To The Beginning IC:ג

The whispers cease, and I stop doing whatever it was I was doing earlier. My head pounds as though someone had just hit it with a massive hammer and is currently hitting it again with bricks. I focus through the pain and block out the voices. Shit, what happened? Where was I

"K-Kuro?" I slur the words. My head hurts too much to think properly. "W-where are we? What h-happened?"
"You started just shaking around like something was happening to you," Kuro says. "I'm not gonna let you just betray me or something. And don't you remember we're in the von Eizenbern mansion?"
"You started just shaking around like something was happening to you," Kuro says. "I'm not gonna let you just betray me or something. And don't you remember we're in the von Eizenbern mansion?"
"Right. Right. Thank you." I begin collecting ambient prana.

"Tell me, what would you do if two entities suddenly made the inside of your head their home and started fucking up everything?" I begin strengthening my mental defenses to prevent those voices from taking over. I need to shift my attention elsewhere and not listen to the voices because fuck the voices. I won't disappear because of them, no way.
"Right. Right. Thank you." I begin collecting ambient prana.

"Tell me, what would you do if two entities suddenly made the inside of your head their home and started fucking up everything?" I begin strengthening my mental defenses to prevent those voices from taking over. I need to shift my attention elsewhere and not listen to the voices because fuck the voices. I won't disappear because of them, no way.
"I'd try and ignore them, if they were against what I thought," Kuro said, her face in a scowl.
"I'd try and ignore them, if they were against what I thought," Kuro said, her face in a scowl.
"Heh," I rasp. "I tried that. It didn't work."
Okay, I think you've been playing around long enough.
Wait, wha-
Fire. Bullets. Brimstone. Pain. Painpainpainpainpainpainpainpainpainpainpainpainpain-​
Assuming Direct Control.
I scream as something forcibly boots me out of my body and retakes control. I struggle as a foreign power enters my body and tears my consciousness out of the vessel that held me in the material world. The last thing I saw before fading into the Black were the dark wisps of power that leaked through the small gaps present on my helmet-self.
Do not fret. There is still another way. Follow me.
Lingering Sentiment stops shaking and screaming. Wisps of liquid darkness oozing through pores and holes. The darkness gathers, growing in volume and density, and begins to coalesce around the living helmet. The metal body is similar to the armor that lay atop the staircase, only darker in coloration and possessing an aura of malevolence and an intent to harm that was almost palpable.

The black armor bent down and picked up the helmet, now darker and looking more animalistic, and places it on its shoulders.

"Aah, it feels good to be finally out of there. Too cramped for my tastes." It turns to Kuro. "Hey there."
"I was going to. You can come, if you want, though the Master might not react well to seeing a Servant coming for him."​
[I see. Be safe.]

Later, as you enter the Hyatt hotel alone, you cannot help but notice what nobody is there.

The first floor seems to be suspiciously empty; even if the lights are still on, and overall all signs point to the fact what a minute before, there were a lot of people around here.

The magic above intensifies in power.
Now, let's see what's on this map..?
"Good luck. I feel, we will meet again."

On the map, you find several locations to be marked. First of them is "McKenzies", and by all signs, you are there.

Another mark is near the docks and has two words under it; "Sewers" and "Ship". Another is marked as "Hyatt" and is located deeply in the business part of the city.

Last one is near the forest, without descriptions.

In addition, there three locations marked as "Matou", "Toshaka" and "Einzbern".

You hear omnious cawing, fairly far from your current location. Unless you changed your mind, you probably should get moving.

"It's me mom, it's me." I said between relieved sobs, the tears were flowing freely. "I was so worried that something might've happened to you or dad, even with Saber, Mr Ling and Onee-chan helping I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find you in time."

Slowly my tears dried up and I looked up into my mothers eyes a relieved smile on my face. Before a thought occurred to me, Ling and Kuro are waiting at the castle for mom or dad to arrive so we'll probably need to go get them. "Also umm we tried waiting at the castle but go attacked by this swarm of birds, Onee-chan and Mr Ling chose to stay behind while we went looking in case you arrived while we were out."
"Saber? Ling?" Irisviel repeats after you, confused "...One-chan? Illya, can you explain everything, from the start?"
"I am Servant Saber. On my honor, I swear I mean you no harm." I answer the accusation in a soft-spoken demeanor. Though words may not be the best means of placating potential enemies, they are all I have right now. Hopefully a fight will be avoided, while I'm sure my master is capable of defending herself in her current position. I would rather not have her in the fray.

