TO SPITE ANOTHER GOD (Dracula v War of the Worlds)

I misread the ending and I thought Mina was like Lady Dimitrescu sized for a second

9 foot tall Mina Harker, ready to step on Vlad's face
I just remembered that the Martians in H.G. Wells' original War of the Worlds were "scientifically vampiric' themselves - as in, they had no digestive systems and sustained themselves by transfusing blood from human victims.

Will that be a plot point in future chapters, i.e. the heroic vampire protagonists feeling distaste at how the Martians are a dark parody of them?
DragonCobolt said:
So, like...I genuinely can't discretely spoiler off sex scenes because they're so plot and character important and so interwoven with the rest of the work that, like, 50% of this would be spoilered. If you're ace or sex repulsed, uh...just...just bounce now. I'm sorry!
Hm. Well, thanks for the warning; I'm neither, but I do also tend to separate reading for plot and character and reading for, ahem, other reasons. In the past, sometimes that hasn't been a problem when the text heavily integrates them, but on the other hand I recall a different story where the sex scenes got extremely annoying to me, and I don't recall whether I eventually stopped reading because of that or was just glad that it stopping updated saved me the trouble of deciding to drop it. Those times I've looked in on your sex scenes so far, they've looked fine, but I've also generally only even opened the non-summary spoilers if there's some detail I'm seeking clarification on. So... I'll give the chapter a try and see how it goes.

...Well, I am skimming the first sex scene in the chapter a bit, but I'm also somewhat annoyed at how Lucy seems to be placing such major weight on some theological and metaphysical assumptions without actually bothering to look more deeply into those assumptions, even with how massive a shakeup her world's been through. And it's looking like she's going to go directly to completely ignoring them, still not examining them. Sure, I can do a Doylistic analysis and come to a pretty confident conclusion that she and Mina don't have anything much to fear on that aspect of things, at least (still the whole Martian invasion, of course), but she can't. I mean, she could have at least asked Dracula about his views on theology; even if she assumed he'd lie, the exact lies used could be illuminating or provide lines of further questioning. But she just... doesn't seem to have been doing anything of the sort; I get the impression she doesn't even have particularly strong faith, just a complete refusal to question what religious authorities have told her. When said religious authorities no longer have secular power over her, Martians have invaded and upended the secular world in general, and she is literally staying in a vampire's castle. Eh. Sorry, that turned into a bit more of a rant than I was expecting, though I think I'll leave it in this post in case people find it interesting or also worth comment.

And having finished that scene, while admittedly I did skim through many of the details there, I believe I got the ones of the sort I was more interested in. And I do see how it would be pretty difficult to have produced a spoilered summary of that, given how much sex and plot and character were woven together.

...Ah. Right. Jonathan. Also should have been a consideration. Oops. He does appear to have slipped through the cracks while I was busy thinking about other aspects of the matter. Mind, he's much less of a presence for me than for Mina, buuuut she was much, much more distracted.

And finished the chapter! Hm. I did end up skimming a fair bit of it. And a fait bit of discussion that felt like it should have happened didn't or happened later than it should have -- though some of that might just differences between what the characters actually in the situation would do and the sort of thing it feels more likely I would there. Still. Hm. Well, I'm still interested in the parts of the story I'm interested in, and your explicit invitation to stop reading if the proportion of sex is too high should also simplify a hypothetical decision to stop reading later, I think; I don't need to decide yet.

Anyway, though, whether I keep reading or not, I hope the story goes well for those enjoying it!

colesign said:
as in, they had no digestive systems and sustained themselves by transfusing blood from human victims
...Really? Huh. I'd forgotten that. And I'd have thought they'd have brought along their own livestock, if they needed it, and potentially rations for the shorter term. I guess there's a large supply of humans at present... And, well, the canon invasion did have some notable planning issues (which I'm assuming this world's Martians won't be falling into, given it seems like it'd be a bit anticlimactic for the protagonists to get all ready to fight off the Martians aaaaand they're all dead already because they failed to consider the risks of alien diseases).
...Really? Huh. I'd forgotten that. And I'd have thought they'd have brought along their own livestock, if they needed it, and potentially rations for the shorter term. I guess there's a large supply of humans at present... And, well, the canon invasion did have some notable planning issues (which I'm assuming this world's Martians won't be falling into, given it seems like it'd be a bit anticlimactic for the protagonists to get all ready to fight off the Martians aaaaand they're all dead already because they failed to consider the risks of alien diseases).

I vaguely recall that in the conclusion to War of the Worlds, the humans picking through Martian Wreckage DID find humanoid livestock that the Martians brought along from their homeward (described as "standing about six feet high and having round, erect heads, and large eyes in flinty sockets").
I vaguely recall that in the conclusion to War of the Worlds, the humans picking through Martian Wreckage DID find humanoid livestock that the Martians brought along from their homeward (described as "standing about six feet high and having round, erect heads, and large eyes in flinty sockets").
I dug up your quote.

Their undeniable preference for men as their source of nourishment is partly explained by the nature of the remains of the victims they had brought with them as provisions from Mars. These creatures, to judge from the shrivelled remains that have fallen into human hands, were bipeds with flimsy, silicious skeletons (almost like those of the silicious sponges) and feeble musculature, standing about six feet high and having round, erect heads, and large eyes in flinty sockets. Two or three of these seem to have been brought in each cylinder, and all were killed before earth was reached. It was just as well for them, for the mere attempt to stand upright upon our planet would have broken every bone in their bodies.
...Well. Uh. I suppose one could interpret that as them having brought only a small quantity of livestock and mostly more compact and stable rations. But then they'd still be absolutely reliant on getting a local food supply established pretty much from the ground up before the rations ran out. (Though, I recall Martian plant life was also spreading, I think? Maybe they could process that into food, and they just preferred non-plant-based food?) But one could also interpret that as them having barely brought enough food for the interplanetary trip, intending to supply their invasion force entirely by foraging. Which, uh. Seems a very questionable way to plan an interplanetary invasion. ...But, again, given what happened to the canon Martians, it doesn't seem that implausible.
...Well. Uh. I suppose one could interpret that as them having brought only a small quantity of livestock and mostly more compact and stable rations. But then they'd still be absolutely reliant on getting a local food supply established pretty much from the ground up before the rations ran out. (Though, I recall Martian plant life was also spreading, I think? Maybe they could process that into food, and they just preferred non-plant-based food?) But one could also interpret that as them having barely brought enough food for the interplanetary trip, intending to supply their invasion force entirely by foraging. Which, uh. Seems a very questionable way to plan an interplanetary invasion. ...But, again, given what happened to the canon Martians, it doesn't seem that implausible.

Most of that is canon.

To quote an even bigger segment of the book.

They were, I now saw, the most unearthly creatures it is possible to conceive. They were huge round bodies— or, rather, heads—about four feet in diameter, each body having in front of it a face. This face had no nostrils— indeed, the Martians do not seem to have had any sense of smell, but it had a pair of very large dark-coloured eyes, and just beneath this a kind of fleshy beak. In the back of this head or body—I scarcely know how to speak of it—
was the single tight tympanic surface, since known to be anatomically an ear, though it must have been almost useless in our dense air. In a group round the mouth were sixteen slender, almost whiplike tentacles, arranged in two bunches of eight each. These bunches have since been named rather aptly, by that distinguished anatomist, Professor Howes, the HANDS. Even as I saw these Martians for the first time they seemed to be endeavouring to raise themselves on these hands, but of course, with the increased weight of terrestrial conditions, this was impossible. There is reason to suppose that on Mars they may have progressed upon them with some facility.

The internal anatomy, I may remark here, as dissection has since shown, was almost equally simple. The greater part of the structure was the brain, sending enormous nerves to the eyes, ear, and tactile tentacles. Besides this were the bulky lungs, into which the mouth opened, and the heart and its vessels. The pulmonary distress caused by the denser atmosphere and greater gravitational attraction was only too evident in the convulsive movements of the outer skin.

