -[x] You have decisions to make. Who do you side with?
--[x] Hold the family conference - and possibly, a vote? Decide it then.
--[x] Goosie's preference is Pat Savage. She doesn't know much about her, but she suspects she'd like her outlook on a lot of things more than Tama's. -[x] Anything else you would like to add? Any ideas or plans?
--[x] Try to discreetly find out how to keep what you know hidden from a powerful gnostic. Maybe don't hang out with K'Jala too much until the whole thing settles. -[x] Who should be the next chapter's POV? Rank from most preferred (5) to least preferred (1). Default vote is Helen (5) and everyone else (0)
--[x] Eddie (5)
The updated Character Sheets are nested within the spoiler tabs under Party Skill Increases at the end of the chapter.
I'll just recopy them here for clarification, and I suppose later I'll update the Character Sheets on the Threadmark (though I was sort of assuming no one was reading those anymore). Party Skill Increases
Burt has gained Language: Toloran (Accented)
Burt has gained Skill in: Fencing
Burt has gained Skill in: First Aid
Burt has gained Skill in: History (Occult)
Burt has gained Skill in: Meditation
Burt has gained Skill in: Mental Strength
Burt has unlocked Perk: Mind to Mind
Burt has unlocked Perk: Twin Telepathy
Burt's Character Sheet
Herbert "Pookie" Springwell
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2
Weight: 170lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Bookish, lanky. Wears hornrim glasses.
Strength: Good
Dexterity: Above-Average
Intelligence: Near Genius
Perception: Good
Willpower: Good
Health: Good
Academic (Moderate bonus to academic and research-related skills).
Antiquarian (Moderate bonus to history, literature and other related skills)
Language Talent (Note: Burt isn't particularly aware of this)
Slightly Nearsighted (Wears glasses)
Worries a lot
Skeptical, levelheaded
A bit of a square
Special bond with twin sister.
New Skills are Yellow.
English (Native)
Latin (Fluent)
'Germanese' (Accented, Written)
Toloran (Accented)
Mental Skills
Computer Operation +5
First Aid +6 (***)
History (America, 19th and 20th Century) +5
History (Occult) +2
Literature +6
Medicine +5
Meditation +0
Mental Strength +2
Research +8
Writing +6
Physical Skills
Driving (Automobile) +2
Fencing ---
Guns (Shotgun) +1
Muy Thuy Kickboxing +1
Minor wound to chest (pellet) (mostly healed)
Superficial wound to upper right arm (pellet) (mostly healed)
Helen has gained Language: Toloran
Helen has gained Skill: Fencing
Helen has gained Skill: Guns (Pistol)
Helen has gained Skill: Meditation
Helen has gained Perk: Mind to Mind
Helen has gained Perk: Twin Telepathy
Helen's Character Sheet
Helen "Goosie" Springwell
(Hebert's twin sister)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9
Weight: 130lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Light brown
Pretty, lanky, tomboy
Strength: Average
Dexterity: Very Good
Intelligence: Bright
Perception: Good
Willpower: Good
Health: Good
Artificer (Slight bonus to mechanical related skills).
Musical Ability (Slight bonus to music-related skills)
Natural Athlete (Moderate Bonus to athletic skills)
College dropout
Tomboy, snarky, reckless
A little unstable
Special bond with twin brother.
New Skills are Yellow
English (Native)
Toloran (Accented)
Mental Skills
Artist (Drawing) +2
Computer Operation +4
Mechanic (Classic Automobiles) +4
Mechanic (Generators) +2
Meditation ---
Musical Instrument (Drums) +3
Physical Skills
Bicycling +8
Driving (Automobile) +5
Driving (Motorcycle) +6
Fencing +3
Guns (Pistol) +4
Guns (Rifle) +4
Muy Thuy Kickboxing +5
Skateboarding +7
Sports (Softball) +7
Eddie gained Language: Toloran
Eddie has gained Skill in Computer Programming
Eddie has gained Skill in Philosophy (Applied Platonics)
Eddie has gained Skill in Ritual Magic
Eddie has gained Skill in Runology (Dwarven)
Eddie has gained Skill in Runology (Jahannan)
Eddie has unlocked Perk: Story Time with Uncle Widari
Eddie's has Leveled Up his Occultist Talent
Eddie's Character Sheet
Edward Springwell
(Herbert's little brother)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 140lbs
Hair: Dark blond (dyed black)
Eyes (Blue)
Lip rings. Skinny, gloomy teenager
Strength: Average
Dexterity: Above-Average
Intelligence: Genius
Perception: Very Good
Willpower: Good
Health: Good
Wizard (World-Jumper)
Computer Wizard (Slight bonus to computer related skills)
Occultist (Moderate bonus to Occult related skills)
Poet (Moderate bonus to writing-related skills)
Straw Nihilist
Gloomy, sullen, snarky
Plays pen-n-paper RPGs
Drinks cough syrup
Kind of lazy
New Skills are Yellow
English (Native)
Toloran (Accented)
Mental Skills
Computer Operation (Tech Level 8 (modern)) +6
Computer Programming (Tech Level 7x) +2
Fast Talk +3
Hobbies (role-playing games, video games, science-fiction novels) +6
Mental Strength +3
Philosophy (Applied Platonics) +2
Ritual Magic (Witchboard Operation) +3
Runology (Dwarven) +2
Runology (Jahannan) +2
Writing +9
Physical Skills
Bicycling +2
Maribel has gained Language: Toloran
Maribel has gained Skill in: Aeromancy
Maribel has gained Skill in Dreams
Maribel has gained Skill in Mental Strength
Maribel has gained Skill in Runology (Jahannan)
Maribel has Leveled Up Talent: Aeromancy
Maribel's Character Sheet
Maribel Springwell
(Hebert's little sister (adopted))
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Height: 4'8
Weight: 80lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Little girl. Black. Usually keeps hair in ponytail.
Strength: Weak
Dexterity: Good
Intelligence: Near Genius
Perception: Good
Willpower: Very Good
Health: Good
Wizard +1 (Aeromancer, possibly a minor World-Jumper)
Psientist (Heavy bonus for Psi related skills)
Gets into mischief
Interested in the paranormal
Likes video games, anime
Thinks Helen is cool
New Skills are Yellow
English (Native)
Toloran (Accented)
Mental Skills
Computer Operation +5
Dreams +1
Hobbies (anime, video games, and the paranormal lore) +5
Magic (Aeromancy) +3
Mental Strength +7
Runology (Jahannan) ---
Physical Skills
Bicycling +5
Driving (Motorcycle, dirtbike) +4
Skateboard +3
Sports (Soccer) +4
Tae Kwon Do +3
Moderate wound to right hand (2nd degree burn) (Almost healed)
Moderate wound to left hand (2nd degree burn) (Almost healed)
Roberta has gained Language: Toloran
Roberta has gained Skill in Computer Operation (Tech Level 7x)
Roberta has gained Skill in Guns (Pistol)
Roberta has gained Skill in Mechanic (Robotics, Tech Level 7x)
Roberta has unlocked Perk: Phreaking the Grid
Roberta "Bobbi" Zacarias
(Helen's Girlfriend)
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7
Weight: 160lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Butch, 'bad boy' style, tattoos
Strength: Above-Average
Dexterity: Good
Intelligence: Clever
Perception: Above-Average
Willpower: Good
Health: Good
Artificer (Moderate bonus to mechanical related skills)
Driver's Reflexes (Slight bonus to driving related skills)
Musical Ability(Slight bonus to music-related skills)
The skills can rise cheaply at first, but the cost increases as they go up. It's easier to be a Jack of All Trades than a Master of One--of course, this varies with attributes and talents.
but it's hard to keep track of the differences between Guns (Pistol), Guns (Rifle), and Guns (Shotgun) and all the different kinds of Martial Arts and Mechanics.
The various sub-skills do default to each to some degree. If you're good with a pistol, you're at least decent with a rifle, etc. Martial Arts is a lot more complicated, but I don't plan on cracking open GURPS Marital Arts unless it really comes down to it. I did itemize K'Leto's fencing skills, though (Tolorans favor a sort of pseudo-Italian style).
I almost wish there was an option to completely autolevel other characters. At least then the choice of PoV would have additional weight.
I suppose going forward I could allow that option. If the voter doesn't specify, then the non-POV party members will pick what they want. I figured that would be unpopular with the readers, since they'd want a say in how the rest of the party levels up.
On the hand, who are these hypothetical readers? For all I know, you and elarasilk are the only ones who've read the chapter, so I guess whatever you guys want goes.
I forgot, is the library perk applicable only to the character that has it? It would make sense for it to be, since Tama doesn't trust people with Eldritch knowledge after the Val incident.
Very true. Each character has to invest the 2FP into Tama to get access to the Eldritch library, and even then he's going to monitor what you do. He isn't going to make the same mistake twice.
If the voter doesn't specify, then the non-POV party members will pick what they want. I figured that would be unpopular with the readers, since they'd want a say in how the rest of the party levels up.
Actually, I think that would be an improvement! Alternatively, you could consider having past votes start to narrow down present/future options, signifying that once you've started training in one skill that the character would prefer to continue learning it/ would have a resistance to learning something else...?
Actually, I think that would be an improvement! Alternatively, you could consider having past votes start to narrow down present/future options, signifying that once you've started training in one skill that the character would prefer to continue learning it/ would have a resistance to learning something else...?
Going forward, I'll have an 'autolevel' for non-POV party members, with the option of altering this in plans if the voter specifies (though with certain SP/FP being locked in). That should simplify voting, hopefully.
I don't know about narrowing options, though. Just because Roberta studies Mechanics a lot doesn't mean she'll won't be able to train on something else if the situation warrants. On the other hand, I may limit options (e.g. Roberta can train in Guns, Mechanics, Martial Arts, etc).
It's worth noting Eddie's appearance (and Aunt Esha, and the World Stone) is for Tama an unbelievably amazing windfall (he even puts it as, 'the fates have bestowed'). Despite his ego and obsessions, even he never thought he would be this lucky.
I kinda feel bad for him if we choose to escape his, er, hospitality. Tactless and presumptious though he may be, he doen't deserve being toyed with; having the truth of the world in his grasp only for it to elude him at the last moment. No doubt he'd think us ungrateful.
But then I remember that we don't get to escape with Eisha, and I feel bad for her more, awakening in foreign land with no immediate family around.
...and half our artifacts will likely remain with him, too. We'd be lucky to grab a Heartstone on the way out.
The inner magpie in me may just talk me into staying.
Of course they would believe him. Or at least, they would believe he saw something. Whether it is true would be anyone's guess, and that includes him.
I got a sudden desire to read up on everything we know about Platonics. The mention of thoughtforms and the Heartstones being artefacts from Vendi-Ka lands make me think they are connected to the underground Palace. Is the Ritual about making one's thoughts and ideas a reality? Is this what the final transformation will be like?
...imagining an ideal world created by Tama makes me smile. It won't be found wanting for giant gold statues, of that I'm sure!
Going forward, I'll have an 'autolevel' for non-POV party members, with the option of altering this in plans if the voter specifies (though with certain SP/FP being locked in). That should simplify voting, hopefully.
I'd say having the character preferences known simplified the choices for me. Even when I disagreed with them, it gave me a point of reference, making me compare two paths and better articulate what I wanted. For example, Burt's perk disagreed with what I imagined I wanted (Helen and Bobby conspiracy), so he ended up helping Eddie make his choice and providing oversight with his newfound Occult knowledge.
I had most trouble with picking new skills for characters. I just changed one of Roberta's skills to Tactics, because we want someone on the team to know a thing or two, and the rest are neck deep in mage stuff, but does Bobby even have a knack for it? Wouldn't it look better on Eddie and his ridiculous INT honed by hours of strategy gaming? What about Helen, would she benefit more from Martial Arts, or from Fencing? She has a melee weapon, but she is a lot more proficient in unarmed combat. What's her preferred style? I know I want Burt to learn Magical Medicine and Alchemy, but which skills are best for that?
And worse than that, I am agonizing over picking skills that I don't know we'd get to make use of! All that Runology and Mechanics (Robotics) won't come into play until later, possibly much later.
Automatic levelling indicating character preferences, and some direction would help me a lot with making choices like that.
I got a sudden desire to read up on everything we know about Platonics. The mention of thoughtforms and the Heartstones being artefacts from Vendi-Ka lands make me think they are connected to the underground Palace.
Heartstones are quite possibly Precursor tech. He hat's the prevailing theory, though some historians think the Vendi learned how to manufacture their own by the end. Thoughtforms, or tulpas, are a (relatively) mundane phenomena among magic schools, and not specifically related to the Precursors. The science behind thoughtforms involves the fields of Platonics and runology, but in essence they're imaginary friends made real with magic. Sentient and semi-autonomous, but fundamentally derived from the sorcerer.
'Golems' are generally defined as a type of tulpa with an independent substance behind it. Vek's shields-on-wheels are golems; Zizzy's Teaky Reek is not.
I'd say having the character preferences known simplified the choices for me. Even when I disagreed with them, it gave me a point of reference, making me compare two paths and better articulate what I wanted.
I had most trouble with picking new skills for characters. I just changed one of Roberta's skills to Tactics, because we want someone on the team to know a thing or two, and the rest are neck deep in mage stuff, but does Bobby even have a knack for it? Wouldn't it look better on Eddie and his ridiculous INT honed by hours of strategy gaming?
Roberta? Not especially (it's not her talent), but it couldn't hurt. Eddie, having a higher IQ stat, would do better on that alone, but would he be interested in learning tactics for combat? Perhaps, if the situation somehow called for it, but there's other things he rather learn.
That leads me to favor the idea of limiting skill options for non-POV characters. On the other hand, even a limited list of skills (i.e. things Eddie would be willing to study) would be prohibitively long. So for this I think I'll leave the options open, but encourage the reader to try to stay in character.
What about Helen, would she benefit more from Martial Arts, or from Fencing? She has a melee weapon, but she is a lot more proficient in unarmed combat. What's her preferred style?
Strictly speaking, Martial Arts are more useful, since it's not like Helen walks around with a rapier. Guns would of course be better, if it comes to a real fight. The only Martial Art she knows is Muay Thai Kickboxing (a pure striking style). K'Leto knows Swannish styles(mostly pseudo-Judo, but some striking), but it's not like Helen would have to start from scratch when learning a new Martial Art. If comes to it, I'll rename the Muay Thai skill 'Martial Art' and list the fancy names as sub-skill styles with specific moves.
I know I want Burt to learn Magical Medicine and Alchemy, but which skills are best for that?
Looks like you're down the right path with Esoteric Medicine and Ritual Magic (Medicine).
And worse than that, I am agonizing over picking skills that I don't know we'd get to make use of! All that Runology and Mechanics (Robotics) won't come into play until later, possibly much later.
Agreed. It's a very specific situation where Mechanics (Robotics) is useful. That said, there is Samael, though Ayama would be far more skilled at repairing the android anyway.
Automatic levelling indicating character preferences, and some direction would help me a lot with making choices like that.
