Twin Twisters - Transcendents

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Spending half a summer vacation in the relative's house, they thought it wasn't half bad, little they know that it was just the beginning.

The wheel of fortune and misfortune were two sides of a coin, after all.
Chapter 01 - Dreamlike Awakening


Economic Authoritarian Muslim Leftist
In the name of orange!
It was an ordinary summer day... or at least, it should be. The Kazehaya twins felt like they got cooked from the excessively high temperature and humidity as they took a brief respite in the highway rest area.

The twins were fraternal. They were born of different gender but clearly shared a strong commonality with how much they resembled each other. Ironically, however, the brother ended up having the more feminine, rounded cheek. The fact that he wore a set of geeky rounded glasses didn't help.

Though by no means masculine, the sister gave out an air of domineering handsomeness, with an attitude to match, as she winked at the direction of a random girl who caught her by the eye.

The girl in question blushed and looked away in shyness. The brother could only look at his sister with disapproval.


"Hey, not my fault that I'm the more handsome one."

"Ha!" He snorted coldly. "Don't involve me if you caught up again in some epic NTR plot."

"That was one time, and aren't you ashamed of using the N-word? You should hide your power level, Yuuki." She hissed. "Nothing serious happened either, you worrywart."

"Sure, like a jealous ex-boyfriend trying to assault you. Because you accidentally stole his girlfriend. Then you beat his arse to hospital, and you ended up in police custody." Yuuki deadpanned. "But sure, nothing serious happened!"

"It was self-defense!" She insisted.

"Just stop it. It's not like I'm going to judge you if you're actually serious with these girls. But playing with people's feelings like that just makes you a bitch."

"Such a sweet talk for someone who looks at people with hatred."

"Hatred is too strong of a word. But your type is the worst."

It could be said that only close siblings could badmouth each other openly without bearing hate or heavy resentment. But it's not as if they have anyone else to rely on.

The Kazehaya twins were orphans. Their parents died two years ago in an accident, and it was only through sheer luck that they weren't forced to live with new guardians, their relatives in Tokyo.

However, as promised, they have to spend much of their vacation time there.


The road back home couldn't feel more unfamiliar to the siblings. Most of the road was perfectly recognizable, yet, for some reason, the details were a bit off.

"Hmm, Yuuki, have we seen this bus before?" Yuna asked curiously, her eyebrows furrowed sharply in confusion.

"No. We haven't."

Yuuki also shared her sense of uneasiness. It wasn't like she didn't have a point. Did a disaster came and washed this sector of Chiba? The Chiba they remember wasn't this old and drab.

Also, it was incredibly empty. Well, the roads were. They nary seen any personal vehicles. Instead, they saw more buses than they remember three days ago, before their summer camp.

The contrast with the clear sky was eerie.

Sitting in the sidecar of Yuuki's motorcycle, Yuuna looked around anxiously. The shiver she got on the back of her neck wasn't from the rush of air blasting on her. No, it was her unusually sharp danger sense tingling.

Yuuna used to think it was superstition and coincidences until the accident that claimed their parents happened. They survived because Yuuna also felt anxious about something and told Yuuki to change lanes.

"Yuuki, slow down a bit..." She told him.

Yuuki grimaced. He knew something was up when Yuuna told him to slow down because she likes to ride fast and hard.

"This better be a joke."

Yuuki really hoped that she was doing this to prank him. Otherwise-


The sounds of a supersonic bullet passing by startled Yuuki, and he slammed the handle by the wayside. The bike slid hard in the direction of the sidecar, which prevents the vehicle from tipping sideways.

"What the hell is that?"

Sounds of explosions followed by unearthly roars filled the air, made both siblings froze from fear and uncertainty. The hair in the back of their neck collectively risen. Not just from their overloaded sense of hearing but also the tense and chaotic air.

It was as if their energy were sapped out by the seconds.

As soon as the smoke subsided, they saw a horrific aberration of a lifeform sluggishly walked toward them with an increasing pace. The creature resembled that of a lizard, with a gleaming metallic body of silver and black.

It was something out of this world. Each time it walked, its silvery skin would ripple. Though more than likely weighed a lot less, the vibration it caused each step was like a rolling, ginormous truck.

"QUIT ZONING OUT!" A voice called out to them. "GET OUT OF HERE!"


Yuuki switched gears and gripped the throttle hard to dodge as the lumbering creature descended on them with its giant tusk. The bike shuddered, hair away from being wrecked as the creature's tusk shattered the asphalt road.

A series of loud pops and jolts woke the siblings from frozen shock as the bike stopped on its tracks.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" Yuuna looked around and saw the cracked roads were full of thorn-like objects. "Spike trap? No, that's..."

"We got to bail!" Yuuki jumped out of his seat and picked his bag. "Run!"

Yuuki's mind was in complete disarray. The only thing that filled his mind was his and Yuuna's safety. He helped her picking her bag and sword case, and they ran as quickly as they could. They looked back as the lizard trampled the expensive bike and sidecar. Had it been any other situation, Yuuki would absolutely lament half a million yen worth of vehicle gone like that.

But his brain was in flight mode. No time to think!

Several more gunshots rang, and they saw the lizard stunned from high-powered bullets hitting it. Strange blood splatter out from the wounds.

It wasn't red.

Both Yuuki and Yuuna saw the direction the bullets came from. A girl with two pistols fearlessly stood as she emptied the magazines in her gun without pausing.

"Is she crazy?! With pistols?!" Yuuna gawked. She wasn't exactly a stranger to firearms. There's no way an ordinary pistol would work against an animal of that size.

"But those guns aren't ordinary." Yuuki fixed the position of his glasses. "Pistols don't have that much impact power. Not unless you went for atrociously big ones."

The lizard shuddered and turned its attention toward the girl and howled. At that point, visible change began to show up as the lizard's mouth split apart and two arms sprouted from its sides. The arms buried themselves on the ground with force equaling hydraulic backhoe as if bracing for something.

The girl jumped aside to dodge a blast fired from the split-mouth, which tore the road a new trench. Such a powerful blast, even an armored tank would have difficulty surviving a direct hit!

"It... changed?!" Yuuna's eyes widened in shock, with her hands instinctively closed her ears.

"Yuuna!" Her brother called out to her as he ditched his bag. "We're surrounded."


Yuuna never flipped around so hard she almost strains her neck and found herself and her brother surrounded by smaller-sized but similarly terrifying creatures.

The smaller creatures were the size of a large dog, with scythe-like tusks on their lizard face rather than solid spikes. Their sounds were like soft guttural rumble and low bark, which made them scary nonetheless.

Yuuna took a deep breath to calm herself and decided to open her sword case and pull the content out. Technically, while it's legal to own a sword in Japan, it's not something allowed to be swung randomly in public.

But screw that. Yuuna prefers to come out of this situation alive.

"Would a sword even work?" Yuuki skeptically asked, even though he was clearly more terrified than his sister was. "These things look like they're made of metal."

"Any weapon is better than nothing!" Yuuna threw the scabbard aside and put a defensive stance with both hands on the grip.

When one of the dog-sized lizards leaped on her, Yuuna stepped aside and made a wide horizontal slash. She could feel a considerable amount of resistance as the tip of her blade bite into its flesh, but not quite into hard metal as feared.

It was hard to describe. Far more robust than even wild hog skin or meat, but not quite as hard as plastic or metal. Somewhat like a hard rubber?

Yuuna saw her opponent slowly fly beside her, yet to realize it was hurt. Until it landed with a resounding thud, weighed at least two times than its size implies.

Then the time seemed to accelerate again, back to normal.

What was that?!

Before Yuuna can ponder much about it, Yuuki didn't waste any time and smashed the lizard's skull with a fallen road sign that he picked up nearby. He also swung the road sign to ward off the rest of the circling beasts.

Yeah right. Yuuki studied martial arts too, so it's not like Yuuna had to worry about him. However, the problem is Yuuki's body being fragile as glass.

Unfortunately, however, it seemed that their attack lacked the necessary brute force, as the injured lizard stood up again and shuddered. Had it been a dog or a monitor lizard, it would've already been dead.

"No... way..."

The rest of the lizards attacked Yuuna simultaneously, and she doesn't have any room to counter. She was forced to dodge as far as possible.

Yuuki kept hitting and smashing the lone injured lizard as hard as he could. After hitting three times, he stabbed the lizard's neck with the sharp end of the metal pole.

The lizard croaked and fell as Yuuki was finally able to catch a breath. It doesn't last long as another lizard jumped on him, and he barely got enough time to block it with the metal pole in his hands.

Yuuki's back got mildly hurt as he fell on the asphalt and got dragged by the momentum of the impact. The jacket and helmet he wore lessened the pain and prevent injuries, thankfully.

The tip of the scythe-like tusks of the monster pierced through the upper part of the clear visor.

Yuuki practically lost control of his body at that moment.

His bladder failed him.

As he became hysterical, he pulled another emergency weapon out of his pocket and punched as hard as he could. The force of a hammer was concentrated in three small areas, each of them half-a-centimeter squared. The brass knuckle in his hand smashed the creature's jaw and threw it off him.

Yuuki pulled another brass knuckle for his left hand and readied himself. However, several gunshots interrupted him and killed the lizard.

"You alright?" She asked.

"H-heh. I'll manage somehow." Yuuki nodded, his breath uneven. "Please help my sister."

She also made short work of the rest of the lizards, though Yuuna managed to kill one with her sword. Guns really made a lot of difference in killing strength.

"There's nowhere to run. You should stay here and be on guard." The girl with guns told them. "Can you defend against strays?"

"If it's just one or two, we can." Yuuna confidently responded. "But even with guns, you..."

"I'm fine." The girl turned her back and faced a small horde of creatures, some even bigger than the dog-sized scythe lizard. "The police will be here soon."


The girl charged at seemingly superhuman speed, faster than a sprinting cat. She fired her guns with so much accuracy it was as if she was shooting against static targets.

How could she wield guns so freely in a country with one of the strictest gun control laws? No, wait, Japan does not have a plague of deadly metallic lizards either!

It all made no sense. If something like this happened when Yuuki and Yuuna were out of Chiba, there would be news about it!

Worse yet, Yuuki felt like she was very familiar...

No way.

"Yuuki. Let's help Class Rep." Yuuna clenched her sword tight and pleaded to her brother. "I know we're nowhere as strong, but-"

"No." Yuuki shook his head. "We'll just hold her back."

"That's quitter talk, and you know it." She barked at him. "Don' say that when you clearly bothered by it, you coward!"

Yuuki couldn't really deny the fact that he was afraid. Even with his burning adrenaline, the sheer terror he experienced behind his helmet shook him something fierce.

"Yes, I'm scared, so what?!" He screamed. "I'm always the failed half. You satisfied?"

"That's not what I mean-"

Yuuna grimaced as she felt incoming danger, and once again, time seemed to slow to a crawl. A surge of unfamiliar energy crawled all over her body and then released as a lethal burst of electricity.


Or so it seems, as Yuuki doesn't seem to be affected much, other than being pushed back. The pressure exerted was intense, and he felt a sense of chillness. But other than that, the lightning was harmless.

Yuuna's eyes glowed softly, like a dim neon lamp. With this newfound strength, she faced the horde and began cleaving her way like a human lawnmower.

She was almost as fast as the girl with guns, and her blade cut through their metallic hide effortlessly. As if she was slicing through rolled tatami dummies.

Where does that strength come from?!

Yuuki didn't have much time to observe. As soon as one stray lizard came and descended on him, he cocked his fist, stepped forth, and then threw a punch as he twisted his body. Entire weight and upper strength were focused on this attack, which stopped the beast mid-air.

Yet, even with the protection of the brass knuckle and leather glove, Yuuki almost felt like he punched a rocky sandbag.

How could Yuuna cut through them effortlessly?!

Not waiting for the beast to recover, Yuuki grappled it and punched it repeatedly as if hammering a nail. His palm strained from all the blowback, but his life is far more precious right now.

Yuuki noticed that it was dead and immediately stood. Had it been a human being, its skull would have been cracked all over. Still, Yuuki was surprised by how much damage his punches made against a much more durable creature.

His heart raced uneasily. It was different from smacking mosquitoes or slicing apart fish to eat. It was much more visceral, scary, and disgusting experience. He doesn't like this feelings at all. And where does this physical endurance come from? He was expecting to come out of that fight drained and ragged, perhaps even get an attack...

"Did he just punched a bloodhound to death?!"

"Hey, helmet boy, move!"

Yuuki heard the call and immediately leaped back as far as possible. As more stray lizards came to attack him, they were all hosed with several bursts of bullets.

The police are here! Yuuki immediately thought in relief.

A bunch of people dressed in tactical gear approached him. At first glance, Yuuki thought they were clearly Special Assault Team (the equivalent of SWAT). However, they wear even heavier equipment than just military-grade body armor and battle dress uniform.

One of them carried a Howa 84RR, the licensed version of Carl Gustav, a large-bore recoilless cannon. Although layman and non-FPS gamers would simply call such weapon a bazooka. Either way, it had enough power to punch through tank armor from the side or smash a concrete bunker wall.

Yuuki was reminded again of the giant monster that wrecked his motorcycle. When he finally saw the corpse, there was a gaping hole on the side of its stomach.

So that's why...

Are those... exoskeleton?

Yuuki could clearly see the metal frame on top of their forearms and to the side of their legs. These exoskeleton frames were substantially more compact and form-fitting than what Yuuki saw on the internet and TV. Like, say, the HAL-5.

Since when police started to employ powered exoskeletons this advanced?

"Hey, you. Are you a Warden?"

"Uh, no?" Yuuki raised his hand slightly and dropped his brass knuckles. Even though brass knuckles are legal in Japan, he doesn't want to take chances.

His palms were tender from the impact of the brass knuckles' grip. But it could be so much worse if he didn't wear a brass knuckle with a leather glove like this.

"It's okay to drop your hand. You're safe now." One of them eased his worries. "And pick these knuckles."

Yuuki hurriedly picked them and put them in his pockets again.

"He's a normal human?" A policewoman muttered in disbelief. "Some guts he had. I wish my boyfriend was that brave. All the more reason we adults shouldn't lag too much."

"Let's go!"

The police group stormed the horde and assisted Yuuna and the other girl. Indeed, with vastly superior firepower, the police group managed to wipe the murder crowd in no time flat. Although even saying that, Yuuna probably racked almost a dozen kill on her own by that point. As for the girl with guns, she probably killed twice as much as Yuuna did.

Yuuki approached them with excitement.

"Himekawa... Himekawa Lin, right?" Yuuki blurted out.

Her eyes gazed upon him questioningly, even though they were almost covered by her frontal fringe. A beautiful princess haircut, splattered by the strange creature's blood.

"Yes?" The girl asked back. "Have we meet before?"

"I'm not the most social person in the class, but this is just beyond cruel." Yuuki thought. "Did she really forget or..."

"What happened here? What are these monsters? Where did you get these guns?!" Yuuna confronted the shorter girl. "Tell us about it, Class Rep!"

"Class Rep? Were you part of my class?" Himekawa curiously approached Yuuki... and then flashed light from some distance, which blinded his eyes momentarily.

"No concussion," Himekawa concluded. "Do you two really not know anything?"

"Well, duh. If we do, why should we bother asking?" Yuuna said as she wiped her sword with her handkerchief carefully. "Where is my scabbard..."

"That was... traditional Japanese iron sword? Is it fine?"

"A little scratches here and some dents there. It can really use hammering and polishing. Those lizards sure are tough." Yuuna jibed. "And what's with that surprised tone? Every battle-ready sword in Japan has to be made of tamahagane."

Following the sword and firearms control act of 1958, the only sharpened authentic sword allowed in japan had to be made from iron sand by a certified traditional swordsmith and registered in the blade association. Roughly two point three million blades of such nature exist.

"...I don't follow." Now Himekawa was the one who looked more confused. "I believe that law had been ratified for at least 20 years with the national defense act of 2001."

Himekawa pulled her gun and then shot one of the lizard corpses twice until it stopped twitching, ensuring it was dead for real.

"With the right paperwork, even military armaments aren't out of reach." Himekawa changed the magazine from the now empty gun. "Well, it doesn't mean it's easy to obtain."

"Cripes, that's loud." Yuuna winced. Now that there was only silence around them, a gunshot can be deafening up close. "Stop that."

"Himekawa, are those your friends?" The police officers asked.

", we don't know each other," Himekawa answered firmly. "But they seem a bit confused. That, and they also lost their motorbike."

"I'm truly sorry for your loss." One of the police approached them while storing away his weapons. "I'm sure it's bothersome, but we'd like to ask you a few questions in the office. Perhaps it will be useful if you want to try and claim insurance as well."

"Are we being detained?" Yuuna blurted out.

Yuuki really wanted to punch his sister, but he could see the real worry on her face. Yuuna still thought brandishing a sword in public was an illegal act. Yuuki couldn't really blame her.

"Hahaha. No, we just wanted to ask some questions." The Policeman shook his head. "My name is Igarashi Goto. I'm the captain of Narashino Special Armed Police Team 8."

"We will cooperate, Sir." Yuuki nodded politely and removed his blood-soaked helmet.

What in the world happened when he left Chiba?
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Ouch. Back in elementary school I read some horror shoujo, the plot was about a girl who suddenly transported to alternate world where Japan is at war and while her family exist in that world, her alternate self died young so they don't recognize her. The story ends with the girl waking up in hospital after a desperate attempt in recreating the circusmtances that led to her transmigration. She thought she managed to return, but turn out its a yet another alternate world.

For a quite a while after reading that story, I had a fear of being transported to alternate world like that.

In short, this story is 'triggering' some childhood boogeyman here 😅

Following it anyway.
Ouch. Back in elementary school I read some horror shoujo, the plot was about a girl who suddenly transported to alternate world where Japan is at war and while her family exist in that world, her alternate self died young so they don't recognize her. The story ends with the girl waking up in hospital after a desperate attempt in recreating the circusmtances that led to her transmigration. She thought she managed to return, but turn out its a yet another alternate world.

For a quite a while after reading that story, I had a fear of being transported to alternate world like that.

In short, this story is 'triggering' some childhood boogeyman here 😅

Following it anyway.
Do you happen to remember the name of it?
Savage twins... love the change of pace. Will there be wincest or is that heresy?:thonk:

Oh shit.

The lizard shuddered and turned its attention toward the girl and howled. At that point, visible change began to show up as the lizard's mouth split apart and two arms sprouted from its sides. The arms buried themselves on the ground with force equaling hydraulic backhoe as if bracing for something.

The girl jumped aside to dodge a blast fired from the split-mouth, which tore the road a new trench. Such a powerful blast, even an armored tank would have difficulty surviving a direct hit!
Hello Godzilla reference. The bracing for recoil is a nice touch tho. Didn't see that all too often when it comes to monster and ranged attacks.
"Himekawa... Himekawa Lin, right?" Yuuki blurted out.

Her eyes gazed upon him questioningly, even though they were almost covered by her frontal fringe. A beautiful princess haircut, splattered by the strange creature's blood.

"Yes?" The girl asked back. "Have we meet before?"
*Edge of Tomorrow flashback intensifies*

"Are we being detained?" Yuuna blurted out.
Yuuna you sounds like a Sovereign Citizen. :rofl:

Understandable though, since she had experience being detained once lol.


Honestly gotta love the usual obsessive details of weapon not just in terms of power and effect but the laws surrounding them. To wit
- brass knuckles are in fact legal in japan, with zero restrictions.
- historically you should use gloves to tight the fit and pad the impact. The Mafias and WWI soldiers did it with leather gloves. Bare knuckle with brass is a relatively modern stereotype and emergency only.
- it is legal to own a traditional Katana in japan. Other weapons not so much, including the WWII Gunto aka military Katana, or Katana made outside Japan by uncertified artisan. Those get confiscated and/or destroyed.
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- historically you should use gloves to tight the fit and pad the impact. The Mafias and WWI soldiers did it with leather gloves. Bare knuckle with brass is a relatively modern stereotype and emergency only.
Even without gloves, you need at least some form of soft padding on the grip, like cloth or leather. And even when they use grip padding they used paracord, which didn't help at all. Essentially, modern brass knuckle 'user' did it wrong.

Chapter 2 soon.
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Chapter 02 - A shocking explanation
Of course, it's not like the twins got immediately questioned like they were criminals. Before they even arrived at the police station, they received medical examination assistance just in case there was an injury, physical or otherwise. They also changed their clothes after a simple high-pressure shower.

Which frankly resembled CBRN decontamination procedures, in Yuuki's limited knowledge. Which makes it all the better. Alien blood was disgusting, and not to mention Yuuki peed his pants back then...

His dignity was saved.

With a pair of thin blankets and warm chocolate cups given to them, the siblings were greeted by a young female officer in the police HQ. However, Yuuki was too busy holding an ice bag between his palms to prevent swelling.

"Make yourself comfortable. This might be formal questioning, but you shouldn't be worried about anything. We will help you in all of our capacity." The female officer smiled. "So, can you tell me your name?"

"Kazehaya Yuuki."

"Kazehaya Yuuna."

"Hmm, are you brother and sisters? You look about the same age..."

"Fraternal twins!" Yuuki answered truthfully.

"I see. Before we proceed, I like to know about your parents or legal guardian. Do you have a name and number we can contact with?"

Yuuna gave out her uncle's name and phone number without pausing.

"What about your birth parents?"

"Umm, they died of a traffic accident."

"Strange, the data doesn't match the statement here..." The female officer looked uneasy as she looked into her computer screen. "You two were..."


"It's a bit complicated. But according to our database, Kazehaya twins died half a year ago in a category 4 raid." The officer pointed out. "And your parents are still alive."

Yuuki was so shocked that he dropped his ice pack.

"Please don't joke with us." Yuuna pounded the table angrily, which unfortunately made it crack.

"YUUNA!" Yuuki scolded her. "Control your emotions."

Yuuna grimaced, seemingly horrified with her action, but more than that, the consequences of her action. "I didn't mean... I'm sorry. We'll take responsibility."

Yuuna deeply bowed in regret.

"...We understand. Let's talk about it later." The female officer sighed. "Kazehaya Yuuna-san, are you a registered Warden?"


"You two seem to know Himekawa-san. She's a Warden too, the only one in this precinct, in fact."

"...You mean, her superhuman speed and accuracy?" Yuuki finally realized. "Yuuna did seem to have similar power just now."

Yuuna looked at her hand and the damage on the table.

"The simple explanation is yes, Wardens are capable of superhuman feat. Even a D-rank Warden is three times as strong and sturdy as a normal person. How do you not know this?"

"First time I heard about it." Yuuna frowned. "And today is the first time I can pull that off."

"Really?" The officer asked Yuuki.

Yuuki assured her. "She had always been athletic, but neither of us exhibits superhuman strength before."

"Interesting. Can you describe what your awakening feels like, Yuuna-san?"

"I feel there's boiling energy that I must release. It doesn't hurt, but it was cold and uncomfortable." Yuuna said, and then lightning energy began to crackle between the fingers of her right palm. "Tch, it's so bothersome."

"Were you in her vicinity? How do you feel, Yuuki-kun? Did you feel an indescribable sense of dread or something along that line?"

"Other than being pushed away, nothing." Yuuki shrugged. "I thought I'd be electrocuted or something, but no such thing happened."

"...A strong resistance to violent T-wave..." The officer mumbled strangely. "Both of you sure are interesting. Can you tell me your experience fighting these beasts? The more detailed, the better."

Yuuna and Yuuki told the female officer their story from beginning to end, which matched up almost perfectly except for the expected bias and vague recollection.

They match the after-action report that Himekawa wrote on her way here. Yuuna obviously showed signs of mid-ranked Warden potential. But Yuuki is a different story.

While punching a bloodhound to death was impressive, it was still within trained human capabilities to do so. His resistance to the so-called T-wave was a much clearer sign that he was not an average human being.

"Yuuki-kun, are you aware of the existence called T-wave?" The officer asked.

Yuuki shook his head.

"Its official name is [Terror Wave-Particle Radiation]. In other words, similar to light, except their nature is different."

"Beast entities all emit T-wave as long as they're alive. The larger they are, the more intense it is. In enough concentration, T-wave was known to drive people into hysteria and, as the name implies, a state of deep terror. Survivors of beasts attack were known to exhibit the symptom of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders and require extensive therapy to recover."

"But the beasts weren't the only one." The officer closed her eyes regrettably. "Upon awakening, a Warden will also release a burst of intense T-wave as their body undergoes a rapid shift. So it is quite strange for Yuuki-kun to feel absolutely nothing."

"Umm, T-wave is a form of radiation, right? Is it not possible to resist in some way... like say, with shielding." Yuuki began to sweat hard.

"Yes, it is possible. Either you use a rechargeable shield generator, anti-terror suits of armor, or some combination of them." The officer laughed. "Frankly, I am amazed by your lack of common knowledge, but... well, things can get really strange when invasive demons are involved. Including two people who were supposed to be dead showing up again."

Invasive demons... the whole idea sounds patently ridiculous and stupid... but what else can you call unearthly beasts emitting a literal aura of fear?

"To be honest, I was a bit hysterical when one of them jumped on me. But... I don't think it would be different, if say, a rabid dog or a wild boar did the same." Yuuki muttered. "But what will happen with Yuuna from now on?"

"That question doesn't have easy answers. You will have to talk about it with your parents. But for the moment, if you have difficulties with your power, we can lend you a controller unit."

Ah, yeah, their parents. Which... apparently, somehow, still alive and well. While the twins themselves were legally dead.

The twins were visibly nervous about the prospect of meeting them again after being separated for a long time. They really don't know what to think about it. No, were they actually their parents in the first place?

"What is a controller unit?" Yuuna asked.

"Excuse my intrusion." Himekawa entered the room with a small briefcase in her hand. "I came to bring my old Controller unit."

"Ah, Himekawa-san, thanks for your hard work today. I'm going to compile the reports. So, can you please keep them company until their parents arrive?"

