Twisted Masquerade (worm/twilight)

Inbetweenie, Phase 1
She stared down her nose at the middle aged, mustachioed man before her. The subtly higher floor level behind her desk putting her a few inches higher than the nominally taller man before her.

'I must insist on taking jurisdiction, the BBPD is not equiped...'

The uniformed man snorted softly before talking over her.

'Do you think I'm stupid, I might have come from a small town, but even I can see ass covering. I don't know who you are trying to protect. I don't care. No one reported use of parahuman powers, no one was wearing a mask. So unless you can point me to a cape being involved, I'll have to treat it like any other crime.'

She ground her teeth, finger itching towards the panic button under her desk. The nerve, to interupt, to dare to challenge her, in her office. Her city!

Just one push and she could have him thrown in M/S containment, until she could dig up some dirt on him. Oh yes, he was a cop in Brockton bay, of course there would be dirt.

'No, well it was good to meet you Director, but I have work to do, as I'm sure you do as well'

He stood, and turned without waiting for her to dismiss him, without showing her the proper respect. No. Unacceptable.

'I didn't say you could leave'

He turned slowly as she pushed the hidden button.

'Director, the PRT is a Federal agency charged with responding to "Parahuman" threats, you have no jurisdiction on..'

Two PRT agents in full gear interupted the obviously corrupt cop, heavily clamping the man in each shoulder.

'Full master/stranger confinment, now'

He stared, like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

'Make no mistake, we'll find whoever is lining your pockets, whilst we confirm you really are who you claim to be'

He spoke, barely above a whisper as her two loyal minions dragged him away.

'You're insane'


Alice twitched violently as the vision faded, blood spilling down her chin as she momentarily lost grip on the young buck she'd been grappling.

'Alice? Sugar, can you dial it back a might touch'

Jasper looked up from his own kill, worried by the emotions pouring off his mate. A heady swirl of anger and contempt darkening his eyes.

'Huff, it's Charlie. That, that, bitch!'

He flinched at her cussin', even after all these years he still found a woman swearing to be jarring. Even running through highschool more times than he felt was needed hadn't cured him of his old fashioned values. But his mate had calmed slightly, pushing away the negative emotions he struggled with.

'She's going to lock him up, lock him up for doing his job. Then she's going to dig and dig and dig until she finds something to pin on him.'

She huffed again, anxeity leaking through her false calm. A soft growl rumbled in his throat as her mood tugged at his psyche.

'I have to talk to Carlisle. We need to move quickly, she's going to find something. She's going to find us.'

His world spun as his mate's words sunk in. She wouldn't be so nervous about the family being noticed, the rise of parahumans had made for an easy cover for all sorts of minor slips. They'd even leaned into the rumor they where secrectly capes once or twice.

No, the way Alice said us felt bigger. Not us as a family. Us, as in vampires.

As one they turned towards the hunting lodge the family had moved to, and blurred away. Their bloodless kills left for the wolves.


#AN; So it's been a while. Sorry about that. Sadly the happy fluffiness is taking a walk, and the grim derp is popping in for tea. But never fear, for Alice is a shipper.
Yay! The fluffiness is back! And .. oh wait.

Piggot Happened. Boo.

Here's to hoping that Bella posts the evidence online.

I'm not sure that's how it works.
*dramatic pose*
What have you done...
Was expecting a disaster but it's just fluffy goodness but you might have started another fic trend. You will be blamed for the God awful twilight stories to come.
Keep it up thank you.
But never fear, for Alice is a shipper.
Well of course she is. Alice is a sweetie. Though I have a feeling that when the Cullens show up, the Volturi won't be that far behind. Well, if they haven't been roasted by Behemoth, that is. Hunting might be a bit sparse for them lately.

Inevitable Vamp!Taylor/Vamp!Bella when?
She stared blankly ahead, unable to understand what she was seeing. This wasn't normal, this couldn't, shouldn't ever be normal. Blank, dull, lifeless eyes stared back without seeing. Expressive face slack. All could in part be blamed on the drugs, the overzelous doctor maybe.

