Twitch Plays Dark Souls: Die, Die, Die Again

I don't get it, they're in the middle of the DLC area, and then randomly head over to kill Sif? Why? Especially when we consider that thanks to the delay, the whole excursion is probably like hours wasted in terms of inefficiency.
They want to upgrade to the Greatshield of Artorias and it's 88 stability for the Manus and Kalameet fights.
Ceaseless Discharge, Demon Firesage and Centipede Demon join the list of defeated bosses (looks like I was wrong about Kalameet dying in 2 days max, they're fucking around with other bosses first).

Only Bed of Chaos, Nito, Manus, Kalameet and Gwyn remain (and the Hellkite, but fat chance of chat killing that monster).
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The Bed of Chaos is down despite the Twitch lack of precision screwing with them a lot, 4 bosses remain.

There were a few close calls though.

but- how- seriously? twitch did this? that's impossible...
*is lost for words for the next 4 days 17 hours 15 minutes and 46 seconds*
but- how- seriously? twitch did this? that's impossible...
*is lost for words for the next 4 days 17 hours 15 minutes and 46 seconds*
The pause system made it possible, before that they were just fucking around in the Undead Asylum since it was too easy for trolls to derail things and thanks to delay they'd have to predict an enemy's actions and input accordingly before the fight even begins, which is rather difficult.

EDIT: Kalameet died while I was asleep but I don't have a screenshot.
what's a kalameet? sorry haven't played dark souls...

Black dragon made of hate and frustration. An optional boss, but probably the hardest one in the game.

To top it off, all you get for killing him is a Ring that makes you take double damage. So your reward for defeating one of the games toughest challenges is the means to make everything more challenging.
They fucking killed Kalameet. I honestly thought that would be impossible for them.

I wanna see them run Dark Souls 2 after this.
They've been doing things we've thought impossible ever since they got out of the Asylum.

And Dark Souls 2 is what they're planning to do after this.
what's a kalameet? sorry haven't played dark souls...
Kalameet is a dragon as explained above, one of if not the hardest boss in Dark Souls.
A fuck-huge dragon composed entirely of hate. One of the hardest bosses by a long shot.
And it's a boss that's only there for the sake of people who don't think that Dark Souls bosses are difficult enough already and only drops a ring that doubles damage taken for people who want an extra self-imposed challenge.
They've been doing things we've thought impossible ever since they got out of the Asylum.

And Dark Souls 2 is what they're planning to do after this.

Kalameet is a dragon as explained above, one of if not the hardest boss in Dark Souls.

And it's a boss that's only there for the sake of people who don't think that Dark Souls bosses are difficult enough already and only drops a ring that doubles damage taken for people who want an extra self-imposed challenge.

o....kay. that's a nasty looking dragon. If I ever play dark souls, I probably wont take on that guy...
I only got around to fighting Kalameet on my Guts run, I can honestly say I found it to be harder than fighting Ornstein and Smough solo.
Also, I didn't like the one time I fought him with a summon. He becomes totally unpredictable.

In my recorded run I killed him on my first try and got his tail. Took me a few more tries to take out O&S^^
Well fuck me dead, we beat Manus on the first try, only Gwyn (and maybe an npc slaughter) remains before we have a day of getting our arses kicked in pvp after turning off the pause system.

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