Yuuki understood immediately that the officer tried to make them feel more comfortable due to the heavy atmosphere. Sending one of their younger members was a logical course of action. However, it only made them feel more uneasy.

"Would you like to get some fresh air elsewhere?" Himekawa asked. "Thanks to the recent incursion, the office might feel stuffy from all the traffic."

"Will it be fine?" Yuuna raised her eyebrows, weirded out.

"It will be fine. It's not like you two are fleeing suspects or something," Himekawa replied with a flat tone. "Just don't leave this block."

"Wow, that was cold." Yuuna held Himekawa's chin and looked deeply into her eyes. "I'm glad you're still class rep we know and love, though."

Himekawa tilted her head. "Was that sarcasm?"

"It's Yuuna. She's thick-faced, hits on everything with a skirt, and the word serious isn't in her dictionary." Yuuki scoffed. "Let's buy something to drink at least."

"Hey, shut up, virgin. I can get more girlfriends than you have, which is zero, by the way." Yuuna protested and raised a middle finger.

"Don't need one. Don't want one." Yuuki turned back and raised his middle finger as well.


Himekawa could only think how obscene the twins are and shuddered. Her first impression of Yuuna might be a little wild. Not only how she dresses provocatively, but how she openly hit on her in public. Not only that... she also ran roughshod on a pack of bloodhounds without even knowing she had warden power, with nothing more than a traditional Japanese steel sword.

But the nerdy-looking, seemingly average Yuuki wasn't a pushover, either. No, anyone who had the guts to fight metal beasts without firearms or warden power isn't a coward. And Yuuki killed one with a brass knuckle! That kind of feat is reserved for army special forces and veterans.

Contrary to other's impression of him, Yuuki himself was nowhere that courageous. The only reason why he studied martial arts was selfish and shallow. And furthermore, his body was in such a poor condition that he simply can't use it as anything but a self-defense tool.

He couldn't really bear to do competitive boxing. Not as long as he relies on inhalers. It was rather strange that he feels much more physically fit than before. Could it be that just like Yuuna, Yuuki also changed?

And not even five minutes after that, Yuuki feels his chest slightly tightened. He was so accustomed to it that he didn't go into a state of panic. Instead, he slowed his breath to calm down.

He immediately rummaged his bag for his inhaler and took a puff, and rested his back on the wall. "Sorry, I'll catch up in a minute or two."

"Are you... asthmatic?" Himekawa awkwardly asked.

"Yeah," Yuuki said. "Non-allergic. I was expecting to get an attack any minute, so it's weird to get it so late after that intense fight."

"How do you feel?"

"Not as severe as usual, strangely enough." Yuuki immediately recovered before a minute even passed and stretched his arms to take a deep breath. "...Hey, that was fast."

"Did you pick a new brand?" Yuuna raised one eyebrow, weirded out.

"Nope, that was the usual."

Himekawa decided to take mental note of what just transpired. Perhaps Yuuki too...


They arrived at the front of a vending machine and sat on the chairs nearby to take a rest.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot to ask." Yuuna widened her eyes. "Himekawa, what is a controller unit?"

"Controller unit is used to regulate the output of your trans-phase power." Himekawa opened the small briefcases she held, with something like a metal choker and bracelets inside. "Wardens like us utilize trans-phase energy, but early on, we may lose control and cause needless collateral damage or dangerously exhaust ourselves."

"Trans-phase energy?"

"The manifestation of our power. As harmonious neural dampening effect changed the nature of terror wave-particle, the resulting byproduct is called trans-phase energy, which will result in the..."

So much word salad, Yuuna could only freeze in confusion.

"Wardens are humans adapted to the hostile incursion of mercurials." Was all Yuuna get.

"Mercurials? Those creatures? Aliens?" Yuuna asked.

"Or was it because they're metallic?" Yuuki also asked.

"It was the latter," Himekawa confirmed. "Their bodies are composed of ionic polymer metal composites, which gave the appearance of the metallic body, and two to three times as dense as creatures from earth."

That explains the massive weight of the lizard.

"Hold on, if they're made from such material... wouldn't it be difficult to kill them?"


Yuuki looked at his hand with a horrified face. What the hell did he just kill with his hands?

"...Bloodhounds are the second-lowest level of mercurials encountered in the Chiba area. A sufficiently athletic adult human can overpower them..." Himekawa explained. "However, such close encounters expose you to intense T-wave radiation... are you sure you're alright?"

"Nevermind about me." Yuuki shook his head gravely. "So, other than restricting trans-phase whatever, do these controllers have other functions?"

Yuuna rolled her eyes at him but perfectly understood where he's going. Yuuki's childhood shaped him into what he is, someone with huge trust issues with people.

Even someone like Himekawa Lin... Yuuki wouldn't take everything at face value. However, precisely because it was Himekawa Lin, Yuuki was more than willing to ask openly.

Because Himekawa Lin isn't a liar.

"It has a built-in network adaptor connected to the Chiba Police administration server in conjunction with GPS tracking. It will monitor her biometric profile and physiological condition to make sure everything will be alright. If there's an anomaly, you will be informed. And if there was major trouble, an emergency rescue team will be dispatched to help."

"Define major trouble." Yuuki squeezed his eyes suspiciously.

"For example, if you used a significant amount of Trans-Phase energy, it will be assumed that you're participating in combat. Therefore, officers from nearby boxes will be dispatched to assist you... or subdue you, in case you're doing an unlawful engagement."

"Figures that would be the case. It doesn't have other forms of connection?" Yuuki pressed on.

Had it been anyone else, they might start losing patience, even a tiny bit. But not Himekawa. Her expression was flat, and her voice was toneless, barely removed from a talking machine.

"Only a physical port for backup purposes. The older model used to have a wireless feature that can connect to cell phones, but it was considered a security risk and had since been removed." Himekawa explained without sparing any detail. "What else you wanted to ask?"

"I see. That's enough." Yuuki sighed. "You heard that, Yuuna?"

"Got it." Yuuna smiled as she took the bracelets. "I just need to wear them, don't I?"

Himekawa stopped her.

"Umm, you have to get them adjusted in the armory. And you also need to have my operational data wiped out beforehand, or else the controller will not function properly." Himekawa explained. "And even then, there are also a few legal matters to take care of, which require your legal guardian being present."

"I immediately regret my decision..." Yuuna whined. "Give back my ordinary life."

"With great power comes a great amount of paperwork..." Himekawa commented, and the twins weren't sure if that was a lighthearted joke or straight-laced statement.

It's hard to tell when it comes to Himekawa Lin.

"Well, Japan is a lawful country, after all." Yuuki quipped.

"You two handled this surprisingly well..." Himekawa mumbled, and then, her phone rang. "Himekawa here... ah, right. Thank you."

"Your parents are here." She told the twins, violently dragged them back to grim and uncertain reality.

And they only just got more comfortable too...


Their steps were heavy, their faces were as pale as the white wall next to them, and cold sweats fell down their chin like it was raining.

They saw a tall, slender woman and a muscular, half-balding man facing the female officer who interviewed them before.

In that second, all doubts, all rational thoughts, and understandable fear... they were all gone in an instant. A feeling welled up deep inside their heart. There was only one word that can describe it.


Tears fell down from Yuuna's face as she recognized that stern youthful look anywhere. Yuuna and Yuuki inherited their face from this woman, after all.


"Yuuna... Yuuki?!"


Yuuna threw all semblance of pride and sense of shame as she leaped and embraced the two adults, crying and wailing as she did. Yuuki didn't, however, and quietly smiled as he watched from afar.

"You're not going to join?" Himekawa asked him rather bluntly, but he didn't mind at all.

"Nah..." Yuuki replied. "It's fine."

Yuuna had always been the family darling, anyway. Besides, he's nowhere near a crybaby like her. Yuuki had always been the quiet and distant good son.

"Are you afraid of not being accepted?"

That question pierced through Yuuki's heart like a straight arrow. And it hurts so much for him to accept that as a fact.

"I could ask the same to you." Yuuki wrily smiled at her. "Are you not afraid about the possibility of not being accepted?"

"I'm not afraid," Himekawa stated. "The fortune of my birth is not something I can decide."

Ah, the good old Himekawa. Always concerned with others and yet doesn't give a damn about herself. That's why everyone calls Himekawa an emotionless robot, which she either brush off or take with pride, depending on circumstances.

"You're strong, Himekawa..." Yuuki whispered. "But I'm nowhere as strong as you are."

Himekawa was a gape slightly, confused by Yuuki's strangely, though not uncomfortably close approach as if he knew her for a long time.

But then again, she just rudely assumed things about his family situation. She probably had to apologize...

"You're not far off the mark, though." Yuuki rolled his eyes aside. "I'm just a coward who hates people in general."

Was he really? With his friendly behavior and calm attitude, Himekawa would think otherwise.

"Are you not happy to see your parents?"

"How could I not? They're good parents. Couldn't ask for better ones."

"Wouldn't you naturally approach them then?"

Yuuki opened his mouth to argue but then closed his mouth again. It was impossible to talk with Himekawa Lin and not cause misunderstanding because of her insensitive nature.

No wonder she was hated even by people who gave her a chance. However, Yuuki couldn't, no matter how much he tried.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have intruded." Himekawa backed away slightly. "It's just that... you looked so sad."

Yuuki's eyes widened in surprise, but he calmed down quickly, and turned his back to the girl, and walked toward his family members.

"Father, mother." Yuuki softly called at them. "We're home now."

"Yuuki! My son!" The mother cried on his shoulder. "Look how much you two have grown..."

"Look at that, my son here!" The father boastfully declared while stream coming out of his eyes. "I heard you punched a bloodhound to death with this weedy arm of yours?! You need to pack more meat! Then you can punch them harder!"

The father was a giant man, standing over a hundred and ninety-five centimeters, half a head taller than most Japanese men. Furthermore, he was top-heavy, with muscles straight out of superhero films.

Even to the nearby cops, he was an intimidating presence. Yuuki was by no means slim. But compared to his father, he might as well be a walking stick.

This smell... Yuuya lost control of his eyes and cried as well, though he managed to avoid bawling out as his sister did.

"There are things you need to take care of, Father, Mother..." Yuuki told them. "We can talk more once we're home."

It was difficult for Yuuki to remain the least emotional of the bunch, but someone needs to keep a cool head. The time and place made this reunion pretty awkward...

"Things will be complicated and pain in the butt, but I'm sure it will work out somehow!" The father gruffly nodded. "Let us adults deal with the paperwork. We can go home for now."

"Ano... Mama, Papa... apparently, I'm a Warden now." Yuuna spoke up.

Yuuki slapped his face in absolute disappointment while the father of the family was agape. That was when her mother lost consciousness, leaving a chaotic scene in the busy police headquarter.

"Goddamnit, Yuuna!"
Chapter 03 - Fragile Hearts
Kazehaya Nao woke up suddenly with a sore throat. Cold sweat flooded every inch of her skin as if she woke up from an intense nightmare. She looked around with a heavy breath and was relieved that her husband and two children were still there.

"Mama, I'm sorry!" Yuuna hugged her. "I should have known better."

"It's fine, Yuuna." Nao rubbed the hair of her daughter to calm her down. "It's fine. Where am I?"

Nao noticed there are a few more beds there, but all were empty.

"The Police HQ's medical ward." Her husband explained to her. "Are you alright, dear?"

"I'm alright. I'm alright." Nao's face returned to a healthy shade, yet her expression was stiff and scary. "We have a lot to talk about, especially Yuuna's... power."

Yuuna should really wait until her emotion is stable. But to be honest, it's unlikely to change the outcome of the conversation. Yuuna knew her mother well, and if she's as unmovable as Yuuna remembered...

"...You want me to seal it?" Yuuna asked with a crossed arm of annoyance.

"You really are my daughter." Nao nodded without hesitation. "Live your life as a normal person. That's all I can ask."

"Should we consider it a little more?" Her husband frowned. "Let's not ax our daughter's potential just yet."

"I am not losing my children again, you hear me!"

Yuuna grimaced in response to her mother shouting. She wasn't really a soft-tempered woman, but she rarely lost her cool like this. And so, she pleaded to Yuuki for help.

"Father, mother... this conversation can be done later." Yuuki finally spoke up. "I'll be frank... we might not be really Yuuki and Yuuna that you know, either."

"What do you mean with that, Yuuki?"

"Both Yuuna and I saw two of you died in a traffic accident with our own eyes." Yuuki's voice wavered as he desperately fought the burden of trauma plaguing his mind as he recalled all these cursed memories. "What about you?"


Nao was at a loss for words and instead covered her face with her hands and sobbed.

"You two and several dozen people were directly blasted by a category 4 Mercurial." The father somberly muttered. "We can't even find the body, but we did find Yuuna's sword."

Yuuki couldn't help but grimace.

"Was it the same sword as this one?" Yuuna unsheathed the now cleaned katana. "The one made by Grandpa?"

"No, definitely different sword. But these poem engraving... the picture of camellia flower, it is definitely your grandfather's handiwork!" Nao pulled out a handkerchief and carefully traced the skilfully sculpted flower and kanjis on the blade to ensure the natural oil in her hand didn't ruin it.

She noticed there were a few scratches and dings on it. "Are those..."

"Battle damage from killing thirteen bloodhounds." Yuuki scoffed. "I'm shocked the blade holds up so well."

"Don't you look down on the strength of a traditional blade, you brat!" His father smacked him on the back of his head. "Also, you're being rude to your mother's father."

"Yuuki is absolutely right, though." Nao sighed. "If a laminated blade isn't designed properly for a Warden and their power, then it would shatter easily. This blade would likely develop micro gaps and fractures, which will result in complete structural failure."

"Complete structural failure?" Her husband raised his eyebrows.

"Literally shatter into fragments. If the steel is bad enough, you get powdered iron." Nao's eyes sharpened. "Either you pick a traditional design or a traditional material, you can't have both and have it be used by powerful Wardens for a long time."

"...No wonder Himekawa looks a bit shocked." Yuuna took a deep breath in realization. "Whew."


"She helped us during the incident," Yuuna explained. "We were..."

"The same age, I think." Yuuki cut her off to avoid complicating things just yet. "She's part of the police. She saved my life and helped Yuuna fighting the bloodhounds until the police team arrived."

"I see. We should really say our thanks sometime!" The father nodded in understanding. "But same age as you two, huh..."

"What were the government thinking? Sending children to war that even adults have problem with." Nao shook her head in exasperation.

"I think..." Yuuki's dead gaze looked away. "Just like in wartime, the definition of children no longer applies to teenagers who are both able and willing to fight."

Yuuki was more than well aware of the psychological gap he and Yuuna had compared to Himekawa Lin. Lin could operate guns and kill these monsters with unchanged temperament.

Just killing one of them left a small scar in Yuuki's mind. He doubted Yuuna was that different. Just how long Himekawa fought against them?

"That's right, it's not like the government has a choice to reject them." His father nodded. "But Yuuna does have the choice, and that's why we should talk about it later."

"You men are all unreasonable!" Nao hissed. "Alright then, it seems that I'm the only one complaining anyway. Let's have the paperwork done and get out of here."


"Here's our compiled report, including biometry test." The female police officer who interviewed the twins before told the parents. "The problem is neither Yuuki-kun nor Yuuna-san passed the fingerprint and iris scan."


The twins froze, and the parents were furious.

"How could that be?"

"That's bullshit."

"Unfortunately, that is indeed the case. This will make it impossible for the twins to have seamless reintegration even with administration support."

"Is there any other way?"

"There is..." Yuuki muttered. "DNA test."

"Right. Yuuki and Yuuna's DNA were registered in the administration gene-banks." The father gasped. "Yuuki, you're genius!"

"This twin brother of mine is freaking cold-minded to the core." Yuuna sighed deeply. "DNA test should be as foolproof as it can get."

"That would require an additional letter of consent for everyone involved, is that alright?"

"We have no other choice, didn't we?" Nao huffed.

"Then please sign these documents, and please read the fine print while at it."

"Ano... where will the test be held?" Yuuki asked.

"It can be done in the forensics department." The officer smiled. "You don't have to worry, Yuuki-kun. It would only take three days of waiting."

Three days? Only three days. That was much faster than what Yuuki knows.

"Three days? Not three weeks?"

"Our forensics works 24/7, too many dead people coming to slow down. It used to take five or six days about a decade ago." The officer shrugged. "We will assist you however we could, instead of relying on the slower civilian bureaucracy. However, as much as you could, please keep a low profile during this process."

"Thank you for the assistance." The four Kazehaya members bowed simultaneously.

"Ah, about Yuuna being a Warden..." Nao muttered hesitantly.

"Unfortunately, this little bureaucratic snag means it would be illegal to use her power." The female officer opened a briefcase, revealing the presence of heavy-looking bracelets. "These bracelets are Trans-phase restrictors meant to seal her power. It's waterproof and self-powering, so it doesn't require maintenance."

"I see. Does it not have a tracking mechanism?"

"Only if the device got damaged or tampered with. It will send a distress signal through the network."

Yuuki felt somewhat distressed as he saw Yuuna thoughtlessly clipped on these bracelets on her wrists.

Compared to the Trans-Phase controller, the restrictors might seem less intrusive to your privacy. Yet, at the same time, restrictors completely took away the control of her power from Yuuna's hands.

The price of security is giving out some of your freedom. That is what it means to live in a society. Yuuki knew this, yet he couldn't help but feel a little bitter.

He wondered what Yuuna felt about that fact. In contrast, his 'mother' Nao looked relieved.

"One question." Yuuna raised her hands. "What about my sword?"

"...Is there any problem with the sword?" The Police officer asked back in confusion. "I am under the impression it was certified, correct?"

"...Well, yes."

"Then you're free to go after finishing the DNA sampling and registration." The officer said. "Himekawa Lin-san will contact you later if there's any development."

As the family finished covering every legal matter required for the day, they walked out of the police HQ and were greeted by the sight of Chiba's night sky.

"...Yuuki, is this what you mean with what you said before?" Nao asked awkwardly.

"Richard Hawkings said genes are not templates, but recipes. Even two pieces of bread from the same dough may not have the same inner texture or browning." Yuuki smiled as he looked at the sky, unnaturally content. "The irises and fingerprints aren't that different. Even identical twins have different irises and fingerprints."

"The DNA testing will likely be an exact match, but... it won't change the fact that we're not your Yuuna and Yuuki."

Yuuna punched her brother weakly on his chest, unable to muster any strength. "You're a cold-hearted bastard, and I hate you so much."

"The sooner we accept it, the sooner we can move on, you know that." Yuuki hugged her to calm her down. "Things already crazy as it is. Denying reality wouldn't help anyone."

"You're right." Yuuna bawled. "I still hate you!"

"Even so... you're still Yuuna and Yuuki, right?" Nao bitterly smiled. "If this is a dream, then don't bother waking me up, and if this is a miracle, then let me thank the gods above."

"We were given a second chance, yes." Her husband agreed. "Regardless of that little detail, we hope you two can accept us."

"Please take care of us." The twins formally bowed as a sign of respect.

The scars in their heart have yet to heal. However, acknowledging the pain is the first step toward recovery. Yuuki also understood that they cannot survive alone in this mad world full of danger.

And more than that, he was glad that he can meet his parents again, even if they're not the same people.


Yuuna woke up groggily and found herself in an unfamiliar room, which superficially resembles her old one. However, the surface details and decoration were all different. Perhaps because the room remains unchanged from the time old Yuuna died as a middle-school student.

It had been three days since her arrival to this strange alternate world, where humanity was besieged by threats of otherworldly creatures dubbed mercurials.

These creatures were practically living machines. Part metal and part polymer, their biology operates significantly different than any known earth organism. Mercurials don't need oxygen or nitrogen to stay alive, as they don't even technically breathe.

Mercurials only breathe to vent out excess heat in their body, operating solely on electricity to stay alive by using proton exchange in their body fluid. In other words, Mercurial needs salt to stay alive. The most common explanation so far is that mercurials came from some kind of salt-heavy desert environment.

The so-called 'dry earth' hypothesis, where all ocean water vaporized and lifeforms evolved differently in a literal sea of salt and magnesium.

So Yuuna decided to walk downstairs and found her brother in the living room.

"The mercurials contain a significant amount of metals in their body." Yuuki verbally read the book in his hand. "Fifteen to twenty percent magnesium, five to ten percent copper, a percent silver, one per-mil platinum group metal, fractional per-mil gold, and a trace amount of radioactive isotopes."

"Since the arrival of mercurials, the price of precious metal cratered, as harvesting their body proven to be more profitable than mining," Yuuna recalled what she read on the internet. "However, category two and above were considered military threats and dangerous to deal with."

"The bloodhounds we fought before were considered category 0... in other words, they're dangerous and lethal, but still considered nothing but a pest..." Yuuki recalled the grisly detail where he got jumped by one of them. "On the other hand, the one that wrecked our motorcycle, category one 'Armed dragon'... just category one made us scared shitless."

Category one mercurials are more than capable of wrecking small buildings and vehicles and require heavy firepower to take down if you're a powerless human.

Yuuna rubbed her face to get herself sober. "Category four... can you even imagine how destructive it would be?"

"Their very existence defied fundamental law of physics. Their attacks are strong enough to flatten a city block." Yuuki put the book down and sighed. "But enough about that, what the actual hell are you wearing?"

Yuuna didn't bother to change her sleeping garment, which was nothing more than an oversized linen shirt that unfortunately hid her short pants.

"It's summer, so linen is more comfortable." She made an OK sign innocuously... until Nao came and slap lightly on her back.

"That's not a dress fitting for a young maiden, lady." Nao scolded her.

It wasn't by any means indecent, but it was improper and made the mind wander aimlessly.

"Well, Nao-san should show a good example too." Her husband also came with a mug of coffee in his hand. "We're adults. That doesn't mean we can be selfish."

Nao blushed hard, knowing what he meant. Every once in a while, Nao would often wear her husband's shirt after intimate activities. Which definitely gross out the twins in the past and left an impression on her daughter, too.

"Right, my fault for that. But can you at least button up?" Nao said as she served everyone buttered toasts with scrambled eggs and fried sausage. "Drinks of your choice, make them yourself."

Needless to say, Nao had never been the best housewife around. But her family wouldn't love her less for it.

"OK!" Yuuna complied and put the second button in. She also went to the kitchen counter to prepare hot chocolate milk for herself and Yuuki.

"What's with women and liking oversized shirts, anyway." Yuuki cringed in response.

"You'd know when you're older, sonny." His father remarked as he took a sip of his coffee and ate the toast.

"No, thanks. I know enough." Yuuki belched. "Anyway, I've heard there will be officers coming to visit today?"

"Yeah, there was a sort of uproar." Nao nodded, her expression tired and grave. "It seemed that you two aren't the only one who came from the other world."

"What, really?" Yuuna's eyes bulged in surprise. "How come?"

"They all have the same similarities. Considered dead legally, between thirteen to nineteen years old, and they lack the common knowledge about wardens and mercurials." Her father mustered. "The timing made it clear that your appearance coincides with the fall of Orochi Cocoon."

"The fall of or-what?"

"Orochi Cocoon was a category 3 mercurial gestating in Chiba countryside. The military and police sent a special task force to destroy it three days ago and succeed." Nao grimaced slightly. "Thankfully, no one died."

"Had we leave it alone, it will hatch into a full category 4 mercurial and lay waste to everything." She clenched the fork in her hand. "And the tragedy one and a half-year ago will repeat."

It was when the original Yuuki and Yuuna died.

"The experts theorized that the gravitational collapse caused ripples in local space-time... and summoned a bunch of people who were already dead." Her husband remarked. "Crazy, I know. But the world hasn't worked right ever since the first mercurial came, either."

"That supposed to happen in the year 1999, correct?"

"Yes. The first thing people noticed was the intense t-wave which caused mass panic and hysteria. Space instruments began to pick up various distortions in gravitational waves. And finally, wireless communication also went haywire." Nao nodded.

Yuuki recalled what he read in some books and also the internet.

"Category 4 mercurials cease to obey the law of weak nuclear force, being able to trigger and sustain hydrogen to helium fusion just by staying alive. In their heart, there's an eternally expanding tiny star. Its power can be used both offensively and defensively."

"It might seem like things are going fine for us, humanity, but that wasn't actually the case." The father put the half-empty coffee mug on the table harshly. "Three years ago, Tokyo was destroyed by a category six mercurial and subsequent nuclear detonation to kill it. We couldn't even use a missile and had to disguise a warhead in a truck and lure it into a trap."

"Since then, a new law had been passed to allow volunteers above fifteen years old into combat service. The so-called warden apprenticeship program. Your friend Himekawa was likely part of that program too."

Yuuki looked at his mug of chocolate milk thoughtfully. It all made so much sense now. After the fall of Tokyo, whatever survived of Japanese government grew desperate.

Indeed, it was all pretty much as Yuuki expected. And sometimes, he really hated his abysmally toxic mindset. Even though he had been reunited with his parents, or at least a version of them, he couldn't help but felt anxious and a bit distant.

He hated himself for being right, at times.


It was around eight in the morning when the family had readied themselves for visitors to come. Himekawa came with a brown-haired young man roughly in his late 20s.

"An incredibly handsome man who wouldn't be out of place in a K-pop band." Yuuki mentally remarked, seeing as he doesn't look like Japanese at all.

"My name is Sho Taifu from Chiba's Civil Security Administration. I came here representing the government of Chiba as well as acting as Himekawa Lin's mentor."

"Ooooh, what a handsome Oppa! Please kidnap me!" Yuuna gushed out quietly, but her drooling expression betrayed her attempt at secrecy. "OW!"

Yuuki stomped her foot in embarrassment, which made her yelp. Yuuna might flirt with girls all the time, but she made a breadth of exception for handsome and pretty boys too!

"Civil Security Administration?" Nao squeezed her eyes in disbelief. "Still trying to rope my little Yuuna in?"

"Ah, well, there is that, but something more urgent is at the table." Taifu sheepishly replied. "As you can see, Yuuna and Yuuki weren't the only people who came back to life, or so legally spoken."

