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TomoFlake: My Best Friend Is A Total Flake And Thinks I'm In Love With Him [ADVICE]
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My Best Friend Is A Total Flake And Thinks I'm In Love With Him, or TomoFlake, is an epistolary web serial from the point of view of an unlucky childhood friend.

When Mei, an average college freshman, signs up for her old sport, she's surprised that she gets on the team. But as her best friend since elementary school keeps missing practice, and her new teammates go missing or quit, she has to find out the dark secrets she may already be a part of.
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1.1 In A Letter To Yourself
How to start...

You stared at the computer screen where you keep a log of events up to this point. It's been a long, long time since you started this particular journal-- nearly a year ago now, wasn't it?-- but your memory stretched back in time as you read back in the files.

The first day of college, April 14th. You ended up in a prestigious public university thanks purely to the strength of your entrance exams. Of course, the measly grants for such things didn't leave you open for much except a mountain of debt. When you'd explained this to your guardians, they agreed to give you a full payment and let you go. They even gave you the money for an apartment near the university.

Conveniently, it was the room next to your best friend since elementary school. Next to their real child, as they took pains to say. As usual, since middle school, their gifts came with strings attached, and as usual, it involved Ichigo. The promise they extracted was simple and brutal. You, Mei, 148cm of not much, black hair, black eyes, were somehow supposed to protect and care for Ichigo as they would have.

Two problems.

First, you were not them in the slightest.
Second, Ichigo had some 25 centimeters and 30 kilos on you, and his parents were... Ungentle.

Waking him up didn't even earn a note in your journal. You'd been doing it for so long in his parents' place that it no longer registered, once you knew which key to use.
[] [WAKE] A simple smack of a spare pillow usually sufficed. (HARD)
[] [WAKE] Getting the covers off in a trice is no issue, though it usually left him gasping for air, for reasons you didn't know. (QUICK)
[] [WAKE] Microwaved miso and coffee usually managed to rouse him after a few minutes. You didn't even need to stick around most of the time. (THOUGHTFUL)
[] [WAKE] Putting his cell phone in the bathroom before the alarm went off meant he had to walk to it to get it to stop. (RESOLUTE)

But what did register that day was that, as it was the first day of college, the clubs were out in force. And there were a lot of them. As much as your guardians loved Ichigo and how much of a jock he was, you were no slouch yourself. It was through your actions that you were able to guide your girls' team to nationals in:
[] [SPORT] Judo. Both you and Ichigo had the luxury of a space to practice in, and knowing how to leverage your lower center of gravity made you a terror. (HARD)
[] [SPORT] Soccer. Your nimble moves and ball handling made you an incredible striker. (QUICK)
[] [SPORT] Baseball. Your pitches and reads even managed to get serious respect out of the boys' team. (THOUGHTFUL)
[] [SPORT] Lacrosse. You were a brutal longsticker and made several courageous defensive plays that were vital in getting you to finals. (RESOLUTE)

Ichigo was in the same sport on the boys' side, and much was made of this in rumors, but honestly you weren't sure what the big deal was. So you lived in the same house? What does that have to do with anything? That said, since you were here, and the big clubs were recruiting, you figured you could get on your old team, if you hadn't got too rusty from the year of hell.

Pick one stat from each option, preferably different ones-- the top two will go into Mei's build. Voting ends when we get a clear winner, or in 3 days.
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Character Sheet
TOIROI MEI, <<Tetsu no Haato>>

"148 cm. Black hair. Black eyes. Unremarkable."

HARD 3 -- (punch things. Be endurant. Take hits.)
QUICK 1 -- (Throw things. Be fast. Be coordinated. Be precise.)
THOUGHTFUL 2 -- (Be smart. Plan ahead. Use applied knowledge.)
RAPPORT 3 -- (Be brave. Understand others. Listen. Love.)
RESOLUTE 2 -- (Be resolute. Have conviction. Commit skulduggery. Blend in.)
LUCK 0/1 (A strange, rare thing. The spark of life. The ability to go beyond what you are. What form will it take?)

Body 5/5 (How much have you been neglecting yourself?)
Stress 4/5 (Even the brave need rest and comfort.)
Supplies 4/5 (A hero who goes into a dungeon unprepared is either a fool or dead.)
Momentum 10/10 (Knowledge and plans. The right thing at the right time. The current and direct support of others.)


[XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[XX] [XX] [XX] [X ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []


0 XP: Demon Knight
2 XP: Tangled Red String 2
2 XP: Tangled Red String 3
3 XP: Party LINE
9 XP: +1 Hard
2 XP: Demon Knight 2
3 XP: Shade
3 XP: Armor-Piercing Blow
3 XP: Pathshaper


Background Vow: "I will become an adult who my parents would have been proud of."
Difficulty: Epic
TRACK [XX] [XX] [XX] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

"I will determine why Nezuka Logistics Concern wants me dead."
Difficulty: Formidable
TRACK [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
MENACE O . . . . . . . . .

"I want to find out the legal situation surrounding my parents and any inheritance they may have left me, monetary or otherwise."
Difficulty: EXTREME
TRACK [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [] [] []
MENACE O O . . . . . . . .

"I swear upon the iron in my knife that I will learn the ways of mysticism and allure from you, Gumi, the seven-hundred-year kitsune and freed slave."
Rank: Formidable
PROGRESS [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [] [] [] []

"I will seek the truth at Site 1."
Rank: Troublesome (BLOCKED)
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

"I will determine why my suitors are attracted to me."

Rank: Formidable
[XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

"I will determine the whereabouts of my parents."
Rank: Formidable
[XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

"I will find a future for myself. May this arrow cut me if I don't."
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Brawler This asset has been Discarded, but may be purchased again later if desired.

Pathshaper. You are skilled at finding your way among places both magical and not, occasionally even able to wrest control of your path if you push yourself or have support.
-- When you Rush To the Scene, choose one:​
-- Follow the fastest path: Take +2 momentum on a hit.
-- Follow the safest path: Add +1 to your action roll.
On a hit with a match, you charted or forged a new path on your journey; mark one tick on your MYSTERIES track.​

Armor-Piercing Blow. A deceptive name. You understand, instinctively and visually, where the weak point is in anything that can be called a "defense". More importantly, your strikes and maneuvers have an uncanny ability to defeat those defenses. This has often manifested before when you've burned Momentum, but now you can control it, use it more carefully. Cursebreaker, infiltrator, assassin, smuggler, Titan— you can be any or all of these things and more, depending on how this power is used.
-- When you are in a risky situation and call upon this broad power, you may add +2 to an upcoming action roll at the cost of 2 Momentum.​

Tangled Red String-- You are cursed to be entangled romantically.
– When you make a move with a Connection that leverages their abilities, take an extra +1. On a MISS, you must describe how a misunderstanding emerges between your Connections that you will have to adjudicate.
– When you completely fill a box on the BONDS track, reflect on your friendships and Roll the Action Die:​
– On a 1-3, take one additional XP.
– On a 4-6, you realize something important about a Connection or Bondmate. You may Swear an Iron Vow to act on this revelation; if you do, take an automatic strong hit and Develop Your Relationship as normal.​
– When you make a move in a crucial moment and score a miss, you may cling to thoughts of your Connections and bond-kin for courage or encouragement. If you do, reroll any dice. On another miss, in addition to the outcome of the move, you must mark shaken or corrupted. If both debilities are already marked, Face Desolation.​

Detective-- You see things others cannot, thanks to years of watching for little details.
-- When Mei attempts to Face Danger, Gather Information, or Secure an Advantage relating to solving mysteries, she may roll +1 and take +1 Momentum on a hit.​

Demon Knight-- Mei has absorbed the power of another self. Their eyes are as one. Their spirits... Less so.
-- When Mei consults with her other self, she adds +1 and takes +2 momentum on a hit... But takes an extra +1 Stress on a weak hit.
-- Unlocked: at least 3 boxes with Asura-chan: When she Faces Death guided by Asura-chan, Mei adds +1. On a strong hit, envision what you learn from her or about yourself, and mark 2 ticks on your Bonds legacy track.​

Party LINE-- You have the social skills and logistical acumen to ask for sudden help.
– When you Undertake an Expedition or have time to prepare before you Enter the Fray, you may Compel a Connection to help you with +Rapport. If you do, you may add +1 and take +1 Momentum on a hit. While on Expeditions or in Combat with you, Connections are vulnerable to the Endure Companion Harm suffer move. Connections have 3 Endurance.​

Shade-- You may veil yourself by using your powers.
-- When you veil yourself to evade defenses, and make a move to hide, ambush, or sneak, you may set your action die to 5. If you're in darkness, make it 6. On a miss, in addition to any other cost, you are revealed and cannot veil yourself again until the current situation is resolved.

