How should we cover the limited time event (which he most likely does not have access to currently)?

  • Total voters
Stat wise, how do the starters look? Their initial stats, growths, and caps all look a little different and seem to specialize in different things.

Glowworm seems to have a most fanart at a quick glance, alot of fanart with Admiral Hipper (the ship), with either the two of them fighting or getting along.

At least this game allows for legitimate Ship Captains... err Admirals playing from America.

KC doesn't.

I don't think there's an official translation though, so you still need to know the language to play.
Stat wise, how do the starters look? Their initial stats, growths, and caps all look a little different and seem to specialize in different things.

I'm not going to completely spoil all the stats so early on.

But I will say that in general:

American ships have good AA.

British ships have good Firepower.

German ships have good Armor.

Japanese ships have good Torpedoes.
Gonna be locking votes in around 45-50 minutes or so.

When the next hour comes.

Make any final changes and votes before then, please.
[2.1] Mandatory Tutorials pt. 1
Hello, everyone!

Welcome back to the Warship Girls R Let's Play!

Now that you all made your decision by majority rule… It seems that we'll be proceeding with Gearing as our starter ship.

Side note, I chose Gearing as my own starter ship on my main account and Gearing was also the starter ship of the failed LP.

It seems that you all have a love for little USS Gearing.

Anyways, let's start with the LP.

Alright then, now that we've chosen Gearing as our starting ship, we need introduce ourselves to our brand new secretary ship. We can't exactly go around as Admiral [NAME] now can we?

Now then, since this game doesn't have a tutorial, I'll just have to explain the starting quest to-

"Did someone say tutorial?!"

What the-!

Uh so…

So, it seems that Warship Girls R actually got a proper tutorial now. Normally, the game would just throw you into the Admiral chair and make you do everything on your own… Well, I guess my job is done here? Well, it's written entirely in Chinese, so I guess I'll act as the translator and interpreter for the teacher lady here.

So the highlighted icon right now is the Sortie screen. You click on that icon if you want your shipgirls to go on, well, sorties.

Now that we're on the Sortie screen, we can see the Map Selection screen. I would show you around a bit more, but the new Tutorial lady won't let me deviate from the tutorial. Man… I still can't get used to this. You know, back in my day…!

Gearing: "Something tells me that this is gonna be a long story, folks… I'll just tow this conversation away and you all can escape from Old Man Tyrant's war stories again…"

…And that's how I learned to play Warship Girls R without being tied down by some mandatory tutorial.

Anyways, I digress.

For now, we can only press one thing on the screen and that's the icon for Level 1-1. I don't think I need to explain what 1-1 means, but I'll do it anyways. The first "1" in "1-1," that's to say the left "1" means which world you currently have selection. In our case, we're in World 1. The right "1" means which stage in that world you currently have selection. Once again in our case, we're in Stage 1. Put it all together and it means we're on Stage One of World One. So if I'm talking about, oh let's say, "3-4," then that means we're on Stage 4 of World 3.

Now then, let's just tap on that button…

Okay, now we're on the Fleet Confirmation screen. Now on this screen, we can see the status of our fleet before we send them off on a Sortie. As you can see here, Gearing's health here isn't at max. Why is that I wonder…?

Gearing: "It's… Uh… Y-You don't have to worry about it, Admiral…! It's not like I tripped or anything when I came to greet you!"

…Anyways, since Gearing's health isn't topped off, there's a warning at the banner at the bottom of the middle window there that tells you this. It's right above the big orange icon that Tutorial lady is highlighting and written in kind of red-orange font. I would explain more about this screen, but Tutorial lady is getting a bit impatient with me.

Let's just sortie, yeah?

Welcome to the Stage map everyone. I'll just give you a brief rundown of what all the nodes mean right now.
  • That node with the steering wheel is our starting node. The fleet that you send out on the sortie start of the stage from that point.
  • The red node that we're currently charging into, Node A, is an enemy node. You land on a red node; it means get ready for a fight!
  • That sinister node above the A node, Node B to be specific, is the boss node. Hopefully the fact that it has a mean-looking skull with horns was enough of a giveaway.
  • The grey node, Node C, is an unknown node. We currently don't know what that node is. The only way to find out is to land on it!