"In actuality, we're all more than aware of the truth, about them possibly coming from entirely different background altogether... particularly, the mismatched iris and fingerprints stuck out like a sore thumb."

Wow, that was terrible timing with the pun. Did this man do it on purpose?

"There was an internal riot happening in the Chiba Administration as a whole. A lot of disagreement and suspicion, whether warranted or not, regarding the treatment of the so-called returnee."

"Figures, it wouldn't be that easy." Yuuki chided.

"What do you mean, Yuuki-kun?" Himekawa finally spoke up after being quiet since her arrival and formal introduction.

"I bet some people think we're brainwashed clones." Yuuki rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Much more plausible explanation than coming from another world."

"Right, since even between identical twins, fingerprints and irises are supposed to be unique. DNA identification cannot be considered strong enough legal grounds to revoke death certification." Taifu nodded. "Our legal department is on fire right now."

"To ensure the safety of the returnee and prevent abuse of their human rights, the government is proposing that everyone enrolled into Warden school," Himekawa explained further. "Bear in mind that this is only temporary until we can sort out the legal problems in their reintegration to society."

"But why Warden school?" Nao protested. "Yuuna might be qualified, but what about Yuuki?"

"Yuuki-kun is a warden." Himekawa's voice was cold. "In fact, every returnee has warden potential. But Yuuki-kun might be one of the least obvious among them."
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Hmmm, an isekai story with the main characters being transported to an apocalyptic alternate universe, one being plagued by major threats to human civilization…

I'm getting whiffs of Muv-Luv from this, more so than from the BAHHSCQ quest.

I'll tentatively follow, if only because Zero has made his feelings rather clear on bad contrivances and "idiot plots".

Personally not having a high hope for this, seeing as I wrote this as 'experiment' story because I haven't really write sci-fi story before. A lot of jargon that nonetheless will be explained later on, whether based on real science or some in-universe bunk.

However, the primary focus would be family and friendship, as well as societal problems.

I also wrote this while bedridden in the last 10 days.
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Chapter 04 - The Gifted One
"What do you mean with that?" Yuuki smiled wrily.

"Yuuki-kun had latent Trans-Phase energy output. Not strong enough to manifest... externally, that is." Himekawa muttered. "Have you got an asthmatic attack since our meeting?"

"...To be honest, no. But I haven't exercised at all since then." Yuuki shook his head. "But come to think of it, I have asthmatic attack without exercising before."

Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction is the preferred term for what was known for years as exercise-induced asthma. Symptoms develop when airways narrow as a result of physical activity. As many as ninety percent of people with asthma also have EIB and vice versa, but that's not always the case.

Still, Yuuki was part of the ninety percent overlap. He can get a flare-up even without tiring himself. Yuuki contemplated starting to take controller medication... until his parents died, and the issue was kind of buried.

"Are you saying my awakening as warden cured my asthma?" Yuuki raised one eyebrow weirdly. "You knew I got a flare-up before, didn't you?"

"Cured is such a big word. Holding back might be more appropriate." Taifu smirked. "Actually, back in Korea, there was this girl who suffered multiple sclerosis and became paraplegic. However, she regained her body function after she became a warden and was able to live normally."

Yuuki was agape for a moment and then nodded. "I see."

"That's why an in-depth examination of Yuuki-kun's potential should be done." Himekawa bowed. "I'm sorry for being frank."

"It's alright. Thank you for being honest with us." The twin's father loudly remarked. "But how's going to warden school going to protect them?"

"Warden school is one of the most elite institutions in the region. Because of the nature of the institution, it has a hefty amount of public and private oversight, which ensures the safety of its student."

"Naturally, it is biased heavily in favor of government influence, but at the very least, it can be held accountable for anything that may happen to the twins. They can also avoid getting approached by people with shady interest although..."

Taifu stopped for a moment, seemingly hesitated.

"There's no stopping these people from approaching you openly. Since the fall of Tokyo, the trust in the national government and the centralized self-defense force is at an all-time low. Because of this reason, the provincial government, police, and private companies began taking up the slack."

"Hence, the militarization of Chiba Police force?" Yuuki asked in realization. "Does that mean there are mercenaries employing wardens?"

"Indeed, and compared to other parties with interest, the Police have the most problems recruiting wardens into their ranks." Taifu smiled. "Make no mistake, though. I do not intend to get a head start and approach the twins on Chiba Police's behalf. I came here purely to inform you of the necessity of getting enrolled into warden school."

"But if they went to Warden school, won't they be forced to fight?" Nao hissed. "I disagree. My lawyer will do the talking later."

"It can't be helped." Taifu sighed. "I fact, there were a lot of rejections coming from other families too. Class action lawsuits could be very well on the table if the government tried to use force."

Class action lawsuits?

"I don't believe Japan had such a law, does it?" Yuuki spoke out. "When did this change?"

"As soon as the first warden abused their power..." Himekawa answered. "We are powerful, but we're neither invincible nor beyond the reach of the law. In fact, police wardens were granted both the authority to use highly destructive devices, while at the same time, working under far more restrictive rules of engagement."

"In other words, police wardens were authorized to use explosives. But we're also held accountable for excessive damage incurred. As well as possible collateral casualties..."

"I see. That means most wardens use melee weapons instead." Yuuna nodded in understanding. "And because of their superhuman strength and speed, they have no issue with it."

In the end, even the arrival of monsters from another dimension didn't change the fact that modern Japanese have a high aversion to the escalation of force. In fact, Yuuki heard that it was written to Self-Defense Force's combat doctrine.

The fall of Tokyo left an irrecoverable scar in their collective hearts. Having to detonate a nuclear warhead on their own soil and taking down the capital with it, Yuuki couldn't imagine the grief they all experienced.

No wonder Nao had been insistent on not wanting Yuuna to become a warden, in addition to the fact that the original Yuuna also died before.


"Does Yuuna not require testing?"

"We can vaguely guess her warden potential from her early fight. But Yuuki-kun exhibits no obvious sign. Nevertheless, it would be best if you both get examined together."

"Alright then." Yuuki agreed. "I'll do the examination."

"Me too." Yuuna also agreed.

"Yuuki!" Nao called him out. "And you too, Yuuna!"

"Mama!" Yuuna intervened. "We can't just leave Yuuki's status up in the air like that. That would be cruel to him!"

"Yuuna is right. We can talk about it again once the results are up." Nao's husband, the father of the twins, also agreed with his daughter.

Nao just cannot win ever, much to her dismay. However, it's not as if she didn't recognize her mistakes. She was being irrationally insistent and fearful.

"Ano, if I'm not wrong, you're also did boxing before, right?" Taifu asked. "Kazehaya Reki-san?"

"Well, I'm still doing it as non-professional. What about it?" The giant middle-aged man asked.

"We might need your help as a source reference."


The entire family entered the sinister-looking armored car, which doesn't help the highly nervous parents. Nevertheless, Yuuki was focused while Yuuna was downright excited.

"Where are we going?" Yuuna asked happily.

To be honest, she felt sick of being cooped up at home in the last few days. She, unlike her brother, had always been an outdoor and social person.

She would happily go anywhere.

"Chiba University's parallel world research institute," Himekawa answered. "Despite the fancy name, they focused solely on mercurial and wardens... well, until your arrival, that is."

The trip didn't take a long time. Which really a godsend considering how loud and uncomfortably shaking the ride was. Unfortunately, passenger comfort will never be the first priority of military combat vehicle designs.

And this one wasn't an exception.

"That is the absolute worst car I've ever ridden." Nao held her aching ears.

"Agreed." The rest of the Kazehaya family chorused.

Yuuya had seen Chiba university before, but it was slightly different than what he remembers. This Chiba university had a tall and high wall resembling that of a fortress.

"...Is this some dictator's palace?" Yuuna quipped as she slung her sword bag. Since it was legal, Yuuna had decided to carry her sword wherever she could.

"You haven't seen everything yet." Taifu ominously rubbed his hands. "Please follow me."

Yuuki couldn't help but feel uncomfortable by the stares he got. The university students might or might not recognize him, but it still doesn't change that they stick out like sore thumbs.

Yuuna, being Yuuna, didn't waste time but flirt with these older bystanders, much to her mother's disappointment. She wondered where did the other Nao go wrong with this girl...

The building that became their destination was built with an even more solid appearance, showing its relatively young age.

"This is Chiba U's parallel world research institute." Himekawa introduced them. "They're expecting a great amount of help from you two."

"Great amount of help?" Yuuna tilted her head.

"I mean, you're coming from an alternate earth. What else they don't need from you?" Taifu shrugged. "There was skepticism among the people in the administration as well. However, if it was a prank, then it was so elaborate that even state actors wouldn't be able to do it."

"Yuuki-kun said something about clones before, right? Well, cloning technology wasn't anywhere that mature to create teenagers in a short time frame of two to three years. And even if it can, we don't have the technology to implant memories and emotional maturity." Himekawa smiled slightly. "And in the chances that you're the original Yuuki-kun and also get in the act, it wouldn't explain why you have different irises and fingerprints, yet matching DNA profile."

"The institute is desperate for any breakthrough in their research, and that's why, if you can lend us anything you have from the original word, that would help."

"We have our school textbook, which dates back to 2008 or 2009, I believe. That should be good enough reference." Yuuki agreed. "We can lend them, right, Yuuna?"

"Sure enough, I don't mind." His sister agreed.

"Then please hand them to the institute staff, preferably labeled."

Yuuki and Yuuna did bring some textbooks as requested, which the institute staff members accepted with delight and care.

"I did take a peek at some of the information beforehand. According to the general consensus, apparently, the date 9/11 was considered a defining point. Why is that?" Taifu asked

"Terrorist attack using hijacked plane took out WTC twin towers and thousands of Americans with them." Yuuna gave a shorthand explanation. "This incident sparked the age of terror and insurgency with no sign of ending, which also pushed multiple countries to increase its public surveillance. Honestly, I was born after the fact, so I'm not too clear, but the world had changed forever since then."

"I see." Himekawa frowned. "So even the places you came from haven't seen peace in a while."

"It's not that bad, at least for us Japanese." Yuuki scoffed. "We did saw a couple of disastrous earthquakes, but nothing crippling. Japanese in our world hadn't experienced a single war in the last 76 years."

"You can say that where we came from, Japan was relatively peaceful and prosperous. I have to guess history did not really diverge until the year 1999, though."


They finally arrived in a room filled with various instruments and computers, including enormous LCD screens on the wall. Unlike the other section, there were only a few people here.

"Are these the returnee?" A dark-haired woman with a gloomy disposition asked. Though her face was beautiful, her skin was pale, her hair was messy, and dark lines can be seen under her eyes.

All in all, it gave the image of an unkempt, ghostly woman.

"...Kuromachi Nemuko?" Yuuna gasped.

The woman looked a bit jumpy when she heard her name called. "He? Y-you know me? Strange. Very strange."

"Well, duh! You're actually-"

Yuuki hurriedly clamped his hand on his sister's mouth before she began spilling unnecessary information. "We sort of know you in the other world. It seems that this part of you hasn't changed... being a genius and all."

"Interesting. Very interesting." The woman nodded and fixed her labcoat slightly. "Well then, let's introduce ourselves to each other again. My name is Kuromachi Nemuko, an assistant researcher at this institute. Despite looking like this, I'm still 17 years old."

"Kazehaya Yuuki, and this is my sister Yuuna." Yuuki introduced himself and his sister. "Supposedly, with means still unknown, we came here from another world, where mercurials did not exists."

"W-well, we're trying to find what happened, and if possible, find a way to contact your original world as well." Nemuko grinned weirdly. "After all, that was the founding purpose of this institute. So please help us however you can."

"We'll do what we can. Don't put high expectations on us." Yuuki casually replied. His tone was strangely warm and friendly.

"Well, then. We will start with your physical examination. Can you please change your clothes to these? The room is over there." Nemuko handed out two baskets of clothes. "If possible, I want everyone to warm up and stretch properly in fifteen minutes, and that includes you, Mr. and Mrs. Kazehaya. We're going to do a lot of physical testing today."

"I'll leave them in your care." Sho Taifu excused himself.


Yuuna and Yuuki were handed out a pair of spandex-like clothes, which was enough to cover their modesty but exposing most of their torso and back. Oddly, they noticed there were something like electrical ports.

Himekawa was wearing similar clothes as the twins. Nao and Reki were wearing much more mundane short tracksuits instead.

"Yuuki... why are you..." Nao's eyes widened in shock, and her lips wavered.

One would notice the surprising amount of scars on Yuuki's well-toned body. None of them looks deep, but they're noticeable.

Too many scars for an ordinary high schoolboy.

"Yuuki got bullied and got into a lot of fights in middle school, some of which almost fatal," Yuuna answered with a pained face. "Well, he hasn't really got into fights outside the ring after high school, at least."

Yuuna, however, noticed how Nemuko drooled.

"Yo, professor, you like the quad pack?" Yuuna teased her.

"My bad." Nemuko wiped her lips and sobered up. "If I'm not wrong, Kazehaya Nao-san had experience with swordsmanship, yes?"

"Dan 3 battou-do," Nao said hesitantly. "Only on paper, though. I used to do sword testing for my father, who is a traditional sword artisan. I've been feeling rusty in the past few years from age and lack of activity."

"It's still a good reference. Could you at least try to remember the form?"

"I can try."

Yuuna handed out her sword to Nao with a smile. It had been more than a year since she saw her own mother holding a sword, and it brought quite a few memories.

"Bring the tatami roll!"

In the center of the lab, a platform opened up, and a wet tatami roll can be seen, tied around the body of a bamboo shaft. Undoubtedly, this is the test cutting medium known to any battou-do practitioner to cut with their sword.

"This is a composite video we took from the police kendo practitioners. As you know, they weren't really trained to cut objects, but they do know a good sword handling form."

A collage of videos was shown on one of the screens inside the lab. In there, young adults wearing hakama were seen doing tatami cutting, and some of them failed to make a neat cut.

More than just form, edge alignment is Important. Poor alignment can still cut. It doesn't result in a neat shape, however.

"Pardon the failures, but they all have a similar speed of between seventy to eighty kilometers per hour," Nemuko explained. "You can say this is the average speed of people who have a basic amount of sword training."

Nao stepped forward and put in a tight stance as she held the sword and focus. Then, she stepped forward and made two downward diagonal slashes before reversing the blade and did an upward cut.

She finished before the first piece of the tatami touched the floor.

"A hundred twenty-eight, a hundred thirty-one, and a hundred twelve kilometers per hour. How fast!"

Nao let out a long breath and relaxed her pose. "I was expecting slower cuts. This sword is somewhat light but has good balance."

"Well, grandpa made it for battou-do, after all." Yuuna shrugged. "But I guess it's not really suitable for fighting an extended fight."

"Even just breaking a hundred kilometers per hour is fast enough. And with such clean cuts, Nao-san is certainly a very skilled battou-do practitioner." Nemuko assured them. "Yuuna-san, your turn."

Yuuna had cables plugged in her suit. She felt some tingle but nothing too uncomfortable, and the wires did not restrict her movement at all.

"Now, focus on your power and concentrate them, then let them flow out freely into your sword tip."

Yuuna closed her eyes and then regulated her breath. As her breathing slowed down, a surge of energy began to creep up from beneath her skin.

It came out in the form of black and red lightning.

"Do it."

Yuuna executed the same technique as Nao did, except tremendously fast, so fast that her sword seemed to disappear for a moment.

However, what human eyes cannot keep up with, precision electronic radar can deal with.

"Three hundred thirty, three hundred thirty-six, three hundred and eight."

It was at that moment that Yuuki finally realized it.

The massive gap between a human and a warden.

"With that kind of strength, Yuuna-san can even run past highway speed."

Well, it's not as if Japan's highways are that fast. In fact, it was far slower than the typical western country highways. Still, the math checks out with the sword swing.

Yuuna's swings were almost three times as fast as Nao's.

"But isn't there a hard limit on how much her feet can grip the surface? I believe the maximum possible human sprint speed is 4.5 seconds for 100 meters dash." Yuuki argued. "There's also drag force to consider."

That's almost twice as fast as Usain Bolt in both speed and acceleration. He had seen with his own eyes how fast Yuuna and Himekawa can go. He just wanted to make sure he heard it firsthand from an expert.

"Tsk, you just don't know, don't ya?" Nemuko winked. "A warden's strength isn't just about brute force. The trans-phase energy in their body allows them to bend the law of physics to a limited extent. Running fast is easy, but Yuuna-san can even run on water or vertical surface with enough training."

"That's some mythical ninja shit!" Yuuna whispered in amazement.

"High-level wardens can even defy gravity and float by themselves." Nao also added. "Depends on your opinion on them, it can be really comforting... or terrifying sight. And furthermore, warden power gets stronger with age."

"Defy gravity?"

"Well, strictly speaking, the counteraction of potential energy with the same formula of mass-gravity-height." Nemuko corrected. "Still, it's a meaningless difference to laymen. What's important is my theory is correct, and all the returnees have negative spiral charge."

"What was that about?" Yuuna asked. "Something like an electrical charge?"

"Incorrect..." Himekawa said. "It has nothing to do with electron."

"Was it something like chirality?" Yuuki asked. "Particle spin in physics is abstracted but still follows a certain pattern on them and defined as left or right-hand spin."

"Absolutely correct, honey. Are you sure you're not a genius too?" Nemuko cackled.

"No. I'm just a well-read ignorant." Yuuki defied.

Yuuna was agape for a moment. More than Yuuki's surprisingly confidence in his layman research, Yuuna realized that these two hit off well for their theoretical first meeting.

Maybe some things wouldn't change no matter what.

"Yuuki-kun is correct in this case. Everyone born in this world, when awakened as a warden, will have an identical spiral charge. However, that's not necessarily true with people who came from another world." Nemuko smiled as she created a small ball of light on her palm. "Your trans-phase energy spin in the opposite direction."

"But there should always be an exception to the rule." Yuuki pointed out, not necessarily because he didn't believe it. Instead, he was arguing for the sake of clarity.

Yuuna also realized this because Yuuki was a natural-born contrarian. Hence, he's being a devil's advocate, going against his own belief.

"Eh...Yuuki-kun, warden research had been ongoing for almost twenty years by this point. Tens of thousands of us are on this Earth, and almost all of them were registered and monitored constantly. Why would an exception shows up now?" Nemuko twitched, clearly confused by his behavior.

She wasn't the only one, as the Kazehaya parents were dumbfounded.

"How often are dead people coming back to life?" Yuuki asked rhetorically.

"Point." Nemuko finally yields. "As a scientist, we cannot make a hasty judgment and has to consider all the possibilities. Which means we have the following two options."

"First, a bunch of people came from another world, somehow identical generically to the people born here, and they all wardens with opposite spiral charge. Secondly, a bunch of people coming back from death, with different irises and fingerprints, and an entirely different set of memories."

"From a fundamental scientific standpoint, the second option is more rational. Both cloning and memory implant technology is very plausible." Himekawa grimaced slightly. "But even sources in intel department said, no country in the world perfected these highly unethical technologies yet."

"And fundamental theories collapsed in the front of mercurials and wardens. As you know, a category four mercurials can manipulate gravity and weak nuclear force. A warden can do the same with gravity and friction." Nemuko sighed. "You can see why ridiculous ideas such as parallel world research got so much traction. We are trying to find a missing link to complete the puzzle. So that's why, please help us."

As she said it, Nemuko handed Yuuki a bracelet labeled left hand. It was a trans-phase restrictor, similar to what Yuuna wore before.

"I can see that." Yuuki taped his hand and wrist, just like his father did. "So, what do we need to punch?"

As the stage floor lowered and raised, the cut tatami roll was replaced with a heavy-looking massive punching bag. Yuuki had never seen anything like this before.

"This punching bag is rated with the force of a car crash, so if you hesitate, you might be the one getting injured." Himekawa welcomed the two men and cautioned them.

"Let me do it first."

Reki made a step and then delivered a well-structured heavy punch, which was loud enough to rattle the air nearby.

"Four hundred kilograms, this is well within the range of amateur heavyweight boxer. Well done, Reki-san."

"I haven't punched that hard before." Reki winced. "Your turn, Yuuki!"

Yuuki punched with a similar posture as Reki.

"Two hundred and seventy-five kilograms, well within expectation for your age and fitness. Now please remove the restrictors and do the same punch."

Yuuki took a deep breath and tried to focus whatever power, internal and external, into his clenched fist. He could feel some sensation, like thousands of bugs crawling all over him, and it was incredibly disgusting.

So he stepped forth and sent out a punch. It was even louder than Reki's punch.

"Hmm, eh? This is strange. Could you try it once more?"


Yuuki repeated the same punch once again.

"...No. That can't be right. Focus trans-phase flow inside your muscles and let out from your fist, Yuuki-kun!"

"Are you kidding me?!"

Yuuki repeated the punch again. This time, he exerted so much of his power that he could feel a jolt all over his body. Indeed, electricity crackled around his arms as he punched.

"Alright, have you trained in kicking before?"

"Yeah, I learned taekwondo in the past. Not much, though."

Yuuki relaxed and then refocused all his strength from his left foot upward into his waist. He swung his right leg into a roundhouse kick.

The bag shuddered as more electricity crackled around Yuuki's right leg, which sounded like crackles.

"...That was odd." Himekawa looked confused as she saw the number on the tablet that the baffled Nemuko held. "So he really is..."

"An E-rank." Nemuko nodded. "The lowest possible level of trans-phase power recorded."

"E-rank actually exists?" Nao blinked.

"They do. An E-rank warden barely had enough trans-phase energy to double their physical capabilities, and some outright indistinguishable from a normal person." Himekawa nodded. "The majority of wardens are D-rank and C-rank. E-rank wardens rarely, if ever found at all."

"For reference, Yuuki-kun's punch reached about five hundred forty kilograms of force." Nemuko pointed. "The number may seem impressive, but this is lower than world-class heavyweight boxers like Mike Tyson or Frank Bruno, who can achieve six hundred kilogram punch. If Yuuki-kun is a D-rank, he should be at least able to achieve at least seven or even eight hundred kilograms."

Himekawa flicked her hand several times to loosen up, then made a straight punch without taping her wrist beforehand. The sound was not quite as pronounced as the men before but still surprising.

The number displayed on the big screen was a hundred fifty-two kilograms.

"Bear in mind that I don't practice hand martial arts. I don't know how to punch well. But even with this moderately fit arm, I can punch ten times as hard as an ordinary girl." Himekawa said. "Who can punch fifteen kilograms on average."

It was said that an untrained average man can punch with twenty to thirty kilograms of force. And Himekawa Lin can hit five times as hard.

In contrast, when Himekawa kicked the bag, the number was vastly higher. Wallopping a thousand and five hundred fifty kilograms! The difference shows that Himekawa's legs were incredibly well trained.

This number is comparable to that of world-class kickboxing and taekwondo athletes. This is insane, considering how tiny Himekawa Lin was.

"Yuuki-kun's number is around a thousand and three hundred fifty kilograms, which I'd like to note still terrific. However, Himekawa Lin-san generated even more power despite only forty-five kilograms, two-thirds his weight." Nemuko made a comparison on the screen. "Such kind of superhuman feat was only possible with the difference in trans-phase power."

"Consider the fact that I'm a substantially weaker warden than Yuuna-san is," Himekawa said. "Yuuki-kun can be said to reach the peak level of the human physique because his strength was doubled. However, a D-ranker like me can achieve three times strength multiplication."

"Substantially weaker... it means that Yuuna is likely a C-rank?" Nao mumbled.

"She is. Yuuna-san can exert more than five times her normal strength." Nemuko confirmed. "Up to six times at peak."

Of all the members of the Kazehaya family, only Yuuki wasn't surprised by the result. It seemed that even Yuuna herself doesn't know just how strong she is actually.

In contrast, Yuuki knew that this raw number correlates strongly with Yuuna's first battle as a warden against the horde of bloodhounds in their first arrival to this strange and dangerous world.

The parents could only look at each other awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Yuuna had always been the gifted one.
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Chapter 05 - A divergent world
It's possible to claim disability and do away with restrictors?" Yuuki raised his eyebrows when he heard an explanation from Sho Taifu.

"I have told you about the warden girl with multiple sclerosis, right? She was an E-ranked warden too and in some respect frailer than an ordinary, healthy girl. She wasn't the only one, as many E-rank wardens have congenital or other preexisting medical conditions that were considered incurable."

"I see."

Well, isn't that weird?

"To be honest, Yuuki-kun was actually in the upper end of theoretical E-rank physical strength, perhaps because he's very athletic and fit despite his asthma," Nemuko remarked. "However, his external power flow is quite consistent with other E-rank."

"External power flow? What is that?" Yuuna asked.

"The ability to project your trans-phase energy outwardly, like Yuuna-san's black lightning, for example. In Yuuki-kun, it manifested as electricity." Nemuko formed a white ball of light between her hands. "My ability is a little broken, as in to create and manipulate high-intensity light. I'm physically at the lowest end of a D-rank, with less than three times the strength multiplier. However, the administration considers me a B-rank warden because of my external ability."

"...In other words, you can shoot lasers from thin air?" Yuuna twitched.

Well, THAT'S a broken ability, alright.

"Bingo." Nemuko winked. "Yuuna-san is C+ in internal power and D+ in external power. Yuuki-kun is E+ in internal power and E in external power."

"Yuuki-kun's external power flow could still be deadly, so I recommend you use a controller instead of restrictors. That way, you can avoid asthma attacks without endangering anyone." Himekawa pointed. "If you register as E-rank warden with a disability claim, then a lot fewer people will approach you for combat recruitment. The only time we call you to battle is when there is a regional emergency, and we need every hand we can get."

"In other words, registering Yuuki as reserve combat force?" Nao asked frankly. "That's..."

It was a difficult choice even for her. Sealing Yuuki's power condemn him to asthmatic life, even if modern medicine can take care of it. It's a little different than her opposition to Yuuna being an active warden.

