Shuffling back into the communal cave is no more pleasant than the first time. If anything, it's worse.
Because you're committed now. You're a rebel in the den, an egg-thief in the nest. Woe to those like you that are unveiled. Woe!
As you and your brethren file back into the cavernous space, you feel like a tick gnawing at a Giant's foot. Just about to be squashed.
Every Steel-Eater's helmeted glance seems directed at you and even seated on the other side of the hall, you picture Morglor's beady, shiny eyes fixed on you, following every movement.
You imagine the Frumm, already clustering before the dais like a pack of fattened dogs, speaking up against you. Or maybe it will be the group of brooding Dar and Loyalist Trolls glowering at everything. You almost expect the beastie (or besties) huddling on your ceiling to break inside any moment to ruin you.
The only good point is that there's no fire. The hearth is a circle of charred wood and broken bones.
It takes all your self-control and some not to flinch as the Overseer moves.
Massive hands clutching the stone armrests, he leans forward to regard all of you with a long, fatherly, fond gaze. Which does nothing good to your complexion, considering what you already know. Especially when he lingers on you for a moment longer, leaving you fervently desiring it was just your imagination.
Yllak grunts an aknowledgement as he takes the place beside you. He's not the brightest Troll you met. Heck, he can barely speak. Still, the quiet resolve emanating from him is steadying, just as much as the heavy cudgel he holds in a tight grip.
"I am from up. Close by." Yllak's voice is a low grumble, every word feeling like he's chewing on it before spitting it out. He cradles his head, fists clutched at its sides like he's fighting to shake off something. You don't think it's good for him to speak, but you don't mention it. He seems in dire need of it.
"Beneath the mountain's paunch. Nice place. Cool air. Flowing water. Swaying trees. Dad brings me to the rumble. We play all day. It patters against my hide. I like that."
He lumbers through the phrases like he's struggling to remember, a frown that could have been a smile playing on his lips.
You don't say anything, listening. It gives you plenty of time to piece together his meanings. Must have been a place up north, on the foothills, you guess, where the forests are thick and you could find waterfalls. Close to the stunties' place, maybe.
"Sounds like a nice place."
"Yeah." Yllak nods firmly. "Got away because of the Wanderlust. Followed the Scent down here. Thought I was lucky. Dad is a big, big Boss. Wanted to be as good. At least a bit." He seems to deflate a little.
"Couldn't do that with that hat," he says. "Too… angry. So angry. So, so angry." He shakes his head and looks at you, with a frown. "You took that off. You brought back Scent. Brought back memory. Yllak is grateful, forever. And you're smart. Good Boss. Until Scent doesn't lead away, Yllak follows."
He nods, mouth forming into a final line. He offers you a hand.
You clench and unclench your hand, Yllak's heavily calloused hand still lingering in feeling and still slightly pained fingers. The Troll had one heck of a grasp. A Brute in training if there always was one.
A part of you, scheming and cold, judges and assesses a new resource to use, maul and muscles to support what you don't have. Another, one which strength of voice you're surprised from, rejoices from having a, well, a friend.
Not being alone anymore in this is… nice.
You cough, trying to recover some composure. Yllak looks at you quizzically, and you wave your hand to dismiss his concerns. You're almost thankful that Morglor decides to start his daily rant right then.
"A Trial," he sentences, slapping cheerfully at his armrest, talking like he's resuming a speech he just interrupted. "What is more just? To separate the wheat from the chaff. To distinguish the worthy from the unworthy so that prizes and honors can be adjudicated as they deserve, as it's right it should be. Can you feel it, my children?" He looks at you all encouragingly. "The fire inside you? Rising, flaring? It's the fire promised, and it's the righteous trial for you to test yourselves against. Wade fearlessly into it. Embrace the fire. Let yourself be reborn and step into the new age that already waits for you." He spread his arms, as if wanting to include them all in his grandiose vision. "It will be your baptism as new, better Trolls. And by its righteousness, it will mark the beginning of justice. Our justice! Our world! Where the strong and the worthy are rewarded!"
