Two Eagles and a Rising Sun: A Three Nation ISOT

However, after six months there won't be any point. There are already lots of people all over the world who have the knowledge, the skillset, the technology, and the ability to bootstrap their countries, and they're either on their way home or trying to find a safe haven. After a few months they should be let go.
True, very true. By the way you know if the Panama Canal was ISOT as well? I can't remember if it was.
True, very true. By the way you know if the Panama Canal was ISOT as well? I can't remember if it was.

There is a mention of a Canal Zone at the very start of the thread but it hasn't come up in the story yet. The Panama Canal would likely be a chapter in of itself when it does.

When a river gets cut in half because two states moved, I'm going to guess that the water is going to forge a new channel to try and reconnect with its counterpart. If there are differences in water levels is going to make a nice flood. Also, if they had dams go missing, also flood. If ships get cut in half, also disaster.

Cables, pipes, water, natural gas, all cut. Burning fuel. Sparking power lines. Falling bridges. Towns going dark. Flooding rivers washing everything down stream. Flash flood in regions that have no water suddenly get lots of it. And so on.

Not sure about what things are happening underground. We have mining operations, zinc, asbestos, lead, mercury, that got flooded by water because we cut through a mountain and the rivers became toxic. Also underground fires from coal burning. Entire towns that would have been fine a hundred years ago will now be living next to toxic waste from the future. So that's another chapter by itself.
True, very true. By the way you know if the Panama Canal was ISOT as well? I can't remember if it was.
The provinces that the Canal was present in have come back, which means easy access between Atlantic and Pacific.

There is a mention of a Canal Zone at the very start of the thread but it hasn't come up in the story yet. The Panama Canal would likely be a chapter in of itself when it does.

When a river gets cut in half because two states moved, I'm going to guess that the water is going to forge a new channel to try and reconnect with its counterpart. If there are differences in water levels is going to make a nice flood. Also, if they had dams go missing, also flood. If ships get cut in half, also disaster.

Cables, pipes, water, natural gas, all cut. Burning fuel. Sparking power lines. Falling bridges. Towns going dark. Flooding rivers washing everything down stream. Flash flood in regions that have no water suddenly get lots of it. And so on.

Not sure about what things are happening underground. We have mining operations, zinc, asbestos, lead, mercury, that got flooded by water because we cut through a mountain and the rivers became toxic. Also underground fires from coal burning. Entire towns that would have been fine a hundred years ago will now be living next to toxic waste from the future. So that's another chapter by itself.
This is something I'll end up touching on soon because it's relatively unavoidable here.
Chapter 15: The Future of Germany is in Our Hands!
Great General Staff Headquarters
Königsplatz, Berlin, German Empire
17 Days Post Event
11:30 PM Local Time

"Gentlemen, I do apologize for summoning you all at this ungodly hour, but I'm afraid the circumstances demand our immediate attention," Kaiser Wilhelm II greeted the men gathered in the room. Normally he would convene this meeting in a more convivial manner, over brandy and cigars, but what had occurred could not wait until the morning to be addressed. Thus the Imperial German War Council had been convened at this late hour to discuss matters of utmost urgency. Those that could be summoned at any rate.

"As I'm sure you are all aware, just hours ago there was a bright flash of light along the Baltic Coast, North Sea, as well as several cities and towns throughout Germany, after which we lost contact with the aforementioned regions." Army Chief of Staff Helmuth Von Moltke began. "Shortly afterwards, we received reports from civilians and army units that many of the towns and cities that once existed, looked completely different."

"What do you mean 'looked different', Von Moltke?" General Erich von Falkenhayn asked impatiently. "We were not summoned to take guesses here."

"No, you were not," Von Moltke said, straight to the point. "The reports tell of larger and brighter buildings, far more people than should be possible, and strange looking automobiles and airplanes. Even the people in the towns and cities in question were dressed foreign."

"Almost as if from the future?" Crown Prince Wilhelm said. "Just as all those on our border resemble those of the previous century, and how Generals Hindenburg and Ludendorff have reportedly made contact with Napoleon's Grand Armee in what was once Poland?"

"Quite so, your highness." Von Moltke replied. "Gentlemen, as you are all doubtlessly aware, rumors are swirling about the state of affairs in America, with various wireless messages saying that the United States is split between several separate periods of time, and is facing severe internal strife."

"Are you saying the same calamity that has befallen the Americans has also befallen us as well?" Kaiser Wilhelm II asked. The Crown Prince nodded and said.

"The Frisian Islands, a number of islands on the Baltic Sea, as well as the cities of Schweinfurt, Bremen, Lippe, Troisdorf, Bamberg, Konstanz, and a handful of villages in the Rhine, appear to have been replaced by their equivalents from the future." Now the Crown Prince looked over at an Army Lieutenant standing nervously off to the side, and nodded at him. "Lieutenant Helldorf, tell them what you encountered."

"Yes, Crown Prince," Von Helldorff said. "We also made contact with a number of policemen and soldiers within those lands, half of which are uniformed and equipped differently than the other half are. Some claim it is 1939, some 2001, and others 2024." If any of the men gathered in the room were in danger of falling asleep or were bored, what Lieutenant Helldorf just told them shook them from those dangers. "Within the regions claiming the latter, not all of the soldiers we encountered were Germans. There was a small number of Americans, British, and Belgians present among the German soldiers we met.

"Americans?" General Alexander Von Kluck snorted. "And just what are American soldiers doing in Germany? What possible use would Germany ever have for American soldiers?"

