Tower : Here Oni-chan got Isekai'ed

/me idly wonders if anyone even gets the idle references made here and there in the various Tower chapters. XD
Finding a bar was easy.

It was

The scent of alcohol was quite unmistakable.

And yet the interior...

It was not quite what I was expecting. Certainly, I had been to many a place to have a drink. From reputable restaurants, bars, pubs, taverns, to the worse of drinking holes that were literally holes in the side of buildings.

But whoever had created this bar... they had taken the concept of a bar; namely a place to enjoy oneself with drinks and companionship... and somehow end up with...

Words failed me.

It was superficial in appearance to a bar. There was the bar and counter at the far end with chairs to sit on. Here and there were tables for customers drink at.

But... the bottles on the shelving behind the counter were filled with colored water. The drinks served were nothing more than fruit juice or colored and carbonated water. There was the hint of cigarette smoke in the air, faint but there it was... yes... cheap cigarettes and not even proper cigars, all nice and fat.

There were western food and snacks being consumed... by boar piglets wielding forks and spoons despite having hooves.

It was as if... the world saw that this was a bar and thus, there was a certain expectation on how things would be in a bar... and so it was.

Despite all of this, my nose detected the unmistakable scent of alcohol. That nostalgic sweet fermented scent of grains and fruits.

As such, despite my misgivings on this bar with its mimicry of the concept of a bar, I entered it.

There was a lull in conversations as I stepped in, but as the boar piglets looked at me briefly before continuing on as they had. One would have thought the tables and chairs would be sized to the smaller piglets, but even here... they were clearly meant for humans.

Thus, I was treated to the sight of boar piglets seated primly upon chairs raised too high for them as they sipped at mugs of fruit juice and carbonated flavored water. Their language was barely understandable for me, given that they were speaking an unholy mishmash of Japanese, Spanish, German, along with traces of other languages. But there were traces of my homeland's language, and the others? Well, they were the language of the foreigners, the devils from the west as some would say.

Such a language was clearly gutter talk. There was no way that this was a formal language, not with the way it was organically constructed of numerous other languages with sufficient substitution that one could barely work out what was what.

And yet... this language of the boar piglets... it was one that I felt I could learn to speak in due time, as I knew enough of the base languages to hazard guesses at what I didn't know, and infer from connotations and context.

Which was why I made my way to the bar. It was unsurprisingly manned by a piglet, one that was standing on a moving stool... guided him back and forth behind said counter.

Given that he was dressed somewhat formally in a white long sleeved shirt with a black vest and a matching black and gold stripped ascot, I found myself smiling at him and giving a friendly nod.

"Kann ich help helfen, xiaojie?" Was what the boar piglet said, it took but a moment for me to translate it into what it had meant. "Can I help you, miss?"

"Ah... could I get some sake?" I stayed with my homeland tongue for now, preferring to adjust my language over time with the proper usage of this boar piglet language. It was, after all, the polite thing to do, as it would be too easy to mess up their language with how the actual language components were strung together.

The drink that was poured for me from a small white bottle into a simple lacquered dish showed that whatever fault could be found in their language being frankenstein monster, none could be found in their excellent taste and culture.

That impression lasted until I sniffed the drink... and then with a slight misgiving, drank it. It was only fair... after all, it wasn't as if it was impossible to conceal the scent of alcohol. The slight hint of flowery fruity scent might be a good hint of its delicate nature.

Sadly... the sake was a lie.

I had been deceived... I could only look forlorn at the slight dish and the traces of the liquid there. "What kind of a world is this? This... this... what is this?"

Here, the boar piglet replied in my native tongue, there was a clip and heavy accent in the way it spoke as if not used to speaking entirely in a single language. "Did you not ask for sake?"

"That... that was not sake." I could only shake my head. "Whatever this is... it is not sake."

There was a look of incomprehension at my words, before it ahhhhed and nodded in understanding. "Synthohol."

"Syn... synthohol?" I mouthed that word, tasting it and breaking it down... while I liked novel experiences, this word only brought dismay to my poor heart.

"Yes. It's an alcohol replacement produced by the Great Machine." There was a nod by the bartender. "Praise the First Presi-King and his miracles."

The words of the bartender were echoed by the other boar piglets. "Praise the First Presi-King and his miracles."

I coughed to redirect the attention of the bartender once more to the relevent subject. I could sense a tension in those words... words that once held worship, and now was simply formalitic in much the manner that someone might proclaim 'bless you' in response to a cough or sneeze by someone else. "The... great machine?"

"The Great Machine. It gives us everything we need. Yup. Yup." There was a happy nod by the boar piglet. "But... if you want..."

Here it brought out a different glass bottle... one that vaguely filled me with hope when it was opened... the sweet nostalgic scent of alcohol was present in this bottle.

It was carefully poured out into a new dish.

The scent made my eyebrows raise as one even as I smiled in delight. The alcoholic content was high, some might even say it might be on the verge of being deadly. But more importantly... it was something that had been properly fermented with care and time.

I delicately sipped at the drink and found myself delighted and a slight blush on my face. This was what I had needed.

*** To be continued ***