Yuuki wouldn't see any action unless shit hits the fan.

"We're twins, so we come as a package," Yuuki replied jokingly. "I'll only enroll in the program if Yuuna is also in. Otherwise, it's unfair for the both of us."

Yuuna smacked the back of his head. "No, we don't. The world is not fair and never have been. You don't get to decide what I do, just like I don't decide what you do."

Otherwise, why would Yuuki end up an E-rank and Yuuna C-rank? For that matter, Yuuki got cursed by his teenage-onset asthma. All this time, Yuuki had always been the one who visibly suffered.

However, that doesn't mean Yuuna never faced her difficulties. As the so-called better twin, Yuuna got burdened by so many expectations, including her parents and friends.

Yuuki, as the ignored half, had far more freedom to do what he wanted. The bloodbath he caused in middle school as retaliation to his bullying did not affect his status as the class pariah.

It's scary how callously presumptuous people can be, part of the reason why he began to fear and hate school society until he met the Himekawa Lin from the old world.

Yuuna would know more than anyone else of this fact.

"About that, please give us more time to consider," Reki told them with an unusually soft voice. "Yuuna and Yuuki hadn't been acclimated to the reality of the situation yet."

"They have to learn the facts with their own eyes and form their opinion about it," Nao added. "The very least we could do as their substitute parents."

Even now, Nao still understood that Yuuna and Yuuki weren't the same as her dead children. They got raised in an entirely different, peaceful world. Although, those scars on Yuuki's body raised a lot of concern.

"We understand. Although we're not in a real hurry, it would be best if you decide before the beginning of the new school semester." Taifu smiled widely. Although they're protective, it doesn't seem that they're unreasonably persistent.

"Lin-san, Muko-chan, can we have your number?" Yuuna asked as she waved her cellphone.

"Sure enough." They took their phone simultaneously and looked at each other weirdly.

"You go ahead," Nemuko said.

"Wait, would the connector even be compatible?" Yuuki stopped them. "There is 20-years worth of technological divergence between them."

Yuuna remembered how the PC at home doesn't even have a compatible USB port!

"Point, let's just type them in manually."

Nao listened to the conversation and realized what she should have done.

"We need to buy them new phones." She said to her husband. "This is our last day taking leave, so make use of it well."



The parents used the excuse of buying new cellphones to bring the twins to Chiba city center. Taifu offered them rides, but they declined.

The first thing Yuuki noticed was cameras. Lots of cameras.

Even the Britain of the old world doesn't have this many CCTV cameras monitoring them. That was when Yuuki realized that Japan had become a surveillance state.

It makes sense from a security standpoint. Still, that doesn't mean the twins were comfortable with it.

"This is uncomfortably scary," Yuuna remarked. "Don't you think so?"

"Yeah..." Yuuki grimly nodded. "Too many eyes watching."

Nao and Reki were blissful of the whole ordeal, likely since they lived in this world in a much longer timeframe and had enough time to adapt.

Yuuki lost count of just how many cameras they passed over on their way to the station. And most importantly, some of them were not stationary but capable of tracking.

Another thing that bothers them were the clothing of their parents. They looked slightly stiff and thick.

And they weren't the only ones. Even though this is right at the end of the summer, the weather is still warm enough that it doesn't make sense to wear thick clothes with a lot of coverage. Yet people were seen wearing a coat, jacket, or vest, regardless of gender and age.

Their answer came from the commercial broadcasted inside the train later.

"[Introducing our latest fashionable protection, autumn series of trendy coats with NIJ level IIA to IIIA lining inside. We provide breathable comfort and safety beyond what you can imagine]!"


"Isn't that bulletproof rating?" Yuuna asked with an incredulous face. "IIIA? For the Hand Cannon?!"

"Yeah, NIJ level IIIA supposed to survive against 44 Magnum, best known to public thanks to Clint Eastwood's role as 'Dirty Harry'..."

"It was one of the biggest commercial pistol calibers, with larger and more powerful cartridges like 50 Magnum considered vanity items," Yuuki answered. "Why would they..."

Back in old Japan, Yuuki and Yuuna had seen stab-proofed vests sold in malls and sports stores. That was because knife attacks were considered the number one cause of homicide in the country. Gun crime was so uncommon. Almost a hundred percent of gun violence is related to the Yakuza somehow.

Seeing bulletproofed clothing commercialized so openly made them shiver.

"Mother... is everyone wearing bulletproof clothing except us?" Yuuki asked hesitantly.

"Yes, Nao answered so calmly, it frightened them. "That reminds me, we need to pick some new vest for you two since the old one might not fit."

That answer spoke louder than anything else they ever saw. Just how behind the seemingly calm and functional society, everyone is living under fear. Even children and the elderly had to walk around in public under such heavy protection.

Yuuki and Yuuna, although Japanese, get to know firearms well from one of their uncles. Even in the old United States of America, where the number of guns in civilian hands outnumbers the entire human population there, it's too hard to imagine everyone walking with bulletproof clothes.

"Bulletproof and stab-proof equipment can protect you from the weaker mercurials. It can decide whether you survive or die while you run away or fight your way out." Nao sighed heavily.

"Aside from that, it's also good for deterring homicide. Unlike the torso, it's significantly harder to stab the hips or neck and inflict a lethal wound against a resisting victim." Reki added. "Gang wars become significantly more violent, but that's a price the government is willing to pay."

Reki works as a firefighter. However, he had his fair share of deals with other victims of accidents and violence, too. The proliferation of protective clothes in public had significantly reduced the amount of preventable death. Which, unfortunately, encourages risky behavior among the idiots too.

It was a short ride on the train from Chiba-Nishi station to Makuhari-Hongo station. From there, they walked a few minutes to the bus stop.

Before they stepped on board, the twins both knocked on the bus body slightly. This action weirded out their parents for a moment.

"What are you two doing?" Nao asked, somewhat embarrassed by her children, which gathered quite a bit of attention from others.

"The body made of thick aluminum sheet and heavily insulated," Yuuki mumbled. "It's probably bulletproof to small pistols, with noise dampening double as an anti-spall liner. It's weight probably thirty percent heavier than an older city bus."

"The windows are much smaller than the bus we knew, probably to minimize weak points without making the passenger uncomfortably claustrophobic." Yuuna nodded as both of them entered the bus.

It was part of the reason why they feel so uncomfortable inside the armored car. It was the lack of windows in addition to hard seats.

"I see." Nao eased up. "You get used to it."

Aside from the unusually protected city buses, the twins also noticed the largely sparse numbers of cars other than buses. They saw commercial trucks and vans but no family cars or sedans.

"Did they restrict the ownership of cars too?" Yuuna asked her mother.

"Less restriction and more market impacts. The increased price of gasoline combined with ballooning insurances means cars become highly unaffordable for the ordinary people, while public transport heavily subsidized." Nao explained. "It's not just that... even sedan taxis got replaced by shared taxi minivans. It's way too inefficient to armor up a sedan."

"Minivans? Like in the one in Kashiwa?" Yuuna gasped.

Shared taxis are not widespread in Japan, especially in the deep urban concrete jungle like Tokyo or Chiba. Shared taxis often fill niche gaps where buses cannot go (such as airport shuttling) or don't have enough passengers to be cost-effective (in the countrysides).

Kashiwa was a city in Chiba prefecture that had shared taxi services at a large scale. It was a rapidly growing city that increased its population eightfold in fifty years.

The father of the family smiled sadly. "Japan used to be an automotive juggernaut when we were young, but thanks to the alien invaders, things had to change like this. Us Japanese largely accustomed to public transports, but many countries have no such luxury and adjusted differently."

"It doesn't mean that Japan stopped producing car en-masse. We focused on what worked best given the situation at hand, and there is less variety now."

To Yuuna and Yuuki, this world felt increasingly uncanny, if not downright alien. And it made them horrified.


Later, in AEON Mall Makuhari Shintoshin.

"Bet it may so... why are we going to an armor store instead of a special clothing store?" Nao asked.

"What's the problem? Father also wears an armor vest." Yuuna jibed as she checked the selections of the slim-fit body armor in the store. "These specialized clothing might look comfortable, but they're overpriced."

The quality of the clothes themselves doesn't always match preference or personal standard. Nao liked her fleece coat, though.

Yuuki did not spend too long to find a vest that fit him perfectly and asked the store staff. "I'd like this with front and back steel plates, NIJ III, and soft armor side plates NIJ IIIA. Oh, and this boxer too."

"Steel, steel plates?" The staff was baffled by Yuuki's request. "Please let us check in the inventories first. I humbly apologize for the inconvenience."

The staff bowed deeply, leaving a highly annoyed Yuuki and his laughing twin sister.

"Talk about paranoid." Yuuna snickered. "Are you going into a warzone or what?"

"Shut up and pick your own quickly."

"Why steel?" Nao asked her husband.

"Steel is thin and resistant to multiple impacts. It's also the cheapest option among hard armor plates. However, it's also heavy and unpopular with most Japanese civilians." Reki explained. "Yuuki probably know his limit and needs."

"...So where do we buy the protective underwear?" Yuuna asked as she pointed to the advertisement posters. "You didn't put them on the shelf."

"We sell those too!" The store staff happily grinned. "Would you like the minimalist slash resistance, or-"

"Blast proof!" Yuuki answered confidently.

"God, Yuuki, how can you be so paranoid?" Yuuna gawked.

"...Right, here's our selection." The store staff welcomed them.

Yuuna settled for a much more subtle, concealed NIJ IIIA white soft vest. However, both teens managed to hide their armor under their summer clothing just fine. It was the reason why Yuuki choose steel armor inserts.

Before their mother can bring out her card, Yuuki stopped her and smiled as he forked out money from his wallet. Yuuna did the same and paid her purchases with hard cash.

"What even are you doing-"

Her husband stopped her, however. Yuuki and Yuuna had grown to be responsible with their money because they lived as orphans for a year, refusing to stay with their guardians.

"It's okay, Nao-san!" Reki grinned. "We're going to pay for the phones, after all."


Nao might be strict and persistent at times, but she also spoiled her children dearly in her spare time.


Yuuna and Yuuki were not particularly picky with their new phones and opted to buy the three-year-old models with a heavy discount attached, with the price slashed almost in half.

Their phone each cost nineteen thousand yen. Almost twenty-one thousand with tax. It was a small amount of money for Nao, a former top executive and currently a shareholder of a company, and pretty much the breadwinner of this family.

It was the reason why Reki adopted her name and not the opposite. Reki did not do it out of humility but instead out of respect for her family.

Nevertheless, the teens were more than happy with the specification of their phones.

On their way to a family restaurant, however, they stumbled on an unpleasant sight. A girl cornered by three boys on an open street pretty much got hit on.

She was visibly disinterested, but they didn't even give her the courtesy to leave by blocking her way.

"Tch." Yuuna spat. "Papa, please help her."

"Hmm? Sure, but should we-"

Yuuna was ready with a wooden sword that God knows she pulled from where. And it was not any less scary. A hardwood sword can easily and have killed people, being more dangerous than even a brass knuckle.

Reki could only intervene with a tense, grim face.

"Excuse me, young lads!" Reki asked the three boys. "Could you not bother my daughter?"

The three punks were frozen in fear when they saw a giant man, almost two meters tall, with heavily muscled shoulders, towered over them.

And his voice was quite threatening.

"Ahahaha, then please let us excuse ourselves."

"I'm sorry!"

And so they ran as fast as they could.

"Peh, boys these days couldn't even hunt their prey alone and behave like hyenas instead," Reki smirked. "Are you alright, little miss?"

The girl bowed in appreciation but spoke no words.

"Are you shocked enough to be afraid of speaking? Waiting for someone?" Yuuna bends down slightly so she could see her by the eye. "Want us to wait here with you?"

The girl shook her head.

As Yuuna looked up close, she noticed just how pretty this girl is. Her slender face, her thick eyelashes around large yet gentle eyes, her thin lips underneath a cute and rounded nose, Yuuna rarely met anyone this beautiful by chance.

And she dressed like a nun, or perhaps cosplayed as one, gothic lolita style.

"You're so pretty. Can I have your number?" She asked with a seductive tone and winked.

"Sure." The 'girl' answered with a quiet, distinctive tenor voice as 'she' inched closer. "I'm a boy, though."

What. The. Hell?

"This goddamn skirt-chaser." Yuuki pulled Yuuna by the ear. "Other than your crotch, there's no difference between you and these punks."

"Wait a minute!"

They were interrupted by the sound of an emergency public broadcast.

"[This is dimensional anomaly warning. A portal had opened in the Narashino Water Protection bank area. Please evacuate northward in an orderly manner]."

"[This is dimensional anomaly warning. A portal had opened in the Narashino Water Protection bank area. Please evacuate northward in an orderly manner]."

Everyone did not waste any time and dropped whatever activities they're doing at the moment and walked northward from their position. The mall staff helped arrange and direct people toward the exit. The mall security wore green safety armor and carried ballistic shields, standing guard in the southern parking area.

These shields must be at least rated IIIA.

Half the guards didn't have shields with them. Instead, they were carrying brightly colored shotguns and grenade launchers. It seemed as if they were toys, but that was an unlikely assumption.

More likely, they're less lethal defensive weapons. It's not as if the more peaceful old Japan was stranger to such equipment. They just weren't adopted en-masse.

What shocked Yuuki the most was all of them also wear powered exoskeletons!

"Mercurials?" Yuuna asked.

"Yeah." Yuuki clenched his teeth as he saw the news on his phone. "They're attacking the sewage treatment plant."

"That's less than three hundred meters from here!" Nao balked. "We should be hurry!"

"It should be fine. Two hundred meters from the sewage treatment plant, there is Chiba's 1st Riot Police headquarters. They should engage the mercurials shortly." Reki calmed down his wife.

Shortly after, they heard gunfire and explosions in the distance. The crowd started to panic until some of the shielded mall security intervened and enforced order again.

Yet, even at their worst, the crowd never went out of control. As if it was something these people have experienced before. Mercurial disaster drill might be something everyone learned at this point.

The cross-dressing lolita nun scoffed and then opened his bag and pulled a long square-shaped blade out of it. It looked heavy, substantially heavier than the katana on Yuuna's back. Yet the dainty-looking boy just spun it as if weightless.

This type of blade was known as the executioner sword. It was also considered a symbol of law and justice in many European courthouses.

This sword was more than capable of chopping a person's neck with a single swing, and it should weigh almost two kilograms easily.


That cross-dresser was a warden!

"Are you going to fight? Hey!" Yuuna called out to him, but he ignored her for a second.

"Fight the good fight of faith, grabbing hold of the life that continues forever. To have that life when you confessed the good confession before many witnesses, it was your call." He told Yuuna coldly. "It's too late to run, though."


In the distance, the silvery body of the mercurials appeared, wrecking around vehicles parked in the public parking area. At that moment, the crowd ditched all semblance of order and ran away as fast as they could to the northeastern road.

The nun screamed at the guards as he raised some kind of badge. "Tighten your defense, and use taser shotgun when I give you signal!"

"He's from the academy?"

"Yeah, looks like it! We're safe, now!"

"Yuuna! Yuuki!" Nao called them but met deaf ears as Yuuna pulled out her sword from the sheath while Yuuki wore leather gloves and brass knuckles.

As Yuuna and Yuuki threw their bag aside, Nao realized the twins would fight, even with restrictions on their power.

"I feel stupid." Yuuki's hands were shaking, yet for some reason, his footing was firm, and his stance was solid. "Hey, Yuuna, do you even know how to fight them like a normal human being?"

"I dunno. You made it look super easy!" Yuuna laughed wrily. It was clear that Yuuki did not awaken his Warden strength until a few days since his arrival.

"You idiots!" Nao was in complete despair.

"I'm sorry, Nao-san." Reki also stepped forth and taped his hand and wrist. "I think I perfectly understood what these kids were thinking."

Reki was a firefighter. Naturally, he put the safety of others before himself. It is not that he wanted to be called a hero. It's just that he felt that it was his obligation to help others in need.

Those who can fight should fight. Those who cannot fight don't have to.

"Yuuki! Yuuna! Promise me you will never step forward, even once!" Reki shouted at them.

"We're NOT that crazy!" The twins answered synchronously.

"Why are you two so stubborn?" Nao dropped to her knees, sobbing. "Why?"

"Nao-san... I'm sorry to say this, but please get up and leave." Reki told her somewhat hesitantly. "I'll make sure the kids are safe. I promise."

It is not like Reki was any less broken when he lost his children two years ago. For quite a while, Reki and Nao were unable to cope with it. Reki became an alcoholic, while Nao became reliant on anti-depressants to stay functional.

Even their marriage was on the verge of falling apart.

"Like hell you are, you idiot husband." Nao stood up and picked another sword from Yuuna's bag. "You three will suffer severe punishment later! And I'll make sure you're alive enough to remember that!"

It was the sword of the old, deceased Yuuna.

The mall guards fired their taser shotgun, throwing barbed projectiles that electrocuted the enemies when they hit. Some Mercurials fell immediately, most visibly slowed down from the pain and shock, while a few brushed it off and charged toward the shield formation.

These mercurials who brushed off the taser rounds instead got tangled by the web launched from the grenade launcher.

"Walk back slowly and keep firing!"

The guards started to move northwards while keeping their attention to the south. They're trying to buy time for evacuation instead of fighting to the last man, as they don't have any weapon strong enough to kill the mercurials.

The exception to this was the conventional tasers that the shielded guards use. With continuous shock, it seemed that some mercurials died of electrocution. However, it cannot be relied on too much due to short-range.

The security guards were well trained, but they don't get paid enough to fight to the death!

"Come on!"

"Oh crap! They're coming out of the northwest park!"

Chiba Toyosuna park was a park directly encircled by the Aeon Mall building. It was a park and playground spanning a hundred meters and popular with customers to rest and relax.

No one expected there was a second wave from this direction.

Yuuna and Yuuki readied themselves and met the small group of mercurials head-on, and the two groups collided. Yuuki already fought once and knew what to do, and he took down a bloodhound the quickest with a mean hook.

Yuuna felt somewhat uncertain at first when she noticed her blades making shallow cuts on the enemy flesh. However, seeing Yuuki like this, she steeled her resolve and aimed for the bloodhounds' most likely vulnerable part.

A gush of blood erupted as Nao sliced open one of them with a single stroke. "It's the base of the neck! There should be two major aortae on each side!"

Yuuna nodded and put a defensive stance before making an upward slash.

Reki used his build and strength to his advantage as he caught one of them midair, slammed it to the pavement, and crushed its neck with his knee. Reki knew it wasn't enough to kill, but taking down them is more important.

One hound tried to ambush him from the back, but the nun kicked it away midair. The strength of his kick was immense, definitely superhuman.

Furthermore, the nun showed his warden strength by decapacitating the bloodhound with a single cleave.

It was not something even Yuuna can do easily, even with C-rank strength. The sword design allowed him to do that.

Yuuya wrestled around with a bloodhound but wasn't overwhelmed even as they rolled on the ground. He kept punching until the lizard-like creature croaked and disoriented, at which point Yuuya stood up and stomped it.

The danger of bloodhounds was their numbers. Even a well-trained soldier can get overwhelmed. But it's a different story if the number difference weren't significant and if the people fighting them were skilled enough.

And lack of skill isn't an issue with the twins.


The fight ended up in five minutes. And for many people who were involved, it was the longest five minutes they experienced recently.

Nao got carried by stretcher, but she didn't fell out of injuries, but rather exhaustion. Yuuki leaned on a wall as he took an inhaler as his asthma flared up. Reki instead helped the first responders with his knowledge and skill as a firefighter, including helping to carry Nao to the ambulance.

Yuuna looked at the carnage around her and was amazed that not a single person died in this tragedy. Her strength left her, and she almost until the nun caught her.

"You're a warden with restriction." He muttered. "Why are you fighting?"

"Does not having power prevent these guards from fighting too?"

The mall guards weren't in better shape than the Kazehaya family, and some suffered significant injuries which required emergency treatment. While better equipped, they faced the brunt of the bloodhound horde, and their defense collapsed at the last minute.

"It was their job, not yours." The nun gravely pointed. "It was my job."

The nun fought hard to take down a category one mercurial that appeared midway. Without him around, it would be impossible for them to survive otherwise.

"True. But it wasn't like we fought for nothing."

Thankfully, the evacuation of the mall finished at that point. Among the injuries suffered by non-combatants were from evacuation mishaps instead of mercurial attacks.

Had the Kazehaya family left, the attack from the flank might have overrun the guards, and the evacuation will be a massacre instead.

"If we have no reason to fight, then we wouldn't fight!" Yuuna brightly smiled even as pain crept up all over her body. "And we survived thanks to you!"

"...Yumiya Andou." The nun finally introduced himself.

"My name is Yumiya Andou."

"Kazehaya Yuuna." Yuuna replied. "And that's my twin brother, Yuuki."

Yuuki, with his power sealed, took some time to recover from his asthma. Nevertheless, he should be fine.

The same situation couldn't be said to apply to the southwest area. The sewage plant exploded. Over three dozen death were reported, including seven members of Chiba's 1st riot police division. Over two hundred wounded to varying degrees.

They responded quickly enough to contain most of the fighting, but the suddenness of the attack was near unprecedented. Reinforcement from wardens and other police branches took time to reach the place.
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"The ability to project your trans-phase energy outwardly, like Yuuna-san's black lightning, for example. In Yuuki-kun, it manifested as electricity." Nemuko formed a white ball of light between her hands. "My ability is a little broken, as in to create and manipulate high-intensity light. I'm physically at the lowest end of a D-rank, with less than three times the strength multiplier. However, the administration considers me a B-rank warden because of my external ability."

"...In other words, you can shoot lasers from thin air?" Yuuna twitched.
The next evolution of Funnels.
Even the Britain of the old world doesn't have this many CCTV cameras monitoring them. That was when Yuuki realized that Japan had become a surveillance state.

Seeing bulletproofed clothing commercialized so openly made them shiver.

"Mother... is everyone wearing bulletproof clothing except us?" Yuuki asked hesitantly.

"Yes, Nao answered so calmly, it frightened them. "That reminds me, we need to pick some new vest for you two since the old one might not fit."
Wow, man. Creepy.

... Does Mercurial even use guns?
Later, in AEON Mall Makuhari Shintoshin.

"Bet it may so... why are we going to an armor store instead of a special clothing store?" Nao asked.
And to top it off, Japan has now became an RPG land where you can find armor store. And armor store in a mall for that matter. Remind me of Dai no Daibouken.
And she dressed like a nun, or perhaps cosplayed as one, gothic lolita style.

"You're so pretty. Can I have your number?" She asked with a seductive tone and winked.

"Sure." The 'girl' answered with a quiet, distinctive tenor voice as 'she' inched closer. "I'm a boy, though."
...something is familiar about this.
DOH! I didn't realize.
... Does Mercurial even use guns?
An equivalent of it, we haven't see them yet. However, combination of bulletproof and knife-proof armor is getting widespread in real life, whereas ten years in the past they're entirely separate technology. So the armor also protects against claws and fangs.

Mercurials are like discount zerg and tyrannids, which is why they have kaiju/titan equivalent in the form of category 4 and 5.

DOH! I didn't realize.
The mall security wore green safety armor and carried ballistic shields, standing guard in the southern parking area.

These shields must be at least rated IIIA.

Half the guards didn't have shields with them. Instead, they were carrying brightly colored shotguns and grenade launchers. It seemed as if they were toys, but that was an unlikely assumption.

More likely, they're less lethal defensive weapons. It's not as if the more peaceful old Japan was stranger to such equipment. They just weren't adopted en-masse.
I fuckin lost it at this part.

For the record, this is basically Japanese mall cops, and you can tell how extremely stringent gun control is with how massive the gap between their armor and their weapons.

Pictured: taser shotgun

It's bordeline parody, until you realize that yeah, that is just what Modern Japan is like. Had this been America, they would be indistinguishable from SWAT.
Chapter 06 - The meaning of our Bushido
Two days day after the attack, Nao was discharged from the hospital. Other than her broken left arm, most injuries were superficial rash and cuts on her lower legs.

It was almost comical, if not for the fact that the three other members of the family felt they were responsible for her injuries. Not that the rest of the family was unhurt.

Reki had half his face bandaged due to a heavy bruise on his right side of the face. His left hip had a set of metal braces to support it, thanks to a moderate sprain.

"What about the kids?"

Yuuna and Yuuki walked in. Contrasted their disheveled and battered appearance two days ago, they came for a hospital visit fresher than ever.

"Our restrictors got removed, and our wounds healed completely," Yuuki told her. "We're sorry, mother."

Other than their super strength and ability to project energy outward, wardens also have accelerated and even better healing. Unlike the somewhat imperfect natural regeneration, wardens heal their bodies with almost no scar whatsoever.

Even knowing this fact, it gave Nao a pause. The kids probably felt unfair to their parents because Nao and Reki's wounds would take almost two weeks to heal. Yet, they already recovered from similar injuries in just two days.

"Don't worry, if we take Vegeneuron, we should heal in just a few days." Nao smiled to ease them. "Let's go."

Vegeneuron is a new type of enzymatic drug that was born from wardens biology research. It was a stem activator and stimulant designed to accelerate natural healing. In tiny prepackaged doses, the drug is perfectly safe to use for everyday injuries.

In fact, Vegeneuron therapy is very effective at curing -or at least mitigating- nerve damage from accidents and diseases. Vegeneuron therapy is also used somewhat sparingly to help people recover from T-wave exposure.

However, overdoses of Vegeneuron had been known to cause cancer and hysteria. Almost every week, some people were on the news as they suffered from Vegeneuron abuse. And they paid a hefty price for their actions.

Of course, it's not as if Yuuna and Yuuki ever need it.

Though Reki was supposed to go back to work today, his injuries made it so that it would be highly detrimental for him. Instead, he was given medical leave permission.

Ever since she struck rich as a shareholder, Nao never really had a fixed work schedule. And market analysis can be done from home.