Evidence Ayama uncovered suggests Patricia Savage and her crimefighting gang (Colonel Grung, Professor Poseidon, Nicky Junior and Dame Csenia) are planning a rescue/kidnapping of your group (or possible just Eddie) during a protest/riot planned three days from now. Eddie seems to be on Team Tama, and if you tell Eddie, he may tell Tama, which would endanger Pat and may cost Ayama her internship. And Pat may only rescue/kidnap Eddie, separating you from your brother. Currently, only you and Bobbi know of Pat's supposed plans. Do you:
[x]Tell Eddie and the others, regardless of the consequences. You may not agree with what Eddie wants, but he should be able to make his own decisions.
Sologoth is a city of political unrest and racial tension. Not that there's anything you can do about it, but do you have any thoughts or plans?
[x] You haven't even stepped outside. How do you know the other side is any better? Besides, not your world, not your problem.
K'Leto knows a way to sneak out of D'vaugnas Tower. Perhaps you can learn this from her? (Bear in mind K'Leto is going back to school in a few days).
[x] Buddy up more to K'Leto (Requires K'Leto's Perk: Slipping the Leash).
Goosie will soon run out of marijuana. What do?
[x] Buddy up to the hippy hydromancer Ros Everich (Requires 1 FP investment with Ros)
You have decisions to make. Who do you side with?
[x] Pat Savage is a pulp hero of renown, and stopping Ironbone is vitally important for the whole Ring. Let's join the Pat Party!
[ ] Write in.
Who should be the next chapter's POV? Rank from most preferred (5) to least preferred (1). Default vote is Helen (5) and everyone else (0)
[4] Burt
[5] Helen (Default)
[3] Eddie
[2] Maribel
[1] Roberta
Since I'm not going to start on the next chapter for a week or so, I'll postpone the deadline a while longer, in case there's anyone else who wants to vote. So far it looks like Eddie's next POV, which is something new.
I've been weirdly busy with work since getting back from out of town, but making time to read this this evening!
Ooo that's what tulpas are here. That makes sense.
<<She waggles her head. "Friendly enough. For a Sea Devil. Odd conversationalist, but then he only communicates through gnosis, since his monster mouth can't form human speech. He used to be human though, a thousand years ago. That's what happens when you have fish in your bloodline. Your eyes bulge out, your mouths gets wide. You turn completely by the time you're fifty, but that's not too wretched a fate. You live forever. A fair trade.">>
I just kinda assumed those folks had always had that sort of appearance! Iiiinteresting.
<<Southside Fort Worth>>
Oh hey, that's where I grew up!
<<"You saw my mother? Then she saw you. And if she saw you . . . .">>
Ah hah hah, this is fun.
Also, neat that weed maybe helps you astrally project, at least the first time? And the Ganzfeld technique
Glad K'Leto isn't pissed specifically at us about it. I kinda like her.
<<Eddie snorts. "So he's all like, 'How do you do, fellow kids?'"
Widari laughs again, harder; you cover your nose. "Yes!" He claps Eddie on the shoulder. "Yes! That is Tama!...">>
Hahaha, memes are relateable even across realms.
Evidence Ayama uncovered suggests Patricia Savage and her crimefighting gang (Colonel Grung, Professor Poseidon, Nicky Junior and Dame Csenia) are planning a rescue/kidnapping of your group (or possible just Eddie) during a protest/riot planned three days from now. Eddie seems to be on Team Tama, and if you tell Eddie, he may tell Tama, which would endanger Pat and may cost Ayama her internship. And Pat may only rescue/kidnap Eddie, separating you from your brother. Currently, only you and Bobbi know of Pat's supposed plans. Do you:
[X] Tell Eddie and the others, regardless of the consequences. You may not agree with what Eddie wants, but he should be able to make his own decisions.
Sologoth is a city of political unrest and racial tension. Not that there's anything you can do about it, but do you have any thoughts or plans?
[X] Bobbi is right. The system is corrupt and needs to be torn down. Viva la revolución!
Eddie will do the Ritual (whatever that is) in three days. Do you want to do anything about this?
[X] Seeing it from Eddie's perspective
K'Leto knows a way to sneak out of D'vaugnas Tower. Perhaps you can learn this from her? (Bear in mind K'Leto is going back to school in a few days).
[X] Buddy up more to K'Leto (Requires K'Leto's Perk: Slipping the Leash).
Goosie will soon run out of marijuana. What do?
[X] Buddy up with Valree and get some from her. (Requires 1 FP investment with Valree)
You have decisions to make. Who do you side with?
[X] Pat Savage is a pulp hero of renown, and stopping Ironbone is vitally important for the whole Ring. Let's join the Pat Party!
Who should be the next chapter's POV? Rank from most preferred (5) to least preferred (1). Default vote is Helen (5) and everyone else (0)
[X] Eddie
Helen: Photography; K'Leto, Valree; Slipping the Leash
Tulpa is a very broad term (with golems being a subset). There's a quite a contrast between the Zizzy's lively Teaky Reek and Vek's utilitarian metal-shield-on-wheels.
<<She waggles her head. "Friendly enough. For a Sea Devil. Odd conversationalist, but then he only communicates through gnosis, since his monster mouth can't form human speech. He used to be human though, a thousand years ago. That's what happens when you have fish in your bloodline. Your eyes bulge out, your mouths gets wide. You turn completely by the time you're fifty, but that's not too wretched a fate. You live forever. A fair trade.">>
I just kinda assumed those folks had always had that sort of appearance! Iiiinteresting.
Professor Poseidon (not his real name!) and other Deep Ones are lifted directly from H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, specifically, his novel, The Shadow Over Innsmouth.
<<Southside Fort Worth>>
Oh hey, that's where I grew up!
I enjoy writing her. And it's interesting to show that while her father is a hypocrite, K'Leto herself is pretty unfair to him. Not wanting your seventeen year old daughter smoking isn't exactly the height of tyranny.
<<Eddie snorts. "So he's all like, 'How do you do, fellow kids?'"
Widari laughs again, harder; you cover your nose. "Yes!" He claps Eddie on the shoulder. "Yes! That is Tama!...">>
This would almost be a tie (two for Elarasilk, two for Nevill), but changing Helen's bit technically makes it a different plan. So it looks like Nevill's plan will win, but I'll wait until Sunday evening, since I'm not ready to start writing anyway. Regardless, this will be a very short chapter, and I really mean it this time. The next choice in the story will come up quickly, so the Skill/Friendship Plan will be 'in the queue' until enough time passes.
Also, I'm starting a story (not a quest) called, Every World a Tomb: A Sky Opera. It's set during Jahanna's Age of Sail Balloon (about 350 years ago), with the main character being a Vendi Heavy Marine mercenary. It's been bouncing around in my head for a while, and hopefully, maybe, a couple readers will like it enough to check out Uncle Grubb. We'll see.
Evidence Ayama uncovered suggests Patricia Savage and her crimefighting gang (Colonel Grung, Professor Poseidon, Nicky Junior and Dame Csenia) are planning a rescue/kidnapping of your group (or possible just Eddie) during a protest/riot planned three days from now. Eddie seems to be on Team Tama, and if you tell Eddie, he may tell Tama, which would endanger Pat and may cost Ayama her internship. And Pat may only rescue/kidnap Eddie, separating you from your brother. Currently, only you and Bobbi know of Pat's supposed plans. Do you:
[3] Tell Eddie and the others, regardless of the consequences. You may not agree with what Eddie wants, but he should be able to make his own decisions.
[ ] Tell Eddie, but ask him not to tell Tama (this may not go over so well).
[ ] Tell no one. Let Pat try whatever she's going to do. You don't want to throw Pat and Ayama under the bus, and Eddie shouldn't be hanging out with a supervillain anyway. If she rescues him, it'll be for his own good.
[ ] Tell no one, and ask Ayama to use her sources to contact Pat. That way, you can help her plan the rescue from the inside. (Requires Roberta and/or Helen to purchase Ayama's Perk: A 5th Column is You).
[2] Call the family conference, tell Eddie and the others so you could reach a decision.
Sologoth is a city of political unrest and racial tension. Not that there's anything you can do about it, but do you have any thoughts or plans?
[2] Bobbi is right. The system is corrupt and needs to be torn down. Viva la revolución!
[1] You haven't even stepped outside. How do you know the other side is any better? Besides, not your world, not your problem.
[2] Keep a low profile. It means there will be no shortage of people who may want to use you, or at least deny you to the other party. There is danger and opportunities, and we should be aware of both.
Eddie will do the Ritual (whatever that is) in three days. Do you want to do anything about this?
[2] Ahh? Ahhhhhhh! No idea! Be Eddie?/Seeing it from Eddie's perspective
[2] He may have the right to know. Decide at the family conference whether it is worth the risk of attending.
[2] Goosie is willing to allow it if Eddie chooses to go through with it.
K'Leto knows a way to sneak out of D'vaugnas Tower. Perhaps you can learn this from her? (Bear in mind K'Leto is going back to school in a few days).
[4] Buddy up more to K'Leto (Requires K'Leto's Perk: Slipping the Leash).
[1] No, not right now.
[ ] Write in.
Goosie will soon run out of marijuana. What do?
[2] Buddy up with Valree and get some from her. (Requires 1 FP investment with Valree)
[1] Buddy up to the hippy hydromancer Ros Everich (Requires 1 FP investment with Ros)
[2] Stop smoking so much weed, you pothead!
[ ] Write in.
You have decisions to make. Who do you side with?
[1] As narcissist megalomaniacs go, Tama isn't so bad, and his Duellona Expedition actually sounds kind of fun. Let's go Team Tama!
[3] Pat Savage is a pulp hero of renown, and stopping Ironbone is vitally important for the whole Ring. Let's join the Pat Party!
[1] Ahh? Ahhhhhhh! No idea!
[2] Hold the family conference - and possibly, a vote? Decide it then.
--[2] Goosie's preference is Pat Savage. She doesn't know much about her, but she suspects she'd like her outlook on a lot of things more than Tama's.
Anything else you would like to add? Any ideas or plans?
[1] Very lost puppies here. Be nice to hook up with Aunt Esha, get enough skills and resources to strike out on our own somehow, rather than being squished between Pat and Tama, but the route from here to there isn't obvious, so I think a certain amount of "let it ride" is the plan for now.
[2] Try to discreetly find out how to keep what you know hidden from a powerful gnostic. Maybe don't hang out with K'Jala too much until the whole thing settles.
Who should be the next chapter's POV? Rank from most preferred (5) to least preferred (1). Default vote is Helen (5) and everyone else (0)
[7] Burt
[9] Helen (Default)
[23] Eddie
[4] Maribel
[2] Roberta
Winning Vote Evidence Ayama uncovered suggests Patricia Savage and her crimefighting gang (Colonel Grung, Professor Poseidon, Nicky Junior and Dame Csenia) are planning a rescue/kidnapping of your group (or possible just Eddie) during a protest/riot planned three days from now. Eddie seems to be on Team Tama, and if you tell Eddie, he may tell Tama, which would endanger Pat and may cost Ayama her internship. And Pat may only rescue/kidnap Eddie, separating you from your brother. Currently, only you and Bobbi know of Pat's supposed plans. Do you:
[X] Tell Eddie and the others, regardless of the consequences. You may not agree with what Eddie wants, but he should be able to make his own decisions.
[X] Call the family conference, tell Eddie and the others so you could reach a decision. (Neither contradict each other, so they both win.)
Sologoth is a city of political unrest and racial tension. Not that there's anything you can do about it, but do you have any thoughts or plans?
[X] You haven't even stepped outside. How do you know the other side is any better? Besides, not your world, not your problem.
[X] Keep a low profile. It means there will be no shortage of people who may want to use you, or at least deny you to the other party. There is danger and opportunities, and we should be aware of both. (Both options are in line with each other, so I combined them.)
Eddie will do the Ritual (whatever that is) in three days. Do you want to do anything about this?
[X] Ahh? Ahhhhhhh! No idea! Be Eddie?/Seeing it from Eddie's perspective
[X] He may have the right to know. Decide at the family conference whether it is worth the risk of attending.
[X] Goosie is willing to allow it if Eddie chooses to go through with it.
K'Leto knows a way to sneak out of D'vaugnas Tower. Perhaps you can learn this from her? (Bear in mind K'Leto is going back to school in a few days).
[X] Buddy up more to K'Leto (Requires K'Leto's Perk: Slipping the Leash).
Goosie will soon run out of marijuana. What do? [2] Buddy up with Valree and get some from her. (Requires 1 FP investment with Valree -- This would have been a tie, but Nevill's plan doesn't include this)
[X] Stop smoking so much weed, you pothead!
[ ] Write in.
You have decisions to make. Who do you side with?
[X] Pat Savage is a pulp hero of renown, and stopping Ironbone is vitally important for the whole Ring. Let's join the Pat Party!
[X] Ahh? Ahhhhhhh! No idea!
[X] Hold the family conference - and possibly, a vote? Decide it then.
--[X] Goosie's preference is Pat Savage. She doesn't know much about her, but she suspects she'd like her outlook on a lot of things more than Tama's.
(Goosie will tentatively support Pat Savage, but this can change.)
Anything else you would like to add? Any ideas or plans?
[X] Very lost puppies here. Be nice to hook up with Aunt Esha, get enough skills and resources to strike out on our own somehow, rather than being squished between Pat and Tama, but the route from here to there isn't obvious, so I think a certain amount of "let it ride" is the plan for now.
[X] Try to discreetly find out how to keep what you know hidden from a powerful gnostic. Maybe don't hang out with K'Jala too much until the whole thing settles.
(Both win)
Who should be the next chapter's POV? Rank from most preferred (5) to least preferred (1). Default vote is Helen (5) and everyone else (0)
[23] Eddie
Plan @Nevill : 2
[x] Plan: Be Prepared (Skills and Friendships) -[x] Helen
--[x] Skills: Pistols (1SP), Martial Arts (2SP, K'Leto)
--[x] Friendships: K'Leto D'vaugnas (2 FP)
--[x] Perks: Slipping the Leash (K'Leto), The Underworld (K'Leto) -[x] Burt
--[x] Skills: Ritual Magic (Medicine) (1 SP, Dr. Herrica), Esoteric Medicine (Alchemy) (1 SP, Dr. Herrica), History (Occult) (1 SP, Tama)
--[x] Friendships: Tama D'vaugnas (1 FP), Dr. Bejen Herrica (1 FP)
--[x] Perk: Forbidden Knowledge (Tama) -[x] Eddie
--[x] Skills: Dreams (2 SP, Dr. Kokotomi), Ritual Magic (Witchboard Operation) (1 SP, Tama)
--[x] Friendships: Tama D'vaugnas (1 FP), Dr. Bata Kokotomi (1 FP)
--[x] Perk: Forbidden Knowledge (Tama) -[x] Maribel
--[x] Skills: Aeromancy: Tulpas (2 SP, Mage Tethys), Aeromancy (1 SP, Mage Tethys)
--[x] Friendships: Mage Tethys (2 FP) -[x] Roberta
--[x] Skills: Mechanic (Robotics) (2 SP, Ayama), Tactics (1 SP, Director Esau)
--[x] Friendships: Ayama Kokotomi (1 FP), Director Cornelius Esau (1 FP)
--[x] Perk: A 5th Column is You (Ayama)
Part III, Chapter Two
November 30, 1944, 12:00 AM (Local Calendar: 11 Kruses, 4A 0:5, 20/35)
You hold the heartstone in your right, palm down over Aunt Esha's witchboard. Your left hovers over the its rough hewed plateaus, your fingers dancing along the myriad runes and geometric patterns. Your eyes you keep shut, yet through the stone you see in red shades, your vision ballooning outwards like a fishbowl.