KANEKO ICHIGO [DRAGON'S FIRE] [Formidable]-- You were fast friends in elementary school, and that hasn't really changed. His parents still won't explain why they took you in, but you suspect it's related more to your parents than to his friendship with you. Despite all you've been through, you're not separated from one another-- and you'll be working more closely with each other from now on... You hope.

By removing his collar and thereby saving his life, Ichigo, at least, considers any possible debt cleared, and any possible position of servitude for yourself ridiculous. Convincing his parents of this, however...

A complication has emerged. It turns out that Ichigo is a draconic superhero, the aptly named Gold Dragon. He's caught in the middle of a struggle between a branch company, Nebuka Logistics, and the as-yet mysterious Ryuuroids, part machine monstrosities powered by the equally enigmatic Dragon's Eyes. Who will emerge victorious, and what does that even mean, here?
[XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

SAKAKI HANABI [Team Captain] [Dangerous] -- The captain of the sport judo team that you're a part of. Seems to have a close friendship with Yagami Mao, and they're in the same year.
[XX] [XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

FUJII KAZUMA [Demon Fireman] [Dangerous] A contact with the local crow tengu. Seems to have gotten out of their yakuza group.
[XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

YAGAMI-SENPAI [????] [Dangerous] -- You've fought with her, and maybe gotten her to reveal a little bit about herself. Does she really think she's poisonous? Might be able to help you get better at fighting, but you're both undisciplined brutes.
[XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

RAIMOTO HARU [A Bolt From The Blue] [Formidable] -- Freshman university student and member of the archery club. A little shy around you. A little weird. You can't help but feel for her, a little bit. When you met her on Monday afternoon, she told you to practice your archery. Maybe that's not such a bad idea.

After several meetings, she revealed that she had been hunting Ichigo as a way to get back at his mother. As it turned out, all of you had a very similar purpose; you desired your own and Ichigo's freedoms, something you knew was going to be impossible without dealing with the elder Kanekos. For now, you're in an uneasy alliance...
[XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

GUMI [Fox's Cunning] [Formidable] -- A seven-tailed kitsune you met on a trip to hell. Is mysterious, beautiful, and is now your teacher, as you swore. You didn't realize that this would also invite her into your apartment. Apparently was once a slave of some kind, herself.
[XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

YUMENO SAKURA [Star Magic] [Formidable]-- A brunette medicine student with a magical pushbroom, who calls upon the Star of Dreams to enact powerful, versatile magic. Likes quiet places, and seems to have a history with Hell's denizens and the spirit world.
[XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

ASAMIYA YUKI [Miko Detective] [Formidable] -- A former miko with significant herbal knowledge and who claims to still have the ability to banish and harm demons. Has had enough of being quiet, until the end of her days. Rides a motorbike.

Recently you had a distinct revelation due to her and Maru...
[XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

MORISAWA RIN [Magical Idol] [Formidable] -- Formerly the idol "Tenshi Momo", Morisawa Rin is a surprisingly calm presence in a room full of hotbloodedness and grim faces. If being Tenshi Momo was so exhausting, she seems to have recovered well.
[XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

KISARAGI REI [Sweet Shine] [Formidable] -- A girl with a slightly closed off nature despite the fact that she's always willing to help someone out. Calls upon the keychain charms that she keeps on her person to change costumes and powers, which she calls "Sweet Shine".
Turns out that, uh, yeah. She's some kinda robot? We don't know what's with that yet.
[XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] PROGRESS HALTED. Release condition: Understand more about Rei's past, understand what she needs, and understand where your future with her would go.