Today, they decided to visit the cemetery where Yuuna and Yuuki's tombstones were interned. It was in the Narashino seaside cemetery.

The strong wind brought in the smell of salt and dampness in the air, yet, Yuuna and Yuuki wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Chiba is their hometown, and they held it dearly.

"We made their tombstones identical, almost like a single piece, really," Reki said with a hint of proudness. "What happened with the otherworld version of us?"

"They're also interned here," Yuuki said. "Our family's lawyer came to us and told us our parents had a will prepared in advance, especially mother."

Yuuna added. "He said that Mama had trust fund prepared for our college enrollment and daily necessities. And the rest of her inheritance will be split between us once we turn 20."

"That's why we decided to live by ourselves as opposed to living with our relatives."

Economic hardships were not something Yuuki and Yuuna experienced. Nevertheless, it doesn't mean the twins have it easy without their parents around. It forced them to grow up and mature.

The family prayed in front of the graves for a while.

"Yuuna, I used your sword to kill mercurials. It was not necessarily an act of revenge but out of desperation. To protect my loved ones." Nao muttered. "It was a weird feeling. I wonder if you were thinking that way back then."

Nao was so afraid of losing her husband and her new children that she bravely fought in a deadly battle against invading otherworldly predators.

The family decided to shortly leave after they were done praying.

"In hindsight, it was stupid for us to fight without an exoskeleton." Reki squirmed. "I don't think my apologies were enough, but I really regret it."

"That was true. It was really stupid of you." Nao hissed. "But I'm just as guilty."

"Ah!" Yuuna and Yuuki grimaced in realization.

"Were exoskeleton such a common thing, just like bulletproof armor?" Yuuna asked.

"Well, not quite as widespread. There are a lot of exoskeleton types with their own merits and flaws. For example, the cheapest type would be a medical-grade exoskeleton. They're relatively slow and weak but good enough for light to moderate activities daily. They tend to be built lightweight and power-efficient."

"The second one is a commercial-grade exoskeleton, used for demanding tasks like construction, factory jobs, or cargo hauling. These models put emphasis on strength and safety, but rarely speed."

"The third one is a combat-grade exoskeleton, which is fast and dextrous, theoretically able to follow human reflex and movement without lag. The models sold to civilian security weren't as fancy, but it makes them fairly affordable. The police had something better, and the top of the line models was only used by the Defense Force."

Whether civilians or combatants, it seemed that exoskeleton had become such a common feature in this society. It was indeed foolish to fight mercurials without them. Unless you're a warden, anyway.

An exoskeleton will not protect you against claws and fangs or bullets and energy blasts, but it can mitigate impact-based injuries. Had they wear an exoskeleton, Nao and Reki won't have broken arms and sprained hips, respectively.

Yuuna and Yuuki stopped walking for a moment when they saw a big drone flying low nearby, with its camera scanning around. The drone should be around the size of a giant albatross, easily four meters in wingspan but not big enough to carry missiles.

According to the information on the internet, drone patrols are common occurrences around the shoreline.

These types of fixed-wing drones don't operate within the city limit due to lacking the maneuverability required and the fact that it might be hazardous to fly drones in general.

Even though Japan had become a surveillance state, flying drones are limited by law and only allowed during a state of emergency where civilian flights were suspended.

It was the reason why there are so many CCTV. Most of these cameras were privately owned and not connected to a single network. However, the government does have a centralized visual monitoring system in key roads and vital industries.

Ironically, places like this funeral ground have the most privacy.

It did not last long, as a couple news media cars waited for them somehow, likely managed to miss them leaving the hospital.

"Oh boy, here are the vultures." Yuuna chided.

"...You know, I'm thinking we SHOULD buy a family car, after all." Nao agreed. "Vultures, indeed."

Fools generate clicks. This did not change at all, even in Japan of the alternate world.

The Kazehaya family's recklessly heroic action granted them minor fame within the city. Numerous combat footages were spread all over the net, whether it was gained from security recording or some idiots with cellphone cameras.

Two normal humans, two wardens under total restriction, fought against mercurial without firearms or powered exoskeleton. It was a stupid concept, defying all sense of self-preservation.

These people survived with relatively minor injuries. Stories like that didn't happen every day.

...and apparently, Nao had a cult following now. You really don't see a 40-year-old businesswoman cutting up otherwordly monsters every day.

"Excuse me, my name is Nishima from Chiba Morning Daily. Can we ask you some questions-"

"Excuse me, can you move?" Nao cut her firmly and coldly, with a glare that could kill a lesser person.

"Y-yes." The enthusiastic young reporter backtracked a bit.


In the aftermath of the incident, a few people from the government came and approached Nao in the hospitals. Forget getting recognition. Nao received a stern warning from the government official while her husband Reki got praised for his action.

Reki was a firefighter. It was part of his social obligation to provide help even though he was out of duty. Nao had no such obligation, and by acting out of her line, she was chastised by the official guy.

"It's dangerous for a woman such as you to get involved in such a chaotic scene! Have you ever thought the worst thing that could happen?"

Reki was angered, but it was actually Yuuna who went absolutely apeshit. Until Yuuki stopped her by giving her a loose chokehold and clamped his hand on her mouth, that is.

"Stop it, Yuuna." Yuuki hissed. "Don't cause more problems to our parents."

Yuuki understood the most where they stand on. To the Japanese government, they are nothing more than unregistered aliens.

Any malicious government actor could charge the twins with identity theft anytime they wish. Thanks to the iris and fingerprint difference, they would have a good stand for it, even if the twins have the same genetic makeup. It is going to be a grueling battle in the court.

Ultimately, it was the reason why they were recommended to enter warden academy so that higher government authority could protect them from frivolous charges.

"No offense intended, my wife acted lawfully in accordance to Japan's civil code of 1986 and National Defense Act 2001. If you harass my wife like this, then we can't really see eye to eye." Reki said with a murderous face yet soothing calm voice.

He was every bit as pissed as Yuuna was but in control of himself as a professional, seasoned firefighter. He knew the Samaritan law on the back of his hand and that some old school asshole might think they're above law and order.

"You-" The government official almost exploded from sheer anger but managed to stop himself from screaming profanities at the last second.

He was stopped by his adjutant, who desperately told him to calm down and leave things to him.

"Mr. Kisaki was concerned with your well-being as a citizen, so, please forgive him." The adjutant spoke with a polite voice yet dogmatic message. The guy still blamed Nao for getting involved and that his boss had a moment of righteous anger.

Screw that.

"We're not interested in your arrogant peddling, so please go away." Nao wasn't being polite about it, however. She was already irritated from the painkiller losing effectiveness. "The visiting hour is almost over, and I should return to my ward."

This verbal exchange happened not in the patient ward but near the hospital lobby. Nao specifically requested permission to leave her room temporarily, precisely because she knew what would happen.

"Please don't be unreasonable, Kazehaya Nao-san-"

"You. May. Leave." Reki waved his hand aside with a threatening tone.

Nao's mind returned back to the present as she glared at the poor reporter. Who knows very well that she faced a woman who dared to face mercurial head-on with nothing but a blade in her hand.

Kazehaya Nao was no random housewife or businesswoman. She was a warrior who had slain multiple predators. Any Japanese who were raised under the illusion of safety had their excited curiosity hosed down.

They all looked at the Kazehaya family like criminals when these four should be lauded as heroes. Simply because they dare to show their annoyance under public scrutiny instead of smiling openly and be receptive.

"This is why I don't want you to fight, Yuuki, Yuuna..." Nao warned her children. "But you don't seem shocked."

"Group mentality is ingrained in our very genes, mother." Yuuki scoffed. "To the press, we're nothing more than rabid animals. The moment we stop smiling, they become afraid."

"Group mentality, right..." Nao laughed sarcastically. "I'm not so much a hypocrite to deny that I'm no different."

Nao went to great lengths trying to protect her children. Her children were far more important than the well-being of a random helpless crowd or even society at large.

Her in-group had always been her family, the others are merely an outsider to her.

"There's nothing wrong with that." Yuuna smiled. "Just like bushido, it can be used for good and evil."

"...What are you three, second-year middle schoolers?" Reki told them off for being such a collection of edgelords. While he wasn't by any means naive, he was nowhere as cynical as the rest of his family.

There are ways to live in this society comfortably, without completely losing yourselves to the collective pressure.


After passing through the crowd of stunned reporters, the family was greeted by the sight of an armored Mercedes-Benz six-seater. Which should cost around eighteen million yen even with a bare minimum of the polish.

Just looking at that car, the family members already knew they were going to get more headaches.

It was none other than the car of Narashino city's Mayor, Yamashiro Otsuka. The forty-odd year man waited for them with a smile.

"Goddamn surveillance state." Yuuki spat inwardly. Although it was just as likely caused by the press stalking them.

Reki and Nao, despite their displeasure, politely bowed at him. "Good afternoon, Mayor."

"It's such nice weather, isn't it?" The Mayor bowed slightly in response. "Wouldn't it be a pleasure to have a little joyride together?"

"Man, this guy is shameless." Yuuna gagged mentally.

It's one thing if the other side were rude, but even Nao could not stomach being crass toward people who came to her with genuine politeness. They couldn't reject the Mayor's offer without being seen as incredibly rude.

"...My apologies, but I might be a little too fat to fit in!" Reki said in a humorous tone.

Not that he was necessarily wrong. While six people can fit in the passenger cabin, the same thing couldn't be said about a two-meter giant such as Reki.

"That is certainly true, Reki-san." The Mayor earnestly smiled. "Which is why we have a second car prepared."

Another slightly different limousine stopped. Rather than Mercedes-Benz, it was of Japanese manufacturer origin. It's not the car's type that shocked the Kazehaya family, though. It was the passenger that stepped out of it.

"Grandpa?" Yuuna asked.

"Father." Reki and Nao bowed at the old man.

It was none other than Kazehaya Yuutaro, the twin's grandfather from the mother's side, and Nao's father. If it wasn't obvious enough, he also comprised half of their names, their parents giving the other half.

Yuutaro, Reki, and Nao, which resulted in Yuuki and Yuuna.

The old man waved his hand up to signal them to stop bowing. "Recently, an old friend of mine came to talk about the recent rumor about my grandchildren coming back to life. I'd like to see it with my own eyes, so I came."

Yuuna and Yuuki could only grin awkwardly at him.

"They're not necessarily your grandchildren from me, but they're still Yuuna and Yuuki nonetheless." Nao smiled warmly at him, in contrast to her usual stern and cold demeanor. "And I plan to take care of them just like I would take care of my own flesh and blood. I sincerely ask for father to do the same."

"Of course." The old man nodded.

The Mayor joined in. "Anyway, no need for formalities. My father and uncle Yuutaro are the best of friends, after all."

"I am more than well aware, Mayor, no, Otsuka-san." Nao gritted her teeth. "We were classmates for like five or six years."

Still, it has been literal decades since they met, so it was a bit awkward, thanks to the circumstances involved.

"I'd like to introduce you to my daughter, Reika."

A silky black-haired girl with a long ponytail came out of the Mercedes-Benz, wearing a light leather coat. Her brown eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and her skin was fair as a lily.

Had this been any less awkward situation, Yuuna would hit on THAT so hard. She was the daughter of the Mayor, but Yuuna also recognized that she wore swords on her belt openly.

Radical. Even though open carry law exists for legal sword and other melee implements, not many people are actually brave enough to do that. Even Yuuna carried all three of her weapons in her bag.

Not only that... she also wore a pair of distinctly different swords: a Katana and a Wakizashi. Only two people do that, someone who trained in the traditional school of swordsmanship... or a wannabe samurai.

With her slim build yet firm posture, Yuuna could identify a sword practitioner anywhere. This girl included.

"This name is Yamashiro Reika. It is my pleasure to be an acquaintance with you, so please take care of me." She bowed stiffly, evoking the image of a well-disciplined soldier.

"Why so polite, tho." The twins squirmed and bowed back.

"Kazehaya Yuuna, and this is my twin brother, Yuuki." Yuuna responded. "Are you practicing dual blade?"

The school of the dual blade or "two heavens as one" was the school of swordsmanship created and popularized by the legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi. It emphasized not only the use of a katana, a wakizashi, and famously wielding both at the same time.

"Negative, this wakizashi is just a backup weapon." Reika denied without hesitation. "I'm from the school of Hokushin."

No wonder. Yuuna decided. Hokushin studied wakizashi use as well, even though it's a single-blade school.

But then again, with the world plagued by a monster like this, having a backup weapon might be convenient and practical.

"If I may ask, what about you?" Reika asked.

"I studied the School of Nakamura. Been a few years since I quit, however." Yuuna answered.

"Your movement seems to imply otherwise," Reika said with utter seriousness. "It was as if you've been fighting for a long time."

Batto-do School of Nakamura was developed based on pure martial refinement from various kenjutsu and iaido by discarding unneeded movement and arts. The philosophy of the school was going for simple yet effective cuts in eight core movements.

"Quitting school isn't the same as abandoning practice!" Yuuna winked, and Yuuki elbowed her to remind her to behave. "Ow!"

"Haha, looks like our daughters will get along well." Otsuka grinned approvingly. "Shall we let them on their devices?"

"Sounds good to me." Yuutarou offhandedly agreed as the driver opened the door back to his limo. "How about we talk elsewhere? Like, say, my home. Come in, Otsu."

"Yes, uncle." The Mayor happily followed him inside.

It was strange to see a Mayor behaving like an obedient child, but stranger things have happened before. Reki and Nao have no choice but to leave their children alone and entered the limo as well.

"We're going to go to grandpa's house?" Yuuna asked.

"That is indeed the case, so please, come in." Reika welcomed the twins.

The twins glanced at each other before they gave up and joined.


As expected, it was the most comfortable ride the twins have ever experienced. Even when armored, a limousine worth a few tens of millions really have different handling.

"What about that strange guy on the motorcycle?" Yuuna pointed behind with her thumbs.

Reika blinked and looked beyond the back window.

"That was part of our escort. You don't have to worry." Reika told them frankly.

"...I miss my bike so much." Yuuki was now reminded of his wrecked bike.

"Just buy a new one." Yuuna jibed. "Where is the bike remains anyway?"

Yuuki muttered. "Anyway, I donated my bike to the institute of parallel world research who worked with the automotive company to carefully dismantle it. They want to see the similarity and the difference between our technology and theirs. In exchange, they promised they would give a replacement bike of a similar model."

"How could you give such precious artifact easily?" Reika frowned.

"It's not as if I have any use for it, and I'll be frank: electronics in my old world was nowhere as advanced. That's because of the hard limit of rare metal supplies."

The mercurials were not organized, at least, not in large-scale groups. If they were, then humanity can forget preserving a prosperous civilization... they might even go extinct.

Just a single category 6 mercurial laid waste on Tokyo, taking a fraction of Japan's defense force with it. Total global death to category 5 and 6 mercurial attacks was in the tens of millions, with near-collapse of the world economy.

Just like Japan, every country on earth lost at least one major city in their territory. Japan's capital government had since been moved to Kyoto, echoing past histories.

While it seemed like everything was fine for the average layman, this world is nothing but a hollow remnant of its past self.

However, the silver lining is that the advancement of science and technology brought by the appearance of mercurials, along with a hefty amount of resources, allowed the world to steadily rebuild, stronger than before.

"Our current smartphone is far more advanced than the one from our old world." Yuuki raised his new and old cellphones. "We're talking maybe eight-year gap, perhaps even ten years. It's because mercurials also provided us inspiration how to build smaller and stronger, resulting in far more powerful compact electronics."

"And not to mention the rare resources that have to be mined from literally splitting a mountain... you can get from killing those monsters," Yuuna added. "I mean, we literally got millions worth of payment from the government for these bounties."

"No, YOU get millions." Yuuki corrected. "I made six hundred thousand for five recorded bloodhound kills."

"No one told you to rely on the blunt force! Stop being salty, Yuuki!"

"Hey, I only killed one less bloodhound than you back in the mall! My powers haven't awakened in our first day here!"

Reika looked at them with a scrunched-up face, as if expressing her thought about how quaint they were, talking about bounty money like that.

"Forgive my rudeness, but I can't believe it!" Reika said bluntly. There was a hint of anger in her voice. "I can't believe how everyone praised you two for your bravery!"

"Didn't ask." Yuuki deadpanned in response. "What do you actually expect from a pair of illegal residents?"

"What?" Reika was flabbergasted by the strange rebuttal. "It's just common sense for those who have the power to bear arms and protect everyone. That's the meaning of bushido in our generation."

Bushido, the samurai philosophy that shaped Japan and its society for hundreds of years, wasn't something firm and unchanging. In every era, a new interpretation is born.

And Reika's generation, born and raised under the constant threat of the mercurials, wasn't an exception to the rule.

Reika firmly raised her sheathed sword. "That is the meaning of my sword."

Realization finally dawned on the twins, why Reika was so upset about their careless behavior.

"...I see. You're a warden too, huh?" Yuuna snorted.

"Yes, I'm a warden. And I'm still confused as to why you are delaying your enrollment to the Warden Academy when you have that much skill fighting as normal humans."

"Not everyone dares to be a hero, Reika-san." Yuuna spat. "Shocking, I know."

"Then why are you fighting? For money? Fame?"

"Not at all. We don't even have a bank account, so some people from the Kikka company came to our house, giving up cash in envelopes when our parents were still hospitalized. I had to call the police to make sure it was a legit transaction." Yuuna gritted her teeth. "It was embarrassing!"

"The average value of a human being is two hundred million yen. Why would I bet that on measly few hundred thousand?" Yuuki asked rhetorically. He valued his life more than anything else. "Also, fame? I don't like the darwin award attached to my name, thank you."

The radioactive nature of the mercurials means processing cannot be done haphazardly. In some countries, self-handling of mercurial corpses is downright illegal.

In Japan, the procession of mercurial corpses was done by the Kikka Conglomerate Group, an amalgamation of precious metal companies. The government of Japan had more than fifty percent stakes in this conglomerate group, purely to ensure the avoidance of market bubble or crash. It was also to exert a strong influence on the group without overreliance on regulation.

The money earned from the Kikka Conglomerate Group was channeled to fund social welfare programs in Japan. It was also the reason why Japan survived getting Tokyo destroyed without an irrecoverable financial crisis.

Accounting to income tax, administration fee, and processing cost, you're expected to receive somewhere between forty to fifty percent earnings from bounties.

"Why would you fight, then, if not for money or fame?" Reika completely lost it. "Even though your power had been restricted by law, why do you keep fighting?"

"To survive." The twins eerily replied in a perfectly synchronous voice. "We fight to survive."

Not for fame. Not for money. Not for altruism. The twins fought to protect their lives, knowing that running away would have them killed. That they stalled the mercurials enough to save the mall patrons and helped the security force was incidental to that.

"If we run away at that time, there's no guarantee the mall security wouldn't be overwhelmed." Yuuna pointed calmly. "My sixth sense told me that much, at least."

"Sixth sense?"

"Even before we came to this world, Yuuna had unusually sharp intuition," Yuuki explained. "We managed to survive the accident that killed our parents in the old world because of that."

Their parents were... killed?

That's why Yuuki will always trust her, at least when it comes to danger assessment.

"We've been fighting to survive for years and did not plan to stop." Yuuki's expression softened, his voice was weary. "But we have no reason to seek out violence. And that's the meaning of our bushido."

Rather than a pair of naive and innocent teenagers, Reika could only see the trauma and exhaustion as reflected by their eyes. Just what kind of life shaped these twins to be like this?
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Chapter 07 - Decision
The two limousines arrived in front of a small factory building. They soon entered the garage after unloading their passengers.

"Whoa. What is this?" Yuuna asked curiously.

"This is Kazehaya blade manufacturing company, owned by yours truly!" Yuutaro said with pride. "I've been making swords for the military and police for at least eighteen years. This is the second factory after the first one got demolished in Tokyo."

Their grandfather was a moderately well-known bladesmith master, but apparently, something changed since mercurials came in 1999.

As soon as they entered, the humming sound of various machines interspersed with rapid knocks from motorized hammers invaded their ears. The building had an extreme amount of sound insulation applied to it, so not much came outside.

"Cripes!" Yuuna closed her ears.

"Master, you came back." A slightly younger man in his thirties approached Yuutaro with a blade in his hand. "Could you please take a quick look at this one? Something seems off with the balance, and I don't know why."

"This one came from laser-cut billet, right?" Yuutaro picked it up and examined it so closely, the blade almost touched his eyeball. "The left bevel is off by half a millimeter. Fortunately, this is not a mistake of hammering or folding. It can still be fixed with proper grinding and polishing, so get on it!"

"Yes, master!"

Yuutaro proceeds to tell the apprentice smith how to fix the blade instead of writing it off. Yuutaro was blunt and harsh at pointing the flaws but not being mean-spirited about it.

Such precision! How could someone measure so precisely without micrometer tools? But maybe it was something that any blade master smith should know on the fly.

"As you can see, we manufacture blades with machinery support, but all the direction and quality control were done by humans," Yuutaro said. "This is the only way we can meet the demand without sacrificing blade quality. At the moment, automated CNC technology can't yet replace human forgers."

"I see." Yuuna nodded. "That's not a Shinken, isn't it?"

"Yes, it's a Shin Gunto."

In Japan during the twentieth-century period, three types of swords could be considered mainstream. The first was Kyu Gunto, the second was Shin Gunto, and the third was the Shinken.

The Kyu Gunto, meaning old military swords, were introduced in the Meiji era. The Kyu Gunto had a katana blade and a French-style saber hilt, which reflects the westernization of Japan at the time.

The Shin Gunto, or new military swords, were made during the age of Taisho imperialism. Their traditional design reflected the yearning for nostalgia and the pursuit of Japanese national identity. Most Shin Gunto was historically machine forged using military steel alloy. Although, some exceptions were made from re-hilted family heirlooms.

The Shinken was a product of post-war Japan, which sought heavy demilitarization and disarmament of the citizen. Weapons like Shin Gunto were therefore considered illegal and destroyed en-masse.

The Shinken was modeled after traditional katana, hand-forged using tamahagane (jewel steel) made from iron sand. The Shinken, although designed for cutting, was considered a piece of art and not a weapon, thus declared legal.

Yuuna's sword from the old world, which she received from her grandfather, was also a Shinken.

"Following the National Defense Act of 2001, the ban on factory blades was removed, and Shin Gunto came back into circulation," Yuutaro explained. "Many bladesmith masters were called to a symposium and were asked our input to make new generation Shin Gunto, suitable to fight inhuman threats of the mercurials in the hand of superhuman wardens and normal soldiers respectively."

"So we tried various alloys that were used by the military, finding the best combination and method to create the ultimate Shin Gunto. And the blade you saw just now was one such example."

It explains Himekawa Lin's surprise a lot. That was what Yuuna thought. Hardly anyone would have fought using traditional Shinken. Yuuna was probably the only person in Narashino city to do that.

"Of course, the criteria necessary for the forging a warden's blade is different. Since no two wardens are identical, their swords have to be made on individual orders."

Yuuna and Yuuki looked at Reika in response to that statement. It seemed that their grandfather was making a blade just for her.

"Let's go upstairs."

By upstairs, there was apparently a lift designed to bring them to the rooftop.

Much to their shock, on the top of this factory building, was a traditional Japanese house. Its frame was built out of wood, and the wall was made of plywood sheets. Although, instead of paper, the doors and windows were constructed of fiberglass.

The design was very much resembled their grandpa's old home in Tokyo.

"Grandpapa... Tokyo was..."

"My old house and workshop were destroyed in that category 6 disaster, yes..." Yuutaro replied somberly. "Thankfully, both your grandma and I were safe. Since our factory was in north Chiba, to begin with, I decided to live here."

Nevertheless, it was still sad.

"Please come in."

Though the living room was sizable, it felt a little cramped with seven people there. So the twins decide to occupy the area away from the table out of respect.

Reika saw this and decided to follow suit.

"Oh my, we might need a bigger table." An old woman entered while using a cane, followed by a strange dog-like robot carrying a huge tray full of teacups, which she served the guests with.

"Eh? Grandma!" Yuuki and Yuuna brighten up.


The woman was quiet for a second. Unable to control herself, she shed her tears as she leaped to hug the twins.

"When I heard about it from TV, I thought I was dreaming! You two are alive, after all!"

"Hahaha..." Yuuki cringed. It is not that he didn't understand her concern but from his own perspective...

"My apologies, I was a little overwhelmed." The grandmother walked back and wiped her tears. "I know the old Yuuki and Yuuna will never come back. Nevertheless, it doesn't change the fact that you're still my grandchildren."

Yuuki and Yuuna bowed on the floor. "We are grateful."

It is not that they didn't miss their grandmother... they really feel grateful for coming here.

The old woman finished handing out the teacups and putting plates of condiments on the table. "Taro-san will be here soon, so please enjoy it like your own home."

Truthfully, there were things they wanted to talk about. However, the woman recognized her husband's business took precedence.

"Speaking of which, is the other fellow with you all?" She asked.

"The other fellow?" Otsuka mumbled, then realized what she meant. "Ah, he was a bit shy, my adopted son."

Adopted son?

"He even refused to board the limo with us, shame." Reika let out a deep sigh, filled with disappointment.

"Oh, so THAT wasn't a bodyguard." Yuuna eyed her.

"I never said he is, just that he escorted us!" Reika argued.

"Then call him in. This family doesn't like to discriminate." Nao's glasses gleamed out, expressing her annoyance.

The Yamashiro father and daughter were a little jumpy from the stares. Nao sure was scary up close, even though she was an ordinary woman, with a broken arm at that.

They really don't want to piss this particular mother off. Otsuka immediately messaged the person in question to hurriedly go upstairs.

"How could grandma tell?" Yuuki asked.

"Eh, have I never told you? I'm an E-rank warden with a disability claim." She pointed herself. "My eyesight disappeared due to the nuclear detonation back in Tokyo, but at the same time, my warden power awakened and gave me some kind of... what to call it, something like radio-"

"Radar." Nao corrected her. "Mother had a biological radar which allows her to detect anyone and any creature within thirty meters. She could even read emotions from people up close."