Gearing: "Admiral, enemy fleet spotted!"

Alright, everyone! Now that we've landed on the red node that I was talking about earlier, it's time for a battle!

Now then, if you see this screen, it means that you don't have enough Recon to see the enemy fleet composition.

This is one of the points I mentioned in my opening post where the game splits off from Kantai Collection actually. In Kantai Collection, once you land on an enemy node, you choose your formation. End of story. Prepare for naval warfare. If you want to know what you're getting into, go check out the Kantai Collection Wikia.

In Warship Girls R, however, if your ship has enough Recon, you can see what the enemy the enemy fleet is composed of and what formation they're coming into battle with. You even have the option to dodge the enemy too! Although that's reserved for very specific nodes and there are specific rules to that… Anyways, we're getting in over our heads right now! Let's just summarize everything really quickly.

In short, if you have enough Recon, which I clearly don't right now with just Gearing, then you can see your enemy fleet beforehand and you can figure out what your best formation would be before entering battle without the need of consulting the Warship Girls Wikia. If you don't have enough Recon, then Kantai Collection rules apply and all you can do is pick a formation to go into battle with.

I should also mention quickly that going into battle eats up 2 blocks of Ammo and 2 blocks of Fuel. What do I mean by that? Well, good thing you asked!

All ships have 10 "blocks" of Ammo and Fuel. If you want to enter combat, you have to spend 2 blocks of Ammo and Fuel. Once you finish combat with 0 blocks of fuel for your flagship, then that's it. You have to turn back. You can't go any further. It doesn't matter if you have a Destroyer as a flagship or a Battleship as a flagship. Like I said, all ships have 10 blocks.

The only difference between a "Destroyer blocks" and "Battleship" blocks are the amount of Fuel and Ammo per block. For example, a single Ammo block for a Destroyer might be 2 Ammo. Meanwhile, a single Ammo block for a Battleship is 400 Ammo. In the end, however, that Destroyer and Battleship only have 10 of those blocks regardless.

Anyways, let's jump into the battle!

Welcome to the Combat Screen! Once we finished picking our formation, we jump into the battle to see our girls take on those darn Abyssals. Unfortunately, we only have Gearing in our fleet, so we can't choose a formation yet. Once we get a minimum of four Shipgirls, then we can choose our fleet.

But until then, let me just explain what we're looking at here. At the very beginning of the battle, the game will go over a brief overview of what formation that you and the enemy fleet chose. Right now, all we have is our starting ship, the Destroyer Gearing, while we're dealing with an enemy Light Cruiser. Specifically, we're dealing with a E-Type Abyssal Light Cruiser here.

Above the chibi sprites of Gearing and E-Type Light Cruiser, you can see the hull classification of the ships, the max health of the ships, and the remaining health of that ship. The game uses the NATO classification code, so we're talking DDs, BBs, CVs, so on and so forth. Gearing, being a Destroyer, has the silver DD badge right next to her health bar, which is displaying 18 out of a max 20. Meanwhile, E-Type over there has a silver CL badge right next to her own health bar.

There's actually a bit more to the meaning of those badges, but you'll learn about those in time.

Once both side know each other's formations, it's time to see what kind of positions that we're all in. Depending on the position of your fleet in the beginning of battle, you can either have an advantage or disadvantage. You can get benefits like having more Evasion, dealing more damage to the enemy, or receiving less damage from enemy attacks. Meanwhile, you could also be severely debilitated by being more susceptible to enemy attacks, dealing less damage to the enemy, or receiving more damage than you would like from enemy shells, bombs, or torpedoes.

There are four kinds of possible positions for you and your opponent: Parallel, Head-on, T-Advantage, and T-Disadvantage. Parallel has no effect on you or your opponent.
  • Parallel neither buffs or debuffs you or your opponent
  • Head-on reduces the firepower of both you and your opponent by 20%
  • T-Advantage increases the power of either you or your opponent by 15%
  • T-Disadvantage decreases the power of either you or your opponent by a devastating 35%
Right now, we've got Parallel here.