And this was the sum of the Martian organs. Strange as it may seem to a human being, all the complex apparatus of digestion, which makes up the bulk of our bodies, did not exist in the Martians. They were heads—merely heads. Entrails they had none. They did not eat, much less digest. Instead, they took the fresh, living blood of other creatures, and INJECTED it into their own veins. I have myself seen this being done, as I shall mention in its place. But, squeamish as I may seem, I cannot bring myself to describe what I could not endure even to continue watching. Let it suffice to say, blood obtained from a still living animal, in most cases from a human being, was run directly by means of a little pipette into the recipient canal….

The Martians are incapable of digesting anything. They can survive solely by direct transfusion.

And perhaps relevant to this kind of story...
In the next place, wonderful as it seems in a sexual world, the Martians were absolutely without sex, and therefore without any of the tumultuous emotions that arise from that difference among men. A young Martian, there can now be no dispute, was really born upon earth during the war, and it was found attached to its parent, partially BUDDED off, just as young lilybulbs bud off, or like the young animals in the fresh-water polyp.

Though, as unprepared as these Martians might have been, spare a thought for the ones that launched themselves towards Venus.
10ebbor10 said:
spare a thought for the ones that launched themselves towards Venus
There were ones launching themselves towards Venus as well? Yikes.

I mean, on the one hand, this is an Old Solar System setting, so it seems pretty likely they didn't find our sort of Venus... though, actually, thinking on it, they might have fared the best of the invading Martians due to dying so quickly. Same end result, much less suffering! But, no, it seems more likely they found an Old Solar System Venus much as they came from an Old Solar System Mars. This is not, however, likely to be good news for them, because if they couldn't even handle Earth's biosphere, their chances on Venus seem... very, very poor.

But, yeah, this really just seems to have been... all around an absolutely terrible time for the Martians. Especially since it seems like they were probably pretty desperate by the time they were trying this "plan".
I must say I do really like this story, but it is definitely not safe for work. And this website doesn't really allow that kind of content. I will re-post on questionable questing before it gets taken down. They do have an NSFW section and allow pretty much anything there.
CHAPTER THREE: The Artilleryman
Mina Murray regarded the crucifix with the same approbation that she might have, in a previous life, given to a canister full of arsenic or molten lead. It sat on the edge of her nightstand in the small room that had been her home for the past two weeks – one of the few knickknacks that hadn't in fact been a part of her luggage. She had never carried one personally and she was entirely unsure how it had come to be in this room, in this castle. It seemed rather like a rat keeping a rat-trap in their own home. And yet, the crucifix was there and she had been watching it for some time, waiting for a response to the query she had put to Vladimir Tepes Dracula.

We need an Impaler, she had said – in the moonlit graveyard that had been the site of her second birth into this world.

And he…had retired – fled, more like – and she hadn't seen him for some hours. Instead, she and Lucy had been left to find their way back to the castle that had loomed above the graveyard, come to their chambers, and determine what to do with themselves there.

It was not an auspicious start to Mina's half formed plans at striking back against the Martians.

Lucy entered, then, wearing a vivid blood red dress that was cut as daringly as one could imagine – her palms brushing through her hair. The remarkable transformation that she – that they had both, really – undergone was made all the more striking in the light of a fire, rather than the eerie, alien silver light of the moon. Lucy Westenra had been made voluptuous – not curvier, per-say, but rather, more aware of her figure. She strutted now, bubbling with a confidence Mina found honestly rather jealousy inducing. That was almost more arresting than the pointed ears, the fangs, the chalk white skin, and the blood red eyes.

Lucy, seeing her, smirked. "Honestly, Mina, I always expected you to be the first dressed."

Mina realized, with a start, that she was still naked. Part of it was distraction – the crucifix, Dracula's hurried vanishing, the Martians – but a part of it also was a sense of liberation. Her skin felt the warmth of the fire, but the cold of the breeze from the window that would have sent her shivering and seeking a warmer garment than her own bare flesh had been transmuted by her new condition. Rather than shivering and goose-flesh, the cold caress was almost decadently luxuriant. It was as if the part of her brain that could feel the dull pain of chilliness had been inverted, so that the same sensation now provoked an opposite but equally delicious sensation as the firelight, which itself was also enhanced.

Her skin felt more alive and sensitive now than when she had had a heart beat – and Mina found that realization to be both distressing and wondrous. She took the blankets up and wrapped them about herself and bit her lip hard to not let out a most unladly like moan of pleasure as silk caressed silk. "H-How do you bear wearing anything at all?" she muttered.

"I know, it feels like my entire life, I've been feeling through smoked glass!" Lucy said, laughing gaily. "I swear, everyone should become a vampire!"

"Then where might we-" Mina started, but the door to the room burst open and the wives of Dracula entered, Verona leading their chevron, with Aleera and Marishka to her left and right flanks. Each of them was glaring, but it was Verona who spoke up, grabbing onto Mina's ear and tugging her head upwards, as if she was an unruly child.

"What did you say to Vlad!?" she snapped.

"Let her go!" Lucy exclaimed.

"After everything he's given you!" Verona snapped.

"Ah!" Mina gasped – finding that not every new enhanced sensation was as pleasant as cool breezes or silken dresses. Pain throbbed through her head and she snarled out. "Unhand me!" Her fingers clenched and she lifted one hand – and swore, were her fingernails longer? But Verona didn't release her. Instead, she locked her eyes to Mina's and glared at her. Mina half expected to feel the crushing weight of a vampire's compulsion, as Dracula had used (admittedly, with her consent) upon her. Instead, Verona merely used the perfectly human intimidation that any strong willed woman might unleash...and Mina found that more than enough. "I-I asked him to help us with the Martians!"

"You asked him to go to war?" Verona released her, sounding disgusted. "Ugh! Humans! We should toss you out on your ears and let the would be Hunters deal with you-"

"No, Verona!" Marishka exclaimed, grabbing their wife's shoulder. They had once again become that strange middle-ground betwixt male and female, human and bat, and their ears were quite expressive – flattened back and quivering. "No, they're babies!"

Verona huffed, while Aleera spoke next, his voice quiet and moderating. "She doesn't know what it cost our dearest husband," he said, caressing Verona. "If they apologize-"

Mina, her hand going to her ear, feeling the still unfamiliar point of it, blinked, then glared. "Apologize!?" she exclaimed. "While your husband sits about playing at being some gentleman of leisure while sitting on the power of a god, Martians are crushing Britons and Frenchmen and Germans beneath their tripods. They're...t-they're burning people!" She felt her heart hammering, her hands clenching, and felt suddenly as if she had been reduced to a blubbering girl. She tried to speak, but her eyes were brimming with tears – and she couldn't stop smelling that...that horrible, burned pork scent, and hear the screaming. Lucy swept to her side, and even Verona looked taken aback through the glittering haze that swept over Mina's eyes.

Marishka hissed. "Look what you've done, Verona…" they said, then pressed up against Mina's chest, using their furred form rather like how a big dog might try and help with their master's distress, by crawling up onto Mina's lap and mashing against them with as much bodily contact as could be desired. Their fingers caressed through Mina's hair, and she found it quite easy to lean into Dracula's odd wife and sniffle against her.

"Well it was's...just…" Verona clicked her tongue. "Just don't ask him about fighting again!"

And she swept from the room.


Soon after Mina had calmed and dressed – finding that she was unable to be quite as daring as Lucy, instead slipping into her own old clothes, finding while the coarseness of the fabric was bearable to her newly enhanced senses, it was far from enjoyable. If asked, and free of shame, she'd have preferred to go naked again, or to wear something silken and sleek like Lucy...and only slowly did she realize that the vampiric taste in finery might have more reasons behind it than pure vanity, if this was how rough normal clothing felt. Thus attired, she and Lucy were led out by Aleera, who left behind the candelabra, clearly expecting them to follow him through the midnight blackness of the castle...and that expectation was born out, as both Lucy and Mina followed without stumbling or fear.