The Steel-Eaters clank in unison, heavy fists against steel plates. The Frumm look like someone just uncovered the secret of the universe to them and paw at their pieces of armor. The Loyalists glower harder, if that is possible.
And then there's you. With Yllak frowning beside you and the Frumm you freed looking intimiditated between his compatriots.
You feel like there is a joke somewhere for you, but if that's true, you can't find it. Let alone laugh at it.
Not everything is the same in the communal hall. A stone altar has been put on the dais, right before the throne. It's an ugly, blocky thing, pitted and dirty with stains you don't care to know the origin of. Your skin crawl only at looking at it, and if Morglor thought it would put some fear in all of you if he used it as a table, like he's doing right at the moment, you can't fault his reasoning. Even the two Wrestlers Dar you spoke with look a smidge less glowering.
Morglor sets his elbows on the rough, scarred rock, looking cheerful.
"Shall we then?"
Morglor preaches some more, then hands the stage to a gangly Troll you've never seen before... or did you? It takes you a couple of blinking to recognize Zaga.
The over-eager Troll is decked out in a flamboyant uniform. Pieces of cloth dyed in brilliant red and other eye-watering colors cling to his emaciated frame, and he capers and laughs like a mad goat. You're still trying to gather your bearings when Zaga hits his feet together with a bounce and starts handing out the orders for the next Time from the Chief.
After hearing them, you're all ushered out. You're the last to shuffle out, not managing to hold back the temptation to linger and try to snatch something of what happens in there.
As expected, Morglor takes center stage. As you watch, a massive Steel-Eater, his aura exploding with nastiness to the point that you can almost see it with your normal sight, lumbers close. To your surprise, there's a troll you've never seen before.
On the runtish side, the newcomer is swathed from what look like a mantle of pieces of leather patched together and painted into shades of grey, black and brown, the colors seeming to blend and shift as the cloak ripple. A craggy, dirt-encrusted face, so much that you think the owner may be a Stone Troll, jut out from beneath a cowl of the same material. The Scout stands remarkably still, looking like a shadow sprouting Troll features.
It clicks on you that you found the gaze you felt but never seen your first day.
And that's not all. A Goblin is present too. The creature must be the most abused specimen you'ver seen. Instead of the typical dark green, what little you can see of his skin between the voluminous robes is an unnatural whitish tint. The black of his clothes too are bleached and dusty, as if whatever sickness too the color from their owner did the same to them. A withered nose peeks from beneath a heavy cowl, a desolate peak towering over a landscape of papery skin and sagging folds.
Alongside, the clear effort it takes him to stand, you could almost find in you to pity the miserable creature. If not for the trio of shrunken heads dangling from his staff and the hateful, hungry glare in his beady, red eyes.
"My smart boy."
You blink, realizing only then to have lagged behind.
Morglor is looking at you, a pleasant smile plastered on his face.
"You didn't bring the letter yet." It's not a question, and as he speaks, the general attention turns to you. "Take your time. But not too much, mh?" He smiles, a father amused by his child's antics. Morglor waves his hand, and you take the cue to make your swift escape, feeling many gazes on you as you do so.
As you retreat, mind whirling, you think that you truly are committed. But Morglor doesn't know, he cannot know. Otherwise, you would be stewing in someone's pot by now. Whatever it takes, you must keep it like this.
You like your skin where it is, thank you very much.
Hearts beat at a gentler rhythm. Trolls sniff the air and look at each other with hostility. Mating Time is here.
You received 5 units of Squig Meat!
You committed yourself to fighting Morglor's tyranny and that makes you an enemy of him and the Troll King. Thankfully, there's no chance for Throgg to drop by, but his Overseer child and tall enough to squash you. If you want to survive, you have to remain unnoticed.