Yuuki and Yuuna's face was ashen. Even now, the scars left by the fall of Tokyo stood before them.

"Why are you two so surprised. I'm already old, to begin with. And my eyes weren't the greatest even back then. Taro-san recovered his eyesight in a few hours just fine."

"I told you we should have a retinal transplant operation." Yuutaro came in with a sour face. "You're too persistent!"

"Donor's precious eyes would be wasted on this old hag, you fool!" His wife smacked him lightly with her cane. "And I don't even know if this frail body can survive that surgery."

Doesn't look frail to me. The twins both agreed. They wonder if women's dominance ran in the Kazehaya blood, after all.

They heard some knocks on the front door, and the grandmother happily opened it and welcomed another guest.

"Please come in. I'll make another tea for you!"

The strange dog robot seemed to follow her just about anywhere, which made the scene quite a bit comical.

"Umm... it's fine. Thank you for your hospitality."

The guest who came in was a tall, lanky man of undetermined age due to his hoodie and mask. His voice didn't sound old at all, however.

He entered the living room and sat beside Reika.

"This is my adopted son, Yamashiro S. Kotetsu." Otsuka introduced him. "As I said before, he's a bit shy, so please don't mind his appearance."

The man bowed several times apologetically. Despite his quiet and imposing appearance, he seemed to be a polite and rigid person.

"He's about the same age as Reika and the twins. If they go to the warden school together, they might even be classmates. Hahahaha!" Otsuka laughed incessantly.

Less dropping hit and more like slamming it on the face of the absolutely seething parents. Nao looked like she was about to throttle the Mayor and former classmate of hers.

"Well then, let's get to business. I finished the things you ordered before." Yuutaro snapped his finger. Instead of a robot dog, it was a robot with tank treads, carried what appears to be a tray of weapons.

It was a white sheathed sword and a bundle of chains with small weights at the end, also known as kusari-fundo.

There were also sets of skating blades, which looked quite out of place compared to the rest.

"This sword still yet to be named. It's made from a nickel steel alloy with low carbon and additives like cobalt and molybdenum." Yuutaro carefully lifted the sword and handed it to Reika. "This sword is specifically designed for you and can withstand temperature as low as negative hundred and eighty celsius. In the hand of any other warden, it's worthless."

Negative temperature? What does that mean?

"This chain is made from high yield anchor steel, up to a thousand megapascal strength. The weights, as requested, were made from differential hardened steel." Yuutaro sighed as he handed the chain to the masked young man. "Truthfully, it was a pain for me to get that chain done, so I asked some people in the shipbuilding industry to make it instead. Making the weights were child's play in comparison."

"We're eternally grateful." Reika and her adopted brother bowed.

"If there's the additional cost incurred in the process of making them, I will gladly pay for it, Uncle!" Otsuka smiled at him.

"There's no need," Yuutaro told them. "If you want to test it, feel free to use the front yard and bunch of stuff lying around there."

A bunch of stuff? Like...

When Yuuki and Yuuna followed Reika and Kotetsu to the front yard, they saw things like bamboo, steel sheet, cinderblock...

Kotetsu picked a steel pipe roughly two centimeters in diameter and checked its thickness by knocking it. "This one should suffice. Not too thin or too thick."

"I see. I shall trust your judgment." Reika slipped the sword into her belt and then unsheathed it. "Disable controller for 10 seconds, Code: Reika."

"[Voice recognition complete, disable control temporarily]." The bracelet on her left hand spoke.

She swung her sword at speed exceeding that even Yuuna, definitely close to four hundred kilometers per hour. Looking at that, even Yuuna dropped her jaw.

She was supposed to be the one training in battou-do, the way of sword drawing. A school of swords that emphasized the speed and precision of unsheathing and striking fast with a katana.

But Reika's sword draw was phenomenal, even though she was a practitioner of kenjutsu, the generalist school of sword warfare.

Strangely, it was as if she never cut anything, even though she struck the pipe twice.

Was it an optical illusion or-

"I see." Yuuki stepped forward and approached and extended a hand in chopping position. "Please pardon my intrusion. Can I hit it?"

Reika exchanged a glance with her brother and stepped back to give Yuuki some room.

Yuuki delivered a straight jab, shattered part of the pipe that was actually cut. Kotetsu inspected the surviving halves before throwing them to the pile of junk nearby.

"It was frozen to under seventy degrees, perhaps even under a hundred degrees Celsius," Yuuki said as he flicked his slightly aching hand. "When ordinary iron or steel reach that temperature, its yield strength would be lower than half. That's why her Gunto had to be specifically tailored to low-temperature use, or it will shatter from her warden power."

At room temperature, the pipe won't shatter, but instead, it will be bent. The same would happen to any sword not made to survive such low temperatures.

"Holy crap, you noticed?" Yuuna was a little late on the take, but she also knew it was the case. "I noticed some icing on the pipe parts, but you already know before seeing anything?!"

"That was indeed the case." Yuuki smiled. "But more than that, ain't her swordsmanship amazing?"

"Well, yes." Yuuna crossed her arm, pondering and a bit sulky. "She froze the moisture in the air as glue to keep the cut pipe parts from separating. Even if I have an ice power, no way I could do that."

"Reika-sama had trained in Kenjutsu since she was five and never once stopped," Kotetsu explained. "Even if she had talent, that cannot be achieved without hard work. Don't be too hard on yourself by comparing yourself to Reika-sama."

"For the record, baiting me that way won't work." Yuuna sheepishly said as she naughtily scratched his chin. "But maybe it would if you show your face."

Reika angrily slapped Yuuna's hand away. At first, Yuuna thought that maybe Reika was jealous or something. But the deep hatred in her cold eyes was something else.

Yuuna knew she stepped into a landmine. Kotetsu hiding his face like a ninja is not a matter of him being shy.

"I'm sorry for being rude. That won't happen again." Yuuna formally bowed and turned her back against them.

After she calmed herself, Reika asked again. "Would you at least consider enrolling in the academy with us?"

"We are considering it." Yuuki and Yuuna synchronously replied as they left.

"What do you think, Kotetsu-kun?" Reika asked with a grim face. "Even though the restrictor would have dulled their senses, they managed to notice it."

"That boy, Yuuki, had the same scent as me. The sinister smell of a seasoned street fighter." Kotetsu told her. "Was it really true that they came from an entirely peaceful world?"

"It's not as if your troubled life has anything to do with mercurials, wasn't it?" Reika shook her head. "Human beings are capable of committing even greater evil, anyway."

Anyone who heard that in passing might think Reika was being an edgy teenager. But she was dead serious about it.


Yuuki and Yuuna told their grandparents the story of the old world and their family situation. Where their parents died in an accident just over a year ago.

"I see, so you were adopted by your father's relative. But I wonder what happened with the other me not to adopt you instead."

"Umm... so the story was that grandma died in the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, along with fifteen thousand others. Afterward, grandpa sank into depression and then died of overwork in 2013." Yuuna explained, not trying to hide anything even if it hurts. "The truth is, this is the second to last blade that grandpa forged, and it was given to me who took battou-do recently, at the time."

Yuutaro inspected the blade. He noticed all the damages which undoubtedly resulted from Yuuna's multiple fights with mercurials. His tears began to flow as he realized how eerily familiar this feeling was.

"Taro-kun hasn't made any Shinken in the last fifteen years." His wife sadly remarked. "He missed it dearly, being an actual traditional swordsmith."

"What about the last blade?" Yuutaro wiped his tears and asked.

"It was never finished. Supposedly you made it for Mama. It was only halfway into a sword shape from a billet, and we ended up incorporating it in our indoor shrine." Yuuna pointed.

An indoor shrine is something that many Japanese houses have, where a small altar, usually the size of a cupboard, was made. Here, the ashen remains of ancestors and memorabilia were stored and revered.

"But you're far more skilled than I expect. None of these damages were unfixable. If you want, I can reforge and polish it." Yuutaro offered.

"Truthfully... I think I want to retire it altogether." Yuuna scratched her cheek. "Like, It was supposed to be for battou training only, but I abused it a lot since I came here. If it breaks in a fight, I don't think my heart can take it."

It was one of the irreplaceable things from the old world that Yuuna could not bear to lose, even if she grew fond of using it.

"You intend to keep fighting?"

"If it put ourselves in less danger," Yuuna answered firmly. "Then we will fight. Otherwise, there is no point."

Nao was honestly weirded out, but Yuuna and Yuuki's decision to fight in the mall was the objectively correct choice. Had they ran away, they might end up ambushed by pursuing mercurials and have to fight while outnumbered instead of having a warden and the mall security fight with them.

Apparently, it was Yuuna's gift, a sixth sense unrelated to her warden power awakening.

"A blade solely to protect yourself..."

Nao also handed out the other Yuuna's blade, owned by her daughter until two years ago. "This might also need quite a bit maintenance. I've done just enough work to prevent it from rusting, but the damage from two years ago left untouched."

For a blade that survived a category 4 mercurial rampage, it was mindblowing how intact it was. Unlike the other sword, this one was a Gunto but one that was custom made for Yuuna.

"It's time to move on." Nao smiled sadly. "Yuuna would be sad if she knew her blade got ruined by her mother's negligence."

"Alright then. I'll fix these blades for you." Yuutaro nodded in approval. "But how do you fight without a sword?"

"I'll make a new sword for her." Yuuki smiled. "But not from steel. I might just need to borrow a heating hydraulic press, though."

All of the adults in the room were confused.

"...Bro, am I thinking what you're thinking?" Yuuna clenched her fist. "Let's fucking do it. I'll buy the sodium hydroxide. How many gallons do I need?"

"Buy them by the solids. You can get them from-" Yuuki told her. "Hold on, I'll ask some help with calculation first."

Sodium hydroxide, also known as lye or caustic soda, is a common yet dangerous chemical often used to clean chemical stains, including in wood. Why would Yuuki and Yuuna need that? Their parents grew a little bit concerned.

"Wait a minute. What are you going to do?" Nao grabbed her before she could leave.

"We're not doing this without supervision though, can we spend a night and tomorrow here?" Yuuna begged cutely, out of character for her usual self. "Please~?"

"Well, I suppose we can spend a night here too." Nao relented.

Much to Nao's relief, it seemed that Yuuki and Yuuna weren't actually joking with the matter. The twins were fully geared with a chemical mask, gloves, and protective apron when they started their weird project.

They put their safety and others before everything else.

They started by mixing a few chemicals with a big tub of boiling water. They also dumped sword-shaped wood pieces into the mixture and then put the ceramic lid on it.

The twins used existing tools, whether modern or traditional. They said they would only need the hydraulic press at night.

"Now wait seven hours."


The twins took turns to check on the boiling tub every hour in case of mishaps. Much to their delight, the first phase was successful. And then, they took out the wooden swords, dumped the caustic chemical mixture in a specialized waste tank, then boiled the wood in clean water three times to remove the leftover.

By the time they were done boiling, it was past dinner time. The twins finished by putting the woods under an industrial hydraulic press.

"Constant pressure set to five hundred MPa, temperature a hundred Celsius... now wait until the morning, and we're done." Yuuki rubbed his nose.

"I cannot believe we're succeeding this time. It wouldn't be possible if Grandpapa doesn't have a hydraulic press like this." Yuuna was excited.

"Don't get too happy yet. We could fail on this final step." Yuuki shrugged. "Let's go back and don't bother everyone else."

The twins returned upstairs and saw Reki and Yutaro talking while smoking together. They decided not to bother them and continued their way inside the house.

However, they also saw Nao talking with their grandmother on the balcony. And both Yuuki and Yuuna were too interested and stopped to listen.

"The two of them had become so independent and cheeky, so I can't help but felt anxious," Nao said. "In a way, I'd be less concerned if they're just flat out reckless."

"You will get used to it, Nao-chan." Her mother laughed. "Did you forget just how rebellious you were as a teen?"

Nao blushed hard, knowing what she meant.

"But now, you're rich in your own way and can retire while still young to reap what you sow. You have a good husband. I couldn't in my conscience call you an unfilial daughter, even if you choose a different path than your father do."

"That's true, but it doesn't erase part of my heart that is still full of doubt." Nao shook her head. "When I used old Yuuna's blade to fight with my own hands, I finally realized why father continued to forge swords. Even though the circumstances forced him to abandon his passionate pursuit of the traditional way."

"The pen is mightier than the sword, but sometimes, you just have to pick up a sword and start fighting." Nao steeled up. "Or else, you will feel regret for not trying."

It was a dirty and frightening sense of self-satisfaction. But it was not necessarily a bad thing. There are times where violence is really the only option, and no amount of paper can solve the war against mercurials.

"It's a good thing you do. You should tell Taro-kun that, as well."

"I have decided." Nao nodded. "If Yuuna and Yuuki wanted to enroll into warden school, then so be it. I want to ensure that they're ready for the worst possible scenario and survive everything the world is throwing at them."

"They already suffered enough. However, I don't believe the adage of 'life is suffering, and death is a release from it.' That's the saying of a coward."

"I want the twins to stay alive, no matter what."

Yuuna wanted to say something, but Yuuki stopped her and shook his head in disagreement. Yuuna saying anything might just ruin their resolve.

They decided to show it through their action.


Morning came, and the twins didn't waste much time and rushed down the lift to check their handiwork. They managed to find the wood had transformed perfectly into what they wanted.

"Perfection!" They said together and shared a high five.

After using the belt sander and other power tools to polish the wooden swords, the twins came back upstairs and met their grandparents and parents.

"Are you sure this target isn't too much?" Yuutaro asked in concern.

"Absolutely." Yuuna confidently pulled one of the finished swords out of the cloth bundle Yuuki carried.

"Is that... a Suburito?" Nao guessed.

Suburito is the name of a wooden sword designed for strength and technique training. Unlike the more well-known and balanced bokken/bokuto, which retain the rough shape of traditional Japanese sword, most suburito had a blade broader than the handle.

The cutting target prepared for her was a rolled tatami and a steel sheet held between two wooden frames. These targets were too easy for steel katana to cut if the wielder at least has some skill.

But can wooden swords actually do it?

Yuuna proved that yes, she could cut a tatami roll with her wooden sword. And she also proceeded to slice the thin steel plate neatly without any distortion.

Yuutaro and Nao almost popped their eyes out in disbelief.

"My God, what the hell have you made?" Reki twitched.

"This is called densified wood," Yuuki explained. "Using chemistry process to break down its cellulose fiber, and then compressed while heated, the wood solidifies to become three times as dense with one-fifth of the thickness."

"These wooden swords might not match master-crafted industrial steel blade, but better than plain iron swords!" Yuuna added as she swung her sword so fast it blurred and cut the rest of the tatami roll into short pieces.

"Amazing, simply amazing." Yuutaro nodded in acknowledgment. "Just how far science had progressed, I could barely keep up."

"There's actually a slight problem with this blade, however." Yuuna wrily smiled. "It weighs less than katana, despite proportionally wider and thicker. Even densified wood is only as heavy as plastics. To cut this well, we have to sacrifice the thrust capacity."

"Densified wood makes for good armor, and our old world is researching this kind of wood for bulletproof material. However, it makes a poor weapon by itself." Yuuki pointed. "But with Yuuna's battou-do and the geometry of the blade itself, this should have more than enough cutting strength to protect ourselves from low-level mercurials."

Even a razor-sharp sword needs some mass to cut through. Yuuna's wooden sword might be just enough to cut through one tatami. But it would be impossible to cut multiple tatami rolls no matter how skilled she is.

As a master swordsmith, Yuutaro understood well. For example, an Iaido katana was often not made from steel but lightweight aluminum and zinc alloy. Even sharpened, an iaido katana might have a hard time cutting multiple tatami rolls.

The densified wooden blade was even lighter and had to be shaped into a suburito. The thick spine gave it just enough mass to cut through one tatami flawlessly, although it cannot be used to stab well.

The twins put a lot of thought into its design, which slightly resembles broad sabers such as Chinese Dao and European Langmesser.

The passion and talent of bladesmith clearly lived through Nao and her children. Just looking at this, Yuutaro felt that he could die happy.

"Was this the first time you made this?" Nao borrowed one of the swords and felt that it was indeed light for its size. "How much is this, three-quarter kilogram?"

"Eight hundred grams, actually. Average katana weights one point one to one and a half kilograms." Yuutaro smiled as he traced the contours of the blade side. "It certainly makes an interesting and lethal weapon. The old world might be more peaceful and less advanced technologically, but it's surely full of surprises."

"Why do you even know how to make this dangerous thing?" Reki was unusually worried, even compared to the times where Yuuna and Yuuki brazenly charge against otherworldly monsters. "Just what happened in the old world that you two became so strange?"

"Actually, between the lack of need and the lack of tools, we never perfected it." Yuuna pulled her old bokken, which shaped more like the usual. "I made this one with clamps and vises and commercial oven, and the wood thickness only reduced by half, instead of eighty percent. Oh, and of course, this one is blunt."

For the general purpose of whacking some jerks and bullies, that is.

"I see. Could you give me documentation of this wood processing? I'd like to do some experiment myself." Yuutaro rubbed his chin, clearly curious.

"We'll send the scientific paper through e-mail later." Yuuki nodded. "I already sent one copy to a friend for peer review and academic publishing. The method was devised by the researchers from the University of Maryland in 2018."

"It's not like we came to the theory by ourselves, so it didn't feel right to monopolize the design," Yuuna added excitedly. "We can't wait to see what Grandpapa will come up with."

That friend would be Kuromachi Nemuko, who had a connection with the University of Chiba.

"Those two really grew up well." The grandma smiled happily, even though she had been quiet for a while. "We are truly blessed."

The twin's phones rang almost at the same time, which surprised them slightly.

"What it is, Himekawa?" Yuuki answered.

"Yo, Nemu? So early in the morning, you missed me?" Yuuna jokingly answered.

"We're in Higashinarashino, in Kazehaya Blade Factory!" Yuuki explained.

"...EH?! SERIOUSLY? Shit. Shit. Shit!" Yuuna swore. "Where it is?!

Yuuki's face turned grim and murderous. "It's very close to our place, right?"

Yuuki looked to the west and saw a bunch of drones flying in the distance.

"I saw the drones. Right." Yuuna said in confirmation. "Pick us up if that's indeed the case."

Yuuki closed the call.

"...Someone from the old world had been kidnapped," Yuuki told his parents. "The administration authorized us to disable our restrictor and be alert for any sudden attack for the next few hours."

"Are you going to go?" Nao asked hesitantly.

"...Yuuna get to decide," Yuuki said. "But in my opinion, this could get really ugly for us too, if we leave this alone."

"No, Yuuki is right." Yuuna also closed her phone. "We were not kidnapped because we were not an easy target. But other people from our old world aren't so lucky."

"If they succeed once, there's no guarantee they won't try the second time." Yuuki agreed. "We might be their next target."

And not only Yuuki and Yuuna their new family will also be in danger.

"Then go!" Nao told them as she hugged them. "Be sure to come back alive. Your safety is more important than anything in this world."

"Yes, Mama." Yuuna bit her lips bitterly.

Yuuna and Yuuki each pulled a key which given to them by the administration. These keys would temporarily disable their trans-phase power restrictor and activate the emergency location beacon inside.

Thus, anyone connected to the administration civil defense network will be able to see their position, including their friends.

It didn't even take three minutes until a small police helicopter descended above the factory, and Himekawa waved her hand from the door.

Nemuko didn't even bother boarding the helicopter and outright flew around by herself. Her external power flow was strong enough for her to outright defy gravity with ease.

"I'm here!" Nemuko yelled.

"Let's go!" Yuuna jumped off the building without hesitation and slid down the vertical wall with an enhanced shoe grip. Trails of black lightning left behind her wake. With her C+ rank physical boost, she could keep up with most cars easily.

"We're going, Father!" Yuuki said to Reki as he held onto the helicopter's rescue cable to be pulled up.

Reki wordlessly nodded and put his hand on Nao's shoulder to ease her as Yuuki's figure disappeared behind the helicopter's door.
Chapter 08 - Warzone
Inside the helicopter, Yuuki was greeted by the sight of Himekawa and four armored policemen and women. They're wearing a dark blue uniform and black armor, helmet, and exoskeleton.

"We're from the Anti-Firearms squad of Narashino City Police. Are you Kazehaya Yuuki?"

Anti-Firearms squads are part of prefectural police organizations specifically trained and geared to fight against armed opponents. In other words, they're basically local anti-terror cops instead of part of the national police.

In the old world, they were usually armed with MP-5 Submachinegun. However, this version of Narashino Anti-firearms police was armed with assault rifles and grenade launchers instead.

A submachinegun is essentially just a fast-firing pistol with a slightly longer barrel. The increased velocity added extra penetration and accuracy. However, a rifle threw longer, slimmer bullets at twice or thrice the speed of sounds.

There was a massive gap in their kinetic energy. Only the largest of handguns, such as the 44 magnums, can match the kinetic energy of an assault rifle, and it would still have less penetration power.

"Yes, I am."

"Let's cut to the case. We know you're strong, but how strong are you? We need to work together, and we can't do that without knowing all of your strength."

"Experienced in streetfighting and kickboxing, E+ internal power flow, E rank external power, lightning element," Yuuki said. "I also have some firearms training and education from my uncle in Guam, and refresher course in the institute of Parallel world research.."

"Training in firearms? How confident are you?"

"2-inch group, 25 yards for pistol," Yuuki told them.

"Yuuki-kun, here."

Himekawa Lin handed out a small briefcase to Yuuki. When he opened it, there was a secured pistol with a brightly colored frame, several magazines, and two boxes of ammunition in it.

"This is an Mk.23 modified to fire electroshock bullet and won't fire live ammo. It can disable an average adult man for three minutes. Aim for extremities since everyone is wearing body armor in one way or another."

Yuuki didn't waste time as he reloaded the empty gun and then cocked it seamlessly while turning the safety on and pointing it to the floor, finger off the trigger.

It was a perfect display of gun safety, and that's when they realized that Yuuki actually knew what he was doing. Even with a less lethal gun like this, he was being careful. Yuuki treated it as if the gun was loaded with lethal ammo.

"Good. Let me brief again about the situation." The police captain took over.

"10 minutes ago, sixteen years old 'returnee' Hajime Taiga was kidnapped while he was jogging on the street around his house. They use nondescript armored share taxi with false license plates."

"They're armed with submachineguns, shotguns, and hunting rifles. Report from other police was that they also sparsely use explosives, so be careful."

"As an E-rank, your body constitution wasn't fortified enough to be bulletproof. How much armor do you wear?"

"III+ for the torso and back, and IIA for side protection," Yuuki said to them. "I'd like a head protection if possible, but I don't have any."

They chucked a bulletproof helmet with a set of noise-canceling headgear and protective goggles to Yuuki, which he immediately wore. The helmet also came with radio sets.

"Thank you." Yuuki nodded.

"You're not a registered warden yet, be careful and not to do anything foolish. We're not fighting mindless monsters, so never underestimate them. Follow Himekawa closely, and don't charge ahead blindly."


Himekawa Lin wasn't as heavily armored as Yuuki was. Since her physical fortitude was higher, she didn't need as much protection. Most of her vest was covered to the brim with magazine pouches.

"At what point a warden become actually bulletproof?" Yuuki asked.

"In the strictest technical sense, your skin is actually resistant to compact calibers like 380 ACP and other compact guns. In other words, your skin is comparable to NIJ I bulletproof armor." Himekawa explained. "My skin, just like most D-rank wardens, can stand up to most service pistols. That doesn't mean we're immune to them."

NIJ I standard was something considered outdated in the old world and likely downright obsolete here. Nevertheless, it would help his survival rate immensely.

"... Define resistant, then!" Yuuki asked to clarify.

"You may survive with bad lesions, minor to moderate muscle wounds, fractured bones, or even organ trauma." Himekawa wore protective goggles. "But you will not die."

It told Yuuki just how much she considered firearms a threat, especially to their vulnerable eyes. Himekawa didn't wear any goggles when they were fighting Mercurials the first time.

And regardless of how resistant she is to a pistol or shotgun, a rifle can still kill her just fine, just like it could rip through most soft body armor.

"Another thing to consider: your warden power also enhances your armor strength. It still doesn't mean you're invulnerable." The police captain added. "It was the only reason why we allow you to join in this dangerous rescue operation."

"Cripes. Alright then."

Many people underestimate skin resistance. Even normal human skin is resistant to bird-killing air rifles. Of course, firearms are magnitudes much more powerful. But so is a warden's body.

It doesn't mean they're invulnerable. Armor almost certainly helps. Reinforced armor even more so.

"We're heading to Chiba rural area in the northeast, which unfortunately infested heavily by mercurials and sparsely monitored. We don't know how long our aerial drone can survive there." The squad captain said.

"We must hurry, then." Himekawa loaded both her pistols and then turned on the safeties before putting them back in her side holsters.

"Captain!" The co-pilot reported. "Kazehaya Yuuna met a resistance!"


"It seemed that these criminals blocked the way out by parking their car on the streets. They're engaging the police patrol and endangering civilians nearby. The twin sister and Kuromachi went to assist the police as we speak."

Yuuki gritted his teeth.

"Looks like it's up to us then. We'll act as a distraction. You two will flank and rescue our hostage as soon as possible." The squad captain said. "But if you encounter a hostile warden... run."


"Just run." The captain said darkly. "Anyone batshit enough to be an illegal warden has nothing to fear. You kids can take down a normal terrorist with ease, but an enemy warden is another story. Especially since you're just D and E rank."

"Right." Yuuki nodded, not at the slightest bit offended.

Yuuki admitted that he felt a sense of admiration for their dedication and professionality, as expected of an elite police team.

"Here's an EMP bomb. Use it to disable Hajime's restrictor, and tell him to run as fast as possible once he's freed of restriction." The other officer handed out a pair of spider-like devices to both teens.