Note that you and your opponent cannot have T-Advantage or T-Disadvantage at the same time. If you have the T-Advantage, then your opponent has to have T-Disadvantage, and vice versa. Meanwhile, Parallel and Head-On always applies to both you and your opponent at the same time.

While I would like to say that there's hard numbers that tell you how you can get T-Advantage constantly, there really isn't… I know that there's actual code that determines it! Please don't burn me at the stake, all you data miners! It's just that in practice, it's super random! In fact, it actually used to be random in earlier version of the game.

But if you want to increase your odds of getting T-Advantage, then just make sure you have a fast ship as your flagship. Also make sure that you're running a fast fleet too. The faster your fleet is in general, especially your flagship, then the more likely you'll be getting T-Advantage. The same could be said with T-Disadvantage. Don't run slow ships and especially don't run a slow ship as your flagship if you don't want to constantly be getting T-Disadvantage.

Like I said though, it's completely random in practice. The hard numbers aside, you're better luck rolling the dice to see what kind of position you get rather than trying to min-max your fleet composition to be T-Advantage or Parallel position machines.

But enough chit-chat! It's time to fight!

Oh come on… Your first battle and you get nailed straight away, Gearing?

Since we couldn't finish the enemy in the daytime, it's time to prepare to give chase and take them on at night! That's right everyone, we've got a night battle on our hands. If you want to enter the night battle, then you have to pay up a single Ammo block as an entrance fee. You don't pay Fuel at all. That's right, just a single Ammo block to fight the enemy at night.

Now then, the rules of the night battle are pretty simple. All shipgirls, aside from Aircraft Carriers, Light Aircraft Carriers, and other specialty shipgirls, can attack at night and deal much more significant damage than during the day battle. You can inflict disgusting levels of pain on the enemy in a single attack during the night battle. However, the same can be done to you. While you're over there throwing out torpedoes that can do 300 damage when it connects, a single enemy torpedo can also knock your shipgirl's health points down into the red with a single torpedo as well.

But let's see the actual night battle instead of just listening to me explain what it is.

Okay, I know that damage was underwhelming but stick with me here. When you improve the stats of your shipgirl and start loading them up with cool weapons then they can do real damage. I swear I'm not a fraud. You have to believe me on this.

In addition, here's another thing that differs from Kantai Collection in the Night Battle rules. In Kantai Collection, you have those double attacks or those torpedo cut-ins and all that jazz. You leave it up to luck and you see whether or not your girls do a regular attack, a double-tap, or BECOME FLAGSHIP KILLER SHIGURE AND TORPEDO THEIR REAR ENDS FOR INFINTE DAMAGE. In Warship Girls R, every single Destroyer has a Torpedo cut-in as their standard Night Battle attack.


I'm not kidding.

I mean, Gearing only did so much damage for her night battle attack, but she's also lightly damaged right now! If she's at full health, I'm sure she could do much more damage without the damage penalty due to damage!

There are more rules to Night Battles, but I'll explain them a bit more once we actually see them for real.

Now that we're done with that, let's just take a look at how we did in that battle…

Gearing moved up from Level 1 to Level 2! That's pretty good I would say! We also got an S rank in battle too. There actually is an SS rank in Warship Girls R, but the only way you can get that is to take down the entire enemy fleet while taking no damage yourself. If Gearing didn't get blasted by that shell earlier on, then we would have actually gotten an SS rank. Finally, we can see who got the MVP in that battle. The MVP is decided by the person that did the most accumulated damage in that single battle. Since the only shipgirl in our fleet is Gearing, it's no surprise that Gearing is the MVP.

Here's the spoils of our skirmish!

Everyone, give a warm welcome to the Japanese Destroyer, hailing from the Ayanami-class, Shikinami!

Once we take down a red node and get a pretty decent rank after the battle, we get a dropped shipgirl. They can range from being common to being obscenely rare.

Now that we've finished with the battle, let's head back to the Naval Base. Mostly because we don't have enough shipgirls to take on the next node yet, but also because Tutorial lady is forcing me to go back home.

