Turn-Alpha Gundam

everyone should please specify whether they take the Seraphim's offer of vaccine in their next orders.

Also, the CSR and Siberia and orbitals involved with them may submit initial emergency orders for the Grave of Bears if they wish to do so, though it is not required.
emergency orders from
Axis Seraphim
and Siberia on the Grave of Bears due ASAP

All others orders due thursday the 1st of August with extensions possible
I put together a tentative affinity/animus chart. Note that it doesn't cover purely transactional relations, like most of the Earthnoid/Spacenoid agreements etc. Tried to fill in ones that made sense.

Republican Nations

The Federation of Pacific Islands

Territory: Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malyasia, Hawaii, New Zealand
Capital: Manilla
Ideology: Republican
Affinity: Caspia
Animus: Siberia, CanMexico

The Caspian Sea Republic

Territory: Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Turkey
Capital: Tehran
Ideology: Republican
Affinity: Federation of Pacific Islands, Egypt
Animus: Two-Seas Governate, Siberia

The Amazon Territories

Territory: Brazil
Capital: Belem
Ideology: Republican
Affinity: Federation of Pacific Islands, Caspia
Animus: Every Mondist

Free Republic of Egypt

Territory: Egypt
Capital: Cario
Ideology: Republican
Affinity: Caspia, Algeria
Animus: Ethiopia, Algeria


The Yammacin Freeholds

Territory: South West Africa from Senegal to the equator
Capital: Bamako
Ideology: Aristocratic Liberal
Affinity: Alpine Imperate

The Alpine Imperate

Territory: The Alps, Italy, and Austria
Capital: Milan
Ideology: Liberal
Affinity: League of Free Cities, Yammacin Freehold
Animus: Cold League, Caspia

The Royal Republic of Zimbabwe and the Cape

Territory: Zimbabwe, Angola, South Africa
Capital: Harare
Ideology: Liberal

The League of Free Cities

Territory: Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Central Europe
Capital: Warsaw
Ideology: Liberalism
Affinity: Alpine Imperate, Kingdom of Lilies, Two-Seas Governate
Animus: Cold League

The Kingdom of Lilies

Territory: France and Belgium
Capital: Paris
Ideology: Liberalism
Affinity: Alpine Imperate, League of Free Cities
Animus: Everyone From Space

The Two-Seas Governorate

Territory: Greece, Romania, Turkey, Syria, the Balkans
Capital: Damascus
Ideology: Liberalism
Affinity: Alpine Imperate, League of Free Cities
Animus: Caspia

Mondist Powers

The Empire of Greater Siberia

Territory: Siberia, Mongolia, Korea
Capital: Yakutsk
Ideology: Mondist
Affinity: All Mondists
Animus: Caspia, China, Federation of the Isles, the peasantry

The Divine Monarchy of CanMexico

Territory: Canada and Mexico, not including what is now America
Capital: Toronto (Lake City)
Ideology: Mondist
Affinity: Siberia, Apollo-Mithras, Jaburo, Ethiopia
Animus: Federation of the Isles, Amazonia

Margraviate of Jaburo (Gran Columbia)

Territory: Northern South America
Capital: Bogotá
Ideology: Mondism
Affinity: Siberia, Apollo-Mithras, CanMexico, Ethiopia
Animus: Amazonia

The New Ethiopian Empire (NPC)

No player yet
Territory: Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, etc.
Capital: Addis Ababa
Ideology: Mondist
Affinity: Siberia, Apollo-Mithras, CanMexico
Animus: Egypt

The Cult of Apollo-Mithras

@Fancy Face
Territories: Many enclaves and churches throughout the liberal and Mondist world
Capital: Vancouver
Ideology: Apollo-Mithras Cult/Mondist
Affinity: Siberia, CanMexico, Ethiopia, Jaburo
Animus: All Socialists

Socialist Powers

People's Communes of China

Territory: China
Capital: Shanghai
Ideology: Thousand Brotherhood Path (Socialist)
Affinity: India
Animus: Siberia, Cult of Apollo-Mithras

India Councilist Republics

Territory: Indian Subcontinent excluding Pakistan
Capital: Mumbai
Ideology: Agrarian Communism
Affinity: China
Animus: Cult of Apollo-Mithras