"We asked this very same question and were given many different answers." Helldorf replied, flushing slightly as he recalled that exchange and just what the Americans and his fellow Germans had told him.

"Sir, to summarize it as best as I can, in the future they come from, Germany hasn't been an empire for over a century. In fact, it's a future where not even Britain is the strongest nation in the world. That title belongs to the United States of America. The war we were ready to fight against the British and French resulted in our defeat because of American intervention, as did the following war twenty years later. As a result, the United States maintains troops all over the world, and especially so in Germany."

There was silence in the room for a few seconds, as most of those gathered in the room looked at Von Helldorff as if he started speaking in tongues.

Then General Falkenhayn let out a raucous laughter, followed by the rest of those assembled in the room, which also included Bernhard von Bülow, who had come out of retirement at the onset of the war in an attempt to bring Italy in on the side of Germany. Only Von Moltke, and the Crown Prince kept their composure, even as Von Tirpitz and the Kaiser laughed themselves hoarse with the rest of the men in the room.

"You must be joking, Lieutenant Helldorff!" Bülow chortled. "The Americans claim they have the most powerful military in the world!?"

"The American Army is nothing more than an armed mob," General Erich von Falkenhayn sneered. "Their best accomplishment is beating the corrupt, lazy, and incompetent Spaniards, which is hardly worthy of any praise."

"A rabble with rifles!" The Kaiser laughed. "This must be some kind of a joke! Lieutenant Helldorf, you-"

"He is not joking, father!" Crown Prince Wilhelm broke in, something that no one in the room would have dared otherwise, and something only he could get away with. "On my way to Berlin from Hamburg, I visited the airfield in the city where one of those strange flashes occurred. The once empty airfield is now full of soldiers, strange armored cars, and airplanes more advanced than anything we had known before. I was talking with some of those soldiers, who called themselves the 'Condor Legion' and they, at least in part, confirmed what Lieutenant Helldorf has said. Go on, Lieutenant, they will not interrupt you again!"

The Crown Prince said, the look he gave the rest of the room sans his father telling them all they had better not. The Crown Prince had enormous respect for the men in the room and usually deferred to them on matters such as these. But right now was not a time for jokes. The future of the Fatherland was at stake here.

"The inhabitants of the cities claiming to be from the 21st century are the ones who are adamant about the status of the United States, although those from 1939 seem to not agree with that statement, but do resent the Americans a great deal for joining the war against us. But…what we've gleaned from them all about Germany's future history is…very disturbing." The Lieutenant said, his face turning sour as he recalled what he had been told by those from Bremen and the Frisian Islands.

"A very disturbing future," The Crown Prince repeated. "A future where The Reich has gone down a dark, distressing path after 1918."

From there on, Lieutenant Helldorf went on for some time. From how the War of 1914 dragged on until 1918, with millions on both falling to the murderous effectiveness of modern arms. How a combination of being starved by the British Naval Blockade, the exhaustion of the German Army, and the arrival of millions of American troops, had brought Germany to her knees. How the crippling reparations and terms laid upon Germany had nearly crippled her.

How the global economic crisis of 1929 had only made things worse and led to the rise of a political party, and a dictator that was lauded in the cities from 1939, and utterly despised in the 21st century cities and towns. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Helldorf went on to explain how, at least initially, they dragged Germany up from the mud and back on her feet, and made Germans proud to be Germans again. But when he began to explain Nazi Policies and the utterly appalling actions undertaken by them, and how this Hitler had not only ordered the death of millions of loyal German citizens for no other reason for being Jewish, made those in the room pale.

It got even worse when pictures were provided of the atrocities, which had disgusted them beyond measure. Even the Kaiser himself looked at the photos, which were remarkably disturbing in its clarity and detail. His good hand crumpled up one of the photos which showed bodies piled into rail cars, tossing in the direction of waste receptacles.

None of them had much sympathy for Jews. But not even Jews deserved what they had gone through in those pictures. But their feelings of anger and disgust only got worse when Helldorf explained how Hitler led Germany to repeating the same mistakes of 1914, fighting a war on more fronts than it could manage, and being slowly beaten back. When they saw the photos of all of Germany's great cities lying in ruin, and the flag of Russia, which was called the Soviet Union, flying atop the Reichstag, the room broke into a flurry of curses and blasphemes.

Von Moltke and Crown Prince Wilhelm had already seen them and remained quiet, although quite angered. When the room had finally calmed down, Helldorf continued, finishing his briefing as quickly as he could, giving only a basic explanation of what Germany had gone through up until the 21st century, where Germany was now overrun by hordes of raping Islamic savages, and how her neglected military was only now beginning to recover, and make itself a force worthy of name once more.

When he finally finished, no one said anything for close to 5 whole minutes. When the silence was finally broken, it was by General Falkenhayn, who said,

"Dear God in Heaven, what have we done to deserve such a fate!?" He lamented.

"This Hitler…" The Kaiser hissed through clenched teeth. "Tell me he is not among those from the future who have been placed here by the Lord Almighty. Because if he is, I will personally hang him!"

"From what we can tell, sire, he is not. However, a great deal of these 'Nazis' now reside in Germany, especially among the disparate military units all over Germany, like those in Hamburg." Helldorf replied.

"It would be a wise decision to see just where their loyalties truly lay," General Von Moltke began. "To the Kaiser and Imperial Germany, or to this 'Nazi Party' and their maniac of a leader who brought Germany to utter defeat and destruction. Most seem to be reasonable Germans, but others…" He trailed off, letting the Crown Prince continue.

