Cytharai Worship in Ulthuan in the Time of Aethis the Poet (IE Here be Homebrew)
Being a report on the cults of my home:
Addaidoth- Fire worshipers. Wrathful, proud and raging, wielders of Aqshy in all its forms, steel clad and steel raging. They congregate around the great natural fires of Ulthuan, the volcanoes of Caledor where the dragons sleep; for that matter, the dragons themselves are sacred creatures to them as beasts of infinite fire, power, and pride. A more tolerated portion of the cult than may be considered average since they generally keep to themselves and when they don't are having it out with the enemies of Ulthuan more than they threaten the other Asur. The only exception is when the Cult of Vaul, who dislikes the competition they bring as craftsman, is on the upswing.
Anath Raema- Woodsmen, poachers, and serial killers galore. As such a melange suggests she is unpopular within Ulthuan, and in the time of Aethis the Poet (IE Now) is by and large banned; worship of her, just to keep a goddess happy is acceptable but strange but any time two or more followers of Anath Raema get together things get bad and nobody is overly fond of it. This is admittedly likely partially a result of the social pressure put on them, but on the other hand, that excuse only goes so far when you're skinning people. Lots of hunters within Yvresse pray to her, to help them hunt down the monsters that lurk in those misty place. Shockingly she wields Ghur.
Atharti- Not banned in all cases, but toeing the line more than somebody like Addaidoth for sure. The expected, of course, whisper praise to their goddess, but also literati, poets, musicians, and other artists, who take their pleasure in their creations; as well as enjoyers of sport and other leisure activities. It is not necessarily only a cult of the rich, but there is a reason so many rich debutants love it. Her lore in Ulthuan focuses on Ghyran, Chamon, and Aqshy. She is favored in Saphery, for they have a love of poetry there.
Drakira- Banned more often than not, though not, shockingly, as enforced as a ban may be against, say, Khaine. Deeply unpopular within Ulthuan, on the grounds that they regard themselves as, by and large, beyond the basal state of hate, of vengeance, of slaughter and blood-fued; leave that for the Haclad. This is not an entirely untrue statement, but nor is it entirely true, either, for in Nagarythe grudges (and not only against the Druchii) run deep and hot. Not currently being persecuted within most of the Ten Kingdoms. Her lore wields Ulgu, Shyish, and Aqshy, the shadowy treachery, the surety of vengeance, or bright hot hate. The common Shadow Warriors know her, though the Shadow Weavers are a very different story; for one, Loec tried to kill her which is not the kind of thing that makes friends.
Eldrazor- One of the more acceptable Cytharai cults. Not entirely unlike the Slayer Cult of Grimnir, in that they go into battle pretty well-unarmored (if dressed) in emulation of the oldest songs of honor duel warfare from before the incursion, where battle was between handpicked bodies of champions rather than major military forces and they seek worthy foes to fight. On the other hand, the Priests of Eldrazor are doing it to show off rather than because they feel any particular shame. As a historical curiosity the cult mostly lingers in Tiranoc, perhaps as simple a function as their chariot riding tradition making it less lethal to follow their ways. They do not like the Sisters of Slaughter and have a fierce, if professional, rivalry with the Eternity Guard. Their lore wields Hysh, Shyish, Aqshy, and Ghur.
Ellinilli- Not worshiped: Placated. Rage and death, death and rage, the broken kneel to him, hoping that in supplication they might convince him to spare them and, if they are truly lucky, turn his fathomless rage and his infinite hate against their enemies. His favor is mercurial but the results cannot be denied when they do work, if they work. Whispered prayers to turn aside are common in every home throughout Ulthuan, but his cult, such that is is, is varied, mostly on the grounds that it is hunted. He wields Shyish and Aqshy: The certainty of suffering and the sheer forces of destruction. Feared throughout Ulthuan.
Ereth Khial- Goddess of death, mistress of the Black Pit. Spurrned by Asuryan, she turned her vengeance against the elves, seeking to claim their spirits; she has found limited, but extant, success, at least among Ulthuan. Those who desire power, those who desire success, or those who fear the judgement of the Cadai run to her, promising themselves to her. In return, death follows her, Shyish leaking from them like a mist. Cults dedicated to placating her are mildly tolerated; those who would sell others to her, are burned out root and stem. Her cult is headquartered in Lothern.
Estreuth- Lord of Famine, Lord of Drought. He is placated and appeased with offerings of fresh food and wine in return for the hopes that he might avert his gaze, but a real, dedicated group of worshipers mostly sounds like a band of villains in the making and so are generally swatted apart when they arise. In the colonies, where things are consideraby wilder than they are on Ulthuan proper, he has more power, especially since he has proven useful in burning out the Beastmen by making the very forests they rely on for cover wither and die. His Wind is the Wind of Shyish and Aqshy, the endless Hunger of Aqshy.
Hekarti- Goddess of Conjurations and Dark Magic; that is to say, the goddess most attached to the actual casting of spells. Dark Magic is prohibited in Ulthuan for a number of very good reasons and so that portion of her is not allowed to be worshiped; however as the goddess of Conjurations, of actually casting magic, it is not particularly surprising for even the most Hoeth-Loving Mage to offer a whispered chant to her as they desperately try to control their magic. As the goddess of Conjurations all magic is blessed to her, and so she is wise in every wind. Her wild magic fits in well in Chrace, my home, as Tethia would tell you, though this means the Sorcerreses of Ghrond who come rage even more wildly than usual.
Hukon- God of Earthquakes. Destroyer, shatterer, earthshaker. Rites to ward off evil, rites to turn aside his gaze, are beloved and so to that end, cults so dedicated are allowed, though raw worship of him is not. His is the breath of Chamon and Shyish and Ghyran, for the metal and soil of the earth that he breaks and shakes and turns into a weapon as is his rite.
Khaine- Banned. God of Murder, god of strength. One who knows only the worship of blood and power, power and blood. His cult is struck down wherever it arises, for they are a band of animals and slayers. And yet on the other hand, how many warriors of Ulthuan have offered a silent prayer to him for might in battle? How many souls, merely trying to survive, bowed to him? And how many more resisted him? As a force of raw devestation there are notes of all of the winds captured in him, king of the Cytharai by the right of blood.
Mathlann- The god of the seas. Tolerated but not loved but by the sailors who offer obedience to him. In Cothique they know him, hopin he will return their loved ones rather than slay them out of a mercurial apathy towards even his followers. His breath is the breath of Ghur, Ghyran, Azyr, and Ulgu, for he is as multi-faceted as the seas he rules.
Nethu- Keeper of the Gate of The Dead. Son of Ereth Khial. Not loved but, indeed, perhaps the most tolerated of the Cytharai. He holds the line between life and death, demarkating the boundaries between the afterlife and the mortal realm, acting as the gatekeeper of Mirai, the land of his mother, a duty he keeps to honorably enough. Bearer of Ulgu, Azyr and Shyish. Rumors suggest Druchii agents manage to plant his symbol inside Asur official homes. Rumors are deeply stupid and should be ignored.
-Vardanis of Chrace