NIWATARI-JIN [THE COMING OF SPRING] [Dangerous]-- Sometimes, it pays to save the life of the local goddess of spring.
[XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

PINOKO-SENSEI [World's Greatest Unlicensed Surgeon] [Dangerous]-- When you went to the Fushio Ryokan recently, you were swept up in a harrowing incident where you saved the lives of everyone involved, almost at the cost of your hands. In this case, there was also a surgeon there, who was able to restore your hands to health. How did she get that cutting-edge technology? How did she know how to use it with a deftness you envy? And who was her father, anyway?
[XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

ASURA-CHAN [special] [Formidable] IRON BOND -- Asura-chan originally depicted herself as a child version of yourself, and this doesn't seem to be very far from the truth. Formerly a nascent Site Heart, you formed an unbreakable bond with her. Suddenly, she became a powerful ally and invaluable Asset. As your bond with her increases, who can say what abilities will spring forth from her?

She is always with you.

All you need to do is ask.

TAKAYAMA KEI [The Ramen Shop Heard 'Round The World] [Dangerous] -- The owner of the Takayama Ramen Shop, and your "Auntie Kei". Mother of your other childhood friend, Takayama Naoki. Available whenever the Night Market is, she is a valuable source of information-- anything that passes the lips of people in her ramen shop, she knows.
[XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

MARU [A Cat Goes Where She Pleases] [Formidable] -- The direct culprit behind the attack on Ichigo, Maru is a calico nekomata who seems to be youkai for hire. You met in the Night Market, and then you saved her life. That seems to happen a lot, come to think. Seems a bit nervous around you.
[XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

ALFONS (Flamekeeper) [Formidable] -- Kisaragi Rei's... Familiar? Pet? Friend? The exact relationship is a little confusing, but it seems to involve someone they both knew named Hino. He holds a compact apparently powered by what he calls a "Heart", though a heart of what is unclear.
[XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

THE IRON DEVIL (Bird-Hunting Echo) [EXTREME] -- As far as you know, a woman hired by the Thunder Devil Dance Hall to fill the role of MC and idol in replacement of your mother. Something about her feels... off.
It would appear that you and her are not so different, after all. Your father's hopes for you apparently lie in her, continuing while you do not have a future of your own. Relieve her pain, would you?
[XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

THE LIGHT HAWK PUPPETEER (?????) [EXTREME] -- Something yet lies in wait for you.
[X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

[X] (Tragic) Love That Cannot Be: "I will have to marry Ichigo, and can afford no love."
[ ] (Tragic) Shattered Spirit: "The actual pieces of my inheritance are scattered, and do not wish to return."
[ ] (Heroic) Potent Inheritance: "My parents were talented in certain magics, and I carry on their tradition."
[ ] (Heroic) Prominent Suitors: "I will be pursued by suitors my equal in magical power, if not temporal, that I find attractive."

UNIVERSITY UNDERSTACKS: (Morphic Archive) A library that's too deep. It draws you further and further in, to stranger and stranger stacks, until it becomes impossible to tell one section from another, or even fiction from non-fiction, or yourself from the not-self. The stacks react to your own mental state.
- KNOWN DENIZENS: Kaneko Kazue, the memories of yourself and others, Bookbirds
- KNOWN DANGERS: Pleasant fantasies easy to get lost in; Memories with awful new twists/context; Bookbirds; Denizen that resembles a Bondmate/ally

OSAKA NIGHT MARKET: (ENCHANTED EMPORIUM) A market that is only organized every FULL and NEW MOON. You won't find it at any other time. There, a strict truce is enforced between all the disparate supernatural elements present in Osaka Prefecture, and the general tone is one of conviviality and conspiracy. You can find anything your heart could desire, here... If you're willing to pay the price.
- KNOWN DENIZENS: Sanekata, Auntie Kei, youkai of all descriptions, merchants, weapons holy and cursed.
- KNOWN DANGERS: Getting conned, pockets picked, letting your anger get away with you, not paying your bill

MOUNTAIN HELL PASS: (SHADOWFELL PASS) A mountainous, rocky region that is the surface of the underworld in Osaka. presumably, reachable from any graveyard or shrine dedicated to the dead.
- KNOWN DENIZENS: the dead, oni, dead children, black fog
- KNOWN DANGERS: getting lost, eating anything, drinking anything, being alive, tunnel collapses, black fog

