Two Eagles and a Rising Sun: A Three Nation ISOT

To quote a famous meme and made it more elegant:
They are free to test that assumption at their own convenience and stay around to find out if it meets their expectations.
and one British battleship,
I am curious about what happened to these people.

There was also a photo taken by a satellite in orbit that suggested an unknown submarine was headed for mainland Japan, but no signals could be linked to it.

This also sounds interesting, and potentially interesting in the sense of the old chinese proverb 'may you live in interesting times' (which, to be fair, kind of applies to everyone at this point). I kind of doubt that it's a modern sub, but no way to be sure, and if it's a modern USN sub… well, they will definitely leave an impression on the Empire of Japan, one way or another.

A boot-shaped impression in their backsides, no doubt.
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I am curious about what happened to these people.
They were told in no uncertain terms to get lost and fled to Manila, where an assortment of British, Australian, New Zealander, French, and Austro-Hungarian sailors are getting ready to flee to Hawaii and the West Coast before the Japanese perform Pearl Harbor on the tightly packed cluster of ships in Manila Bay.

This also sounds interesting, and potentially interesting in the sense of the old chinese proverb 'may you live in interesting times' (which, to be fair, kind of applies to everyone at this point). I kind of doubt that it's a modern sub, but no way to be sure, and if it's a modern USN sub… well, they will definitely leave an impression on the Empire of Japan, one way or another.

A boot-shaped impression in their backsides, no doubt.
I'll give you a hint, it's definitely not an American Submarine, but it's by far the most advanced in the present world in this story.
I'll give you a hint, it's definitely not an American Submarine, but it's by far the most advanced in the present world in this story.
It's Russian isn't it?

Maybe a Typhoon class? (I like the Typhoon class. Enough missiles and warheads to level a seaboard or a country like SAY, OH I DON'T KNOW… The Japanese Empire maybe? [Insert image of the Japanese home islands turning into THE SUN for a significant period of time via the utilization of copious amounts of THE SUN] But granted that sub is Cold War era tech so not necessarily the MOST advanced but granted this is Russia we could be talking about so tech advancement for them is kinda… oh how should I put this…)

Either that or it's the Toybox from Full Metal Panic, or the Scinfaxi, the Hrimfaxi, or the Alicorn from Ace Combat 5 and/or Ace Combat 7.

Or the Red October. (now THAT would be interesting)
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I feel like the US's main weakness will definitely be unity given how states that are decades apart are here. Even once the rebellions get crushed and cooler heads prevail. I mean we got issues with economy, politics, resources (many of the modern states especially will struggle with this).
I feel like the US's main weakness will definitely be unity given how states that are decades apart are here. Even once the rebellions get crushed and cooler heads prevail. I mean we got issues with economy, politics, resources (many of the modern states especially will struggle with this).
Yeah it's going to be probably a significant amount of disaster porn for a little bit but 1908 America is industrially primed so it probably wouldn't take all that long or be too much trouble for things to get back up and running. Hell, it could end up running much better in the end due to how many factories we once more have access to and can utilize. And the fact that our manufacturing base is no longer overseas and back at home will in the long run give us a significant if not a major boost to how much we can manufacture compared to the modern day. (even with Biden's initiatives to bring back our manufacturing base that will still take some time and a second term to "Finish the Job" so to speak.) At least as far as I know. But short term… BUCKLE UP BUCKO! BECAUSE WE AINT GETTIN OFF ASB'S WILD RIDE ANY TIME SOON!
It's Russian isn't it?
Wasn't Russia kind of no longer around by the present day? Unless this was launched/lost before that point.

I wonder how the American government is going to try to crack down on this unrest, because I can only assume that they will. If only in an attempt to placate their new modern friends.
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Yeah it's going to be probably a significant amount of disaster porn for a little bit but 1908 America is industrially primed so it probably wouldn't take all that long or be too much trouble for things to get back up and running. Hell, it could end up running much better in the end due to how many factories we once more have access to and can utilize. And the fact that our manufacturing base is no longer overseas and back at home will in the long run give us a significant if not a major boost to how much we can manufacture compared to the modern day. (even with Biden's initiatives to bring back our manufacturing base that will still take some time and a second term to "Finish the Job" so to speak.) At least as far as I know. But short term… BUCKLE UP BUCKO! BECAUSE WE AINT GETTIN OFF ASB'S WILD RIDE ANY TIME SOON!
True the US has the definitive advantage long term but it should still know it's place and not become complaint or underestimate their opposition
Finally caught up after not reading for like six months. Interesting developments overall, as well as a big headaches for all the leaders. They gotta balance trying to get modern warships and other units back to the West Coast safely. Not only that, they also have to deal with several vessels as-of-yet not identified in the Atlantic and the rest of the world. And even more annoying are the bigots in downtime states having their sense of superiority challenged, wishing to "show the uptimers what for" only to be annihilated.

Truly FUBAR. Truly an utter clusterfuck of a situation the Americans find themselves in. Interested in how things will play out from here.
Ok, so I was SpaceBattles reading through a Fallout fanfic. Some one pointed out that the military only has ONE source that they buy tanks from. And that every so often they buy a batch of tanks just to keep their only source of tanks from going out of business. This has been done for years. Oh, and guess what? It's still happening.

Here's a pop quiz; "Where do all these surplus tanks go?
What model of tanks are they?"

I'll answer that for y'all, the first answer is; Sierra Army Depot located in Herlong, California. Built in 1942 as an ammo storage facility.