The Cold League

Territory: Scotland, Denmark, the Nordic Countries
Capital: Helsinki
Ideology: Vangism
Affinity: China, India
Animus: Cold League, League of Free Cities, Cult of Apollo-Mithras

Algerian Socialist Republic

Territory: Algeria and Tunis
Capital: Biskra
Ideology: In Development Socialism
Affinity: China, India
Animus: Cult of Apollo-Mithras




Territory: Spain
Capital: Madrid
Ideology: Neutral

Spacer Powers

The Seraphim

Territory: L5
Capital: Therymscri
Ideology: Seraphism
Affinity: Lunari
Animus: Astarti, ZOLON, Ansclar

Eden-511 Fortress (Axis Seraphim)

Territory: Asteroid Eden-511
Capital: Eden-511
Ideology: Seraphimism (schismatic)
Affinity: Seraphim, Astarti
Animus: Seraphim, Astarti

The Astarti

Territory: Nomadic Fleet
Capital: None
Ideology: Astartism
Animus: Lunari, Seraphim, Pallas, ZOLON, Applegate


Territory: The fleet ship Juno
Capital: None
Ideology: Astartism (Charismatic)
Animus: Astarti

Anlscar Orbital

Territory: L2
Capital: Zolpher-1 Colony
Ideology: Revolutionary Melindism
Affinity: Astarti
Animus: Seraphim

The Lunari

Territory: The moon
Capital: Lunar Cradle
Ideology: Returnism
Affinity: Pallas, ZOLON, Applegate, Seraphim
Animus: Seraphim, Astarti

The Pallasi

Territory: Pallas and the surrounding shoal zone
Capital: Pallas City
Ideology: Cosmism
Affinity: Lunari, ZOLON
Animus: Astarti, Eden-511

ZOLON Orbital Platform

Territory: ZOLON orbital platforms (L1)
Capital: ZOLON-DARK station
Ideology: Neo-Mechanism
Affinity: Lunari, Pallas
Animus: Seraphim, Eden-511, Astarti, Juno

Applegate Orbital Platform

Territory: Applegate Orbital Platform
Capital: Applegate
Ideology: Returnism
Affinity: Lunari
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The New Ethiopian Empire (NPC)

No player yet
Territory: Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, etc.
Capital: Addis Ababa
Ideology: Mondist
Affinity: Siberia, Apollo-Mithras, CanMexico
Animus: Egypt
I am the player of Ethiopia and tbh I don't think my affinity for Apollo-Mithras deserves to be bolded

The Divine Monarchy of CanMexico

Territory: Canada and Mexico, not including what is now America
Capital: Toronto (Lake City)
Ideology: Mondist
Affinity: Siberia, Apollo-Mithras, Jaburo, Ethiopia
Animus: Seraphim, Amazonia
Seraphim don't deserve an animus, let alone a bolded one. Federation of the Isles maybe.

I should probably hate the socialists more than the Republicans but honestly I'm not sure my government understands the difference.
I'm moving to put most domestic stuff within the order PM because I feel like it's easier to work it in that way. Anything noteworthy will still be reported to the thread at large however.
The following has been approved by @BiopunkOtrera

(slightly fancier map to come)

Alderwitch - One of the 'witch twins', Alderwitch is a closed-type colony cylinder floating in the outer edges of the L4 shoal zone. Alderwitch's populace has embraced a plethora of mystery cults and, while there are occasional squabbles and even fighting (thankfully just with fists) many of the cults are reasonably neighborly to each other; Alderwitch's culture is sometimes compared to a well-shaken mix of oil and water as dozens of bubbles move around, past and sometimes into each other. The various seraph groups hold broad but shallow sway, the very nature of Alderwitch's culture allowing them in but making it difficult to gain any deep hold.

Morewitch - Morewitch is the other of the 'witch twins', positioned just outside the L4 shoal zone. Eagerly adopting Seraphim-supplied biotechnology they have nonetheless given polite but firm refusals to form any closer alignments. Sometimes called a 'renfair in space' by Lunari (A term that nobody seems to really know what it means any more) Morewitch is considered a bit strange and, due to various lax laws and political neutrality, mostly harmless.