Anyone would be screaming their head off after.. After.. She couldn't even think it, it almost didn't feel real, or maybe she didn't want it to be real. Because, if it was real, then... Then someone had done this, some monster in human skin had done this to her friend, to Taylor.

Taylor, the sweetist, dorkiest goofball that ever did goof. She might not have known the younger girl for very long, but even in such a short time she'd wormed her way into her heart.

'I'm here, it's okay. Danny will be here soon. And Charlie will arrest everyone who let this happen. He might look kike a great big teddybear, but he's a real mamabear about family.'


'Nope, mamabear, far.. more... Taylor..'

'Hey, who turned the world all pretty? It's like a... wet paint painting, the wet kind, you know, all wet and painty and pretty.'

'Thats the drugs, the bloody doctors... You... You wouldn't stop... Oh...'

She fell, pulled into an awkward hug. Well more like collapsed on top of her still restained friend. She mentally cursed the medical staff, the same staff who'd tried to bar her entry.

She hoped neither Charlie or Danny got into any trouble because of her lie. But hopefully they'd all laugh about it some day.

'leggo you lil goober, want to hear how I bravely snuck into your room, even when the hospital wanted to keep me out, it's an epic tale, with a dashing heroine, clashing swords.. erm. A handsome prince.. ess?'

'You... *cough*.. you said Dad and Charlie... *cough cough*.. Married... heheee'

'Well now you've gone and ruined the story I was going to tell you. I'd just started making it up too.'

'My job. No stealing my job'

'But what else are big sisters for, huh. I might be new at this, but I'm pretty sure that's part of it'

'Does that mean I get to read your diary?'


The office phone rang, at one point he would have had a secretary answer, or the reception desk when that became unfeasible. Now it was upto him to answer, sometimes he could rope an idle dockworker into doing a few hours working the phone, but things had been tight this last month.

'Hello, Dockworkers union, Danny speaking how can I help?'

He blinked. His fingers flying over the aged keyboard on his desk.

'Oh, yes oh course. No no I understand. Yes, of course. I'll be right out. Hmm. Yes, about that long... Uh hmmm. Yes, I'll just need to, ahh.'

He waved kurt down. Scribbling a note and passing it to his friend.

'No no, already done. Thankyou. Yes, around lunch time. Thankyou.'


'Don't call me boss, I've got a potential client lined up.'

He kept his face blank, years of practice negotiating with unpleasent indivduals coming to to fore.

'I'll be out of town for the next couple of days. That was Cullen Petrochem. They are looking to reopen the tanker terminal'

He allowed the grin on his face to appear as his drinking buddy/coworker stared at him.

'They've already comissioned an enviroment impact assement on removing the tanker, and are pricing up local salvage costs.'

Kurt numbly sat down, unhindered by the lack of chair to support such an action. His tailbone hitting carpet shocked him out of his stupor.

'Really? They want to.. You think they'll actually go ahead?'

'I hope so, they're looking to expand into europe and west africa. They've already broken ground on the terminals on the other end.'

His grin grew.

'Well the salvage job might be good, it's not like it's steady work. So whats's got you so happy'

'Oh, didn't I mention. They've also been repairing cargo hubs. Something about a partnership with Denali Heavy Transport'

'DHT? DHT wants to open a hub.. Here.. Here?!'

He nodded, the grin falling off his face.

'If I can pitch it right, and with a little luck. I'll be out of town for about a week. This is it Kurt, we're nearly bust, another year, maybe two. I've cut my own wage in half since I started, there's no fat left to cut, and barely any money coming in that isn't already spent.'

He helped his friend up, hauling the shorter, but far bulikier man to his feet.

'Could you just, Taylor's old enough to mostly take care of herself. But I'd feel better if you and Lacy could stop over whilst I'm away'

'Sure boss, you always kept the best beer anyway'

He nodded absently before he processed what was said. Collecting his coat as he half turned on the way out the door.