Second answer; Abrams Tanks, and not only that but also plenty of other modern and modern-ish vehicles, armored and unarmored.

These tanks are perfectly serviceable. Weapons, engines and all the essentials that makes it a tank. The only thing missing is their electronics. At least, according to the post I saw, which I freaking lost thanks to me only seeing it last night!

However, considering that it's only 1943 California, it's probably still just an ammo depot instead of the massive complex it is today.
Ok, so I was SpaceBattles reading through a Fallout fanfic. Some one pointed out that the military only has ONE source that they buy tanks from. And that every so often they buy a batch of tanks just to keep their only source of tanks from going out of business. This has been done for years. Oh, and guess what? It's still happening.

Here's a pop quiz; "Where do all these surplus tanks go?
What model of tanks are they?"

I'll answer that for y'all, the first answer is; Sierra Army Depot located in Herlong, California. Built in 1942 as an ammo storage facility.

Second answer; Abrams Tanks, and not only that but also plenty of other modern and modern-ish vehicles, armored and unarmored.

These tanks are perfectly serviceable. Weapons, engines and all the essentials that makes it a tank. The only thing missing is their electronics. At least, according to the post I saw, which I freaking lost thanks to me only seeing it last night!

However, considering that it's only 1943 California, it's probably still just an ammo depot instead of the massive complex it is today.
Yeah, its only an ammo depot in 1943. However the 2001 states, like Utah and Idaho, bring along some considerable stocks of ammunition, and that once County is Texas is a repair and storage depot for the US Army, so there's that.
Chapter 12: Air Battle of Tokyo
Something short to tide y'all over while I do work on other sections of the story, including a horror/mystery angle I'm working in Wisconsin. I also wanna see how many of you can identify the units in question here. I wrote all of this within the last few hours because I had a sudden overdose of motivation. That said, I will go ahead and list off the planes in question here to give you guys a hint of who did this.
P-40 Warhawk
A-20 Havoc
Lockheed Hudson
B-25 Mitchell
Curtiss Hawk II and III
P-26 Peashooter
Fiat CR.32
Martin B-10
Douglas O-2
Northrop Gamma
Heinkel HE-111
Tokyo, Empire of Japan
September 17th, 1941
17 Days After The Event
11:02 Local Time

As the men inside the Imperial Palace were ushered outside to an assortment of armored cars and trucks, they were met with a sight that disturbed them to the very core of their being. The skies above Tokyo, the skies of the Japanese Empire, and The Emperor's Domain, were filled with planes. The only time in history that the skies of Japan had ever seen foreign war planes was in 1938, when two outdated American bombers flown by the Chinese had dropped millions of leaflets over several different cities. And those bombers didn't dare fly over Tokyo.

But this wasn't a small two bomber raid that was dropping propaganda leaflets. There were dozens,fighters and bombers both, flying over Tokyo. They watched in horror and fury as planes with the insignia of the Republic of China and the United States Army Air Forces dove and strafed all over the city. Anti aircraft guns blazed away at the invaders, scoring hits, and sending several of the planes tumbling to the ground trailing smoke and flame.

Others had been shot down by the few Imperial Japanese Air and Naval Air Service fighters that rose to challenge them. Those brave pilots gave a good accounting of themselves, but there were just too many of them. It was also at this point that many of those watching had realized something.

"Those are not carrier planes," Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto said softly. He was right. None of the fighters in the sky over Tokyo could have been launched from a carrier, to say nothing of the bombers. Well, a few did seem to be carrier planes, but they were ancient biplanes used by the Chinese. The P-26 and P-40 fighters, and Heinkel He 111, Douglas A-20's and Martin B-10 bombers, certainly weren't carrier planes.

"Where could they have come from?!" Prime Minister Konoe said, astonished and horrified at the sight happening before his very eyes.

"It seems as though the Navy's promise of keeping the Home Islands safe from enemy attack has been nothing but empty blustering!" General Sugiyama's face contorted into a mask of disgust as he glared over at the Navy men present. Both Admiral Nagano and Yamamoto returned the glare.

"Perhaps, General Sugiyama, you have forgotten those bombers need landing strips to take off from! And who controls the land around Japan that would allow those bombers and fighters to take off!" Admiral Nagano replied angrily. "I suggest you remember that in a hurry!"

"Gentlemen, please!" An Army Sergeant broke in between the men. "This is no time for arguing, we must get you all to safety now!"

"The Sergeant is right, gentlemen!" Emperor Hirohito said, much to the shock of the lower enlisted who were within earshot. None of them dared argue with the Emperor, despite how much they may have despised their counterpart in the opposing branch.

The men did as suggested, following the soldiers to waiting vehicles. But their initial surprise and shock at seeing the fighters and bombers over the skies of Tokyo had cost them valuable time.

The sounds of aircraft engines grew louder and louder, and soldiers began to shout and point up towards the sky. Flying low towards them were two warplanes, a P-40 and a Curtiss Hawk II naval biplane. Both opened up on the large convoy parked outside the Imperial Palace, their bullets kicking up dirt and sending men tumbling to the ground in screaming, bloody heaps. Or more often than not, just bloody heaps.

Machine guns from infantry and armored cars opened up on the incoming planes, throwing up a wall of bullets at the attackers. The Hawk began to smoke, catch fire, and tumble towards the ground in short order. The P-40, with shark teeth painted on the fuselage, ignored the gunfire, and dropped a single 500lb bomb directly in the middle of the convoy, directly atop the armored car meant for the Emperor.