THUNDER DEVIL DANCE HALL: (MAGITEK REVEL) A former factory that your mother took over. First, it was a hangout for her lowlife and youkai friends. As she gained prominence, she turned it into a dance hall, and then it became a center for the after-work life in the Toshio and Chuo Wards. When she died, it gained an entire Culture... and a Heart.
- KNOWN DENIZENS: The Iron Devil, various youkai revelers, DJ THOR
- KNOWN DANGERS: Pushy pickup artists, handsy dancers, bouncers, tech that's not fully shielded, lightning, hypnotic beats


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[X] [WAKE] A simple smack of a spare pillow usually sufficed. (HARD)
[X] [SPORT] Soccer. Your nimble moves and ball handling made you an incredible striker. (QUICK)
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[X] [WAKE] Microwaved miso and coffee usually managed to rouse him after a few minutes. You didn't even need to stick around most of the time. (THOUGHTFUL)
[X] [SPORT] Lacrosse. You were a brutal longsticker and made several courageous defensive plays that were vital in getting you to finals. (RESOLUTE)
[X] [WAKE] Microwaved miso and coffee usually managed to rouse him after a few minutes. You didn't even need to stick around most of the time. (THOUGHTFUL)
[X] [SPORT] Soccer. Your nimble moves and ball handling made you an incredible striker. (QUICK)
[x] [WAKE] Putting his cell phone in the bathroom before the alarm went off meant he had to walk to it to get it to stop. (RESOLUTE)
[x] [SPORT] Judo. Both you and Ichigo had the luxury of a space to practice in, and knowing how to leverage your lower center of gravity made you a terror. (HARD)
[X] [WAKE] Microwaved miso and coffee usually managed to rouse him after a few minutes. You didn't even need to stick around most of the time. (THOUGHTFUL)
[x] [SPORT] Judo. Both you and Ichigo had the luxury of a space to practice in, and knowing how to leverage your lower center of gravity made you a terror. (HARD)
[X] [WAKE] Microwaved miso and coffee usually managed to rouse him after a few minutes. You didn't even need to stick around most of the time. (THOUGHTFUL)
[X] [SPORT] Soccer. Your nimble moves and ball handling made you an incredible striker. (QUICK)

F l u t b o l
[X] [WAKE] Microwaved miso and coffee usually managed to rouse him after a few minutes. You didn't even need to stick around most of the time. (THOUGHTFUL)
[x] [SPORT] Judo. Both you and Ichigo had the luxury of a space to practice in, and knowing how to leverage your lower center of gravity made you a terror. (HARD)

I just like the idea of the childhood friend being able to judo throw.
[x] [WAKE] Putting his cell phone in the bathroom before the alarm went off meant he had to walk to it to get it to stop. (RESOLUTE)

[X] [SPORT] Soccer. Your nimble moves and ball handling made you an incredible striker. (QUICK)

Thoughtful feels like the kind of thing that encourages his delusions of romance and I'd rather avoid that. Soccer, because you don't have to be faster than the lion, just faster than the person behind you.
Yeah my choice on the food is based on wanting thoughtful to be part of our "build" and because like. It's microwave soup dude. If that's your standard for romance, you need higher standards.
Yeah my choice on the food is based on wanting thoughtful to be part of our "build" and because like. It's microwave soup dude. If that's your standard for romance, you need higher standards.
I'm not talking about my romance standards, I'm talking about the way a desparate, lonely person with a crush can misinterpret the simplest of friendly actions as a sign of affection. Like a guy taking a girl being friendly towards them and inviting them to some activities with there other friends being twisted into that girl liking them for deeper reason. My romantic comedy snapu/ Oregairu has a pretty good example. If the guys crush wasn't in the title I'd blow it off as harmless to, but since it is, I'd rather be safe than sorry.
I'm not talking about my romance standards, I'm talking about the way a desparate, lonely person with a crush can misinterpret the simplest of friendly actions as a sign of affection. Like a guy taking a girl being friendly towards them and inviting them to some activities with there other friends being twisted into that girl liking them for deeper reason. My romantic comedy snapu/ Oregairu has a pretty good example. If the guys crush wasn't in the title I'd blow it off as harmless to, but since it is, I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Yeah that was a general you, sorry. I'm just saying that that kind of misunderstanding, while common, is a problem with the way guys think and are generally socialized, not a problem with the idea of providing very basic amenities for a friend you've cohabitated with for apparently like a decade. Any kind of assumption there is on Ichigo (and the parents who seem to have spoiled him), and I'd rather confront that kind of assumption head on than avoid it, which I guess comes down to voting on the kind of content I'm looking for in the thread as well.