'No drinking my beer.'

He half closed the door behind him, before turning and ope ing it halfway.

'And don't call me boss!'
Oh dear. Danny doesn't know. Charlie's in M/S.
The girls are on their own in the hospital.

Disaster is coming to BB. It's a divide and conquer.

Oh... and Cullen and Denali are going to fix the Bay because Piggot is a giant twat and they're doing it to spite her.

These are all points for an evil Plot. There is plotting happening.

Ok, I'm confused and did I miss something? The Cullen's and are coming to the Bay, are they not the assholes that abandoned Bella in the woods or are they just protecting the masquerade? They already got the furry kid and the talk of flirting, so is this sister love fluff or love love fluff? ...Please let Edward be killed by Lung with a well placed fireball.
The Cullen's and are coming to the Bay, are they not the assholes that abandoned Bella in the woods or are they just protecting the masquerade?
That would be Edward. He got that silly idea that Bella deserves better than giving up her soul to be an immortal bloodsucker so she doesn't have to live all of eternity with a murderer, cause finding and killing serial killers made him a demon. Somehow.
So since she deserves to go to college, fall in love with a normal human, get married, have kids and grow old with her significant other, Edward breaks her heart fully knowing and accepting that she will inevitably die as humans do, so he'll just go to the Volturi to kill himself. Cause he's just Like That.
Not including Rosalie, the rest of the Cullens like Bella and would have happily accepted her into the family.
Edward is just a old fashioned emotional abuser. I cringed every time Bella thought his controlling ways was what love was.🤢🤢🤮
Edward is just a old fashioned emotional abuser. I cringed every time Bella thought his controlling ways was what love was.🤢🤢🤮
This is why I usually ship Bella with Alice. It turns into such a fluffy story that way.

In this case, 'Taylla' is the way for fluffiness. :D
Charlie huffed angrily through his nose, but put the phone down, rather than slamming it down. He'd been in a meeting with his new subordinates, along with DA, senior fire department heads, and tired looking hospital administrator.

The usual suspects he'd find himself working alongside, back in Forks he'd have had the meeting over the summer, surounded by barbeque and beer. A social event to tie the various emergency services together, running all day to allow people to pop in before or after their shifts, sometimes both.

The local PRT had sent a notice to 'remind' the local PD that all parahuman, and parahuman related crimes where to be reffered to them, and that the police hadn't the equipment or training to handle such incidents.

It was practically a slap in the face to his invitation to meet and talk about how to better co-operate.

He glared at the phone, his daughter and her friend, his next door neighbour were in the hospital and he was stuck in his office, fending off the vultures. The PRT wanted the case due to 'suspected parahuman activity or trigger', city hall was demanding to know what was going on and why the police were swarming a school and 'did he know how bad this looks to the press'.

It was all just useless noise, he didn't have enough details, and like hell he was going to ket the PRT fumble with evidence around his daughter and friend.

He called out to his secratary, Linda? No, that was back in Forks, he wracked his brains for a moment before the name came to him.

'Leslie, have you managed to get hold of Danny Hebert yet?'

He'd had to delegate the task as the high and mighty of Brockton bay brayed for his attention.

'Sorry sir, he's been called out of state on buisness, and his co-workers report he doesn't carry a cell phone. Big buisness deal of some sort'

'Damn, do we have any leads on a next of kin, his daughter needs someone with her in the hospital'

'Yes, the school kept a name on file but there's a problem.'

'Let me guess, can't reach them either?'

He grumbled out softly.

'No sir, it's... One of the suspects in thw assault, Miss Barnes, it's her father.'

He stilled.

'What? Tampering? Coverup? Corruption?'

'Too soon to tell, but he's listed as the "Primary" contact for Taylor, Danniel isn't listed at all'

He clenched his fists, nails digging into his palms.

'I'm going to the hospital, have Steven from IA rustle up someone to head the investigation, I.. I'm too close to the victims. Let's keep this above board and squeeky clean. Got it?'