"YOUR MAJESTY!" The same Army Sergeant from before screamed out as he grabbed his sovereign and threw them both to the ground right as the deafening sound of the explosion temporarily deafened those around.

"THE EMPEROR!" A soldier called out from somewhere not far. In seconds, dozens of men converged on Hirohito and the Sergeant who saved him.

"Quick work Sergeant, you-" General Sugiyama began, but stopped as he noticed a jagged piece of metal that had ripped through his back, and had exited out his chest. When he was fully pulled off the Emperor, there was a tear in his suit from the piece of shrapnel, which hadn't gone through the Emperor's flesh, but had soaked him in the Sergeant's blood.

It was at this point Konoe and Yamamoto realized a few things. At the angle and size of the shell fragment, if that Sergeant hadn't dove and tackled Hirohito, that fragment would have killed him. This blatant act of war by the United States, however they accomplished it, had nearly killed the Emperor of Japan. There would be a reckoning when this attack was finally defeated.

The Empire of Japan would get its revenge on the United States and would show no mercy. The price they would exact on the United States for this barbarous attack, would make the terms the Germans got after The Great War, seem like a mercy.

But that was for later. First things first, all those present had to survive this attack.

"Where are our planes?" Konoe groaned as another plane flew overhead in a strafing one, only this one was Douglas O-2 in Chinese markings. While it only had .30 caliber machine guns, they were still machine guns. They tore through infantry out in the open, but the rounds bounced off the armored cars and newly arrived tanks. "We will be torn apart if they don't get here quickly!"

And just when they thought things couldn't get any worse, a B-25 Mitchell bomber from the northwest started to bear down on the Palace right as they loaded the Emperor into an armored car, which took off the moment the side door closed. Then from the south, a strange roaring sound got louder and louder, followed by a strange silver shaped aircraft screaming overhead.

A strange aircraft without a propeller, orange tipped wings, and a Rising Sun on the rear fuselage. It flew far faster and was, at a glance, far more maneuverable than anything Japan had. Its guns spoke and sheared off the wing of the B-25, sending it spiraling into the ground below. Once the bomber was down, it continued towards the rest of the American fighters, as a few formations of Army Nakajima Ki-27's and Ki-43's and Navy A5M's followed closely behind, and began to exact their bloody price on the invaders.

Unlike the first wave of disparate fighters who were badly outnumbered and quickly shot out of the sky, the Japanese pilots now outnumbered their foes. The ancient biplanes, slow bombers, and P-26's proved no match for the Japanese fighters. The only ones who put up a decent fight were the P-40's, who despite being outnumbered, put up an impressive fight. In fact, the P-40's seemed to be piloted by experienced airmen, and more began to arrive from the north, mixing it up with the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy pilots.

But another strange, and much louder roar from the south was heard. More strange aircraft, again without a propeller, but of a different design, flew towards the massive dogfight over Tokyo. Men on the ground watched in amazement as the planes seemed to knock any propeller plane out of the sky by flying too close to it. And their guns were just as lethal, if not more so than the others.

But the strange rockets that sat underneath the wings and somehow followed their targets no matter how they tried to dodge, was most intriguing.

"How is that possible?" One soldier muttered as he stared wide eyed at what he witnessed those strange fighters do. There were at least half a dozen of them, and they tore a bloody swath through the remaining American and Chinese planes. Before they knew it, the skies over Tokyo were clear of the invaders, and the fighters above either performed CAP over the capital, or flew off in all directions, apparently in response to other attacks in other cities.

I don't know who those pilots are, but if I ever meet them, I'll buy them as much sake as they can drink. And when they can't drink anymore, I'll keep buying!" Another soldier commented.

Chants of "Banzai" followed as the new fighters flew back over the Imperial Palace, waggling their wings down below at the men, before flying off in different directions like the others.

For men like Konoe and Yamamoto, they understood that what they had just witnessed was a game changer. Both of them had already surmised that those planes, whatever they were called, were from the future. They both wondered just how many more might have appeared across Japan. They also wondered what other weapons might also have appeared. Weapons that would help them against their inevitable war with the Americans.

They just hoped they would have enough to give them a chance.
Chapter 13: Murder in Elkhorn
Elkhorn, Wisconsin
United States of America
1 Month Post Event
11:00 Local Time

FBI Special Agent David Martinez, and the dozen local and state police officers who accompanied him to this sleepy Midwestern Town, looked at the scene in front of him in disgust and bewilderment. In front of them was a Chevy Blazer of the Walworth County Sheriff's Department, which would blend in during the nineteen eighties and nineties. But was greatly out of place in 1907 Elkhorn, Wisconsin.

Or at least would look out of place had things been normal. In the aftermath of the "Second Event" as it were, many thousands of police officers, sheriff's, Swat officers, FBI agents, and even park rangers, and EMS, were scattered all across the country. The vast majority had their cars, trucks, or whatever they would normally have while on duty. In some places, entire department buildings had appeared, replacing what may have been there previously, or taking up empty land that was once there.

Many appeared in major cities all over the country, while a great many were in isolated and rural areas. This had of course caused problems across the country, especially in more rural areas. But over the last few weeks, things had more or less settled down, and most of the officers had been consolidated in various places across the United States. But in Elkhorn, Wisconsin, the half dozen time-scattered sheriff's had decided to stay within the limits of the town.

Or rather, the now five remaining sheriff's had decided to stay in the town. For one of those sheriff's was now dead.

"What in God's Name could've done this?" Martinez muttered as he surveyed the damage to the Chevy Blazer and the badly mutilated and torn apart sheriff.