Mina lifted her hand before her face, waving it back and forth in the darkness, marveling at the queer kind of vision she had, even while in near pitch blackness.

"I was meaning to ask," Lucy said. "Why do you have a crucifix? D-Don't those don't...vampires...well, isn't that one of our curses?"

Aleera chuckled, softly. "Is being shot by a gun a curse laid upon humanity by God?"

"Yes," Mina said. "By tasting the tree of knowledge, Eve gave unto man knowledge of good and evil – and thus, knowledge of death. The evils of mankind – including firearms and war – came from that curse."

Aleera turned back to face her, frowning. "Well...I…" he paused. "I suppose so. But a crucifix by itself is nothing more than a pair of twigs – large enough, it becomes an ancient means of torture and death." He shook his head, brushing his hands along his skirts to get them to lay flat. "It, like a gun, must be wielded with intent and, well...loaded, I suppose you can say. A human with enough faith and focus can burn us with them – but they could with the Crescent, or the Star of David, or any number of other symbols."

He turned back, beginning to walk again. "The other weaknesses you may have heard of, ah, garlic will keep us at bay. Sunlight saps us to merely human capacities – though, we are still indestructible to mortal weapons. Next-"

"Does that include heat rays?" Mina asked, her voice firm.

"I don't know!" Aleera exclaimed, glancing back. "We've never met Martians, nor have any of us been struck by a heat ray. What kind of ray is it, how does it work?"

"It, uh...I don't know…" Mina said.

"Then I cannot tell you," Aleera said. "But I know guns, fire, arrows, swords, blades, maces, lances, even explosives do nothing to our kind. We can only be slain while we are sleeping or if we go without rest inside of the home soil of our undead bodies – for you two, that would be either the soil of your British Isles or Transylvania, the sites of your twin births."

"Does that include Ireland?" Mina asked.

"Or Scotland?" Lucy asked.

"What about Wales? Does it have to be England, or can it be Wales?" Mina rubbed her chin. "I mean, I suppose, if they're in the empire…"

"But if they're just in the Empire, we could rest in India or Canada," Lucy said. Then her eyes widened. "Can we rest in India? I've always wanted to visit!"

"I don't know!" Aleera exclaimed. "Good god, is there a part of the world you British haven't decided to steal?"

"We didn't steal India!" Lucy said, sounding affronted. Then, leaning in, she whispered to Mina. "Did we?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Aleera frowned. "You will have to discover that through experimentation – but I highly doubt that you can rest in the soil of India. Now, as I was saying…" He sighed. "If you are sleeping and someone uses a weapon that can serve as a foci for their faith and desire for your destruction upon your body, you will be reduced to a corpse. This corpse can then be dismembered, burned, purified…" His voice held the deepest sarcasm. "Whatever is required to ensure your total destruction in their eyes. This is why we vampires gather like minded humans about us – not merely for the sharing of blood, but for our protection."

He, at last, came to the set of doors that he had been leading them towards. Flinging them open, they were struck by the bright light within – and Mina marveled at yet another example of the vampiric condition. A human, if thrown from darkness to light, would have been blinded almost immediately. Instead, she was able to smoothly transition from her queer 'dark vision' to the utterly mundane 'light vision' she normally used. The room within was a large ball room that had been made into a kind of fencing hall – there were mats that one could land on without harming oneself, racks of swords, foils, knives, and other instruments of close combat lined along the walls, and the portraits that were hung on the walls above the racks were all rather detailed illustrations of sword fighting in various methods.

Aleera nodded to himself, then turned. "This is a good enough place to begin your educations."

Lucy clapped her hands together. "Oh! Oh! Oh! What are we to learn? Becoming a bat?" Mina smiled despite herself at her friend's dearest desire so plainly being displayed for the whole world.

"No, we prefer to ensure that you know some facets about your new conditions before that. Mina, do you wish to go first?" Aleera asked. Mina blinked, then nodded, standing attentively as Aleera stepped over to the rack of knives, drew one and threw it at her chest with a lightning quick flick of his wrist. Mina watched the silvery blade rushing towards her chest and time seemed to draw itself into long, thin strand of taffy – stretching a single moment on and on and on until the thought of 'good heavens, he threw a knife at me!' processed…


Mina jerked her shoulder left, snapped her arm up, and closed her fingertips down, and the knife pivoted as she tightened her grip, swinging so the hilt was now poised above her fingers and she gripped it by the very end, her arm already cocked back, and following on that, the same defensive instinct she had followed reversed itself – to one of aggression.

She threw without thinking and the blade plunged through Aleera's chest, vanishing out his back and thudding up to the hilt into the wall behind him. He clapped. "Marvelous! Marvelous!" while Mina gaped at her own traitor hand.

"I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed.

"Mina that was amazing!" Lucy squealed.

"I…" Mina looked at her hand, then at Aleera. "Y-Your skin isn't torn, it's...your dress is…"

Aleera chuckled. "No mortal weapons can harm us. See?" He picked up a blade, then tossed it to Lucy, who caught it from the air. "Strike me dead, Westenra!"

Lucy gulped, then made a passable attempt at a swing. Without even knowing how to use a sword, Mina could tell that her friend was woefully unskilled – for one thing, she was fair positive that most master swordmen (or swordwomen, she supposed) wouldn't trip on their own skirts, almost drop the blade, and say 'oh, sorry!' when the blade did strike. Save that it did not: Mina did not blink nor look away as the blade smoothly swept through Aleera's shoulder, across his chest, and out by his hip, without ruffling skin or cloth.

"So, I didn't even need to dodge?" Mina asked, wondering.

"No, but it is generally a good idea to acquire a weapon when in a fight. Good instincts on you, Mina," Aleera said. "Now, for the next proof. Would you two be so kind as to open that cabinet door over there?" He pointed at a set of folding doors, placed into the eastern half of the training room. They did so – and within they found what appeared to be a most curious caisson of shot. They weren't modern shells – rather, they were a range of iron cannon balls that looked as if they had been made during the Napoleonic Wars, or even earlier. And rather than all being the same size, they ranged from a three pounder to an immense sphere that looked like it might have been shot at the gates of Constantinople itself.

"Lift it," Aleera said as he stepped up behind Mina.

"...that?" Mina asked, looking at the immense, rust encrusted ball.

"It's only two tons!" Aleera said, cheerily. "You could manage that one handed."

Lucy rolled her shoulders, then stepped over – but not to the massive two ton ball. Instead she gripped one of the three pound canon balls that was on the floor with both of her hands and hefted it up. The ball lifted – and shot straight up into the ceiling, smashing into a large metal plate that had been, unknown to both women, placed in the roof. It struck with a clang, landed directly onto Lucy's head, phased through her body, and crashed into the equally reinforced floor with a crash like the end of the world. Lucy stood, frozen, her eyes wide.

"Good heavens," Mina whispered.

"Are you going to try Mina?" Aleera said.

She saw the reasoning. It was one thing to know she had become stronger, intellectually. It was another to demonstrate it – and so, Mina stepped up to the two ton ball, looking at its bulk. She wondered where, exactly, Dracula had gotten it but...considering he had fought the Ottomans before, it was not entirely implausible that he had acquired it from them. She placed her palms onto either side of the ball, then gently began to lift. It did not move, and so, she used more and more of her effort, her arms trembling. It was rather like lifting a large bucket of water when she had been human – meaning that it took some gritted teeth and straining, but once it was in motion, it did not arrest until it was settled on her shoulder. Mina stood, her hand on the side to keep it rooted upon herself. She stepped out of the artillery closet. She smiled, slowly, looking up at the weight, then put her palm under it. Knowing now how much of her strength she would need, she felt no trepidation as she shoved upwards.

