A question: should we have separate plans for spells and actions?
I say, let's not. It will be easier to have everything in one plan. Both for us and QM. Otherwise it will be easy for this to get confusing.
[X] Gift of Tongues: The caster can speak and understand any language they can hear.
[X] Stealth: Makes the caster harder to hear and see.
[X] Suppress Mutation: By calling upon your Gods, you can attempt to suppress a minor mutation from manifesting. Can be used only as the mutation is manifesting. Manifested mutations cannot be healed.
[X] Mercy of the Land: You infuse a target with life-giving energies, healing minor wounds and restoring vigor.
[X] Small Golem: Infusing a mound of rocks or some other natural material with magic, the caster summons a small golem to do his bidding. The golem lasts a few hours and will obey all orders.
[X] Plan: House Cleaning and Research.
-[X] Message for Gizza: Handsome reward aside, things haven't gone as you expected. You have a new mission now, and, more ominously, the chief's attention.
--[X] Wait a moment, what about the dead Troll? And the Squig? What about those Ogres? This story is making less sense by the second and you know too little about it. Better go ask someone in the Cavern about it. Write who you ask.
---[X] Hela, the Hag of the Garden.
-[X] Know your friends: The Grumbling Cavern is quite the lax place. Not exactly a tribe, the Trolls living in it are mostly left at their devices, at least until the chief need them. But that doesn't mean that making connections is impossible. Go out and make new friends.
--[X] Hela, the Hag of the Garden.
-[X] Doubts and uncertainties: Overseers are said to wield strange powers. How do you trust the gifts of one, and a shifty one to that? Take a look at the mail and helm with your arcane senses.
-[X] The Dismal Cave: It's your home. For what it is. You're not going anywhere for the time being, so better get used to it. But it doesn't mean you can't work on it.
--[X] Better Bedding: There has to be something better than sleeping on sharp rocks. See if you can find it. For your soon-to-come siblings.
--[X] Homely Religion: The Troll Gods ask little, but they ask nonetheless, and you have been quite the lax child. Work out an altar from which to offer your respects and be watched in turn.
--[X] The Oily Stuff: Ew, what is that? Investigate the strange liquid. Just don't lick it.
-[X] Food!: You're a Frumm, which means you're growing. And growing Trolls need to eat to grow strong and healthy! But who knows what the future brings? Maybe a more careful approach is needed. (Doesn't cost an Action).
--[X] No need to indulge. Your mama and papa taught you better. Eat normally. (Consume 3 units of Squig Meat).
Plan reasoning:
Better to check the stuff Morglor give us. He was experimented on by Throgg, who is Chaos worshipper which is bad enough and who is obsessed with making Trolls smarter. With how he was talking about Ik and Yllak being ''smart boys'' and his general attitude, not caring his friend is dead all of sudden for example, I wouldn't be suprised if the armour is bad juju, even if it isn't outright corruptive or mind control, it could still influence our mind to some extend.
Also, we should really check what exactly happened. The actual mission can wait, but better to learn what's just happened, then later we can investigate Morglor himself and finally do his mission, especially because we can wait a little bit with this. Also, I think it would be good idea to learn something about Hela. She most likely has plenty of knowledge and insight, both about local things and events as well as magical and esoteric knowledge, and learning about her and bettering our relations with her, before we ask for magical training would be good idea.
We should prepare stuff in our chamber, so it will be less a mess and also having altar is good idea, especially because some Deities definitely took notice of our oath, better to keep our Faith high and it would fit our character.
Gift of Tongues is a no brainer, Stealth could be useful during investigations and sniffing, Suppressing Mutations is again useful.
EDIT: Thinking about it longer, I think Golem and Mercy of the Land is better than Soil Skin and Bolts. Those spells are more practical, with Golem offering extra help, Mercy allowing healing, those are spells good in everyday life and would allow us to make ourselves useful to Trolls in our current living location and people in general, showing the worth in Ik skills and knowledge and as a general person, so being less prepared for a fight is worth it, as far as I'm concerned.