'Sure boss'

He turned and left, ignoring the ringing coming from his office phone. Whatever it was, whoever wanted him could wait, his daughter needed him.
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Alice, you clever thing. :lol:

Her getting her family and the Denalis to uplift BB made Charlie miss Piggot's secretary calling him...

[edit] And now I'm suspecting Vamp!Interrupt next chapter.
Piggot would've been in her cover the PRT's ass mode until she got/forced everyone to sign papers saying they weren't responsible. Hopefully the PRT and school are force to hand over plenty of dosh to Taylor.👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

The Denalis' I like my Denali sisters served with a side dish of she wolf.:ogles:👍
Before I read: I'm curious, I wonder what kind of crack this is

After I read: such fluffy, so cuddles, too sweet!
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Okay, I came into this because, well, it would be hard to mix Worm and Twilight and not get something better than the later.
That said, I do have a few critiques.
  • I really feel this could use a Beta. There are a lot of spelling and grammar errors. Usually on double letters in words, or around dialogue. You're also got a nasty habit of splitting what's said and the descriptor of how they said it, which shouldn't really be done that often. And you use it's as a possessive, it is a contraction of 'it is.' The possessive form doesn't have an apostrophe, because it's a pronoun. You only add an apostrophe on proper nouns, but pronouns (ie his, hers, its ours, yours) show possession from how they're spelled and don't need it.
  • I have no idea what's going on with dialogue. You have quotations and single quotes used as each other should, third person writing, but it's clear it's supposed to be first person stream-of-consciousness which is sometimes being said aloud, but it isn't clear when or what is going on from the text.
  • That Piggot vision makes very little sense. First of all, throwing him in M/S is going to out that one of the people involved is a Cape. No matter what they do, as long as they don't find anything incriminating Hess's Cape identity it'll go to the Prosecutor's Office, which will be a lot easier to intercept and deal with there. She'd being megalomanical and overly controlling in a way that goes directly against her goals enough to be weird. Like you've multiplied the two Young Adult novel's Bad Authority Figure in one person. I mean, it was a vision, and could very well not have matched up well with reality, especially since some of the PRT's anti-Thinker training will probably mess with her power, since it's got all kinds of limitations. Still, the scene is just really weird.

Now that that's out of the way, let's move on to things I adore:
  • The similes are golden. Especially that whole waking up from a ship dream? Oh man, it was fantastic. Just everything about that was great and I enjoyed it.
  • The whole pretending to be Capes thing makes a lot of sense. Way more sense than anything in Twilight's canon. This is singularly the greatest fix possible, and what makes this crossover genius.
  • Bella has a personality! Already a better story, period, than Twilight.
  • Okay, I ship Charlie and Danny. Even if this is only a budding friendship, it's still a better love story than Twilight.

So, overall, I really like the story, but it has some technical issues.
That Piggot vision makes very little sense.
Working as intended.
Okay, I ship Charlie and Danny.
I think they are both the sort of guys to end up dating and neither of them knowing exactly when they started dating.

You have quotations and single quotes used as each other should
International differences, and possibly old fashioned teachers. Single quote for speach, double quote for someone quoting another person in their speech.
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International differences,
Really? Was unaware of that. I'll add it to the list of spelling words objectively correctly, having goofy names for things, and having more interesting slang.

However, in that case I now need to point out that the first bit of what is assumed to be dialogue seems wrong and sets the wrong tone. This could be because it was supposed to be a thought an not said aloud, where not having descriptors with things has bit you.
"Who the heck moves over Christmas?"
Because if that's meant to be internal dialogue there's no way to tell that from the text and by leaving that type of context out is going to create confusion with American readers.
Really? Was unaware of that. I'll add it to the list of spelling words objectively correctly, having goofy names for things, and having more interesting slang.

English has all the best words, mostly because we steal all the good ones we overhear on holiday.

Also, first chpter was an error, now fixed. I blame reading too many american written stories, I'll have to make a nice big pot of tea, get all the american out of my system.