Now that we're back at the Naval Base, Tutorial lady here forced me into the Quest screen. From here, you can see what kind of quests and missions and orders that you need to do. These range from either the one-time only quests, daily quests, weekly quests, or special event quests. Another deviation from Kantai Collection that I'll briefly mention is that there's no limit to the amount of quests you can have at once. In Kantai Collection, you can only have 5 quests selected at a time and only progress on the quests that you have selected. In Warship Girls R, all quests are checked and tracked no matter what. You can finish a quest that you never knew that you even had. Pretty awesome, right?

Anyways, let's just grab our reward and…

Check it out, we got another girl to our fleet!

This is the Japanese Destroyer, one of the members of the Fubuki-class, Miyuki!

Okay, next up is…

Gearing: "Uh, Admiral? Sorry to interrupt, but we've hit the image post limit."

We did…? Oh dang it, that's right. You can only have 20 pictures per post.

Well, I guess I'll be splitting this update into two.

Thanks a lot, Tutorial Lady. You're making me take way too many pictures thanks to your lockdowns!
[2.2] Mandatory Tutorials pt. 2
Okay then, let's get part two of this update started. No need for an introduction. Let's just jump straight in.

Now that Miyuki has arrived in our fleet, let's go over to the Docks because Tutorial lady has a collar around my neck and that's where the chain is being dragged.

Welcome to the Docks window. I would explain to you about what this place is, but I can't right now. Tutorial lady is blacking out everywhere except for the Repair Docks tab.

Welcome to the Repair Docks. If your shipgirl is hurt in battle, then you can put her here in order to patch her back up to full health. What's the cost? Well three things actually: Fuel, Steel, and Time. You have to pay up some Fuel and Steel as repair materials and then you have to go sit down and wait for them to take their bath and get all patched up.

Right now, all we got is Gearing, who took some damage earlier in the first ever Sortie. So let's grab her, even though the Tutorial lady is pointing at the wrong spot. Either that or I just grabbed a screen shot at the wrong time. The latter is more likely the answer.

Now that Gearing is taking her hot bath, Tutorial lady wants me to go over to the Equipment storage and tinker around with Gearing's rigging. So, let's go mess with her rigging! I mean, let's be a good Admiral and go fill it up back up to max capacity with Fuel and Ammo.


That's what I meant.

Just press that blue button at the bottom right and you'll fill up all the Ammo and the Fuel for the shipgirl's rigging in the selected fleet. One touch and you're done. You can also tap on each individual shipgirl if you want to resupply certain shipgirls and not others. The blue button is simply a resupply all button.

Let's just grab the rewards for more quests completed.

Ah yes! Now it's time for us to do some Construction! What does that mean? Well, it's time for us to make a shipgirl! We can get some dropped after battles, yes… But we can also get them without actually needing to play the game! Heck, there are even some shipgirls that you can only get via Construction too!

Now then, all you have to do is set an amount of Fuel, Ammo, Steel, and Bauxite for the given construction. The minimum that you have to put into a construction is 30 across the board, while the maximum you can put in for construction for all four types of resource is 999.

One thing I should note for all you Kantai Collection players is that there is no LSC. That's right. No Large Ship Constructions. What you see is the only construction screen you get. Sorry, but there's no 3000/6000/6000/3000 or something like that. You can't go any higher than 999.

Also if you had pressed that blue button on the top right, you can see all the construction formulas that people used to get a certain kind of ship. That's right, you can see in game what kind of good luck people got when doing constructions. You can even steal their formulas and use them for yourself. No need for going on the Warship Girls Wikia. Unfortunately, you can't steal the success of getting that rare shipgirl as well. You can take the formula, but you can't take the luck needed to get that girl. You just have to keep on constructing until you finally get the one that you want.

Anyways, since we're doing a first time construction, let's just to the bare minimum. 30 across the-

Wait, what? You want me to do what, Tutorial lady?

What!? You want me to do a full house of 130!? That's so many wasted resources!

Now you want me to use an Instant Construction Tool as well?

S-Stop it…! No…! All these good items! Wasted!

A…Ah…. Well, at least we have something now?