Looking over Irisviel brings forth a strange nostalgia, memories and feelings half forgotten by Saber, good and bad. They're enough to make a girl smile, and smile I did.

"It's good to see that the mother of my master is in good health." I begin with a delighted tone. "You look much better than the last time I saw you." I should probably reign that half of my memories in, but what I'm feeling right now are legitimately good emotions, something that this night has been sorely lacking up till now. I'll keep these feelings going for as long as I can.
"But I am a Servant Saber." Arturia answers, confused but still on guard. "Last time? What do you mean?"

Only one thing was clear; something went really wrong with this war.

Lingering Sentiment stops shaking and screaming. Wisps of liquid darkness oozing through pores and holes. The darkness gathers, growing in volume and density, and begins to coalesce around the living helmet. The metal body is similar to the armor that lay atop the staircase, only darker in coloration and possessing an aura of malevolence and an intent to harm that was almost palpable.​

"...Ling?" Kuro muttered, gripping the axe with her both hands "What is this?.."

To hell with it, he can survive that, she decides.

"Nine Lives!"

In combat, against prepared opponent, even false version of Nine Lives was a game-ender; maybe not quite as showy as more powerful phantasm and nowhere near the real version, and yet; enough to dominate almost every opponent.

Against a unmoving target what cannot defend yourself?

The axe descended.

Nine slashes later, all what was left is a heap of scraps; Kuro wiped the imaginary sweat.

"Whew! Yeah, this should help." she comments, satisfied with her work. " To be honest, those rampages of yours are a little bit annoying..."

No answer.

"Hey, buckethead, it's not funny. Don't tell me you really died."


"...Ling? Don't joke like that, you already survived being hit by Nine lives once!"

...Silence, still.

As young girl carefully crouches to touch the scraps left of the sentient armor, a realisation finally sets in.


[Lingering Sentiment: Dead End.]
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Interlude: SlugSLinger

SlugSLinger woke up to an endless void.
"So. Your time in this cycle has ended. Shame. I was expecting to get more from you."
A human figure warped into view.
"At least you weren't a complete waste. Your antics will have provided growth for the others I distributed."
He turned to face SlugSLinger, an inhuman grin widening on his 'face'.
"Now, it's time for you to return."
His centre suddenly started to move out towards Slug as everything else 'folded' back, and darkness consumed SlugSLinger.
He knew no more.
"Saber? Ling?" Irisviel repeats after you, confused "...One-chan? Illya, can you explain everything, from the start?"
Slowly I'll began to calm herself down enough to speak properly "It's....complicated and umm can we talk about it at the castle. Kuro... Umm that is onee-chan has been a bit depressed since we got here and Ling...well I'm not sure he sorta burnt down part of the park when we met him." She says forcing a cute yet awkward laugh "so I don't think it is a good idea to leave them along for too long."
"But I am a Servant Saber." Arturia answers, confused but still on guard. "Last time? What do you mean?"

Only one thing was clear; something went really wrong with this war.

"The last time I saw Irisviel, her health was in rapid decline." It felt like the most natural thing to say in response. It wasn't exactly a lie either. Not when the last time I saw her was when she was being choked out by Kirei.

Yes, I felt pretty confident in those words. They were entirely truthful after all, and though I'll never tell them the exact circumstances behind them, I'm sure that she might accept that at face value. Hopefully.
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[I see. Be safe.]

Later, as you enter the Hyatt hotel alone, you cannot help but notice what nobody is there.

The first floor seems to be suspiciously empty; even if the lights are still on, and overall all signs point to the fact what a minute before, there were a lot of people around here.

The magic above intensifies in power.

My Ackbar sense is tingling.

What the hell is going on? I would've noticed if Kiritsugu had set the place on fire already...

Wait, didn't Kayneth have Alternate Universes as one of his defences? No, that doesn't make sense. I'm still on the first floor, Kayneth isn't that much of an idiot.

..Well, okay, maybe, but Sola isn't.

Still, something's up...

Wait... Can Kayneth set his Bounded Fields to only effect magicals?

Fuck... That's a possibility.

Alright, I need to stop worrying. I can't do anything to Kayneth's defences anyway.

So, three options...