"A disturbing number of them are fanatics that would be very dangerous to Germany, especially if any of them can climb their way to power. Something I might add, we must never allow."

"All of this…future knowledge we've been given, if it is indeed true, we must never allow it to happen!" The Kaiser said, anger still burning in his eyes. "Our beloved Reich, utterly destroyed by the ego of a deranged maniac, and ravaged by the Muslim savages in the 21st century. This cannot be allowed to happen!"

"It will not happen, sire." Von Moltke replied. "While we no longer have major threats along our border, it seems as though we may have internal threats within the borders of Germany which need to be dealt with. I propose we pull back most of our forces from the Western Front, and utilize them to bring these 'future cities' and towns back into the fold of The Reich. And to put down any potential chaos or disobedience from these 'Nazi' cretins."

"And should there be any of these roving bands of rapists within the confines of Germany, they are to be shot without hesitation!" General Kluck added. "We will not tolerate such behavior from our own citizens, much less Islamic barbarians from Arabia!"

"That much we can agree on, General!" Crown Prince Friedrich said. "While General's Hindenburg and Ludendorff mop up the Russians in Prussia, and General Von Bülow secures Belgium, we must use what is remaining of our army to put our own house in order. It is the only way to ensure that the same chaos and disorder ravaging the United States, does not fall upon us as well!"

"I shall begin drafting orders at once." General Von Moltke began. "With God on our side and a little luck, little blood shall be spilled as we-" A bright flash of light shone in through the windows of the room they were in, forcing the men present to shut their eyes, and avert their gaze from the window. The flash of light, lasting only a few seconds, vanished just as suddenly as it had arrived. When they all recovered, armed men rushed to the windows and began peering out.

Shouts rose from outside as the companies of regular soldiers guarding the building raced about to find out what was happening. The flash had come from a few miles to the south, although none of them could figure out exactly where. The room was abuzz with speculation over what just happened, although Von Moltke and the Crown Prince had a pretty good idea, and dreaded just what had shown up this time. Finally, a Major, followed by a Captain, and two dozen soldiers, entered the room. Both the Major and Captain had telegrams in their hands and worried expressions on their faces.

"What in the devil just happened!?" The Kaiser exclaimed as a Captain and a squad of infantry hurried into the room.

"Sire, something has happened in Tempelhof Field! Reports are talking about some massive airfield in its place, with strange airplanes and soldiers within it! The same is reported over at Johannisthal Airfield!" The Major reported and Von Moltke let out a tired sigh, followed by a stream of curses. Friedrich just closed his eyes in frustration as the Major rattled off major and minor details, including a report from Bita Paka, where the local commander was asking for permission to surrender to the Japanese invasion force that had set down in the colony.

The commander, Captain Hans Wuchert also reported the grizzly warning that the Japanese commander had given him before leaving. A bedraggled, ravaged German woman in torn clothes carrying a sack over her shoulders. A sack filled with the severed heads of German men they had caught.

That news had utterly infuriated the Kaiser and he spat,

"Yellow savages! Absolute savages! And there is nothing we can do!?"

"I am afraid not, Sire." Admiral Von Tirpitz answered glumly. "Even against the Japan of our time, going halfway around the world and into the backyard of the Japanese would have been an extremely dangerous proposition without the British or French hounding us. Here, the reports claim the Japan we face is from 1941, and equipped with weapons we could not hope to match."

"Not yet at any rate," General Falkenhayn said confidently. "And if these future Germans bring other kinds of knowledge with them, we may have weapons like that in short order. Or perhaps ones even better."

"Ships take years to build, General." Crown Prince Friedrich said tiredly. "And even with a better fleet, there are no coaling stations worth a damn in the year 1812, and I highly doubt the Americans would let us base out of their Western Coast."

"That's another thing, Sire!" The Captain said as the Major stepped back from his report. "Telegrams from Wilhelmshaven and Heligoland report at least a dozen ships in and around the harbor and archipelago. Battleships, cruisers, destroyers, gunboats, and even a strange flat topped ship with strange looking airplanes all over the deck!"

"Ships you say?" Von Tirpitz asked, intrigued at the prospect of just what was now sitting in German ports. He also thought about how he could use those new ships, as did the Kaiser, who had already ordered a flotilla of destroyers and transports to England to establish a beachhead for future operations against the British Isles.

"Yes sir! And more reported out at sea, all of which claim to be German in one way or another. Marines too! A whole battalion of Marines claiming to be from the year 2024!" The Captain replied eagerly. "They even sent one of their strange flying machines from one of their ships and should be here soon!"

As he said this, a loud WHUMP WHUMP WHUMP sound came from outside, growing louder and louder until it got almost unbearable. In front of General Staff Headquarters, adjacent to the water fountain, a strange shaped airplane with propellers on top and sideways in the rear, landed in the grass, and was immediately surrounded by German soldiers, who were in turn met by armed men who clambered out of the strange contraption, and rapid fire shouting in German.

Eventually though, the soldiers who came out of the contraption lowered their weapons, seeing as they were surrounded and badly outnumbered. That was until more loud WHUMP WHUMP WHUMP sounds filled the air, and two more of the airplanes had arrived and were landing as well. Once they landed, even more soldiers came out, while a third machine hovered in the air, and turned on an obscenely bright spotlight upon the garden, bathing the whole area in bright light. In the spotlight, they could make out a mounted machine gun inside one of the landed airplanes, which was pointed at the soldiers on the ground.