The Spindrift - A quartet of colonies at the outer edge of the L4 Lagrange point, the Spindrift has become a key member of the Lunar economic community and, as travel through the shoal zone becomes more reliable, Pallas as well. Being relatively poor due to the malfunction of several of the stored industrial plants, the Spindrift has responded by incubating a strongly capitalist private sector in a bid to 'unleash the animal spirits'. Politically lukewarm towards the Seraphim, the arrival of various well-armed Seraph splinter groups over the past few years has sent ripples of alarm through the Spindrift and they have responded with a program of defensive works and seen Spindrift-Seraphim relations degrade as collateral.

Island 471 ' Magnus' - Some claim that Island 471 was the last and largest space colony ever built; while these claims are impossible to verify Island 471 is certainly extremely large. From a distance it has the conventional double-cylinder design but the two cylindera are each approximately 50 kilometers long and 12 kilometers in diameter, giving them more than twice the floor space of conventionally sized cylinders. Politically, '471' maintains a special relationship with Luna and is one of the few colonies at L5 that have not aligned directly with the Seraphim. That said, 471 is also friendly to the Seraphim and there is brisk trade between them. Like all of the space colonies 471's culture has been long mixed between dozens of ancient Earth sources but its strongest influence is - was - Latin American. 471 is unofficially known as Magnus, in reference to its size and the pride its people take in it.

New Lucknay - The other independent colony at L5, New Lucknay slowly orbits around the edge of the L5 shoal zone (aka the Thunderbolt Sector). Having suffered a major impact several centuries ago, long before the inhabitants awoke from their stasis vaults, New Lucknay currently only has one functioning cylinder. Continued efforts to repair the 'B Side' by salvaging out of the Thunderbolt Zone has given New Lucknay a selection of strange and unusual weapons. New Lucknay maintains a policy of affable neutrality in spacer politics but is also rather avaricious of technology that could be used for its immense infrastructure project - or technology in general. New Lucknay's founding culture is that of the pre-cataclysm British Isles, though like other colonies this has long since become little more than cultural color.

Moon Moon - The only habitat in Earth orbit, Moon Moon is a ramshackle collection of elderly, old-style habitat spheres and zero-G stations welded together into a veritable 'clump of grapes' in geosynchronous orbit over the middle of the Pacific Ocean. A significant fraction of Moon Moon's population are zero-G adapted Minkowskis (or 'Minks'), who have a complicated and recondite religion related to Earth, space and their position in it. Overall fairly insular and without most of the functioning industrial fabricators of the other space habitats, the people of Moon Moon have extremely limited technology and much of their energies are spent salvaging for what they need out of the circum-Pacific shoal zone.

Side 3 - Side 3 is the third largest center of population in the Earth Sphere, behind Luna and the L5 Home Cluster and roughly comparable to Ansclar. Unlike those however, Side 3 is politically disunited with seemingly each individual colony having its own political alignment. Historically subordinate to the Pax Lunari, for generations the various colony cylinders of L3 were were content to let the distant Lunari act as mediators of last resort. Unfortunately, the recent arrival of various Seraph splinter groups has resulted in a sea change in local politics, replacing the distant Lunari with a variety of more local and much more active influences. No specific alignment holds the majority today, though a significant number support the Astarti with a somewhat smaller number supporting the Seraphim and even several looking towards Eden-511 and ZOLON for leadership and patronage. As might be expected this multisided tug-of-war can result in volatile internal politics, with Luna and Lunar-aligned interests called in to mediate increasingly often even as the steady erosion of Lunar hegemony in Side 3 is raising alarms in the halls of Lunar power.
An incomplete list of Side 3 colonies include:

Pallas Shoal Zone ("Garden of Thorns") - The largest shoal zone in the Earth Sphere, the Pallas Shoal Zone is centered around Pallas itself. While hundreds of destroyed colonies litter the area, Minovsky particle density is the lowest of all the shoal zones, only mildly elevated above the background levels across the Earth Sphere. It is popularly known as the Garden of Thorns due to the number of ships that have suffered hull-penetrating hits trying to explore it.

Thunderbolt Sector - The remnants of L5, the Thunderbolt Sector is the second-largest shoal zone after the Pallas zone. Exploiting it has proven difficult however, as Minovsky particle levels are extremely elevated (perhaps due to active emissions deep inside) and only the outermost edges are meaningfully explored. The Thunderbolt Sector also has particular resonance in the history of Luna, as it was here that the infamous pirate Glennon-Heights made his lair and where he was famously defeated by the Lunar Republican Space Force to bring about the Pax Lunari.