"I've seen what bears, boars, panthers, and gators can do to a man," Park Ranger Abeque Winter began. "Hell, I've seen what a pissed off grizzly bear can do to a truck when it gets pissed off. But this?" She said, motioning to and running her hand along the disturbingly large and deep claw marks that ran across the Blazer.

"Don't belong to any creature that walks on God's Green Earth," Park Ranger Jeffery Davis finished. "Besides, ain't any grizzly bears this side of the Mississippi River, and a black bear couldn't do this."

"So what do you suppose did this?" Martinez asked, looking at the local Sheriffs who eyed him like the outsider he was.

"Have you ever heard of the local legend, Agent Martinez?" One of the local Sheriff's by the name of Henderson asked. "Legend of a beast that lives in these woods around Elkhorn."

"The Beast of Bray Road," Another man, the partner of the slain Sheriff, added. "Back where I came from, townsfolk kept on reporting some large beast that chased cars and running through the corn fields. Us and the State Police were ramping up patrols of the areas the sightings came from, but we always came up with nothing."

"Until now at any rate," A third deputy by the name of Sanders said, carrying a very non-regulation, and very military issue looking M16 in his hands. When asked about it, he outright admitted to having stolen it when he served in Vietnam, and kept it in his trunk ever since. Under normal circumstances, admitting that to an FBI agent would land you in prison. Now though? Times had changed. "Heard stories from my pa that were passed on from his pa about something lurking in the woods around here. Told us not to wander at night and to stay outta the fields here."

"Are you all suggesting that a werewolf is responsible for this?" Agent Martinez asked incredulously, which had every deputy, sheriff, and even the nearby EMT's look at him sideways.

"Agent, have you been paying attention to the world this last month or so?" Ranger Winter's face wore a tired and slightly angered expression on her face as she asked the question. "Because if you had, you'd have rethought your definition of normal and impossible."

"Especially since barely any of us here are from the same period in time," State Trooper Stephen Polk said. "Or that our country is split into several pieces from across time and most of us don't have a home to go back to."

"That fucking injun does though, same as the rest of these nigger loving degenerates." A 50's era State Trooper by the name of Parker snarled.

"Give it a fucking rest, asshole!" Ranger Davis snapped, his hand going to the holster on his belt in automatic reflex. "You sound like a broken fucking record!"

"I didn't fight the damn Japs from Guadalcanal to Okinawa, to listen to some fucking spic or damn injun!" Parker said angrily.

"Quit your damn bellyaching, Parker," Deputy Sanders said, glaring at the man. "Most of us don't like the situation, or those involved, but we don't have much of a choice. Now either shut up and deal with it or get the hell out of here."

"Hell, if you hate the Japanese so much, head to the West Coast and rejoin the Marines." Another Trooper chuckled darkly. "The way things are going, we'll be needing all the men we can get to fight them and the Krauts."

Parker just growled and stomped off over to his patrol car, leaning against the trunk and letting off a stream of curses as he did so. But just as the rest of the assorted law enforcement officers got ready to continue their conversation, a loud howling noise came from the woods just to the north of the road they were on.

A howling that sounded as if it came from a wolf, but not quite so. It was too loud and much deeper than any wolf they had ever heard. One that rose and lowered in intensity and pitch, resembling more of a kind of chuffing sound.

"What in God's name is that?" Polk murmured as he raised his Remington 870 to the north where the howling was coming from.

"There are no wolves down this far south." Davis said as he drew his Glock, a gesture repeated by every officer present.

"And gray wolves don't sound anything like that!" Winter said, eyes wide as the howling got louder and changed in rhythm. Changed in a way that sounded almost like a-

"Is that a fucking laugh?" Agent Martinez said wide eyed astonishment and fear as he looked up north. Every pistol, shotgun, and rifle present sung towards the unholy sound emanating from the woods. Even one of the paramedics was aiming his .38 Special with the rest of them.

"We're being watched," Winter said as her eyes scanned the woods up north. She had grown up in Northern Minnesota and was taught to respect the wilderness around her, how to live off it, and how to survive in it. To survive in these woods, one needed focus, patience, and a respect for the things that lived in them. For it any one of those were lacking, your chances of survival became that much lower.

While she didn't believe in all the legends her parents and grandparents had told her, The Event had shaken her perception of the world around her, as it did for many untold millions across the planet. A mass religious awakening was happening around the globe as scientists struggled to explain how and why this had happened, and preachers from all faiths tried their best to explain it.

But as her eyes fell upon the abomination she saw in the woods, Winter thought that perhaps those legends had a bit of truth to them. Ice ran through her veins as she stared at something that had no business being real and outside the confines of myths and legends.

The curses that left her mouth as she laid eyes upon the creature were not in English, but in her native tongue. Despite that however, anyone could have understood the meaning.

"Sweet suffering Jesus," Ranger Davis said, his native southern accent completely out and full of fear as he too saw the creature. While Davis was not as skilled as Winter's, he was by no means unskilled at tracking, living, and surviving in the wilderness. He and Winters were both among the best Park Rangers in this section of the country before and after The Event. It took him only a few seconds longer to see the shape that was out of the ordinary in the woods ahead, the slight coloration that did not match its surroundings, and the glowing eyes that could pierce your soul even in the middle of the day.

"What in God's name is that thing?" Sanders muttered as he aimed his M16 and switched it to full auto. For a man who survived two tours in Vietnam and multiple run-ins with the Viet Cong, he had to have good situational awareness in these kinds of environments. He wouldn't be alive today if he wasn't.