The end result?

She balanced the entire artillery shell above her head with a single palm, laughing excitedly as she did so.

Lucy clapped and bounced, beaming.

"Does this kind of thing, ah, take energy?" Mina babbled excitedly, the questions overflowing. "There must be some kind of energetic exchange – a workman needs a hearty breakfast to sustain him through a day, and, if I went without a meal, I'd never manage to get anything I...but I haven't fed upon any blood-"

"Precisely," Aleera said, nodding. "This is you at your weakest. Well. Not quite. If you were under the light of the sun, or the focus of a nasty fellow with a crucifix, or being doused with garlic, you'd be as strong as you were before your Baptism in Blood."

Mina nodded, then gingerly, she started to bring the shell down, placing it upon the floor, which creaked, but did not give way. Lucy grinned a bit, then said: "I want to try something!" And then she gave a queer little skip, as if she was trying to clear a small puddle in the road. Instead, she sailed upwards, then landed upon the top of the ball, where she balanced and laughed, giggled really. "Mina! Mina! Mina! You have to try jumping!"

"Jumping? If you want to try jumping, follow me!" Aleera said, and then swept forward, his skirts swishing – and Mina and Lucy followed, the Martians entirely forgotten.


" this safe?" Mina asked, her eyes widening as she stood at the edge of the balcony, looking down at the chasm and canyon that seemed to stretch miles below her and Lucy – Lucy herself was seeming no more brave, standing closely beside her, while Aleera perched on the crenelations like a gargoyle, his fingers gripping the stone, his wind blowing in the cool wind of the evening.

"Of course," he said, cheerfully. "Mortal weapons include gravity."

Lucy gulped. "But there's jagged rocks down there!" She put her hand to her dress. "And water. What about my dress?"

"If you wish to preserve the dress, you could always go nude," Aleera said, sounding amused. "It is not as if each of us haven't enjoyed one another's company." His eyes glittered and Mina flushed – feeling a guilty flop in her belly as she recalled that her husband was, as of yet, still alive and, for all she knew, returning to this castle in the company of Dracula's trusted servant. And yet, she could also remember the utterly wanton way she had gone after Lucy's body – the two of them sinning and sinning happily.

And that had been before the intensity of being a vampire had been thrust upon them.

Thrust upon you? A snide part of her mind muttered. As if you were not panting and whimpering and begging Dracula to do far more than feed you his blood? You are a harlot, Mina Murray, and Jonathan would be wise to have a disgust of you if he ever figures out what you have done...on top of becoming this…

That voice warred in Mina's breast, warred between the raw, primal delight she felt at her new condition. It was impossible to ignore the exquisite pleasure of the wind at her back, through her hair. The delicious coldness. The closeness of Lucy's body, her scent in her nose despite the wind. Mina squared her shoulder...and saw, in that yawning gap, in the trepidation inside of her, the same fear that gripped her at the thought of the Martians and their terrible fighting machines.

"Not again," she whispered, and when Lucy let out an uncertain, confused sound, looking at her, Mina stepped forward, up onto the crenelations. She stood there, her hands clenched, and she stood taller still, her fingers going to her dress, casually untying, then discarding it, tossing to Aleera. She stood nude upon the parapet, looking down at the rocks, and said: "I will not be afraid again."

And she leaped.

Her parabolic arc took her higher than even the tallest of Dracula's towers. For a moment, with her arms spread, with the wind pausing about her, she felt cradled in moonlight...and then she fell, feeling the exhilaration of speed roaring through her, mingling with fear, with the monotonous screaming of her internal monologue: Nonononononono! As she watched the sharpened rocks reaching towards her like rushing hands. She struck them – and then was through, plunging into cool darkness that was as welcoming as the embrace of a lover. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was closed and she knew, suddenly...she was entombed again in the welcoming Earth of her homeland. Her new homeland. She kicked one leg reflexively, and swam through the dirt. Her head breached into flowing cold water and she barely had time to appreciate the new oddity of feeling pleasant cold before she emerged from the water, shooting up like a cork, sailing forward, then landing upon the far bank of the river. She panted, heavily, her naked body dripping with wetness. She had expected to be caked in dirt – but instead, her skin looked as if she had been scrubbed clean.

Mina looked at her hands, then slowly, she began to smile. She laughed – and then a moment later, Lucy's scream reached her, Doppler shifting as if she was a locomotion.

"eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEAH-" And it was cut short as Lucy's feet struck the sand to Mina's right. There was not even a ripple. Mina grinned, then knelt down – and just as she predicted, Lucy's head popped free, the sand pushed aside from her own bright blond hair. She shoo her head, panting despite her undead body. "That was...that was...I want...I want to do that again, I. Oh, Mina! Dearest! That was- ahahaha!" She laughed, then reached up, grabbing Mina's hair, tugging her down and kissing her fiercely.

It was not shame that caused Mina to push Lucy back and away, rather than drag her down and entwine her limbs with hers – for the latter was more of what Mina wished. It was something even deeper, even more base. Something that growled in her breast like the beating of a new, dark heart.


Mina's nose flared and she scent…



And she didn't feel what she expected. Yes, there was the urge to find that blood, to taste it...but in her breast, she also felt a fierce kind of intense need to find the source of the blood, them. It was like seeing a bird with a broken wing – effrontery that someone had harmed something so weak and precious. She closed her eyes, trying to resist the urge to immediately rush off. How absurd – whatever she smelled, it might...must be human. She couldn't see man as something weak and precious, as if she was a paternalistic gardener, tending to his flowers. Could she?

Lucy, of course, was already off – she had jumped with her dress, and looked ghostly and unreal in the moonlight, a red bolt heading around the bend. Mina followed after, and though she tried to restrain herself somewhat, she found it was nearly impossible to not move beyond human speeds. It was effortless to bound from rock to rock, to let the countryside flow past her as Dracula's castle grew more and more distant, the canyon walls growing lower and lower as the river drained away from the hilly forests and into a flatter, more clear part of the countryside. And it was here, where the canyon was least lethal, that it had slain a victim.

The brute was a brown horse, one that was easily large enough to be put to draft work. It had worn a saddle, but even before it had snapped its neck and died, the beast had clearly been driven to the edge of ruin – bloody sores along the sides, froth that still glittered in the moonlight...Mina knew little of being an equestrian beyond the basics that she had picked up through osmosis, but even she could tell that the horse had been near death before this nighttime spill.

His rider was only little better. He was some poor youth in tattered blue uniform that made her think of the German Imperial Army – but his features were not quite Germanic in his seeming. He was speaking quietly in a tongue she did not recognize: "Boże, pomóż mi ... Umieram ... matko!" And she saw why he was so distressed. His arm had been snapped, and his uniform was soaked through with blood – even with the best doctors, it would likely need to be amputated, assuming he would not die from a sickness contracted by exposure to the wilds.

Lucy, having come to him first, knelt beside his head. She drew his head onto her lap, gently caressing his head. "Shh, shh, it's quite all right…" She murmured, softly, her fingers brushing through his short brown hair. Looking up to Mina, she said: "We must get him to Dracula's castle…" Her tongue darted out, flicking along her fangs and then she looked down at the poor wounded boy. Her lips skinned backwards and Mina knelt down, whispering softly.

"We should…" she murmured.

Lucy shook her head. "I...have the queerest urge to…" She paused. "Oh good heavens, no…"

"Wait, no…" Mina said, blinking as she swept her gaze along the poor boy – and saw that, as he looked up, confused by this strange, red dressed woman who caressed his hair, that he had been wounded elsewhere. His entire left arm was one hideous burn – and she saw, from the way it was turning green under her gaze, from the way it smelled...that the rot had gotten further than merely his arm. His face was a waxy pale and his breath was husky and she wondered for how long he had been upon that horse, driving it harder and harder, desperate, seeking for some kind of escape from the agony and the suffering. How aware had he been of the world around him? He was clearly delirious – and fading.