Also, I didn't read the title as Ichigo having a crush on Mei, but rather, him assuming vice versa. The use of 'unlucky' in the premise implies that the crush wouldn't be requited even if it did exist.
[X] [WAKE] Getting the covers off in a trice is no issue, though it usually left him gasping for air, for reasons you didn't know. (QUICK)
[X] [SPORT] Judo. Both you and Ichigo had the luxury of a space to practice in, and knowing how to leverage your lower center of gravity made you a terror. (HARD)
Adhoc vote count started by Fabricati on Sep 4, 2021 at 3:06 PM, finished with 12 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] [WAKE] Microwaved miso and coffee usually managed to rouse him after a few minutes. You didn't even need to stick around most of the time. (THOUGHTFUL)
    [X] [SPORT] Soccer. Your nimble moves and ball handling made you an incredible striker. (QUICK)
    [x] [SPORT] Judo. Both you and Ichigo had the luxury of a space to practice in, and knowing how to leverage your lower center of gravity made you a terror. (HARD)
    [x] [WAKE] Putting his cell phone in the bathroom before the alarm went off meant he had to walk to it to get it to stop. (RESOLUTE)
    [X] [WAKE] A simple smack of a spare pillow usually sufficed. (HARD)
    [X] [SPORT] Lacrosse. You were a brutal longsticker and made several courageous defensive plays that were vital in getting you to finals. (RESOLUTE)
    [X] [WAKE] Getting the covers off in a trice is no issue, though it usually left him gasping for air, for reasons you didn't know. (QUICK)

Seems we have a runaway so far in how you wake Ichigo, but the preferred sport is far more contentious.

Voting continues, though I have to say I like how everyone's thinking so far. Vote ends Monday.
[X] [WAKE] A simple smack of a spare pillow usually sufficed. (HARD)
[X] [SPORT] Lacrosse. You were a brutal longsticker and made several courageous defensive plays that were vital in getting you to finals. (RESOLUTE)
[X] [WAKE] Putting his cell phone in the bathroom before the alarm went off meant he had to walk to it to get it to stop. (RESOLUTE)
[X] [SPORT] Judo. Both you and Ichigo had the luxury of a space to practice in, and knowing how to leverage your lower center of gravity made you a terror. (HARD)

let's go Nadeshiko heyo
[X] [WAKE] Microwaved miso and coffee usually managed to rouse him after a few minutes. You didn't even need to stick around most of the time. (THOUGHTFUL)
[x] [SPORT] Judo. Both you and Ichigo had the luxury of a space to practice in, and knowing how to leverage your lower center of gravity made you a terror. (HARD)
I am wary about choosing a Judo club. It's a good idea per se, but it may backfire.

Some of the club seniors are likely involved in heinous schemes of criminal or mystical nature. Judokas present the most immediate physical threat — they are scarier than soccer, baseball or lacrosse players. Also, they are the likeliest to have ties to Yakuza.
I am wary about choosing a Judo club. It's a good idea per se, but it may backfire.

Some of the club seniors are likely involved in heinous schemes of criminal or mystical nature. Judokas present the most immediate physical threat — they are scarier than soccer, baseball or lacrosse players. Also, they are the likeliest to have ties to Yakuza.

Would be a hell of an onramp to shonen anime shenaniganry, though.
Allow me to smile while sitting behind the QM screen and point, explicitly, at the "fantasy" tag.

ETA: That said, we're shaping up for an interesting four choices by the thread!
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I'm not trying to vote for both at once, I'm just okay with either winning. QUICK & HARD are probably what I'd go for in a vacuum, but Talia's yamato nadeshiko plan sounds fun too.
(The 'or' was supposed to indicate the first part of that, but I wasn't sure if it was clear enough so it's good to know it wasn't!)
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Voting is open