The entire standoff was a recipe for disaster. A disaster that could kill dozens, if not more, and jeopardize the future of Germany. Without waiting to be told, Crown Prince Friedrich grabbed Lieutenant Helldorf, and the two quickly ran outside, them being the only hope to diffuse the situation before it turned lethal. They just hoped they could get outside quickly enough for their effort to matter.
I... seriously have to question where any of this is going at this point. Are you just planning to have things break down completely?

Noones being given the time to consolidate anything before a new crisis hits, stuff just keeps breaking more and more. The entire concern of the downtime powers getting modern tech is now a non issue because they're getting it regardless. Just... where is it going?
I... seriously have to question where any of this is going at this point. Are you just planning to have things break down completely?

Noones being given the time to consolidate anything before a new crisis hits, stuff just keeps breaking more and more. The entire concern of the downtime powers getting modern tech is now a non issue because they're getting it regardless. Just... where is it going?
Best reply I can really give is that there's a method to my madness and some concerns still remain. In OTL Arkansas and Oregon, there are training centers being set up or have already been set up now to train German, Singaporean, British, and other assorted pilots on the F-35. A single Airbus or Japanese equivalent can fly higher and carry heavier loads than anything Germany and Japan have. There are combat veterans of the 21st century who could easily whip their armed forces into better shape if allowed back home.

Some tech will get out, yes, and that's intentional. However I think some people have misunderstood the dates of certain places and that will be clarified with my next update in the next hour or so. Yes, I do plan for some chaos, but after this chapter, there's one more set in the early days, before finally switching to a month Post Event, where shit has, at least outside America, calmed the fuck down.
Newly ISOT'd Regions and Units Within the German Empire
German Islands from 2024:
East and North Frisian Islands
Reichenau Island

Schweinfurt, Germany, 1939.
Bremen, Germany: 1939
Free State of Lippe, 1939.

Vogelsang Training Area: 2001
Troisdorf: 2001
Bamberg: 2024
Konstanz: 2024
Naval Units in Heligoland and Wilhelmshaven:

German Aircraft Carrier Graf Zeppelin, circa 1939. Status: 85% complete. Aircraft loaded: 12 navalized Junkers Ju 87 "Stuka" dive bombers, 10 Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighters, and 20 Fieseler Fi 167 torpedo bombers.

Bismarck Class Battleships Bismarck and Tirpitz, circa 1941.

Deutschland Class Heavy Cruisers Lützow, Admiral Scheer, and Admiral Graf Spee, circa 1941.
Admiral Hipper Class Heavy Cruisers Admiral Hipper, Blücher, and Prinz Eugen, circa 1941.

Light Cruiser Emden, circa 1941.

Königsberg Class Light Cruisers Königsberg, Karlsruhe, and Köln, circa 1941.

Type 1934 Destroyers Leberecht Maass, Georg Thiele, Max Schultz, and Richard Beitzen, circa 1941.

German Federal Police Vessel BP 83 Kustenwache circa 2020.

Tarantul-Class Corvette Rudolf Egelhofer, 1989.
Albatros Class FAC Geier, Bussard, and Kormoran, 2002.
Gepard Class Fast Attack Craft Gepard and Puma, 2010.
Tiger Class FAC Panther, Löwe, and Fuchs, 2002.
German Sea Battalion, 2024
Ground and Air Forces:

Hamburg: Condor Legion, circa 1938. German Army circa 1958: 20,200 soldiers.

Wittmundhafen Air Base 1962, Tactical Air Force Wing 71.
Jagdgeschwader 75, 88 F-86 fighters.
1st Airmobile Brigade, 2012.

Spangdahlem Air Base: 1953

Celle Air Base, 2011:
Army Aviation Maintenance Squadron 100
Army Aviation Squadron 109
Army Aviation Liaison And Reconnaissance Squadron 109
Attack Helicopter Regiment 26, 2013
Army Aviation Support Squadron 1, 2013
26th Saarland Airborne Brigade, 2014.

Berlin Tempelhof Airport, 2001
RAF Gatow, 1989

Johannisthal Air Field: KSK, 2nd Commando Company, circa 2020. Three German Federal Police Helicopters and crew, 2013. One S-300PMU system circa 1989.
Foreign Forces in Germany: United States Constabulary, 38,000 men, circa 1950, split between 21st century German towns and cities. Assorted NATO servicemen on leave or in transit within 21st century German regions.
So we're going from Genocidal Nazis, to bigoted, white mans burden German?
No difference I can see yet, except it might not be the Jews who come under the screws this time. Hope those cities can hold out.

Screw you ROB!
So we're going from Genocidal Nazis, to bigoted, white mans burden German?
No difference I can see yet, except it might not be the Jews who come under the screws this time. Hope those cities can hold out.

Screw you ROB!
I mean, Imperial Germany isn't any worse than Britain or France of 1914. Nazi Germany was the "off the rails, genocidal, batshit insane" country that has gone down in history as one of the worst tegumes ever. Not sure how or why Imperial Germany would seek to replicate what the Nazis did OTL.
Yeah, I don't see this being as easy as the Kaiser thinks. At least the US had the advantage of sharing the same technical continuity of government, with a legal head of state that is highly regarded by most of the uptime forces.