I wonder what it is… I sure hope it's a rare ship…

A German Light Cruiser.

Specifically, we've got Königsberg, the namesake ship of the Königsberg-class Light Cruisers.

She's actually not all that rare.


Gearing! Did you see where she went!?

Gearing: "She's gone, Admiral. We can't find her anywhere."

Darn it… It seems that I will never get my revenge.

But hey, at least the tutorial is over now.

Next time on Tyrant Plays Warship Girls R:

We actually play the game!

No more double post updates because of stupid image limits (hopefully)!
Now that we're back at the Naval Base, Tutorial lady here forced me into the Quest screen. From here, you can see what kind of quests and missions and orders that you need to do. These range from either the one-time only quests, daily quests, weekly quests, or special event quests. Another deviation from Kantai Collection that I'll briefly mention is that there's no limit to the amount of quests you can have at once. In Kantai Collection, you can only have 5 quests selected at a time and only progress on the quests that you have selected. In Warship Girls R, all quests are checked and tracked no matter what. You can finish a quest that you never knew that you even had. Pretty awesome, right?
Well, you can increase the maximum amount of quests you can have active at the same time to a total of... 6! Amazing isn't it...
In addition, here's another thing that differs from Kantai Collection in the Night Battle rules. In Kantai Collection, you have those double attacks or those torpedo cut-ins and all that jazz. You leave it up to luck and you see whether or not your girls do a regular attack, a double-tap, or BECOME FLAGSHIP KILLER SHIGURE AND TORPEDO THEIR REAR ENDS FOR INFINTE DAMAGE. In Warship Girls R, every single Destroyer has a Torpedo cut-in as their standard Night Battle attack.


I'm not kidding.
Every single attack is a death dealing torpedo cut-in? Where's the salt in that?
One thing I should note for all you Kantai Collection players is that there is no LSC. That's right. No Large Ship Constructions. What you see is the only construction screen you get. Sorry, but there's no 3000/6000/6000/3000 or something like that. You can't go any higher than 999.
So how do you waste tons of ressources only to get ships you've already seen several dozen times before, then?
I've actually had my BB recipes give me CAs. Of the rarer variety, but still, CAs. My CV recipes are usually good, but the CVL recipe for the one CVL I want gives CLs a lot. And by that I mean A LOT.
I'm not going to completely spoil all the stats so early on.

But I will say that in general:

American ships have good AA.

British ships have good Firepower.

German ships have good Armor.

Japanese ships have good Torpedoes.

What are the other nations usual trends and stereotypes? I'm guessing some units break from the trend, but overall are there trends from different factions in this game?
What are the other nations usual trends and stereotypes? I'm guessing some units break from the trend, but overall are there trends from different factions in this game?

Uh... Kinda? Maybe?

I mean we can split hairs about the difference between an Italian DD and a French DD, but we're comparing very insignificant numbers at that point.

The biggest differences are the big four that I mentioned before in their respective specialties. Those are the most noticable.
I don't think so, or at least I haven't had that much grief. Although I have this weird feeling that Richelieu is going to be my Washington for my new account.
Although the Königsberg sisters are quite common.
Warship Girls R is under maintenance right now.

When it goes back online, there'll be a few new feature / psuedo-event. One of them is the introduction of the Abyssal Transport Ship, which drops special items that you can exchange for limited / super rare costumes or weapons or ships or what not. I say psuedo-event since we don't know if their addition is temporary or if they'll be a new permanent fixture in the game. Most of my sources say that they'll be temporary, lasting around a week or so.

However, they'll most likely be locked away in a Map that we won't have access to for a good while. By the time we get there, they'll probably be long gone.

So my question to you guys is:

Do you want me to cover the event with the Admiral Tyrant character going back to the Hood server? Do you want to see (Forced) Admiral Tirpitz and Co. try to take on the event by themselves? Or should I just ignore it entirely and just carry on with the normal LP.

I'll be setting up a poll, and you guys can voice you opinions.
[3]: Towards the Event We Go
Okay, first thing's first.

Super sorry about this late update… And I mean LATE update.

Going on a surprise one-month hiatus is pretty lame. Especially since I told you guys that an event was going on.