Morglor's attention on you
Base: 50
- Just a Frumm -20
- Package not given to Gizza yet +3
- Glimmer not noticed +0
- Helmet carried, coif worn -10
- Distracted with Rituals -5
Result: 18. The Chief looks at you only fleetingly. You are safe.
Two factions square off for control. There will be battle, it's certain as it's certain that Old Ug opens one eye and closes the other. Who will win remains uncertain. Make your choice where you'll stand. Decide your destiny. Things are in motion and you can't stop what is to come. That doesn't mean you can't play a part in it.
Factions Actions resolution:
Morglor's Faction: Crude fortifications built. Increased defense from outside attacks.
Morglor's Action discovered: Building a Chaos Altar. -> Succeded.
Who holds the Power?
Morglor's Faction 153 VS 70 Loyalist Faction
Morglor is Chief!
By din of his absolute authority, chief Morglor orders:
- Frumm MUST carry their helmets and/or pieces of armor at all times. Frumm found breaking this order will be beaten and caged. This order draws reason from the recent signs of Squigs in the caves. All loyal Trolls are advised to be on guard! (6 Frumm remain Infested).
There have been incursions in the Troll Gardens, and food destined for the pantry has been absconded with. Since no loyal Troll could be responsible for such damaging acts for the community, the culprit is certainly the already-known Squigs in the deeper caves. To avoid further offenses, the guard on the Troll Garden has been strengthened, with Trolls of proven loyalty ordered to kill any thief (Steel-Eaters guard the Garden. It will provoke a Conflict with the Loyalist Faction).
- It is clear that loyal Trolls have been suffering from dreams that have been stealing well-deserved rest. To address this urgent matter, chief Morglor generously sets himself to beneficent rituals meant to soothe and purify. DO NOT DISTURB. (Morglor starts Performing Summonings).
- It has come to the Chief's attention that misguided Trolls have been seen wearing panoplies of war. As peace lays upon our den thanks to attentive rule, the Chief has regretfully come at the decision that such Trolls must be preparing to bring Trouble upon the nest. As Morglor doesn't wish to make war upon his own people, a Warning is given and the Trolls are called upon to lay down their intents. (Loyalist's Faction Readiness rises because of Heavy Armor and Weapons). ("Chief Ukrot knew Morglor up to no good. Brag is not the only thing left behind. Caches of good bits around. Time to dig them out".)
- An announcement to all loyal Trolls! Boss Ukrot's return will soon be upon us! Alright, maybe not so soon, but it'll happen eventually, and we can't have him returning to anything less than a great feast, can we? So get out there and bring back some tasty treats, and with that I mean Goblin shamans, or just Goblins the Chief's guards point out to you. Don't worry about it. (Morglor's Faction starts Gathering Sacrifices).
- Attention! Trouble-makers (Yes, I said it) have been spotted in the Den! Circles and glyphs of positive influence inscribed by the chief have been repeatedly found messed with! Stop that! (Loyalist Faction starts Smashing the Glyphs).
Morglor's Faction Vs Loyalist Faction
Morglor's Faction: 6 Frumm (Infested, Growing) + 4 Brutes + 7 Steel-Eaters (Chaos-Empowered) + Chief Morglor, Overseer
Attitude: Fanatic
Readiness: Empowered (Chaos-Energy +++ [Added Altar Influence], Good Sustenance ++, Allied Squigs +++, Allied Goblins +++, Fortifications +)
Total Faction Power: 153
Faction actions:
- Gathering sacrifices (The Stink)
- Guarding (Troll-Garden)
Faction Leader Action:
- Performing sacrifices
Loyalist Faction: 6 Wrestlers + 11 Brutes + 2 Veteran Wrestlers + 3 Veteran Brutes
Attitude: Getting a Move On
Readiness: Poor (Raids ---, Poor Sustenance --, Fights --, Bad Dreams --, Heavy Weapons and Armors ++)
Total Faction Power: 70
Faction actions:
- Finding and stockpiling Food (Troll-Garden)
- Smashing Glyphs
Balance of Power: Very Strongly in favor of Morglor
Troll-Boss Ukrot will return in ?? Turns.