First, I leave, then fly to the rood. Risks being seen, but get's me to the penthouse quickly. At least, I think the penthouse is where Kayneth is staying.

Two, I try and communicate with Kayneth. He'll probably ignore me, but if I went through Lancer, and brought up Caster, he might listen. Assuming they have any remote listening devices, that is.

Third and final, I could just try running up to the penthouse. Risks setting off Kayneth's traps, but fuck it. I can just run away. Maybe go through the walls. If I see something that's too terrifying, then I can just retreat and try option two.

That is, assuming that it was something of Kayneth's that did this. For all I know, I could turn a corner and come face-to-face with Nrvnqsr Chaos. Although there's a bit too little blood for this to be him.

Fuck it.

I look for the stairs and start going up, cautiously. Stopping to look for traps and surprises every few steps.
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"Good luck. I feel, we will meet again."

On the map, you find several locations to be marked. First of them is "McKenzies", and by all signs, you are there.

Another mark is near the docks and has two words under it; "Sewers" and "Ship". Another is marked as "Hyatt" and is located deeply in the business part of the city.

Last one is near the forest, without descriptions.

In addition, there three locations marked as "Matou", "Toshaka" and "Einzbern".

You hear omnious cawing, fairly far from your current location. Unless you changed your mind, you probably should get moving.

'Thank you, Rider. Now let's see here...'

Going back to the docks right now is out. That's where I first got spotted by a bird, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are more waiting there for me to make a reappearance. With their master much closer than before. I'm still not sure whether he could possibly be in the samesituation as me, and therefore potentially friendly, but I don't particularly want to chance it right now, even if I could win a fight. I think the entrance to Caster's lair is also there, and while I wouldn't mind crushing his head like the rotten grapefruit it is, the thought of seeing his workshop gives me the heebie jeebies. They may have censored everything in the anime, but I remember reading about the girl he made into a living musical instrument.

Hyatt is where Kayneth stayed. I don't see a particular reason tot talk to him, Sola, or Lancer yet.

The one near the forest... if I'm correct, that's probably where Waver summoned Alexander, and the place he went back to for restoring Rider's prana quickly. From my perspective, nothing important is there. Waver might find it useful, but what am I going to do there? Lap up some old chicken blood? Ew.

Tohsaka's a no. I don't feel like trying my luck with Gilgamesh yet. Or ever.

So, Einzbern or Matou? I could either head directly to the matou to try and find Kariya, and thus Berserker, or I could head to the Einzbern, kill Irisviel, and get this over with.

...Definitely the Matou. I don't want to kill anyone yet. Nor do I want to bash my face through Saber. I could probably do it, if she was prevented from properly activating Excalibur, but I don't want to try it. With that thought, I start heading to the location marked Matou on the map, and moving away from where I hear cawing at first. I don't want to get spotted just yet.
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I look for the stairs and start going up, cautiously. Stopping to look for traps and surprises every few steps.
You go up.

The signs of sudden desolation only intesify from this point; abandoned apartment, wide opened doors, still working television... It feels like people have been here just a few minutes ago, but then left suddenly, as running away from some mortal danger.

From time to time, you feel a faint magical signatures flare up momentary only to vanish before you can get a more accurate reading off them.

Finally, after a long minutes of paranoia, you reach the first bounded field you noticed. At the same time, the doors of the lift nearly open with a barely audible"Click".

Even if being which stepped out of the lift looks like a normal human, you can definitely tell what power radiating from her could belong only to Servant; and as her fairly unremarkable clothes shift into medivial armor your suspicious are confirmed.

"Greetings. This is a workshop of Kayneth Archibald El Melloi. State your business; Please, hurry - we are likely to be attacked soon."

...Definitely the Matou. I don't want to kill anyone yet. Nor do I want to bash my face through Saber. I could probably do it, if she was prevented from properly activating Excalibur, but I don't want to try it. With that thought, I start heading to the location marked Matou on the map, and moving away from where I hear cawing at first. I don't want to get spotted just yet.
As you go, you come across the disconcerning picture; entire streets destroyed like an aftermath of some barbaric invasion, dead bodies lying on the ground, mutiliated horribly; lackluster police force bussing around trying to ward off the passerby's and other people from the zone of of destruction and medics trying to save those who still can be saved.

It seems, somebody didn't really cared about colleteral damage. As you pass by, you hear people talking about what happened;

"...The came from the sewers, they say..."

