Toy Wars! (Toy Story-Esque Quest)

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In a Toy Story esque world where all toys are alive, there also exist horrific nightmare creatures that wish to invade homes to eat children across the nation. You are Teddy B. Bearington, a Teddy Bear and the general of Sally Morrow's bedroom in a war against these beasts to keep your owner safe. You must keep up your troops morale and keep your owner from being eaten every night from the determined monsters! Can you do so?
Chapter 1: Begun, The Toy Wars Have
You are Teddy B. Bearington, a fairly generic teddy bear.

You are:

[] Male

[] Female

[] Gender Netural

It had been a tough three months. Nightmares, monsters created from negativity that eat children, had been invading your beloved owner's room while she slept every night to try and eat her. You, of course, weren't going to stand for this and gathered all your forces (aka your fellow toys) and fought them off.

However, they just keep coming back!

"General! General! I got the Intel!" The Mattel Doll Barbie grinned through her injuries as she tripped into your tent.

"Great news! Where's Nico Robin?" You ask, though you figured you knew the answer.

"I'm afraid she didn't make it." Barbie sadly relays. You lower your head for a moment of respectful silence.

"May she rest in peace. These weapon plans she helped you steal will help us turn the tides of battle, I'm sure." You assure. Barbie nodded and limped off, confidence boosted by your words.

The weapon plans were:

[] Write In

".....I hope I can do this." You whisper to yourself.
[X] Male
[X] An army man bomb, by putting a absolute ton of army men into a a container and tying it with rubber bands the container can be launched, dropped, or snuck into an area to cause mayhem to the enemy or act as a surprise attack
Does this work? Was a little confused on what exactly was meant by weapon plans.
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[X] Gender Neutral
-[X] Bear
[X] If the Biggest-Cannon is allowed to fire it'll be the end of The Resistance but it's not ready yet. It's coming in by train from their secret base. It's near invulnerable but it will be vulnerable in...well not really in, more over. There's a bridge, there's a canyon, there's a river. It's a long shot, but it might be your only chance.

I think it's appropriate that a toy bear's conception of gender begins and ends at 'I'm a bear'. Plan is overdramatic superweapon plot combined with my innate need for 'start stealthy, go loud, go really loud'
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[X] Male
[X] The Home Alone series DVD package: This time we are pulling all the stops against the nightmares by showing them how terrifying a child's room can be. The instructions demonstrated by the child on screen against those "nightmares" seems effective enough for him and they seem to be simple to set up.

I wonder if this would work?
[X] Gender Neutral
-[X] Bear
[X] The Home Alone series DVD package: This time we are pulling all the stops against the nightmares by showing them how terrifying a child's room can be. The instructions demonstrated by the child on screen against those "nightmares" seems effective enough for him and they seem to be simple to set up.

Let's show those nightmares what happens when you mess with little kids. Spoiler alert: you die. I mean, have you seen the kinds of things Kevin does to those poor burglars?
[X] Gender Neutral
-[X] Bear
[X] The Home Alone series DVD package: This time we are pulling all the stops against the nightmares by showing them how terrifying a child's room can be. The instructions demonstrated by the child on screen against those "nightmares" seems effective enough for him and they seem to be simple to set up.
[X] Male
[X] The Home Alone series DVD package: This time we are pulling all the stops against the nightmares by showing them how terrifying a child's room can be. The instructions demonstrated by the child on screen against those "nightmares" seems effective enough for him and they seem to be simple to set up.
[X] Male
[X] The Home Alone series DVD package: This time we are pulling all the stops against the nightmares by showing them how terrifying a child's room can be. The instructions demonstrated by the child on screen against those "nightmares" seems effective enough for him and they seem to be simple to set up.
Oh hey, this is interesting, watched.
[X] Male
[X] The Home Alone series DVD package: This time we are pulling all the stops against the nightmares by showing them how terrifying a child's room can be. The instructions demonstrated by the child on screen against those "nightmares" seems effective enough for him and they seem to be simple to set up.
[X] Gender Neutral
-[X] Bear
[X] The Home Alone series DVD package: This time we are pulling all the stops against the nightmares by showing them how terrifying a child's room can be. The instructions demonstrated by the child on screen against those "nightmares" seems effective enough for him and they seem to be simple to set up.
Adhoc vote count started by Sentient Tree on Dec 26, 2020 at 7:54 PM, finished with 12 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] The Home Alone series DVD package: This time we are pulling all the stops against the nightmares by showing them how terrifying a child's room can be. The instructions demonstrated by the child on screen against those "nightmares" seems effective enough for him and they seem to be simple to set up.
    [X] Male
    [X] Gender Neutral
    -[X] Bear
    [X] An army man bomb, by putting a absolute ton of army men into a a container and tying it with rubber bands the container can be launched, dropped, or snuck into an area to cause mayhem to the enemy or act as a surprise attack
    [X] If the Biggest-Cannon is allowed to fire it'll be the end of The Resistance but it's not ready yet. It's coming in by train from their secret base. It's near invulnerable but it will be vulnerable in...well not really in, more over. There's a bridge, there's a canyon, there's a river. It's a long shot, but it might be your only chance.

Looks like Male and Home Alone are winning.
Come on, let's rally for a Gender Neutral: Bear protag! Who needs gender when you have UNDYING RAGE FOR THE ABOMINATIONS WHO THREATEN YOUR CHARGE!
[X] Male
[X] The Home Alone series DVD package: This time we are pulling all the stops against the nightmares by showing them how terrifying a child's room can be. The instructions demonstrated by the child on screen against those "nightmares" seems effective enough for him and they seem to be simple to set up.

I'm giggling at the thought of toys watching Home Alone.
[X] Male
[X] The Home Alone series DVD package: This time we are pulling all the stops against the nightmares by showing them how terrifying a child's room can be. The instructions demonstrated by the child on screen against those "nightmares" seems effective enough for him and they seem to be simple to set up.