Symbols slide across your sight, each bearing irreducible meanings. Fission. Fusion. Attraction. Repulsion. Becoming. Perishing. The Many-and-the-One . . . . Definitions without number, these are the paints of the world, and each enjoys their place on Plato's Palette.
But what is paint without the artist? What are words without the author? You are the poet in the void. You are the dreamer in the abyss. With act of will you delve into the well and draw forth.
You steady the heartstone over one of the witchboard's carved doll faces. As smooth as porcelain (and tinted pink by your magic eye), it sleeps waiting for the waking spark. You utter an impossible command which chills your flesh, shudders your bones.
Nothing happens.
Fuck. Did you say it wrong?
But no, the face twitches. Tiny lids open to reveal ruby pinhead eyes. Even as you watch through the stone, so too do you watch through the twin jewels. The primal wonder aches, because it flows from your heart.
Little lips part. It speaks without sound. Who am I?Who are you?
Um, I created you, you think.Or I guess, you kind of are me? I'm not sure. I'm Eddie, by the way. Hi.
An inward frown. Why what?
Why did you create me?
No reason. Just practicing.
But what is my purpose? What would you have me do?
Nothing. I mean, I don't know yet. Sorry, I'm pretty new at this.
Its mouth hangs open, crestfallen. Its rubies stare desolately. The disappointment hurts like a vice in your chest.
So I exist as an afterthought. As practice.
No! I'll come up with something for you to do, but it'll take time. I'll come back later . . .
Don't go!
But too late. You pull away, and like a teardrop in rain, the tulpa is gone. The face returns to inanimate wood.
Worst. God. Ever.
"How did it go?" Tama asks behind you.
As always, the shivers hit post rune-play. You rest the heartstone on a golden dish and step back from the witchboard. Your heart pounds; your teeth chatter. Cooling sweat sticks your t-shirt to your back. Panting, you say, "I'm a murderer."
"No more than when you wake from a dream," he says in his smooth, resonate voice. He sips his goblet of cranberry juice ("Good for the prostate," he's told you more than once) and regards you with vicarious marvel, reliving through you the thrill of discovery. He wears what you've taken to calling his "disco pirate" look, tonight being a ruffled red shirt with a popped collar, skinny emerald trousers flared at the bottom. His reading glasses glint in the dim light, masking his black gaze.
He continues, "But I remember well those . . . little griefs, how they would haunt me. It's a persistent illusion. However, you must remind yourself: tulpas are only reflections in smoky glass. They are real as you are real, but you are what lies behind their eyes."
The shivering recedes. You pour a glass of ice water from a pitcher--placed on a side table precisely for this purpose--and down it in three hard gulps. The library, high-vaulted and labyrinthine, dominates the 76th floor (the fourth floor of Tama's penthouse), and like most everything else in the D'vaugnas Tower, the interior bears its Art Deco roots like a vandalized banner, its grandeur cheesified by twenty years of tacky taste. Mythological tile murals and bronze bas reliefs coexist uneasily with plastic furniture and lava lamps. Shag rugs fester over the immaculate marble floor like fungi infestations. Shelves of leather hardbacks sit grumpily beside a wall-display of porno mags.
Beyond the great arched window, shining Sologoth mirrors this clash. Skyscrapers sprawl back in the infinite night, overlapping in a cubist, neon-lit chaos like the fevered vista from an Outrun dream. Yet the contrast reveals itself in the spaces between, with squat, 40's-style brick buildings hunkering among sleek spires of glass and steel.
Tama's Tower straddles that line between diesel and cyber. He's mentioned wanting to build a newer skyrise (and gets all sulky that his is no longer the tallest), but it'd be expensive, even for him, and such a bother. Besides, it'll hardly matter after the End of History.
You slump into a red retro-60's couch. "If this is a simulation," you say, "couldn't the same be said about us? I mean, the supercomputer running everything would be our 'I', right? Deep down, we are the computer."
Tama sits beside you, legs crossing at the knee. He sets the book he'd been perusing on the side table and slips his readers in his breast pocket. Shadow masks his face. "Hardly a new concept. Your Buddhists would be at home with the idea, as would certain sects in Ancient Egypt. The Book of Thoth speaks specifically of Azathoth, that Sleeping Chaos, the Lord of All, who dreams amid the maddening melody of eldritch drums and flutes. It is said that should it awaken, all reality shall perish."
You snort. "Is Azathoth the computer?"
He wags his head. "Madmen glimpse the truth and give it a name."
You frown, mulling the implications of a singular, universal 'I', one that 'takes turns' being each individual in existence. Tama is right in that it's not an original idea. It's haunted you many nights, when you lie alone in the dark. Usually it took the form of whimsical thought experiments, like, What if you sometimes swapped bodies, but you never noticed because you also swapped memories?
You are Eddie, and always have been. Bzzt! You are Goosie, and always have been. Bzzt! You are Burt, and always have been . . . .
A chasm cleaves all certainty, and for an instant you careen in void, visions from the World Stone swimming through your soul like submerged shadows. Among your family, you're the only one who remembers the Hollow Sea above, the Hungry Abyss below. That lonely scene, that nightmare vista . . . . what did it mean?
Who are you? Who are we?
"We are reality experiencing itself," you say, as if making a proclamation.
"If so, what does that signify?" Tama asks.
"We are all one." You gnaw at your lip rings, your canines clicking against metal. "Your quest . . . it's to remove the illusion that we're not, isn't it?"
"What are illusions, if not lies?"
You can't help but snort. "Your plan's giving me an Instrumentality-vibe."
He cocks his head. "Instrumentality?"
"It's from an anime--an animated TV-show. From Japan. It's about these kids piloting giant robots. Only they're not actually robots, but you don't find that out until later. But anyway, the kids fight these monsters, which are actually part of the plan by this secret cabal that's working towards this thing called the Human Instrumentality Project. Basically merge everyone into a superbeing, get rid of all conflicts and differences and stuff."
"This cabal . . ." Humor hides in his tone. ". . . I assume they were portrayed as villains?"
"Yeah, though they're not seen a whole lot. The main character's dad is working with them, but only so he can be with--" You almost say, "his dead wife," but cut yourself off. Is that it? Is that what this is all about? Before Tama can comment on the pause, you recover with, "--well, it's a complicated story. Really complicated, with different continuities too. There's the series, the movie, the manga, and the Rebuilds, which they were still working on when--"
He raises a hand. "What were the arguments against 'Instrumentality'?"
You hesitate. Interpretations vary, but you're pretty sure it succeeded in the last episode. Or maybe not? It failed in the movie, but no one would called that a happy ending. "There weren't any. Or at least most of the characters didn't know what was going on. But I guess it'd be . . . like, wouldn't it be wrong to take away everyone's individuality? To do it without their consent? Shouldn't people, you know, be allowed to make their own choices?"
His ear-tips curl ever slightly. He dips his pointed chin--in acknowledgement, not agreement. "Do you know how we won the war?"
The question takes you off guard. "Didn't you guys nuke the Dragons?"
"We did. Forty-two atom bombs. Seven on Japan, six on Argentina, three each on Brazil and Chile, and the remaining twenty-three on Jaganman soil. Total deaths were somewhere between four and five million, depending on sources. But no, that was not how we won the war. That was merely an overture."
"Ozzy mentioned something about . . . herbicide?"
"Yes. Operation Whirlwind. A long-planned contingency. Realize we could have unleashed these weapons years earlier, but we feared escalation. A flawed argument, for is not victory an accelerate? Regardless, when the Dragons knew all was lost, they delved into their abominable arsenal: the nerves gas, the anthrax, the smallpox.
"You Earthlings have less resistance to the virus, especially this hemorrhagic, lung-ravaging variant. But even among our races it devastated every corner of Jahanna. Sixty million of us drowned in our own blood. There is no one alive who didn't lose someone. 'Jala, her mother. Myself, two cousins. After fourteen years of war, this was a wretched summit--but not the end.
"As a champion of the common man, I cannot condone our atomic reprisals. However, neither can I condemn them. For as horrific as our bombings were, a full invasion of Jaganma would have proved far costlier.
"But our attack was too thorough, for in the aftermath the Dragon High Command ceased to exist. So there was no surrender. Not immediately. And in that lull our government gathered the needed impetus for their final vengeance.
"It was not unprecedented. History calls them 'controlled famines.' The Great Powers--us included--used them on unruly colonies. Certainly an advantage, air supremacy. Natives revolting? Dump poison on their crops and come back in a year."
"We did the same thing in Vietnam," you say. "Not on this scale, though."
His expression pinches sourly. "Before the war, I would say we were above such atrocity. But it was argued Jaganma might rebuild within a generation, and this . . . 'radical measure' would postpone further aggression.
"Nearly six years have passed, and no census has been taken. Who can say how many millions died from hunger? Any toll would only mingle with smallpox and radiation, along with those ever-constant pestilences, chorea, typhoid and the like. There were reports of cannibalism, which no one has sought to confirm. It'd be hardly surprising. It was widespread enough during the Apocalypse.
"But at last, the war was over. We could rebuild. But Jaganma could not. Her farms were despoiled, her infrastructure demolished. Half the country was under military occupation, the rest a calamity of lawlessness and warlordism. And millions were starving. We had on our hands a humanitarian crisis . . . and in steps the Peace League.
"You may have heard of them. They're always squawking in the news. They're an intergovernmental organization whose stated goal is, as you may surmise, peace. In reality they squabble over treaties and issue useless resolutions. They're also thoroughly infiltrated with communists. But in my . . . I admit, naivete, I believed humanity transcended ideology, and so I collaborated in their aims. We constructed refugee camps, organized food relief, ensured proper sanitation, produced and administered vaccines, and began the long, arduous task of land reclamation.
"I was not present for this. The election was next year, and I was occupied with my campaign. But eventually certain concerns were brought before me. There were disappearances in the camps. Not unusual, considering, but this was no mere trickle. Hundreds, then thousands. And almost all young women, young girls."
"Shit," you say.
His city-ward stare smolders against the neon night. His sneer bares white in darkness. "Indeed. I initiated a personal investigation, which after a number of intense interrogations revealed exactly what I expected. However, what I did not anticipate was the extent of the operation. High-ranking Peace officials, colluding with organized crime? In retrospect, why was I even surprised?
"The girls I learned had been trafficked to a dozen cities in Assal, Kogira, Momoro . . . all the armpits of Jahanna. I don't need to tell you to what sort of establishments.
"Needless to say, the fury of vengeful gods boiled my blood, beckoning me to act, and in my youth I would without delay fired up my frigates and rocketed to the rescue. But experience is an exacting tutor: through her trials I have learned to stop and survey, to season courage with caution. Sovereign nations take exception to foreign expeditions, and to further complicate circumstances, the gangs had connections with local military.
"And while I am a man of influence and resources, I remain but a private citizen with a modest fleet and army. I would not lead my employees to destruction. So as much as I was loath to admit it, I required allies.
"As you are aware, I despise governments--and for good reason! No man is a greater philanthropist than I, for have I not fed the hungry? Have I not healed the sick? Thousands of innocents owe their lives to me. Benevolence is the well-spring through which I flow. I am humanity incarnate.
"And yet how am I treated? My money is stolen! I am harried by baseless charges! Even democracy herself has been rigged against me, robbing me of my well-earned victory! Verily, I say it true: the Red Garden persecuted Xophia, the Pharisees persecuted Jesus, and the government persecutes me!
"Yet I suffered manfully these cruel slings and approached before my oppressors. Not unarmed, however. For over the years I have compiled a dossier of malfeasance which has proved invaluable time and again. It is a testament to Confederal corruption that I even had to apply this leverage to compel them to act. But act they did.
"An international inquiry fell upon the Peace League, which in due course led to raids and arrests, trials and sentencing. Thirteen officials evaded justice, protected by their status. Five have since disappeared; the rest remain beyond my reach.
"The scandal outraged the public. The victims may have been Jaganmans, but even to the meanest political quarter, this abuse is abhorrent. As for myself, I was knighted for this and my wartime services. And to my surprise even the cursed press, at least in passing, actually applauded my assiduity, though their accolades were not unequivocal. They claim my motive was a 'lifelong obsession' with 'foreign waifs.' As if protecting the innocent is something of which I should be ashamed!
"But is 'protecting' the proper term? The system failed these girls, and by extension I failed by allying with a corrupt institution. I have attempted to rectify this, but some wounds cannot be healed. There are no happy endings.
"The Peace League is being forced to pay restitution, though courtroom gears turn slowly. They've also been shackled with an independent oversight committee. They should have been disbanded, but this is satisfactory enough.
"I myself worked to bring what victims I could to Swanland, employing the women in my factories, placing the girls in company schools. The orphans I left to Nyma's charity--Diagnus-funded of course. And I have offered treatment, such as it is, for the horrors of their ordeal. Such traumas of the soul can't be ignored."
He pauses, swirling his drink in his glass. "But let me put to you a question. Imagine you were born one of these Jaganman girls. You grow in poverty in a socialist regime, the austerity of total war all you know. Perhaps your father is a soldier, perhaps your older brothers. The years stagger on, and times are tough, living is leaner.
"And then, just as you're on the cusp of womanhood, your nation dies. You live in the countryside, away from the atomic blasts, and by luck of the bones you avoid the smallpox. But strange powder salts your family farm. Crops wilt; cattle die. The local village scatters. Lawlessness reigns. Hunger gnaws in your belly.
"But then arrive soldiers in strange uniforms. They say they are here to help. They deliver you to a crowded, fenced-in camp where you are given food and water. Perhaps your mother lives; perhaps you are an orphan. But for the first time in tendays you find in your heart the flicker of hope.
"Until one night rough hands snatch you from your tent. You struggle, but they are men and you are a girl. No one dares hear you scream. You're crammed into a crate with others and loaded into an aircar where you are flown to a foreign country. Perhaps the gangsters there break you in; perhaps they auction your innocence. Either way, you are abused daily. Tourists pay for the privilege."
He studies you across the sofa, his widow's peak accentuating his furrowed brow. "Now, if this is your life, this is your fate . . . tell me, did you make your own choices?"
His point sinks in like a stiletto. If this is a simulation . . . why?
He gazes out into Sologoth, the city lights casting deep caverns into the hollow of his cheek. Distant neon reflects red halos in his abyssal eyes. "This world is full of monsters, Eddie, and I have fought them my entire life. But in blacker moments I see my efforts are in vain.
