What is that?
I looked around at the sound of a jet engine. It was the second time in just a couple of minutes I'd heard it and now it was coming closer.
There. In the sky.
A pair of fighter jets, no idea what model. Something small and aggressive-looking. What was the Airforce doing here? Did I drift into a training area?
The two aircraft banked around, heading in my direction before flashing past straight above me.
What the fuck, there is no way they can see me, is there?
The answer came quickly as they started to bank around for another pass.
Shit, they were seeing me. Or they were at least able to detect me with some sort of sensors. IR maybe, the Blur spell probably didn't affect heat.
Radar. Holy shit, my armor was metal. I must have been picked up by some sort of radar station and they were sent to check out the UFO. Now they had me on IR.
I wasn't that hot, but I had to show up on IR anyway, I was warmer than the surroundings.
Earth was such a fucking pain.
I must find a way to shake these guys. I didn't want to try putting an illusion on the pilots, they were just doing their job... and they were kinda fast, I'm not sure I could do it.
But I wanted to test my armor against an air to air missile even less.
Beating my wings against the air, I looked for somewhere to lose them. No convenient canyons, no forests, just fields and... there is a town ahead.
Yeah, that'll work.
I glanced up at the circling jets warily.
Well, if they didn't decide to just try to shoot me down before I reached it, just to be safe. Just to be safe, I started to craft my strongest shield spell around myself and deployed my armor fully.
Even so, I didn't exactly feel safe and kept tracking the circling fightercraft.
As I reached the outskirts of the town, they just kept circling high in the air. Okay, let's do this. I need to get out from beneath the sky, I was sure there was a satellite on its way here if there wasn't one aimed at this spot already, especially if they had an IR image of me.
Fuck me, I don't have time for this bullshit!
There, shopping district with a bunch of stores.
Keeping an eye on the fighters just in case they did something stupid like open fire above a populated area, I started to craft two spells at once.
Returning to human form behind the Blur spell, I wrapped a thirty second invisibility spell from Tamriel around me. It was better than the version in Azeroth as it didn't blind the user for the duration.
As I fell, I cast a third spell, engaging in some ten meters above the street, casting a slow fall spell on myself.
I landed easily, flexing my knees to absorb the rest before I turned and walked into the closest store. Some sort of tourist trap that sold what seemed to be mostly candles.
Fine by me.
The place wasn't what I would call crowded, but there were some people in here.
Ten seconds until the spell wore off.
I hurried further into the store as I crafted a quick illusion around myself to change my armor into jeans and a T-shirt. The medallion I was wearing would handle the hair and facial features. My spear was in my satchel so that wouldn't be a problem.
Nobody around, so I dropped the invisibility a couple of seconds early before letting out a small sigh of relief.
Made it. Fucking hell, modern tech is terrifying. Will I even look the same on IR? Does the illusion even work on modern technology? It should work on cameras, but what of another spectrum?
In any case, I needed to get away from here. Because, if they could see me, they would have seen where I disappeared. Worst case scenario, in a few hours this place may be crawling with people.
Which mean, getting the fuck out of here before then.
Problem, I have no Earth money. What this world gained in the way of luxury and quality of life, it sure lost in convenience for someone who wasn't in the system.
Picking up one of the scented candles, I turned it over in my hands to look like I was thinking about buying it.
...The first thing I'm doing when I get to New York is to craft a portal key stone and put it somewhere so I never have to do this fucking thing again.
Okay, uhm.
Castle can't wire me money, no ID. I might be able to sell some of the spare jewelry in my bag if I found a pawn shop. But they also needed ID, I thought. Might be able to bypass that with an illusion.
I could just steal some, though. I didn't like it, but it might be what I should do. I don't have the time to dick around in Nowheresville. The more time I wasted, the more danger Chromie and the rest of Azeroth was in.
I looked around the shelf at the little old woman in the pink dress manning the register, chatting away with a young woman buying one of the scented candles.
Yeah, not here.
Putting the candle down, I walked out of the store and headed down the street. First, find the bus station and the time table.
Then I needed to gain money som-
I was pulled from my thoughts by my phone going off and I pulled it from my satchel to answer it. "Hello, Alexis."
AN// And a big barrel of thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.