"..Horrible monsters, tear people apart like wet tissue..."

Eventually, you pass through the majority of destroyed area, and reach Matou Mansion.

It wasn't spared by whover did all this.

The former Matou Mansion is not a pretty picture; the building is destroyed completely; but you do feel a vague, very weak magical signature from under the rabble.

"The last time I saw Irisviel, her health was in rapid decline." It felt like the most natural thing to say in response. It wasn't exactly a lie either. Not when the last time I saw her was when she was being choked out by Kirei.

Yes, I felt pretty confident in those words. They were entirely truthful after all, and though I'll never tell them the exact circumstances behind them, I'm sure that she might accept that at face value. Hopefully.
Slowly I'll began to calm herself down enough to speak properly "It's....complicated and umm can we talk about it at the castle. Kuro... Umm that is onee-chan has been a bit depressed since we got here and Ling...well I'm not sure he sorta burnt down part of the park when we met him." She says forcing a cute yet awkward laugh "so I don't think it is a good idea to leave them along for too long."
"What?" You can see the very image of "Total incomprehension" form on the Saber's face. Her companion is, though, more educated about history of the Grail War and quick to draw parallels.

"Oh." Understanding dawns in Irisviel eyes as she looks at both Sabers. "Yes, let's move to the castle. Saber, it seems what you have been summoned twice in this war."


"Yes, that is possible; it even happened in the previous war."

For a second it looks like she wants to say something, but instead sighs and follows the group as you start walking toward the Castle.

A bit later, she decides to speak up again.

"I blame Merlin..." her complaint is barely audible, before she rises her voice again, adressing her darker version. " Not to be impolite, but why you... look... like this? "
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As you go, you come across the disconcerning picture; entire streets destroyed like an aftermath of some barbaric invasion, dead bodies lying on the ground, mutiliated horribly; lackluster police force bussing around trying to ward off the passerby's and other people from the zone of of destruction and medics trying to save those who still can be saved.

It seems, somebody didn't really cared about colleteral damage. As you pass by, you hear people talking about what happened;

"...The came from the sewers, they say..."

"..Horrible monsters, tear people apart like wet tissue..."

Eventually, you pass through the majority of destroyed area, and reach Matou Mansion.

It wasn't spared by whoever did all this.

The former Matou Mansion is not a pretty picture; the building is destroyed completely; but you do feel a vague, very weak magical signature from under the rabble.

T-this was...

'How did this happen?'

It didn't make any sense. It was early in the war. Nobody should have attacked yet like this. Normal people, dead. Everywhere. There was only one sensible answer to the cause and that was Caster. But why? Why would he have gone on a rampage this early? It didn't make any sense. And the Matou mansion with it? What was wrong with this timeline?! Surely visitors hadn't changed that much already!

And why had seeing it made me a bit thristy? The feeling had passed since I left the bloodstained scenes but-

'No. No no no no NO! This isn't happening!'

I push the memory of that out of my mind and focus on something else. Don't think about the pink elephant in the living room. There's a magical signature under the rubble, let's think about that! That could be anyone. Maybe Sakura? Let's check!

Closing in on the magical signature, I start digging. It could be one of Zouken's Worms, or it might be someone totally innocent.
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Closing in on the magical signature, I start digging. It could be one of Zouken's Worms, or it might be someone totally innocent.
Truly innocent, as you find a minute later.

Throwing rabble aside with superhuman strengh, you eventually dig deeply enough to finally reach the signature - and find a small unconscious girl.

It seems, she was lucky enough not to be killed by the fallen structure, or maybe there is another reason - and yet, she is still alive.

A girl with violet hair, and pale skin.
Truly innocent, as you find a minute later.

Throwing rabble aside with superhuman strengh, you eventually dig deeply enough to finally reach the signature - and find a small unconscious girl.

It seems, she was lucky enough not to be killed by the fallen structure, or maybe there is another reason - and yet, she is still alive.

A girl with violet hair, and pale skin.

Well, that's good, at least. I as half expecting to be attacked by Worms. Worms that are curiously absent. I'm hoping this means Zouken died in th attack. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. If I recall correctly, he hadn't gotten around to implanting his soul worm in Sakura, so that doesn't need to be removed to reliably kill him. His death could have happened!

But that would involve me being lucky. I scoop up the small unconscious girl who is probably Matou Sakura.