Meanwhile, Germany is stuck between multiple governments with widely different ideologies, with the majority being a monarchy that is most well-known historically for losing the First World War. At best, I can see them having to makea deal with the 2024 forces to help deal with the Nazis, which will probably include several demands for local autonomy, political reform, or extraction to other countries. Not helping things is the ongoing attempts by Imperial Germany to conquer Europe, aka the homelands of the various NATO forces, which really won't help their case.
Last edited:
Yeah, I don't see this being as easy as the Kaiser thinks. At least the US had the advantage of sharing the same technical continuity of government, with a legal head of state that is highly regarded by most of the uptime forces.

Meanwhile, Germany is stuck between multiple governments with widely different ideologies, with the majority being a monarchy that is most well-known historically for losing the First World War. At best, I can see them having to makea deal with the 2024 forces to help deal with the Nazis, which will probably include several demands for local autonomy, political reform, or extraction to other countries. Not helping things is the ongoing attempts by Imperial Germany to conquer Europe, aka the homelands of the various NATO forces, which really won't help their case.
Main issue is that the handful of German cities from the reign of the Nazis equal a few hundred thousand people at most. The assorted 21st century regions have maybe 100k or so. Most Nazis will be in the newly deposited navy around Wilhelmshaven and Heligoland. It won't be easy purging them and I agree, but the Nazis are horrifically outnumbered, and the nation across the pond utterly despises their very existence as does the Kaiser.
I mean, Imperial Germany isn't any worse than Britain or France of 1914. Nazi Germany was the "off the rails, genocidal, batshit insane" country that has gone down in history as one of the worst tegumes ever. Not sure how or why Imperial Germany would seek to replicate what the Nazis did OTL.

Do google ''The Rape of Belgium'', until WW1, Belgium was one of the wealthiest nations on Earth. Yes, the Nazi regime was worse, but Imperial Germany still made it easy to create propaganda posters against them. They were pretty damn brutal in occupied territories (probably in occupied Russian territory too. But generally, Americans, for whom the propaganda was meant, didn't give a damn about Russians).

Anyhow, a large chunk of the Belgian industrial machinery was stolen by Germany or outright destroyed. There is a good reason Belgium wanted the Ruhr industrial region as reparations (which could have prevented or limited the Nazi military buildup). Imperial Germany also committed brutalities against the population, they weren't nicknamed Huns for nothing
Do google ''The Rape of Belgium'', until WW1, Belgium was one of the wealthiest nations on Earth. Yes, the Nazi regime was worse, but Imperial Germany still made it easy to create propaganda posters against them. They were pretty damn brutal in occupied territories (probably in occupied Russian territory too. But generally, Americans, for whom the propaganda was meant, didn't give a damn about Russians).

Anyhow, a large chunk of the Belgian industrial machinery was stolen by Germany or outright destroyed. There is a good reason Belgium wanted the Ruhr industrial region as reparations (which could have prevented or limited the Nazi military buildup). Imperial Germany also committed brutalities against the population, they weren't nicknamed Huns for nothing
And the allies claimed the Germans speared babies on bayonets and murdered children for no other reason than they could. I'm acutely aware of German atrocities in Belgium, but they weren't much different than what other empires tended to do at the time, especially in Africa or Asia. I will admit that the Boxer Rebellion, with even the Kaiser condoning and encouraging their shitty behavior. Otherwise though, Imperial Germany is a bog standard European Empire.
German atrocities in Belgium, but they weren't much different than what other empires tended to do at the time, especially in Africa or Asia.

I know. The difference is that Americans, the British and other Entente members didn't care about Africa and Asia (or European Russia for that matter). The Germans did their atrocities in Western Europe too.

And yes, I agree that atrocities in Africa and Asia are bad too.
Foreign Military Forces Within the United States: Post Second Event
Foreign Military Forces in America:
West Virginia:
UNCRO, 1995
UNPSG, 1997

West Virginia/Ohio
Canada: Air and ground forces of Operation Hestia, 2010.

Vermont/New Hampshire:
SHIRBRIG, circa 2008.

Canada: 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, 1945. 7th Canadian Infantry Division, 1942.

Duluth, Minnesota: Task Force Fox, circa 2002. Task Force K-Bar, circa 2002.

Denmark: Dancon/Irak, All Rotations: 2024 Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard.
HSwMS Visborg, 2010.

Jefferson County, New York:
Canadian Airborne Regiment, circa 1994
Task Force Harvest, circa 2001.

New York Harbor:
Germany: Lütjens Class Destroyer Lütjens, 2001.

Turkey: TCG Muavenet, 1992

France: Cruiser Jeanne d'Arc 1940, Cruiser Emile Bertin, 1940, Flower Class Corvette Alysse, 1942

United Kingdom: HMS Avenger(1942), HMS Monmouth and HMS Good Hope(1914), HMS Argus(1920), HMS Pathfinder(1914), HMS Hawke(1914). Cressy-class armored cruisers HMS Aboukir, HMS Hogue, and HMS Cressy, 1914.

2005 South Carolina:
Operation Licorne Forces, 2004.
EUFOR Tchad/RCA, 2008.
UNTAES, 1996

Belgium: Independent Belgian Brigade, 1944. Frigate Westhinder, F910, 1950.

South Korea: 2nd Marine Brigade, circa 1966
UN Forces Congo: 1961
United Nations: MONUSCO, 2013

Nordic-Polish Brigade, 1996

First Special Service Force, 1943.

Swedish Bosnian Battalions BA08-BA12
Scanian Dragoon Brigade, 1999

UN: MFO and Task Force Sinai, circa 2024
Australia: Operation Astute, First and Second Rotations.