"The fuck do yall see?" Polk asked as he swiveled his shotgun in the direction where Winters, Davis, and Sanders were aiming. "I don't see a fuc- oh dear god!" He said, all color draining from his face as he too laid eyes on the creature ahead.

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!" Parker swore as he hurried to get his trunk open, and reach for the M1917 Springfield he kept inside.

"What in the god damn fuck!?" Agent Martinez cursed in Spanish as the creature stepped forth from the trees, making itself completely visible to the gathered officers and paramedics. Its unholy laughing mocking them as it seemed to stare into the souls of the men and women watching it. After a few moments however, it turned on its heels, and leapt at an ungodly speed back into the woods.

In its wake, it left a dozen shaken, utterly terrified law enforcement officers and paramedics staring in wide eyed horror at the woods ahead. They were so entranced by what had just occurred that it wasn't until a Jeep with two US Army MP's from Truax Field drove up to where they stood, that the trance was finally broken.

The MP's were met by men and women who were drained of color and looked like they had just seen the elephant. Both men looked at each other in more than a little horror themselves before one of them said.

"Just what has you people so worked up? Looks like the blood's been drained from all of you! Just what in the hell happened here?" He asked, looking off into the woods where the officers had all been staring.

"There something out there? Something that did this?" The second MP asked, looking at the wrecked Blazer and the mutilated corpse that accompanied it, and almost turning pale white himself.

"Something," Winter's said tonelessly, her face an unreadable mask as she stared intently at the two MP's, who looked confused as she stared at them.

"Something unholy." Davis added, letting out a ragged breath he didn't know he was holding in.

"If you boys got a radio on you, put a call over to Truax Field," Martinez added, looking back out into the woods as he did so. "Tell em we're gonna need backup out here."

"We did, sir!" The first MP's replied. "We been trying to reach you all for over an hour now, but none of you responded over the radio." As the words left his mouth, the faint sound of helicopter blades cutting through the air grew louder. Off in the distance, a police helicopter caught in the Second Event was flying out from Truax Field, on board additional officers and a forensic team to help clear the scene.

"An hour?" Parker asked as he too left his previous daze. "None of our radios have been squawking this entire time! Hell it's only been-" He paused as he looked down at the watch on his wrist, a look of confusion on his face as he looked at the others. "You all got watches, right? What time is it on yalls?"

"Mine says…11:45…what the fuck?" Polk said as he tapped his watch a couple of times with his finger, hoping to set it to rights.

"11:45 AM," Winters said as she looked at her phone screen. There's no way nearly an hour had passed since they had all gotten here. How long had they been staring out at the woods? Why didn't they hear the assortment of radios going off from higher ups trying to contact them?

"Ain't no way in hell nearly an hour passed by." Davis said as he checked his phone as well. "What in the hell is going on?"

Off in the distance, dust was being kicked up as three more jeeps packed with soldiers, followed by two police cars with sirens blaring, were closing in on Bray Road from the west. It was at that moment every radio they had came to life, making everyone but the two MP's jump. Again, the two men just looked at each other confused, and back to the officers.

"What the hell happened here, officers?" The Second MP asked in a pleading tone. "We thought the worst happened and that's why they sent us here."

"What happened, soldier?" Martinez began, looking absolutely distraught as he stared directly at the man. "We just stared into the abyss. And it stared back at us."
Anyone consider the possability that we're not dealing with a Past, Present, and Future, but alternative Americans, one of which has supernatural things hiding in it? Because this sounds like that.

I'm not even sure what we're dealing with. There was no descriptions of the monster. I thought it would be a prehistoric Dire Wolf of some kind, from a world without men.
Ok............this is something no one needs! I would not be surprised at things popping out of the woods now that the Event took place. The only thing worse would have been a Wendigo.
Anyone consider the possability that we're not dealing with a Past, Present, and Future, but alternative Americans, one of which has supernatural things hiding in it? Because this sounds like that.

I'm not even sure what we're dealing with. There was no descriptions of the monster. I thought it would be a prehistoric Dire Wolf of some kind, from a world without men.

Maybe a Fallout America, could have been a Deathclaw (I might be on a Fallout 3 replay)
Anyone consider the possability that we're not dealing with a Past, Present, and Future, but alternative Americans, one of which has supernatural things hiding in it? Because this sounds like that.

I'm not even sure what we're dealing with. There was no descriptions of the monster. I thought it would be a prehistoric Dire Wolf of some kind, from a world without men.
I very much like this little theory. And considering the rest of Earth is from 1812, there's a lot of places where some minor stuff could go unnoticed without anyone to report it. It does give incentive for certain governments to investigate such things however. Assuming that other circumstances allow it.
Chapter 14: Tensions Mounting
Camp Withycombe
Clackamas County, Oregon
17 Days After The Event
11:00 AM Local Time

"If you don't know already, the world we once knew is gone. We're in a completely different one now." Staff Sergeant Derrick Evanson said as he studied the men and women within the room. They were the expat soldiers, embassy workers, and government employees of nations in the 21st century who were now stuck in this time period.

Japanese and German soldiers who happened to be in Oregon on sightseeing trips or in transit after training up at Yakima Training Center and Camp Rilea. Singaporean and Swiss pilots and aircrew training on the F-16 and F-35. Canadian soldiers and sailors caught up during cross the border visits or training with the US Army and Navy. The rest were an assortment of Korean, British, Australian, and Taiwanese who also got caught in The Event, the vast majority of them in or off the coast of Oregon, with a scant few in Arkansas or West Virginia.