"What should we do, Mina?" Lucy asked, panting softly. "I want to just...drink, but-"

"We must drink!" Mina said, immediately.

Lucy blinked at her. "B-But Vlad said to be responsible and-"

Mina moved forward, so that she was leaning down over the young boy. He couldn't be more than twenty, maybe even nineteen. Lucy's voice stilled as Mina opened her mouth and...again...instinct roared through her. She could see precisely where to bite, and she barely needed to think of how to do it. Merely one moment, her mouth loomed above this stranger's throat, her tongue buzzing with the radiative heat of his fever riddled body, the next, she was sinking her fangs into him. His flesh parted before her teeth and she felt the first hot rush of blood, pouring along her mouth. He tasted sour, sick, and she drank anyway, her eyes closing. It was not how she wanted her first feeding to be – but she pushed herself to swallow once, twice, three times, before drawing her mouth back. She coughed, weakly, her tongue sweeping along his throat as the poor wounded soldier started to breathe even more shallowly.

His sick blood sat in her belly like a stone and Mina closed her eyes. She didn't know how or what she was doing – beyond what little descriptions she had been given by Dracula, during her own transformation into a vampire. From what he had described, it had been a natural part of how vampires acted…

She tightened her eyes, focusing more upon that little warmth. And she felt the sickness inside of it and she...thought of straining and tugging, pulling and twisting. It was like teasing a single thread form a ball of yarn, using something that was not quite a finger – but rather, a tongue. Probing and prodding, pushing and...yes! She felt the sickness that weaved through the blood beginning to separate, so that there were two weights inside of her belly, one lower, one higher. The higher was even sourer, like she had eaten something that did not agree with her...and before she knew it, it was coming up her throat.

Mina turned, coughed once, retched, then spat out a yellowy glop of something foul. It tingled along her tongue and she made an unladylike sound of pure disgust, while Lucy cried out. "Mina! Mina, he's dying!" And she ignored the taste, instead, she focused upon the only warmth within her – the blood that she had drank, streamed clean of sickness.

The album vitae, as Dracula had called it.

It filled her mouth and, for lack of a better means, Mina leaned forward and kissed the young soldier, her tongue pushing the warm, flowing liquid into his mouth. He drank instinctively, groaning as red bubbled around his lips, down his chin, dripping onto her own bared breasts. Mina drew her mouth back, coughing and gasping – while the soldier panted and groaned, his head tossing from side to side – while a loud crack came from his arm as his bone seemed to force itself back into shape. The burn along his arm started to fade before their very eyes. Lucy gaped – and Mina explained, hurriedly: "A vampire...Dracula said that when a vampire drinks blood, they can take the blood and alter it, change it like a chemist, transforming it into the album vitae, it, ah, restores health and youth to the human that drinks it." She smiled. "He said that it was symbiotic…"

Lucy nodded. "His arm is still not well…" She gently pushed the soldier upwards. Her fingers flew along his top, and soon, the blue jacket had slipped down, revealing his white undershirt, stained with blood and ash and sweat. She tugged that aside, revealing his shoulder, and bit down. Fangs sank in and her eyes rolled back into her head – moaning wantonly as her hand dropped between his thighs, her eyes closing and Mina felt unreasonably jealous. From the expression upon her friend's face, she was tasting blood that was not so profusely tainted by the sickness that had suffused him.

Lucy drew her mouth back, panting – and then her mouth pressed to his. They shared blood, dripping between his chin, even as tiny spurts of it came from his shoulders. "Lucy, utter slovenly…" Mina muttered, leaning in close, swinging her leg up and over his lap, so that she could settle upon his lip and kiss his shoulder. His blood tasted sweet and pure now – and her eyes closed as she felt her cunt growing hot and wet, her nipples achingly hard as she tasted him. Her mouth sucked again and the boy let out a confused moan as Lucy broke the kiss, her breasts pressing to his back.

"Jestem w niebie?" he murmured.

Thanks to Lucy's overeager hand, his cock was out and hard and throbbing, grinding against Mina's pussy. She nearly impaled herself upon him without a single thought – but fortunately, she was spared from making yet another indiscretion by a sudden, angry bark.

"What are you two doing!?"

Lucy and Mina both sprang to their feet, while the poor soldier collapsed onto his back, blinking, confused. Verona, Aleera and Marishka were once again striding towards them – Verona leading them, glaring. "Who is this? Were you two feeding on him? Did you even ask!?" She grabbed at Mina, but Mina sprang backwards.

"No, I was-" she started. "I was helping!"

"Helping your lu…" Verona sniffed. She paused, then knelt down before the thick splat of yellow bile that Mina had spat up, then sniffed it again. "...gangrene…" She murmured. "Fevers…" She looked at the soldier, who was looking around in confusion, his brow furrowing. "His arm there's...what made this hole?"

"His radius bone," Mina snapped, rather shortly.

Verona gaped at her. "And you drank from him and separated the sickness bad was the burn?"

"From here to here!" Lucy said, reaching down and propping the dazed, confused boy upright, gesturing from his shoulder to his fingertips. "And it had gone gangrenous!"

Verona glanced at Marishka. "Mari, check his bonds."

"He's-" Mina started, but the batlike wife crawled forward and stuck her nose directly into the man's chest, breathing in, fiercely. They sniffed once, twice, three times, while the boy, becoming aware of the utter inhumanity of this exotic creature, froze and whimpered quietly, his eyes wide, his voice husky as he whispered.

"Jezusie Nazareński!"

Marishka drew back. "A minor tie, to both of them."

Verona huffed, then smirked. "I was getting worried there for a moment…" she said, then looked at Mina. "It takes study and practice to purify blood and heal like that – not every vampire picks it up as quickly as you." Then she bapped Mina upon the head with the flat of her palm. "But still! You've bonded this fellow to you! He's going to be in love with you for a month and a day now!"

"L-Love?" Mina stammered. "What!? Dracula said-"

"Dracula told you that album vitae heals and restores the youth of humans, yes. Did he also tell you that it took him years of study to refine it so that it had none of the downsides? That he put effort and struggle into it?" Verona huffed. "Did you think you could sidestep every part of your training?" She huffed again, her hair bristling up a bit. "Or did you not even care about them- "

"She didn't know!" Lucy said, stepping up beside Mina. "And you have been nothing but beastly to us since we were changed, Verona! You always assume the worst of Mina, and it's getting quite tiresome."

Verona looked aside, letting out a little 'tsch' sound. "I do not have the time or inclination to deal with a bumbling neonate's mistakes…" She said, but Mina, in a single moment of clarity, saw the concern upon her features – and the fear, the fear that she sought to escape through anger. It was there for a flash – then concealed. But that flash was all that Mina required to piece together the truth.

"You're afraid that Dracula will listen to me…" she said.

"What?" Aleera asked as Verona froze.

"You're afraid that Dracula will listen and go to war, aren't you?" Mina asked.

Verona glared at her. "Be silent," she said.

"Verona…" Mina said, slowly.

"He's my husband! He has been my husband for four centuries," Verona snapped, glaring at Mina as she strode forward, seeming to grow taller, the darkness and shadows of the forested riverside grew deeper and deeper. "I have been with him longer than you can even imagine – your mayfly life does not understand love that can survive the fall of kings and the turning of an age. I've seen gunpowder sweep across your Europe, and I've seen the transformation of knights to bandits and bandits into kings, and through it all, I have loved Dracula." She grabbed onto Mina's arm, tugging her close. "And you wish to send him against the things you have described?" Her hand was shaking, and Mina could feel it.

"They're going to come whether he goes or not…" Mina whispered.

Verona snapped her head to the side, as if she had been struck.