Australia: Overwatch Battle Group West, 2007.
France: Brigade La Fayette, 2012.

Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa:
German Military:
Jager Regiment 1, 2011.
25th and 27th Luftlande Brigades, circa 2014.
Medium Transport Helicopter Regiment 25, 2012
Medium Transport Helicopter Regiment 15, 2012

North Dakota:
Independent Norwegian Brigade Group: Brigades 521 and 522.

Canada: 13th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 1943
HMCS Vancouver and HMCS Dawson.

Honolulu, Hawaii:
Thailand: Royal Thai Army Expeditionary Division, 1968.
1st Australian Task Force, 1968.
ROCAF Black Cat Squadron, 1966.

South Korean Zaytun Division, all rotations.
JGSDF Iraq Deployment Contingents.

UNAMET, 1999.
UNOMIG, 2009
SFOR, 2002
Forces in Occupied Cuba:
United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti: 2007
Caribbean Peace Force, 1983.
Japanese Forces Present In Oregon before The Event:
Elements of the Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade.
Flight of Four AH-1S Helicopters of the 3rd Anti-Tank Helicopter Squadron.
One Company of Type 16 Combat Vehicles.
One Battery of modernized MIM-23 Hawks
One Company of modernized Type 74 Tanks
Two Companies of Type 87 RCV's.
Type 73 APC's
Type 73 Light Trucks
Newly Arrived Units Post Second ISOT:
Two LCU-2001 Landing Craft
Three Miura Class Landing Ships
Assorted vehicles and equipment onboard.
As you are all doubtlessly aware, especially if you've read my past stories, I tend to showcase the worst of mankind's attributes. Being a pessimist, I expect the worst from anyone and anything, and have been told I border on Nihilistic much of the time. I consider myself a realist. I write as realistically as I can and write how events would realistically play out. Even if it means they are bloody, racist, insane, or a combination of them all, plus several other factors. I can't write gumdrops and rainbows, especially seeing what history holds, and how world events play out. It's a shitty world and most of what goes on is likewise.

That said, heavy disclaimer for this next chapter. I've touched on repeatedly about militia mobs and assorted racists attacking into uptime territory. This is gonna touch on the reprisals from various uptime civilians and organizations that would like to do something about that. Organizations and people that, if used their tactics against police and military downtime, would find themselves getting the same treatment wheat gets before the scythe comes down.

I will repeat, beware this next chapter. It'll be dropping within the next hour.
Chapter 16: The Portland Massacre
North of Portland, Oregon
Hayden Island
Washington-Oregon Border
21 Days Post Event
16:45 Local

Civil unrest and rioting wasn't something new in the United States. Even violent unrest was well known. Ranging from Bleeding Kansas, to the Civil Rights Era, to the more modern protests by far left and far right groups who had deluded themselves into believing the United States was turning into either a fascist or communist state. The goals and ideals of both groups were equally inane, with many genuinely believing what their leaders. But there was a significant amount that were funded by overseas enemies, nations like China, or the former nations of Iran, North Korea, and Russia. Enemies who sought to weaken America from within when direct action was either impossible, or simply wouldn't work.

And despite Oregon and a handful of other states to longer belonging to the world they originally came from, some of those groups still remained. While the assorted far right groups tended to be further east, Oregon being on the West Coast, and arguably the most liberal state in the Union, had many of the far left examples. Examples that had now gathered in their thousands at the border between both Washington and Oregon, and were out for blood.

Out for blood over two separate, horrible incidents that had occurred on the border with California, and one that took place in Washington and Oregon.

The first, which took place along Pelican State Beach, involved an interracial couple that was enjoying an early morning on the beach. An early morning that was ruined by the sudden appearance of a group of eight men, all of which wore the robes of the Ku Klux Klan, who were disgusted by the sight before them. Lynching ropes, and revolvers, in hand, the men made their intentions clear from the moment they approached the couple. However, there were a couple things the men hadn't counted on.

The men had no idea what a cell phone was and that all calls these days were only for emergencies, and routed to police and guard units nearest to the caller. The girl's frantic call, punctuated by the sound of screaming and gunshots in the background, had dispatch relaying the position to Oregon State Police and a local National Guard squad, both of which had heard the gunshots.

The Klansmen didn't count on hearing the roaring racket of a Humvee rolling down the dirt road towards them or expect its driver to go through the trees, stopping directly in front of them as they dragged the beaten and bloodied couple over to a tree that had already tied the ropes to. They hadn't expected the piercing sirens of police cars to soon follow, and find their avenues of escape to be cut off.

They had expected the police and Guardsmen to fall back and flee when one of them grabbed a BAR from the back of one of their trucks, and opened fire on the Humvee. They also expected the police to retreat as another grabbed a Thompson submachine gun, and riddled the driver side of the first State Police Car with .45 ACP rounds. They didn't expect the M249 atop the Humvee to start chattering, mowing down the white hooded men with frightening ease. Nor had they expected such an accurate reply from the M4's of the soldiers, or from the State Troopers.

Two of the Klansmen broke and ran, one of which was tackled from behind by a police K-9, and brought down in a tumbling heap. The second managed to get to his truck, put it into gear, and began to drive off, only to be pit maneuvered by a responding patrol car, and slammed into by a Humvee going 45 miles per hour, pinning the truck against a tree.

The driver refused to surrender and drew a .45 automatic, and was subsequently enfiladed by rifle and pistol fire. The sole surviving Klansman had drawn a knife and stabbed the police dog in the leg, injuring the dog severely, and was shot, and beaten to death by the dog's handler.