Some of the men in this room Evanson had fought alongside back in 2016 during the Battle of Pyongyang. More specifically, many of the Japanese, Korean, and Australians in the room. They fought and bled together in that bloody slog all the way to the Yalu River, where they eye fucked the Chinese Army on the other side of the border, daring them to cross it like they did in 1950. Men who he'd do anything for, men who were brothers that no blood could ever match.

That was eight years ago when Evanson was just a private. Now he was a Staff Sergeant, one who had served in Korea, Ukraine, and Russia, and had the wounds to prove it. He had chosen a stateside assignment as a Drill Sergeant in the new basic training camp set up Camp Rilea, instead of doing more cadre duty in the Republic of China.

His wife, Captain Aiko Watanabe, was one of the JGSDF officers in the room. One whom he'd met all those years ago when North Korea had finally decided it had enough of peaceful coexistence with its southern neighbor, and went to war. They'd been together for eight years now, through thick and thin, and World War Three. They had a four year old son, Minoru, who was named after Staff Sergeant Minoru Nakamura, one of the JGSDF veterans present in the room, and one of Evanson's best friends.

These past eight years had been both the best and worst years of their lives. Best because of the friendships and families they had made, worst on account of the near nonstop fighting around the globe. And just as things seemed to be settling down in the world, The Event happened.

"I'm not going to sugarcoat shit, so here it is. We've been sent back in time, with a number of other states and nations, to the year 1812." There, he said it. Many in the room didn't react to the news, as they had already figured out something was wrong from day one, or had otherwise found out. The rest were mixed. A few raised curious eyebrows, a few chuckled, some went pale, and two even threw up, much to the disgust of those sitting beside them. "Laugh all you want, nothing I'm telling you is bullshit. This is the reality we are now faced with." Evanson said as he pressed a button on the clicker in his hand, and a map of the world came up.

On it were three nations, the United States of America, the German Empire, and the Japanese Empire. The map indicated the German and Japanese Empires were dated in September 1914 and 1941 respectively, to include occupied Belgium, occupied Northern France, French Indochina, Hainan Island, and Manchuria. The occupied regions of China that Japan historically held however, were not present. And the islands gifted to Japan in the aftermath of World War One were still in German hands.

None of that was particularly surprising, but a few in the room realized that without Japan bogged down extensively in China, meant they could focus more resources elsewhere. But what disturbed the Korean, Chinese, and Filipinos in the room the most was that one of the most brutal empires in human history, an empire who subjugated and subjected their people to unspeakable horrors, was now back.

For the Europeans, the feeling was less so. The German Empire was no more barbaric than the British, French, or Russian Empires. The German Empire was a far cry from Hitler's Third Reich. But most of the Europeans had no nation to go home to. The Germans, British, and French did, but it wasn't the homelands they were familiar with.

But for the Americans, and a great number of foreigners, the map of the United States was confusing and a little disturbing. There were a total of three colors representing America. The states of Vermont, New Hampshire, West Virginia, Arkansas, Oregon, as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, were in dark blue, with a date that read June 2024.

Next were the states of Florida, California, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, and the Panama Canal Zone in navy blue, with a date that read November 1943. And finally, the rest of the United States, to include Cuba and the Philippines, were marked with the date December 1907. In the Pacific, islands like Midway, Guam, and Wake were also highlighted and dated.

Most of the Americans in the room looked in shock and horror at the map before them. Unlike Germany and Japan who were whole nations, undivided, the United States was split into three parts from three different eras in time. But that itself wasn't the most terrifying prospect for most in the room. The fact that one portion of the country was 81 years behind the 21st century states, while the rest was nearly 120 years behind, was terrifying.

Oregon was a very liberal state even by the standards of the 21st century United States. In a country where equal rights did not exist. A country where Jim Crow and Separate But Equal was the law of the land. Where interracial marriage was illegal, women and minorities couldn't vote, and even the armed forces was horribly segregated. It was a nightmare scenario for the vast majority of Americans, not just in Oregon, but in all the states and territories from 2024.

"We're so fucked!" One woman in the room began to sob, her sentiment echoed by many in the room.

"So if I step outside the confines of this state, me and my family will be lynched," Corporal Brian Collins said. "Fucking wonderful!"

"Collins, a whole lot of us are in that very same predicament right now," Evanson growled. "You think I'm any happier than you are about this shit? You see what year the rest of the West Coast is in? You know who my wife is? You know where half the soldiers in this room come from?" He said in reference to the numerous Japanese troops in the room, wife, and one of his best friends included.

"Nah, he's right!" Private First Class Tanisha Williams argued. "The south is already a shithole back in our time, to say nothing of what it looks like now! We-"

"Oh fuck you, bitch!" PFC Eli Roberts snapped, his native Mississippi accent slipping out with his anger and frustration. "Despite what you and your kind think, you ain't gonna get lynched nowhere in America in 2024, so don't you dare try and fucking compare the two right now!"

"The fuck you mean 'your kind', white boy? I-" She shot back angrily, only to be cut off by Evanson slamming his right hand hard down on the wooden table next to him, breaking the table in half as he did so, and quickly quieting the whole room.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW!" He bellowed out in the same voice he was using to train new soldiers at Camp Rilea, making both soldiers practically freeze and fix their now terrified gazes on him. Evanson glared daggers at the two PFC's, the only sound audible in the room being a low mechanical whirring sound coming from his right arm. After a few seconds, he spoke again, this time in a much lower tone of voice. "So help me God if you two fuck ups don't sit down and shut up, I'll fucking smoke both of you like a goddamn crack pipe, and have your worthless asses busted down to buck private! You fucking got that!"