"It is not hubris when I speak of my magnificence. Only once in millennia is a man such as I born. I am heroism and fire. I am intensity and stardust. Yet despite the glory of my genius, despite the monument of my noonday triumphs, I am finite."
He downs his juice and slaps the stemware on the table, the glass base clacking against marble. "I have perhaps a decade before the inevitable tumors ravage my body. Unlike what is common for others of my kind, I will not bend my neck to the scythe. I will fight with every fiber of my being . . . yet even my noble struggle will only slow the hourglass' sand.
"I have told you T'shiro, the so-called 'Cyclops,' was to be my legacy. None of my children through blood, not even my beloved 'Leto, possess the degree of my animus, that spark of the divine that ascends me above the beasts of the field. But T'shiro, my child through mind, transcends the confines of the flesh. With superhuman intellect, he would have carried on my most sacred work. But alas, I feared for my son. For what fortunes await without my guiding hand? What catastrophes lurk behind every tomorrow?
"And even should he succeed in my dream, in creating as you call it, a 'post-singularity utopia,' what would this be but a minuscule bulwark against the hell that is life, a heavenly enclave limited to the fortunate few living within his machinery? Beyond his electronic borders, there would still be suffering; there would still be death."
The lull stretches to silence. "But now . . . ?" you urge.
His grin strikes you as ecstatic, infectious--childlike even, despite the heavy lines bracketing his mouth. ". . . we can have it all," he says. "Answer me this, my boy: if our reality is a simulation, is it run well?"
You see where this is going. "No, it isn't."
"Indeed. And let us consider! Your Epicurus once argued that if God is willing to prevent evil, but not able, then he is not omnipotent. If he is able, but not willing, then he is malevolent. If he is both able and willing, then whence comes evil? And if he is neither able nor willing, then--"
"--why call him God?" you finish.
He looks at you approvingly. "Very good. But the paradox harbors an unspoken corollary: If there is no God worthy of the name, if we are truly alone in a universe of malevolence and neglect, then it is up to great men such as you and I to become the God the world needs."
You nod slowly, your posture tense. Becoming God? Very megalomaniacal, but is he wrong? "And we can do this?" you say. "With my World-Jumping power, the World Stone and . . . whatever is under the crystal palace in Duellona?"
"The Precursors were on the cusp," he says, "and Protogonus Corp carried on the research. But we will complete their work! If you doubt the power, consider that your aunt, merely by sitting on the Diamond Throne and placing the World Stone upon her brow, conjured an Earth into existence. By accident! And that is only the tip of its true potential!"
He rises to his feet and paces before the great window. He waves his arms as he speaks. "I have called our adventure the noblest of endeavors. Is that an idle boast? Am I a madman full of fevered furies? Forbid it to the Nine Hells and beyond! Fate has prepared the path before us! The elimination of all evil lies at the mountain's crest! So Eddie, my boy, let us march to destiny's trumpet! Let us put death to the sword and redeem the misery of a trillion trillion souls! You and I shall be the Saviors of Forever, the Last Messiahs who will reforge Reality Itself into a Final Paradise to last til the End of Time!"
He's slipped into Mania Mode again, where his black eyes go wild and he loses his indoor voice. Kind of scary when it happens, but his energy proves contagious, breaking you out in goosebumps. However . . . .
"Okay," you say, "assuming we use the World Stone to hack into the simulation's command interface or whatever . . . what if, you know, the programmer--God basically--doesn't let us?"
His knowing chuckle resounds through the dark library. "The Ritual will answer that. I will show you the universe, and you will see the terrible truth!" He sweeps a hand out at the clear sky, starry in spite of the city's glare. "I left my mark. But how wondrous will yours be?"
You get up and stand by his side, towering a full head over him. His double-index fingers point at . . . a star? A constellation? "Does the Ritual do something to the sky?" you ask.
He shoots you a sideways smirk. "You'll find out. But it is late. Let us resign." He stretches and pops his back. Motioning you to follow, he leads you through a door and down a spiral staircase to the living room.
"I'm flying to Zapaport in the morning," he says. "Grandson's birthday. Then I have to meet with lawyers--the United States government is suing me again. Then I have a stockholder conference call. Then there's a charity banquet. And then, to top it all off, I promised Val a night at Club Seventy-Seven."
He sighs wearily, at the moment very much looking his age. "Tomorrow is going to be a coffee day."
You pat his shoulder. "Get some rest. If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything."
"Too true." At the base of the stairs, he heads to his private elevator and presses a button which glows like a demonic eye. "While I'm gone you might consider meeting with Dr. Kokotomi. She can teach you the art of dreaming. A useful skill for tulpacraft. And when I return I'll show you my collection of eldritch literature. I believe you're ready."
"Thank you," you say. You've been wanting to see those.
You say your good nights, and he crosses a spacious marble floor bigger than your house. Aside from the city splendor through the colossal windows, the only light shines from the hulking TV-set (big-screen even by your standards) hunched in the middle of the room. Before its monochrome flicker Valree lies asleep on a cushy couch, her long chestnut hair a messy splay, her short bathrobe clinging enticingly to her backside. Cuddled to her breasts, the fox Nee-nee perks its giant ears and watches Tama's approach with a sleepy squint. The billionaire moves as if to wake his mistress, but then with a half-shrug continues on to his bedroom.
A bell chimes, and the elevator doors open. As always, one of Tama's security guys waits inside the oversized car. Not a Corporate Guard gasmask elite or even a Vendi "heavy." Just an elf in a helmet and ballistic vest, with a pistol and baton.
"Sir," the guard greets.
"Um, Fifty-fourth floor, please," you say.
He touches the button, and the car descends. The Diagnus hexagon on his uniform tells you he's an employee, not a mercenary. Was he stationed here before or is he one of the transfers? Dr. Widari mentioned Tama tripled the tower's security, pulling guards from other facilities, including sites out of town. That's caused a lot of grumbling, especially since no one knows how long this will go on.
But . . . isn't this all so trivial? Isn't everything? Unless you seriously misinterpret Tama's meaning, once (or if) his plan succeeds, no one will be bitching about commute times or conference calls or lawsuits. Everyday life will fade like a dream. All illusions will be shattered. The Many will become One. It will be the literal End of the World as You Know It.
And that is a good thing, right? Right?
Okay, you get that life is very shitty for a lot of people, but isn't this sacrificing too much? Eradicating evil is all well and good, but you'll also no longer have people falling in love and raising families and stuff. And you kind of like being an individual. Being a solitary superbeing in an empty universe sounds boring.
On the other hand, if this is a simulation (and you're pretty sure it is), then the programmer is a supermassive asshole. Who the fuck simulates--with real sentient beings--famine and disease and nuclear war and traffic accidents? Who the fuck simulates child prostitution? Fuck you, God. Yeah, I'm talking to you.
But can you really defeat the Programmer? Tama thinks so. You can only guess the Ritual will answer that.
But can you trust Tama? For all his talk of "we" and "you and I," you suspect only one of you will "become the god the world needs," and it's not going to be you. So what exactly will a megalomaniac billionaire supervillain philanthropist do with reality's console commands? And is his deep-down motivation really just to bring back his dead wife? Is there anything wrong with that? You wish you could bring back your parents.
Wouldn't that be a great ending? Everyone who ever lived resurrected and redeemed, and all your friends and family around you, clapping. Congratulations.
That's a fate worth fighting for, but even setting aside the factor of trust, does Tama even know what he's doing? Dr. Widari believes the quest will fail, but goes along because "there is beauty in the attempt," and . . . you're inclined to agree. If there's any chance of success, you owe it to the universe to try. After all, you're a key component. You're the last World Jumper.
But for how long?
You never brought it up to your family (they'd just make a big deal of it), but after performing a "routine medical examination," Dr. Herrica left you alone in the room with a magazine and cup. When asked later, all he would say is that while Tama has agreements with the Confederal government, he still has to make concessions. Throw them a proverbial bone (or test tube, as it were).
You've seen The Boys from Brazil. You know who Terry McGinnis' dad is. You may be the last of your kind now, but you have a feeling that'll soon change. And if the mission to Duellona ends in failure, and you return after a fifteen to twenty year time warp . . . well, wouldn't that be interesting?
The elevator doors open, and you head to the hallway with your apartments. The Jahannan baroque music playing from Burt's door clues you in there's a family meeting, and you already have your phone out when you step through into the entryway, greeted by the stink of Bobbi's cigarettes.
Everyone's huddled in the living room, and they turn in unison to stare at you, their own phones in hand. An almost accusatory tension taints the air, amplified by the haunted harpsichord melody blaring from the stereo. Goosie, dressed for some reason in a crop-top/disco getup, shrinks back guiltily. Maribel, her eyes wide and rolling, looks like a lost puppy. Bobbi blows smoke out her nostrils, her brown eyes all but glaring. Over the last week she's dropped most of her 1950's greaser look, her proud pompadour now an angry black mop. Her white wife-beater, showing off her swol, tatted-up arms, has beige beer stains down the front. She probably hasn't changed it in days.
"We need to talk," Burt says, his pouty lips pressed in a line.
You squint, sucking your teeth. You tap out into your notepad app: Alright. Fill me in.
Goosie and Bobbi do most of the typing, telling you of their visit with Ayama, and how the Vendi girl learned through her online communist friends that Pat Savage and her gang are (probably) planning to "rescue" you from the D'vaugnas Tower during a planned riot/protest three days from now.
A queasiness hits you. Your cheeks prickle with heat. Out the apartment window, the city night life sizzles on. Somewhere out there, amid those millions of people and their millions of stories, a 1930's pulp heroine is plotting to kidnap you. Fuck that. I don't want to be "rescued."
Cigarette between her teeth, Bobbi boxes blunt thumbs across her screen. She flips it around and thrusts it into your face. look its for your own good. tama is a creep and youre drinking his cuthulhu koolaid cult shit. dont listen to him! pats a real hero and ironbone needs to be stopped!
You sneer as she glowers up you, her breath a mingle of fruity beer and tobacco. Illiterate bitch. You've never really liked Goosie's girlfriend, and this adventure hasn't changed that. Wasn't it a week ago she wanted you all to bum rush armed guards and FPS your way out of the Sweet Pea? Yeah, don't follow her advice.
You don't understand anything about Tama. And since when is Ironbone our problem?
Bobbi scowls at that, and while she's hammering out a reply, Goosie shows you: Look, I kind of agree with Bobbi, but I don't really want to go with Tama or Pat. I don't like that we're being pushed to do something that might get us all killed.
And Bobbi: no shit i dont understand tama! idk wtf is going on with his ritual and master plan or whatever! how bout you fucking enlighten us?
You chew your lip rings. Should you explain? The Instrumentality comparison might clear things up, but it won't go over well.
Remembering what Tama said about your family, you settle with: Tama's quest will save the world. Anyway, I don't have to justify myself to you. I'm going with him to Duellona. And Goosie you don't have to come if you don't want to. You can hang out here and smoke weed all day. idc
Goosie recoils as if slapped, and you wince inward. Maybe that was out of line, but she's basically become a parody of herself: flakier, and while you've eased back on the weed the last few days, she's more than made up for it. You're surprised she's not high right now.
Ever the voice of reason, a concerned Burt puts in with: Come on everyone, let's just calm down We can discuss what we want to do, and whether it's worth the risks.
Maribel holds up her phone with bandaged hands. i want 2 go with pat bc my dad is in the wormhole with ironbone and i want 2 meet him and make him good again like luke did 2 darth vader but i also like mage tethys and dont want 2 leave her plus what about my grandma we cant leave her!!!!!
You spot the opening and take it. There's nothing to discuss. Both Tama and Pat's quests are risky, but I'm with Tama. And that's that. And Maribel has a point. What about Aunt Esha? Do you think Pat can also "rescue" her? And also, Maribel, if you like Mage Tethys, do you want her to fight Professor Poseidon? That's what will happen if Pat's gang comes for me. Tethys, Zizzy, Vek, Ross and a whole bunch of mooks will have to defend the Tower. I don't know who will win, but people will die.
Bobbi: then thats why we have to help pat! so no one will get hurt!
You: No, that's why I should warn Tama, so he can lay an ambush in the tunnels.
You nearly laugh at Bobbi's pissed-off glare. She types furiously: youre going to fucking snitch?
You: To avoid being kidnapped? Fuck yes I'm going to "snitch."
Maribel actually whimpers as she thumbs out: eddie if you tell tama hell be ready for pat when they come and she and her friends will get killed!!!
Goosie is withdrawn, reluctant. Eddie, I'll support what you want to do, and I get why you'd want to tell Tama. But you know, it'll fuck over Yama. Tama will learn she chats with commies, and he hates commies.
You keep a poker face, thinking it through. Okay, you don't particularly want Pat and her gang to get killed, but then maybe they shouldn't, you know, break into a supervillain's skyscraper to kidnap you. On the other hand, Ayama is really cute, and you'd hate to cause her to lose her internship.
Bobbi turns her back to you and snubs her smoke into a neon green ashtray. The classical piece trails off, replaced by a toe-tapping military march accompanied by an announcer extolling the virtues of the Confederate Royal Marine Corp. Do your duty, loyal Vendi of the Swanland, and keep the peace in the Outer Colonies!
Finally, you go with: If you don't want Pat to die, then tell Ayama to tell her friends to tell Pat to lay off.
Goosie: If we do this, will you not tell Tama?
Bobbi: you better be careful eddie. youre siding with a supervillain against your own family.
Maribel: i just dont want anybody 2 get hurt not even the stormtroopers!!
Burt sighs and purses his lips. I'd feel better if we knew more about this Ritual and Tama's Master Plan. You've spent the most time with him. Is there anything else you can tell us?
Well, what do you do? Even if Ayama messages her communist friends to contact Pat and ask her to fuck off, you doubt the vigilante will give up and go home. Not with her twin sister's life in the balance (and apparently Ironbone is a big deal too). So Team Pat will come sneaking into the Tower through Sologoth Underground, and while the odds may seem stacked against her, she is a 1930's pulp hero . . . and she has Professor Poseidon.
He's who you have to worry about. Tama may have the best wizards money can buy, but none are a thousand year old archmage aero-cryo-hydromancer who's also a powerful telepath and a master alchemist (and he has super-strength). According to Pat Savage's recent adventure novel, the Deep One sorcerer fought back a literal army of Russian vampires--vampires with machine guns and artillery. The guy's basically the team's Martian Manhunter--or even Dr. Manhattan.
So then you have to warn Tama, if he's to have a fighting chance. Too bad about Ayama, but maybe you can get him to go easy on her. But then again, what difference does it make? After Instrumentality (or The End of History or Final State or Whatever), she won't have to worry about a lost internship because she'll be too busy being in a nirvanian hivemind to care.
Same with Pat. She'll be reunited with her twin sister. Same with everyone. The Many will be One Always and Forever.
You have to admit, that does have a villainous ring, but isn't it better than the way things are now? But what about Burt? He asked for clarification on Tama's plans. What should you say? Should you even bother explaining?