When it was all over, it was revealed that four of the men were active duty US Army and Marines, including a Marine Captain, who had acquired the weapons for the men, and who had intended to lynch at least a few people in Oregon before retreating across the border. Their short lived rampage put two civilians in the hospital, both in critical condition, a K-9 in critical condition at an emergency vet, and a police officer to the hospital with a bullet wound in his left arm. None of the Klansmen had survived the encounter, and the after effects were felt on both sides of the border as uptime US Army commanders screamed it out with downtime Army and Marine commanders who screamed to the moon about the murder of their men.

But that was only the first incident. The second took place at the Heron Lakes Golf Club, where three black men were accused of assaulting and attempting to rape a white army nurse who had, quite harshly and with racially charged language, rebuffed their advances. The men refused to take no for an answer, jumped her, and dragged her into some bushes with her kicking and screaming. Screaming that attracted the attention of a dozen US Army soldiers who were garrisoning the base being set up in the former gold club.

The soldiers, upon discovering what had happened, beat the three men to within an inch of their lives, castrated them, sodomized them with bayonets, and while it was still dark, lynched the three men from the top of the Interstate Bridge, where horrified civilians, police, and soldiers alike saw the swinging corpses in the morning sun. Those events nearly caused a shootout right there between elements of the National Guard and US Army.

Stryker MGS' on one side and M4 Shermans on the other. It was a miracle from above that prevented both sides from opening fire on each other after that, especially when it was revealed one of the attempted rapists was an off duty Guardsmen from Detroit. There was also a security camera that caught the whole disgusting ordeal from beginning to end, in color and high definition, courtesy of the gold club's rich owners, who wanted top security on their property. Commanders from both sides watched the entire recording with a mixture of shock, horror, anger, and revulsion. The downtime Army commanders absolutely refused to hand any of the men over and told the uptime commanders in no uncertain terms that they would not punish soldiers for defending the innocence, honor and sanctity of white women.

That incident was what led to the situation unfolding along Interstate 5 and Delta Park right now.

"BLACK LIVES MATTER! BLACK LIVES MATTER! BLACK LIVES MATTER!" was the chant that rose from thousands of throats as a horde of men and women marched past Delta Park and towards Hayden Island, intent on crossing the bridge that spanned the Columbia River, and entering Washington State.

"DOWN WITH FASCISM! DOWN WITH FASCISM! DOWN WITH FASCISM!" Others chanted, themselves clad in black and red, the colors synonymous with ANTIFA, a far left terror group whose backers were traced to places like China and Iran, whose sole purpose was to divide America when it needed to be united the most. Even now, without their financial backers, they continually caused nothing but problems for the government and civil authorities. And instead of protesting the incident in the south, by far the worst of the two, they were instead here, protesting against uptime and downtime military forces.

Protests that soon became riots as bricks, beer bottles, baseball bats, crowbars, molotov cocktails, and an assortment of firearms soon came out. Among the ranks of BLM and ANTIFA protestors were two very left wing militias, Redneck Revolt and Not Fucking Around Coaltion. The first was predominately white liberals who happened to fit the stereotypical definition of redneck. The second was a Black Nationalist Militia formed nearly a decade ago, with a strong presence in Oregon, Washington, and Northern California before "The Event". A group with the goal of establishing an all black ethnostate within the current borders of the United States.

These four groups combined had pushed up from Portland and the surrounding areas, stretching the local and State Police, as well as National Guard dangerously thin. Hundreds had already been arrested, and several minor gunfights had broken out in Portland between NFAC and RR members and National Guard. This meant that aside from a score of State Police and a platoon of Guardsmen present in and around Delta Park, which the National Guard had taken over, the vast majority of soldiers and police officers present were from Washington State.

At least a hundred police officers in riot gear, backed by at least two regiments of US Army regulars, supported by jeeps, M8 Greyhounds, and M4 Shermans, took up position all over the street, forming a line stretching from the Voices of Remembrance parking lot, through the gold club, up to Delta Park with the Oregon Guardsmen, and west to the Pacific NW Home Inspections offices. A long line of trucks continued to cross the bridge and back, bringing more and more soldiers as it became clear the massive armed mob was not gonna stop.

"Jesus, how many of these uppity niggers and nigger lovers are there?" Corporal Daniels muttered as he fixed the bayonet on his Garand and pointed it hip level as his line was about to advance with the rest of the regiment, and push the rioters back where they belonged, whether they wanted it or not.

"Too fucking many of them if you ask me. And to think this is what our country will become." A Sergeant replied, taking the safety off his M1928 submachine gun, and readying it at his hip.

"FUCK YOU CRACKER ASS BITCH!" A man with a mask over his face yelled as he tossed a brick towards one of the soldiers, which collided with the man's boot.

"NICE TRY SPEARCHUCKER!" The private taunted, making the thrower seethe as he reached for another brick, but was knocked to the ground as a team of police officers and firefighters activated several high pressure fire hoses, and swept the man, and those around him, off their feet, and on their backs.

The line of soldiers and police advanced as the rioters, armed with makeshift shields, bats, and firearms began to charge the line. Molotov cocktails were thrown, a few of which ended up hitting close to or directly atop some soldiers, setting them on fire. The rioters cheered as they saw soldiers go down in flames, their comrades trying to put them out.