She was as mist – shimmering, fading, spreading – and the mist then was a flurry, a storm of lithe, squeaking bodies. The wave of bats that swept outwards flew off, in a column, towards the castle. In the silence that came afterwards, Lucy gulped and stammered: "I...m-may I trouble someone for an explanation of what she meant by love for a month and a day?"

"If a mortal human drinks of our blood, without certain impurities removed," Aleera said, softly. "Then they will be bound to the vampire who granted it for a month and a day. A second drink makes it a year and a day. But the third will make it last until Judgment Day. The bond is...hard to distinguish from love, but it comes from the blood, not from the heart. Sometimes, when it goes, the love remains...but..." He shrugged, spreading his hands. "What matters is that neither of you have done anything too unfortunate. Come. Let us get this young Russian to the castle."


"My name Gunner Antoni Oczko, 34th Artillery, under Samsonov," the young Pole said as he laid upon his bed, dressed in fresh clothes, while sunlight streamed through the window. He was looking at Mina and Lucy out of the corner of his eye, while focused upon Dracula, who had emerged from his seclusion to speak to the new visitor. "Where am I?"

"Romania," Dracula said, gravely. "You are quite a ways from Poland, young sir."

"Yes, the Second Army...we were being sent, to fight the men from Mars," he said, nodding. "The Serbians had been attacked by them – I do not know how – and thus, Russia was drawn into the war." He made a face. "I was sent."

"You're Polish, are you not?" Mina asked, her brow furrowing.

Antoni looked at her and his cheeks flushed. He looked away again – and Mina gulped, feeling a guilty lurch in her belly. The sunlight that laid along her shoulder did not burn, nor did it ache, nor did it make her feel anything the like weakness. She felt utterly normal...but she had experimented with her strength, subtly testing her might against a small pewter spoon that she had spirited off the young Pole's breakfast plate. She had not managed so much as a crease in the metal, while last night, she had effortlessly lifted two tons of cast steel. So, it was true, sunlight did reduce them to merely human faculties…


It was pleasing to know she could still enjoy a sunny morning.

"Yes," he said, huskily.

"And you serve the Tzar?" Dracula asked – making Mina's brows furrow. He really did not stick his nose out of the castle much these days, did he?

"Poland was partitioned…" his voice grew tight. "I...being in the artillery is quite an honor." He said honor with more bitterness than Mina thought should be possible for such a young man.

"What was your role?" Dracula asked. "And what happened to the Second Army?"

"I…" Antoni gulped. Lucy, instinctively, reached out to him and took his hand, and this seemed to comfort the young Pole. He sagged back into the bed. "We were marching from where we had mustered, near Warsaw. The goal, I believe, was to join up with the Germans and the Serbians and strike at the city of Dresden, where we had heard the Martians were landed. We rode along a railroad, and came to the border – but the Germans were already falling back...the Serbs, they joined us then, and we fell back to Hungary…" He paused. "The Germans, they had these...engineers who knew how to help us, they burned material, it produced a great deal of smoke, and it meant when the flying machines came, they did not know where exactly to shoot us when were on the march. At night, we hid under coverings, like animals, and it was not how we thought war would be…"

Dracula nodded, frowning. "Flying machine, hm. How many did you see?"

"Ten, sir," Antoni said, quietly. "They had different markings, we tracked them with telescopes, I was actually put on that duty, my...I normally limbered and unlimbered guns, and, well, we were never setting them up to fire them, sir."

"Did they ever fly in groups or..."

"Solitary, sir!" Antoni said, nodding. "...they were mostly keeping an eye upon us. We found a place where we could fortify – with water nearby that the Germans said would be of use to keep our ammunition stores protected, so the men from Mars couldn't set them off with their heat rays. We dug in – we thought we had a few days to prepare. Refugees were moving away from Germany...and...then...the fighting machines came." He paused. "But they did not come from the horizon, like we expected. They came by ship."

"In the middle of Hungary?" Dracula asked. "Down the river?"

"No, sir. From the sky. The...flying machines…" He connected his pinkie to his pinkie, then thrust out his thumbs, creating two thirds of a triangle with his two hands. "Connected like so – three to a side, ah, imagine a third one here-" he waggled his thumbs. "Between them, they carried the fighting machines. They soared high above us, far above our guns. We tried to elevate them, we did, but there was no time! The machines dropped them r-right among us. And…" his face grew haunted. He dropped his hands back to the bed and Lucy gripped his right hand with both of her hands now, her face full of concern. "They wiped us out."

Dracula pursed his lips.

Mina found she could not resist the same impulse Lucy had. She drew her chair closer to Antoni's bed, and she gripped his other hand, squeezing. His palm was soaked with sweat.

"They used the heat ray...and they...they captured a lot of us...I...saw them picking up the general, in his bright uniform…" Antoni shuddered. "T-The damn Russian...he screamed the whole while and...and I...actually felt bad for him…"

Dracula frowned. He stood, then left the room, pausing at the door. "Antoni is your responsibility, Murray, Westenra. Wives, come with me. We have much to discuss." He said, while Marishka – in a more human, female guise – walked after him, followed by Verona and Aleera. Antoni gulped, slightly, then looked at Lucy and Mina. He blinked.

"I...I was delirious last a very strange nightmare…" he paused. "But there is one question that I have…" He paused. "You all speak very good Polish?"

Mina smiled, wryly. "W-Well, uh…"

Lucy coughed. "Y-Yes, we're quite well educated," she said, trying to not sound evasive while sounding very, very evasive. Neither she nor Mina wanted to speak of Dracula casting a mystical spell to unweave languages and reduce them to simultaneous understanding while within the room. Of course, they'd have to explain why and how their perfect Polish vanished the instant they left the room. Instead of that, Lucy said: "Dooooo you remember anything about last night?"

Antoni's entire face went very red – and considering how pale he was, that was quite easy to watch. "Ah, uh...I...I-I was quite delirious, I shouldn't speak of the strange things I dreamed about…"

Mina looked at Lucy. Lucy looked at Mina. We have to tell him something, Lucy's thoughts echoed inside of Mina's head, as if she was hearing them. Mina nodded. Then she froze, her eyes widening.

...did you hear that? Mina thought to Lucy.

I...yes, I just heard you? Are...can you hear me? Lucy asked.

Yes. Good heavens. Mina blinked. Then she closed her eyes and tried to imagine something more esoteric – she could picture more than just words in her mind, after all. She pictured a bird, flying through the air, and Lucy sneezed loudly, then laughed, and said aloud: "Ah, that tickles!"

Antoni blinked. Then he tried to jerk his hand free from Lucy's, crying out. "Oh, Goodness, I'm so sorry,'re a young lady, and I-"

"It's fine, Antoni!" Lucy said, laughing. He's cute. She grinned at him – and Antoni gaped at her.

"Your teeth…" he whispered. Then he looked at Mina. Mina tried to hide her fangs – but she had been smiling too, she had been unable to stop herself. His eyes widened. "W-What are you? Who was that...who was that man? And those women? And he said he had...wives? But one was a man? Where am I?" The questions bubbled out eagerly, but they stilled when Lucy put her hand upon his chest, gently pushing him back into the pillows of the bed.

"Shush," she said, and Antoni's mouth closed and he nodded.

...goodness, I just want to...crawl into bed and cheer him up after that dreadful tale, Lucy said, utilizing this newfound faculty to utterly mortify Mina. Because of course she did. Mina blushed, then said.

"...we're not what we seem…" she said.

"Y-You seem to be…" Antoni shook his head a bit. "No. Sorry. It is silly of me to even…"

"Vampires?" Lucy asked.

Antoni froze.

"We are." Lucy murmured, softly, her eyes meeting his. "Don't you notice the eyes?"