-Added to Inventory: Purplehead (1)

Now where do I go? I'm no healer, not without something like Nrvnqsr's flesh at any rate, so what the hell do I do with her? Take her to the Tohsaka's? Find Kariya, who I'm just now remembering was not using the mansion as a base once the war started, but instead lived like a hobo? Take her to Waver? I don't know.

I am so confused by this timeline. My only real option is to head toward Tohsaka manor and hope they'll take her, though I don't trust Tokiomi, he does care about his children in the psychotic moon logic way that magus's follow. Maybe I'll run into Kariya or something on the way. Still, best to stay out of sight with the unconscious girl that I'm holding.

With these cheery thoughts, I head towards the Tohsaka, to deliver a child, ask impertinent questions about what's going on, and hopefully turn up pertinent answers.
"Greetings. This is a workshop of Kayneth Archibald El Melloi. State your business; Please, hurry - we are likely to be attacked soon."


Oh boy. This could be painful.

Still... Is that Jeanne?

Better not make any assumptions. Don't even call her Lancer, that might have changed.

...I wanted Diarmund.

"I came here to propose an alliance, against Caster and his Master." I explain. "They have already proven that they don't care about the secrecy of Magecraft, and my ally pointed me towards Kayneth when I asked if there are any Masters who are likely to help kill him. However, if you are being attacked, I would be glad to help defend the building with you, before discussing a possible alliance."
"What?" You can see the very image of "Total incomprehension" form on the Saber's face. Her companion is, though, more educated about history of the Grail War and quick to draw parallels.

"Oh." Understanding dawns in Irisviel eyes as she looks at both Sabers. "Yes, let's move to the castle. Saber, it seems what you have been summoned twice in this war."


"Yes, that is possible; it even happened in the previous war."

For a second it looks like she wants to say something, but instead sighs and follows the group as you start walking toward the Castle.

A bit later, she decides to speak up again.

"I blame Merlin..." her complaint is barely audible, before she rises her voice again, adressing her darker version. " Not to be impolite, but why you... look... like this? "

My breath hitches as soon as Saber asks the million dollar question. It cuts through me like an armor piercing slap that leaves my emotions raw from the blow. My hands clench into fists as I struggle to gain hold of them once more.

"I…" Control yourself Artur… Saber. In and out, I inhale and exhale deeply as I grab onto my emotions with a steely grip. I open my eyes and look at my counterpart with a neutral gaze.

"That which you wish to obtain is not what you think it is." I begin simply, my sentence droning out in a monotone as I carefully consider how to say what needs to be said. "I learned that lesson during the Fifth War."
"What?" You can see the very image of "Total incomprehension" form on the Saber's face. Her companion is, though, more educated about history of the Grail War and quick to draw parallels.

"Oh." Understanding dawns in Irisviel eyes as she looks at both Sabers. "Yes, let's move to the castle. Saber, it seems what you have been summoned twice in this war."


"Yes, that is possible; it even happened in the previous war."

For a second it looks like she wants to say something, but instead sighs and follows the group as you start walking toward the Castle.

A bit later, she decides to speak up again.

"I blame Merlin..." her complaint is barely audible, before she rises her voice again, adressing her darker version. " Not to be impolite, but why you... look... like this? "
I followed keeping close to mom, her hand clutched tightly in my own. I wasn't going to let anything happen to her, dad or Saber. I just needed to solve this corruption thing the voice in my head told me about.
And I doubt telling them a voice in your head told you would help....
My breath hitches as soon as Saber asks the million dollar question. It cuts through me like an armor piercing slap that leaves my emotions raw from the blow. My hands clench into fists as I struggle to gain hold of them once more.

"I…" Control yourself Artur… Saber. In and out, I inhale and exhale deeply as I grab onto my emotions with a steely grip. I open my eyes and look at my counterpart with a neutral gaze.

"That which you wish to obtain is not what you think it is." I begin simply, my sentence droning out in a monotone as I carefully consider how to say what needs to be said. "I learned that lesson during the Fifth War."

..well that certainly makes things easier. That did involve grail corruption.
I listened into Saber and Alter's conversation and as Alter finished talking I asked a question that had appeared in the back of my mind "That involved the corruption stuff in the grail right? It's...supposed to be the war after this one..." I asked hesitantly.​
I followed keeping close to mom, her hand clutched tightly in my own. I wasn't going to let anything happen to her, dad or Saber. I just needed to solve this corruption thing the voice in my head told me about.
And I doubt telling them a voice in your head told you would help....