"PIGS IN A BLANKET, FRY EM LIKE BACON!" They chanted eagerly at the carnage they wrought on the soldiers in front of them. They even began throwing molotovs at the Oregon Guardsmen, who desperately tried to rein in the situation.

"PLEASE RETURN TO YOUR HOMES, A CURFEW IS IN EFFECT!" A Guard Lieutenant said through a bullhorn right as a bullet hit the side of the Humvee he was standing next to, and all hell broke loose. NFAC and RR members opened fire on the Guardsmen and soldiers both, taking momentary pleasure in watching them fall until the return fire came.

"DIE CRACKER!" One of the NFAC members screamed as he aimed a pistol towards the Lieutenant. The man didn't get off another shot as the top of his head was clipped off by an Army sharpshooter's Springfield rifle, and all hell broke loose.

"OPEN FIRE!" The Lieutenant screamed just as the US Army soldiers all around them opened up.

Hundreds of Garands, along with a slew of Thompsons, BAR's, and Ma Duece's let loose on the ranks of tightly packed rioters and terrorists. Even the guns atop the assortment of vehicles added their noise to the insane din. Hundreds upon hundreds of rioters fell in bloody heaps as everything from .45 ACP to even a 75mm shell from a Sherman tank, tore through flesh and bone with ease, and send bodies both tumbling, and flying through the air.

Above the carnage, a Portland news helicopter watched as the rioters were mowed down like wheat before a diabolical mechanical reaper. The vast majority began to flee in complete disarray, with soldiers, police, and hounds running after them, or in many cases, shooting them in the back. The assorted NFAC and RR members stood their ground however, finding what cover they could, and returning fire for as long as they could. But they were horrifically outnumbered, outgunned, and out maneuvered.

The Shermans near the Interstate Bridge spoke again, and their shells ripped the life out of those who still stood and fought. One even broke the line and advanced forward to support the advancing infantry. They didn't advance far however, as they halted their advance to just south of Delta Park, watching the survivors flee in panic towards the bridge that would take them back to Portland, and away from the border. They had many wounded and a score of dead to tend to, as well as the hundreds of dead and dying rioters and militia who started the whole ordeal. Some had surrendered and were in custody. Others tried to surrender and were executed outright.

In Delta Park proper, the Lieutenant who had given the order to fire in response to being shot at, looked out in stunned horror at the sight before him. Hundreds of Americans now lay in bloody heaps all over the road, sidewalks, and grass. Granted, a great many weapons were scattered amongst them, but that was little consolation over what just occurred.

"Oh God!" Lieutenant Armitage groaned as he tasted the acid taste of bile in his throat. Leaning over, he violently threw up the contents of his stomach, an action mirrored by several others in the platoon. Others began cursing violently, others prayed, and others stared with undying hatred at their downtime countrymen and at those who had started the whole affair.

Every single radio in his platoon began going off at once, with commanders and senior noncoms asking just what the hell had happened. His Platoon Sergeant answered the frantic requests they were getting. Once he finished his report, the whole net went quiet, and there was a very long pause on the other end as command processed just what they had been told.

"It's gonna be a civil war before long," 1st Sergeant Michael Pound said in a hoarse whisper, the sights before him too close to those he saw in Pyongyang when he and his platoon held the line against charging North Korean civilians. "God Help Us!" Off in the distance, a cacophony of sirens could be heard as police and EMS rushed in from Portland, encountering the shaken survivors of the riot, unaware of the bloody carnage that awaited them ahead.
You don't mess with the police. The people of downtime America don't mess around. They don't have to play nice. They aren't under surveillance 24-7 and have to watch their manners or their words every single minute of the day. They are in fear of their lives, operate by different rules, grew up with a different culture, and are not afraid to skin their knuckles.

Uptime protestors can get away with nearly anything these days. Glue their hands to the wall, disrupt traffic, throw paint, walk in the streets, jump on your car, steal without consequences, lite towns on fire, etc. Most of that stuff would have gotten you punched, and these days a little bit of that aggressive attitude is coming back into the common american who don't want to take crap from these idiots.

Sorry, not sorry. BLM, ANTIFA, and Just Stop Oil, are useful idiots. They don't generate any goodwill, and what they do makes things worse for everyone. As helpful as a yellowjacket sting, potentially lethal, and with a pain that lasts for days. They are agitators, disruptors, terrorists, arsonists, liars, scam artists, and more. Classic bullying behavior combined with a lack of survival instincts.
You don't mess with the police. The people of downtime America don't mess around. They don't have to play nice. They aren't under surveillance 24-7 and have to watch their manners or their words every single minute of the day. They are in fear of their lives, operate by different rules, grew up with a different culture, and are not afraid to skin their knuckles.

Uptime protestors can get away with nearly anything these days. Glue their hands to the wall, disrupt traffic, throw paint, walk in the streets, jump on your car, steal without consequences, lite towns on fire, etc. Most of that stuff would have gotten you punched, and these days a little bit of that aggressive attitude is coming back into the common american who don't want to take crap from these idiots.

Sorry, not sorry. BLM, ANTIFA, and Just Stop Oil, are useful idiots. They don't generate any goodwill, and what they do makes things worse for everyone. As helpful as a yellowjacket sting, potentially lethal, and with a pain that lasts for days. They are agitators, disruptors, terrorists, arsonists, liars, scam artists, and more. Classic bullying behavior combined with a lack of survival instincts.
I agree, with everything you said. And it's a good thing (in my opinion, just don't take too far) that the aggressive attitude is making a comeback because the common american is getting tired of all this usefull idiots getting away scot-free.