Tsundere Villainess - Dungeon Queen - Dungeon Quest

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So, I've decided that i'm clinically insane enough to try to run a quest after the last fiasco...


A writer of questionable interest
The Moon
So, I've decided that i'm clinically insane enough to try to run a quest after the last fiasco, admittedly a much simpler one with very little plans. That said I have great hopes for this ques and I have no doubts that SV will not disappoint. That or you will drive me insane and leave me in the funny house. Either way, we're doing this.

Archive goes here.
Dungeon Master:
In possession of a rather crappy sword, completely Tsundere Moe.
Knowledgeable about some magic, specialized in dark healing.
Goblin Personal Guard named Knorg
Expert Trapsmith - Officer Rank, Aruna

Standard Mine
Entrance has a plethora of capture traps along with more scattered throughout
Has some mining gear and a good supply of metal saved up
10 goblins all armored up and armed with blades
2 Trolls unarmored and unarmed
A decent cache of gold enough to get you by for the time being.
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You've finally gotten fed up with it. All this time you have gotten sick and tired of getting pushed around by everyone bigger than you. You knew you finally reached the breaking point after you wound up upsidedown tied up against a tree trunk. It was time for something more ambitious to get revenge, and you knew just how to do it. Just outside the old village there was an old abandoned mine for sale, the thing was the damn thing was completly empty aside from a couple stray goblins, already completly stripped clean. The thing had been up for sale so long it was literally selling for pocket change, but nobody wanted a worthless monster mine .... Until now. You set off to purchase the new property in order to secure your way for your new journey! You would create the ultimate dungeon, draw heroes in from all over, and become amazing! And when the chance was right, you would take your dungeon and march out against the world to get revenge on those who made fun of you!

You would be the ultimate -

[] Villain
[] Villainess

[] Name Optional
[] Apperance Optional

The property was yours at this point, however the question was .... what should you do with it?

[] March in and tell the monsters you are the new dungeon master
[] Storm the place with a weapon and beat the monsters into submission
[] Trick the monsters into following you by showing how amazing and superior you are
[] Write-in.
[X] Villainess

[X] Storm the place with a weapon and beat the monsters into submission
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[X] Villainess

[X] Storm the place with a weapon and beat the monsters into submission
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As of yet you do not know magic, you are a simple boy/girl from a village. Learning magic happens over the course of the story if you so desire it.
[X] Villainess

[X] Storm the place with a weapon and beat the monsters into submission
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Again, there is no magic yet, that is not a valid option, please stop voting for using magic. You have to learn it.

Edit: Thank you.
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The below is randomly generated and edited. Use what you want.

Villainess- Eleonóra Gabriella Judit

This girl makes you think of a dangerous spider. She has slitted green eyes that are like two emeralds. Her thick, straight, very short hair is the color of milk chocolate, and is worn in a dignified style. She is tall and has an amazonian build. Her skin is cream-colored. She has a high forehead and full lips. Her wardrobe is practical and professional, with a mostly black and yellow color scheme.

This is me now-
[X] March in and tell the monsters you are the new dungeon master
[X] You are a villainess these creatures should bow to your superior intellect and you shall reward them
If nobody else offers a name or appearance i'll probably work with and modify that, assuming villainess wins.

Here is the best description yet

This woman puts you in mind of an unstoppable storm. She has hooded eyes the color of sapphires. Her silky, wavy, neck-length hair is the color of rust, and is worn in an elegant style. She has a curvy build. Her skin is pale. She has a small mouth. Her wardrobe is dignified and unusual, with a lot of black.

Chose your favorite

Hair is not right length but otherwise it looks like a good pic.
Same goes for this one.
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For the record, while voting DOES apply and will help sway my opinion, I hold final choice on purely option things like apperance if I don't feel theres enough votes going around.

Edit: Assuming nobody has an complaints at least, if people feel this isn't fair feel free to speak up, this as much for your enjoyment as it is for mine.
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[X] March in and tell the monsters you are the new dungeon master
[X] You are a villainess these creatures should bow to your superior intellect and you shall reward them
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Votes closed.
Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] March in and tell the monsters you are the new dungeon master
No. of votes: 1

[X] Villainess
[X] Storm the place with a weapon and beat the monsters into submission
No. of votes: 3

[X] March in and tell the monsters you are the new dungeon master
[X] You are a villainess these creatures should bow to your superior intellect and you shall reward them
No. of votes: 3

[X] Villainess
[X] Eleonóra Gabriella Judit
[X] appearance: http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=posts=viewid=1348958
[X] Storm the place with a weapon and beat the monsters into submission
No. of votes: 2

[X] March in and tell the monsters you are the new dungeon master
[X] You are a villainess these creatures should bow to your superior intellect and you shall reward them
[X]http://i1364.photobucket.com/albums/r729/Song_Chee_Hin/Female Characters/One/aok0201_zps7a4b88c4.png
No. of votes: 1

[X] Villain
[X] Storm the place with a weapon and beat the monsters into submission
No. of votes: 1
Elder Haman

[X] Villainess
[X] Name: Diana
[X] appearence
[X] Storm the place with a weapon and beat the monsters into submission
No. of votes: 1
[X] Villainess: Eleonóra Gabriella Judit
[X] Storm the place with a weapon and beat the monsters into submission

Of course you do still have a bit of money left, and the place is still monster infested, so you wisely go out and invest in a very cheap sword with whats left of your money. You quickly prepare youself, you're not quite the most hardened of warriors but based on rumors you know you should be able to take a good crack at it. You make your way to the mine and head on in weapon in hand, it's completly unguarded of course, the basic goblins that are present are too stupid to set up this place to be presentable without orders. You find many goblins lazing around and quickly start beating them into submission, they quickly all round up together but they're easily put in line with some whacks of your blade, they're rather damaged but they'll be fine, they're still alive afterall. They all round up near a very large chamber near the far end of the mines. They're obviously terrified of you, many of them are not combat ready or in shape, so the question becomes;

What now?

[X] Give a speech about how you're their new master and this will be your dungeon and domain.
[X] Apply sword liberally and start making demands right off the bat, don't explain things.
[X] Quickly apologize and look after them and then start helping them out. You were a victim of bullies, you don't need to bully your minions.
[X] Write-in