I got several excuses. I didn't just give up for without a reason!

First off, my new house didn't have internet for a good while, so that really made me annoyed.

Secondly, I can barely get any reception in my house for my phone. I literally get No Service while I'm sitting in the goddamn living room, and service is super spotter in the foyer as well. So even if I was going to do everything on my phone, I couldn't even play the game unless I was holding my phone out of the window like Rafiki holding Simba from the ledge of Pride Rock from The Lion King. I guess that's what I get for using a third-party cell provider.

The third thing is that university started up for me a while back and I severely underestimated how my schedule would play out. Wake up in the morning, go to classes, do other personal crap, and then immediately fall asleep at home, extremely tired and not motivated to do anything. Living on your own is nothing like being in a dorm, let me tell you that much. So that really threw a wrench in my schedule of things to do.

All of these factors combined, I missed reporting on two events: Abyssal Transport Ship Hunting Monthly Event and the Naval Base Defense Event.

I'm not too worried about the Abyssal Transport event since it's confirmed to be a recurring, so we can do that at any time. But I'm really kind of miffed about missing on the chance to report the Naval Base Defense Event, mostly because it was a super interesting event.

Basically, the Abyssals are a bit mad at you after the events of the First Abyssal Transport Hunts, so now they're launching an offensive strike on Shipgirl-controlled waters, and it's up to you to take them down. Since you're on the defensive this time and the Abyssals are relentless on their waves of attacks, you only can resupply a number of times during the event map. For example, you can only resupply your fleet to maximum Ammo and Fuel four times. After that, you're done. No more resupplies. You have to work with what you got.

In addition to that, it introduced a pretty cool new gameplay mechanic exclusive for the Defense Event: You were able to call in one of your friends' fleets and have them on your team for the duration of the event map, whether it's a successful run or a run that's destined to fail in the end. Basically, if someone had a 6 Battleship fleet on my friend's list, I could call them in and take control of their fleet until I either won or failed. After that, I would have to wait a day if I wanted to use them again. Trust me, if you didn't make any friends, then you were pretty much screwed.

But yeah, super sorry about all that wait.

There's a new event going on for the Warship Girls 2nd ​Anniversary. I didn't have time to actually record the event since I was basically doing it in between classes at my university. In addition, I didn't really know if I would even have time to record the event blind since my schedule and time management this academic quarter was really not that optimal.

Well, I managed to clear the event, but none of that footage was recorded at all since it was all done on my really awful Nexus 5 which barely has any storage at all. Why the hell does it only have internal storage and not a freaking external SD card? Well whatever, that's beside the point.

In short, I cleared the event and got all the victory loot, barring some of the super rare drops. However, for the purpose of the update, let's pretend that never happened. All those clear marks on the screen are simply an illusion. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Now then, since you all voted to see the event through the eyes of the shipgirls, let's get started with the Misadventures of Admiral Tirpitz.

"Ah… What am I going to do…? There's an event now, but the Admiral is still over at the Quincy Base! This is so troubling…"

???: "The answer is simple, little sister. Just do the event. You're the Admiral, are you not?"

"Big Sister Bismarck!"

Bismarck: "If herr Admiral won't come back home in time for the event, then you must do it yourself."

"Alright, Big Sister. Let's take a look at the Event requirements…"

This event will be a boss rush of all the final bosses from all previous Warship Girls events.

Stage EX-1: Fantasy Fleet Annihilation.

The boss of this stage is Abyssal IJN Yamato.

Take her down and we'll be getting the Z-Flag. The effect of the flag is that it gives a +3 boost to all stats: Firepower, Armor, Anti-Air, Evasion, Reconnaissance, Anti-Submarine Combat, Accuracy, and Evasion.

Stage EX-2: Battle of Tartarus Archipelago

The boss of this stage is Abyssal IJN Zuikaku.

Take down the Abyssal turkey and our reward is a new costume for HMS Nelson. The name of the costume is "HMS Victory." Apparently since the actual HMS Victory is pretty much completely ancient, you can't get a shipgirl out of her. But at the very least you'll be able to dress Nelson as a shipgirl wearing what HMS Victory would be wearing if she actually were a shipgirl.