"A... bomb? Would it be dangerous?"

"It isn't to humans. But stay away since it will destroy any other electronics nearby."


"Oh shit-"

The helicopter jerked aside as it threw both metal chaff and flaring decoy to confuse the possible missile threat.

And then, it shuddered.


Yuuki, for the second time in his life, felt like he was going to die. His body was hammered by the shockwave of indirect impact.

"Status report!"

"The armor holds up, and there's only minor engine damage. I suggest we land to avoid further threats!" The Pilot screamed.

"Then land it! No one told me they have missiles with them!" The squad captain growled. "Type?"

"It was a Stinger." The Pilot reported. "Drone 4 had been shot down. 1, 2, and 3 are operational."

"Could have been an ambush. Let's gear up and move!"


As soon as the Pilot found a relatively flat clearing, they didn't waste any time and landed. The combat personnel hurled ahead, followed by Himekawa and Yuuki, and then the helicopter crews.

One of the anti-firearms police was carrying a heavy ballistic shield mounted to her exoskeleton. The advantage of such arrangement allowed them to load much heavier defense, such as class IV shield, which easily weighs tens of kilograms.

Instead of pistols, they were designed to resist armor-piercing rifle bullets. In the old world, where the mass deployment of exoskeletons isn't a thing, such heavy shields could only be rolled around on trolleys and were impractical for field use.

The other police mounted smaller and likely lighter shields, which partially protect them as they shoot with their rifles.

Neither Lin nor Yuuki bothered to wear exoskeleton or shields since their primary task was sneaking and extraction. Not to mention how their body strongly fortified with trans-phase power.

"Oh crap, they're far too numerous and more organized than we thought." The Pilot informed and showed a fuzzy scene from the screen of his tablet. "They're taking over an abandoned church and fortified it, it seems."

"We're far too outnumbered." The squad captain said. "We're fighting an actual terrorist cult here."

"All the more reason why we should save him," Himekawa said.

There were very few hints of emotion on Himekawa's face, much like usual. What was there, however, an unmistakable worry.

"The sacrificial ritual, isn't it?" The captain sighed. "Ah, screw it. We have to move on."

"What sacrificial ritual?" Yuuki's eyes bulged in shock and terror. "What the hell?"

"In more ways than one, mercurials drove people crazy since their arrival. And these cults were one of the byproducts of that insanity." The other police officers told Yuuki. "There are a lot of apocalyptic cults worshipping mercurials even in Japan."

Yuuki wanted to be surprised, but he didn't. Instead, cold anger arose deep inside his chest.

"Bastard." Yuuki clenched his gun.

He wasn't really the type who cared about other people beyond his immediate family. However, he took personal offense to this level of human stupidity.

So dumb.

"We'll try to get close as possible, but don't be too aggressive yet." The captain decided. "Move!"


It was breathtaking to see the scenery of an abandoned small town with his own eyes. Yuuki only ever saw them in documentaries and youtube videos.

This small city, located northwest of Narashino, was abandoned after the rampage of a category 4 mercurials. Though the mercurial itself was taken down, it was evacuated shortly out of security concern.

All that was left was the surviving mercurials barely alive, adapting to the salt-poor environment and survive by preying on electronics and each other. Any mercurials smaller than category 4 are not self-sustaining, which means they will reach a certain equilibrium after years pass.

The only way this change is there's any surviving category 4, as they alter the environment to suit their needs. The phrase 'salt the earth' might as well be literal, as it will slowly do the groundwork to make sure more mercurials can thrive.

A category 6 mercurial can alter a large city into a salty volcanic hell in just a few weeks. It almost happened with Tokyo had it not for humans resorting to the use of nuclear mines.

"No humans, no animals, only a few strays." The captain remarked. "Japan is already in the process of rural depopulation, and the mercurials accelerated the process of abandonment of the countryside."

"The defense force and top-level wardens are fighting hard to kill all the high-ranked mercurials as we speak. Almost every day without rest..." Himekawa added. "It leaves only the police and low-ranked wardens like us to take up the slack."

"...I see."

The police team moved at a steady pace as their exoskeleton boosted their jog to a respectable speed. These people were also trained to move around in this urban jungle quickly.

"Bloodhound!" One of them shouted.

Before they could fire, Yuuki went ahead and caught the two bloodhounds and electrocuted them with his external flow. The two monsters screamed for a few seconds before they fell off lifelessly.

Yuuki looked at his smoking hands, squirmed in disgust.

This power felt so alien and scary. Perhaps because this is the first time Yuuki actively used it in combat.

What happened if he used it on a human being? He doesn't even want to think about it. He would never do it unless he was really forced to...

Just the thought alone made him sick.

"You'll get used to it," Himekawa said with a slightly cold tone.

"Wow, they're crisps now." The captain remarked.

"Despite their durable body, mercurials are vulnerable to electricity as much as humans and animals are," Himekawa explained. "A human body can produce up to twenty thousand volts of electricity through their muscle cell and nerve system. However, this electricity is produced in short pulses, which makes them harmless."

"But Yuuki-kun can produce a few kilowatts of electricity with the same voltage. That might not seem to be much from the perspective of a warden. But for humans and lesser mercurials... it means they just die quickly, faster than if you strap them to an electric chair."

Yuuki flat out threw up in response to Himekawa's emotionless explanation.

"You shouldn't spook him like that." The captain scolded her. "Boy, you're not ready for this. Go back!"

"No." Yuuki wiped the bile from his lips. "Thanks for telling me my limits, Himekawa. I won't be a burden, I promise."

Knowing how much power he held made Yuuki even more determined than before. This power is not something he can use irresponsibly.

Usually, anyone who said such things were lying and pushing themselves too hard. But seeing through the bulletproof helmet visor, the police captain could tell Yuuki was serious.

"This is why I don't like working with kids." Yuuki heard the captain muttered, but he continued his way and led the group. "Himekawa, we clear that house over there. It's likely a sniper nest for these cultists. You go directly to the second floor."


"Be careful and be ready for a possible close-quarter combat!"


Their guess turned out to be right as a hail of fire came from the direction of the two-story house. The female police with a large mounted shield went first and drew their fire toward her. Richochet and sparks erupted from its surface.

Her partner crouched behind her while firing her assault rifle from above the shield. She fired her gun to suppress the enemy rather than hitting them outright.

"Go!" The captain ordered as he and the other policeman also started firing.

Himekawa and Yuuki rushed in and then hopped on the wall before they jumped to the balcony. Yuuki almost failed and had to grab the railings where Himekawa landed perfectly.

She started firing without the slightest bit of reservation, and screams of agony filled the second floor. Meanwhile, Yuuki fired his gun down toward the surprised enemies below, stunning them with high voltage shock from his less-lethal bullet.

"Sorry!" He muttered as he focused his strength on his left arm and leaped over the railings.

By the time he was done, Himekawa already wrapped it up. Multiple masked men laid on the floor, bleeding from their arms and legs. However, it seemed that she purposefully avoided hitting the primary arteries.

It means these people can at least survive without immediate medical intervention. As for whether they can recover, that's an entirely different story.

Himekawa sure is cold-blooded, yet, not without mercy. What unnerved Yuuki the most was her flat expression, however.

"The second floor is cleared!" Yuuki reported through the radio set.

"Good job." The captain climbed up. "Though it looks like Himekawa do the heavy lifting, you cleared the front gate for us."

"No, I didn't do much." Yuuki denied it. Not out of humility, but he considered it as a fact. "Himekawa's marksmanship is godly. She could do this on her own."

"You can say that she could consistently hit a coin from fifteen yards away." The captain nodded. "Her warden power, her custom gun, and her intense training regime lead to this."

"[House clear!]" One of the policewomen reported. "[We got a report that reinforcement is coming in ten minutes]!"

"They'll be taken care of. Let's move!"

Yuuki was thinking of Yuuna for a moment but shook his head and focused on himself. Yuuna can take care of herself, and she had Nemuko with her.


The front parking area of the church had been heavily barricaded and filled to the brim with guards.



Everyone ducked hard as a rocket-propelled grenade flew above their head and blasted the second floor. They decided to run around the house. And thankfully, they did. The wall surrounding the house was also shattered by several RPG strikes soon after.

Yuuki's face was pale as plaster.


"Cleared hot, permission to use high explosives granted." The captain said with a low voice. "Flush them out."

Yuuki's jaw dropped.

The three police members with assault rifles began loading their under-barrel grenade launchers.

"The rest is up to you two."

Himekawa signaled Yuuki to follow her to trace around the blocks through the road. They heard sounds of explosions behind them, which Yuuki desperately tried to ignore to no avail.

The road to the south of the church was loosely guarded. And both Yuuki and Himekawa steamrolled the cultist without even breaking a sweat. However, they were caught off guard by an enemy around the corner.

Yuuki got blasted almost point-blank with a shotgun to his shoulder, dozen lead pellets smashed onto his skin with lethal force.

An indescribable amount of pain filled his brain as if someone tried to tear off his arm. However, he regained his cognition in a second and shot the cultist twice with his gun.

The cultist spazzed on the ground before losing consciousness.

"Shit!" Yuuki bit his lips and looked at his shoulder. He noticed that there was no blood, and he could still feel his arm working. "That's worse than one time I got hit by a baseball bat!"

"It's going to swell later, but you'll live." Himekawa showed a bit of concern. "Shotgun pellets simply don't have the penetration, but careful not to take a slug to your face."

"You say that like you experienced it before." Yuuki cringed.

"Thankfully, I haven't. But warden injuries were very well documented." Himekawa smiled as she jabbed his shoulder with Vegeneuron injectors, which quite resemble insulin pens. "This would mitigate the aftermath. Hold onto this pen."

Hearing Himekawa's ridiculously dissonant explanation made Yuuki somewhat calmer now. Even though his left shoulder was throbbing hard, he didn't lose his focus. Yuuki put the Vegeneuron pen in his back pocket to make sure it could avoid damage.

As Vegeneuron were developed from warden's physiology, it's also far more effective for wardens than normal humans. The drug Himekawa used was the same over-the-counter brand that his parents took to recover from their injuries.

Even in this world, Himekawa Lin is an enigma.


The subsequent fight was a mixed blessing. Most of these cultists were armed with shotguns. While it means the likelihood of fatal shots approaches zero, they're much more likely to get hit by stray pellets than rifle rounds.

Yuuki got hit for the second time, and the pellets flattened on his torso armor.

This time, the hit wasn't that awful and felt like a mediocre punch. The steel plate worked as intended, and Yuuki's warden body can take such beating easily since the plate distributed the impact force on a much larger area.

The third hit, however, was awful. Had it not for Yuuki not wearing literal blast-resistant underwear, he will be incapacitated!

"Stop shooting, asshole!" Yuuki smacked the last terrorist in the face and then shot him in the thigh.

Himekawa wasn't entirely unscratched either. Her skirt was torn off slightly on the side, revealing a bruised hip from shotgun attack where her groin armor didn't cover.

"Himekawa, your hip..."

She got hit by a shotgun slug.

"It's fine. The bones didn't crack and only had a little abrasion on the skin. We are lucky none of them were carrying rifles."

Even as she said that... she was visibly limping. Warden power only multiplies your base physical strength. It was the reason why E-ranked Yuuki overperformed in the field.

Because outside his asthma, he was very fit for a high school student.

But Himekawa? She was shorter than average Japanese high school girls. A body that small can only go so far without massive tempering or even doping. And judging from her powerful demonstration kick, her lower extremities were trained enough to literally kill.

She also took a jab of Vegeneuron, where it got hit. Curiously though, she cocked and pushed the injector twice. Her injury was definitely worse than Yuuki's.

The war still raged in front of the church by the time they arrived. Yuuki kicked open the church backdoor and met no resistance because everyone else was defending the atrium.

The church sanctuary had been desecrated to such a degree that a non-Christian like Yuuki found it disgusting. Instead, there was a literal demonic altar. That would not be out of place in some edgy manga he read before.

The most striking feature was that the altar wasn't constructed of anything artificial. Silvery spikes protruding from the floor, pulsating as if it was living. Yuuki couldn't mistake it for anything else.

"Mercurials..." He clenched his teeth in terror. Then Yuuki noticed the tied body of the kidnapped person in the center. "That was him, Hajime Taiga."

"That's correct. It was constructed by cultivating category 4 or above mercurial cells." Himekawa confirmed and then turned her head. "Dodge!"

Yuuki instinctively ducked and avoided a jet of purple flame aimed at them. However, bit burst mid-air and showered them with searing heat.


"I'll not let you interfere." A man with pastor garb stood beside the altar told them, with purple fire in his palm. "And interrupt the arrival of our savior!"

This pressure, that strange purple fire...

"But if you encounter a hostile warden... run."
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It was weird for a moment to see why no one would carry a kalashnikov... But then you remember Japan has huge stockpile of civilian shotgun and hunting rifles anyway. Meaning they can focus on smuggling RPGs and apparently MANPADS too.

Not to mention the spread from shotgun makes it easier to hit anything.

Poor Yuuki isn't ready for this shit.
Poor Yuuki isn't ready for this shit.
No one ever is, the first time. Still, he's handling it better than most, in that he didn't freeze, didn't die, and managed to contribute fairly well - far more than one would expect from a civilian. Still, he seems to be up against a real challenge since he hasn't even been to Warden combat school yet, and the priest looks like he actually knows what he's doing. Should be interesting to see how it works out.
Chapter 09 - Unsung Heroes
Yuuki gulped. "Himekawa... captain said..."

"I know." Himekawa nodded. "We should run... but we cannot run without the hostage."

"Wha-uh, seriously?"

"How fast you can run?" Himekawa asked. "I can run pretty fast even with this limp, but not while carrying a person..."

"You want me to carry him? You're mad." Yuuki hissed. "...Let's do it."

He gave up and agreed anyway. Honestly, Yuuki's more rational side was screaming loudly at that moment because Yuuki trusted Himekawa far, far too much for its comfort.

Yuuki put back his Mk23 gun in its holster and pulled out his brass knuckles. Taser's effectiveness degraded a lot against a warden, and it's not as if the bullets Yuuki had were designed to withstand his power.

The fragile taser bullets would fry if he were to channel his lightning on them.

On the other hand, most live ammo can work fine with low-ranked Warden like Himekawa, so her pistols stay. Instead, she switched the magazines with fresh ones.

"You two sure have guts." The fake pastor laughed. "But you're no match for me."

"We wouldn't know unless we try!" Yuuki took a step and then dashed with all his might, leaving a small trail of sparkles in the air.

The fake pastor responded by sending three fireballs at Yuuki, but he slipped and rolled to dodge without slowing down. Even as the three fireballs blew up behind him, he didn't stop.

These fireballs are powerful, perhaps even as powerful as hand grenades, but they're nowhere as fast as bullets. Yuuki was only touched by the very edge of their blast wave and persevered.

Yuuki's boxing footwork worked wonders!


Yuuki hurled punches with brass knuckles on, fast enough that the fake pastor barely had the time to block and defect. As long as they're fighting this close, Yuuki wouldn't have to worry about his fire!

...or so he thought.

The fake pastor howled, and roaring purple flames began to cover almost his entire body. The radiating heat made Yuuki wanted to scream!

"You brat! Just because you came from another world doesn't mean you're the special one!"

Yuuki felt strange as he dodged and threw aside the pastor's punches with his hands. This fake pastor was fast and powerful, but his movement was a little clumsy.

Is this guy an amateur?

Although Yuuki's punches were not ineffective, it doesn't really feel like Yuuki dealt fatal damage either, which was frightening.

The focused force of his brass knuckle, boosted with warden strength, should be enough to shatter a skull to pieces like a war hammer.

But the fake pastor took them with stride as if Yuuki was using his bare fist.

Oh shit!

It came to a point where Yuuki failed to dodge just once, and he was kicked to the church wall, coughing. Even though his torso was armored, he felt that kick as if he was being shot by three shotguns at the same place.

Fuck! How much force was that, more than 2 tons?! Yuuki felt like his heart almost stopped from the sheer shock. Despite his mediocre technique, it was apparent that the pastor had some basic martial arts knowledge. Otherwise, it would be impossible to pull that kick at all.

Had he not wear armor, his ribs could have been fractured. But as it is, Yuuki got away with a minor bruise.

This guy is probably an upper D-rank.

Yuuki focused all of his strength outward and then focused all of the electricity in his body into his brass knuckle and knee joint. His adrenaline fired up as every safety limit in his body consciously removed for a short burst of overwhelming strength.

Yuuki zigzagged around the fake pastor's attacks before delivering a boosted uppercut so hard, the blowback actually broke the church floor under his legs.

The pastor's teeth flew out of his bleeding mouth, he looked at Yuuki with utter disbelief.

Just an E-rank brat could push him this far?!

Their strength difference was significant but not so big that it was impossible to overcome. That doesn't mean Yuuki was confident he could win, either.

But he never planned to win in the first place.

There was a loud bang and a bit of flash, but nothing blinding or deafening. By the time the exchange was gone, Himekawa already freed the hostage. She also detonated the EMP grenades to disable his restrictor.

"Run to the backdoor!"

Hajime Taiga picked up his bag nearby and bolted so fast that it was almost like a whirlwind passed nearby. He was faster than Yuuki at his peak.


"Maybe you should check your altar," Yuuki raised two middle fingers. "Bitch!"

Himekawa and Yuuki also ran soon after. The pastor looked aside to see burning hot thermite grenades and screamed murder, even as his voice drowned by the sounds of gunfights just outside the church.


"This is Himekawa Lin. We rescued the hostage. Repeat. We rescued the hostage!"

"[Good job, Himekawa and Kazehaya too]!" The captain replied. "[We're pulling out]!"

"Where did you even find these thermite grenades?" Yuuki asked, somewhat out of breath.

"I always carry some since it can be used to distract larger mercurials. It might even inflict significant injury, even if it won't kill." Himekawa smiled. "It's called hyperthermal grenade, and the mixture burns as molten metal at 7200K."


A pure thermite mixture of Aluminum and Iron Oxide only burns at around 3200K!

"Thank you for saving me!" The hostage, Hajime Taiga, pulled a gun from his bag and threw the bag aside. "I'll try not to be a burden."

"...Isn't that just a toy?" Yuuki asked. The orange tip gave it away immediately. Not to mention the plastic appearance of the gun body.

"My power is a bit specific...they're here!"

A bunch of cultists blocked their way and fired their shotguns. However, Taiga revved the airsoft gun in his hand.

It was loud for a toy, and the bullets moved so fast that Yuuki's superhuman perception failed to detect them. For a brief moment, however, the tiny flashes from bullet impacts were visible.

Some cultists fell down as if they were shot by firearms, leaving the rest frozen and dumbfounded.

Himekawa wiped the rest without even trying.

"...High supersonic impact, wasn't it?" Yuuki finally realized in horror.

The plastic bullets that Taiga fired moved faster than three times the speed of sound. Because of this reason, each of these bullets had impact energy similar to small pistols.

They literally exploded like falling meteorites and cratered whatever they hit!

"My power is hyper-pressure manipulation..." Taiga said. "I can generate immense air pressure in the barrel without breaking the gun. Even an airsoft BB can reach three or four times the speeds of sounds."

"Eh?" Himekawa was surprised. "That explains why it's so loud."

Almost as loud as real firearms due to the immense gas pressure released from the gun reaching dozen thousands of psi, perhaps even more than twenty thousand.

"Caught you!"

Himekawa and Yuuki failed to react as the fake pastor appeared right behind them with a maniacal grin. Before Yuuki could hit him, he was knocked aside with a hook to the face, which cracked his goggles. Himekawa tried to shoot him, but the cult leader disarmed her with ease and choked her.

"You should stay down." The pastor growled as he slammed the tiny girl to the wall multiple times. "Or better, go back to where you belong, you Chink!"

Himekawa's body slumped as she stopped resisting. She might lose consciousness. Or even worse than that...

"You... son of a bitch!" Yuuki screamed, and blue lightning crackled all over his arms and legs. "Himekawa!"

"You could make a good vessel for our savior... too bad, you're too rebellious." The fake pastor wickedly grinned as he pulled a revolver and then shot Yuuki on each shoulder. "Rest with ease though, your physical fitness makes you an ideal backup candidate!"

Unlike the shotguns fired by the cultist, the bullets from this revolver were boosted by the fake pastor's warden power and pierced through Yuuki's skin with ease. The bullet lodged in his flesh and caused minor bleeding.

Yuuki cried as he bit his lips, holding himself from shouting his pain out. It was different pain compared to when he was shot with an ordinary shotgun.

The shallowness of the wound made the pain even worse!

Yuuki looked at Taiga. The boy was frozen and sitting on the road from fear. Even though he aimed his airsoft gun, his grip was not steady at all. He was shaking from the top of his head to his feet.

"Run, Hajime..." Yuuki coughed. "Run!"

"Ah... ah!!"

Hajime was outright in tears as he stood up and began walking away. His footing was so unsteady that he ended up crashing into a telephone pole.

Why... why?! I couldn't even run properly. Why?!

His knee failed him, even though he suffered no significant injuries. He couldn't shoot, even though his arm was fine.

Taiga looked back and saw the fake pastor threw Himekawa's body aside like a worn-out doll and walked calmly toward him. And for that moment, a brief conversation flashed back on his eyes.

"You... you're."

"Calm down and stay quiet. I'm here to save you." Himekawa said as she ripped the rope tying his arms and legs with a tiny knife. She also put spider-like devices nearby. "Himekawa Lin, from the Narashino Police. Open your mouth. This is going to be loud."

The loud bangs shook Taiga, but immediately he felt energized as the power restrictor that held him shut down from damage. His warden power returned.

"What are you doing?" Taiga asked as Himekawa calmly knell down. She set several grenades on the altar and pulled their safety pins.

Even as a literal war raged outside, and Yuuki was pressed hard just to survive against the fake pastor...

Himekawa Lin kept her composure as if she was an unfeeling machine.

Yet, for some reason, it made her far more beautiful than any other girl Taiga ever saw before.

"Hoh, almost giving up already?"

The pastor almost shot Taiga too but decided not to when Taiga stopped moving.

"I'M TIRED OF RUNNING, YOU ASS!" Taiga barked and turned to put his gun steady and fired at the pastor.

The fake pastor didn't expect this and got dozens of supersonic BBs on his chest, which made him threw up. His chest armor was full of impact craters!

Taiga dropkicked his face and threw the pastor a few meters backward from the impact. Taiga landed on his feet, stood up, fired again.

And he kept firing.


Though none of his BBs can inflict significant wounds, the sheer volume of fire could still hurt the fake pastor.

By the time he was done, the pastor's face and exposed skins were full of lesions, as if he was shot by a tiny machinegun. The only reason Taiga stopped was that he ran out of bullets, and the CO2 cartridge powering his gun was also empty...

"SHIT!" Taiga kicked the pastor's body and then crouched to check on Himekawa and Yuuki. "Hey, girl, wake up!"

"I'm alive..." Himekawa said. Her voice was hoarse, yet her expression was flat as ever. "Yuuki-kun?

"I'm fine!" Yuuki dragged his body up and stood. "My legs are working just fine."

Himekawa picked her fallen pistols and then pointed at the pastor.

"Go ahead and kill me, you little Chink." The pastor taunted. "This won't be the last time!"

"You don't have the right to remain silent, but I suggest you should." Himekawa showed the slightest bit of annoyance as she fired at his shoulders, the same way he shot Yuuki. "Cooperate, and we will guarantee your safety."

It was clear that the shots became the straw that broke his pain threshold, and the fake pastor fainted.

Merciless. Yet, both Taiga and Yuuki couldn't feel pity for the bastard.

"How about your neck, Himekawa?" Yuuki pointed at the red marks on her neck.

"It'll heal."

"But... your head is bleeding!" Taiga's jaw also dropped.

Himekawa was confused for a moment until she touched the back of her head. "Oh..."

Himekawa was caught by Taiga because she lost her balance.

"This is why you always-" Yuuki hissed, but he was interrupted by Nemuko and Yuuna arriving. "Finally!"

"My God, Yuuki! Class Rep!" Yuuna bawled. "What happened?!"

"Shut up, don't scream." Yuuki groaned. "And take care of that slimy bastard over there. He's the mastermind."

"I see. That guy is a warden too?" Nemuko procured a pair of restrictors shaped like a handcuff and secured the fake pastor. "Now, he can't do anything."

Yuuki looked around and then noticed something. "SNIPER!"

Nemuko only realized for a split second the presence of red laser sight aimed at her face, only for Yuuki's body to obscure it.

He got shot in the back and winced. The rest of the kids scattered immediately to protect themselves.


"I'm fine!" Yuuki dragged Nemuko aside, closer to the wall. "The armor works!"

Since his armor was rated III+, a hunting or medium caliber sniper rifle just doesn't have the power to pierce through, especially with his warden power strengthening it.

Nemuko woke up from her shocked trance and immediately traced the laser pointer to the source. As her anger boiled, her power arose and manifested as a small sun in front of her.

"Burn!" Nemuko whispered.

An invisible pillar of light erupted from the sun, pierced through the air like an extending lance, and then hit the sniper. The wood furniture on the rifle began smoking, and the cultist's arm was burned almost instantly.

It was a laser several kilowatts in power. It could even burn a rocket or medium-sized drone out of the air with extended exposure.

"He's lucky I only use a tenth of my external power floe hmph." Nemuko spat.

Yuuki couldn't help but inhale deeply from the surprise. "...Remind me to never piss you off."

The external power projection of a B-ranked warden is something to behold, but an invisible laser is something else!

"Umm... I'm fine, so... can you let go?" Nemuko blushed hard, finally realized that Yuuki was hugging her at that moment.

"Yeah. Sorry about that-ouch! Ow!" Yuuki could only feel a moment of respite because Yuuna pulled his ear hard.

"Why is that when it comes to Macchi, you always lose your fucking mind?" Yuuna gave him an earful. "Do you know how worried I am, you tard?!"

"Stop screaming!"