The Overseer's Plot: Activity ripples and rumbles through the Cavern as Trolls, willing or not, move with vitality and coordination unprecedented. The rock thrums with omens of conflict and Trouble, and things once unthinkable are seen every day. But even an avalanche is made of single pebbles. Where will you throw yours?
You have 6 Actions Points.
[] Trouble Incoming: It is certain. There will be a battle sometime in the future. Yours is the choice to whom you'll throw your lot. You may not be a Troll-Boss, but you have cunning and will enough to tilt the scales if you put your mind to it. Ready to take a stand?
- [] The Loyalists are moving but they don't trust you. How about you help them to rectify this? First things first, they need help to find a reliable way to sneak about. See if you can help.
- [] The Loyalists are taking a crack at the glyphs. Literally. They wait when nobody is looking to smash them alongside the rocks they are inscribed with. It's effective, but only until a Steel-Eater wanders in and rebuilds the glyph. See if you can find a more definitive solution.
- [] Loyalist Trolls wither and weaken before your very eyes. Food! We need food! Search for a source of it, even a temporary one. NOISY
- [] Or join the Loyalists as they try to raid the Garden and not get killed in the attempt. NOISY
- [] Sun-bleached, pale Goblins are setting up rickety camps outside, watched over by a lone Steel-Eater. There has to be something you can do to decrease their battle readiness. How about scaring them?
- [] Those damn Squigs never stop making a ruckus. Get to those holding pens and shut them up for good. No Squigs allowed in Troll land! Do it quietly though. [UPDATED!] NOISY
- [] Frumm have gone bad, beating each other and everything that come in reach. You helped save two. You can save the others, you're sure of it.
- [] Morglor reminds you of the package, which you almost forgot. The Chief still expects for it to be given to the shaman Gizza. Do so, but maybe take a peek inside first. NOISY (Handing the package will attract Attention, not doing it will attract Attention. Can't win on this one).
- [] Write-in -
The Grumbling Cavern
[] Down, down, in Troll town: The Cavern is well-known to you. Plenty of interesting spaces to explore, some more dangerous than others, but the rewards may be worth it. (You'll have to sneak beyond guardians if surveilled to get the reward)
- [] Pantry: Surveilled, Hade. Reward: plenty of food. NOISY
- [] Troll-Garden: Surveilled, Steel-Eaters. Reward: plenty of food and choices of seeds. [UPDATED!] NOISY
- [] Kitchen: Surveilled, Hade. Reward: Some food and tools, seeds.
- [] Throne-Room: Surveilled, Morglor. Reward: ??? NOISY
- [] Armoury: Surveilled, Morglor's Steel-Eater. Reward: Weapons and armor. NOISY
- [] War-pit: In use. Fighting down in the pit could make you stronger, at the risk of hurting yourself.
- [] Workshop: Abandoned. Dusty tools and mounds of refuse. Maybe there's something useful?
- [] Forge: Abandoned. Stunties would weep at this place being called a forge.
- [] Barracks: Open. Trade or try to steal. Be caught at your peril. Possible trading: information about a topic known to the Trolls, bits of food, possible interesting items Trolls carry around.
- [] Hag-Dwelling: Abandoned. A massive cauldron left without mixtures. Whispers slither across dusty shelves and strange objects.
- [] Shaman-Dwelling: Abandoned. The roughly carved statues of the Gods watch, their pebbly eyes dulled.
[] The Cavern's Bounty: Trolls recognize different kinds of minerals, and eat them to give their fluids certain peculiarities, many of which end in their gardens. Make a supply for yourself of what looks useful from the little that you know.
[] A Whiff of Fresh Air: The land outside the Cavern is a wasteland of crags and ravines. But no place is without merits. A couple of Trolls take care, clumsily, of the tribe's animals, and goblins and other things scamper around. You think you may have seen even a shaman. On order of the Chief, the Smeidr has moved the animals closer to the cavern. Familiarize yourself with the Land. [UPDATED!]