You'll be turning Nelson from this…

To this.

Well, at least Nelson finally managed to get an eyepatch for her eye. She's always had it closed, so I thought that something was wrong with it. She never opened her right eye ever. I wonder if she has some kind of dark power hidden underneath like what HMS Prince of Wales keeps talking about.

"Beneath this eyepatch is a dark power! Never touch it, or else Hell's flames be released upon this mortal plane!"

…She always did act like a manga character...

Stage EX-3: Battle of Pasta

The boss for this stage is the Italian Abyssal Installation Pachina.

The reward for this stage is the German submarine U-505.

Well… the Admiral never really uses submarines, so I guess she can spend the rest of her time playing board games with the rest of the submarines in the base.

Stage EX-4: Battle of Midway

…Eh? What was that noise? I could have sworn that I had heard the Admiral screaming…

"Eh!? What's wrong, Admiral!? You just started screaming all of a sudden!"

Just looking over this event sheet made my blood boil over for a split second.

The Battle of Midway… Ah yes, the Battle of Midway. I remember when that event first came out. The reward for clearing the event was actually USS Enterprise. Yes, the legendary Big E herself.


I was in New York City during the time of the event and I couldn't even play the game since we were out on the streets most of the time. I didn't even have internet back at my hostel and we never stayed at a place with internet for long during our time there. Basically I completely missed the event and I got nothing out of it!

But whatever, we're too weak to do the event. We don't even have a Battleship. I suppose we'll have our chance another day.

Eh, it was probably nothing. It was maybe just the wind…

The boss, or rather the bosses, of this event will be Abyssal IJN Kaga and Abyssal IJN Akagi. What's special about this boss is that she is basically two Abyssal Aircraft Carriers combined into a single unit. Even though battles are still 6-on-6, with Abyssal Kaga and Abyssal Akagi in the mix, the battles basically become 6-on-7.

The reward of this map is a Loli Admiral.


Stage EX-5: Operation Valkyria

The bosses of this stage is Abyssal KM Bismarck and Abyssal KM Tirpitz. However, only the flagship Abyssal Tirpitz needs to be taken down in order to clear this map.

Oh hey, it's my and Big Sister Bismarck's Abyssal forms.

The reward for this map is a new costume for USS New Orleans, called "Sweet Travels."

Huh, I wonder why she would need a summer dress in time for Fall? Well, it has been getting rather hot lately during the afternoon. Hopefully by Winter the weather becomes more bearable. Sortieing in the scorching sun is unbearable…

Also, I wonder why she needs a new pair of glasses. It seems that her eyesight keeps getting worse and worse as the days go on. Her vision was fine in the beginning…

But after her Modification, she needed a new pair of glasses.

I wonder if her eyesight went as bad as Hood's? Then again, I remember the Kumano sisters telling me that fake glasses were extremely fashionable nowadays. Hah… I'll never understand those trendies. I'd rather read an anime magazine rather than a fashion magazine.

Stage EX-6: World Number 1

The bosses of this map are the ELITE versions of the Mongolian Navy's Replenisher Oiler Sükhbaatar and Icelandic Navy's Fleet Oiler Odin. Apparently they're here to get revenge on everyone who bullied the Abyssal Transport ships during the first hunts from September 1 till September, and Sükhbaatar also wants revenge against all the people who use her as an easy kill in order to do daily and weekly quests.

ELITE are a special kind of ship very similar to Aviation Battleships actually. They can partake in the Opening Air Combat Phase, perform Battleship levels of damage during the Initial Shelling, participate in the Second Shelling Phase, and the even have access to torpedoes during Night Battles. What this means is that they're able to attack not once but twice during their turn when it comes to Night Battles: One shot from their main cannons, along with a follow up blast from a torpedo. Luckily, ELITEs cannot participate in the Opening Torpedo Curtain Phase and the Closing Torpedo Curtain Phase. However, how much of a blessing that is will be up for interpretation.

The reward for clearing the map is the United States Navy Repair Ship USS Vestal.