Antoni blinked – then took a second look. It was as if his eyes had not quite wanted to see what was before them, and only now did he take in Lucy's ruby red irises. He looked at Mina, who nodded, feeling a kind of predatory pleasure at this. Part of her had wanted to keep the secret, but...the power she felt as revealing her nature was almost intoxicating. Her finger brushed along his knuckles, and she wondered at how she and Lucy had become so effortlessly enticing. She bit her lower lip, then murmured. "We saved you. Your arm was gangrenous, your other arm was broken."

"I...remember the pain…" Antoni whispered. "A-Am I…" His hand jerked from her fingers – his own fingertips going to his canines. "I'm not…"

"No, you're not," Lucy murmured. "Which is good, you were tasty."

"Lucy!" Mina said, trying to sound severe – but she was giggling too much to make the idea stick. Her eyes sparkled, and she grinned, and Antoni's eyes widened and he gulped, loudly.


"No. It wasn't a dream…" Lucy murmured, leaning down close. Her nose flared and she crooned. "You don't smell as if you hated it, my pretty little Artilleryman…" She paused. "You were very brave, you know?" She paused as Antoni looked away and Mina found herself crawling from chair to bed, the frame creaking slightly. Her fingers brushed through his hair and he closed his eyes.

"I was not brave…" He whispered. "I was...I was...the Fighting Machines...they dropped among us, and...I simply ran. I did not try to get to a gun, I fled, and-"

"That is why you survived," Mina said, quietly. Her fingers went to his cheek, turning his head upwards, so that she could look down into his eyes. "That is why you survived, so you might face them another day, with more of a chance to do some good. The Earth doesn't need any more martyrs." She leaned down and kissed his forehead. She felt the warmth of his skin against her lip and could smell the eager maleness of him. He was hard and he wanted her and...her skin tingled and...she tried to think of distant Jonathan. But all she could think of instead was this beautiful young man, who had been through so much…

She kissed him without a second thought. His tongue slid into her mouth and was warm against her cool one. Lucy was already sliding her dress off, freeing her preternaturally perky breasts, her nipples rosy red tips on pale, pale breasts. Her eyes were hooded and she panted, softly. "We'll take care of you, my little artilleryman…" She flicked her tongue along her lips as Mina drew her mouth back. Antoni panted, whispering.

"T-This is wrong…"

"Why?" Lucy snorted, huffily. "We saved you this way. If you get hurt, we'll save you this way again." She lifted his wrist up, kissing his palm. Her tongue flicked along his fingeritps as Mina undid the buttons on his white cotton shirt. "It seems this is nothing but right." She kissed his wrist and he trembled – and moaned as Mina kissed along his neck, along his chest, feeling the hardness of his muscles. He had worked hard for a living, unlike...others...and Mina's mouth traced the lines of those muscles and she delighted in them, delighted in the flavor of his skin, in the warmth of his sweat, in the eager thundering of his heart.

"B-But she is...a...a wife?" he whispered as Mina's palm glided along his belly, pushing his shirt open more and more and more. She paused, glanced down, saw the wedding band around her finger. She paused – and then drew her hand back. Her mouth back.

Mina thought…

And said: "I don't know if there's...a place in my life for him anymore…" She said, quietly, looking down at her finger. "But I can't…" She shook her head. "I cannot simply...decide that without speaking to him…"

Lucy smirked. Then watch, Mina dear, she thought to her as she casually swung her nude body up and over Antoni's thin, pale body. Her eager, wet, completely hairless cunt pressed to his dick and he tensed, freezing, his eyes widening as his hands gripped either side of the bed. Mina drew back...and her hand reached down between her thighs, her dress crumpling up a bit as she squirmed freed her own pussy. Her sex was soaked. She...wanted this so badly...her fingers glided along the folds of her sex as she watched the totality of Lucy and Antoni – and groaned, sliding two fingers into herself as Lucy dropped herself down onto Antoni's lap, her head rolling backwards, her long blond tresses tumbling along her shoulders.

Lucy panted. "Ah he's inside of me!" she laughed quietly. "Ah...he's so very very hot…" She grinned, then started to rock her hips back and forth, her breasts bouncing with a fetching jiggle. She was so lovely...and Antoni was no mere retiring virgin. He clearly knew something about what he was doing – his hands reaching up, cupping Lucy's heart shaped rump as he began to thrust up into her, grunting as he gripped her, then...surged upwards. His mouth pressed to her neck, then to her nipple, sucking fiercely…

But not fiercely enough.

"Teeth!" Lucy groaned, urging.

Antoni, either due to his bonding to her, or due to the tone of voice, or simply due to his own practice...knew what she wanted, and he gave it to her. His mouth closed tighter and he tugged his head backwards, drawing her breast out a bit, taking advantage of her preternatural toughness to drive a line between pain and pleasure that no human woman would enjoy. Lucy cried out, throwing her head back, clutching his head. "Yes! Yes! Take me! Ah! Fuck me!" She moaned, her breath husky and eager. "You love fucking my vampire cunt, don't you? It feels good, doesn't it?" She growled, as wanton and crass as a dockside whore – and Mina's face burned with delight as she thrust her finger into herself.

Committing sin on sin – delighting her own body, wallowing in the pleasure of her female lover's form, watching fornication…


Mina cried out.

She came.

And Antoni, a moment later, groaned, and she could see the hot gush of his cum, his white seed escaping from around the thickness of his cock. His pubic hair was soaked with his own fluids and with Lucy's eagerness, and Lucy pushed herself up and off him, laughing giddily. "He's so warm and- Mina!" She groaned, for Mina had no choice, nothing could have prevented her from leaning forward and pressing her face to the forbidden place between her lover's thighs. She flicked her tongue out and scooped the cum from her snatch – tasting her…

Tasting him.

She drew her mouth back slowly, panting, her tongue sliding slowly along her lips. "Mmm…"

At the same time, Lucy drew back, her lips dripping with blood. She smiled and made the precise same noise. "Mmm…"

And both women kissed, fiercely, while the stunned Pole sprawled, and clearly, made nice with his own guilt at indulging in this kind of pleasure…


Mina and Lucy were guided to the dining room by Lambert at midnight, the two of them walking in the small puddle of candlelight flung out by his illumination. Their hands clung to one another and they walked in silence, not even sharing their newly discovered mental communication. They came to the dining room and Mina had expected many things – ranging from the simple and ornate like cups of warm blood in crystal goblets to the lurid and extreme like nude, beautiful men and women, eagerly awaiting their fangs.

Instead, what she found was remarkable in its own way. The first was overt, and drew her attention first: A meal was laid out. Freshly cooked venison. Greens. Fish. Bread. Butter in dishes. The whole spread was rustic, but also smelled delicious – when Mina's nose flared, her new senses drew in the flavor of the whole meal into her before she had even touched it and she found that her mouth was watering and her stomach was growling with the familiar hunger that she had recalled from before her second birth. This was all so distracting that she barely noticed the second shock.

Dracula sat at the head of the table.

And was a woman.

The goatee was gone, but her features were unmistakably Dracula's. Her hair was longer, her clothes was cut the same, but an unmistakably feminine figure curved beneath. Her wives sat to either side of her – Aleera and Verona both cuddling against him, Marishka curled up on her shoulder in the guise of a large, fox faced bat. Mina gaped, while Lucy cried out. "Y-You're a girl?"

"I am what I wish to be," Dracula said, chuckling. "Be it Vladimir, Vladislav or Vladimira or anything in between. My wives are anything they wish." Her eyes sparkled. "I refrained from shifting before your baptisms, I did not wish to confuse you or alarm you."

"Any more than Vlad already had," Verona said, playfully.

Mina took her seat, while Lucy took her seat as well, Lucy saying: "Well, this is remarkable! ...can I become a man?"

"Yes, once you have learned how," Dracula said, dryly.

"And this food…" Mina paused.