[] A Blast of Green Air: The goblin town gives you a headache only by looking at it, but the Goblins are many and you need friends. Go out and start bonding with your "friends," or at least one of their many factions. Hoping they won't shank you.
- [] The Stink: The sea of rubble making up most of the goblin town. Filled with the footsoldiers of many different Clans. Never a day without bloodshed. Trolls lumber in groups, grabbing certain Goblins and leaving the rest to scramble to safety. There must be someone not happy about it. Maybe. NOISY [UPDATED!]
- [] The Glare: The section of the cavern beneath the sun. Home for exiled goblins and failed would-be-bosses whose Clans have been disbanded. Many Goblins have left, leaving the place a half-empty wasteland.
- [] The Overgrown: A rampant fungal ecosystem. Night Goblins, Maniacs and Madcap Shamans pick and prod at it day and night. With many Squigs herded away, the place looks almost peaceful.
- [] The Toof: Squat and brooding, this dwarven edifice was once a fortified post in the Underway. Now it's a nightmare of crumbling battlements, haphazard wooden fortifications and Greenskin glyphs. It's a testament to its builders' skills that it's still there at all. The banners of the Moonbiterz Clan cover every inch of the place. This is where the Warboss and his elites plan their schemes. You're starting to have a silver tongue, and a talking Troll is sure to get attention, maybe even by one of the Warboss' chiefs. NOISY [UPDATED!]
- [] Know your friends: The Grumbling Cavern is quite the lax place. Not exactly a tribe, the Trolls living in it are mostly left at their devices, at least until the chief need them. But that doesn't mean that making connections is impossible. Go out and make new friends
- [] Zaga: Well, he made something of himself, that's for sure. Meet the so-called "Voice of the Chief." NOISY [UPDATED!]
- [] Hade: The old Troll keeps to his corner before the pantry, grumbling to himself and doing nothing else. Go ask him about his intentions and see if you can get his considerable strength on the Loyalist's side. [UPDATED!]
- [] Morglor: The Troll-Chief is busy with his preparations. Come to swear loyalty or don't come at all.
- [] The Scout: You felt his eyes on you and now you've seen him. He walk about like a shadow and doesn't seem aligned with anybody. See if you can pin him long enough to exchange a word. [UPDATED!]
- [] Hela the Hag: She stands in her Garden and doesn't emerge if not to patch wounds and give kind but stern talking to. See where she stands in all this mess. NOISY
- [] Write-in: -
- [] Yllak the Frumm: Not the smartest apple but a dependable and strong fighter. He's faithful as the word can stretch and is sure to do what you ask him if it means getting back to Morglor. [NEW!] (Send Yllak to perform an Action for you or have him accompany you in one of your Actions to have him support you. Choosing him doesn't consume an Action).
[] Out for MY work: You know how to write, or at least how to make greenskin glyphs. Grab a piece of stone or a plank and make a sign you're looking for a job. Someone is sure to come knocking. NOISY
- [] You could add that you know magic. A spell-slinging Troll is sure to attract plenty of eager recruiters. NOISY
[] My stuff: The long travel left you with little, but you still have something in your satchel. Organize your items and see what is good and what is not.
[] My stuff now: Nobody asked you about the Giant Troll's satchel, and you were quick to squirrel it away. Take a look inside.
[] Infested Equipment: There's a helmet with a Daemon strapped to it. Well, a piece of a Daemon, but that's beside the point. Maybe you can do something about it. Write in-
[] Training, training: You're a Troll. That doesn't change you're young. Train in one of your skills (Write which)
[] I need…: The place has more Trolls than expected, and there are the Night Goblins in the "city" close by. Go trumping around and see if someone can teach you something useful.