You suspect, "It'll be just like the end of Evangelion--the series not the movie," won't go well with any of them. You guess it's like what Tama said about your family: pleasant enough, but in the end they are simple creatures, "beasts of the field" who lack your spark of genius. Even Burt he would admit is only clever, a dim star to your own shining light.
That sounds arrogant, but it's true, isn't it? Deep down you've always knew you were special, and Tama sees that in you too. Together, you can end all evils--you can become the god the world needs.
Your family watches, awaiting your next text.
End Chapter Time
November 30, 1944, 1:30 AM (Local Calendar: 11 Kruses, 4A 0:5, 22.2/35)
This is a relatively short chapter, mostly because the story hinges on what Eddie decides to do next. Keep in mind Eddie has spent the last few days under Tama (and Dr. Widari's) influence and so leans pretty hard towards Team Tama. So while you the voters have a degree or leeway, you can't just strong arm him into siding with Pat Savage.
Anyway, I'm tentatively giving two weeks to votes, though I may extend this if needed. But for now, voting ends on the evening of October 22nd.
Your family has informed you that three days from now Pat Savage and her crimefighting gang (Colonel Grung, Professor Poseidon, Nicky Junior and Dame Csenia) are (probably) planning on kidnapping you from the D'vaugnas Tower during a riot/protest. Bobbi wants you to go with Pat, while Helen and Maribel are more conflicted. Burt is cautiously neutral. Bare in mind, warning Tama may have negative consequences for Ayama.
[ ] Warn Tama of Pat Savage's plans, even though this may upset Helen, Maribel and Bobbi. Also, tell Ayama to have her contacts message Pat that you're not interested in her 'rescue.'
[ ] Warn Tama of Pat Savage's plans, even though this may upset Helen, Maribel and Bobbi. Do not tell Ayama to tell her contacts to message Pat.
[ ] Warn Tama of Pat Savage's plans, but lie to your family and say you won't. Also, tell Ayama to have her contacts message Pat that you're not interested in her 'rescue.'
[ ] Warn Tama of Pat Savage's plans, but lie to your family and say you won't. Do not tell Ayama to tell her contacts to message Pat.
[ ] Do not warn Tama of Pat Savage's plans, but tell Ayama to have her contacts message Pat that you're not interested in her 'rescue.'
[ ] Write in.
If you are going to tell Tama about Pat's plans, when will you tell him?
[ ] Go up to his penthouse right now.
[ ] Try to catch him in the morning before he leaves.
[ ] You have three days. Tell him when he gets back.
Burt is asking about the Ritual and Tama's Master Plan. You can't say much about the former, but you can perhaps enlighten him about the latter.
[ ] Explain that you think it'll be like Third Impact/Instrumentality from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Except, you know, in a good way.
[ ] Deflect Burt's curiosity. Your family are beasts of the field: simple folk with simple minds. They wouldn't understand the necessity of Tama's plans and would only oppose him if you explained it to them.
[ ] Write in.
Now that you have greater insight into Tama's Master Plan, what do you think?
[ ] You are on board 100%. Sir Tama Dax D'vaugnas is a god among men. Okay, fine, maybe he's a megalomaniac, but maybe a megalomaniac is what the world needs. Rewriting reality to merge everyone into a superbeing sounds a little extreme, but there is a lot of suffering in the world. Tama can end that.
[ ] Some misgivings. Yes, there's a lot of suffering in the world, but there's also lots of good. Won't Tama's solution throw out the baby with the bathwater? Perhaps there's a middle ground between 'status quo dystopias' and 'the end of the world as we know it.'
[ ] You have ambitions concerns. Tama's aims may be noble, but can you trust him? Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and he's already pretty crazy. Perhaps for now you should go along with his plans, but also look a means of usurping him when the time comes. You don't know yet how you'll do it, and you're uncertain what you'll do if you got the chance, but if someone is going to sit on the Diamond Throne and become The God the World Needs, why can't it be you?
[ ] Write in.
Is there anything else you want to add?
[ ] Write in.
Who should be the next chapter's POV? Rank from most preferred (5) to least preferred (1). Default vote is Eddie (5) and everyone else (0)
[ ] Burt
[ ] Helen
[ ] Eddie (Default)
[ ] Maribel
[ ] Roberta
Below is the current plan, which has yet to be fulfilled. The default vote is to leave this plan in place, but you can put forward a new plan if you wish.
[ ] Keep current plan (Default)
[ ] New Plan (Write in)
Current Plan
Plan @Nevill
[x] Plan: Be Prepared (Skills and Friendships) -[x] Helen
--[x] Skills: Pistols (1SP), Martial Arts (2SP, K'Leto)
--[x] Friendships: K'Leto D'vaugnas (2 FP)
--[x] Perks: Slipping the Leash (K'Leto), The Underworld (K'Leto) -[x] Burt
--[x] Skills: Ritual Magic (Medicine) (1 SP, Dr. Herrica), Esoteric Medicine (Alchemy) (1 SP, Dr. Herrica), History (Occult) (1 SP, Tama)
--[x] Friendships: Tama D'vaugnas (1 FP), Dr. Bejen Herrica (1 FP)
--[x] Perk: Forbidden Knowledge (Tama) -[x] Eddie
--[x] Skills: Dreams (2 SP, Dr. Kokotomi), Ritual Magic (Witchboard Operation) (1 SP, Tama)
--[x] Friendships: Tama D'vaugnas (1 FP), Dr. Bata Kokotomi (1 FP)
--[x] Perk: Forbidden Knowledge (Tama) -[x] Maribel
--[x] Skills: Aeromancy: Tulpas (2 SP, Mage Tethys), Aeromancy (1 SP, Mage Tethys)
--[x] Friendships: Mage Tethys (2 FP) -[x] Roberta
--[x] Skills: Mechanic (Robotics) (2 SP, Ayama), Tactics (1 SP, Director Esau)
--[x] Friendships: Ayama Kokotomi (1 FP), Director Cornelius Esau (1 FP)
--[x] Perk: A 5th Column is You (Ayama)
Map of Local Area
1. Emerald Hill: Government. Historical. Lots of Second Age/Early Third Age architecture. Plenty of temples, castles, museums, etc.
2. Vororoth: Financial. Business. Heavy dominance of Dwarf (Odrom) owned companies.
3. Tors: Wealthy residential. High-end markets and department stores. The home of many government officials.
4. Rologoss Island: The financial heart of Sologoth. Heavily developed in the last century. A spillover from Vororoth that eclipsed the parent.
5. Swanos: Middle-class residential and small businesses. A number of Vendi enclaves in this area.
6. D'Togos: Low-income residential. Subsidized housing. Struggling businesses. Tolos Nation gang territory.
7. Dabrine: Warehouse district. Light industry. Large homeless population ("Bum Town"). Lots of political malcontents.
8. Prince Beach: Recreational district. Theaters, nightclubs, casinos. High-business, but also high crime, with heavy organized crime activity.
9. D'vaugnas Tower: You are here.
10. Eirohm Tower: Headquarters of the Eirohm Arms Company (Widari's folks).
11. The Green Palace: Home of the Doge of Sologoth (currently Alren Nuvan). Nicknamed "The Doge House."
12. House of Diet: Where Sologoth's Republican Diet meets.
13. The Star Fort: Late-Second Age fortress. Serves as Sologoth's military headquarters.
14. Keerlo Park: Nice nature preserve. Lots of old buildings to look at too.
15. Basso Island: Gun and missile Battery. Under jurisdiction of the CSK Navy.
16. Lasso Island: Gun and missile Battery. Under jurisdiction of the CSK Navy.
17. Arrow points to Kurogotto Deep, a large touristy town near the Verveenian border.
18. Arrow points to Sologoth Republican Airport, as well Zingwin Naval Base (CSK).
19. Arrow points to Dragroth, an industrial city near the Toloran border. Low income, high crime. "Little Kaien." Korigan ganglands.
20. Arrow leads to Sologoth City dockyards and warehouse district. "Fish Town." Large Deep Ones population. Sewage treatment plant.
21. Diagnus Pictures Building: Headquarters of the Diagnus Pictures Company, a television and cinema subsidiary of Diagnus Corp.
22. Sologoth Republican Archives: Site of both the Sologoth Republic Library (Main branch) and the Sologoth Hall of Records.
Dramatis Personae
Burt's Character Sheet
Herbert "Pookie" Springwell
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2
Weight: 170lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Bookish, lanky. Wears hornrim glasses.
Strength: Good
Dexterity: Above-Average
Intelligence: Near Genius
Perception: Good
Willpower: Good
Health: Good
Academic (Moderate bonus to academic and research-related skills).
Antiquarian (Moderate bonus to history, literature and other related skills)
Language Talent (Note: Burt isn't particularly aware of this)
Slightly Nearsighted (Wears glasses)
Worries a lot
Skeptical, levelheaded
A bit of a square
Special bond with twin sister.
English (Native)
Latin (Fluent)
'Germanese' (Accented, Written)
Toloran (Accented)
Mental Skills
Computer Operation +5
First Aid +6 (***)
History (America, 19th and 20th Century) +5
History (Occult) +2
Literature +6
Medicine +5
Meditation +0
Mental Strength +2
Research +8
Writing +6
Physical Skills
Driving (Automobile) +2
Fencing ---
Guns (Shotgun) +1
Muy Thuy Kickboxing +1
Minor wound to chest (pellet) (mostly healed)
Superficial wound to upper right arm (pellet) (mostly healed)
Helen's Character Sheet
Helen "Goosie" Springwell
(Hebert's twin sister)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9
Weight: 130lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Light brown
Pretty, lanky, tomboy
Strength: Average
Dexterity: Very Good
Intelligence: Bright
Perception: Good
Willpower: Good
Health: Good
Artificer (Slight bonus to mechanical related skills).
Musical Ability (Slight bonus to music-related skills)
Natural Athlete (Moderate Bonus to athletic skills)
College dropout
Tomboy, snarky, reckless
A little unstable
Special bond with twin brother.
English (Native)
Toloran (Accented)
Mental Skills
Artist (Drawing) +2
Computer Operation +4
Mechanic (Classic Automobiles) +4
Mechanic (Generators) +2
Meditation ---
Musical Instrument (Drums) +3
Physical Skills
Bicycling +8
Driving (Automobile) +5
Driving (Motorcycle) +6
Fencing +3
Guns (Pistol) +4
Guns (Rifle) +4
Muy Thuy Kickboxing +5
Skateboarding +7
Sports (Softball) +7
Eddie's Character Sheet
Edward Springwell
(Herbert's little brother)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 140lbs
Hair: Dark blond (dyed black)
Eyes (Blue)
Lip rings. Skinny, gloomy teenager
Strength: Average
Dexterity: Above-Average
Intelligence: Genius
Perception: Very Good
Willpower: Good
Health: Good
Wizard (World-Jumper)
Computer Wizard (Slight bonus to computer related skills)
Occultist (Moderate bonus to Occult related skills)
Poet (Moderate bonus to writing-related skills)
Straw Nihilist
Gloomy, sullen, snarky
Plays pen-n-paper RPGs
Drinks cough syrup
Kind of lazy
English (Native)
Toloran (Accented)
Mental Skills
Computer Operation (Tech Level 8 (modern)) +6
Computer Programming (Tech Level 7x) +2
Fast Talk +3
Hobbies (role-playing games, video games, science-fiction novels) +6
Mental Strength +3
Philosophy (Applied Platonics) +2
Ritual Magic (Witchboard Operation) +3
Runology (Dwarven) +2
Runology (Jahannan) +2
Writing +9
Physical Skills
Bicycling +2
Maribel's Character Sheet
Maribel Springwell
(Hebert's little sister (adopted))
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Height: 4'8
Weight: 80lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Little girl. Black. Usually keeps hair in ponytail.
Strength: Weak
Dexterity: Good
Intelligence: Near Genius
Perception: Good
Willpower: Very Good
Health: Good
Wizard +1 (Aeromancer, possibly a minor World-Jumper)
Psientist (Heavy bonus for Psi related skills)
Gets into mischief
Interested in the paranormal
Likes video games, anime
Thinks Helen is cool
English (Native)
Toloran (Accented)
Mental Skills
Computer Operation +5
Dreams +1
Hobbies (anime, video games, and the paranormal lore) +5
Magic (Aeromancy) +3
Mental Strength +7
Runology (Jahannan) ---
Physical Skills
Bicycling +5
Driving (Motorcycle, dirtbike) +4
Skateboard +3
Sports (Soccer) +4
Tae Kwon Do +3
Moderate wound to right hand (2nd degree burn) (Almost healed)
Moderate wound to left hand (2nd degree burn) (Almost healed)
Roberta's Character Sheet
Roberta "Bobbi" Zacarias
(Helen's Girlfriend)
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7
Weight: 160lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Butch, 'bad boy' style, tattoos
Strength: Above-Average
Dexterity: Good
Intelligence: Clever
Perception: Above-Average
Willpower: Good
Health: Good
Artificer (Moderate bonus to mechanical related skills)
Driver's Reflexes (Slight bonus to driving related skills)
Musical Ability(Slight bonus to music-related skills)
Mechanic (Classic and Modern Automobiles (TL 7 & 8)) +7
Mechanic (Classic Motorcycles (TL7)) +6
Mechanics (Generators TL8) +5
Mechanics (Robotics TL7x) +5
Musical Instrument (Guitar) +4
Streetwise +2
Physical Skills
Bicycling +5
Muy Thuy Kickboxing +5
Driving (Automobile, Motorcycle) +6
Guns (Pistol) +3
Skateboard +4
Sir Tama Dax D'vaugnas: President and CEO of Diagnus Corp, ex-husband to K'Jala, father of K'Leto, philanthropist, futurist, computer and robotics magnate, occultist, archaeologist, adventurer, megalomaniac
Race: Elf
Ethnicity: Toloran
Age: 56
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120lbs
Hair: Graying black, receding, with widow's peak
Eyes: Black
A lanky, middle-age elf with a deep olive complexion.
Net worth of ♕10 billion ($76 billion)
Invented digital computer
Attended D'shalsky Academy, was member of the Student Council
Was reputedly part of the Abraxas Cult, a fencing club of some sort
Mother diagnosed with lung cancer, commits suicide (1904)
Never attended university
Financed and fought alongside a mercenary army against communist forces during the Assalan Civil War (1910-1913)
Met his first wife
Rescued hundreds during the Ky'lan Genocide
Executed hundreds of prisoners of war (allegedly)
Led his Corporate Fleet against the Aesiran Republic during the Great War (1925-1939)
Spent much of the war looting magical artifact from primitives
His destroyer, the Snowy Rose, was sunk by Aesirans in 1936. Mage Tethys saved his life.
