Twelve Days of Winterfest Treasure Hunt!

View attachment 6620

Well that's mortifying! Will go through and obsessively fix when I'm not on my phone.
I don't see why you're mortified when I obviously copy/pasted the same typo a pile of times in my last-minute Christmas-Day scavenger hunt configuration. >_> I've already fixed it though.
#3 is too easy!
It's Screencaps from Last Night. Had to be any of the older image threads, really. They have their own subforum, kind of hard to miss.
"This sounds like it could have been Panopticon Quest but we're not doing quest threads..."
*Checks spoiler*
"Oh, well it's still MJ12 Commando."
Yeah this one wasn't too difficult to find, tho I did comb through the wrong subforum first on a hunch before I did the smart thing.
How dare you re-inflict this psychic damage. I'm annoyed that I near immediately knew what it was when I read the hint

You vs. Writing

You are a poster on Sufficient Velocity who is trying to make a post. The post could be of any type; whether quest post, omake, new chapter, etc. You have started at least one post of a thread this is in; but are less than half-way done. Youโ€™ve spent much longer than you anticipated already on...
Man, I saw clue 6 and immediately went to
Hiver's New Beginnings, because of "Blank Page". Went through all the sequels because I was just sure that was the reference lol.
I was wrong. :(
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My first immediate thought upon seeing the clue was "Dang, I wish Emperor Tigerstar still did that series." :V
I'm surprised this wasn't the New Year, New You, New Rules thread. With that in mind, I'm betting this was the thread that put News and Politics in a separate subforum but I don't know which one that was or what its name was so I'm not sure I'd be the best at finding it.
Had to look into the pattern to find this one.
Batman vs everyone on SV and SB
I vaguely remember this thread and the Versus Debates subforum being moved to the top level.

Did a search for all threads in non-Creative non-Roleplaying forums between 2021-07-24 (date of the last answer) and 2022-07-24 (because not having an end date included too much, and one year seemed reasonable), ordered by most replies as a proxy for significance.
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Gotta love the daily recollection of these depending on device because >cookies
Can only do so much about that without writing an addon to allow storing things in the account instead of using what amounts to custom template code tricks.

I mean, I suppose an addon that allows said template code to set a user setting could work, but generally all the "write" actions aren't permitted once you reach the template rendering stage for security reasons.
Huh. If your partridges have expired you can't even see the fresh birds in the answer threads.