Colony Graveyard - Many of the colonies at L5 suffered slow damage over the long centuries of neglect and when the Seraphim awoke from their stasis vaults they repaired and repopulated those in best condition while scouring those of suspect structure or habitability of all useful technology, leaving them hulked derelicts situated between the L5 Home Cluster and the Thunderbolt Sector. Many of the industries and machinery now present in the Astarti fleet and Eden-511 were once found in these abandoned colony cylinders.

Pacific Shoal Zone - The largest shoal zone in Earth orbit, the Pacific shoal zone has the most derelicts and several clouds of elevated Minovsky particles but, overall, is not particularly dense. Moon Moon lies in the middle of the zone.

Atlantic Shoal Zone - Gripped by a dense and persistent cloud of Minovsky particles, the Atlantic shoal zone is seen as treacherous with geomagnetic storms regularly stirring the band of sensor-obscuring particles up into localized particle waves that can shut down even hardened electronics. Nonetheless, many shattered stations lie between the South American and African elevators and the lure of potential wealth is strong.

Indian Shoal Zone - The densest but most shattered shoal zone, the Indian shoal zone once had hundreds, perhaps thousands of small and mid-sized stations but now they are so much techno-wreckage. Minovsky levels are not terribly high, but physical hazards are rife and travel through the Indian shoal zone is, by necessity, a slow affair.
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After a lot of thinking, I'm going to withdraw from the game. I hold no grudges and bear no I'll will, I just feel like the options available in the position I'm now in are ones that I have no motivation to play through. And if it's not going to be fun then what's the point of playing?

Best of luck to all, and I will see you in the next game.
Actually, I think the only fair way to do this is to have some emergency orders first.

The two sea's administration is collapsing under the pressure of a lost war and an uncarring Europe. Crowds of angry soldiers flock the streets. Terrorists from the CSR border region detonate bombs. The king is missing. Two apocalypse machines remain in play.

The following powers may give me emergency orders which will define the new situation in the Two Seas. Please get them in ASAP, though be aware that if I can find another player, it'll be up to them how to interpret the situation and they may try to self coup. If of course the two seas is even independent after emergency orders

If the Two Seas don't end up in the liberal block afterwards then I will open up two more liberal minor powers for PCs as well given you've lost two.

Powers who may issue emergency orders for the two seas.
- Algeria @Princess_Hex
- Egypt @AMTurtle
- The League of Cities @tankdrop24
- The Alpine Imperiate @Mordred
- The Lily Kingdom @Easter
- The CSR @SirLagginton
- China @Aedan777
- India @kosi
- The Church of Apollo Mithras @Fancy Face
- The Seraphim @Exhack
- The Axis Seraphim @FantasticMsFox
- Juno @Valleron
- Astarte @Scabby
- Lunar @Secondskink
- Freehold @Nanolyte
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New PCs
The League of Three Seas
Territory: Greece, the Balkans, some of Germany, Hungary etc.
Capital: Bucarest
Ideology: Liberalism
Advantages: Large territory
Disadvantages: Broken by civil war
Economy: Large
Military: Large
Ruins: Few
Labs: 1
150 Brigades (additional forces recruited)
70 Armoured Brigades +20 (+20 Q3, +20 Q4)
40 B-Type mobile suits
22 E-flat mobile suits
50 Type-1s (purchased from side-3)
5 Naval Groups
1 E-Major

The European Socialist International
Territory: Various European territories.
Capital: None
Ideology: Socialist
Advantages: No Territory
Disadvantages: No Territory
Economy: Medium
Military: Large
Ruins: access to various
Labs: 1
Ex-Cold League Vangists
50 Brigades (Godot League)
20 Armored Brigades (Godot League)
30 F-types
12 E-Flats (Marine, Swamp, Forest and Litoral Types) (England)
24 BB Types (Marine, Flight, Hill, Sniper and Commando Types) (England)
1 T+ Type (Mirage Variant) (England)
10 B-types
50 Brigades
20 armoured brigades
1 E-Major Marine
30 brigade equivilents of guerrillas
2 E-types