..well that certainly makes things easier. That did involve grail corruption.
I listened into Saber and Alter's conversation and as Alter finished talking I asked a question that had appeared in the back of my mind "That involved the corruption stuff in the grail right? It's...supposed to be the war after this one..." I asked hesitantly.​

I shake my head at my master before I explain what the other side of me knows about the Grail.

"No, the Grail has been corrupted ever since the Third War." Inhale… Exhale… "The Einzbern attempted to summon something that breaks the rules of the War. They were partially successful in their attempt to summon Ahriman. When it was defeated, its spirit tainted the Greater vessel."

I lower my head down as I remember the events that lead to where I am now. With a forlorn gaze I stare into the Blackened Northern Light that rests in my hands, before looking away from it with a disgusted sigh.
Combat Unit JSN-117 "Jason"
Mark XXX Bolo

It appears an agreement is reached. The skeleton has entered the hotel, and hopefully will not need assistance.

I am not joining him. Not yet, at least. Considering this world has still hundreds of years to pass before Artificial Intelligence becomes widely used, my drone appearance is more than likely to draw a not so fine first reaction, at least not from the person we are out to meet. As such, I find myself hiding my drones... inside garbage cans.

Not particularly a clean hiding place, but at least one that will not attract unnecessary mundane attention.
I shake my head at my master before I explain what the other side of me knows about the Grail.

"No, the Grail has been corrupted ever since the Third War." Inhale… Exhale… "The Einzbern attempted to summon something that breaks the rules of the War. They were partially successful in their attempt to summon Ahriman. When it was defeated, its spirit tainted the Greater vessel."

I lower my head down as I remember the events that lead to where I am now. With a forlorn gaze I stare into the Blackened Northern Light that rests in my hands, before looking away from it with a disgusted sigh.
"The Grail's...corrupted? In what way exactly?"
Meanwhile, Saber's fists tighten.
Well, that's good, at least. I as half expecting to be attacked by Worms. Worms that are curiously absent. I'm hoping this means Zouken died in th attack. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. If I recall correctly, he hadn't gotten around to implanting his soul worm in Sakura, so that doesn't need to be removed to reliably kill him. His death could have happened!

But that would involve me being lucky. I scoop up the small unconscious girl who is probably Matou Sakura.

-Added to Inventory: Purplehead (1)

Now where do I go? I'm no healer, not without something like Nrvnqsr's flesh at any rate, so what the hell do I do with her? Take her to the Tohsaka's? Find Kariya, who I'm just now remembering was not using the mansion as a base once the war started, but instead lived like a hobo? Take her to Waver? I don't know.

I am so confused by this timeline. My only real option is to head toward Tohsaka manor and hope they'll take her, though I don't trust Tokiomi, he does care about his children in the psychotic moon logic way that magus's follow. Maybe I'll run into Kariya or something on the way. Still, best to stay out of sight with the unconscious girl that I'm holding.

With these cheery thoughts, I head towards the Tohsaka, to deliver a child, ask impertinent questions about what's going on, and hopefully turn up pertinent answers.
You make it to the edge of the Tohsaka estate without incident. However, as you make your way towards the house, an extremely sharp object whizzes past you, missing your face by centimeters. Looking around, you would see a scarlet figure perched on a tree nearby, ebony bow in hand.
He draws up another progectile to fire at you before suddenly freezing.
"What the fuck."
You make it to the edge of the Tohsaka estate without incident. However, as you make your way towards the house, an extremely sharp object whizzes past you, missing your face by centimeters. Looking around, you would see a scarlet figure perched on a tree nearby, ebony bow in hand.
He draws up another progectile to fire at you before suddenly freezing.
"What the fuck."

I barely manage to avoid the first projectile. I should have been more paranoid about it, but I suppose I'm slowed down just a little bit by the child in my arms. Following the path that the arrow came from I find a man with a black bow in red clothing, standing in a tree.

'What. That can't be... you've gotta be kidding me. No way. That's ridiculous.'

But another part of me asks...

'Is it as ridiculous as Blackmore being present? You already know things have changed. Why not a Servant shift?'