Frenemies with Doc Savage (Diagnus is partnered with Doc's company, Hidalgo)
Knighted by Toloran King Artara II for his services during the war (1939)
Ran a bid for Doge of Sologoth on the Corporate Republican Party ticket (1940)
Lost in a landslide to Traditionalist candidate Alred Nuvan
Claims the election was rigged
Currently under investigation for tax evasion, industrial sabotage and violating monopoly laws
Advocate of Euthanasia Reform. Believes there are too many suicides
Highly critical of CSK's Racial Purity Laws
Claims tobacco causes cancer
Master level fencer
Master level martial artist
Expert of Vendian Egyptology
Teetotaler (most of the time)
Loves his fox Nee-nee
Don't bring up his first wife's suicide
First cousin to Vulas Vee D'vaugnas, 13th Baron Vaugnas
10th in line to the title of Baron Vaugnas of Rupengotha (Kingdom of Toloran, Confederation of Swan Kingdoms)
Married three times (once widowed, twice divorced)
Has nine (known) biological children with seven women (three are legitimate)
Has an adopted daughter
Has six fingers on both hands, six toes on both feet (a genetic mutation from the Vendi Atomic War)
Vestigial telepathy and psychokinesis
Was first to undergo the Ritual
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
Computer Operation
Computer Programming
Engineering (Electronics)
Engineering (Robotics)
History (Occult)
Mathematics (Computer Science)
Mental Strength (to resist telepathic attacks)
Philosophy (Applied Platonics)
Ritual Magic (Witchboard Operation)
Runology (Jahannan School)
Martial Arts
Forbidden Knowledge: (2 FP to unlock) Party Member will gain access to his collection of Eldritch Literature.
Mind over Matter: (2 FP to unlock) Unlocks your innate psychokinesis ability (Available to Burt, Helen and Eddie)
Mind to Mind: (2 FP to unlock) Unlocks your innate telepathic ability (Available only to Burt, Helen, Eddie and Maribel).
Under Corporate Supervision: (2 FP to unlock) Tama will agree to let you leave Diagnus Tower into Sologoth, but only with an armed escort of guards.
K'Jala Galanaba, Secretary General of Diagnus Corp., Gnostic (Telepath and Clairvoyant), ex-wife of Tama, mother of K'Leto
Race: Elf
Ethnicity: Korigan
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Height: 4'6
Weight: 60lbs
Hair: Long blonde
Eyes: Icy blue
A beautiful elf woman with a cool demeanor. Has runic tattoos to enhance her powers
Known to be cold and calculating
Runs the day to day operations of Diagnus Corps.
Confederate Royal Sorcerer Corps (CRSC) (1926-1930) Rank: Lieutenant
Diagnus Corp. Security Assets (1930-1939)
Diagnus Corp. Secretary General (1939-)
Parents were Korigan refugees who fled the Aesiran Republic to neighboring Assal.
As an infant, she and her parents were rescued by Tama during the Ky'lan Genocide (Assalan Civil War: 1910-1913)
Christian (Zobartic sect)
Employee of Diagnus Corp. for fourteen years
Devoted to Tama -- but not blind to his faults
Tolerates Valree Zarhara
Was third to undergo the Ritual
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
Meditation (Prerequisite for other skills)
Mental Strength (to resist telepathic attacks)
(Has other skills, but they require Perk: Mind to Mind to be unlocked first)
Mind to Mind: (2 FP to unlock) Unlocks your innate telepathic ability (Available only to Burt, Helen, Eddie and Maribel).
Under Corproate Supervision: (2 FP to unlock) She will convince Tama to allow the party to leave the Diagnus Tower under security supervision.
Dr. Widari zun Eirohm: Chief Technology Consultant for Diagnus Corp, runologist, alchemist, mathematician, occultist, explorer
Race: Dwarf/Morlock
Ethnicity: Eirohm Clan
Age: 110 (chronologically) 96 (biologically) (the human equivalent of about 30)
Gender: Hermaphrodite (most dwarves go by he/him)
Height: 4'2
Weight: 150lbs
Hair: None
Eyes: 3, pink and beady
A being vaguely resembling a gray, hairless, overweight chimpanzee, with three pink eyes and squidlike hands and feet.
Was part of Uncle Grubb and Aunt Esha's Duellona Expedition
Due to a time dilation effect, skipped fifteen years while in Duellona
Family member of the wealthy Eirohm Clan, famous for Eirohm Arms
Author of Diamonds in the Mist: Imperial Count Gerbern's Expedition to the Autumn City (3A 7:15-7:30)
Can be rather talkative once you get him going
Diagnus Corp. Chief Technology Consultant (1927-)
Is considered an odd duck even by dwarf standards
Second to undergo the Ritual
Dwarf Facts
Sensitive to light
Require special fungoid diet
Smell funky
Switch biological sex every few years
Lay eggs
Lifespan of about 250 years
Stronger then most humans
Excellent fine motor skills, but clumsy overall
Contact Geomancy: can manipulate stone by touch
Tend to be overly pedantic
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
Mathematics (Pure)
Mathematics (Theoretical)
Philosophy (Applied Platonics)
Ritual Magic (Witchboard Operation)
Runology (Jahannan School)
Runology (Dwarven School)
Director Cornelius Esau: Chief Security Officer of Diagnus Corp, Director of Diagnus Corps Security Assets
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Vendi-Israelite
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3
Weight: 240lbs
Hair: Bald
Eyes: (only one) Dark brown
A tall, imposing black man with a scarred face. The left lens of his wire-rim spectacles is blacked out.
Confederate Royal Army, Heavy Infantry (1899-1909) Rank: Captain
Led Tama's mercenary army during the Assalan Civil War (1910-1913)
Diagnus Corp. Chief Security Officer, Director of Security Assets (1913-)
Fought as a Corporate Privateer in the Great War (1925-1939)
Lost his eye in 1936 when Aesirans sank the Diagnus Corp. destroyer, Snowy Rose
Loyal friend to Tama, but thinks his interest in the occult is silly
Military history buff
Low-key/moderate supporter of the Vendi Separatist Movement
Tama gave him a custom battlesuit, but really he's too old for that
Employee of Diagnus Corp. for thirty-four years
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
History (CSK, Military)
Strategy (Air)
Strategy (Land)
Perk More Dakka: (2 FP to unlock) He'll allow you to train with shotguns, rifles and sub-machine guns.
K'Leto Lax D'vaugnas: Daughter of Tama and K'Jala
Race: Elf
Ethnicity: Toloran/Korigan
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 4'9
Weight: 65lbs
Hair: Black pixie-cut, blue highlights
Eyes: Black
A lanky teenage elf with an olive complexion.
Student at D'shalsky Academy, member of the Student Council
Rumored to the part of the Abraxas dueling cult
Competitive jet racer
Airbike enthusiast
Smokes, but keeps it a secret from her father
Master fencer
Master martial artist
Master pilot
Friends with Pat Savage, went on an adventure with her once
Hates Valree
Hates Vasgo music. Thinks it's bourgeois.
Listens to Zlak music, much to her father's annoyance
Plays guitar
Vestigial Telepathy and Psychokinesis
Sympathetic towards the Peoples' Revolution Party
Twelve fingers, twelve toes
First cousin once removed to Vulas Vee D'vaugnas, 13th Baron Vaugnas
13th in line to the title of Baroness Vaugnas of Rupengotha (Kingdom of Toloran, Confederation of Swan Kingdoms)
Used to be close to her father, but they've grown apart
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
Martial Arts
Mind over Matter: (2 FP to unlock) Unlocks your innate psychokinesis ability (Available to Burt, Helen and Eddie)
Mind to Mind: (2 FP to unlock) Unlocks your innate telepathic ability (Available only to Burt, Helen, Eddie and Maribel).
Slipping the Leash: (2 FP to unlock, can be purchased via Split-Cost) Once you get to Sologoth, she'll show you a way to sneak out of Diagnus Tower so the party can enter the city without a security escort.
Bonus Perk: The Underworld (Free with Slipping the Leash -- but not if purchased via Split-Cost) - She also has a criminal contacts, and can get you access to an underground nightclub.
Valree Zarhara: Tama's mistress, erotic model, photographer, artist, aspiring film director
Race: Elf
Ethnicity: Verveenian
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 4'9
Weight: 60lbs
Hair: Waist-length auburn, feathered
Eyes: Hazel
A beautiful young elf woman, elvish even by elf standards. Rather snobbish looking.
Developed a crush on Tama during his run for Doge of Sologoth; her public endorsement of him hurt her career
Likes nightclubs
Likes Vasco music
Doesn't get along with K'Leto
Loves Nee-nee
From a small town in Verveenia
Dabbles in psychoactive substances
Sometimes gets Tama to take them too
Has an interest in the occult, though Tama keeps her out of the loop
People think she's an airhead, but she really is a talented photographer
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
Under Corporate Supervision: (2 FP to unlock) She will convince Tama to allow the party to leave the Diagnus Tower under security supervision.
Bonus Perk: Sologoth Night Fever (Free if you purchase Under Corporate Supervision from her) - She rubs elbows with the Who's Who of Sologoth. She can get you into the most exclusive night clubs.
Bonus Perk: Where Flap the Tatters of the King(Free if you purchase Under Corporate Supervision from her) - She will tell you what happened during the Yellow King incident.
Dr. Bejen Herrica: Ship's doctor and Tama's personal shaman.
Race: Elf
Ethnicity: Verveenian
Age: 60
Gender: Male
Height: 4'10
Weight: 70lbs
Hair: Thinning brown/gray
Eyes: Brown
A middle-aged elf in a white lab coat and thick coke-bottle lenses
Highly skilled doctor and shaman. Studied at Normaris Seminary
Knows ritual spells for healing, though due to their uncertainty and side-effects he uses them only when modern medicine fails
Atheist: Believes the deities he calls upon are merely Platonic forms
Forward thinking. Open to new treatments currently under development
Mildly telepathic
Employee of Diagnus Corp. for twenty-six years
Has 'Power Rangers armor' but rarely wears it.
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
Esoteric Medicine (Alchemy)
First Aid
Philosophy (Applied Platonics)
Ritual Magic (Banish Spirits)
Ritual Magic (Dispel Magic)
Ritual Magic (Medicine)
Runology (Jahannan School -- Medicine)
Runology (Zobartic -- Banish Evil)
Mind to Mind: (2 FP to unlock) Unlocks your innate telepathic ability (Available only to Burt, Helen, Eddie and Maribel).
Race: Elf
Ethnicity: Toloran/Zurain
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Height: 5'2
Weight: 100lbs
Hair: Brown, long
Eyes: Brown
A hippy-looking elf man in his forties. Tattooed to amplify his powers.
Confederate Royal Sorcerer Corp (CRSC) (1914-1927) Rank: Sergeant
Diagnus Corp. Security Assets (192
Worships Nodens, the god of his father
Other wizards think he's a weirdo
Can use his telepathy to appear invisible
Because of his Zurian ancestry, he is ineligible for CSK Citizenship. He is legally classed as a CSK Subject
CSK Subjects are barred from owning property in the Swanland or marrying CSK Citizens
Hydromancer Facts
Psychokinetic power excels at fluid manipulation
Mid-high kinetic force (High with liquids)
Mid-high defensive wards
Moderate finesse
Can manifest tulpas into liquid elementals
Ship duties:
Direct flow of fuel and other fluids
Use a witchboard to influence local weather
Aide in repairs/maintenance
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
Dreams (Prerequisite for other skills)
Meditation (Prerequisite for other skills)
Mental Strength (to resist telepathic attacks)
Runology (Jahannan)
Runology (Zurainian)
Mind over Matter: (2 FP to unlock) Unlocks your innate psychokinesis ability (Available to Burt, Helen and Eddie)
Mind to Mind: (2 FP to unlock) Unlocks your innate telepathic ability (Available only to Burt, Helen, Eddie and Maribel)
Race: Elf
Ethnicity: Ghenaren
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Height: 4'6
Weight: 60lbs
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown
An attractive brunette with olive skin and warm brown eyes. Tattooed with runes to amplify powers. Has bionic legs.
Confederate Royal Sorcerers Corp (1920-1934) Rank: Major
Diagnus Corp. Security Assets (1934-)
Holds a Phd in Thaumatology
Motherly, though she has no children of her own
Lost her legs when the Diagnus destroyer Snowy Rose was shot down by the Aesirans. Saved Tama's life.
Aeromancer Facts
Psychokinetic power excels at gaseous manipulation
Low kinetic force (High with gases)
Low defensive wards
High finesse
Can manifest tulpas into semi-autonomous air elementals
Ship duties:
Cool overheating components
Create vacuum tunnels in front of the ship (requires witchboard)
Influence local weather (Requires witchboard)
Aide in repairs/maintenance
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
Aeromancy (Prerequisite for unlocking other Aero abilities. Available only to Maribel)
Aeromancy: Remote Sensing ('Aerodar') (Available only to Maribel)
Aeromancy: Tulpas (Beginner) (Available only to Maribel)
Computer Operation
Mental Strength (to resist telepathic attacks)
Philosophy (Applied Platonics)
Ritual Magic (Witchboard Operation)
Runology (Jahannan School)
Perk Mind over Matter: (2 FP to unlock) Unlocks your innate psychokinesis ability (Available to Burt, Helen and Eddie)
Race: Elf
Ethnicity: Toloran
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Height: 4'8
Weight: 55lbs
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Black, close-cropped with bangs
A skinny, somewhat surly elf with runic tattoos up her arms and legs.
Confederate Royal Sorcerers Corp (CRSC) (1937-1939) Rank: Private 1st Class
Diagnus Security Assets (1939-)
Kind of a jerk
Best friends with Zizzy; grew up in the same Sologoth slums
Family connections to nativist street gang, Tolos Nation.
Tolos Nation hates communists and immigrants, in that order.
Despite his vocal anti-communism, Tolos Nation isn't fans of Tama due to his advocacy of open borders and repealing the racial purity laws. Also, they consider him a race traitor for (twice) marrying a Korigan.
Vek is on friendly terms with her family, though there are tensions.
Vek won't help you against Tama without a very good reason.
Metalmancer Facts
Psychokinetic power excels at metal manipulation
Mid-high kinetic force (Very high with metal)
Mid-high defensive wards (Very high against metal)
Low finesse (Very high with metal)
Can create mechanical golems
Ship duties:
Ship repairs/maintenance/rapid (dis)assembly
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
Mental Strength (to resist telepathic attacks)
Perk Mind over Matter: (2 FP to unlock) Unlocks your innate psychokinesis ability (Available to Burt, Helen and Eddie)
Race: Elf
Ethnicity: Toloran
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: 4'3
Weight: 45lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black crew cut
A tiny elf, scowling girl with runic tattoos up her arms and legs.