Moralia Cluster
Territory: Several Side 3 Colonies
Capital: Moralia Cylinder
Ideology: Moralist
Advantages: Small mercenary state
Disadvantages: Small mercenary state
Economy: Medium
Military: Medium
Ruins: Few
Labs: 2
100 EK Types
20 Type E-Mod 2s
50 Type-2s
The Adrestia
30 Battlegroups

1 Battleship
10 Cruisers
40 frigates

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the following powers may submit emergency orders on the Sahara and Morroco situations: the Freehold @Nanolyte Lunar @Secondskink Pallas @Shrike South Africa @Carol ZOLON @Hollewanderer Spain @Rincewind Algeria @Princess_Hex Axis Seraphim @FantasticMsFox Seraphim @Exhack Anlscar @BigBacon

The following powers may submit emergency orders for the situation in Siberia. CSR @SirLagginton Astarte @Scabby Seraphim @Exhack Axis Seraphim @FantasticMsFox ZOLON @Hollewanderer Anlscar @BigBacon Lunar @Secondskink Pallas @Shrike Siberia @DanBaque

Morellian mercenaries @ArvisPresley may also submit orders

If anyone else thinks they should be able to submit emergency orders tell me on discord.

@VoidZero @Shrike @Mordred and @FantasticMsFox may also submit emergency orders with regard to the cold league situation
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Space map update to come (slight changes needed) but here are narrative descriptions of the asteroids.

Solomon - A 20 km nickel-iron asteroid towed to the L-1 point, Solomon first rose to prominence in the Eleven Month War when it became the Federation's unbreachable fortress. Even today it still bears the scars of the ancient battles that swirled around it. After the war its importance slowly diminished, and while it was always a fortress by the Cataclysm it appears to have been mostly relegated to a transit hub and secure storage site.

Palau - Palau is an extinct comet that was towed to the L-2 point to provide both mineral and, via mining deep under its desiccated crust, volatiles as well. Several hidden caches discovered by Anlscar mining operations suggest it was once used by anti-Federation forces as a base of operation but overall the resource asteroid does not appear to have ever been more than a resource asteroid.

Luna-5 - Buried deep inside the Thunderbolt Sector, Luna-5 appears to be a simple mining asteroid slightly smaller than Solomon. Unfortunately the hazards of the Thunderbolt Sector mean it is essentially unapproachable with several attempts to reach it and find what may lie inside having met disaster. Until the shoal zone is cleared or someone builds a ship with sufficiently thick ablative armor to withstand the random impacts expected on the way, Luna-5 will remain isolated and untouched.

Luna-8 - One of the key fleet facilities of the post-Eleven Month War Federation, Luna-8 appears to have steadily taken over the role Solomon once filled. Originally anchored at L-1, Luna-8 was recently moved to L-5. Like most asteroids it is essentially a lumpy potato, its stoney chondrite bulk spanning roughly 15km on its longest axis.

Gate of Zedan - A particularly large asteroid at ~34km on its longest axis, the Gate of Zetan is a contact binary with a distinctive mushroom shape. It was the largest and most powerful of the Space Independence Alliance's three asteroid forts and included full industrial facilities. It was later used as a major ATLAS facility and ultimately as one of the Cradles - with the massive beam scars across the mushroom 'cap' mute testament to the nigh-genocidal infighting that closed out the Cataclysm. Seen as haunted, despite its proximity to Side-3 the Gate of Zedan is shunned by any sensible individual. In fact, 'Going past the Gate of Zedan' has become a space colloquialism for death.

Moussa - At barely 10 km across, Moussa is the smallest (until the arrival of Ulyesses) asteroid in the Earth Sphere. Like Palau it is an extinct comet, its interior heavily mined for volatiles and its surface covered in silicate slag residuals from a century of smelting. Ancient records have its position at Side 3 and it briefly served as an asteroid fort; at some point it fell out of Side 3 and now orbits between Earth and the Lagrange points.

Pezun - Another nickel-iron asteroid, Pezun is the fragment of a larger body that was shattered in geologically recent times; its pointed splinter shape is distinctive next to the more common 'lumpy potato'. The third asteroid once found at L3, it was used as a command center by the Space Independence Alliance forces during the Eleven Month War. After the war it was seized by Federation forces and moved to its current position, orbiting roughly 80,000 km from Earth.