[] War-Training: Trolls know how to fight, and so do Goblins. More or less. Search an instructor
- [] Hade, the Gatekeeper: He tried to hide it but you recognized the bearing of a Wrestler. Ask him to teach you.
- [] Troll Wrestler: Trolls eager for blood, glory or both wrestle with tooth, claw and weight into the pit, learning to use their nature-given gifts to their deadliest. Ask one of the now awoken Wrestlers to teach you.
- [] Troll Brute: Smashing, carving, parrying and slamming. Especially Smashing. Brutes know few things but are damn good at it. Ask one to teach you.
[] Magic-Training: You have the Glimmer, you know it. Find someone who can teach you to harness it.
- [] Hela the Hag: She looks sad, but you need a teacher. Ask her. NOISY
[] M'Troll: Mating Time! Trolls are out and about and females are open to suggestions from strong males. If you can find one that is. [UPDATED!]
[] I need tools!: Something to make tools? Weapons? Scour the Cavern for useful materials. Lots of stuff laying around with all this building nonsense going on. Nick something.
- [] Search for tools.
- [] Search for weapons.
[] I'll show you!: Getting by with no material taught you improvisation on an almost supernatural level. Make yourself a full set of basic gear with what you can find in the Cavern and its surrounding. It will include basic tools, weapons and armor. [NEW!]
The Dismal Cave: It's your home. For what it is. You're not going anywhere for the time being, so better get used to it. But it doesn't mean you can't work on it.
[] Eyes in the dark: You're sure of it. Little beasties are hiding in the shadows of the ceiling. Take a closer look. Cautiously.
[] Better Fertilizer?: The Black-Oil is good, but you're sure you can do better. Investigate the Pool and its workings. It's sure to increase your understanding of magic too.
[] Better Accouterments: Trolls need little but they need nonetheless. Make your den a place your Trolls will want to remain in. (Impacted by Lack of Tools)
- [] Plot of plants: It'll take time and effort, but it can be done. Pick seeds from your one (1) plant and use them to make a small plot for yourself. No light needed.
- [] Pots and Pans: You have clay. You have rope. You have a basic understanding of what to do with it. Make yourself stuff to keep more stuff in.
- [] Hearth Science: After the bed, the hearth is the most important section of a proper Troll den, where its inhabitants gather to tell stories, laugh about Greenskins, or just keep the family together. Build one. No fire though.
- [] Magic Science: You can't make a magic space in your cavern, but that doesn't mean you can't at all. Carve a temporary nook in the Forest beneath where to indulge in your new abilities in Ritualism and Enchanting. (Might attract Attention if a discreet place is not found first) NOISY [NEW!]
[] Better be sure: You heard that false walls can be underground. Knock on every wall and listen to what sounds different while holding a club.
[] Better Safe than Sorry: You don't feel safe with this many mysteries. Dig a hole where to hide your stuff.
[] Homely Religion: You took your first step on the Road of Jagged Steps. Gird yourself and take another. Remember the lore once taught to you. Built up the Altar. Honor the Gods.
[] Mating Time means males becoming territorial and females keeping a look out for interesting mates. Goblins, sneaky little monsters as they are, know this and sell "invigorating potions" that do little but never miss on going out of stock quickly. Maybe you can get some for yourself. Even if they don't work, you may sell them. [NEW!]
[] Female Trolls wander around, becoming more common during this Time. A spry, young Troll only need to keep his eyes open. And if that fails, there are always the Thraka. NOISY [NEW!]
Food!: You're a Frumm, which means you're growing. And growing Trolls need to eat to grow strong and healthy! But who knows what the future brings? Maybe a more careful approach is needed. (Doesn't cost an Action)
[] Among the many things they gave you, your family taught you to eat slowly and intersperse your meals with gurgling routines to absorb all possible nutrients (Consume 4 units of Squig Meat, but add 6 units instead. Consume an Action)
[] Disregard any restraints. Your growth comes before everything else. (Consume 4 units of Squig Meat)
[] No need to indulge. Your mama and papa taught you better. Eat normally. (Consume 3 units of Squig Meat)
[] Things are uncertain. You aren't sure if tomorrow you'll go hungry. Better reduced rations today than starvation tomorrow. (Consume 2 units of Squig Meat)
Food production
[] Troll-Spine (1): Harvest it. Doesn't consume an action. Not taking this choice will mean that the plant will produce food as usual.