Recruited into the Confederate Royal Sorcerers Corp (CRSC) but the war ended during her training. Transferred to Reserves in 1940 (Rank: Private)
Diagnus Security Assets (1940-)
Touchy about missing the war
Surly, but friendly when showing off her powers
Best friends with Vek; grew up in the same Sologoth slums
Photomancer Facts
Generates and manipulates photons
Very low kinetic force
Very low defensive wards
Low finesse (Very high with light manipulation)
Can make herself invisible (in a 'Predator' sort of way)
Can generate holographic illusions ('phantoms')
Phantoms can be tulpas
Phantoms can be 'hard' and attack, but are easily dispelled
Can create a 'magic eye' for remote viewing
Can create light orbs
Light orbs can dazzle people
Light orbs can shoot lasers
Ship duties:
Minor maintenance and repairs
Survey hard to reach area with her magic eye
Can spot weld if necessary
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
Mental Strength (to resist telepathic attacks)
Perk Mind over Matter: (2 FP to unlock) Unlocks your innate psychokinesis ability (Available to Burt, Helen and Eddie)
Dr. Endubis Malachi: Doctor of Alchemy and Thaumatology, Tulpa-Artificer
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Vendi-Israelite
Age: 67
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5
Weight: 170lbs
Hair: Gray, with a long gray Gandalf beard
Eyes: Dark brown
A short squat elderly man of Middle Eastern descent. Has a bushy gray Gandalf beard
Master of the field of thoughtform-craft, programs tulpas using runes and witchboards
Recently, he uses this knowledge in the budding field of artificial intelligence
Currently working on Project Cyclops
Employee of Diagnus Corp. for fourteen years
Curmudgeonly old man, but friendly enough once you get to know him
Friends with Dr. Widari, like to play cards
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
Computer Operation
Computer Programming
Mathematics (Pure)
Mathematics (Theoretical)
Mental Strength (to resist telepathic attacks)
Philosophy (Applied Platonics)
Ritual Magic (Witchboard Operation)
Runology (Dwarven School)
Runology (Jahannan School)
Runology (Zobartic School)
Perk Trademark by Hasbro (2 FP to unlock): He will teach you how to make your own Witchboard.
Dr. Alan Turing: British computer scientist, cryptographer
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Anglo-Saxon
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10
Weight: 170lbs
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Blue
It's Alan Turing!
Brilliant in his field
Worked on Project Ultra during the Great War
Blackmailed by the German government for homosexual activities (1942)
Arrested for sodomy; broken out of jail by Tama
Currently working on Project Cyclops
Only Earthling among Tama's entourage (you and your party excluded)
Doesn't really fit in
Employee of Diagnus Corp. for two years
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
Computer Operation
Computer Programming
Engineering (Electronics)
Mathematics (Computer Science)
Mental Strength (to resist telepathic attacks)
Perk In the Halls of the Vacuum Tube Palace: (2 FP to unlock) He's not really supposed to, but he'll take you to meet Cyclops itself
Dr. Bata Kokotomi: Philosopher, physicist, metaphysicist, mystic, very mildly telepathic
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Vendi-Aksumite
Age: 51
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8
Weight: 160lbs
Hair: Black, braided with beads
Eyes: Dark brown
A curvy black woman of indeterminate age. Her dark eyes shine warmly
Revolutionized the field of quantum platonics
Currently working on Project Cyclops
Comes from a long line of scientists
One-eighth elf
Husband is a Sky Marines General
Has four children: two in the Sky Marines, one studying for his doctorate and her youngest an intern with Diagnus Corp.
Warm and pleasant, with a good sense of humor
Mildly telepathic, but only can use it in dreams
Employee of Diagnus Corp. for seven years
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
Dreams (Prerequisite for other skills)
Mathematics (Computer Science)
Mathematics (Theoretical)
Meditation (Prerequisite for other skills)
Mental Strength (to resist telepathic attacks)
Philosophy (Applied Platonics)
Philosophy (Theory of Mind)
Physics (Quantum Physics)
Ritual Magic (Witchboard Operation)
Runology (Jahannan)
Dreamscape: (2 FP to unlock, must have Dream Skill and Mind to Mind Perk) Will teach you how to extend the range of your telepathy (from hundreds of miles to thousands) via a form of lucid dreaming (Available only to Burt, Helen, Eddie and Maribel) (Strictly speaking, no party member can pick this perk this chapter, but they can learn about it.)
Mind to Mind: (2 FP to unlock) Unlocks your innate telepathic ability (Available only to Burt, Helen, Eddie and Maribel)
Ayama Kokotomi: Daughter of Bata, tinkerer, computer whiz
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Vendi-Aksumite
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9
Weight: 130lbs
Hair: Black Afro
Eyes: Dark brown
A skinny black teenage girl, friendly and outgoing
Mother is a scientist, father is a general
Brilliant, but more tinkerer than thinker - shares none of her mother's interest in metaphysics
Studying for her Doctorate in Electrical Engineering
Works for Diagnus Corp as part of an internship
Working on Project Cyclops, but only in an unofficial capacity
Fixes the Sweet Pea's computer, even though technically that's not her job
Reads communist literature
One-sixteenth elf
Practices traditional Askumite martial arts
Knows how to 'hack the Grid'
Vocal supporter of the Vendi Separatist Movement
Skill Bonuses (Assign each FP to a skill--you can pick the same skill multiple times)
Computer Operation
Computer Programming
Electronics Repair (Computers)
Engineering (Electronics)
Engineering (Robotics)
Mathematics (Computer Science)
Mechanic (Robotics)
Mechanic (Battlesuit)
Mental Strength (to resist telepathic attacks)
Knife fighting
Martial Arts
Perks A 5th Column is You: (2 FP to unlock, available only to Helen and Roberta, can be purchased split cost) Ayama will use her sources to open communication for Pat Savage's group. You will be able to relay and receive messages.
Other Characters
General Counsel Ran Cregerg: Tama's "Chief Lawyer." Boring. Not very approachable.
Assistant Director Cletus Nok: Head of Security for D'vaugnas Tower
Security Chief Biron "Bibi" Folen: Head of the Sweet Pea's twelve man security team.
Sergeant Jann Pressa: Member of the Sweet Pea's security team.
Engineering Chief Fenoran "Finny" Alreno: Head of Engineering
Captain Felix Alexandros: Head of Tama's Corporate Guard team.
Lieutenant Ishmael Zal: Member of the Corporate Guard
Sergeant Horus Longinus: Member of the Corporate Guard
Luro Iveis: Valree's cameraman
Anyway, two weeks left to vote. If you enjoy the quest, please feel free to vote! In the meantime I'm going to keep working on the first chapter of my prequel story, Every World a Tomb: A Sky Opera. Hopefully I'll be finished with it in a few of weeks.
Well ho-lee crap. Tama is reaching for the golden ring of "end the worlds, but like, in a good way".
Your family has informed you that three days from now Pat Savage and her crimefighting gang (Colonel Grung, Professor Poseidon, Nicky Junior and Dame Csenia) are (probably) planning on kidnapping you from the D'vaugnas Tower during a riot/protest. Bobbi wants you to go with Pat, while Helen and Maribel are more conflicted. Burt is cautiously neutral. Bare in mind, warning Tama may have negative consequences for Ayama.
Not lying to our family seems like a good start on making this decision. Pat is unlikely to be dissuaded by a kid telling her no. I could be persuaded to tell Tama, but think if we tell him we should tell him when he gets back.
[X] Do not warn Tama of Pat Savage's plans, but tell Ayama to have her contacts message Pat that you're not interested in her 'rescue.'
If you are going to tell Tama about Pat's plans, when will you tell him?
[X] You have three days. Tell him when he gets back.
Burt is asking about the Ritual and Tama's Master Plan. You can't say much about the former, but you can perhaps enlighten him about the latter.
[X] Explain that you think it'll be like Third Impact/Instrumentality from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Except, you know, in a good way. (I don't know this setting, but assume it's a reference Burt and the others will get).
Now that you have greater insight into Tama's Master Plan, what do you think?
[X] I have both misgivings and concerns. There should be a 'successful' outcome short of merging everyone into the Overmind with Tama at the wheel...and if there has to be one person at the wheel, Tama is not the best option out there! Maybe there'll be an opportunity for Eddie to sit the Diamond Throne, maybe there'll be a chance to pick someone else.
Is there anything else you want to add?
[ ] Write in.
Below is the current plan, which has yet to be fulfilled. The default vote is to leave this plan in place, but you can put forward a new plan if you wish.
[X] Keep current plan (Default)
Eddie really has drunk the kool-aid - but I gotta admit Tama's being written really persuasively here. I don't blame Eddie for his thought processes.
Re: warning Tama or not, the only choices presented to us are "lots of people on both sides die" vs "all the people on Pat's side die", it looks like? Either way we and the family have warning, but I kind of suspect Bobbi will take Pat's arrival as an excuse to finally live her FPS dreams.
[x] elarasilk
I wonder if there's a way to, uh, sit on the Diamond Throne in committee.
The implications of living in an ancestor (?) simulation are existentially horrific. It touches upon the classic Problem of Evil, except within a secular framework. Your world has a god/programmer, and yet by the very existence of suffering, you can only conclude god is either indifferent to evil or even revels in it.
The scenario presented here is, if you realize you're in a simulation (or have strong reason to believe you're in one), and you see a way of seizing control of its parameters, should you? There's the argument that one shouldn't "play god," but there already is a god above, and clearly he's not doing a great job.
Then I succeeded. I wanted to portray that, whatever one's opinions are on Tama, he does have a legitimate point. This was a challenge because this point had to filter through his megalomania and grandiose speech patterns. One risk was the seeming non-sequitur of his "Do you know how we won the war?" monologue. The idea was the reader (and Eddie) thinks Tama is changing the subject, whereas he was actually winding up for a punch.
But yes, Eddie has sipped a bit of kool-aid bonded with Tama off-screen, hence we're seeing Tama's more personable, even vulnerable side.
Due to budgetary constraints, the last two episodes of NGE are quite infamously strange, with the last scene ascending to memehood. The alternate ending/companion piece, The End of Evangelion, was much darker, ending with the whole human race turned into orange goo and Shinji choking Asuka on a beach. If Eddie wants to make this comparison, he wants to stress the End of History will be like the series ending, not the movie.
[X] I have both misgivings and concerns. There should be a 'successful' outcome short of merging everyone into the Overmind with Tama at the wheel...and if there has to be one person at the wheel, Tama is not the best option out there! Maybe there'll be an opportunity for Eddie to sit the Diamond Throne, maybe there'll be a chance to pick someone else.
These are legitimate concerns. It's worth noting that if one takes the Successful Instrumentality Interpretation of NGE's last episode, it's not like the characters have lost all individuality. So perhaps there's a happy medium between 'perpetual dystopia simulator' and 'lonely overmind.' But then there's the issue of--good intentions aside--would you trust Tama as god? Does he really know what he's doing?
Re: warning Tama or not, the only choices presented to us are "lots of people on both sides die" vs "all the people on Pat's side die", it looks like? Either way we and the family have warning, but I kind of suspect Bobbi will take Pat's arrival as an excuse to finally live her FPS dreams.
I guess that part of the world isn't getting their own Evangelion out anytime soon. A world without anime; truly they have been cast into the darkest timeline.
He studies you across the sofa, his widow's peak accentuating his furrowed brow. "Now, if this is your life, this is your fate . . . tell me, did you make your own choices?"
No, they didn't. Is that the reason you want to take away choice from the ones who have it? Prop up the less fortunate at the expense of everyone else?
Say, what is your beef with communists, really? You'd gladly take away the opportunities from the rich and... well, I suppose you'd take it away from the poor too. And they probably wouldn't pick you to rule over them, so it's understandable why it's such a big no-no.
His point sinks in like a stiletto. If this is a simulation . . . why?
His grin strikes you as ecstatic, infectious--childlike even, despite the heavy lines bracketing his mouth. ". . . we can have it all," he says. "Answer me this, my boy: if our reality is a simulation, is it run well?"
"And if he is neither able nor willing, then--"
Well, maybe God -- if there is one -- simply does not care what you do in his sandbox. It's not like he demands worship; he's no Tama.
But riddle me this, my boy: you already have conjured and dismissed a (pseudo?) living being with a justification its fate is a manifestation of your will and thus holds no special meaning; what makes you think you'd pay any more heed to people when they are no more than extensions of yourself?
"It is not hubris when I speak of my magnificence. Only once in millennia is a man such as I born. I am heroism and fire. I am intensity and stardust. Yet despite the glory of my genius, despite the monument of my noonday triumphs, I am finite."
For what fortunes await without my guiding hand? What catastrophes lurk behind every tomorrow?
This is what it is about, isn't it? You are finite and mortal, and you want a way to rectify that. You "I" is getting too big for your own frail body, and seeks to fill the entire world. Some visionary you are that can not even envision a future without yourself!
He built a supercomputer to pass on his legacy, but now like a fairytale dragon he loathes to part with any of it.
Oh, yes, very much so! You, sir, are positively, one-hundred percent certified mad... and that's what people love you for. Well, some people. A very small circle, actually, but they make up for it with their dedication to your cult.
It's not like I don't see his point. A choice isn't the ultimate value, and there are circumstances when it is more ethical to take it out of one's hands. This is a dilemma a doctor faces when their oath to save a patient's life comes into conflict with superstition or cultural dogma. I can admire a certain disregard for the opinion of contemporaries from someone with a better idea of a future.
But Tama is hardly fit to be the founder of the next religion, old, lonely, and scared of death as he is; he has seen too much misery and seeks refuge from old horrors instead of looking ahead to new horizons. Indeed, if there is to be God, it should be none other than us, Eddie the Great. We don't know what is so Great about us yet, but I suppose toppling our mentor could be our claim to it, yes?
Okay, you get that life is very shitty for a lot of people, but isn't this sacrificing too much? Eradicating evil is all well and good, but you'll also no longer have people falling in love and raising families and stuff. And you kind of like being an individual. Being a solitary superbeing in an empty universe sounds boring.
Oh, don't worry; that's when you can start experimenting. First you make a planet out of yourself; then you split your conciousness into separate fragments and populate it; make several copies; and then watch them as they nuke and starve and murder themselves in so many inventive ways, switching between them as if they were TV channels. The most successful specimen go into one big arena to duke it out with each other in the Ring.
On the other hand, if this is a simulation (and you're pretty sure it is), then the programmer is a supermassive asshole. Who the fuck simulates--with real sentient beings--famine and disease and nuclear war and traffic accidents?
This is also every simulation you run to predict a point of failure. A good stress test would seek to run through every possibility, with everything that implies. Or, you know, something as clinical and scientific as a collision course between two celestial bodies. A programmer likely wouldn't sweat all the little details and put in things like individual suffering, but if a supercomputer the simulation is run on is powerful enough, it can fill in the blanks by itself. For more precise measurements, you see.
What does it matter if they could be conjured out of thin air and returned to nothingness at a swat of a finger? Who cares about one stray variable or memory cell among billions?
You don't like it? Well, maybe you should show more care in your tulpa dealings; that sounds like a decent practice of one's responsibilities.
But we will complete their work! If you doubt the power, consider that your aunt, merely by sitting on the Diamond Throne and placing the World Stone upon her brow, conjured an Earth into existence.
Yes, and doomed millions to die in the riots and more to the smallpox, and werewolves, and bombings in a war that wasn't even theirs. All in all, it was not a responsible thing to do, and shouldn't be taken as an inspiration.
Before you fight off the Programmer you might want to ask yourself if you'd be any different, because...
You suspect, "It'll be just like the end of Evangelion--the series not the movie," won't go well with any of them. You guess it's like what Tama said about your family: pleasant enough, but in the end they are simple creatures, "beasts of the field" who lack your spark of genius. Even Burt he would admit is only clever, a dim star to your own shining light.