Mass deployment of medical evacuation was sent from Narashino and other neighboring small towns. Although not all of them survived, most of the cultists were captured alive and received medical treatment.

And Yuuki was glad when he found that the member of the anti-firearms squad survived, albeit with some injuries. The captain suffered two gunshots to the leg, and other members were also wounded.

But they will live.

"Still alive, kid?" The doctor joked. "Good work, the city of Narashino owed you for this one."

"I prefer to think of it as a preemptive defense." Yuuki defied honestly, even as the medics extracted the bullet out of his shoulder.

A warden's body is resilient. Even gunshot wounds from another warden might not be fatal in the end. The fake pastor knew this. And it was the reason why he didn't spare a second thought of shooting Yuuki. And Himekawa -intentionally or not- returned the favor.

A pistol shot against a human's shoulder would be lodged deep inside muscles or fracture the bone.

But it wasn't the case with Yuuki, with the rounds wedged right in the outer muscle. The bullets themselves weren't high expansion type, which makes extraction relatively easy.

The gun he used was a Nambu M60 38 Special revolver, which used to be a standard police issue for Japanese officers. This model had since been phased out after the National Defense act of 2001. It was replaced by the slightly more powerful and faster semi-automatic Minebea P9, based on SIG 220 and already used by the Self Defense Forces.

While 38 Special was slightly weaker than other service calibers, it was an extremely deadly weapon capable of piercing an NIJ level I armor. Even if an ordinary person fired it, Yuuki would still bleed, though with shallower wounds.

Yuuki came out with bandaged arms, but other than that, he was almost pristine. He met Himekawa, who had bandages on her head and wore a hip brace, similar to Yuuki's father.

"Are you alright?" Yuuki asked.

"I'm fine. It was a mild concussion and musculature inflammation. What about you?" Himekawa answered and asked back.

"It will heal in one or two days. Three or four sutures each." Yuuki said. "I was told not to take a risk and avoid working out, though."

"I was told the same thing." Himekawa nodded. "...You took this pretty calmly."

"I'm sorry, I am calm? You're pretty much a Buddha, then." Yuuki was at distraught. "With how zen you are about everything."

"I am honestly always been the weird one." Himekawa shrugged. "I don't have a lot of friends because of this personality."

Yuuki guessed it was not just her personality.

No. It's NEVER about personality. Himekawa didn't emote a lot, but she's kindhearted and helpful to everyone. She also never held grudges against people who wronged her, yet not a complete doormat unwilling to defend herself or others. Logically speaking, someone that nice and orderly should have a lot of friends.

But just like in the old world, Himekawa Lin doesn't have many friends here, either. Even here, Himekawa Lin is still the same social pariah.

It left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"What of Hajime?"

"His examination will take quite a while, even though he wasn't visibly injured. We don't know what they've done to him during his captive. With his and his family's consent, the hospital is doing a thorough medical examination."

"I see."

"Also... there will be an important briefing, but the classified status of the information means you will have to sign a Government NDA. The consequences are severe enough that I think a lot of people will be discouraged, but..."

Non-Disclosure Agreement, huh? It was also severe enough to make Himekawa pause.

"I'll be there, don't worry." Yuuki smiled and pointed a thumbs up. "Let's go. Our respective family is waiting."


The Kazehaya Family decided to spend that day's lunch in the Family Restaurant close to the hospital.

As expected, Yuuki got chewed up verbally by his mother. It was something that he expected, perhaps even hoped to some degree. A lot of people consider the scolding of parents were bothersome, annoying, and downright heartbreaking.

But for Yuuki, who spent just slightly over a year grieving for dead parents, his mother's voice sounded like a divine symphony.

Yuuna didn't get scolded as bad because she wasn't majorly hurt in the engagement. Unlike Yuuki, who participated in an offensive assault against a literal stronghold, Yuuna actually fought to protect civilians on the street.

"Well, I'm glad both of you are safe." Nao sighed. "It could get so much worse if you two don't know what you're doing."

"Oh, hey! Look, it's coming to the news!" Reki pointed at the TV.

"[This morning, terrorist attacks occurred in the city of Narashino and its neighboring towns. A religious cult called the Cathedral of Silver Blessing attempted to kidnap several 'returnees' and managed to capture two victims]."

"[Although the other victim's family refused to share names, one of the kidnapping victims consented. His name is Hajime Taiga, 17 years old]."

The picture switched to Taiga, with the other teenage wardens in the background, including the twins.

"[I'm thankful for the quick and concise response from the Narashino Police Department. Because of their action, I can come home safe and sound]."

"[I'm also thankful to some friends here, who put their own safety in line to save everyone, including myself, from possible harm]."

The scene focused on Yuuki, who had his bleeding arm bandaged by the first responders. The next focus was on Himekawa Lin. Her eyes shined with a flashlight just in case she got a severe concussion, while a nurse put a compression dressing on her bleeding head.

"[Himekawa Lin is 17 years old Sergeant officially recognized part of the Narashino Police Department. It had been a year since her enlistment, and she's currently waiting for a commission to become Police Inspector]."

"[Himekawa Lin was considered an ace of the Narashino special assault team, rather than the anti-firearm squad she's working with at the moment]."

Ah, so she's only attached to that team due to emergency concerns.

"[Although there was a rumor that she committed police brutality, from the various leaked footage on the internet. Could you please clarify if what the public saw was true?]"

"[I'm not to disclose any sensitive information at the moment]," Himekawa answered flatly.

"[What is that even supposed to mean, hey]?" Yuuki took offense to that statement.

"[I believe it was a mistake]." Taiga also explained. "[Could you please clarify]?"

"[Even amongst the government officials, there were concerns about giving her access to firearms, and there were similar concerns shared among the citizen. In fact, some petitions already drafted and signed as protest]."

"[Since she was a Warden, wouldn't it be better if she can use non-lethal means to subdue your opponent]?"

"You wouldn't believe how much I want to punch some people at that moment." Yuuki seethed. "These cultists purposely recorded the fight and released it automatically to the internet as a form of propaganda."

Yuuna forcefully grabbed the mic and screamed. "[Are you fucking stupid? Not everyone can take a shotgun to the face and shrug it off. What do you think we are, Superman]?"

"[Yuuna-san please calm down!]"

"[Himekawa didn't shoot to kill, and she was the reason why many of these terrorists survived at all]," Yuuki commented furiously. "[So please, don't believe everything you see on the internet]."

"[We tried our best to minimize casualties on both sides because we were aware that many of these cultists weren't entirely conscious of their actions]." The captain of the anti-firearm police finally decided to speak. "[Sergeant Himekawa Lin is a law-abiding and responsible officer, and she's here to protect and serve the citizen of Narashino, just like us]."

"I wonder why is that everyone being so hard on that little girl. If not for your explanation, I'd have thought she's not even the same age as you, Yuuna." Nao muttered.

"The answer is pretty simple, really." Yuuki clenched his spoon so hard that the metal twisted into a pretzel. "Because this society is as rotten as the old one."

"She's a half-Chinese." Yuuna sadly smiled. "Himekawa in our old world was also discriminated against by many students and even some teachers."

Yuuna knew more than anyone else how much Himekawa meant for Yuuki. And not necessarily in a romantic sense, either. Without Himekawa, Yuuki might give up High School altogether.

Nao was agape for a moment, then closed her mouth again. Reki was also awkwardly quiet.
"I am honestly always been the weird one." Himekawa shrugged. "I don't have a lot of friends because of this personality."

Yuuki guessed it was not just her personality.

No. It's NEVER about personality. Himekawa didn't emote a lot, but she's kindhearted and helpful to everyone. She also never held grudges against people who wronged her, yet not a complete doormat unwilling to defend herself or others. Logically speaking, someone that nice and orderly should have a lot of friends.

But just like in the old world, Himekawa Lin doesn't have many friends here, either. Even here, Himekawa Lin is still the same social pariah.

"I wonder why is that everyone being so hard on that little girl. If not for your explanation, I'd have thought she's not even the same age as you, Yuuna." Nao muttered.

"The answer is pretty simple, really." Yuuki clenched his spoon so hard that the metal twisted into a pretzel. "Because this society is as rotten as the old one."

"She's a half-Chinese." Yuuna sadly smiled. "Himekawa in our old world was also discriminated against by many students and even some teachers."
Oh shit. Suddenly I remember similar premise with Versatile Mage. Different world, same social problem.

Poor Himekawa, and no wonder Yuuki is pissed.
Chapter 10 - Rogue's Gallery
Yuuki looked at the small briefcase in his hand and secured its lock. The case contained his custom Mk.23 pistol, modified to only fire less-lethal taser ammo. Because of these modifications, it's no longer considered a firearm but an electroshock deterrent weapon as defined by the ratified self-defense law of 2003.

It was also clad in a brightly colored slide to match the function, which looks like a cheap toy. This was, of course, so that law enforcement and civilians alike wouldn't mistake it for a lethal firearm.

Yuuki stored the original parts in a locked safe of Narashino police, just in case he will get a gun permit in the future. This approach is surprisingly common for those who want to afford less-lethal conversion of existing firearms.

...well, he might as well spend that half-million yen bounty on something he can use. No regrets. Besides, Yuuna also planned to use her money to order a Gunto specifically made for her power. Yuuki heard that the compressed wood sword broke when Yuuna used her black lightning power, even though it stood her enhanced physical strength.

Yuuki still had a few hundred thousand left to upgrade his armor. Which seems ridiculously paranoid, but then he remembers how his III+ backplate managed to protect him and Nemuko from sniper shot.

And so, he brought his briefcase out of his room. Yuuna was already downstairs with her sword bag as well, waiting for him.

"We're going, Mama!"

"Come back safely."

Waiting for the twins was an armored Toyota HiAce van. Although it was the most popular model of share taxi, this one looked a bit different.

It doesn't look as streamlined, with a rough bullbar bumper mount on the front instead of the flushed round ones. The tread on the tires also looked thick and harsh, not the smooth and linear road tires commonly used by the share taxis. The car as a whole looked taller, likely from elongated suspension or raised frame.

"Off-road HiAce?" Yuuna raised her eyebrow.

"Get in, everyone!" Sho Taifu waved his hand from the shotgun seat, which made Yuuna mesmerized. Under the dim light of the road, his incredibly handsome face stood out even more.

"Okay, Oppa!" Yuuna threw an air kiss, which Yuuki proverbially grabbed and discarded aside. "Hey!"

"Get in!" Yuuki told her angrily.


Most of the twelve seats were already filled. Some faces were familiar, and others completely new.

"Good evening, everyone. Nacchan here, and finally, the main star of today's stream are the Kazehaya Twins! Say hello!"

Yuuki squeezed his eyes so hard, he almost squinted in disbelief. Of all people he should share a ride with, it has to be a cam who-ahem, Streamer.

Although this world does not have youtube, something similar is bound to show up eventually. Because video-sharing sites have existed since 1997.

It only took the transcoding method before streaming sites to be invented. And considering the situation, the digital technologies of this world are more advanced than the old ones.

"Evening, sweetie~!" Yuuna shamelessly greeted the audience across the internet, then paused. "...Is this a Livestream?"

"I'd like to have one, but Sho-sensei said he will turn my camera into dust." The girl sighed. "I'm allowed to record videos, but only if you consent and nothing about the briefing should be included."

Good job, Sho-sensei! Yuuki nodded approvingly.

"By the way, my name is Natsume Chinatsu, and you can call me Nacchi or Nacchan. Say something, Yuuki-kun!"

Yuuki put on a pair of earphones and ignored her.

"Forgive my antisocial brother." Yuuna shook her head.

"Eh, but he was fine being on the news?" The girl questioned. "Am I being discriminated against for being a small Streamer?"

"I just hate normies and am a bit shy." Yuuki snarked. "Record as much as you want, but leave me alone."

Himekawa looked at Yuuki strangely. To Himekawa and Nemuko, he was never anything but friendly and approachable. Nemuko also realized this and noticed the slight change of expression of Nacchi.

"He's a surprisingly outspoken one." Reika smiled in approval. "I like that."

"I'm sorry, was that a confession?" Yuuna raised her eyebrows.

"It isn't." Reika frowned. "Just a vocal admiration on my part."

"Hallelujah!" Yuuki muttered under his breath. Fake normies are bad enough, but crazy uptight girls are even worse. That would be like, dating his own mother. And that's a terrible prospect.

"Are you alright, Yuuki-kun?" Nemuko slid aside to give him the room to sit. "How are your wounds?"

"They're healing at an unprecedented rate. I'm legitimately surprised." Yuuki replied, loosen up. "How about you? Any injuries?"

"Nothing much, thanks to you." Nemuko looked a bit weird and hesitant. "I mean, thank you for protecting me back then."

Taiga whistled, clearly trying to tease the both of them.

He was sitting with Himekawa in the first passenger row, right behind the driver. Nemuko and Yuuki sat in the second row while Reika and Tetsuo were in the third row.

Yumiya Andou, the crossdresser, sat in the odd seat of the second row. While Yuuna decided to sit behind him.

Andou wasn't wearing nun garb and instead paired a light blue casual summer dress with denim pants and a leather belt decorated with a silver cross. Honestly, if not for his voice, no one would realize he's a guy.

"Yo, we meet again, Yumi." Yuuna loomed over the headrest and grinned at him.

"Don't call me Yumi!" He complained. "And I'll rip your tongue if you call me An-chan."

"Cripes." Yuuna winced. "I was thinking about that, but never mind!"

Looks like Andou was in a sour mood. Perhaps even worse than Yuuki, and Yuuna didn't want to piss off a guy wielding an executioner sword of justice.

It doesn't seem that Andou has any problem dressing like a girl, but he doesn't want to be addressed as one. Perhaps he really identified himself as a guy?

Yuuna decided to respect that assumption.

Something rolled on the floor as the car accelerated. Everyone nearby looked down and noticed.

It was an RPG launcher.

"AAAAAAA!!!!!" Yuuna and Nacchi shrieked while Andou almost got a heart attack.

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Yuuki grabbed it. "Who the hell is leaving their launcher on the floor?"

"[My apologies, that was a prank]." One of the girls sitting in the rearmost seat explained. "[Don't worry, the warheads are secured elsewhere, fufufufufu]."

"That's not funny." Yuuki stood and handed it out to the strange person.

Everyone was weirded out by this girl... because she was wearing a hoodie and a gas mask. Her head was fully covered, only leaving the obscured eyes behind the lens visible.

"[My name is Sasaki Shiroi, class 5 hazardous material engineer, and trained explosive specialist. Nice to meet you]." She introduced herself as she put the launcher back into her weapons bag.

...Which Yuuki noticed had a lot of warheads in it. She was basically a walking armory.

"...Right o, please take care of me!" Yuuna went past the awkwardness quickly and offered a hand. After meeting Tetsuo, Shiroi doesn't really look that odd.

"The prank was awful, though." Yuuna popped a vein and zapped Shiroi with a small amount of black lightning.

"[I'm sorrehh]!!!"


"Speaking of guns and explosives, some information just came out of the intelligence department." Himekawa suddenly said out aloud. "It seemed that they smuggled B-40 RPG from Southeast Asia through the use of narco submarine."

"Naruko-what?" Yuuna and Nacchi asked in perfect echo.

"Narco submarines are semi-submersible boats designed to smuggle drugs across many countries," Yuuki explained. "As I understand, the Marine Self Defense Force was heavily tied down by mercurials and unable to coordinate with the Japanese Coast Guard, am I correct?"

"Yes, while they have a lot of shotguns and some rifles, those are legal or salvaged from abandoned cities, can be found anywhere in Japan." Nemuko nodded. "But their explosive weapons are a different story. Neither Japan Self Defense Force nor Special Assault Police uses Russian RPG. They only use Panzerfaust 3 RPG and Howa Type 89 Recoiless Rifle."

"Sasaki does, though?" Yuuki pointed.

"[Yes. I am using an RPG-2 based weapon as well]." Shiroi raised her hand. "[Of course, the warheads are manufactured locally in limited quantities. I'm not aware if anyone produced Russian RPG in large numbers here in Japan]."

"Uhh, girls? Shouldn't this be off the record?" Nacchi twitched.

"This is not classified information, but I sincerely hope you wait until the Press Conference tomorrow. The representative from Narashino Police will explain everything." Himekawa told her. "Natsume-san."

"Got it. No leaks." Nacchi sighed in relief.

"Now, this one is OFF the record. So you better not take notes, Nacchi!" Sho Taifu suddenly spoke. "They also found in possession of Stinger anti-aircraft missiles. Although we're still unsure if they're Japanese in origin, the Self Defense Force already started combing their inventory hard for missing items."

The Stinger missile is a MANPADS, Man-Portable Air Defense System. Such a system allowed a single person or a small group of people to carry around on foot while possessing a significant threat to low-altitude aircraft such as helicopters and drones.

Yuuki could see why even the JSDF panicked. If it turns out that the weapon was part of the Self Defense Force, it would be a significant blow to their reputation and reliability.

Nacchi looked pale as she could be, knowing that this particular information could put her on a military shitlist. And that would be terrible!

"They're throwing explosives like candy, but the public was focused on Himekawa instead." Yuuki sneered. "That was stupid."

"It can't be helped. I'm part of the law enforcement, and I need to set a good example, regardless of the public outcry."

Himekawa might have said that, but Taiga noticed her slight smile. From Himekawa's part, she must've been glad that some people were still on her side.

"I think they will accept you eventually, Himekawa-san!" Taiga said reassuringly. "There's nothing with using guns if it would save more people in the long run. What would be wrong is resorting to lethal force immediately."

Yuuki felt something off with the way Taiga said that. Nevertheless, Yuuki agreed with him. Also, now that Yuuki got a good look at him, Taiga was both handsome and charismatic.

Any lesser girl would have melted from his soothing voice. But Himekawa... well, she's just being her flat affect self. Himekawa's weirdness is a double-edged sword.

After the arrival of mercurials, Japanese gun owners increased fivefold, from three hundred thousand in 1999 to almost one and a half million in 2019. Roughly one and a half percent of the population, more than three times the SDF and the police members combined.

Of course, with the increase of firearms ownership, the rate of gun homicide also increased sharply. Reaching a historic high of three hundred and nine cases in 2020, almost five times that of 2010.

It might seem a laughably small number, especially from the viewpoint of Westerners. However, it doesn't change the fact that the Japanese still fear guns immensely.

Before the arrival of Mercurials, even the police force was hesitant to use their service pistol unless in an emergency, where their baton couldn't speak for them.

Many private employed wardens avoid using guns because it is considered a demerit for their personal image, especially young and fit ones.

The image of an old man with a shotgun was ingrained enough with the Japanese public to be tolerable.

It was hard not to see their view as valid on the surface.

However, the public focusing on Himekawa instead of the heavy-armed cultist again made him doubt public rationality. It seemed to once again point to xenophobia more than anything else.

"Ultimately, the only reasonable attack point they can use against Himekawa is her age. And considering the law outright made an exception for warden over fifteen years old, she had nothing to worry about, legally speaking." Taifu cheered them up.

"Furthermore, most of the complaints were made by the older generations. Those who had the fortune of being raised in peaceful times, unlike all of you."

"It's actually true." Nacchi shows them her cellphone. "You see a lot of young people on social media expressing their support for Himekawa, even though critics outnumber them."

"I wonder if it would be better if Himekawa killed them all." Another boy in the backseat said aloud. "Because many of these people might end up crippled."

"How could you say that?!" Nemuko glared at him. Then she looked around, including Yuuki. "No matter how much they suffer, as long as they're alive then-"


None of them supported her.

"No way..." Nemuko closed her mouth with her hands, horrified.

"Well..." Yuuna scratched her head. "It is not an exactly uncommon sentiment."

Not everyone had the mental strength to cope with the fact that they suffered lifelong injuries. Adding to that, the family and closest friend may or may not provide enough support.

"Their families either doubling down and consider these cultists did nothing wrong or simply in denial of the fact that these cultists brought it upon themselves," Andou smirked. "They want an outsider to blame. Hence they choose to blame Himekawa, regardless of what she had done."

Andou stopped smirking as he gravely said: "But disagree with your assertion. Killing these cultists would just end up creating martyrs for them to spread their cause."

The boy in the backseat raised his glasses. "Of course, Yumiya Andou from the Church of Neo Providence would know."

"Who are you anyway?"

"Electronic warfare specialist, Tsukino Hoshi." The boy's glasses gleamed ominously.

"Talking about killing so lightly, you people seriously infuriates me." Reika barked. "How many people you two have killed so far?!"

Andou and the other boy froze for a moment and were unable to reply. Just from this alone, it was made clear how neither of them experienced taking human lives before.

"Not for the lack of trying!" Andou shrugged.

"I'm just saying hypothetically, that's all." Hoshi backtracked.

"Hypothetically, I can throw you two out of this bus right this moment. What do you think about the prospect?" Kotetsu finally spoke, and his voice was full of repressed anger.

He was having none of their bullshit.

"Yeah? See if you can try." Andou hissed.

"This is the worst crowd ever." Nacchi slapped her face. "What have I done to deserve this?"

"Edgelords." The word was the only thing Yuuki could think at the moment.

Just the thought of accidentally killing people made him vomit. Yuuki was confident on the sole fact that he wasn't ready to take human lives, even to protect himself.

Still, that was the perspective that Yuuki missed.

The fact that the entire planet became a warzone twenty years ago means that these kids were born and raised under the constant terror of the alien menace. They're far more desensitized to war and violence, and it was unsettling on its own.

"Ano... excuse me." Taiga stood up and intervened. "We shouldn't bicker needlessly like this before we can get a full briefing. After all, more than half of us are in the dark about the whole picture."

"HUH?" Andou and Kotetsu glared at him.

"Besides that, I think everyone experienced it to some extent, wishing misfortune to fall on someone we think deserved it. To feel that is being human, however..." Taiga smiled assuredly. "Minimizing harm for everyone is the duty of a police officer, and I think Himekawa-san fulfilled that role well."

"Whether they deserve it or not, it's really up to your interpretation. I think it's best for us if everyone can work together without making light on anyone's belief and responsibilities."

"Pffft. Trying to be a white knight now?" Hoshi scoffed. "Do you like her?"

"I'd do the same thing if it was you," Taiga told Hoshi. "No one deserves to be cornered like this. We're in this together, Tsukino-san."

"I'd believe it when I see it." The glasses boy relaxed slightly. "But it was really uncalled of me. I'm sorry, Himekawa-san."

"I don't really mind." Himekawa calmly replied.

"My apologies for that outburst, everyone." Kotetsu also apologized so formally, he even bowed at everyone. "My apologies."

Andou refused to say anything, though.

It seemed that Taiga's honesty reached them, at least. Yuuki applauded inwardly, with how easily Taiga defused the tension with just a few choice words.

If Yuuki had someone like him before... perhaps...

No, Yuuki couldn't let his past tie him any longer. He had to own up to his mistakes as a bratty middle-schooler. Everyone else had nothing to do with it.

He made that decision, and he enforced it with his own bloody fist.

"Thanks for your effort, Hajime-kun." Sho Taifu reminded them before things escalated further. "This conversation is getting more ridiculous than I expect, so you should really stop."

Taiga looked at Himekawa, but her expression remained unchanging. Of course, it only made Taiga even more worried.

"You don't have to listen to them, Himekawa." Taiga tried to cheer her up. "You just need to follow your own heart."

"I pulled the trigger, knowing what the outcome will be." Himekawa bluntly told him. "You don't have to worry about me, Hajime-kun. But thanks for defending me."

Himekawa's response might have sounded curt, but she said it in a neutral tone. It was clear that she thought nothing of it and was really grateful for his support.

"...Whether continue living or giving up... what do you think, Yuuki-kun?" Nemuko asked.

"My mother once said that life is suffering, but seeking death is a coward's way to escape." Yuuki rested his head. "Personally, I agree with her."

To be honest, it's not as if Yuuki never experienced suicidal impulses before. But he managed to resist not once but twice. Yuuna was on a similar boat to him, so she would understand what he felt about it.

"Well, ultimately, people think differently. For example, those who think heaven exists might be more content with dying." Yuuna hugged Yuuki. "But there's no way I can leave this dear brother of mine alone!"

"Oho, now THAT'S a scoop." Nacchi grinned and took some snap pictures.

Yuuki pushed Yuuna's face as hard as he could before she could kiss his cheek. It has been a long time since Yuuna did it to embarrass him in public.

"We are here, kids! Pack your guns and get out of the car!" Taifu shouted. "And enter the auditorium ASAP."

They arrived in front of the Warden school. Yuuki and Yuuna couldn't help but looked around to see if it looked different than other academies. Well, it wasn't, at least on the outside.

"It doesn't look all that different?" Yuuki raised his eyebrows. "Weird."

"Weird?" Nacchi asked and pointed her cellphone at the twins.

"We were expecting something more... militaristic, I guess." Yuuna rubbed her own chin.

"This is just the main building for academic studies. The school had been expanded all the way to the coast, where field training could be held safely." Himekawa made a welcoming gesture. "Welcome to Chiba Nishi Warden High. I'll bring you all to the Auditorium."

"You go ahead. I still have things to take care of." Taifu waved his hand lazily.

After the crowd of armed and super-powered teens left, the driver of the HiAce could finally get out. The driver removed the helmet she wore, revealing shoulder-length wavy hair.

She was young, older than Taifu, maybe in the thirties. She put a cigarette on her lips and ignited it with a snap of her fingers.

"I think I owe it to Taiga-kun back there. Without him, the situation will be really complicated." Taifu smiled at her.

"Taiga's a good kid who always avoided conflict whenever he could." The woman sadly smiled. "And he's the only child I have, so can I really trust him to you, Sensei?"

"To be honest, the situation as a whole isn't really the best. Those kids all have strong individual characters, and it would be hard for them to always get along as a group. However, Taiga-kun certainly can shine even brighter here due to his personality."

"And this way, we can protect you both." Taifu offered his hand. "Have faith in your son, Hajime-san."
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