I shift the unconscious purple-haired child in my arms to a more comfortable position. I'm sort of surprised Archer didn't see who I was or who was in my arms earlier. Still, this is sort of a trump card for EMIYA, I think. I can probably rest assured that he won't shoot me with a broken phantasm so long as I'm holding the little girl who is probably Sakura.

"You shouldn't swear. There are children present." I tell him in a completely serious tone, fishing for some kind of reaction. He'll probably school his expression, but maybe I'll get something funny out of it. Then I frown. "Well, sleeping children, but still. It's the principle of the thing."
"The Grail's...corrupted? In what way exactly?"
Meanwhile, Saber's fists tighten.

I JU-What th- there's no way she didn't just dismiss what I said. I just told her that her family tried to summon the source of all evils in the world and she doesn't know what the hell I mean by 'corrupted'? Irisviel… you aren't this dense. Maybe you're a little naïve with things outside of the Einzbern manor, but certainly not regarding magic.

I take a deep breath before I agitatedly glare over at Irisviel.

"Irisviel, your family showed an extreme lapse in judgment when they tried to summon the literal Devil. Satan, Ahriman, Angra Mainyu, whichever you'd like to call it. The point is that the Grail doesn't follow the spirit of your wish, it takes your wish and interprets the words so that the worst possible outcome occurs." I explain as more than a hint of my frustration peaks into my voice.

I close my eyes, squeezing them really hard to try and work my anger out of my system before I go completely ballistic on Iri. I frown at the pair when I open my eyes again.

For all his foolishness, at least Merlin knew not to fuck with the literal Devil.
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I barely manage to avoid the first projectile. I should have been more paranoid about it, but I suppose I'm slowed down just a little bit by the child in my arms. Following the path that the arrow came from I find a man with a black bow in red clothing, standing in a tree.

'What. That can't be... you've gotta be kidding me. No way. That's ridiculous.'

But another part of me asks...

'Is it as ridiculous as Blackmore being present? You already know things have changed. Why not a Servant shift?'

I shift the unconscious purple-haired child in my arms to a more comfortable position. I'm sort of surprised Archer didn't see who I was or who was in my arms earlier. Still, this is sort of a trump card for EMIYA, I think. I can probably rest assured that he won't shoot me with a broken phantasm so long as I'm holding the little girl who is probably Sakura.

"You shouldn't swear. There are children present." I tell him in a completely serious tone, fishing for some kind of reaction. He'll probably school his expression, but maybe I'll get something funny out of it. Then I frown. "Well, sleeping children, but still. It's the principle of the thing."
"Well, I wouldn't want to defy the Moon Princess, would I?"
His bow vanishes, and he leaps down to the ground.
"More importantly, why are you here?"
I JU-What th- there's no way she didn't just dismiss what I said. I just told her that her family tried to summon the source of all evils in the world and she doesn't know what the hell I mean by 'corrupted'? Irisviel… you aren't this dense. Maybe you're a little naïve with things outside of the Einzbern manor, but certainly not regarding magic.

I take a deep breath before I agitatedly glare over at Irisviel.

"Irisviel, your family showed an extreme lapse in judgment when they tried to summon the literal Devil. Satan, Ahriman, Angra Mainyu, whichever you'd like to call it. The point is that the Grail doesn't follow the spirit of your wish, it takes your wish and interprets the words so that the worst possible outcome occurs." I explain as more than a hint of my frustration peaks into my voice.

I close my eyes, squeezing them really hard to try and work my anger out of my system before I go completely ballistic on Iri. I frown at the pair when I open my eyes again.

For all his foolishness, at least Merlin knew not to fuck with the literal Devil.
Irisvel's face turns serious.
"This needs to be got to the mediators. With the Greater Grail tainted like that, and the results of the Grail's wish twisted, it's worse than useless."
Saber continues to simmer in the background.
"Well, I wouldn't want to defy the Moon Princess, would I?"
His bow vanishes, and he leaps down to the ground.
"More importantly, why are you here?"

Huh. I thought the unconscious kid I'm holding would have made it obvious. She'll be fine, but I can't just drag her around everywhere. What if I get into a fight?

"...Well, how to put this? What do you know about taking care of kids?"
Huh. I thought the unconscious kid I'm holding would have made it obvious. She'll be fine, but I can't just drag her around everywhere. What if I get into a fight?

"...Well, how to put this? What do you know about taking care of kids?"
"You'd be suprised.
But why come here specifically?"