That sounds arrogant, but it's true, isn't it? Deep down you've always knew you were special, and Tama sees that in you too.
Eddie, you are contemplating melting your remaining family into a primordial soup against their will. You tell me if it's arrogant or what.
...and what about Maribel? While not a World Jumper, her magical potential doesn't seem to be inferior to yours. Get off the high horse, mageling. ...what is a World Jumper without the Hearthstones, anyway? You are getting Tama's inflated ego without any of his accomplishments; the worst of both world.
It's like he is torn between suicidal impulses (for how else should I interpret a desire to end suffering, be at peace, and reunite with dead parents?) and trying to live out an ultimate teenage power fantasy, and decides to go for both at the same time.
I'll think on the vote and post something tomorrow.
Before its monochrome flicker Valree lies asleep on a cushy couch, her long chestnut hair a messy splay, her short bathrobe clinging enticingly to her backside. Cuddled to her breasts, the fox Nee-nee perks its giant ears and watches Tama's approach with a sleepy squint. The billionaire moves as if to wake his mistress, but then with a half-shrug continues on to his bedroom.
It's moments like these when the bluster falls off and you see an impossibly tired man in place of a moustache-twirling braggart (while everyone pretends to not notice he doesn't have a moustache).
But then he has a good night's sleep, and you wonder what came over you and how you even scrounged that bit of empathy to spare on him.
Wowza, that was a hell of an update. I can't vote today since I have an exam tomorrow and a few reports to write, but I will later.
As a side note, I'm really glad to see this quest still rolling! I read it a few years ago and thought it was really interesting, but assumed it was inactive due to the long amount of time between updates (I didn't think to check the usual time spacing between them). Imagine my surprise when there were a bunch of great updates to read! Anyway, I'm glad I'm able to participate now, and I'll be able to share some thoughts on what to do tomorrow or the day after.
No, they didn't. Is that the reason you want to take away choice from the ones who have it? Prop up the less fortunate at the expense of everyone else?
One could argue Tama has a point regarding suffering in a simulated universe, but perhaps his solution to this injustice is a little extreme.
Say, what is your beef with communists, really? You'd gladly take away the opportunities from the rich and... well, I suppose you'd take it away from the poor too. And they probably wouldn't pick you to rule over them, so it's understandable why it's such a big no-no.
Prima facie Tama appears to be something of an ancap: government bad, free market good, taxes are theft, "by your bootstraps" self-reliance, individualism, etc, with pretensions of being an archetypal Heinleinian hero.
However, Tama would lose most libertarians with his "let's merge into a hivemind" talk. But ideological quirks aside, he's seen firsthand how communist governments seem to unerringly wind up as totalitarian shitholes. It doesn't help that the Swannish right tends to gleefully conflate fascism with communism, much to the annoyance of real communists.
Well, maybe God -- if there is one -- simply does not care what you do in his sandbox. It's not like he demands worship; he's no Tama.
True, the God/Programmer could be deistic, but the point still stands. If God is indifferent to the suffering in his own world, he isn't worth worshiping (whether he wants to be worshiped or not).
But riddle me this, my boy: you already have conjured and dismissed a (pseudo?) living being with a justification its fate is a manifestation of your will and thus holds no special meaning; what makes you think you'd pay any more heed to people when they are no more than extensions of yourself?
The fact that Tama dismisses the "little griefs" of tulpas, but in the same breath rages to the heavens over the suffering in this simulated world . . . well, it's a little myopic.
You don't like it? Well, maybe you should show more care in your tulpa dealings; that sounds like a decent practice of one's responsibilities.
To be fair, experienced tulpas do get used to the 'sleeps' when their master dismisses them. It's not like Zizzy's Teaky Reek lives in existential terror.
Indeed, if there is to be God, it should be none other than us, Eddie the Great. We don't know what is so Great about us yet, but I suppose toppling our mentor could be our claim to it, yes?
I didn't even know this existed. Interesting. I think I'll check it out.
...what is a World Jumper without the Hearthstones, anyway? You are getting Tama's inflated ego without any of his accomplishments; the worst of both world.
You don't actually need a heartstone to World Jump. The Germans that arrived in Jahanna didn't have one, though the transit required an elaborate portal system created by a Dwarven scientist (Mulnak zun Aimar). Heartstones just make the process easier.
Wowza, that was a hell of an update. I can't vote today since I have an exam tomorrow and a few reports to write, but I will later.
As a side note, I'm really glad to see this quest still rolling! I read it a few years ago and thought it was really interesting, but assumed it was inactive due to the long amount of time between updates (I didn't think to check the usual time spacing between them). Imagine my surprise when there were a bunch of great updates to read! Anyway, I'm glad I'm able to participate now, and I'll be able to share some thoughts on what to do tomorrow or the day after.
Yeah, I write at a leisurely pace. I've gotten a little better at it, though. Anyway, glad you enjoy the quest. It's niche enough that it needs every reader it can get.
Anyway, three days left, though I may extend this through at least the weekend.
A Creator God holds no responsibility for what people are doing with the lives they were given. In fact, seeking to place responsibility on shoulders of a deity absolves the ones committing atrocities from one.
Prima facie Tama appears to be something of an ancap: government bad, free market good, taxes are theft, "by your bootstraps" self-reliance, individualism, etc, with pretensions of being an archetypal Heinleinian hero.
However, Tama would lose most libertarians with his "let's merge into a hivemind" talk. But ideological quirks aside, he's seen firsthand how communist governments seem to unerringly wind up as totalitarian shitholes.
Totalitarianism is a form of government and a political system that prohibits all opposition parties, outlaws individual opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high degree of control over public and private life.
Hivemind: (in science fiction) a unified consciousness or intelligence formed by a number of individuals, the resulting consciousness typically exerting control over its constituent members.
I suppose it looks totally different since the latter allows no opposition for it to be outlawed.
But don't let Tama fool ourselves; he'd be the first to fight his own plan to the death were it anyone but him in the driver seat. He operates on a system of morals and ethics so unique he can not trust anyone else with them; he thinks himself so exceptional that he makes an exception even for the views that he otherwise appears to uphold so vehemently.
This isn't about suffering; it's about imposing himself on the rest of the world, which would eliminate suffering as a byproduct along with a lot more things. Ask him if he'd let anyone else do it for the same ideals, and he'd likely brush the idea aside. I think it is telling that he built Cyclops in his own image, and he is still unwilling to entrust the future to it, the closest thing to him that still isn't himself.
...I am toying with the idea of letting Pat know; I wonder if she'd put Tama next on her list after Ironbone. His is the kind of a mad master plan straight out of comic books that heroes from all walks of life unite together to stop.
True, the God/Programmer could be deistic, but the point still stands. If God is indifferent to the suffering in his own world, he isn't worth worshiping (whether he wants to be worshiped or not).
And? If one isn't worth worshipping and doesn't want to be worshipped, what's the takeaway and the logical follow-up?
Now I am imagining the Programmer getting DDoS'd with prayers from multiple IPs, clutching their ears while saying "Will you please listen? I am not the Messiah, do you understand? Honestly!" over and over again.
The fun part is that it still might be worth it to hijack the mainframe to impose better control over the chaos, but any resolution other than "erase all simulations and conflate everything in one big mess" is going to be tricky, and likely involve actions that I am not sure are possible on a scale that transmigrates planets. Also we'd be liable to doing something like what Eisha did out of ignorance, and aggravate the problem. Our best bet to impose a lasting world order would be finding a polity most suitable for the task among other simulations, and then backing it up in a quest of world domination... if the cosmology of the Ring even works that way. A simulation is never run for the sake of the simulation itself, and for all we know, our end goal may yet prove different.
What if the world as we know it is going to end the moment the Supercomputer gets the answer it's looking for by running all those simulations across multiple planets? It's just one possibility among many.
You don't actually need a heartstone to World Jump. The Germans that arrived in Jahanna didn't have one, though the transit required an elaborate portal system created by a Dwarven scientist (Mulnak zun Aimar). Heartstones just make the process easier.
It's a power amplifier. Without it, an individual's influence is not nearly as impactful. Eddie doens't have much cause to put on airs when it's ancient magic doing the heavy lifting for him.
A Creator God holds no responsibility for what people are doing with the lives they were given. In fact, seeking to place responsibility on shoulders of a deity absolves the ones committing atrocities from one.
I think an analogy could be made of a parent allowing their children to abuse each other. By choosing to not intervene in atrocities, a creator god is not merely a bad Samaritan, but negligent in protecting its creations (especially the more vulnerable ones).
I think it is telling that he built Cyclops in his own image, and he is still unwilling to entrust the future to it, the closest thing to him that still isn't himself.
True, though the issue now is something much better has come along. A little over a week ago, he was resigned (perhaps even content, in a fatalistic way) in the knowledge that a) he would probably be dead within a decade, and b) in Cyclops he had laid the groundwork for a post-singularity utopia--even though he wouldn't live to see it.
But now he can accomplish more than create a "minuscule bulwark against the hell that is life." He can fix reality itself. And of course, now that the path is open his ego demands he take this route. Fortunate favors the bold, hubris is a coward's word, yadda yadda yadda.
...I am toying with the idea of letting Pat know; I wonder if she'd put Tama next on her list after Ironbone. His is the kind of a mad master plan straight out of comic books that heroes from all walks of life unite together to stop.
Well, voters have wiggle room, but Eddie is still in Tama's camp. He can harbor some doubts, but he still favors the general idea of Tama's plan. And he does not want to go off with Pat. Of course, there's nothing stopping other party members from telling Pat.
A simulation is never run for the sake of the simulation itself, and for all we know, our end goal may yet prove different.
What if the world as we know it is going to end the moment the Supercomputer gets the answer it's looking for by running all those simulations across multiple planets? It's just one possibility among many.
That is the question: What is the simulation's purpose? Perhaps the Ritual will clear that up.
It's a power amplifier. Without it, an individual's influence is not nearly as impactful. Eddie doens't have much cause to put on airs when it's ancient magic doing the heavy lifting for him.
True, Eddie's power aren't flashy and lack the everyday utility and accessibility of other magic, but within its narrow parameters Eddie can do what no one else can. Weirdly enough, what Tama is asking of him isn't strictly speaking Eddie's forte. Tama wants him to navigate a treacherous Fog to get to the (Foggy?) city within--and perhaps do some runestuff there? However, armed with the right runecraft and knowledge of Foggy areas, Eddie could go solo in his own planeswalking adventures--even without a heartstone (though Eddie would have little control over where he ends up, would really only be able to transport himself and what he can carry, and even then the results would be pretty spotty. That's what the Mulnak Portals/Heartstone Witchboards offer: power and consistency).
Anyway, voting is still open. If anyone reading is enjoying the quest, feel free to vote!
Unless anyone needs more time (I'm certainly in no rush), voting ends Sunday night/Monday morning). Calling to the regulars: @Nevill , @Chimerasame , and @kittenmagic . And newcomer @GildedSergeant .
Oops, sorry, it was a busy week. Well, that's two days to put my plan out there, huh.
Alright, so...
If Eddie will not budge from his decision, we should probably warn off both Tama and Ayama. Ayama so she could hide her contacts/infiltrators from scrutiny and investigation that will inevitably follow, and Tama to minimize the amount of fighting and reduce danger. OOC we know that the family chose to support Eddie despite their own misgivings (none of them except Roberta feels too strongly one way or the other), and nothing prevents him from confirming it IC, so if he is determined to stay and won't get rescued, they won't be jumping ships either. And if we are all staying, we should improve our chances of staying.
Perhaps play it off as being impressed with Tama's character and generocity so he wouldn't feel like killing anyone; he cares a great deal about impressions if he has to convince himself of something. And though it's harder to find a non-violent solution, isn't he the genius who doesn't seek easy ways?
Your family has informed you that three days from now Pat Savage and her crimefighting gang (Colonel Grung, Professor Poseidon, Nicky Junior and Dame Csenia) are (probably) planning on kidnapping you from the D'vaugnas Tower during a riot/protest. Bobbi wants you to go with Pat, while Helen and Maribel are more conflicted. Burt is cautiously neutral. Bare in mind, warning Tama may have negative consequences for Ayama.
[x] Warn Tama of Pat Savage's plans, even though this may upset Helen, Maribel and Bobbi. Also, tell Ayama to have her contacts message Pat that you're not interested in her 'rescue.'
-[x] Check with Ayama if she wants to take credit for the reveal. It might allow her to keep her place on Tama's roster of employees and her place as an infiltrator. Otherwise she should probably clean all traces of her involvement as we settle on a cover story for where the information comes from.
-[x] Butter Tama up to show restraint. Surely with an advance warning he could think of a way to not mar his greatest undertaking in blood of an old acquaintance.
If you are going to tell Tama about Pat's plans, when will you tell him?
[x] Try to catch him in the morning before he leaves.
-[x] Let him catch some sleep and get to the usual boisterous mood before hitting him with the news. Besides, you need to talk to Ayama first.
Burt is asking about the Ritual and Tama's Master Plan. You can't say much about the former, but you can perhaps enlighten him about the latter.
[x] Explain that you think it'll be like Third Impact/Instrumentality from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Except, you know, in a good way.
-[x] Well, you don't actually know if it's going to be any good the way things stand, but it would allow one to impose some control over their future, and that of the world.
Now that you have greater insight into Tama's Master Plan, what do you think?
[x] You have ambitions concerns. Tama's aims may be noble, but can you trust him? Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and he's already pretty crazy. Perhaps for now you should go along with his plans, but also look a means of usurping him when the time comes. You don't know yet how you'll do it, and you're uncertain what you'll do if you got the chance, but if someone is going to sit on the Diamond Throne and become The God the World Needs, why can't it be you?
-[x] The theory is solid; it's the practical applications that are up to debate. But you are really tired of being toyed with by powers way above you, and the world could stand to be a bit better, no?
Is there anything else you want to add?
[x] You miss your parents.
Who should be the next chapter's POV? Rank from most preferred (5) to least preferred (1). Default vote is Eddie (5) and everyone else (0)
[5] Eddie (Default)
Below is the current plan, which has yet to be fulfilled. The default vote is to leave this plan in place, but you can put forward a new plan if you wish.
[x] Keep current plan (Default)
How does that sound? Besides Eddie's motivations, which I admit are just something I want to ascribe him because I think they make him more interesting (and manipulative, and more than a little bit megalomanical himself), I believe they are in line with our previous votes and long-term goals.
We might want to give Tama a headstart if we want him to handle this cleanly because of magic power disparity. Pat has a team of superheroes with her, while all he has is lots of well-trained but disposable mooks and a few elite mages. In absense of a good plan he is likely to expend his mooks, which would not only sour his mood, making him more difficult to approach, but also deprive us of manpower we might need for the expedition.
I want to give Ayama a chance to keep being an infiltrator for whatever People's Army she is in, but we can keep postponing it only for so long. We can try to conceal her involvement if she wants, but we are warning Tama, if only for our own safety and reducing collateral damage.