Both privates muttered their acknowledgements and said nothing further. Evanson glared at them for a few moments, before finally returning to the topic at hand.

"The point is folks, the world we knew ain't here anymore. The world is a damn mess and it's about to get even worse. And if we fight each other over stupid shit, it's only going to get worse."

"With all due respect, Staff Sergeant, while I don't agree with their exact wording, they aren't wrong," 2nd Lieutenant Henry Clayborne said. "Ignoring that most Americans outside of this state view me and many in this room as just another nigger, I don't think any of you are paying attention to the red and gray on the fucking map." He said in a slightly exasperated tone.

"About time one of you Americans realized that," A Republic of Korea sailor said while giving some serious side eye towards the JSDF personnel in the room. "At least you Americans have a country to call home, many of us here do not anymore."

There was a chorus of agreement from the assorted Korean, FIlipino, Singaporean, Taiwanese, and even Australian personnel in the room. There was also plenty of resentment aimed at the Japanese, but not entirely. The Filipinos technically had a country to go home to, just one that was under illegal occupation by the United States. That alone had caused a great deal of issues between Filipino servicemen and Americans.

But that wasn't the only issue. The date on the map for the rest of the world was 1812. Not long after the start of the War of 1812, where the United States had gotten fed up with the British Empire impressing American sailors and had declared war. It was also a war where the United States had invaded Canada with intent to conquer it. The time stranded Canadians made up the second largest contingent of foreign troops in Oregon after the Japanese.

But there was a mixture of World War Two and modern era Canadian troops between Oregon and Alaska, thousands of them total. Meanwhile further east, there was an American Army under General William Hull invading Upper Canada, or were they already retreating?

Evanson couldn't remember exactly, but he'd eventually find out. But all that was small potatoes when they learned that Theodore Roosevelt was now President of the United States. The man who built America up to be a great power, and whose work would be continued under his cousin, Franklin Roosevelt, which made America into a superpower. Theodore Roosevelt held a certain degree of scorn for France for its invasion of Mexico during the American Civil War, and the burning of Washington D.C. was one of America's biggest humiliations in its history.

"And some of us have a country currently being invaded by the United States." One of the Canadians said dryly.

"An America led by that cowboy maniac, Teddy Roosevelt. Just what this world needs!" A Canadian Lieutenant of obvious Native American extraction snarked, her face going dark as she continued. "My people already got shafted after that war, guess it's bound to happen again."

An America under the guidance of Teddy Roosevelt would ensure both of those things would never happen. It also meant that Roosevelt might very well do what James Madison failed and conquer Canada from Britain, and drive every European flag from the America's by bayonet point, something he also dreamed of doing. Even if it meant the Native Americans would suffer on account of it.

"Oh give it a rest already, Sacagawea!" Another Canadian soldier said, glaring at the Lieutenant, who fixed him with a sharp gaze and said.

"What the fuck did you just call me, Corporal Leblanc!" She hissed, putting emphasis on his rank, in response to his blatant disrespect to her heritage and her superior rank.

"All you damn redskins ever do is complain and blame everything on the white man and its getting fucking tiring!" Corporal Leblanc snapped, making to get up from his seat until an American soldier sitting next to him grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back down.

"Sit the hell down, asshole!" The soldier snarled as he glared down at the Canadian.

"What about the rest of us?" A voice in heavily accented English asked from the group of German embassy staff and soldiers asked. "Those of us who have a country to go home to and wish to go back to.

"Yes, what about the rest of us, Evanson?" Staff Sergeant Minoru Nakamura asked. "We also have a home to go back to and most of us do not wish to stay here. If we are not at war, why are we still being held here?"

"Because none of you will be allowed to leave until it's determined you won't be a threat to the United States." Evanson said bluntly, earning a mixture of confused and angry glances from many in the room, especially from the Japanese and Germans. "If you read the map, you'll realize the Japan and Germany you wish to return to are not allies of the United States. Both are expansionist empires and neither like the United States. Hell, Japan outright hated America long before World War Two."

"What are you saying, Derrick?" Captain Watanabe asked, dreading the answer to come.

"I fought alongside many of you in Korea. Many of you here are my friends and I know how you think. I know most of you love your countries greatly and that love and patriotism makes many of you dangerous to the United States. And unfortunately that includes my Canadian friends here." Evanson explained, noticing how a number of those in the room began to tense up, and how the armed MP's in the room shifted their hands closer to their sidearms. "You all have information of history and tactics that, if given to the German, Japanese, or British Empire's, could prove to be a danger to the United States. And considering the division our nation is under, that is something we simply cannot afford."

"So you are holding us hostage then?" The commander of the JGSDF, a Colonel Kengun, said in a low, dangerous voice. "Holding your own allies hostage over irrational and baseless fears that we might fight against you?"

"This is an outrage!" A German Major with the last name of Koch burst out, standing up and glaring at Evanson. "We are not at war with you, you can't just hold us here as prisoners!"

"We can and we will." Evanson said bluntly, further angering the two foreign officers whose glares of hatred only intensified. "Even one of you would present too great a threat with the knowledge of history you all have, to say nothing of the thousands of you currently stranded here. You could negate the advantages we hold, the loss of which would be disastrous if we find ourselves in a war with either nation, much less both."

