Top Level Canon Reviews - relaunched!

That was much more interesting than I expected when I saw the title of the threadmark pop up in my alerts. You often see 'Superman was a dick initially' brought up as a fun popculture fact, but that really doesn't describe what's going on here.
The connection you've drawn to Spiderman is especially neat.
You often see 'Superman was a dick initially' brought up as a fun popculture fact, but that really doesn't describe what's going on here.
That's something else. The "Superdickery" era was in the Silver Age, where stories were more absurd but always returned to status quo, and covers were often misleading. So you'd get a lot of covers there were like "Superman is doing something awful to Lois and/or Jimmy! Shocking!" and then in the actual comic it would be revealed to all be part of some ploy. Or the actual story, especially of Lois' spin-off comic (yes Lois had her own ongoing, "Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane") would be about Superman jerking Lois around regarding her desire to marry him (because that became her primary motivation at that point... the Comics Code defanged Lois pretty badly in the Silver Age) and making her jump through hoops only to pull a bait-and-switch on her at the last minute, or if she gave up on him and pursued another suitor, he would get super jealous and/or forlorn until the other guy turned out to be evil or died tragically. It's pretty fucking weird, honestly.

Can't link right now because I'm on mobile, but the YouTube channel Casually Comics has got a whole playlist of videos about times that some random one-off dude showed up to try to marry Lois. (Including Comet the Super-Horse. Because Comet was a fucking creep who used telepathic powers to stalk women and try to get into their pants. I'm not even exaggerating.) Shit is wild.
I despise what the Silver Age reduced Lois - an intrepid reporter who on one memorable occasion interrogated a man at gunpoint in the Golden Age - to. Thank God the comics left that characterization behind from 1986 on.
My favorite Lois Lane moment was in one of the 1941 Fleischer cartoon shorts.

After being rescued from the villain of the week by Superman and being deposited in the (currently dark, due to it being nighttime) Daily Planet heaquarters, Lois takes a moment for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. When they've done so, she sees a broad shouldered male silhouette standing in the room with her and realizes Superman is still in the room. She thanks him, runs up for a hug, and kisses him. Then the lights come on and she sees that it's Clark Kent.

Clark does a kind of smug "what the heck was that, Lois?" thing. In response, Lois - I shit you not - rolls her eyes, makes an expression just two degrees off from the trollface, and says in a deadpan voice "Oh, I'm sorrrrry. I thought you were Superman."

EDIT: in another of those shorts, she blew a crowd of train-robbers to hell with a machine gun.
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Well, Steve Ditko wasn't a Libertarian, he was an Objectivist.

While the two belief systems overlap, the Objectivists and Rand herself always despised Libertarians as "right-wing hippies", while Libertarians typically knocked Rand off while treating all the non-economic parts of her belief system as the bullshit they were.

If we're going to differentiate between Trots, Orthodox Marxists, Marxist-Syndicalists, and Industrial Unionists (which we should), it seems fair to be aware of right-wing ideologies' splinters, especially when they are as different as a fully-formed philosophical system for assholes vs. the much broader but more politically-economically-centered church of US Libertarianism.

I think it's understandable to ask "why does this matter? they're both hyper-capitalist belief systems", but I do think if one wants to know her enemy, one should be aware of her enemy's divisions.

Well, that and because Libertarianism produced the Left-Rothbardians, who managed to be surprisingly anti-corporate and weirdly a little socialistic in ways that at least marked them as better than Objectivists.

I want to be clear that I'm not endorsing people like Konkin, who was in that circle but who also promoted Holocaust denial, nor am I endorsing the many, many, many Libertarians who have turned out to be jackasses, Social Darwinists, elitists, pedophiles, racists, homophobes, transphobes, misogynists, anti-Feminists, Gamergaters...

You get my point. That said, Ditko definitely didn't seem like some of the really awful examples of Objectivists, at least.