She's not really a combat ship, so she's really just a trophy for now it seems. She's not like the regular Sükhbaatar and helps with finding rare drops. She's also not like the regular Odinn and actually makes lower rarity ships more likely to drop… Well, she'll get a Skill sooner or later probably.

Well, that's everything in the announcement report. I guess all that's left is to actually go and get the fleet ready to take on the first map.

…Oh? What's going on outside?

Tirpitz: "Instructor Ning Hai, what's going on out here?"

Ning Hai: "It's the 2nd​ Anniversary Event decorations. Helena, Argus, Langley, and I just finished setting them up."

2nd​ Anniversary Event huh?

It seemed like they've been working hard putting out the decorations. There's a hot air balloons, a giant statue out in the plaza, another other assortment of decorations. Well, it's a good thing I never had to set these up. That would take way too much effort... Getting those hot balloons up in the air without the Carriers ruining everything must have been a nightmare.

Ning Hai: "So what are you up to now? I heard the Event maps just opened up."

Tirpitz: "That's right. I need to head over to the Situation Room and get a fleet ready for the event sortie."

Ning Hai: "I'm just a Training Ship, so don't expect much help from me. Good look on the event, Admiral Tirpitz."

Admiral Tirpitz… I don't think I'll ever get used to that name.

Now then, let's start picking and choosing who's going to go out and take down Yamato.

Hmm… It would be a waste of resources for us to just take on the event without some knowledge about what lies ahead. Let's just check the Admiral's computer and see how the other Admirals are doing in the event.

Eh? The computer is password locked.

"Mama Waifu?"


Well, that was easy. Why even bother having a password when it's so obvious.

Alright, so the recommended fleet composition is 4 Battleships and/or Battlecruisers along with 2 Aircraft Carriers.

Wow, that's a pretty basic setup.

Let's see here…

Perfect. This is a pretty good setup I would say.

We've got HMS Hood leading the pack. Her skill Glory of the Royal Navy makes British ships 20 percent more likely to get off a critical hit on an enemy ship, while making all other ships 10 percent more likely to get a critical hit. Although her skill does have the downside of making us 10 percent more likely to take a critical hit. Well, this is an event after all. If we're going to get hit, then we're going to most likely be taking a critical hit and getting hit with serious damage. I know that feeling well…

Next up in the lineup is HMS Prince of Wales. She increases the accuracy of all American and British ships by 7 points. However, it doesn't work for Chongqing for some reason… Yeah, she's a Chinese ship, but she's still a Briton right? Verniy is a Soviet, but the rest of her team still consider her to be Japanese.

The other two powerhouses we have on our team is HMS Rodney and HMS Nelson, two of the Big Seven. Their skill, which is also named Big Seven, allows them to launch two shells during the Initial Shelling Phase with a small 16 percent power boost.

And then now we've got the Aircraft Carriers on the team. I hate planes… But they do get some good results, I have to admit.

The first Aircraft Carrier on the team is USS Lexington. Her ability, Aeronautics Pioneer, improves the aircraft performance of herself and her adjacent Carriers, be it full-sized Fleet Carriers, Light Aircraft Carriers, or the Armored Aircraft Carrier IJN Taihou.

Accompany Lexington, or Lady Lex as she's called by all the other men, is USS Ranger. Her skill, Advanced Bomber, makes it so that Dive Bomber Aircraft are 25 percent more effective, but if she uses Torpedo Bombers, they're going to be only half as effective. Well… It's not like Torpedo Bombers are worth using in the first place…

Now that the team is ready, let's prepare to move out then…

I just hope that they don't come back too banged up. Losing a ton of resources while getting barely anything done is such a pain…

Alright fleet, you're clear to engage!

Yes, I'm really putting you guys on a cliffhanger.

Tune in next time (no month long break I swear on my love for Mama Helena) for the start of EX-1!

i'm sorry pls no bully ;_;
What do people think has a better design of the Abyssal Fleet?

Kancolle or WSG?
KC. They manage the whole "eldritch" aspect extremely well. BB-39Central Princess is probably one of the most disturbing character designs I've seen, especially her damaged art.