[] You learned the very basis of ritualism. Before you can start building on it, you need ingredients. Search for them.
[] You learned your first spells, and it felt like being born anew. Turn more stones, keep digging.
[] Or you could let your mind shape wonders of magic by itself. Who needs more? [Write a new Geomantic spell and its effects]
[] You got your first glimpse at enchanting, even if it was about destroying rather than creating. See if you can do the opposite.[NEW!] NOISY
[] This is Greenskin land, and yet all you know about them is hearsay and the occasional meeting. Deepen your knowledge and make it real.
[] You heard stories and warnings about Thraka and their wretched destiny, but never seen one. Rectify this.
[] Uplifting your race won't happen overnight. First, you must understand them. Study the way they think and work.
[] Your people use stone tools, scavenged armor and beds woven out of their fur. You have the brains to improve their lot. What about a proposition? [Write an improvement you propose to the tribe to better their life. To be approved by me]
[] You have some connections. Well, you have two connections. But two is better than nothing. How about making a group out of it? Have Yllak and the Frumm bunk close to your cavern and start putting down the basis for your own family. [UPDATED!]
Curiosity: So many interesting things. There's plenty to keep you satisfied. (Curious Trait. Choose at least 1 otherwise you'll get a malus next turn on all actions)
[] The Garden of Life Beneath: A bizarre place filled with mineral lifeforms. Wander around, taste the place, and learn its peculiarities.
- [] Find interesting materials. [NEW!]
- [] Or you could ask about it to someone, but it could mean having to share the secret if you aren't subtle. Write who you talk to [] NOISY, depending on who you ask. (Hela, Zaga)
[] The Monolith: It's madness and sanity, life and all between its cracks. Try to decipher it once more. (Difficult with current Magic and skill level)
- [] You could ask about it to someone, but it could mean having to share the secret if you aren't subtle. Write who you talk to [] NOISY, depending on who you ask. (Hela, Zaga)
[] You saw the fate of your race written in strands of colors entwining above their souls. Peer at any Troll you see for the same vision and struggle for answers.
[] Your nose works wonders, but your eyes started making them as well. Close your physical gaze and let the witch-sight guide you down the paths of stone.
[] Your inspiration is a living thing. Let it take you by hand and see what comes out.
[] You saw Trolls unable to sleep and too tired to get up struggle with their time. How about you put that fancy head of yours to work and invent a game they can entertain themselves with while lying down?
[] You tried to invent some ways for your brethren to channel their violence in constructive ways. One half-succeded effort doesn't mean you can't try again. [UPDATED!] NOISY
Call the Gods
Ug, Troll Father: Call his blessing (+10) on one Action. Ug looks favorably on acts of war, dominance and building. He looks with disfavor on acts of treachery, kin-slaying and kin-bothering, and generally sneaking about. Call his attention to such acts at your peril. Calling upon his blessing may trigger the need for a later sacrifice or even a quest from the God-Who-Doesnt-Sleep.
AC - Done and done. This list is getting longer. Now that they're getting in full gear, both Factions get TWO actions, plus one from Morglor. And since you guys weren't loaded with enough Trouble yet, now you get an indicator measuring how much Morglor is noticing you. Should have looked up and dodged that Trouble fruit, you Frumm. I also gotta balance that ridiculous Trait you guys unlocked in the previous turn. By being able to build anything, you can just go around and make yourself a full set of basic gear. Disgusting. Do tell me if I missed anything. As always, voting will go by plan. Yllak's Action can be added as well. Please don't send him to do research. His heart is in the right place but his head not so much.