Typical Anime Cliche Quest: Version "Urban Fantasy"

1 - Evelynn Dowager
I decided to head straight to the rooftop. It should be pretty quiet out there, especially at this point of time, when the next lesson was about to start. I however had no desire to attend them. I suppose I have the reputation to protect, but I do not pay trivial matters like any attention.

I wandered through the hall, usual hustle and bustle still in the air. It was my definition of normalcy: faceless people with their faceless problems talking about faceless topics. I sometimes wished to be like them, but more often than not, the opposite was true. I heard my name, spoken in hushed whispers, but I decided not to pay this any attention: if those faceless people wanted to point and stare, that was their problem.

I found out to my great relief that the set of stair leading directly to the rooftop was empty of any students or teachers. I walked up to the normally locked door and pulled a set of keys that was given to all student council members. In theory, they should be used in case we stay late to finish any possible work that might arose in the future.

I refused not believe in such theories and unlocked the door with a swift, yet graceful movement. I do not believe that people are made to follow rules. In fact, I am sure that blind belief in those rules makes them obsolete. I therefore do not accept those heavy shackles that people call rules and because of this I am a valuable member of the student council.

I opened the door and felt the strong gust of warm, spring air that carried the smell of flowers in bloom on my face. I found that experience rather pleasurable. I protected my eyes from the blinding light with a palm of my hand, but still was able to see a human's silhouette that looked more like a shadow than anything.

It took me a few seconds to let my eyesight adjust and I saw a normal-looking guy. I also saw his face. It was the first face I saw in ages. I cannot call this face particularly beautiful or graceful or even aesthetically pleasing. In fact, his face was rather plain.

"I dislike people that like to snoop around like you."
[ ] "I, on the other hand, dislike people that say they dislike people for any particular reason."

[ ] "In this case, why are you here? It's not snooping around, if I simply came here to take a nap."

[ ] "I am a student council member, investigating a suspicious student activity. I do not snoop around."

[ ] Write-In.
[X] "I am a student council member, investigating a suspicious student activity. I do not snoop around."

We have authoritah, we should use it.
[x] "I am a student council member, investigating a suspicious student activity. I do not snoop around."
You shall respect mah authoritah
Don't you actually snoop around, tho?
We are a Student Council Member and thus can do no wrong. "Snooping" is wrong, ergo, we aren't doing it. :V

Our authority supersedes the logic of our inferiors, no matter how sound their argument. Such is the magic of school.
"Isn't this tyranny?! It's tyranny, I tell you! It's against the rules, right?!"

"Shut up! I am the rules!"
I did. I will also make a gangster ninja the least bizarre thing that will happen in this quest.
2 - Kimidori Hideo
"I am a student council member, investigating a suspicious student activity. I do not snoop around" – I let this white lie of mine slip from my tongue. In the first place, any lie can become the truth, when certain circumstances match. In this case, since my excuse was as brilliant as this, he had no way to discern whether my words were honest.

"I dislike people that abuse their authority, too," said the frowning boy, while sending non-subtle glances at the armband adorning my right hand from time to time. "I dislike people like that even more than I dislike catchy songs from various advertisements or people that are too friendly with me.

I see: he really was a troublesome person. In other words, a worthless excuse of a human being and literally biodegradable waste. I was being kind this time since people need to face their inner demons and imperfections, so they can truly turn into diamonds and shine.

In this case, nothing can be changed, though: a piece of trash will stay a piece of trash no matter what. I heard that it takes hundred years for plastic to rot, but hopefully, this man will rot away faster than this.

"I order you to give me your name, class, whether you attend any clubs or committees and also your social security number. If you decline my request, I will make sure to serve you the proper punishment, all according to this school's rules."

I am a reasonable person. I needed his name and class for obvious reasons, and his social security number was needed to later find out more about this boy and keep tabs on him. In the first place, with my noble and honest pedigree, taking care of such a poor commoner is my social responsibilities. In no way I ever bored any ill intentions.

"I see. I dislike this part of you as well. I am Kimidori Hideo, a freshman student from the class 1-A. I do not attend any clubs since I dislike friendship, hard work and team spirit, but am a member of library committee since I do not dislike silence and loneliness, and regrading my social security number… Isn't this a completely unnecessary and dangerous topic?!"

I was surprised: 'till this very moment, this dimwit sounded only bored, like he was about to fall asleep, and refused to look me into eyes, but now he is cocky enough to shout at me, an honest and well-meaning person that felt mercy upon his poor soul.

"It's very necessary since I feel obliged to monitor your afterschool activities! It is my duty as a proud and righteous member of the student government to take care of problem students like you, whether I like this or not!"

"I am not sure to what exactly retort first. It's not only tyrannical to intrude upon my private life like some sort of a delusional stalker, but also… why am I considered a problem student already?! I didn't do anything that was against the rules, didn't I?"

"I implore you to reconsider this statement: not only did you break the rules by accessing the rooftop without any supervision from a teacher, but you are also late for your lesson, which is two offences already. I can also add insubordination to your direct superior, i.e. me, to this list."

"Is this a school or army?! I do not have any time for… shit, I'm already late!"

In that moment, something inexcusably bizarre happened out of blue: with a single leap the problem student jumped through the metal fence around the rooftop, landed safely on the ground and made a dash to the school building with a speed of a car or so.

I stared at the place where he stood a few seconds ago, not sure what exactly happened right now.

[ ] I will forget whatever happened right now and pretend this encounter never really took place.

[ ] I will check his name and class in the archives later and pay him a visit.

[ ] I will take a sick leave and simply go home. It's too early for a mess like this.
[X] I will check his name and class in the archives later and pay him a visit.

Problem Students need to be disciplined! :mad:
Isn't this against the law? It sure as hell is, isn't it?
Oh boy, this is going to be one hell of a ride, isn't it?
Also, don't you act a bit like a stalker? I mean, following a guy straight to his house is... well, interesting.
Alright alright , also does anyone know a decent Cthulhu speak translator also you do familia are gangster families riiiiight o_O :ogles:
"Gangster" is a low brow type of Criminal without any appreciation for the finer, and more elegant aspects of crime.

They have none of the fashion, the sense, or the style of proper, and respectable criminal organizations like the Mafia.

Familia, good sir, is a Latin word and a taxonomic rank of which Gangsters -being uncouth barbarians- do not belong in. I doubt they even have the proper appreciation for the language.
Also, don't you act a bit like a stalker? I mean, following a guy straight to his house is... well, interesting.
It's not stalking if we'te there on official, school business.

Guy should have expected this the moment he jumped off the roof like some kind of madman.