"It is simply food – food to be enjoyed," Dracula said, chuckling quietly. "Vampires, like humans, deserve more than simple survival." She picked up her glass – and when Mina's nose flared, she scented wine, not blood. She sipped, her eyes half closing, then sighed. "...Mina, I owe you an apology for fleeing from your words. I...war is not something I partake in lightly anymore. But it was foolish and short sighted. We are facing a threat unlike anything this world has seen in its entire history…"

She set the glass down. "I will begin to take the fight to the Martians. But to do this, I will need to know that my two newest vampires are trained. This will be more than the simple practice that Aleera put you through – it shall be rigorous. Harsh. It will require you to be dedicated to it – not merely to the pleasure of your new condition. I...wish this was not the case. Most vampires that are brought into our fold have the time to enjoy their first century or so at their own pace. That is, in its way, a lesson as well – an education in our new way of being."

Mina nodded. "But we were turned in perilous times," she said, softly.

"Precisely," Dracula said.

Mina closed her eyes, then nodded. "I can do it."

"As can I," Lucy said, and her voice was entirely serious, entirely dedicated. There was no hint to play or cheerfulness – only grim resolution. Under the table, she squeezed Mina's hand, her thumb rubbing along her knuckle.

"Good," Dracula said. "My Verona and Marishka will begin to probe at the countryside, to learn more than what little Antoni has told us, and so I can begin to formulate a plan. Aleera will train you...and you will determine: Will Antoni make a good vampire."

Mina's eyes widened. "A-Antoni?"

"This will be a war. A war cannot be won with an army of five," Dracula said, quietly. "The world has been changed completely by the coming of the Martians – in the past, there were human institutions that existed to control our society – and yours." He chuckled. "It's hard to have a factory when your workers can tear through steel and do not fear easy death, after all." She shook his head. "We can only hope that when the Hunters become aware of our actions, the Martians will have put them into enough disarray that we can fill the gap…"

Mina nodded. "What are the Hunters, precisely?"

"Humans dedicated to the destruction of our kind," Dracula said, quietly. "For their own reasons." She paused. "The Martians seem to have focused their destruction on Europe, and for that…" She shook her head. "No...I cannot wish the Martians, even on him…"

Lucy glanced at Mina. "Who?"

"An old friend…" Dracula's lips quirked up in a wry smile. "Professor Abraham Van Helsing. If you ever meet him – a...kind of, ahem, short, funny looking, funny talking Dutchman, I have but one advice for you: Run. Run very quickly."

Mina nodded, solemnly.

"And, um, Miss Dracula…" she paused. "What of my husband?"

"I believe my associate arrived in Bucharest, we sho-" Dracula stopped as a rattling came at the door. When it opened, Lambert stood, carrying a note.

"Telegram, sir," he said.

"You have a telegram?" Lucy asked, her eyes widening.

"No," Dracula said, wryly. "It's magic."

As she opened the envelope, Lucy and Mina exchanged a look – both of them unsure if the strange, gender-blurring creature was in jest or not. Then slowly, they became aware of a darkening expression on Dracula's features.

"What?" Mina asked, her eyes widening.


The realization came with the faint conversation above him. The phantasms of his memories – the horrifying corridors, the dark creatures, the darker temptations – had become crystal clear as the tall, broad shouldered, country bumpkin spoke to the doctor. "Yes, his wife-to-be is waiting for him, she's beside herself with worry…" he was saying in Romanian. The language floated in his fogged mind – he had crammed the information into his brain through long, hard study while in…



"Ah, good, well, this poor gentleman has had a brain fever of the most remarkable character – but, come, let us see if he wakens…"

He feigned sleep and confusion as the country bumpkin stood above him, speaking in heavily accented English. "Mr. Harker, sir, your fiancee, she is waiting at my lord's castle. Please, rouse yourself. Sir?"

He remained mumbling and insensate.

When the doctor and the man – the servant of him, of the dark one – retreated, he waited...and eventually evening fell. Darkness shrouded the place and he was able to sit up, his head feeling clear for the first time in his life. There was evil in the world. He had seen it. He had felt it. Shame burned at him as he shuddered, remembering the gleaming eyes of the creature that had seduced him – and he knew, deep in his gut…

Evil was real.

He had to do something, before the evil found Mina.

That had to be a lie, that she was at the home of that evil. He clung to that hope – for the idea of his Mina, his precious, innocent, chaste Mina in the grip of the monster was more than his heart could bear. Then the faint creak of footsteps drew his attention. He ducked into some shadows in the small hotel room, leaving his bed rumpled and empty. The door opened and again, the servant of the evil stepped in – looking in. "Mr. Har…" He stopped, seeing the empty bed. The servant stepped inside…

And he was upon him.

The struggle was fierce but comical. His limbs were still weak, his brain still addled, but in the end, fortune was on his side. The servant of evil stumbled – and then his head struck the wall, near the floor, and there was a hideous crack and he stumbled backwards, panting heavily, looking down at the the body, sprawled out there on the floor.

Jonathan Harker gaped, his heart hammering, and if he finally had clarity in a life of tedium and humdrum normalcy. He knelt beside the servant and felt for a pulse, finding none. He was dead. Jonathan whispered, softly. "They can be killed…" he searched him, finding a wallet with some bills. Knowing that it was robbery didn't stop him – desperation drove him as he stood and dressed in the clothing piled near his bed. His clothes, laundered and dried and cleaned. Then he slipped into the corridor, hurrying, hoping to reach an exit before the body was found.

His wife was in danger.

And he was going to save her – even if he only had a few hundred krona to manage it.
Awesome! This is going to be a complicated series of battles, isn't it? Certainly, it's not just Dracula fights Martians - the human element seems likely to slay the vampire at some point as in the original, and maybe the Martians will still draw sick as in the original story. Or not - i am only predicting that the original plots will have homage paid to them, which is not much of a prediction at all.

Sex, well, I don't know. But it should be alright on SV, just let the mods know and don't start posting videos. It's the first time I've read such a risque dracula story, at least.
I must say I do really like this story, but it is definitely not safe for work. And this website doesn't really allow that kind of content. I will re-post on questionable questing before it gets taken down. They do have an NSFW section and allow pretty much anything there.
Even beyond the fact that a quick look at the rules would tell you that this is completely incorrect, I've got to ask. You do realize that reposting other people's work on other sites is widely considered to be inappropriate and rude, right?
...also, wait, isn't Questionable Content the one with all the underaged porn or am I getting websites mixed up?
Questionable Questing, and yes, it's the one with the functionally non-existent rules regarding whether or not characters in smut posted on the site need to meet the age of consent. Founded on that basis, if I remember the forum history correctly.
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Man, I sure don't know how to feel about this story. On one hand, the writing is absolutely top notch and the story and characters are amazing. I thought the story genre of "supernatural apocalypse is underway, then suddendly VAMPIRES" had died in the 2010's, but you have risen it from the grave in such a way that makes me think you went to Scholomance with old Drac over there.

On the other hand though, man is it difficult for me to read. One of the things I love about Dracula (story) and it's adaptations is Mina and Jon's love for one another, how it connects and ultimately saves them. Cheating is hard for me to read, and seeing happen to one of my favorite couple makes it even more so. I hope that Mina and Jonathan manage to reach a happy ending, but for now the prospects seem grim for their love.
Man, I sure don't know how to feel about this story. On one hand, the writing is absolutely top notch and the story and characters are amazing. I thought the story genre of "supernatural apocalypse is underway, then suddendly VAMPIRES" had died in the 2010's, but you have risen it from the grave in such a way that makes me think you went to Scholomance with old Drac over there.

On the other hand though, man is it difficult for me to read. One of the things I love about Dracula (story) and it's adaptations is Mina and Jon's love for one another, how it connects and ultimately saves them. Cheating is hard for me to read, and seeing happen to one of my favorite couple makes it even more so. I hope that Mina and Jonathan manage to reach a happy ending, but for now the prospects seem grim for their love.

Spoilers for the future: I mean, I am a happy ending kinda guy!