"Derrick, you can't be suggesting that we'll automatically turn into banzai charging fanatics when we return home to Japan." Nakamura said bitterly. "We want to return to our homeland, a place we are familiar with, so we can make it a better place."

"A single one of you telling the Japanese government that we have broken all of their codes or one of you taking a modern physics textbook back to Tokyo or Berlin would be a major problem for us." 2nd Lieutenant Clayborne replied. "The thought of the Japanese Empire having nuclear weapons is a disturbing one to anyone here, not Japanese."

"You cannot claim monopoly on technology, American!" Colonel Kengun snarled. "You will not keep knowledge of the future from the world forever!"

"The German Empire is not the Third Reich and the Kaiser is not Hitler!" Major Koch practically shouted. "Unlike Japan, the German Empire had no designs on the United States or its sphere of influence!"

"Oh, bullshit, you lying Kraut bastard!" Another American, this time a sailor, shot back. "The General Staff literally made plans to invade New England and to conquer New York City after the Spanish-American War in order to force us to give up everything we got from Spain."

"And The Mad Kaiser would love nothing more than to have Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Hawaii all to himself. Hell, the Emperor would love to have Hawaii too." Another sailor said, earning hate filled stares from some of the JSDF in the room.

Stares that turned into confused frowns as the sound of air raid sirens began to punctuate through the conference room at Camp Withycombe, and everyone, American and not, looked at each other in confusion.

"The fuck is going on?" Evanson cursed as he heard the sounds of running footsteps outside and the sounds of soldiers screaming and cursing. Then the sole radio in the room blared to life with news that made the blood of everyone in the room turn to ice in their veins.

"All stations this net, all stations this net! This is not a drill, we are under attack! Japanese Naval and Air Forces off the coast of Oregon and Washington! Air Force and Navy currently engaged! All nonessential personnel are to report to designated safe zones immediately!"

In an instant, the anger and frustration on the faces of the Japanese in the room vanished. Many of them looked at the radio in utter disbelief, while Colonel Kengun practically deflated. Staff Sergeant Nakamura clenched his fists in anger, while his wife, Captain Watanabe, looked as if she wanted to lash out and smash the infernal device. A few dreadful sentences had completely changed the atmosphere of the room, an atmosphere of shock and horror. An atmosphere that grew worse as the radio spoke once more.

"All stations this net, reports from New York City report German battleships bombarding the city, and engaging naval forces off Long Island! Two US Navy battleships sunk and two more heavily damaged, with heavy fires reported throughout Manhattan Island! All personnel are to report immediately to their designated units! I say again, we are under attack!"

The radio finished as the sounds of jets roaring overhead made it impossible for anyone to speak or hear. Moments later, a dozen soldiers rushed into the room, all armed and armored, and began to start ushering people out to safety, or to their units.

"You are ordered to report to the armory and get your gear, Staff Sergeant!" Platoon Sergeant Deshaun Thomas said, a grim expression on his face. "It's worse than 9/11 from the sounds of it and it's worse over in New York."

"Understood, Platoon Sergeant!" Evanson nodded, grabbing the radio which belonged to him, clipping it to his belt, and making his way out of the conference room, and to the armory. As he looked over his shoulder one last time, both the Japanese and German personnel in the room looked as if they thought the world was coming to an end around them.

Perhaps it was.
The worst part of this is that none of these people are wrong.

Given half a chance, any nation will use any advantage it can get to advance its interests. Right now everyone's confused and in shock, but plans are in motion. Chances are a ship or an island or a plane will have what they need, and the technology will be transferred, studied, and copied anyway. Or it already has been.

But that's only in the short term. In the long term, trying to gulp down two hundred years of progress in one fell swoop is not going to go well at all.

I'm not a history buff, but I vaguely recall that one of the reasons that germen super computer efforts failed was a combination of government dogma, lack of need of super computers, lack of production capacity, lack of population, and the unfortunate trap of copying other people's work through industrial spying rather than developing their own tech. Developing transistors became a giant money sink. It actually tanked their economy trying to keep up with the entire world.

This video says it all:


If it goes against some political faction that dosen't want to sell you tubes or transistors because they're using them for another project, even if they have the technology, the technology won't be developed or be funded. If there isn't a high enough demand for computers than the need for bigger and better computers won't be as great. If you have a small population, than you can only produce and support so many technicians, scientists, engineers, and teachers, before you run out. And if you copy other people's work, you become copyists, not innovators.

You need transistors? Great, how many people do you need? Well, you can make them by hand, and we don't have robots, so about five thousand people. 5 thousand, we have that many. So how many computers can you make for me? They should be good enough to make a solar powered scientific calculator, and about five a month. But we're going to need a lot of soldering irons and microscopes. What's a soldering iron?

Even if Johnny Somebody was willing to go over to Japan and tell them how to make tech they wouldn't be able to do it. I sincerely doubt that anyone from 1812 will be able to develop an atomic bomb in twelve months or five years even if they had the step by step instructions. The infrastructure, knowledge, and skillset don't exist. It takes time to make all that happen.

On the other hand, using technology that falls into their hands isn't going to go well either. If given a laptop most people would probably use it as a lightbulb in their kitchen.

In the short term, keeping people from going home from sharing knowledge and technology is the smart move. It just isn't a very nice one. But it's a delaying tactic, not a permanent solution.

However, after six months there won't be any point. There are already lots of people all over the world who have the knowledge, the skillset, the technology, and the ability to bootstrap their countries, and they're either on their way home or trying to find a safe haven. After a few months they should be let go.
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